예제 #1
    public override void _Ready()
        // Get nodes
        _joystick     = GetParent().GetNode("CanvasLayer/Joystick").GetChild <JoystickButton>(0);
        _playerSprite = GetNode <Sprite>("PlayerSprite");
        _inventory    = GetParent().GetNode <Inventory>("CanvasLayer/Inventory");
        _debugOverlay = GetParent().GetNode <DebugOverlay>("CanvasLayer/DebugOverlay");
        _audioPlayer  = GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>("AudioPlayer");
        _itemTooltip  = (ItemTooltip)GD.Load <PackedScene>("res://ItemTooltip.tscn").Instance();
        _gathering      = GetParent <Gathering>();
        _footstepPlayer = GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>("FootstepPlayer");
        _miscPlayer     = GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>("MiscPlayer");

        // Load assets
        _runForwards        = GD.Load <Texture>("res://textures/Player_run_forwards.png");
        _runBackwards       = GD.Load <Texture>("res://textures/Player_run_backwards.png");
        _runRight           = GD.Load <Texture>("res://textures/Player_run_right.png");
        _runForwardsNormal  = GD.Load <Texture>("res://textures/normal/Player_run_forwards_n.png");
        _runBackwardsNormal = GD.Load <Texture>("res://textures/normal/Player_run_backwards_n.png");
        _runRightNormal     = GD.Load <Texture>("res://textures/normal/Player_run_right_n.png");
        _forestSong         = GD.Load <AudioStreamOGGVorbis>("res://audio/music/enchanted_forest_longer.ogg");

        // Load footstep sounds into an array
        for (int i = 0; i < _footstepSounds.Length; i++)
            string terrainType = string.Empty;
            int    indexOffset = 0;
            if (i < 4)
                terrainType = "dirt";
            else if (i >= 4 && i < 8)
                terrainType = "grass";
                indexOffset = 4;
            else if (i >= 8)
                terrainType = "stone";
                indexOffset = 8;

            _footstepSounds[i] = GD.Load <AudioStream>("res://audio/sfx/footstep/" + terrainType + "_" + (i - indexOffset + 1).ToString() + ".wav");

        // Load magic pop sounds
        for (int i = 0; i < _magicPopSounds.Length; i++)
            _magicPopSounds[i] = GD.Load <AudioStream>("res://audio/sfx/magic/magic_pop_open_0" + (i + 1).ToString() + ".wav");

        // Other setup
        Timer spriteAnimTimer = GetNode <Timer>("SpriteAnimateTimer");

        spriteAnimTimer.WaitTime = 1f / _SpriteFPS;
        spriteAnimTimer.Connect("timeout", this, nameof(AnimateSprite));

        _invItems.AddRange(new Item.ItemStack[] { new Item.ItemStack(Items.BRIMSTONE, 1), new Item.ItemStack(Items.FLY_AGARIC, 3), new Item.ItemStack(Items.ELDERBERRIES, 5), new Item.ItemStack(Items.AQUA_FORTIS, 1), new Item.ItemStack(Items.HOLLY_BERRIES, 3), new Item.ItemStack(Items.AQUA_VITAE, 1) });
        GetParent().GetNode <Inventory>("CanvasLayer/Inventory").UpdateSlots(_invItems);

        _debugOverlay.TrackProperty(nameof(_inventory.Scale), _inventory, "Inventory Scale");
        _debugOverlay.TrackFunc(nameof(FloorPositionString), this, "Player Position");

        _inventory.Connect("ItemSlotSelected", this, nameof(InventorySlotSelected));

        _audioPlayer.Stream   = _forestSong;
        _audioPlayer.VolumeDb = -25f;
예제 #2
        private Scene3D(Game game, Func <Viewport> getViewport, InputMessageBuffer inputMessageBuffer, int randomSeed, bool isDiagnosticScene, MapFile mapFile, string mapPath)
            Camera = new Camera(getViewport);

            SelectionGui = new SelectionGui();

            DebugOverlay = new DebugOverlay(this, game.ContentManager);

            Random = new Random(randomSeed);

            if (mapFile != null)
                MapFile    = mapFile;
                Terrain    = AddDisposable(new Terrain.Terrain(mapFile, game.AssetStore.LoadContext));
                WaterAreas = AddDisposable(new WaterAreaCollection(mapFile.PolygonTriggers, mapFile.StandingWaterAreas, mapFile.StandingWaveAreas, game.AssetStore.LoadContext));
                Navigation = new Navigation.Navigation(mapFile.BlendTileData, Terrain.HeightMap);

            if (mapPath != null)
                var mapCache = game.AssetStore.MapCaches.GetByName(mapPath.ToLower());
                if (mapCache == null)
                    mapCache = game.AssetStore.MapCaches.GetByName(Path.Combine(game.UserDataFolder, mapPath).ToLower());
                if (mapCache == null)
                    throw new Exception($"Failed to load MapCache \"{mapPath}\"");
                MapCache = mapCache;

            RegisterInputHandler(_cameraInputMessageHandler = new CameraInputMessageHandler(), inputMessageBuffer);

            if (!isDiagnosticScene)
                RegisterInputHandler(new SelectionMessageHandler(game.Selection), inputMessageBuffer);
                RegisterInputHandler(_orderGeneratorInputHandler = new OrderGeneratorInputHandler(game.OrderGenerator), inputMessageBuffer);
                RegisterInputHandler(_debugMessageHandler        = new DebugMessageHandler(DebugOverlay), inputMessageBuffer);

            _particleSystemManager = AddDisposable(new ParticleSystemManager(game.AssetStore.LoadContext));

            Radar = new Radar(this, game.AssetStore, MapCache);

            GameContext = new GameContext(
                new ObjectCreationListManager(),

            GameObjects = AddDisposable(
                new GameObjectCollection(

            GameContext.GameObjects = GameObjects;

            _orderGeneratorSystem = game.OrderGenerator;
예제 #3
    public override void Simulate()
        // Do fall damage stufftw
        if (Velocity.z < 0)
            takeFallDamage    = true;
            previousZVelocity = Velocity.z;
        else if (takeFallDamage && Velocity.z == 0)
            takeFallDamage = false;

        EyePosLocal = Vector3.Up * (EyeHeight * Pawn.Scale);

        EyePosLocal += TraceOffset;
        EyeRot       = Input.Rotation;


        //Velocity += BaseVelocity * ( 1 + Time.Delta * 0.5f );
        //BaseVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

        //Rot = Rotation.LookAt( Input.Rotation.Forward.WithZ( 0 ), Vector3.Up );

        if (Unstuck.TestAndFix())

        // Check Stuck
        // Unstuck - or return if stuck

        // Set Ground Entity to null if  falling faster then 250

        // store water level to compare later

        // if not on ground, store fall velocity

        // player->UpdateStepSound( player->m_pSurfaceData, mv->GetAbsOrigin(), mv->m_vecVelocity )

        // RunLadderMode

        Swimming = Pawn.WaterLevel.Fraction > 0.6f;

        // Start Gravity
        if (!Swimming && !IsTouchingLadder)
            Velocity -= new Vector3(0, 0, Gravity * 0.5f) * Time.Delta;
            Velocity += new Vector3(0, 0, BaseVelocity.z) * Time.Delta;

            BaseVelocity = BaseVelocity.WithZ(0);

         * if (player->m_flWaterJumpTime)
         *      {
         *              WaterJump();
         *              TryPlayerMove();
         *              // See if we are still in water?
         *              CheckWater();
         *              return;
         *      }

        // if ( underwater ) do underwater movement

        if (AutoJump ? Input.Down(InputButton.Jump) : Input.Pressed(InputButton.Jump))

        // Fricion is handled before we add in any base velocity. That way, if we are on a conveyor,
        //  we don't slow when standing still, relative to the conveyor.
        bool bStartOnGround = GroundEntity != null;

        //bool bDropSound = false;
        if (bStartOnGround)
            //if ( Velocity.z < FallSoundZ ) bDropSound = true;

            Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0);
            //player->m_Local.m_flFallVelocity = 0.0f;

            if (GroundEntity != null)
                ApplyFriction(GroundFriction * SurfaceFriction);

        // Work out wish velocity.. just take input, rotate it to view, clamp to -1, 1
        WishVelocity = new Vector3(Input.Forward, Input.Left, 0);
        var inSpeed = WishVelocity.Length.Clamp(0, 1);

        WishVelocity *= Input.Rotation;

        if (!Swimming && !IsTouchingLadder)
            WishVelocity = WishVelocity.WithZ(0);

        WishVelocity  = WishVelocity.Normal * inSpeed;
        WishVelocity *= GetWishSpeed();


        bool bStayOnGround = false;

        if (AttachedBalloons > 0)
            Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(1 * AttachedBalloons * BalloonVelocity);
        else if (Swimming)
        else if (IsTouchingLadder)
        else if (GroundEntity != null)
            bStayOnGround = true;


        // FinishGravity
        if (!Swimming && !IsTouchingLadder)
            Velocity -= new Vector3(0, 0, Gravity * 0.5f) * Time.Delta;

        if (GroundEntity != null)
            Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(0);

        // CheckFalling(); // fall damage etc

        // Land Sound
        // Swim Sounds


        if (Debug)
            DebugOverlay.Box(Position + TraceOffset, mins, maxs, Color.Red);
            DebugOverlay.Box(Position, mins, maxs, Color.Blue);

            var lineOffset = 0;
            if (Host.IsServer)
                lineOffset = 10;

            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 0, $"        Position: {Position}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 1, $"        Velocity: {Velocity}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 2, $"    BaseVelocity: {BaseVelocity}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 3, $"    GroundEntity: {GroundEntity} [{GroundEntity?.Velocity}]");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 4, $" SurfaceFriction: {SurfaceFriction}");
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(lineOffset + 5, $"    WishVelocity: {WishVelocity}");
예제 #4
 public void Init(DebugOverlay debugOverlay)
     m_DebugOverlay = debugOverlay != null ? debugOverlay : DebugOverlay.instance;
     Resize(m_DebugOverlay.width, m_DebugOverlay.height);
예제 #5
        private Scene3D(Game game, Func <Viewport> getViewport, InputMessageBuffer inputMessageBuffer, int randomSeed, bool isDiagnosticScene, MapFile mapFile, string mapPath)
            Game = game;

            PlayerManager = new PlayerManager();

            PartitionCellManager = new PartitionCellManager(game);

            Camera = new Camera(getViewport);

            SelectionGui = new SelectionGui();

            DebugOverlay = new DebugOverlay(this, game.ContentManager);

            Random = new Random(randomSeed);

            if (mapFile != null)
                MapFile    = mapFile;
                Terrain    = AddDisposable(new Terrain.Terrain(mapFile, game.AssetStore.LoadContext));
                WaterAreas = AddDisposable(new WaterAreaCollection(mapFile.PolygonTriggers, mapFile.StandingWaterAreas, mapFile.StandingWaveAreas, game.AssetStore.LoadContext));
                Navigation = new Navigation.Navigation(mapFile.BlendTileData, Terrain.HeightMap);

            RegisterInputHandler(_cameraInputMessageHandler = new CameraInputMessageHandler(), inputMessageBuffer);

            if (!isDiagnosticScene)
                RegisterInputHandler(new SelectionMessageHandler(game.Selection), inputMessageBuffer);
                RegisterInputHandler(_orderGeneratorInputHandler = new OrderGeneratorInputHandler(game.OrderGenerator), inputMessageBuffer);
                RegisterInputHandler(_debugMessageHandler        = new DebugMessageHandler(DebugOverlay), inputMessageBuffer);

            ParticleSystemManager = AddDisposable(new ParticleSystemManager(game.AssetStore.LoadContext));

            Radar = new Radar(this, game.AssetStore, mapPath);

            if (mapFile != null)
                var borderWidth = mapFile.HeightMapData.BorderWidth * HeightMap.HorizontalScale;
                var width       = mapFile.HeightMapData.Width * HeightMap.HorizontalScale;
                var height      = mapFile.HeightMapData.Height * HeightMap.HorizontalScale;
                Quadtree = new Quadtree <GameObject>(new RectangleF(-borderWidth, -borderWidth, width, height));

            GameContext = new GameContext(
                new ObjectCreationListManager(),

            GameObjects = AddDisposable(new GameObjectCollection(GameContext));

            GameContext.GameObjects = GameObjects;

            _orderGeneratorSystem = game.OrderGenerator;
예제 #6
 public static void AddDebugCommand(string commandName, Action <string[]> worker)
     DebugOverlay.AddCommand(commandName, worker);
예제 #7
 public static void UpdateDebugRace()
예제 #8
 // This is for drawing 2D elements which depend on the Scene3D, e.g tooltips and health bars.
 internal void Render(DrawingContext2D drawingContext)
     SelectionGui.Draw(drawingContext, Camera);
     DebugOverlay.Draw(drawingContext, Camera);
예제 #9
    public void TickUpdate()
        if (m_ShowStats < 1)

        long  ticks           = m_StopWatch.ElapsedTicks;
        float frameDurationMs = (ticks - m_LastFrameTicks) * 1000 / (float)m_StopWatchFreq;

        m_LastFrameTicks = ticks;

        DebugOverlay.SetOrigin(0, 0);

        DebugOverlay.Write(1, 0, "FPS:{0,6:###.##}", 1.0f / Time.deltaTime);
        fpsHistory[Time.frameCount % fpsHistory.Length] = 1.0f / Time.deltaTime;
        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(1, 1, 9, 1.5f, fpsHistory, Time.frameCount % fpsHistory.Length, Color.green);

        DebugOverlay.Write(30, 0, "Open console (F12) and type: \"showstats\" to toggle graphs");

        if (m_ShowStats < 2)

        DebugOverlay.Write(0, 4, "Hello, {0,-5} world!", Time.frameCount % 100 < 50 ? "Happy" : "Evil");
        DebugOverlay.Write(0, 5, "FrameNo: {0,7}", Time.frameCount);
        DebugOverlay.Write(0, 6, "MonoHeap:{0,7} kb", (int)(UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.GetMonoUsedSizeLong() / 1024));

        /// Graphing difference between deltaTime and actual passed time
        float fps = Time.deltaTime * 1000.0f;
        var   idx = Time.frameCount % fpsArray[0].Length;;

        fpsArray[0][idx] = -Mathf.Min(0, frameDurationMs - fps);
        fpsArray[1][idx] = Mathf.Max(0, frameDurationMs - fps);
        float variance, mean, min, max;

        CalcStatistics(fpsArray[0], out mean, out variance, out min, out max);

        // Draw histogram over time differences
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(20, 10, 20, 3, fpsArray, Time.frameCount, colors, max);
        DebugOverlay.SetColor(new Color(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.0f));
        DebugOverlay.Write(20, 14, "{0,4:#.###} ({1,4:##.#} +/- {2,4:#.##})", frameDurationMs - fps, mean, Mathf.Sqrt(variance));

        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(45, 10, 40, 3, fpsArray, Time.frameCount, colors, max);

        /// Graphing frametime
        var idx2 = Time.frameCount % frameTimeArray.Length;

        frameTimeArray[idx2] = frameDurationMs;
        CalcStatistics(frameTimeArray, out mean, out variance, out min, out max);
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(20, 15, 20, 3, frameTimeArray, Time.frameCount, Color.red, max);

        // Draw legend
        float scale = 18.0f - 3.0f / max * 16.6667f;

        DebugOverlay.DrawLine(20, scale, 40, scale, Color.black);
        DebugOverlay.Write(20, 18, "{0,5} ({1} +/- {2})", frameDurationMs, mean, Mathf.Sqrt(variance));

        DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(45, 15, 40, 3, frameTimeArray, Time.frameCount, Color.red, max);

        // Draw some lines to help visualize framerate fluctuations
        float ratio = (float)DebugOverlay.Height / DebugOverlay.Width * Screen.width / Screen.height;
        float time  = (float)Time.frameCount / 60.0f;

        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            DebugOverlay.DrawLine(60, 20, 60 + Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * 0.2f * i + time) * 8.0f, 20 + Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * 0.2f * i + time) * 8.0f * ratio, Color.black);
예제 #10
    protected override void Update(Entity abilityEntity, CharacterAbility charAbility, Ability_Movement.Settings settings)

        var time = m_world.worldTime;

        var command = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <UserCommandComponent>(charAbility.character).command;
        var characterPredictedState = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <CharacterPredictedState>(charAbility.character);
        var health = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <HealthState>(charAbility.character);

        var newPhase = CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.MaxValue;

        var phaseDuration = time.DurationSinceTick(characterPredictedState.State.locoStartTick);

        var isOnGround   = characterPredictedState.State.IsOnGround();
        var isMoveWanted = command.moveMagnitude != 0.0f;

        if (health.health <= 0)
            newPhase = CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.Dead;
            // Ground movement
            if (isOnGround)
                if (isMoveWanted)
                    newPhase = CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.GroundMove;
                    newPhase = CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.Stand;

            // Jump
            if (isOnGround)
                characterPredictedState.State.jumpCount = 0;

            if (command.jump && isOnGround)
                characterPredictedState.State.jumpCount = 1;
                newPhase = CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.Jump;

            if (command.jump && characterPredictedState.State.locoState == CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.InAir && characterPredictedState.State.jumpCount < 2)
                characterPredictedState.State.jumpCount  = characterPredictedState.State.jumpCount + 1;
                characterPredictedState.State.velocity.y = 0;
                newPhase = CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.DoubleJump;

            if (characterPredictedState.State.locoState == CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.Jump || characterPredictedState.State.locoState == CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.DoubleJump)
                if (phaseDuration >= Game.config.jumpAscentDuration)
                    newPhase = CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.InAir;

        // Set phase start tick if phase has changed
        if (newPhase != CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.MaxValue && newPhase != characterPredictedState.State.locoState)
            characterPredictedState.State.locoState     = newPhase;
            characterPredictedState.State.locoStartTick = time.tick;

        if (debugCharacterMove.IntValue > 0)
            // Only show for one player
            if (lastUsedFrame < Time.frameCount)
                lastUsedFrame = Time.frameCount;

                int o = Time.frameCount % movehist_x.Length;
                movehist_x[o] = characterPredictedState.State.position.x % 10.0f;
                movehist_y[o] = characterPredictedState.State.position.y % 10.0f;
                movehist_z[o] = characterPredictedState.State.position.z % 10.0f;

                DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(4, 4, 10, 5, movehist_x, o, Color.red, 10.0f);
                DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(4, 12, 10, 5, movehist_y, o, Color.green, 10.0f);
                DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(4, 20, 10, 5, movehist_z, o, Color.blue, 10.0f);

        if (time.tick != characterPredictedState.State.tick + 1)
            GameDebug.LogError("Update tick invalid. Game tick:" + time.tick + " but current state is at tick:" + characterPredictedState.State.tick);

        characterPredictedState.State.tick = time.tick;

        // Apply damange impulse from previus frame
        if (time.tick == characterPredictedState.State.damageTick + 1)
            characterPredictedState.State.velocity     += characterPredictedState.State.damageDirection * characterPredictedState.State.damageImpulse;
            characterPredictedState.State.locoState     = CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.InAir;
            characterPredictedState.State.locoStartTick = time.tick;

        var moveQuery = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <CharacterMoveQuery>(charAbility.character);

        // Simple adjust of height while on platform
        if (characterPredictedState.State.locoState == CharacterPredictedState.StateData.LocoState.Stand &&
            characterPredictedState.groundCollider != null &&
            characterPredictedState.groundCollider.gameObject.layer == m_platformLayer)
            if (characterPredictedState.altitude < moveQuery.settings.skinWidth - 0.01f)
                var platform = characterPredictedState.groundCollider;
                var posY     = platform.transform.position.y + moveQuery.settings.skinWidth;
                characterPredictedState.State.position.y = posY;

        // Calculate movement and move character
        var deltaPos = Vector3.zero;

        CalculateMovement(ref time, characterPredictedState, ref command, ref deltaPos);

        // Setup movement query
        moveQuery.collisionLayer = characterPredictedState.teamId == 0 ? m_charCollisionALayer : m_charCollisionBLayer;
        moveQuery.moveQueryStart = characterPredictedState.State.position;
        moveQuery.moveQueryEnd   = moveQuery.moveQueryStart + (float3)deltaPos;

예제 #11
    protected override void Update(Entity entity, CharBehaviour charBehavior, DefaultCharBehaviourController.InternalState internalState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.PredictedState predictedState)
        if (internalState.initialized == 0)
            internalState.initialized = 1;
            EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, internalState);

        var command = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <UserCommandComponent>(charBehavior.character).command;

        var healthState = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <HealthState>(charBehavior.character);

        if (healthState.health <= 0 && predictedState.dead == 0)
            if (predictedState.activeAbility != DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.None)
                var behavior = internalState.GetAbilityBehavior(predictedState.activeAbility);

            predictedState.dead = 1;
            EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, predictedState);

        if (predictedState.dead == 1)

        // Check for abilities done
        if (predictedState.activeAbility != DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.None)
            var activeBehavior = internalState.GetAbilityBehavior(predictedState.activeAbility);
            var abilityCtrl    = EntityManager.GetComponentData <AbilityControl>(activeBehavior);
            if (abilityCtrl.behaviorState != AbilityControl.State.Active)
//                GameDebug.Log("Behavior done:" + activeBehavior);
                predictedState.activeAbility = DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.None;

        if (IsRequestingActive(ref internalState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.PrimFire))
            AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.PrimFire, false);
        else if (command.secondaryFire)
            AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.SecFire, false);
        else if (command.melee)
            var force = predictedState.activeAbility == DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.Sprint;
            AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.Melee, force);
        else if (command.sprint)
            AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.Sprint, false);
        else if (command.emote != CharacterEmote.None)
            if (command.moveMagnitude == 0)
                AttempActivate(ref internalState, ref predictedState, DefaultCharBehaviourController.Ability.Emote, false);

        EntityManager.SetComponentData(entity, predictedState);

        if (DefaultCharBehaviourController.ShowInfo.IntValue > 0)
            int x = 1;
            int y = 2;
            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "Ability controller");
            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "  Active ability:" + predictedState.activeAbility);
            DebugOverlay.Write(x, y++, "  dead:" + predictedState.dead);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Call at the point of judgement. Will switch stream to new difficulty as soon as possible (next new combo).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newDifficulty">The new stream difficulty.</param>
        /// <returns>The time at which the switch will take place. -1 on failure.</returns>
        public virtual int SetActiveStream(Difficulty newDifficulty, bool instant = false)
            Difficulty oldActiveStream = ActiveStream;

            if (ActiveStream == newDifficulty || (Clock.AudioTime > 0 && Clock.AudioTime < nextStreamChange))
                return(-1); //already switching stream
            pList <HitObject> oldStreamObjects = ActiveStreamObjects;

            if (oldActiveStream == Difficulty.None || instant)
                //loading a new stream.
                ActiveStream = newDifficulty;
                ProcessFrom  = 0;
                ProcessTo    = -1;


            if (StreamHitObjects[(int)newDifficulty] == null)
                return(-1); //no difficulty is mapped for the target stream.
            int switchTime = Clock.AudioTime + DifficultyManager.PreEmpt;

            if (oldStreamObjects != null)
                if (nextPossibleSwitchTime < switchTime)
                    //need to find a new switch time.
                    removeBeforeObjectIndex = 0;

                    if (beatmap.StreamSwitchPoints != null)
                        bool foundPoint = false;
                        int  c          = beatmap.StreamSwitchPoints.Count;
                        for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
                            if (beatmap.StreamSwitchPoints[i] > switchTime)
                                switchTime = beatmap.StreamSwitchPoints[i];
                                foundPoint = true;

                        if (!foundPoint)
                            //exhausted all stream switch points.
                            nextPossibleSwitchTime = int.MaxValue;

                    //find a good point to stream switch. this will be mapper set later.
                    for (int i = ProcessFrom; i < oldStreamObjects.Count; i++)
                        if (oldStreamObjects[i].NewCombo && oldStreamObjects[i].StartTime > switchTime)
                            removeBeforeObjectIndex = i;
                            switchTime = i > 0 ? oldStreamObjects[i - 1].EndTime : oldStreamObjects[i].StartTime;

                    nextPossibleSwitchTime = switchTime;

                if (removeBeforeObjectIndex == 0)
                    //failed to find a suitable stream switch point.
                    nextPossibleSwitchTime = int.MaxValue;

                switchTime = nextPossibleSwitchTime;

                int judgementStart = (int)(switchTime - Player.Beatmap.beatLengthAt(Clock.AudioTime) * 8);

                //check we are close enough to the switch time to actually judge this
                if (newDifficulty > oldActiveStream && Clock.AudioTime < judgementStart)
                    DebugOverlay.AddLine("Waiting for next judgement section starting at " + judgementStart + "...");


                nextPossibleSwitchTime = 0;

                ActiveStream = newDifficulty;

                pList <HitObject> newStreamObjects = ActiveStreamObjects;
                SpriteManager     newSpriteManager = ActiveStreamSpriteManager;

                for (int i = ProcessFrom; i < removeBeforeObjectIndex; i++)

                if (removeBeforeObjectIndex - ProcessFrom > 0)
                    int removeBeforeIndex = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newStreamObjects.Count; i++)
                        HitObject h = newStreamObjects[i];

                        if (h.StartTime > switchTime && h.NewCombo)
                            removeBeforeIndex = i;

                        h.Sprites.ForEach(s =>
                            s.Alpha = 0;

                    newStreamObjects.RemoveRange(0, removeBeforeIndex);
                    newStreamObjects.InsertRange(0, oldStreamObjects.GetRange(ProcessFrom, removeBeforeObjectIndex - ProcessFrom));

            ProcessFrom = 0;
            ProcessTo   = -1;

            nextStreamChange = switchTime;
예제 #13
        private void StepMove()
            var vecPos = Position;
            var vecVel = Velocity;

            // First try walking straight to where they want to go.

            // mv now contains where they ended up if they tried to walk straight there.
            // Save those results for use later.
            var vecDownPos = Position;
            var vecDownVel = Velocity;

            // Reset original values to try some other things.
            Position = vecPos;
            Velocity = vecVel;

            // Only step up as high as we have headroom to do so.
            var trace = TraceBBox(Position, Position + Vector3.Up * (StepSize + DistEpsilon));

            if (!trace.StartedSolid)
                Position = trace.EndPos;

            trace = TraceBBox(Position, Position + Vector3.Down * (StepSize + DistEpsilon * 2));
            if (trace.Normal.z < GroundNormalZ)
                if (Debug)
                    DebugOverlay.Text(vecDownPos, "step down", 2.0f);

                Position = vecDownPos;
                Velocity = vecDownVel.WithZ(0);
                // out step height

            if (!trace.StartedSolid)
                Position = trace.EndPos;

            var vecUpPos = Position;

            float flDownDist = (vecDownPos.x - vecPos.x) * (vecDownPos.x - vecPos.x) + (vecDownPos.y - vecPos.y) * (vecDownPos.y - vecPos.y);
            float flUpDist   = (vecUpPos.x - vecPos.x) * (vecUpPos.x - vecPos.x) + (vecUpPos.y - vecPos.y) * (vecUpPos.y - vecPos.y);

            if (flDownDist > flUpDist)
                Position = vecDownPos;
                Velocity = vecDownVel;
                // copy z value from slide move
                Velocity = Velocity.WithZ(vecDownVel.z);

            // out step height
예제 #14
 private void DrawDebugShit()
     DebugOverlay.ScreenText(new Vector2(100, 100), $"Current trigger state: {CurrentTriggerType}");
예제 #15
    public void Update()
        if (focus != Application.isFocused)
            focus = Application.isFocused;
            if (soundMute.IntValue == -1)
                m_MasterVolume.MoveTo(focus ? 1.0f : 0.0f, 0.5f);

        var masterVolume = m_MasterVolume.GetValue();

        if (soundMute.IntValue == 0)
            masterVolume = 0.0f;
            DebugOverlay.Write(Color.red, DebugOverlay.Width - 10, 2, "{0}", "AUDIO MUTED");
        else if (soundMute.IntValue == 1)
            masterVolume = 1.0f;
            DebugOverlay.Write(Color.green, DebugOverlay.Width - 10, 2, "{0}", "AUDIO PLAYING");

        m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("MasterVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundMasterVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f) * masterVolume));
        m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("MusicVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundMusicVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
        m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("SFXVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundSFXVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)));
        m_AudioMixer.SetFloat("MenuVolume", DecibelFromAmplitude(Mathf.Clamp(soundMenuVol.FloatValue, 0.0f, 1.0f)));

        // Update running sounds
        int count = 0;

        foreach (var e in m_Emitters)
            if (!e.playing)
            if (e.source == null)
                // Could happen if parent was killed. Not good, but fixable:
                GameDebug.LogWarning("Soundemitter had its audiosource destroyed. Making a new.");
                e.source      = MakeAudioSource();
                e.repeatCount = 0;
            if (e.fadeToKill.IsMoving())
                e.source.volume = AmplitudeFromDecibel(e.soundDef.volume) * e.fadeToKill.GetValue();
            else if (e.fadeToKill.GetValue() == 0.0f)
                // kill no matter what
            if (e.source.isPlaying)
            if (e.repeatCount > 1)
            // Reset for reuse
            e.playing = false;
            e.source.transform.parent = m_SourceHolder.transform;
            e.source.enabled          = true;
            e.source.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        if (soundDebug.IntValue > 0)
            DebugOverlay.Write(30, 1, "Mixer: {0} {1}", m_AudioMixer.GetInstanceID(), Game.game.audioMixer.GetInstanceID());
            int ii = 4;
            foreach (var o in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <AudioMixerGroup>())
                DebugOverlay.Write(30, ii++, "group: {0} {1}", o.name, o.GetInstanceID());
            DebugOverlay.Write(1, 1, "Num audios {0}", count);
            for (int i = 0, c = m_Emitters.Length; i < c; ++i)
                var e = m_Emitters[i];
                DebugOverlay.Write(1, 3 + i, "Emitter {0:##}  {1} {2} {3}", i, e.playing ? e.soundDef.name : "<n/a>", e.source.gameObject.activeInHierarchy ? "act":"nact", e.playing ? "Mixer: " + e.source.outputAudioMixerGroup.audioMixer.GetInstanceID() : "");
            if (m_CurrentListener == null)
                DebugOverlay.Write(DebugOverlay.Width / 2 - 5, DebugOverlay.Height, "No AudioListener?");
            for (int i = 0, c = m_Emitters.Length; i < c; ++i)
                var e = m_Emitters[i];
                if (!e.playing)
                var     s      = e.source.spatialBlend;
                Vector3 locpos = m_CurrentListener.transform.InverseTransformPoint(e.source.transform.position);
                float   x      = Mathf.Lerp(e.source.panStereo * 10.0f, Mathf.Clamp(locpos.x, -10, 10), s);;
                float   z      = Mathf.Lerp(-10.0f, Mathf.Clamp(locpos.z, -10, 10), s);
                DebugOverlay.Write(Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.blue, s), DebugOverlay.Width / 2 + x, DebugOverlay.Height / 2 - z, "{0} ({1:##.#})", e.soundDef.name, locpos.magnitude);
예제 #16
    public void OnPrePhysicsStep()
        if (!IsServer)

        var selfBody = PhysicsBody;

        if (!selfBody.IsValid())

        var body = selfBody.SelfOrParent;

        if (!body.IsValid())

        var dt = Time.Delta;

        body.DragEnabled = false;

        var rotation = selfBody.Rotation;

        accelerateDirection = currentInput.throttle.Clamp(-1, 1) * (1.0f - currentInput.breaking);
        TurnDirection       = TurnDirection.LerpTo(currentInput.turning.Clamp(-1, 1), 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.001f, dt));

        airRoll = airRoll.LerpTo(currentInput.roll.Clamp(-1, 1), 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.0001f, dt));
        airTilt = airTilt.LerpTo(currentInput.tilt.Clamp(-1, 1), 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.0001f, dt));

        float targetTilt = 0;
        float targetLean = 0;

        var localVelocity = rotation.Inverse * body.Velocity;

        if (backWheelsOnGround || frontWheelsOnGround)
            var forwardSpeed  = MathF.Abs(localVelocity.x);
            var speedFraction = MathF.Min(forwardSpeed / 500.0f, 1);

            targetTilt = accelerateDirection.Clamp(-1.0f, 1.0f);
            targetLean = speedFraction * TurnDirection;

        AccelerationTilt = AccelerationTilt.LerpTo(targetTilt, 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.01f, dt));
        TurnLean         = TurnLean.LerpTo(targetLean, 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.01f, dt));

        if (backWheelsOnGround)
            var forwardSpeed = MathF.Abs(localVelocity.x);
            var speedFactor  = 1.0f - (forwardSpeed / 5000.0f).Clamp(0.0f, 1.0f);
            var acceleration = speedFactor * (accelerateDirection < 0.0f ? car_accelspeed * 0.5f : car_accelspeed) * accelerateDirection * dt;
            var impulse      = rotation * new Vector3(acceleration, 0, 0);
            body.Velocity += impulse;

        RaycastWheels(rotation, true, out frontWheelsOnGround, out backWheelsOnGround, dt);
        var onGround      = frontWheelsOnGround || backWheelsOnGround;
        var fullyGrounded = (frontWheelsOnGround && backWheelsOnGround);

        Grounded = onGround;

        if (fullyGrounded)
            body.Velocity += Map.Physics.Gravity * dt;

        body.GravityScale = fullyGrounded ? 0 : 1;

        bool canAirControl = false;

        var v      = rotation * localVelocity.WithZ(0);
        var vDelta = MathF.Pow((v.Length / 1000.0f).Clamp(0, 1), 5.0f).Clamp(0, 1);

        if (vDelta < 0.01f)
            vDelta = 0;

        if (debug_car)
            DebugOverlay.Line(body.MassCenter, body.MassCenter + rotation.Forward.Normal * 100, Color.White, 0, false);
            DebugOverlay.Line(body.MassCenter, body.MassCenter + v.Normal * 100, Color.Green, 0, false);

        var angle = (rotation.Forward.Normal * MathF.Sign(localVelocity.x)).Normal.Dot(v.Normal).Clamp(0.0f, 1.0f);

        angle = angle.LerpTo(1.0f, 1.0f - vDelta);
        grip  = grip.LerpTo(angle, 1.0f - MathF.Pow(0.001f, dt));

        if (debug_car)
            DebugOverlay.ScreenText(new Vector2(200, 200), $"{grip}");

        var angularDamping = 0.0f;

        angularDamping = angularDamping.LerpTo(5.0f, grip);

        body.LinearDamping  = 0.0f;
        body.AngularDamping = fullyGrounded ? angularDamping : 0.5f;

        if (onGround)
            localVelocity = rotation.Inverse * body.Velocity;
            WheelSpeed    = localVelocity.x;
            var turnAmount = frontWheelsOnGround ? (MathF.Sign(localVelocity.x) * 25.0f * CalculateTurnFactor(TurnDirection, MathF.Abs(localVelocity.x)) * dt) : 0.0f;
            body.AngularVelocity += rotation * new Vector3(0, 0, turnAmount);

            airRoll = 0;
            airTilt = 0;

            var forwardGrip = 0.1f;
            forwardGrip   = forwardGrip.LerpTo(0.9f, currentInput.breaking);
            body.Velocity = VelocityDamping(Velocity, rotation, new Vector3(forwardGrip, grip, 0), dt);
            var s  = selfBody.Position + (rotation * selfBody.LocalMassCenter);
            var tr = Trace.Ray(s, s + rotation.Down * 50)

            if (debug_car)
                DebugOverlay.Line(tr.StartPosition, tr.EndPosition, tr.Hit ? Color.Red : Color.Green);

            canAirControl = !tr.Hit;

        if (canAirControl && (airRoll != 0 || airTilt != 0))
            var offset = 50 * Scale;
            var s      = selfBody.Position + (rotation * selfBody.LocalMassCenter) + (rotation.Right * airRoll * offset) + (rotation.Down * (10 * Scale));
            var tr     = Trace.Ray(s, s + rotation.Up * (25 * Scale))

            if (debug_car)
                DebugOverlay.Line(tr.StartPosition, tr.EndPosition);

            bool dampen = false;

            if (currentInput.roll.Clamp(-1, 1) != 0)
                var force = tr.Hit ? 400.0f : 100.0f;
                var roll  = tr.Hit ? currentInput.roll.Clamp(-1, 1) : airRoll;
                body.ApplyForceAt(selfBody.MassCenter + rotation.Left * (offset * roll), (rotation.Down * roll) * (roll * (body.Mass * force)));

                if (debug_car)
                    DebugOverlay.Sphere(selfBody.MassCenter + rotation.Left * (offset * roll), 8, Color.Red);

                dampen = true;

            if (!tr.Hit && currentInput.tilt.Clamp(-1, 1) != 0)
                var force = 200.0f;
                body.ApplyForceAt(selfBody.MassCenter + rotation.Forward * (offset * airTilt), (rotation.Down * airTilt) * (airTilt * (body.Mass * force)));

                if (debug_car)
                    DebugOverlay.Sphere(selfBody.MassCenter + rotation.Forward * (offset * airTilt), 8, Color.Green);

                dampen = true;

            if (dampen)
                body.AngularVelocity = VelocityDamping(body.AngularVelocity, rotation, 0.95f, dt);

        localVelocity = rotation.Inverse * body.Velocity;
        MovementSpeed = localVelocity.x;
예제 #17
 public static void AddDebugInformation(Func <string> worker)
예제 #18
    protected override void Update(Entity abilityEntity, CharBehaviour charAbility, AbilityControl abilityCtrl, Ability_Movement.Settings settings)
        if (abilityCtrl.active == 0)
            if (abilityCtrl.behaviorState != AbilityControl.State.Idle)
                abilityCtrl.behaviorState = AbilityControl.State.Idle;
                EntityManager.SetComponentData(abilityEntity, abilityCtrl);

        // Movement is always active (unless canceled)
        abilityCtrl.behaviorState = AbilityControl.State.Active;
        EntityManager.SetComponentData(abilityEntity, abilityCtrl);

        var time = m_world.worldTime;

        var command        = EntityManager.GetComponentData <UserCommandComponentData>(charAbility.character).command;
        var predictedState = EntityManager.GetComponentData <CharacterPredictedData>(charAbility.character);
        var character      = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <Character>(charAbility.character);

        var newPhase = CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.MaxValue;

        var phaseDuration = time.DurationSinceTick(predictedState.locoStartTick);

        var isOnGround   = predictedState.IsOnGround();
        var isMoveWanted = command.moveMagnitude != 0.0f;

        // Ground movement
        if (isOnGround)
            if (isMoveWanted)
                newPhase = CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.GroundMove;
                newPhase = CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.Stand;

        // Jump
        if (isOnGround)
            predictedState.jumpCount = 0;

        if (command.buttons.IsSet(UserCommand.Button.Jump) && isOnGround)
            predictedState.jumpCount = 1;
            newPhase = CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.Jump;

        if (command.buttons.IsSet(UserCommand.Button.Jump) && predictedState.locoState == CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.InAir && predictedState.jumpCount < 2)
            predictedState.jumpCount  = predictedState.jumpCount + 1;
            predictedState.velocity.y = 0;
            newPhase = CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.DoubleJump;

        if (predictedState.locoState == CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.Jump || predictedState.locoState == CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.DoubleJump)
            if (phaseDuration >= Game.config.jumpAscentDuration)
                newPhase = CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.InAir;

        // Set phase start tick if phase has changed
        if (newPhase != CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.MaxValue && newPhase != predictedState.locoState)
            predictedState.locoState     = newPhase;
            predictedState.locoStartTick = time.tick;

        if (debugCharacterMove.IntValue > 0)
            // Only show for one player
            if (lastUsedFrame < Time.frameCount)
                lastUsedFrame = Time.frameCount;

                int o = Time.frameCount % movehist_x.Length;
                movehist_x[o] = predictedState.position.x % 10.0f;
                movehist_y[o] = predictedState.position.y % 10.0f;
                movehist_z[o] = predictedState.position.z % 10.0f;

                DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(4, 4, 10, 5, movehist_x, o, Color.red, 10.0f);
                DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(4, 12, 10, 5, movehist_y, o, Color.green, 10.0f);
                DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(4, 20, 10, 5, movehist_z, o, Color.blue, 10.0f);

        if (time.tick != predictedState.tick + 1)
            GameDebug.Log("Update tick invalid. Game tick:" + time.tick + " but current state is at tick:" + predictedState.tick);

        predictedState.tick = time.tick;

        // Apply damange impulse from previus frame
        if (time.tick == predictedState.damageTick + 1)
            predictedState.velocity     += predictedState.damageDirection * predictedState.damageImpulse;
            predictedState.locoState     = CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.InAir;
            predictedState.locoStartTick = time.tick;

        var moveQuery = EntityManager.GetComponentObject <CharacterMoveQuery>(charAbility.character);

        // Simple adjust of height while on platform
        if (predictedState.locoState == CharacterPredictedData.LocoState.Stand &&
            character.groundCollider != null &&
            character.groundCollider.gameObject.layer == m_platformLayer)
            if (character.altitude < moveQuery.settings.skinWidth - 0.01f)
                var platform = character.groundCollider;
                var posY     = platform.transform.position.y + moveQuery.settings.skinWidth;
                predictedState.position.y = posY;

        // Calculate movement and move character
        var deltaPos = Vector3.zero;

        CalculateMovement(ref time, ref predictedState, ref command, ref deltaPos);

        // Setup movement query
        moveQuery.collisionLayer = character.teamId == 0 ? m_charCollisionALayer : m_charCollisionBLayer;
        moveQuery.moveQueryStart = predictedState.position;
        moveQuery.moveQueryEnd   = moveQuery.moveQueryStart + (float3)deltaPos;

        EntityManager.SetComponentData(charAbility.character, predictedState);
예제 #19
 public void Init()
     instance = this;
예제 #20
 private void Start()
     debugOverlay = FindObjectOfType <DebugOverlay>();
예제 #21
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        var cameraArray       = Group.GetComponentArray <Camera>();
        var playerCameraArray = Group.GetComponentArray <PlayerCamera>();

        for (var i = 0; i < cameraArray.Length; i++)
            var camera       = cameraArray[i];
            var playerCamera = playerCameraArray[i];
            var settings     = playerCamera.cameraSettings;
            var enabled      = settings.isEnabled;
            var isActive     = camera.gameObject.activeSelf;
            if (!enabled)
                if (isActive)

            if (!isActive)

            camera.fieldOfView = settings.fieldOfView;
            if (debugCameraDetach.IntValue == 0)
                // Normal movement
                camera.transform.position = settings.position;
                camera.transform.rotation = settings.rotation;
            else if (debugCameraDetach.IntValue == 1)
                // Move char but still camera

            if (debugCameraDetach.ChangeCheck())
                // Block normal input
                Game.Input.SetBlock(Game.Input.Blocker.Debug, debugCameraDetach.IntValue == 2);
            if (debugCameraDetach.IntValue == 2 && !Console.IsOpen())
                var eu = camera.transform.localEulerAngles;
                if (eu.x > 180.0f)
                    eu.x -= 360.0f;
                eu.x = Mathf.Clamp(eu.x, -70.0f, 70.0f);
                eu  += new Vector3(-Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X"), 0);
                float invertY = Game.configInvertY.IntValue > 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
                eu += Time.deltaTime * (new Vector3(-invertY * Input.GetAxisRaw("RightStickY") * InputSystem.s_JoystickLookSensitivity.y, Input.GetAxisRaw("RightStickX") * InputSystem.s_JoystickLookSensitivity.x, 0));
                camera.transform.localEulerAngles = eu;
                m_DetachedMoveSpeed += Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse ScrollWheel");
                float verticalMove = (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R) ? 1.0f : 0.0f) + (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F) ? -1.0f : 0.0f);
                verticalMove += Input.GetAxisRaw("Trigger");
                camera.transform.Translate(new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), verticalMove, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")) * Time.deltaTime * m_DetachedMoveSpeed);

            if (debugCameraMove.IntValue > 0)
                // Only show for one player
                if (lastUsedFrame < Time.frameCount)
                    lastUsedFrame = Time.frameCount;

                    int o   = Time.frameCount % movehist_x.Length;
                    var rot = camera.transform.localEulerAngles;
                    movehist_x[o] = rot.x % 90.0f;
                    movehist_y[o] = rot.y % 90.0f;
                    movehist_z[o] = rot.z % 90.0f;

                    DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(4, 4, 10, 5, movehist_x, o, Color.red, 10.0f);
                    DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(4, 12, 10, 5, movehist_y, o, Color.green, 10.0f);
                    DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(4, 20, 10, 5, movehist_z, o, Color.blue, 10.0f);
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        // Play snowball impact sound
        // @NOTE(sdsmith): Must use AudioSource.PlayClipAtpoint so the clip
        // persists after the destruction of the object. If we ere using an
        // AudioSource component, the clip would stop playing once that
        // component was destroyed.
        AudioClip impactClip = AudioClips.GetRand(AudioClips.snowballImpacts);

        AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(impactClip, transform.position);

        if (collision.gameObject.name == "Mountain")
            // @NOTE(sdsmith): @PERFORMANCE(sdsmith): Note that 'Destroy'
            // delayed at least until the end of the frame update cycle. If we
            // hit the terrain, we know we don't need to do any additional
            // collision calculations.
            // @TODO(sdsmith): This breaks Network manager when we take the advice
            // of the above comment and end the function here. Who knows.
            //                                                        - 2017-02-27

        // @DEBUG(sdsmith): Update debug overlay
        DebugOverlay.AddAttr("snowball collision count", (++nonTerrainCollisionCount).ToString());

        Transform hitTransform = collision.transform;

        // If we hit something, lets resolve the hit
        if (hitTransform != null)
            // Debug.Log ("HIT: " + collision.gameObject.name);
            Health h = hitTransform.GetComponent <Health>();

            // check if the things parent has a Health object
            while (h == null && hitTransform.parent)
                hitTransform = hitTransform.parent;
                h            = hitTransform.GetComponent <Health>();

            // The thing we hit has a health component
            // Tell the thing we hit to take damage
            if (h != null)
                PhotonView pv = h.GetComponent <PhotonView>();
                if (pv == null)
                    Debug.Log("PlayerShooting: PhotonView is null");
                    //get the thing that was hit
                    PhotonPlayer target = pv.owner;

                    // Get teams
                    PunTeams.Team ourTeam   = PhotonNetwork.player.GetTeam();
                    PunTeams.Team theirTeam = PunTeams.Team.none; // default objects to no team

                    // Check if the target object has an owner
                    // @NOTE(sdsmith): PhotonView.owner is null for scene objects
                    // https://doc-api.photonengine.com/en/pun/current/class_photon_view.html#ad696cb93fb9835d633b9def970650edc
                    if (target != null)
                        // Target has an owner (not a scene object), set its team
                        theirTeam = target.GetTeam();

                    if (ourTeam != theirTeam)
                        // Not targeting same team
                        pv.RPC("TakeDamage", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, damage, throwerViewID);

                        // Play hit sound if our local client threw the snowball
                        PhotonView throwerPV = PhotonView.Find(throwerViewID);
                        if (throwerPV && Util.localPlayer == throwerPV.gameObject)
                            throwerPV.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerController>().PlayHitNotification();
                        // Targeting same team
예제 #23
        public OpenKhGame(OpenKhGameStartup startup)
            _startup       = startup;
            GlobalSettings = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            TryAddSetting("WorldId", startup.InitialMap);
            TryAddSetting("PlaceId", startup.InitialPlace);
            //TryAddSetting("SpawnId", );
            TryAddSetting("SpawnScriptMap", startup.InitialSpawnScriptMap);
            TryAddSetting("SpawnScriptBtl", startup.InitialSpawnScriptBtl);
            TryAddSetting("SpawnScriptEvt", startup.InitialSpawnScriptEvt);

            var contentPath = startup.ContentPath ?? Config.DataPath;

            _dataContent = CreateDataContent(contentPath, Config.IdxFilePath, Config.ImgFilePath);
            _dataContent = new MultipleDataContent(new ModDataContent(), _dataContent);
            if (Kernel.IsReMixFileHasHdAssetHeader(_dataContent, "fm"))
                Log.Info("ReMIX files with HD asset header detected");
                _dataContent = new HdAssetContent(_dataContent);

            _dataContent = new SafeDataContent(_dataContent);

            _kernel = new Kernel(_dataContent);
            if (startup.InitialState != 0)

            var resolutionWidth  = GetResolutionWidth();
            var resolutionHeight = GetResolutionHeight();

            Log.Info("Internal game resolution set to {0}x{1}", resolutionWidth, resolutionHeight);

            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this)
                PreferredBackBufferWidth  = (int)Math.Round(resolutionWidth * Config.ResolutionBoost),
                PreferredBackBufferHeight = (int)Math.Round(resolutionHeight * Config.ResolutionBoost),
                IsFullScreen = Config.IsFullScreen,

            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
            IsMouseVisible        = true;

            archiveManager = new ArchiveManager(_dataContent);
            inputManager   = new InputManager();
            _debugOverlay  = new DebugOverlay(this);

            Config.OnConfigurationChange += () =>
                var resolutionWidth  = GetResolutionWidth();
                var resolutionHeight = GetResolutionHeight();

                var backBufferWidth  = (int)Math.Round(resolutionWidth * Config.ResolutionBoost);
                var backBufferHeight = (int)Math.Round(resolutionHeight * Config.ResolutionBoost);

                if (graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth != backBufferWidth ||
                    graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight != backBufferHeight ||
                    graphics.IsFullScreen != Config.IsFullScreen)
                    graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth  = backBufferWidth;
                    graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = backBufferHeight;
                    graphics.IsFullScreen = Config.IsFullScreen;
                    _isResolutionChanged  = true;
                    Log.Info($"Internal game resolution set to {resolutionWidth}x{resolutionHeight}");
예제 #24
        public override void OnPlayerControlTick(TankPlayer player, bool allowDebug)
            float throttle  = Input.Forward;
            float steering  = Input.Left * (throttle >= 0 ? 1 : -1) * TurnSpeed;
            var   moveDelta = Rotation.Forward * throttle * MoveSpeed;

            // Corner world position
            var frontLeft  = moveDelta + Position + Rotation * (extents * new Vector3(1, 1, 0.5f));
            var frontRight = moveDelta + Position + Rotation * (extents * new Vector3(1, -1, 0.5f));
            var backLeft   = moveDelta + Position + Rotation * (extents * new Vector3(-1, 1, 0.5f));
            var backRight  = moveDelta + Position + Rotation * extents * new Vector3(-1, -1, 0.5f);
            var center     = moveDelta + Position + extents * new Vector3(0, 0, 0.5f);

            // Base world directions
            var frontDir      = Rotation.Forward;
            var leftDir       = Rotation.Left;
            var backDir       = Rotation.Backward;
            var rightDir      = Rotation.Right;
            var frontLeftDir  = (frontDir + leftDir).Normal;
            var frontRightDir = (frontDir + rightDir).Normal;
            var backLeftDir   = (backDir + leftDir).Normal;
            var backRightDir  = (backDir + rightDir).Normal;

            float testDistance = 2 * MoveSpeed;

            if (allowDebug)
                /*DebugOverlay.Axis(frontLeft, Rotation);
                *  DebugOverlay.Axis(frontRight, Rotation);
                *  DebugOverlay.Axis(backLeft, Rotation);
                *  DebugOverlay.Axis(backRight, Rotation);*/
                DebugOverlay.Sphere(frontLeft, testDistance, Color.Red);
                DebugOverlay.Sphere(frontRight, testDistance, Color.Red);
                DebugOverlay.Sphere(backLeft, testDistance, Color.Red);
                DebugOverlay.Sphere(backRight, testDistance, Color.Red);

            var cornerResults = new TraceResult[12];

            cornerResults[0]  = Trace.Ray(frontLeft, frontLeft + frontDir * testDistance).Run();           // Forward
            cornerResults[1]  = Trace.Ray(frontLeft, frontLeft + leftDir * testDistance).Run();            // Side
            cornerResults[2]  = Trace.Ray(frontLeft, frontLeft + frontRightDir * testDistance).Run();      // Diagonal inward
            cornerResults[3]  = Trace.Ray(frontRight, frontRight + frontDir * testDistance).Run();
            cornerResults[4]  = Trace.Ray(frontRight, frontRight + rightDir * testDistance).Run();
            cornerResults[5]  = Trace.Ray(frontRight, frontRight + frontLeftDir * testDistance).Run();
            cornerResults[6]  = Trace.Ray(backLeft, backLeft + backDir * testDistance).Run();
            cornerResults[7]  = Trace.Ray(backLeft, backLeft + leftDir * testDistance).Run();
            cornerResults[8]  = Trace.Ray(backLeft, backLeft + backRightDir * testDistance).Run();
            cornerResults[9]  = Trace.Ray(backRight, backRight + backDir * testDistance).Run();
            cornerResults[10] = Trace.Ray(backRight, backRight + rightDir * testDistance).Run();
            cornerResults[11] = Trace.Ray(backRight, backRight + backLeftDir * testDistance).Run();

            // Turn off movement and don't collide if both front or back corners are colliding (but only if pushing against an axis-aligned wall)
            bool  noMove = (cornerResults[0].Hit && cornerResults[3].Hit) || (cornerResults[6].Hit && cornerResults[9].Hit);
            float yaw    = Rotation.Yaw();

            noMove &= yaw.SnapToGrid(90).AlmostEqual(yaw, 2);
            if (noMove)
                moveDelta = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cornerResults.Length; i++)
                var result = cornerResults[i];
                if (!result.Hit)
                    if (allowDebug)
                        DebugOverlay.Line(result.StartPos, result.StartPos + result.Direction * testDistance * 8, Color.Green, 0, false);
                if (i % 3 != 0 && cornerResults[i - (i % 3)].Hit)                   // Skip the side and diagonal tests if the primary one already hit
                    if (allowDebug)
                        DebugOverlay.Line(result.StartPos, result.StartPos + result.Direction * testDistance * 8, Color.Yellow, 0, false);
                if (i % 3 == 0 && noMove)
                if (allowDebug)
                    DebugOverlay.Line(result.StartPos, result.StartPos + result.Direction * testDistance * 8, Color.Red, 0, false);

                Position += result.Normal * (testDistance - result.Distance);
                float torque = Vector3.Cross(result.StartPos - center, result.Normal).z *Time.Delta;
                Rotation *= Rotation.FromYaw(torque);
                if (allowDebug)
                    DebugOverlay.Line(result.EndPos, result.EndPos + result.Normal * MathF.Abs(torque) * 50, Color.Blue, 0, false);

            var edgeResults = new TraceResult[8];

            edgeResults[0] = Trace.Ray(frontLeft, frontRight).Run();
            edgeResults[2] = Trace.Ray(backLeft, backRight).Run();
            edgeResults[4] = Trace.Ray(frontLeft, backLeft).Run();
            edgeResults[6] = Trace.Ray(frontRight, backRight).Run();

            for (int i = 0; i < edgeResults.Length; i += 2)
                var result = edgeResults[i];
                if (result.Hit)                   // Only run the partner trace if the first one on that edge hits
                    if (i == 0)
                        edgeResults[i + 1] = Trace.Ray(frontRight, frontLeft).Run();
                    else if (i == 2)
                        edgeResults[i + 1] = Trace.Ray(backRight, backLeft).Run();
                    else if (i == 4)
                        edgeResults[i + 1] = Trace.Ray(backLeft, frontLeft).Run();
                    else if (i == 6)
                        edgeResults[i + 1] = Trace.Ray(backRight, frontRight).Run();

                if (allowDebug)
                    DebugOverlay.Line(result.StartPos, result.EndPos, 0, false);
                Vector3 correctionDir = Vector3.Zero;
                if (i == 0)
                    correctionDir = frontDir;
                else if (i == 2)
                    correctionDir = backDir;
                else if (i == 4)
                    correctionDir = leftDir;
                else if (i == 6)
                    correctionDir = rightDir;

                float distance = Vector3.DistanceBetween(result.EndPos, edgeResults[i + 1].EndPos);
                float angle    = Vector3.GetAngle(result.EndPos - result.StartPos, result.Normal) - 90;

                float correction = distance * 0.5f * MathF.Sin(2 * angle.DegreeToRadian());                 // How much to push out of the corner, finds the altitude of a right triangle
                Position -= correctionDir * correction;

                var   avgPos = (result.EndPos + edgeResults[i + 1].EndPos) * 0.5f;
                float torque = Vector3.Cross(avgPos - center, -correctionDir).z *Time.Delta;
                Rotation *= Rotation.FromYaw(torque);

                if (allowDebug)
                    DebugOverlay.Line(avgPos, avgPos - correctionDir * MathF.Abs(torque) * 50, Color.Cyan, 0, false);
                    DebugOverlay.Line(result.EndPos, edgeResults[i + 1].EndPos, Color.Red, 0, false);
                    DebugOverlay.Line(result.EndPos, result.EndPos + correctionDir * correction * 10, Color.Green, 0, false);
                    DebugOverlay.Line(edgeResults[i + 1].EndPos, edgeResults[i + 1].EndPos + correctionDir * correction * 10, Color.Green, 0, false);

            moveDelta = moveDelta.WithZ(0);
            Position += moveDelta;
            Rotation *= Rotation.FromYaw(steering);
 // Checks if a specific debug overlay is enabled
 public bool IsDebugOverlayEnabled(DebugOverlay overlay)
     return(debugLayer.debugOverlay == overlay);
예제 #26
    public void OnFrame()
        var pos     = WorldPos;
        var right   = Rot.Right * 4;
        var forward = Rot.Forward * 4;
        var up      = Rot.Up * 50;
        var offset  = Time.Now * 2.0f;
        var offsetz = Time.Now * 0.1f;

        var mode = (int)((Time.Now * 0.3f) % 5);

        switch (mode)
        case 0:
            DebugOverlay.Text(pos, "Perlin");

        case 1:
            DebugOverlay.Text(pos, "SparseConvolution");

        case 2:
            DebugOverlay.Text(pos, "SparseConvolutionNormalized");

        case 3:
            DebugOverlay.Text(pos, "Turbulence");

        case 4:
            DebugOverlay.Text(pos, "Fractal");

        var size = 100;

        pos -= right * size * 0.5f;
        pos -= forward * size * 0.5f;

        for (float x = 0; x < size; x++)
            for (float y = 0; y < size; y++)
                float val = 0;

                switch (mode)
                case 0:
                    val = Noise.Perlin(x * 0.1f + offset, y * 0.1f, offsetz) * 0.5f;

                case 1:
                    val = Noise.SparseConvolution(x * 0.1f + offset, y * 0.1f, offsetz) * 0.5f;

                case 2:
                    val = Noise.SparseConvolutionNormalized(x * 0.1f + offset, y * 0.1f, offsetz) * 0.5f;

                case 3:
                    val = Noise.Turbulence(2, x * 0.1f + offset, y * 0.1f, offsetz) * 0.5f;

                case 4:
                    val = Noise.Fractal(2, x * 0.1f + offset, y * 0.1f, offsetz) * 0.5f;

                var start = pos + x * right + y * forward;
                DebugOverlay.Line(start, start + up * val, Color.Lerp(Color.Red, Color.Green, (val + 1.0f) / 2.0f));
    void DrawStats()
        int y = 2;

        Overlay.Managed.Write(2, y++, "  tick rate: {0}", Game.serverTickRate.IntValue);
        Overlay.Managed.Write(2, y++, "  entities:  {0}", m_NetworkServer.NumEntities);

        Overlay.Managed.Write(2, y++, "  sim  : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0} ({3:0.0})",

        int totalSnapshots = 0;

        foreach (var c in m_NetworkServer.GetConnections())
            totalSnapshots += c.Value.counters.snapshotsOut;
        snapsPerFrame[Time.frameCount % snapsPerFrame.Length] = (totalSnapshots - totalSnapshotsLastFrame);
        totalSnapshotsLastFrame = totalSnapshots;
        DebugOverlay.DrawHist(2, 10, 60, 5, snapsPerFrame, Time.frameCount % snapsPerFrame.Length, new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f));

        //for(var i = 0; i < counters.)

        //DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  entities: {0}", counters.numEntities);

         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^FF0  lat  : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_Latency.min, m_Latency.average, m_Latency.max);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^0FF  rtt  : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_RTT.min, m_RTT.average, m_RTT.max);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^0F0  cmdq : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_CMDQ.min, m_CMDQ.average, m_CMDQ.max);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^F0F  intp : {0:0.0} / {1:0.0} / {2:0.0}", m_Interp.min, m_Interp.average, m_Interp.max);
         * var samplesPerSecond = 1.0f / m_StatsDeltaTime.average;
         * y++;
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^00F  bps (in):  {0:00.0} ({1})", m_BytesIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_NetworkClient.updateRate);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "^F00  bps (out): {0:00.0}", m_BytesOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pps (in):  {0:00.0}", m_PackagesIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pps (out): {0:00.0}", m_PackagesOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pl% (in):  {0:00.0}", m_PackageLossPctIn.average);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  pl% (out): {0:00.0}", m_PackageLossPctOut.average);
         * y++;
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  upd_srate: {0:00.0} ({1})", m_SnapshotsIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_NetworkClient.updateSendRate);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  cmd_srate: {0:00.0} ({1})", m_CommandsOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond, m_NetworkClient.commandSendRate);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  ev (in):   {0:00.0}", m_EventsIn.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * DebugOverlay.Write(2, y++, "  ev (out):  {0:00.0}", m_EventsOut.graph.average * samplesPerSecond);
         * var startIndex = m_BytesIn.graph.GetData().HeadIndex;
         * var graphY = 5;
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_Latency.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.yellow, 100);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_RTT.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.cyan, 100);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_CMDQ.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.green, 10);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_Interp.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.magenta, 100);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_HardCatchup.GetArray(), startIndex, Color.red, 100);
         * m_2GraphData[0] = m_BytesIn.graph.GetData().GetArray();
         * m_2GraphData[1] = m_BytesOut.graph.GetData().GetArray();
         * graphY += 7;
         * DebugOverlay.DrawGraph(38, graphY, 60, 5, m_2GraphData, startIndex, m_BytesGraphColors);
         * graphY += 6;
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_SnapshotsIn.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.blue, 5.0f);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_CommandsOut.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.red, 5.0f);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_EventsIn.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.yellow, 5.0f);
         * DebugOverlay.DrawHist(38, graphY++, 60, 1, m_EventsOut.graph.GetData().GetArray(), startIndex, Color.green, 5.0f);
예제 #28
 protected override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera camera, CullingResults cullingResult)
     DebugOverlay.Render(camera.camera.cameraType, cmd);
 public void RequestDebugOverlay(DebugOverlay mode)
     debugOverlay = mode;
예제 #30
 public static void DebugText(this object any, int line = 0, int duration = 0)
     DebugOverlay.ScreenText(line, any.ToString(), duration);