예제 #1
    void Start()
        Cursor.visible = false;
        RandomSeed     = (int)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
        lastEndPosition = null;
        currEndPosition = null;
        if (Scenes.getParam("gridLenght") != "")
            x                 = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("gridLenght"));
            y                 = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("gridHeight"));
            xStart            = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("xStart")) - 1;
            yStart            = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("yStart")) - 1;
            xEnd              = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("xEnd")) - 1;
            yEnd              = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("yEnd")) - 1;
            delay             = 1f - float.Parse(Scenes.getParam("speed")) / 10;
            blocks            = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("blocks"));
            boostCount        = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("boost"));
            freezeCount       = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("freeze"));
            heightLevels      = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("DunesHeight"));
            acceleration      = float.Parse(Scenes.getParam("acceleration")) / 10;
            blockRegeneration = bool.Parse(Scenes.getParam("blockRegeneration"));
            if (bool.Parse(Scenes.getParam("DisturbingF")))
            if (bool.Parse(Scenes.getParam("DecorativeF")))

            if (heightLevels > 1)
                climbing = true;
            if (boostCount > 0)
                boost = true;
            if (freezeCount > 0)
                freeze = true;
            if (!blockRegeneration)
                Blocks.text = "" + blocks;
                Blocks.text = "" + 5;

        td      = terrain.terrainData;
        td.size = new Vector3(x, heightLevels - 1, y);
        //terrain.transform.position -=  Vector3((x - 1) / 2, 0, (y - 1) / 2);
        terrain.transform.position -= Vector3.right * .3f + Vector3.forward * .3f;
        terrain.GetComponent <PerlinTerrain>().Build();
        Vector3 cameraPosition = terrain.transform.position + Vector3.up * Mathf.Max(x, y) * 2f + new Vector3((x - 1) / 2, 0, (y - 1) / 2) + Vector3.right * .5f;

        heightPerlin = terrain.GetComponent <PerlinTerrain>().GetH();

        startingDelay = delay;
        // create a x * y matrix of nodes (and scene objects)
        // edge weight is now the geometric distance (gap)
        matrix = CreateGrid(x, y);
        //matrix = CreateGrid(sceneObject, x, y, gap);
        // create a graph and put random edges inside
        g = new Graph();
        CreateGraph(g, matrix);

        currentNode  = matrix[xStart, yStart];
        previousNode = matrix[xStart, yStart];
        //seenGraph.setConnections(currentNode, g.getConnections(currentNode));

        if (boost)
            insertSpecialBlocks(matrix, boostCount, 1, 1, boostMaterial, boostList);
        if (freeze)
            insertSpecialBlocks(matrix, freezeCount, 1 + heightLevels, 1 + heightLevels + 5, freezeMaterial, freezeList);

        start         = true;
        terrainSize   = td.size;
        gridSize      = new Vector2(x, y);
        startMaterial = Instantiate(startMaterial);
        startMaterial.transform.position = getNodePosition(matrix[xStart, yStart]) + Vector3.up;
        endMaterial.transform.position   = getNodePosition(matrix[xEnd, yEnd]) + Vector3.up;

        RobotLight      = startMaterial.GetComponentInChildren <Light>();
        originaNpcColor = RobotLight.color;
예제 #2
    void Start()
        RandomSeed = (int)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
        if (sceneObject != null)
            if (Scenes.getParam("gridLenght") != "")
                x                 = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("gridLenght"));
                y                 = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("gridHeight"));
                xStart            = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("xStart")) - 1;
                yStart            = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("yStart")) - 1;
                xEnd              = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("xEnd")) - 1;
                yEnd              = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("yEnd")) - 1;
                delay             = 1f - float.Parse(Scenes.getParam("speed")) / 35;
                blocks            = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("blocks"));
                boostCount        = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("boost"));
                freezeCount       = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("freeze"));
                heightLevels      = int.Parse(Scenes.getParam("DunesHeight"));
                acceleration      = 1 + float.Parse(Scenes.getParam("acceleration")) / 1000f;
                blockRegeneration = bool.Parse(Scenes.getParam("blockRegeneration"));
                if (bool.Parse(Scenes.getParam("DisturbingF")))
                if (bool.Parse(Scenes.getParam("DecorativeF")))

                if (heightLevels > 1)
                    climbing = true;
                if (boostCount > 0)
                    boost = true;
                if (freezeCount > 0)
                    freeze = true;
                if (!blockRegeneration)
                    Blocks.text = "" + blocks;
                    Blocks.text = "" + 5;
            startingDelay = delay / 2;
            // create a x * y matrix of nodes (and scene objects)
            // edge weight is now the geometric distance (gap)
            matrix = CreateGrid(sceneObject, x, y, gap);
            // create a graph and put random edges inside
            g = new Graph();
            CreateGraph(g, matrix);
            currentNode = matrix[xStart, yStart];
            if (boost)
                insertSpecialBlocks(matrix, boostCount, 1, 1, boostMaterial, boostList);
            if (freeze)
                insertSpecialBlocks(matrix, freezeCount, 1 + heightLevels, 1 + heightLevels + 5, freezeBlockMaterial, freezeList);

            matrix[xEnd, yEnd].sceneObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = endMaterial;

            float xCoord = (matrix[0, 0].sceneObject.transform.position.x + matrix[matrix.GetLength(0) - 1, 0].sceneObject.transform.position.x) / 2;
            float zCoord = (matrix[0, 0].sceneObject.transform.position.z + matrix[0, matrix.GetLength(1) - 1].sceneObject.transform.position.z) / 2;
            float yCoord = (Mathf.Max(matrix[matrix.GetLength(0) - 1, 0].sceneObject.transform.position.x - matrix[0, 0].sceneObject.transform.position.x,
                                      matrix[0, matrix.GetLength(1) - 1].sceneObject.transform.position.z - matrix[0, 0].sceneObject.transform.position.z) / 3.5f * -Mathf.Tan(30) / 2f) + 18;
            Vector3 cameraPosition = new Vector3(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord);

            GameObject.Find("Main Camera").transform.position = cameraPosition;

            OutlineNode(matrix[xStart, yStart], npcMaterial);
        start = true;