예제 #1
        public DataTarget LoadFullDumpWithDbgEng(GCMode gc = GCMode.Workstation)
            Guid guid = new Guid("27fe5639-8407-4f47-8364-ee118fb08ac8");
            int  hr   = DebugCreate(guid, out IntPtr pDebugClient);

            if (hr != 0)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to create DebugClient, hr={hr:x}.");

            IDebugClient  client  = (IDebugClient)Marshal.GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(pDebugClient, typeof(IDebugClient));
            IDebugControl control = (IDebugControl)client;

            string dumpPath = BuildDumpName(gc, true);

            hr = client.OpenDumpFile(dumpPath);
            if (hr != 0)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to OpenDumpFile, hr={hr:x}.");

            hr = control.WaitForEvent(DEBUG_WAIT.DEFAULT, 10000);

            if (hr != 0)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to attach to dump file, hr={hr:x}.");

예제 #2
파일: Common.cs 프로젝트: mikem8361/clrmd
        private static bool InitApi(IntPtr ptrClient)
            // On our first call to the API:
            //   1. Store a copy of IDebugClient in DebugClient.
            //   2. Replace Console's output stream to be the debugger window.
            //   3. Create an instance of DataTarget using the IDebugClient.
            if (DebugClient is null)
                object client = Marshal.GetUniqueObjectForIUnknown(ptrClient);
                DebugClient = (IDebugClient)client;

                var stream = new StreamWriter(new DbgEngStream(DebugClient));
                stream.AutoFlush = true;

                DataTarget = DataTarget.CreateFromDbgEng(ptrClient);

            // If our ClrRuntime instance is null, it means that this is our first call, or
            // that the dac wasn't loaded on any previous call.  Find the dac loaded in the
            // process (the user must use .cordll), then construct our runtime from it.
            if (Runtime is null)
                // Just find a module named mscordacwks and assume it's the one the user
                // loaded into windbg.
                Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
                foreach (ProcessModule module in p.Modules)
                    if (module.FileName.ToLower().Contains("mscordacwks"))
                        // TODO:  This does not support side-by-side CLRs.
                        Runtime = DataTarget.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime(module.FileName);

                // Otherwise, the user didn't run .cordll.
                if (Runtime is null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Mscordacwks.dll not loaded into the debugger.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Run .cordll to load the dac before running this command.");
                // If we already had a runtime, flush it for this use.  This is ONLY required
                // for a live process or iDNA trace.  If you use the IDebug* apis to detect
                // that we are debugging a crash dump you may skip this call for better perf.

            return(Runtime != null);
예제 #3
        internal static void Initialize(IntPtr ptrClient, bool isWinDbg)
            // On our first call to the API:
            //   1. Store a copy of IDebugClient in DebugClient.
            //   2. Replace Console's output stream to be the debugger window.
            //   3. Create an instance of DataTarget using the IDebugClient.
            if (DataTarget == null)
                if (!isWinDbg)
                    DebugClient = NativeInvoker.GetInstance <ILLDBDebugClient>(ptrClient, vtable);

                    var linuxFunctionsType = Type.GetType("Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime.LinuxFunctions, Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime");

                    var field = typeof(DataTarget).GetField("<PlatformFunctions>k__BackingField", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

                    field.SetValue(null, Activator.CreateInstance(linuxFunctionsType));

                    Console.SetOut(new StripDmlWriter(Console.Out));
                    DebugClient = (IDebugClient)Marshal.GetUniqueObjectForIUnknown(ptrClient);

                    var stream = new StreamWriter(new DbgEngStream(DebugClient))
                        AutoFlush = true

                DataTarget = DataTarget.CreateFromDbgEng(ptrClient);

            // If our ClrRuntime instance is null, it means that this is our first call, or
            // that the dac wasn't loaded on any previous call.
            if (Runtime == null)
                Runtime = DataTarget.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
예제 #4
        public DataTarget LoadFullDumpWithDbgEng(GCMode gc = GCMode.Workstation)
            Guid guid = DebugClient.IID_IDebugClient;
            int  hr   = DebugCreate(guid, out IntPtr pDebugClient);

            if (hr != 0)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to create DebugClient, hr={hr:x}.");

            RefCountedFreeLibrary library = new RefCountedFreeLibrary(IntPtr.Zero);

            DebugSystemObjects sys     = new DebugSystemObjects(library, pDebugClient);
            DebugClient        client  = new DebugClient(library, pDebugClient, sys);
            DebugControl       control = new DebugControl(library, pDebugClient, sys);

            string dumpPath = BuildDumpName(gc, true);

            hr = client.OpenDumpFile(dumpPath);
            if (hr != 0)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to OpenDumpFile, hr={hr:x}.");

            hr = control.WaitForEvent(10000);

            if (hr != 0)
                throw new Exception($"Failed to attach to dump file, hr={hr:x}.");
