/*เรียก Dialog สูตรผลิต*/ private void loadDialog() { Dialog.frmDialogFormular frm = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(1); frm.dataGridView2.Visible = false; frm.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; frm.tableLayoutPanel1.SetColumnSpan(frm.dataGridView1, 2); //frm.toolStrip1.Enabled = false; frm.dataGridView1.MultiSelect = true; frm.ShowDialog(); if (frm.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.getStatusList().Count != 0) { if (frm.getStatusList()[0] == "อนุมัติ") { this.textBox2.Text = "[" +frm.getFormularId() + "] " + frm.getFormularName(); } else { MessageBox.Show("สูตรที่เลือกยังไม่อนุมัติ"); } } } }
private void loadDialog(String strFormular) { Dialog.frmDialogFormular frm = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(strFormular);//เรียกหน้าเพิ่มสูตรผลิต //Dialog.frmDialogFormular frm = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(1); frm.dataGridView2.Visible = false; frm.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; frm.tableLayoutPanel1.SetColumnSpan(frm.dataGridView1, 2); //frm.toolStrip1.Enabled = false; frm.dataGridView1.MultiSelect = true; frm.ShowDialog(); if (frm.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { for (int s = 0; s < frm.getStatusList().Count; s++ ) { if (frm.getStatusList()[s] == "อนุมัติ") { String t = ""; if (radioButton1.Checked) { t = "อวนดี"; } else if (radioButton2.Checked) { t = "อวนซ่อมเรือนจำ"; } else { t = "อวนซ่อมบริษัท"; } if (dataGridView2.Rows.Count == 0) { last_pallet_id = Class.Function.ReturnId("ProductionWaitDetailId", "ProductionWaitDetail"); dataGridView2.Rows.Add(last_pallet_id, frm.getFormularIdList()[s], frm.getFormularNameList()[s], "", "", frm.getUnitList()[s], "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",t); //เก็บข้อมูลรายการสินค้า } else { dataGridView2.Rows.Add(++last_pallet_id, frm.getFormularIdList()[s], frm.getFormularNameList()[s], "", "", frm.getUnitList()[s], "", "", "", "", "", "", "","",t); //เก็บข้อมูลรายการสินค้า } if (t == "อวนดี") dataGridView2.Rows[dataGridView2.Rows.Count - 1].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black; if (t == "อวนซ่อมเรือนจำ") dataGridView2.Rows[dataGridView2.Rows.Count - 1].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Blue; if (t == "อวนซ่อมบริษัท") dataGridView2.Rows[dataGridView2.Rows.Count - 1].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Chocolate; } else { MessageBox.Show("สูตรที่เลือกยังไม่อนุมัติ"); } } } }
private void txtFormula_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { Dialog.frmDialogFormular r = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(txtFormula.Text); r.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; r.ShowDialog(); if (r.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { txtFormula.Text = "["+r.getFormularId()+"] " + r.getFormularName() + ""; label7.Text = r.getUnit(); } } }
private void txtFormula_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Dialog.frmDialogFormular frm = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(); frm.dataGridView2.Visible = false; frm.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; frm.tableLayoutPanel1.SetColumnSpan(frm.dataGridView1, 2); frm.toolStrip1.Enabled = false; frm.ShowDialog(); if (frm.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.getStatus() == "อนุมัติ") { Fm = frm.getFormularId(); this.txtFormula.Text = frm.getFormularName(); } else { MessageBox.Show("สูตรที่เลือกยังไม่อนุมัติ"); } } }
private void txtFormula_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { Dialog.frmDialogFormular frm = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(txtFormula.Text); frm.dataGridView2.Visible = false; frm.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; frm.tableLayoutPanel1.SetColumnSpan(frm.dataGridView1, 2); frm.toolStrip1.Enabled = false; frm.ShowDialog(); if (frm.DialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { txtFormula.Text = "[" + frm.getFormularId() + "] " + frm.getFormularName() + ""; label7.Text = frm.getUnit(); } } }
private void loadDialog(String strFormular) { Dialog.frmDialogFormular frm = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(strFormular);//เรียกหน้าเพิ่มสูตรผลิต frm.dataGridView2.Visible = false; frm.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; frm.tableLayoutPanel1.SetColumnSpan(frm.dataGridView1, 2); //frm.dataGridView1.MultiSelect = true; frm.ShowDialog(); if (frm.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.getStatus() == "อนุมัติ") { String t = ""; String t2 = ""; if (rdoNetWell.Checked) { t = "อวนสามชั้นดี"; t2 = "1"; } else if (rdoNetFail.Checked) { t = "อวนสามชั้นซ่อม"; t2 = "2"; } string sql = "select p.pvwid,p.pvwnetprice from ProductionVillagerWage p inner join ProductionSize s on p.sizetypeid = s.szid where pvwstatusid = 4 and supplierid = " + Class.Function.GetTextIdx(txtVillager.Text) + " and szname = '" + frm.getFormularSize() + "' "; DataTable pvwnetprice = Class.DBConnString.clsDB.QueryDataTable(sql); if (pvwnetprice.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow r in pvwnetprice.Rows) { dataGridView2.Rows.Add(frm.getFormularId(), frm.getFormularName(), "", "", r["pvwid"].ToString(), r["pvwnetprice"].ToString(), "", "", 4, t2, t); } } else { MessageBox.Show("ชาวบ้านนี้ยังไม่มีสูตร " + frm.getFormularName()); return; } if (t == "อวนสามชั้นดี") dataGridView2.Rows[dataGridView2.Rows.Count - 1].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black; if (t == "อวนสามชั้นซ่อม") dataGridView2.Rows[dataGridView2.Rows.Count - 1].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { MessageBox.Show("สูตรที่เลือกยังไม่อนุมัติ"); } } }
private void txtFormula_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (Class.Function.GetTextIdx(txtJ.Text) != "") { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { Dialog.frmDialogFormular Formular = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(txtFormula.Text); Formular.ShowDialog(); if (Formular.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { string sql = "select pw.pwn7,pw.pwoutside from ProductionPrisonWage pw \n" + "inner join ProductionSize ps on pw.SizeTypeId = ps.SzId \n" + "where pw.employerid = " + Class.Function.GetTextIdx(txtJ.Text) + " AND szname = '" + Formular.getFormularSize() + "'"; DataTable pw = Class.DBConnString.clsDB.QueryDataTable(sql); if (pw.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow r in pw.Rows) { dgvItem.Rows.Add(Formular.getFormularId(), Formular.getFormularName(), 0, 0, r["PwN7"].ToString(), r["PwOutSide"].ToString(), 0, 0, "", "", "", 1, 1); } } else { MessageBox.Show(Class.Function.GetTextName(txtJ.Text) + " ไม่มีสูตรผลิต " + Formular.getFormularName()); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("กรุณาเลือกเรือนจำก่อน"); } }
private void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)/*เมื่อมีการ click ปุ่มการทำงาน*/ { switch(NewFrm){ case "Supplier" ://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลผู้ขาย Dialog.frmDialogSearchSupplier Supplier; String[] spSupplier = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spSupplier.Length < 2) { Supplier = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchSupplier(NewTxt.Text); } else { Supplier = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchSupplier(spSupplier[1]); } Supplier.ShowDialog(); if (Supplier.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Supplier.GetSuplierId() + "] " + Supplier.GetSuplierName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Branch"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลสาขา Dialog.frmDialogSearchBranch Branch; String[] spBranch = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spBranch.Length < 2) { Branch = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchBranch(NewTxt.Text); } else { Branch = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchBranch(spBranch[1]); } Branch.ShowDialog(); if (Branch.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Branch.GetBranchId() + "] " + Branch.GetBranchName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Shipper"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลขนส่ง Dialog.frmDialogSearchShipper Shipper; String[] spShipper = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spShipper.Length < 2) { Shipper = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchShipper(NewTxt.Text); } else { Shipper = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchShipper(spShipper[1]); } Shipper.ShowDialog(); if (Shipper.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Shipper.GetShipperId() + "] " + Shipper.GetShipperName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Employer"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลเรือนจำ Dialog.frmDialogSearchEmployer Employer; String[] spEmployer = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spEmployer.Length < 2) { Employer = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchEmployer(NewTxt.Text); } else { Employer = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchEmployer(spEmployer[1]); } Employer.ShowDialog(); if (Employer.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Employer.GetEmployerId() + "] " + Employer.GetEmployerName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "CardFormula"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลเรือนจำ ProductionNew.DialogSelectFormula SelectFormula; String[] spSelectFormula = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spSelectFormula.Length < 2) { SelectFormula = new ProductionNew.DialogSelectFormula(NewTxt.Text); } else { SelectFormula = new ProductionNew.DialogSelectFormula(spSelectFormula[1]); } SelectFormula.ShowDialog(); if (SelectFormula.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + SelectFormula.GetFmId() + "] " + SelectFormula.GetFmName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Product"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลรายการสินค้า Dialog.frmDialogSearchProduct Product; String[] spProduct = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spProduct.Length < 2) { Product = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchProduct(NewTxt.Text); } else { Product = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchProduct(spProduct[1]); } Product.ShowDialog(); if (Product.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Product.GetProductId() + "] " + Product.GetProductName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Customer"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลลูกค้า Dialog.frmDialogSearchCustomer Customer; String[] spCustomer = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spCustomer.Length < 2) { Customer = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchCustomer(NewTxt.Text); } else { Customer = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchCustomer(spCustomer[1]); } Customer.ShowDialog(); if (Customer.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Customer.GetCustomerId() + "] " + Customer.GetCustomerName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "CustomerInv"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลลูกค้าต่างประเทศ SalePosNew.DialogCustomerInv CustomerInv; String[] spCustomerInv = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spCustomerInv.Length < 2) { CustomerInv = new SalePosNew.DialogCustomerInv(NewTxt.Text,2); } else { CustomerInv = new SalePosNew.DialogCustomerInv(spCustomerInv[1],2); } CustomerInv.ShowDialog(); if (CustomerInv.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + CustomerInv.GetCustomerId() + "] " + CustomerInv.GetCustomerName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "CustomerTHA"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลลูกค้าเฉพาะลูกค้าไทย SalePosNew.DialogCustomerInv CustomerTHA; String[] spCustomerTHA = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spCustomerTHA.Length < 2) { CustomerTHA = new SalePosNew.DialogCustomerInv(NewTxt.Text, 1); } else { CustomerTHA = new SalePosNew.DialogCustomerInv(spCustomerTHA[1], 1); } CustomerTHA.ShowDialog(); if (CustomerTHA.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + CustomerTHA.GetCustomerId() + "] " + CustomerTHA.GetCustomerName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Stock"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลคลังสินค้า Dialog.frmDialogSearchStocks Stock; String[] spStock = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spStock.Length < 2) { if (notInList != "") { Stock = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchStocks(NewTxt.Text, notInList,stock); } else { Stock = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchStocks(NewTxt.Text,stock); } } else { if (notInList != "") { Stock = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchStocks(spStock[1], notInList,stock); } else { Stock = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchStocks(spStock[1],stock); } } Stock.ShowDialog(); if (Stock.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Stock.GetStockId() + "] " + Stock.GetStockName(); SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "FormuLar"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลสูตรผลิต Dialog.frmDialogFormular FormuLar; String[] spFormuLar = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spFormuLar.Length < 2) { FormuLar = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(NewTxt.Text); } else { FormuLar = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(spFormuLar[1]); } FormuLar.ShowDialog(); if (FormuLar.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + FormuLar.getFormularId() + "]" + FormuLar.getFormularName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "NettingFail"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลประเภาสินค้าที่เสีย ProductionNew.frmNettingFail NettingFail; String[] spNettingFail = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spNettingFail.Length < 2) { NettingFail = new ProductionNew.frmNettingFail(NewTxt.Text); } else { NettingFail = new ProductionNew.frmNettingFail(spNettingFail[1]); } NettingFail.ShowDialog(); if (NettingFail.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + NettingFail.getCateId() + "]" + NettingFail.getCateName(); SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Material"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลวัตถุดิบ Dialog.frmDialogCateNet Material; String[] spMaterial = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spMaterial.Length < 2) { Material = new Dialog.frmDialogCateNet(NewTxt.Text); } else { Material = new Dialog.frmDialogCateNet(spMaterial[1]); } Material.toolStripButton5.Enabled = true; Material.ShowDialog(); if (Material.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Material.getMidString() + "]" + Material.getMnameString(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "ACustomer"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลคลังสินค้า StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchCOStock ACustomer; String[] spACustomer = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spACustomer.Length < 2) { ACustomer = new StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchCOStock(NewTxt.Text); } else { ACustomer = new StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchCOStock(spACustomer[1]); } ACustomer.ShowDialog(); if (ACustomer.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + ACustomer.GetCustomerId() + "] " + ACustomer.GetCustomerName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "BranchReceive"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลสาขาที่รับ Dialog.frmDialogSearchBranch br; String[] spBr = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spBr.Length < 2) { br = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchBranch(NewTxt.Text, Class.DBConnString.sDb); } else { br = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchBranch(spBr[1], Class.DBConnString.sDb); } br.ShowDialog(); if (br.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + br.GetBranchId() + "] " + br.GetBranchName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "AShipper"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลขนส่ง Dialog.frmDialogSearchShipper AShipper; String[] spAShipper = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spAShipper.Length < 2) { AShipper = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchShipper(NewTxt.Text); } else { AShipper = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchShipper(spAShipper[1]); } AShipper.ShowDialog(); if (AShipper.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + AShipper.GetShipperId() + "] " + AShipper.GetShipperName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "username"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลขนส่ง Requirement .DialogUserName username; String[] spusername = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spusername.Length < 2) { username = new Requirement.DialogUserName(NewTxt.Text); } else { username = new Requirement.DialogUserName(spusername[1]); } username.ShowDialog(); if (username.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + username.GetUserName() + "] " + username.GetName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "usernameAll"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลขนส่ง Requirement.DialogUserNameAll usernameAll; String[] spusernameAll = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spusernameAll.Length < 2) { usernameAll = new Requirement.DialogUserNameAll(NewTxt.Text); } else { usernameAll = new Requirement.DialogUserNameAll(spusernameAll[1]); } usernameAll.ShowDialog(); if (usernameAll.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + usernameAll.GetUserName() + "] " + usernameAll.GetName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Req"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลขนส่ง Requirement.DialogReq Req; String[] spReq = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spReq.Length < 2) { Req = new Requirement.DialogReq(NewTxt.Text); } else { Req = new Requirement.DialogReq(spReq[1]); } Req.ShowDialog(); if (Req.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Req.GetReqId() + "] " + Req.GetTitle(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; // 7/5/58 test frmSentConsignmentnew case "ASid"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลใบเบิก Dialog.frmDialogSearchRequis ASid; String[] spASid = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spASid.Length < 2) { ASid = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchRequis(NewTxt.Text); } else { ASid = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchRequis(spASid[1]); } ASid.ShowDialog(); if (ASid.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + ASid.GetShipperId() + "] " + ASid.GetShipperName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; // end 7/5/58 test frmSentConsignmentnew case "ProductAsiadrink"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลรายการสินค้าของสต็อกย่อย Dialog.frmDialogSearchProductStockAsiadrink ProductAsiadrink; String[] spProductAsiadrink = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spProductAsiadrink.Length < 2) { ProductAsiadrink = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchProductStockAsiadrink(NewTxt.Text); } else { ProductAsiadrink = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchProductStockAsiadrink(spProductAsiadrink[1]); } ProductAsiadrink.ShowDialog(); if (ProductAsiadrink.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + ProductAsiadrink.GetProductId() + "] " + ProductAsiadrink.GetProductName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "TRCustomer"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลลูกค้า Transf.DialogSearchTRCustomer TRCustomer; String[] SRCustomer = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (SRCustomer.Length < 2) { TRCustomer = new Transf.DialogSearchTRCustomer(NewTxt.Text); } else { TRCustomer = new Transf.DialogSearchTRCustomer(SRCustomer[1]); } TRCustomer.ShowDialog(); if (TRCustomer.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + TRCustomer.GetCustomerId() + "] " + TRCustomer.GetCustomerName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; // end 7/5/58 test frmSentConsignmentnew case "testfunction"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลสาขา StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchBranch ProductAsiadrink1; String[] spProductAsiadrink1 = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spProductAsiadrink1.Length < 2) { ProductAsiadrink1 = new StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchBranch(NewTxt.Text); } else { ProductAsiadrink1 = new StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchBranch(spProductAsiadrink1[1]); } ProductAsiadrink1.ShowDialog(); if (ProductAsiadrink1.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + ProductAsiadrink1.GetProductId() + "] " + ProductAsiadrink1.GetProductName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "TRCustomer2"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลธนาคาร StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchBank TRCustomer2; String[] SRCustomer2 = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (SRCustomer2.Length < 2) { TRCustomer2 = new StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchBank(NewTxt.Text); } else { TRCustomer2 = new StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchBank(SRCustomer2[1]); } TRCustomer2.ShowDialog(); if (TRCustomer2.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + TRCustomer2.GetCustomerId() + "] " + TRCustomer2.GetCustomerName(); //NewTxt.Text = TRCustomer2.GetCustomerId(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "DialogDeposit"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลมัดจำ SalePosNew.DialogDeposit DialogDeposit; //String[] SRDialogDeposit = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); String SRDialogDeposit = NewTxt.Text; DialogDeposit = new SalePosNew.DialogDeposit(SRDialogDeposit, notInList); DialogDeposit.ShowDialog(); if (DialogDeposit.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = DialogDeposit.GetCustomerId(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "ProductCallToReport"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลสินค้าในคลังสินค้าย่อย StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchProductReport ProductCallToReport; String[] SRProductCallToReport = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (SRProductCallToReport.Length < 2) { ProductCallToReport = new StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchProductReport(NewTxt.Text); } else { ProductCallToReport = new StockAsiaDrink.DialogSearchProductReport(SRProductCallToReport[1]); } ProductCallToReport.ShowDialog(); if (ProductCallToReport.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + ProductCallToReport.GetCustomerId() + "] " + ProductCallToReport.GetCustomerName(); //NewTxt.Text = TRCustomer2.GetCustomerId(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "DialogSaleVat"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลการขาย SalePosNew.DialogSaleVat DialogSaleVat; String[] spDialogSaleVat = NewTxt.Text.Split(' '); if (spDialogSaleVat.Length < 2) { DialogSaleVat = new SalePosNew.DialogSaleVat(NewTxt.Text); } else { DialogSaleVat = new SalePosNew.DialogSaleVat(spDialogSaleVat[1]); } DialogSaleVat.ShowDialog(); if (DialogSaleVat.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "" + DialogSaleVat.GetCustomerId() + ""; } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Employee"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลรายการพนักงาน Dialog.frmDialogSearchEmployee Employee; String[] spEmployee = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spEmployee.Length < 2) { Employee = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchEmployee(NewTxt.Text); } else { Employee = new Dialog.frmDialogSearchEmployee(spEmployee[1]); } Employee.ShowDialog(); if (Employee.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = "[" + Employee.GetEmployeeId() + "] " + Employee.GetEmployeeName(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "Week"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลสัปดาห์ DataAnalysis.DialogWeek DialogWeek; String SDialogWeek = NewTxt.Text; DialogWeek = new DataAnalysis.DialogWeek(NewTxt.Text); DialogWeek.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; DialogWeek.ShowDialog(); if (DialogWeek.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = DialogWeek.GetData(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; case "productTranfer"://เรียก Dialog ข้อมูลรายการแจ้งโอนเงินเรือนจำ Dialog.DialogProductTranfer productTranfer; String[] SProductTranfer = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (SProductTranfer.Length < 2) { productTranfer = new Dialog.DialogProductTranfer(NewTxt.Text); } else { productTranfer = new Dialog.DialogProductTranfer(SProductTranfer[1]); } productTranfer.ShowDialog(); if (productTranfer.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text ="[" + productTranfer.returnVal() + "]"; } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; //case "ProductCustomer": // SalePosNew.DialogProductCustomer ProductCustomer; // String[] spProductCustomer = NewTxt.Text.Split(' '); // if (spProductCustomer.Length < 2) // { // ProductCustomer = new SalePosNew.DialogProductCustomer(NewTxt.Text); // } // else // { // ProductCustomer = new SalePosNew.DialogProductCustomer(spProductCustomer[1]); // } // ProductCustomer.ShowDialog(); // if (ProductCustomer.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) // { // NewTxt.Text = "" + ProductCustomer.GetCustomerId() + ""; // } // SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); // break; /* case "Shipping": Dialog.DialogSearchShipping BillSale; String[] spBillSale = NewTxt.Text.Split(']'); if (spBillSale.Length < 2) { BillSale = new Dialog.DialogSearchShipping(NewTxt.Text); } else { BillSale = new Dialog.DialogSearchShipping(spBillSale[1]); } BillSale.ShowDialog(); if (BillSale.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { NewTxt.Text = BillSale.GetBillSaleId(); } SendKeys.Send("{TAB}"); break; */ } }
private void loadDialog() { /*เรียกหน้าจัดการสูตรผลิต*/ Dialog.frmDialogFormular frm = new Dialog.frmDialogFormular(textBox7.Text); frm.dataGridView2.Visible = false; frm.dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; frm.tableLayoutPanel1.SetColumnSpan(frm.dataGridView1, 2); frm.toolStrip1.Enabled = false; frm.ShowDialog(); if (frm.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { if (frm.getStatus() == "อนุมัติ") { textBox7.Text = frm.getFormularId(); textBox8.Text = frm.getFormularName(); textBox9.Text = frm.getCateName(); CateId = frm.getCateId(); textBox10.Focus(); } else { MessageBox.Show("สูตรที่เลือกยังไม่อนุมัติ"); } } }