private string getStorePath(long datasetVersionId, string exportTo) { using (DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager()) using (MetadataStructureManager metadataStructureManager = new MetadataStructureManager()) { DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersion(datasetVersionId); Dataset dataset = datasetManager.GetDataset(datasetVersionId); string md_title = metadataStructureManager.Repo.Get(datasetVersion.Dataset.MetadataStructure.Id).Name; string path; int versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportTo) || exportTo.ToLower().Equals("generic")) { path = IOHelper.GetDynamicStorePath(datasetVersion.Dataset.Id, versionNr, "metadata", ".xml"); } else { path = IOHelper.GetDynamicStorePath(datasetVersion.Dataset.Id, versionNr, "metadata_" + exportTo, ".xml"); } return(path); } }
private string storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(long datasetId, DatasetVersion datasetVersion, string title, string ext) { string name = ""; string mimeType = ""; if (ext.Contains("csv")) { name = "datastructure"; mimeType = "text/comma-separated-values"; } if (ext.Contains("html")) { name = title; mimeType = "application/html"; } using (DatasetManager dm = new DatasetManager()) { int versionNr = dm.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); // create the generated FileStream and determine its location string dynamicPath = OutputDatasetManager.GetDynamicDatasetStorePath(datasetId, versionNr, title, ext); //Register the generated data FileStream as a resource of the current dataset version //ContentDescriptor generatedDescriptor = new ContentDescriptor() //{ // OrderNo = 1, // Name = name, // MimeType = mimeType, // URI = dynamicPath, // DatasetVersion = datasetVersion, //}; if (datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Count(p => p.Name.Equals(name)) > 0) { // remove the one contentdesciptor foreach (ContentDescriptor cd in datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors) { if (cd.Name == name) { cd.URI = dynamicPath; dm.UpdateContentDescriptor(cd); } } } else { // add current contentdesciptor to list //datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Add(generatedDescriptor); dm.CreateContentDescriptor(name, mimeType, dynamicPath, 1, datasetVersion); } //dm.EditDatasetVersion(datasetVersion, null, null, null); return(dynamicPath); } }
private static void storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(long datasetId, DatasetVersion datasetVersion, string title, string ext) { string name = ""; string mimeType = ""; if (ext.Contains("xml")) { name = "metadata"; mimeType = "text/xml"; } DatasetManager dm = new DatasetManager(); int versionNr = dm.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); // create the generated FileStream and determine its location string dynamicPath = OutputDatasetManager.GetDynamicDatasetStorePath(datasetId, versionNr, title, ext); //Register the generated data FileStream as a resource of the current dataset version //ContentDescriptor generatedDescriptor = new ContentDescriptor() //{ // OrderNo = 1, // Name = name, // MimeType = mimeType, // URI = dynamicPath, // DatasetVersion = datasetVersion, //}; try { datasetVersion = dm.GetDatasetVersion(datasetVersion.Id); if (datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Count(p => p.Name.Equals(name)) > 0) { // remove the one contentdesciptor foreach (ContentDescriptor cd in datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors) { if (cd.Name == name) { cd.URI = dynamicPath; dm.UpdateContentDescriptor(cd); } } } else { // add current contentdesciptor to list //datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Add(generatedDescriptor); dm.CreateContentDescriptor(name, mimeType, dynamicPath, 1, datasetVersion); } //dm.EditDatasetVersion(datasetVersion, null, null, null); } finally { dm.Dispose(); } }
public static string CreateConvertedMetadata(long datasetId, TransmissionType type) { XmlDocument newXml; DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager(); MetadataStructureManager metadataMetadataStructureManager = new MetadataStructureManager(); try { DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetLatestVersion(datasetId); MetadataStructure metadataStructure = metadataMetadataStructureManager.Repo.Get(datasetVersion.Dataset.MetadataStructure.Id); XmlDatasetHelper xmlDatasetHelper = new XmlDatasetHelper(); int versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); string mappingName = metadataStructure.Name; string mappingFileName = xmlDatasetHelper.GetTransmissionInformation(datasetVersion.Id, type, mappingName); //if mapping file not exist if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mappingFileName)) { return(""); } string pathMappingFile = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.GetModuleWorkspacePath("DIM"), mappingFileName); XmlMapperManager xmlMapperManager = new XmlMapperManager(TransactionDirection.InternToExtern); xmlMapperManager.Load(pathMappingFile, "exporttest"); newXml = xmlMapperManager.Export(datasetVersion.Metadata, datasetVersion.Id, mappingName, true); string title = datasetVersion.Title; // store in content descriptor string filename = "metadata"; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(mappingName) || mappingName.ToLower() == "generic") { storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(datasetId, datasetVersion, filename, ".xml"); } else { filename = "metadata_" + mappingName; storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(datasetId, datasetVersion, filename, ".xml"); } return(OutputDatasetManager.GetDynamicDatasetStorePath(datasetId, versionNr, filename, ".xml")); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { datasetManager.Dispose(); metadataMetadataStructureManager.Dispose(); } }
public FileResult getFile(string path) { path = Server.UrlDecode(path); if (FileHelper.FileExist(Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.DataPath, path))) { EntityPermissionManager entityPermissionManager = null; DatasetManager datasetManager = null; try { entityPermissionManager = new EntityPermissionManager(); datasetManager = new DatasetManager(); DatasetInfo datasetInfo = (DatasetInfo)Session["DatasetInfo"]; string entityType = (string)Session["EntityType"]; long datasetID = datasetInfo.DatasetId; bool access = entityPermissionManager.HasEffectiveRight(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name, typeof(Dataset), datasetID, RightType.Read); if (access) { path = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.DataPath, path); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(path); Session["DatasetInfo"] = datasetInfo; Session["EntityType"] = entityType; // after 2.14.1 files are stored in original names // by download only the files, the user need to know th edataset id and the version number int versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetInfo.DatasetVersionId); string filename = datasetInfo.DatasetId + "_" + versionNr + "_" + fileInfo.Name; return(File(path, MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(fileInfo.Name), filename)); } else { Session["DatasetInfo"] = datasetInfo; return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } finally { entityPermissionManager.Dispose(); datasetManager.Dispose(); } } else { WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(path); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); return(File(response.GetResponseStream(), MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(response.ResponseUri.Segments.LastOrDefault()), response.ResponseUri.Segments.LastOrDefault())); } }
public string Convert(long datasetVersionId) { MetadataStructureManager metadataStructureManager = new MetadataStructureManager(); DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager(); SubmissionManager submissionManager = new SubmissionManager(); PublicationManager publicationManager = new PublicationManager(); try { DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersion(datasetVersionId); _broker = publicationManager.GetBroker(_broker.Id); _dataRepo = publicationManager.GetRepository(_dataRepo.Id); long datasetId = datasetVersion.Dataset.Id; string name = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersion(datasetVersionId).Dataset.MetadataStructure.Name; XmlDocument metadata = OutputMetadataManager.GetConvertedMetadata(datasetId, TransmissionType.mappingFileExport, name, false); // create links to the api calls of the primary data? //add all to a zip //save document and return filepath for download string path = submissionManager.GetDirectoryPath(datasetId, _broker.Name); int versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); string filename = submissionManager.GetFileNameForDataRepo(datasetId, versionNr, _dataRepo.Name, "xml"); string filepath = Path.Combine(path, filename); FileHelper.CreateDicrectoriesIfNotExist(path); metadata.Save(filepath); return(filepath); } finally { datasetManager.Dispose(); metadataStructureManager.Dispose(); publicationManager.Dispose(); } }
private string generatePrimaryData(long datasetVersionId) { try { using (DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager()) { DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersion(datasetVersionId); if (datasetVersion.Dataset.DataStructure.Self is StructuredDataStructure) { OutputDataManager outputDataManager = new OutputDataManager(); SubmissionManager submissionManager = new SubmissionManager(); long datasetId = datasetVersion.Dataset.Id; int versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); string fileName = submissionManager.GetFileNameForDataRepo(datasetId, versionNr, _dataRepo.Name, "csv"); string filepath = outputDataManager.GenerateAsciiFile( datasetId, datasetVersionId, "text/txt", false); return(filepath); } } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(""); }
//ToDO -> David <- do not store the files on the server public string Convert(long datasetVersionId) { string datarepo = _dataRepo.Name; SubmissionManager publishingManager = new SubmissionManager(); using (DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager()) using (DataStructureManager dataStructureManager = new DataStructureManager()) using (PublicationManager publicationManager = new PublicationManager()) using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile()) { DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersion(datasetVersionId); long datasetId = datasetVersion.Dataset.Id; Publication publication = publicationManager.GetPublication() .Where( p => p.DatasetVersion.Id.Equals(datasetVersion.Id) && p.Broker.Name.ToLower().Equals(_broker.Name)) .FirstOrDefault(); // if(broker exist) if (publication == null && _broker != null) { Broker broker = _broker; if (broker != null) { OutputMetadataManager.GetConvertedMetadata(datasetId, TransmissionType.mappingFileExport, broker.MetadataFormat); // get primary data // check the data sturcture type ... if (datasetVersion.Dataset.DataStructure.Self is StructuredDataStructure) { OutputDataManager odm = new OutputDataManager(); // apply selection and projection odm.GenerateAsciiFile(datasetId, datasetVersion.Id, broker.PrimaryDataFormat, false); } int versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); string zipName = publishingManager.GetZipFileName(datasetId, versionNr); string zipPath = publishingManager.GetDirectoryPath(datasetId, broker.Name); string dynamicZipPath = publishingManager.GetDynamicDirectoryPath(datasetId, broker.Name); string zipFilePath = Path.Combine(zipPath, zipName); string dynamicFilePath = Path.Combine(dynamicZipPath, zipName); FileHelper.CreateDicrectoriesIfNotExist(Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFilePath)); if (FileHelper.FileExist(zipFilePath)) { if (FileHelper.WaitForFile(zipFilePath)) { FileHelper.Delete(zipFilePath); } } // add datastructure //ToDo put that functiom to the outputDatatructureManager #region datatructure long dataStructureId = datasetVersion.Dataset.DataStructure.Id; DataStructure dataStructure = dataStructureManager.StructuredDataStructureRepo.Get(dataStructureId); if (dataStructure != null) { try { string dynamicPathOfDS = ""; dynamicPathOfDS = storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(datasetId, datasetVersion, "datastructure", ".txt"); string datastructureFilePath = AsciiWriter.CreateFile(dynamicPathOfDS); string json = OutputDataStructureManager.GetVariableListAsJson(dataStructureId); AsciiWriter.AllTextToFile(datastructureFilePath, json); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } #endregion datatructure foreach (ContentDescriptor cd in datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors) { string path = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.DataPath, cd.URI); string name = cd.URI.Split('\\').Last(); if (FileHelper.FileExist(path)) { zip.AddFile(path, ""); } } // add xsd of the metadata schema string xsdDirectoryPath = OutputMetadataManager.GetSchemaDirectoryPath(datasetId); if (Directory.Exists(xsdDirectoryPath)) { zip.AddDirectory(xsdDirectoryPath, "Schema"); } XmlDocument manifest = OutputDatasetManager.GenerateManifest(datasetId, datasetVersion.Id); if (manifest != null) { string dynamicManifestFilePath = OutputDatasetManager.GetDynamicDatasetStorePath(datasetId, versionNr, "manifest", ".xml"); string fullFilePath = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.DataPath, dynamicManifestFilePath); manifest.Save(fullFilePath); zip.AddFile(fullFilePath, ""); } string message = string.Format("dataset {0} version {1} was published for repository {2}", datasetId, datasetVersion.Id, broker.Name); LoggerFactory.LogCustom(message); //Session["ZipFilePath"] = dynamicFilePath; zip.Save(zipFilePath); return(zipFilePath); } } return(""); } }
private void storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(long datasetId, DatasetVersion datasetVersion, string ext, bool withUnits) { DatasetManager dm = new DatasetManager(); string nameExt = ""; if (withUnits) { nameExt = "_withunits"; } try { string name = ""; string mimeType = ""; if (ext.Contains("csv")) { name = "generatedCSV" + nameExt; mimeType = "text/csv"; } if (ext.Contains("txt")) { name = "generatedTXT" + nameExt; mimeType = "text/plain"; } if (ext.Contains("tsv")) { name = "generatedTSV" + nameExt; mimeType = "text/tsv"; } if (ext.Contains("xlsm")) { name = "generated"; mimeType = "application/xlsm"; } if (ext.Contains("xlsx")) { name = "generatedExcel" + nameExt; mimeType = "application/xlsx"; } int versionNr = dm.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); // create the generated FileStream and determine its location string dynamicPath = IOHelper.GetDynamicStorePath(datasetId, versionNr, "data" + nameExt, ext); //Register the generated data FileStream as a resource of the current dataset version //ContentDescriptor generatedDescriptor = new ContentDescriptor() //{ // OrderNo = 1, // Name = name, // MimeType = mimeType, // URI = dynamicPath, // DatasetVersion = datasetVersion, //}; if (datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Count(p => p.Name.Equals(name)) > 0) { // remove the one contentdesciptor foreach (ContentDescriptor cd in datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors) { if (cd.Name == name) { cd.URI = dynamicPath; dm.UpdateContentDescriptor(cd); } } } else { // add current contentdesciptor to list //datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Add(generatedDescriptor); dm.CreateContentDescriptor(name, mimeType, dynamicPath, 1, datasetVersion); } //dm.EditDatasetVersion(datasetVersion, null, null, null); } finally { dm.Dispose(); } }
public string GenerateAsciiFile(long id, long versionId, string mimeType, bool withUnits) { DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager(); DataStructureManager datasetStructureManager = new DataStructureManager(); try { DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersion(versionId); int versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); string contentDescriptorTitle = ""; string ext = ""; string nameExt = ""; TextSeperator textSeperator = TextSeperator.semicolon; if (withUnits) { nameExt = "_withunits"; } switch (mimeType) { case "text/csv": case "text/comma-separated-values": case "application/octet-stream": /* of course this is a wrong mimetype for csv. * but the c# class MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(ext) currently returns this as a result for .csv. * since we don't use the datatype at the moment, * it will be rebuilt into the case here*/ { contentDescriptorTitle = "generatedCSV" + nameExt; ext = ".csv"; textSeperator = TextSeperator.semicolon; break; } case "text/tsv": case "text/tab-separated-values": { contentDescriptorTitle = "generatedTSV" + nameExt; ext = ".tsv"; textSeperator =; break; } default: { contentDescriptorTitle = "generatedTXT" + nameExt; ext = ".txt"; textSeperator =; break; } } AsciiWriter writer = new AsciiWriter(textSeperator); string path = ""; //ascii allready exist if (datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Count(p => p.Name.Equals(contentDescriptorTitle) && p.URI.Contains(datasetVersion.Id.ToString())) > 0 && !withUnits) { #region FileStream exist ContentDescriptor contentdescriptor = datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(contentDescriptorTitle)).FirstOrDefault(); path = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.DataPath, contentdescriptor.URI); if (FileHelper.FileExist(path)) { return(path); } #endregion FileStream exist } // not exist, needs to generated - get data first as datatable DataTable data = getData(id, versionId); long datastuctureId = datasetVersion.Dataset.DataStructure.Id; path = createDownloadFile(id, versionNr, datastuctureId, "data", ext, writer, null, withUnits); storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(id, datasetVersion, ext, withUnits); //add units if want string[] units = null; if (withUnits) { units = getUnits(datastuctureId, null); } writer.AddData(data, path, datastuctureId, units); return(path); } finally { datasetManager.Dispose(); datasetStructureManager.Dispose(); } }
//public string GenerateExcelFile(long id, string title, bool createAsTemplate, DataTable data = null, bool withUnits = false) //{ // string mimeType = ""; // string ext = ".xlsx"; // string contentDescriptorTitle = ""; // if (createAsTemplate) // { // ext = ".xlsm"; // contentDescriptorTitle = "generated"; // } // else // { // ext = ".xlsx"; // if (withUnits) contentDescriptorTitle = "generatedExcelWithUnits"; // else contentDescriptorTitle = "generatedExcel"; // } // mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(ext); // DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager(); // try // { // DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetLatestVersion(id); // ExcelWriter writer = new ExcelWriter(createAsTemplate); // string path = ""; // //excel allready exist // if (datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Count(p => p.Name.Equals(contentDescriptorTitle) && p.URI.Contains(datasetVersion.Id.ToString())) > 0 && // data == null) // { // #region FileStream exist // ContentDescriptor contentdescriptor = // datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(contentDescriptorTitle)) // .FirstOrDefault(); // path = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.DataPath, contentdescriptor.URI); // long version = datasetVersion.Id; // long versionNrGeneratedFile = // Convert.ToInt64(contentdescriptor.URI.Split('\\').Last().Split('_')[1]); // // check if FileStream exist // if (FileHelper.FileExist(path) && version == versionNrGeneratedFile) // { // return path; // } // #endregion FileStream exist // } // // not exist needs to generated // #region FileStream not exist // if (data == null) // { // DatasetManager dm = new DatasetManager(); // data = dm.GetLatestDatasetVersionTuples(id); // data.Strip(); // } // long datastuctureId = datasetVersion.Dataset.DataStructure.Id; // int versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); // if (createAsTemplate) // { // string[] columnNames = (from dc in data.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>() // select dc.Caption).ToArray(); // path = createDownloadFile(id, versionNr, datastuctureId, "data", ext, writer, columnNames); // storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(id, datasetVersion, ext, false); // writer.AddData(data.Rows, path, datastuctureId); // } // else // { // path = createDownloadFile(id, versionNr, datastuctureId, "data", ext, writer, null, withUnits); // // the default data is without units, so store the path of the file if it was generated // storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(id, datasetVersion, ext, withUnits); // string[] units = null; // if (withUnits) units = getUnits(datastuctureId, null); // writer.AddData(data, path, datastuctureId, units); // } // return path; // #endregion FileStream not exist // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // throw ex; // } // finally // { // datasetManager.Dispose(); // } //} /// <summary> /// version id = 0 == latest version /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="versionId"></param> /// <param name="createAsTemplate"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <param name="withUnits"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GenerateExcelFile(long id, long versionId, bool createAsTemplate, DataTable data = null, bool withUnits = false) { string mimeType = ""; string ext = ".xlsx"; string contentDescriptorTitle = ""; if (createAsTemplate) { ext = ".xlsm"; contentDescriptorTitle = "generated"; } else { ext = ".xlsx"; if (withUnits) { contentDescriptorTitle = "generatedExcelWithUnits"; } else { contentDescriptorTitle = "generatedExcel"; } } mimeType = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(ext); DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager(); try { DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetLatestVersion(id); ExcelWriter writer = new ExcelWriter(createAsTemplate); string path = ""; //excel allready exist if (datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Count(p => p.Name.Equals(contentDescriptorTitle) && p.URI.Contains(datasetVersion.Id.ToString())) > 0 && data == null) { #region FileStream exist ContentDescriptor contentdescriptor = datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors.Where(p => p.Name.Equals(contentDescriptorTitle)) .FirstOrDefault(); path = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.DataPath, contentdescriptor.URI); long version = datasetVersion.Id; long versionNrGeneratedFile = Convert.ToInt64(contentdescriptor.URI.Split('\\').Last().Split('_')[1]); // check if FileStream exist if (FileHelper.FileExist(path) && version == versionNrGeneratedFile) { return(path); } #endregion FileStream exist } // not exist needs to generated #region FileStream not exist if (data == null) { data = getData(id, versionId); } long datastuctureId = datasetVersion.Dataset.DataStructure.Id; int versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); if (createAsTemplate) { string[] columnNames = (from dc in data.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>() select dc.Caption).ToArray(); path = createDownloadFile(id, versionNr, datastuctureId, "data", ext, writer, columnNames); storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(id, datasetVersion, ext, false); writer.AddData(data.Rows, path, datastuctureId); } else { path = createDownloadFile(id, versionNr, datastuctureId, "data", ext, writer, null, withUnits); // the default data is without units, so store the path of the file if it was generated storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(id, datasetVersion, ext, withUnits); string[] units = null; if (withUnits) { units = getUnits(datastuctureId, null); } writer.AddData(data, path, datastuctureId, units); } return(path); #endregion FileStream not exist } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { datasetManager.Dispose(); } }
public ActionResult GenerateZip(long id, long versionid, string format) { XmlDatasetHelper xmlDatasetHelper = new XmlDatasetHelper(); DatasetManager dm = new DatasetManager(); DataStructureManager dataStructureManager = new DataStructureManager(); PublicationManager publicationManager = new PublicationManager(); SubmissionManager publishingManager = new SubmissionManager(); string brokerName = "generic"; try { using (var uow = this.GetUnitOfWork()) { LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Generate Zip Start"); long dsvId = versionid; if (dsvId <= 0) { dsvId = dm.GetDatasetLatestVersion(id).Id; } DatasetVersion datasetVersion = uow.GetUnitOfWork().GetReadOnlyRepository <DatasetVersion>().Get(dsvId); int versionNr = dm.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); #region metadata LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Metadata Start"); //metadata as xml output XmlDocument document = OutputMetadataManager.GetConvertedMetadata(id, TransmissionType.mappingFileExport, datasetVersion.Dataset.MetadataStructure.Name); //metadata as html generateMetadataHtml(datasetVersion); #endregion metadata #region primary data LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Primary Data Start"); // check the data sturcture type ... if (format != null && datasetVersion.Dataset.DataStructure.Self is StructuredDataStructure) { OutputDataManager odm = new OutputDataManager(); // apply selection and projection //check wheter title is empty or not string title = String.IsNullOrEmpty(datasetVersion.Title) ? "no title available" : datasetVersion.Title; switch (format) { case "application/xlsx": odm.GenerateExcelFile(id, datasetVersion.Id, false); break; case "application/xlsm": odm.GenerateExcelFile(id, datasetVersion.Id, true); break; default: odm.GenerateAsciiFile(id, datasetVersion.Id, format, false); break; } } #endregion primary data LoggerFactory.LogCustom("check zip on server Start"); string zipName = publishingManager.GetZipFileName(id, versionNr); string zipPath = publishingManager.GetDirectoryPath(id, brokerName); string dynamicZipPath = publishingManager.GetDynamicDirectoryPath(id, brokerName); string zipFilePath = Path.Combine(zipPath, zipName); string dynamicFilePath = Path.Combine(dynamicZipPath, zipName); FileHelper.CreateDicrectoriesIfNotExist(Path.GetDirectoryName(zipFilePath)); if (FileHelper.FileExist(zipFilePath)) { if (FileHelper.WaitForFile(zipFilePath)) { FileHelper.Delete(zipFilePath); } } // add datastructure //ToDo put that functiom to the outputDatatructureManager #region datatructure LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Datastructure Start"); long dataStructureId = datasetVersion.Dataset.DataStructure.Id; DataStructure dataStructure = dataStructureManager.StructuredDataStructureRepo.Get(dataStructureId); if (dataStructure != null) { try { string dynamicPathOfDS = ""; dynamicPathOfDS = storeGeneratedFilePathToContentDiscriptor(id, datasetVersion, "datastructure", ".txt"); string datastructureFilePath = AsciiWriter.CreateFile(dynamicPathOfDS); string json = OutputDataStructureManager.GetVariableListAsJson(dataStructureId); AsciiWriter.AllTextToFile(datastructureFilePath, json); //generate datastructure as html DatasetVersion ds = uow.GetUnitOfWork().GetReadOnlyRepository <DatasetVersion>().Get(dsvId); generateDataStructureHtml(ds); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } #endregion datatructure LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Zip Start"); using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile()) { foreach (ContentDescriptor cd in datasetVersion.ContentDescriptors) { bool addFile = true; if (cd.Name.ToLower().Contains("generated")) { if (!cd.MimeType.ToLower().Equals(format)) { addFile = false; } } if (addFile) { string path = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.DataPath, cd.URI); string name = cd.URI.Split('\\').Last(); if (FileHelper.FileExist(path)) { zip.AddFile(path, ""); } } } // add xsd of the metadata schema LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Schema Start"); string xsdDirectoryPath = OutputMetadataManager.GetSchemaDirectoryPath(id); if (Directory.Exists(xsdDirectoryPath)) { zip.AddDirectory(xsdDirectoryPath, "Schema"); } LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Manifest Start"); XmlDocument manifest = OutputDatasetManager.GenerateManifest(id, datasetVersion.Id); if (manifest != null) { string dynamicManifestFilePath = OutputDatasetManager.GetDynamicDatasetStorePath(id, versionNr, "manifest", ".xml"); string fullFilePath = Path.Combine(AppConfiguration.DataPath, dynamicManifestFilePath); manifest.Save(fullFilePath); zip.AddFile(fullFilePath, ""); } LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Save zip Start"); zip.Save(zipFilePath); LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Return"); string title = datasetVersion.Title; title = String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) ? "unknown" : title; string message = string.Format("dataset {0} version {1} was downloaded as zip - {2}.", id, versionNr, format); LoggerFactory.LogCustom(message); var es = new EmailService(); es.Send(MessageHelper.GetDownloadDatasetHeader(id, versionNr), MessageHelper.GetDownloadDatasetMessage(id, title, getPartyNameOrDefault(), "zip - " + format, versionNr), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SystemEmail"] ); return(File(zipFilePath, "application/zip", Path.GetFileName(zipFilePath))); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerFactory.LogCustom("Error: " + ex.Message); return(null); } finally { dm.Dispose(); dataStructureManager.Dispose(); publicationManager.Dispose(); } }
private ShowPublishDataModel getShowPublishDataModel(long datasetId, long datasetVersionId = -1) { PublicationManager publicationManager = new PublicationManager(); DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager(); EntityPermissionManager entityPermissionManager = new EntityPermissionManager(); ShowPublishDataModel model = new ShowPublishDataModel(); int versionNr = 1; try { Dataset dataset = datasetManager.GetDataset(datasetId); List <Broker> Brokers = GetBrokers(dataset.MetadataStructure.Id, publicationManager); model.Brokers = Brokers.Select(b => b.Name).ToList(); model.DatasetId = datasetId; //Todo Download Rigths -> currently set read rigths for this case model.DownloadRights = entityPermissionManager.HasEffectiveRight(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name, typeof(Dataset), datasetId, RightType.Read); model.EditRights = entityPermissionManager.HasEffectiveRight(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name, typeof(Dataset), datasetId, RightType.Write); List <long> versions = new List <long>(); if (datasetVersionId == -1) { DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetLatestVersion(datasetId); datasetVersionId = datasetVersion.Id; versions = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersions(datasetId).Select(d => d.Id).ToList(); if (datasetVersion.StateInfo != null) { model.MetadataIsValid = DatasetStateInfo.Valid.ToString().Equals(datasetVersion.StateInfo.State) ? true : false; } } //todo check if datasetversion id is correct List <Publication> publications = publicationManager.PublicationRepo.Query().Where(p => versions.Contains(p.DatasetVersion.Id)).ToList(); //get versionNr versionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersionId); foreach (var pub in publications) { Broker broker = publicationManager.BrokerRepo.Get(pub.Broker.Id); Repository repo = null; if (pub.Repository != null) { repo = publicationManager.RepositoryRepo.Get(pub.Repository.Id); } string dataRepoName = repo == null ? "" : repo.Name; List <string> repos = GetRepos(dataset.MetadataStructure.Id, broker.Id, publicationManager).Select(r => r.Name).ToList(); model.Publications.Add(new PublicationModel() { Broker = new BrokerModel(broker.Name, repos, broker.Link), DataRepo = dataRepoName, DatasetVersionId = pub.DatasetVersion.Id, CreationDate = pub.Timestamp, ExternalLink = pub.ExternalLink, FilePath = pub.FilePath, Status = pub.Status, DatasetVersionNr = versionNr }); } return(model); } finally { publicationManager.Dispose(); datasetManager.Dispose(); entityPermissionManager.Dispose(); } }
//ToDO -> David <- do not store the files on the server public string Convert(long datasetVersionId) { DatasetManager datasetManager = new DatasetManager(); PublicationManager publicationManager = new PublicationManager(); try { _broker = publicationManager.GetBroker(_broker.Id); _dataRepo = publicationManager.GetRepository(_dataRepo.Id); /*** * Generate a txt file for pangaea * 1. json metadata * 2. tabseperated primary Data * * * if data only unstructred, then only metadata */ string primaryDataFilePath = ""; #region create primary Data primaryDataFilePath = generatePrimaryData(datasetVersionId); #endregion create primary Data DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersion(datasetVersionId); long datasetId = datasetVersion.Dataset.Id; long metadataStructureId = datasetVersion.Dataset.MetadataStructure.Id; DataStructureDataList datastructureDataList = OutputDataStructureManager.GetVariableList(datasetVersion.Dataset.DataStructure.Id); PanageaMetadata metadata = getMetadata(datasetVersion.Metadata, metadataStructureId); metadata.ParameterIDs = datastructureDataList.Variables; string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metadata, Formatting.Indented); SubmissionManager submissionManager = new SubmissionManager(); string path = submissionManager.GetDirectoryPath(datasetId, _broker.Name); int verionNr = datasetManager.GetDatasetVersionNr(datasetVersion); string filename = submissionManager.GetFileNameForDataRepo(datasetId, verionNr, _dataRepo.Name, "txt"); string filepath = Path.Combine(path, filename); try { if (File.Exists(filepath)) { File.Delete(filepath); } FileHelper.Create(filepath).Close(); File.WriteAllText(filepath, json + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryDataFilePath)) { File.AppendAllText(filepath, File.ReadAllText(primaryDataFilePath)); } return(filepath); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(""); } finally { datasetManager.Dispose(); publicationManager.Dispose(); } }