예제 #1
        public ServiceResult GetDataset(string type = "", string field = "")
            List <DataPoint> dataSet;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must provide a type to get the datasets."));

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(field))
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must provide a series to get the datasets."));

            if (CurrentUser == null)
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("You must be logged in to access this function."));

            //todo log all access to this.

            if (type?.ToLower() == "users" && CurrentUser.SiteAdmin == false)
                //BACKLOG  turn on the flag to log permission routes to log this.
                //add numeric value to roles s we can include multiple roles by doing math >= roleWeight
                RoleManager roleManager = new RoleManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, CurrentUser);
                var         admin       = roleManager.GetRole("admin", CurrentUser.AccountUUID);
                var         owner       = roleManager.GetRole("owner", CurrentUser.AccountUUID);
                if (admin == null && owner == null)
                    return(ServiceResponse.Error("You are not authorized this action."));

                if (!roleManager.IsInRole(CurrentUser.UUID, CurrentUser.AccountUUID, admin.UUID, false) ||
                    !roleManager.IsInRole(CurrentUser.UUID, CurrentUser.AccountUUID, owner.UUID, false))
                    return(ServiceResponse.Error("You are not authorized to query the type:" + type));

                DataFilter     filter = this.GetFilter(Request);
                DatasetManager dm     = new DatasetManager(Globals.DBConnectionKey, this.GetAuthToken(Request));
                dataSet = dm.GetDataSet(type, ref filter);
                return(ServiceResponse.OK("", dataSet));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Assert(false, ex.Message);
                SystemLogger logger = new SystemLogger(Globals.DBConnectionKey);

                logger.InsertError(ex.Message, "ReportsController", "GetDataset");
                return(ServiceResponse.Error("Error retrieving dataset."));