예제 #1
        public void ComponentTypeEventuallyFilledTest()
            // https://github.com/microsoft/clrmd/issues/108
            // Ensure that a previously created type with a erroneous null ComponentType eventually
            // gets its ComponentType set.

            using DataTarget dt      = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump();
            using ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();

            ClrType        fooType = runtime.GetModule(ModuleName).GetTypeByName("Types");
            ClrStaticField list    = fooType.GetStaticFieldByName("s_list");


            ClrInstanceField itemsField    = list.Type.GetFieldByName("_items");
            ClrElementType   elementType   = itemsField.ElementType;
            ClrType          componentType = itemsField.Type.ComponentType;

            // If this assert fails, remove the test.  This value is null because currently CLR's
            // debugging layer doesn't tell us the component type of an array.  If we eventually
            // fix that issue, we would return a non-null m_array.Type.ComponentType, causing
            // this test to fail but the underlying issue would be fixed.

            ClrObject itemsObj = list.ReadObject(runtime.AppDomains.Single()).ReadObjectField("_items");

            // Ensure we are looking at the same ClrType
            if (dt.CacheOptions.CacheTypes)
                Assert.Same(itemsField.Type, itemsObj.Type);
                Assert.Equal(itemsField.Type, itemsObj.Type);

            // Assert that we eventually filled in ComponentType after we got a real object for the type
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the list of runtimes in the target
 /// </summary>
 public IEnumerable <IRuntime> EnumerateRuntimes()
     if (_runtimes is null)
         _runtimes = new List <Runtime>();
         if (_dataTarget is null)
             _dataTarget = new DataTarget(new CustomDataTarget(this))
                 BinaryLocator = null
         if (_dataTarget is not null)
             for (int i = 0; i < _dataTarget.ClrVersions.Length; i++)
                 _runtimes.Add(new Runtime(_target, i, _dataTarget.ClrVersions[i]));
예제 #3
        private static ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(string dump, string dac)
            // Create the data target.  This tells us the versions of CLR loaded in the target process.
            DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadCrashDump(dump);

            // Now check bitness of our program/target:
            bool isTarget64Bit = dataTarget.PointerSize == 8;

            if (Environment.Is64BitProcess != isTarget64Bit)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Architecture mismatch:  Process is {0} but target is {1}", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64 bit" : "32 bit", isTarget64Bit ? "64 bit" : "32 bit"));

            // Note I just take the first version of CLR in the process.  You can loop over every loaded
            // CLR to handle the SxS case where both v2 and v4 are loaded in the process.
            var version = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0];

            // Next, let's try to make sure we have the right Dac to load.  CLRVersionInfo will actually
            // have the full path to the right dac if you are debugging the a version of CLR you have installed.
            // If they gave us a path (and not the actual filename of the dac), we'll try to handle that case too:
            if (dac != null && Directory.Exists(dac))
                dac = Path.Combine(dac, version.DacInfo.FileName);
            else if (dac == null || !File.Exists(dac))
                dac = version.TryGetDacLocation();

            // Finally, check to see if the dac exists.  If not, throw an exception.
            if (dac == null || !File.Exists(dac))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find the specified dac.", dac);

            // Now that we have the DataTarget, the version of CLR, and the right dac, we create and return a
            // ClrRuntime instance.
예제 #4
#pragma warning disable 618
        private static JObject /*Task<JObject>*/ GetThreadTraces(DeadlockException de)
            using var dataTarget = DataTarget.CreateSnapshotAndAttach(Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id);

            var version = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0];
            var runtime = version.CreateRuntime();

            var ret     = new JObject();
            var threads = App.RunningDispatchers.Values.Append(App.BaseDispatcher).Where(d => de.ThreadNames.Contains(d.Thread.Name)).Select(d => d.Thread).Append(PacketAnalyzer.AnalysisThread);

            foreach (var thread in threads)
                if (thread?.Name == null)
                var runtimeThread = runtime.Threads.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ManagedThreadId == thread.ManagedThreadId);
                if (runtimeThread != null)
                    ret[thread.Name] = GetStackTraceClrmd(runtimeThread);
                //ret[thread.Name] = GetStackTrace(thread).ToString();
            //App.RunningDispatchers.Values.Append(App.BaseDispatcher).ToList().ForEach(d =>
            //    var t = d.Thread;
            //    t.Suspend();
            //    ret[t.Name] = new StackTrace(t, false).ToString();
            //    t.Resume();

            //if (PacketAnalyzer.AnalysisThread == null) return ret;
            //ret["Analysis"] = new StackTrace(PacketAnalyzer.AnalysisThread, false).ToString();

예제 #5
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: wilvk/dotnet-sos
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // needs to run in docker: AttachToProcess is not supported on Darwin 19.4.0
            int.TryParse(args[0], out var processId);
            Console.WriteLine("Attaching for PID: " + processId.ToString());
            var suspendOnStart = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
            DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(processId, suspendOnStart);

            if (dataTarget != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Name: " + dataTarget.DataReader.DisplayName);
                Console.WriteLine("Arch: " + dataTarget.DataReader.Architecture.ToString());
                var modules = dataTarget.DataReader.EnumerateModules();
                foreach (var module in modules)
                    Console.WriteLine("file: " + module.FileName);

                var clrVersions = dataTarget.ClrVersions;

                foreach (var version in clrVersions)
                    Console.WriteLine("dacPath: " + version.DacInfo.LocalDacPath);

                // we have a live dac! (i think).
                var dac      = new DacLibrary(dataTarget, clrVersions[0].DacInfo.LocalDacPath);
                var dacDebug = dac.DacPrivateInterface.QueryInterface(Guid.NewGuid());
                Console.WriteLine("Not attached.");
예제 #6
        public void NoMethodCachingTest()
            using DataTarget dt              = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump();
            dt.CacheOptions.CacheMethods     = false;
            dt.CacheOptions.CacheMethodNames = StringCaching.None;

            using ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();

            ClrModule module = runtime.GetModule("sharedlibrary.dll");
            ClrType   type   = module.GetTypeByName("Foo");
            ClrMethod method = type.GetMethod("Bar");

            Assert.NotEqual(0ul, method.MethodDesc);  // Sanity test

            ClrMethod method2 = type.GetMethod("Bar");

            Assert.Equal(method, method2);
            Assert.NotSame(method, method2);

            string signature1 = method.Signature;
            string signature2 = method2.Signature;

            Assert.Equal(signature1, signature2);

            Assert.Equal(signature1, method.Signature);
            Assert.NotSame(signature1, method.Signature);
            Assert.NotSame(method2.Signature, method.Signature);

            // Ensure that we can swap this at runtime and that we get interned strings
            dt.CacheOptions.CacheMethodNames = StringCaching.Intern;

            Assert.Same(method2.Signature, method.Signature);
            Assert.Same(method.Signature, string.Intern(method.Signature));
예제 #7
    private static ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(string dump, string dac)
        // Create the data target.  This tells us the versions of CLR loaded in the target process.
        DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadCrashDump(dump);

        // Now check bitness of our program/target:
        bool isTarget64Bit = dataTarget.PointerSize == 8;

        if (Environment.Is64BitProcess != isTarget64Bit)
            throw new Exception(string.Format("Architecture mismatch:  Process is {0} but target is {1}", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64 bit" : "32 bit", isTarget64Bit ? "64 bit" : "32 bit"));

        // Note I just take the first version of CLR in the process.  You can loop over every loaded
        // CLR to handle the SxS case where both v2 and v4 are loaded in the process.
        ClrInfo version = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0];

        // Next, let's try to make sure we have the right Dac to load.  Note we are doing this manually for
        // illustration.  Simply calling version.CreateRuntime with no arguments does the same steps.
        if (dac != null && Directory.Exists(dac))
            dac = Path.Combine(dac, version.DacInfo.FileName);
        else if (dac == null || !File.Exists(dac))
            dac = dataTarget.SymbolLocator.FindBinary(version.DacInfo);

        // Finally, check to see if the dac exists.  If not, throw an exception.
        if (dac == null || !File.Exists(dac))
            throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find the specified dac.", dac);

        // Now that we have the DataTarget, the version of CLR, and the right dac, we create and return a
        // ClrRuntime instance.
예제 #8
        public void TestTypeMapRoundTrip()
            using DataTarget dt      = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump();
            using ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();

            int badTypes = 0;

            foreach (ClrModule module in runtime.EnumerateModules())
                foreach ((ulong mt, int token) in module.EnumerateTypeDefToMethodTableMap())
                    Assert.NotEqual(0, token);
                    Assert.True((token & 0x02000000) == 0x02000000);

                    ClrType type = runtime.GetTypeByMethodTable(mt);
                    if (type == null)
                        // We really want to Assert.NotNull(type), but it turns out that one type
                        // (System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.__TransparentProxy) cannot be constructed because
                        // GetMethodTableData returns null for it.  This is an issue with the dac so we'll
                        // simply count types that are null and assert there's only one




                    ClrType typeFromToken = module.ResolveToken(token);

                    Assert.Same(type, typeFromToken);

            Assert.True(badTypes <= 1);
예제 #9
        ClrDac CreateCore(int pid, string clrPath, IClrDacDebugger clrDacDebugger)
            DataTarget dataTarget = null;
            bool       failed     = true;

            try {
                // The timeout isn't used if Passive is used
                dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(pid, 0, AttachFlag.Passive);
                var clrInfo = GetClrInfo(dataTarget, clrPath);
                if (clrInfo == null)

                // Use this overload to make sure it doesn't try to download the dac file which
                // will block this thread for several seconds or much longer.
                var clrRuntime = clrInfo.CreateRuntime(clrInfo.LocalMatchingDac);

                var clrDac = new ClrDacImpl(dataTarget, clrRuntime, clrDacDebugger);
                failed = false;
            catch (ClrDiagnosticsException) {
            catch (IOException) {
            catch (InvalidOperationException) {
            finally {
                if (failed)
        private DiagnosticAnalyzer(DataTarget dataTarget, bool cacheObjects)
            _dataTarget     = dataTarget;
            CacheAllObjects = cacheObjects;

            if (_dataTarget.ClrVersions.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("No compatible CLR has been found on this machine");

            if (_dataTarget.ClrVersions.Length > 1)
                Debug.WriteLine("Multiple compatible CLR have been found on this machine, picking the first of the following list");
                foreach (var version in _dataTarget.ClrVersions)
                    var dacFilename = version.DacInfo.PlatformSpecificFileName;
                    var moduleInfo  = version.ModuleInfo;
                    Debug.WriteLine("CLR Version: " + version.Version);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Filesize:  {0:X}", moduleInfo.IndexFileSize);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0:X}", moduleInfo.IndexTimeStamp);
                    Debug.WriteLine("Dac File:  {0}", dacFilename);

            _clrInfo = _dataTarget.ClrVersions[0];
            if (_clrInfo.DacInfo.LocalDacPath == null)
                throw new Exception($"The runtime used in the dump is {_clrInfo.DacInfo.Version} and cannot be found on this installation");

            _clrLocation = new FileInfo(_clrInfo.DacInfo.LocalDacPath);
            _clrRuntime  = _clrInfo.CreateRuntime();
            _dacInfo     = _clrInfo.DacInfo;

예제 #11
        public void Decompile(Stream assemblyStream, TextWriter codeWriter)
            var currentSetup = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation;

            using (var dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(CurrentProcess.Id, UInt32.MaxValue, AttachFlag.Passive))
                using (var context = AppDomainContext.Create(new AppDomainSetup {
                    ApplicationBase = currentSetup.ApplicationBase,
                    PrivateBinPath = currentSetup.PrivateBinPath
                })) {
                    context.LoadAssembly(LoadMethod.LoadFrom, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetAssemblyFile().FullName);
                    var results = RemoteFunc.Invoke(context.Domain, assemblyStream, Remote.GetCompiledMethods);

                    var currentMethodAddressRef = new Reference <ulong>();
                    var runtime    = dataTarget.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
                    var translator = new IntelTranslator {
                        SymbolResolver = (Instruction instruction, long addr, ref long offset) =>
                                         ResolveSymbol(runtime, instruction, addr, currentMethodAddressRef.Value)

                    codeWriter.WriteLine("; This is an experimental implementation.");
                    codeWriter.WriteLine("; Please report any bugs to https://github.com/ashmind/TryRoslyn/issues.");
                    foreach (var result in results)
                        var methodHandle = (ulong)result.Handle.ToInt64();
                        var method       = runtime.GetMethodByHandle(methodHandle);
                        if (method == null)
                            codeWriter.WriteLine("    ; Method with handle 0x{0:X} was somehow not found by CLRMD.", methodHandle);
                            codeWriter.WriteLine("    ; See https://github.com/ashmind/TryRoslyn/issues/84.");

                        DisassembleAndWrite(method, result.Message, translator, currentMethodAddressRef, codeWriter);
예제 #12
        [WindowsFact] // ModuleInfo.Version only supports native modules at the moment
        public void FileVersionInfoVersionTest()
            bool found = false;

            // Make sure we never return different values for the version
            using DataTarget dt = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump();
            foreach (ModuleInfo module in dt.EnumerateModules())
                if (!module.IsManaged)

                PEImage img = module.GetPEImage();

                FileVersionInfo fileVersionInfo = img.GetFileVersionInfo();
                if (fileVersionInfo != null)
                    VersionInfo moduleVersion = module.Version;
                    Assert.Equal(moduleVersion, fileVersionInfo.VersionInfo);
                    found = true;

                if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(module.FileName).Equals("types", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Assert.Equal("", fileVersionInfo.FileVersion);
                    Assert.Equal("", fileVersionInfo.VersionInfo.ToString());
                    Assert.Equal("", fileVersionInfo.ToString());
                    Assert.Equal(1, fileVersionInfo.VersionInfo.Major);
                    Assert.Equal(2, fileVersionInfo.VersionInfo.Minor);
                    Assert.Equal(3, fileVersionInfo.VersionInfo.Revision);
                    Assert.Equal(4, fileVersionInfo.VersionInfo.Patch);

            Assert.True(found, "Did not find any modules with non-null GetFileVersionInfo to compare");
예제 #13
        public void PdbSourceLineTest()
            using (DataTarget dt = TestTargets.NestedException.LoadFullDump())
                ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
                ClrThread  thread  = runtime.GetMainThread();

                HashSet <int> sourceLines = new HashSet <int>();
                using (PdbReader reader = new PdbReader(TestTargets.NestedException.Pdb))
                    Assert.Equal(TestTargets.NestedException.Source, reader.Sources.Single().Name, true);

                    IEnumerable <PdbFunction> functions = from frame in thread.StackTrace
                                                          where frame.Kind != ClrStackFrameType.Runtime
                                                          select reader.GetFunctionFromToken(frame.Method.MetadataToken);

                    foreach (PdbFunction function in functions)
                        PdbSequencePointCollection sourceFile = function.SequencePoints.Single();

                        foreach (int line in sourceFile.Lines.Select(l => l.LineBegin))

                int curr = 0;
                foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(TestTargets.NestedException.Source))
                    if (line.Contains("/* seq */"))
                        Assert.Contains(curr, sourceLines);
예제 #14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Console.Write("Введите PID процесса : ");
            //var pidStr = Console.ReadLine();

            //if (!int.TryParse(pidStr, out var pid))
            //    Console.WriteLine("Не валидный PID.");

            var startProcess = new ProcessStartInfo(
                "C:/Repos/ModulBank-CRM/Web Services/CrmIntegrations/AsyncService/AsyncService/bin/Ass/Modulbank.Crm.AsyncService.exe");

            startProcess.CreateNoWindow = true;
            //startProcess.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;

            var targetProcess = Process.Start(startProcess);
            var pid           = targetProcess.Id;

            uint timeout = 10000;

                using (var target = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(pid, timeout, AttachFlag.Invasive))
                    PrintDumpInfo(target, Console.WriteLine);

            catch (Exception exc)
                Console.WriteLine($"Не удалось прицепиться к файлу : {exc.ToString()}.");

            Console.WriteLine("Введите любое значение для выхода.");
예제 #15
        public void ObjectSetAddRemove()
            using (DataTarget dataTarget = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump())
                ClrRuntime runtime = dataTarget.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
                ClrHeap    heap    = runtime.Heap;

                ObjectSet hash = new ObjectSet(heap);
                foreach (ulong obj in heap.EnumerateObjectAddresses())

                foreach (ulong obj in heap.EnumerateObjectAddresses())
예제 #16
        public void EnumerateAllPathshCancel()
            using (DataTarget dataTarget = TestTargets.GCRoot.LoadFullDump())
                ClrRuntime runtime = dataTarget.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
                ClrHeap    heap    = runtime.Heap;
                heap.StackwalkPolicy = ClrRootStackwalkPolicy.SkipStack;
                GCRoot gcroot = new GCRoot(runtime.Heap);

                CancellationTokenSource cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                GetKnownSourceAndTarget(runtime.Heap, out ulong source, out ulong target);
                    gcroot.EnumerateAllPaths(source, target, false, cancelSource.Token).ToArray();
                    Assert.Fail("Should have been cancelled!");
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
예제 #17
        public void InstanceFieldProperties()
            using (DataTarget dt = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump())
                ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
                ClrHeap    heap    = runtime.Heap;

                ClrType foo = runtime.GetModule("sharedlibrary.dll").GetTypeByName("Foo");

                CheckField(foo, "i", ClrElementType.Int32, "System.Int32", 4);

                CheckField(foo, "s", ClrElementType.String, "System.String", IntPtr.Size);
                CheckField(foo, "b", ClrElementType.Boolean, "System.Boolean", 1);
                CheckField(foo, "f", ClrElementType.Float, "System.Single", 4);
                CheckField(foo, "d", ClrElementType.Double, "System.Double", 8);
                CheckField(foo, "o", ClrElementType.Object, "System.Object", IntPtr.Size);

                // Fails due to:  https://github.com/Microsoft/clrmd/issues/101
                //CheckField(foo, "st", ClrElementType.Struct, "Struct", 4);
예제 #18
        public void PrevObject()
            using DataTarget dt      = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump();
            using ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
            ClrHeap heap = runtime.Heap;

            foreach (ClrSegment seg in heap.Segments)
                if (seg.Length == 0)
                ClrObject prev = heap.GetObject(seg.FirstObjectAddress);
                Assert.Equal(0ul, seg.GetPreviousObjectAddress(prev));

                foreach (ClrObject curr in seg.EnumerateObjects().Skip(1))
                    Assert.Equal(prev.Address, seg.GetPreviousObjectAddress(curr));

                    prev = curr;
예제 #19
        public void EnsureEnumerationStability()
            // I made some changes to v4.5 handle enumeration to enumerate handles out faster.
            // This test makes sure I have a stable enumeration.
            using DataTarget dt      = TestTargets.GCHandles.LoadFullDump();
            using ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();

            List <ClrHandle> handles = new List <ClrHandle>(runtime.EnumerateHandles());

            int i = 0;

            foreach (ClrHandle hnd in runtime.EnumerateHandles())
                Assert.Equal(handles[i].Address, hnd.Address);
                Assert.Equal(handles[i].Object, hnd.Object);
                Assert.Equal(handles[i].HandleKind, hnd.HandleKind);


            // We create at least this many handles in the test, plus the runtime uses some.
            Assert.True(handles.Count > 4);
예제 #20
        public void EnumerateDelegateTest()
            using DataTarget dt      = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump();
            using ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
            ClrModule typesModule = runtime.GetModule(TypeTests.ModuleName);
            ClrType   Types       = typesModule.GetTypeByName("Types");

            ClrDelegate TestDelegate = Types.GetStaticFieldByName("TestDelegate").ReadObject(runtime.AppDomains.Single()).AsDelegate();

            ClrDelegateTarget[] methods = TestDelegate.EnumerateDelegateTargets().ToArray();

            CompareToInner(Types, TestDelegate, methods[0]);

            ClrDelegate TestEvent = Types.GetStaticFieldByName("TestEvent").ReadObject(runtime.AppDomains.Single()).AsDelegate();

            methods = TestEvent.EnumerateDelegateTargets().ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(2, methods.Length);
            CompareToInner(Types, TestEvent, methods[0]);
            CompareToInstanceMethod(Types, TestEvent, methods[1]);
예제 #21
 public RuntimeService(ITarget target)
     _target              = target;
     target.OnFlushEvent += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
         if (_runtimes != null)
             if (_runtimes.Count > 0)
                 foreach (Runtime runtime in _runtimes)
                 // If there are no runtimes, try find them again when the target stops
                 _runtimes = null;
                 _dataTarget = null;
예제 #22
파일: PdbTests.cs 프로젝트: mikem8361/clrmd
        public void PdbEqualityTest()
            // Ensure all methods in our source file is in the pdb.
            using DataTarget dt      = TestTargets.NestedException.LoadFullDump();
            using ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();

            PdbInfo[] allPdbs = runtime.EnumerateModules().Select(m => m.Pdb).Where(pdb => pdb != null).ToArray();
            Assert.True(allPdbs.Length > 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < allPdbs.Length; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < allPdbs.Length; j++)
                    if (allPdbs[i].Path != allPdbs[j].Path)
예제 #23
        public static IEnumerable <MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64> EnumerateVMRegions(this DataTarget target)
            var   dataSpaces = (IDebugDataSpaces4)target.DebuggerInterface;
            ulong maxAddress = Environment.Is64BitProcess ? uint.MaxValue : ulong.MaxValue;

            for (ulong address = 0; address < maxAddress;)
                MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64 memInfo;
                if (0 != dataSpaces.QueryVirtual(address, out memInfo))

                if (memInfo.RegionSize == 0)

                yield return(memInfo);

                address += memInfo.RegionSize;
예제 #24
        public void Show()
            DataTarget = Spheris.Billing.Data.BillingDataFactory.NewInstance().CreateInvoiceGroupRepository();

            Specialists = DataTarget.GetSpecialists();
            BillingSpecialist allSpecialists = new Spheris.Billing.Core.Domain.BillingSpecialist("*", 0);

            Specialists.Insert(0, allSpecialists);
            SelectedSpecialist = allSpecialists;

            DeliveryMethods = DataTarget.GetDeliveryMethods();
            DeliveryMethod allDeliverys = new DeliveryMethod("*", "*");

            DeliveryMethods.Insert(0, allDeliverys);
            SelectedDeliveryMethod = allDeliverys;


예제 #25
        public void MinidumpCallstackTest()
            using DataTarget dt      = TestTargets.NestedException.LoadMiniDump();
            using ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
            ClrThread thread = runtime.GetMainThread();

            string[] frames = IntPtr.Size == 8 ? new[] { "Inner", "Inner", "Middle", "Outer", "Main" } : new[] { "Inner", "Middle", "Outer", "Main" };

            int i = 0;

            foreach (ClrStackFrame frame in thread.EnumerateStackTrace())
                if (frame.Kind == ClrStackFrameKind.ManagedMethod)
                    Assert.NotEqual(0ul, frame.InstructionPointer);
                    Assert.NotEqual(0ul, frame.StackPointer);
                    Assert.Equal(frames[i++], frame.Method.Name);
예제 #26
        public void ComponentType()
            // Simply test that we can enumerate the heap.

            using DataTarget dt      = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump();
            using ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
            ClrHeap heap = runtime.Heap;

            foreach (ClrObject obj in heap.EnumerateObjects())
                ClrType type = obj.Type;

                if (type.IsArray || type.IsPointer)
예제 #27
        public void IntegerObjectClrType()
            using (DataTarget dt = TestTargets.Types.LoadFullDump())
                ClrRuntime runtime = dt.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
                ClrHeap    heap    = runtime.Heap;

                ClrStaticField field = runtime.GetModule("types.exe").GetTypeByName("Types").GetStaticFieldByName("s_i");

                ulong   addr = (ulong)field.GetValue(runtime.AppDomains.Single());
                ClrType type = heap.GetObjectType(addr);

                object value = type.GetValue(addr);
                Assert.Equal("42", value.ToString());
                Assert.IsType <int>(value);
                Assert.Equal(42, (int)value);

                Assert.Contains(addr, heap.EnumerateObjectAddresses());
예제 #28
 public RuntimeService(ITarget target)
     _target = target;
     // TODO - mikem 4/30/21 - remove when dbgeng services doesn't take so long looking up exports (attempts to load PDBs).
     _exportReaderEnabled = target.Host.HostType != HostType.DbgEng || Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ENABLE_SOS_SINGLEFILE") == "1";
     _onFlushEvent        = target.OnFlushEvent.Register(() => {
         if (_runtimes is not null && _runtimes.Count == 0)
             // If there are no runtimes, try find them again when the target stops
             _runtimes = null;
             _dataTarget = null;
     // Can't make RuntimeService IDisposable directly because _dataTarget.Dispose() disposes the IDataReader
     // passed which is this RuntimeService instance which would call _dataTarget.Dispose again and causing a
     // stack overflow.
     target.OnDestroyEvent.Register(() => {
         _dataTarget = null;
예제 #29
        private static ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(int pid)
            // Create the data target.  This tells us the versions of CLR loaded in the target process.
            DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(pid, 60000, AttachFlag.Passive);

            dataTarget.SymbolLocator.SymbolPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH");

            // Now check bitness of our program/target:
            bool isTarget64Bit = dataTarget.PointerSize == 8;

            if (Environment.Is64BitProcess != isTarget64Bit)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Architecture mismatch:  Process is {0} but target is {1}", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64 bit" : "32 bit", isTarget64Bit ? "64 bit" : "32 bit"));

            // Note I just take the first version of CLR in the process.  You can loop over every loaded
            // CLR to handle the SxS case where both v2 and v4 are loaded in the process.
            ClrInfo version = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0];

            // Now that we have the DataTarget, the version of CLR, and the right dac, we create and return a
            // ClrRuntime instance.
예제 #30
        public void GCStaticRoots()
            using DataTarget dataTarget = TestTargets.GCRoot.LoadFullDump();
            ClrRuntime runtime = dataTarget.ClrVersions.Single().CreateRuntime();
            ClrHeap    heap    = runtime.Heap;

            heap.StackwalkPolicy = ClrRootStackwalkPolicy.SkipStack;
            GCRoot gcroot = new GCRoot(runtime.Heap);



            gcroot.AllowParallelSearch = false;

            gcroot.AllowParallelSearch = true;
예제 #31
파일: Report.cs 프로젝트: goldshtn/msos
 private ulong GetWin32HeapSize(DataTarget target)
     // TODO Find the ProcessHeaps pointer in the PEB, and the NumberOfHeaps field.
     //      This is an array of _HEAP structure pointers. Each _HEAP structure has
     //      a field called Counters of type HEAP_COUNTERS (is that so on older OS
     //      versions as well?), which has information about the reserve and commit
     //      size of that heap. This isn't accurate to the level of busy/free blocks,
     //      but should be a reasonable estimate of which part of memory is used for
     //      the Win32 heap.
     //      To find the PEB, use IDebugSystemObjects::GetCurrentProcessPeb().
     return 0;
예제 #32
파일: Report.cs 프로젝트: goldshtn/msos
        private ulong GetStacksSize(DataTarget target)
            // Find all the TEBs and then sum StackBase - StackLimit for all of them.
            // This gives us the committed size for each thread, but we don't have the
            // reserved size (which is the actual address space consumed). Theoretically,
            // we could get it from enumerating the memory region adjacent to the committed
            // pages and the guard page that follows. Also, for WoW64 threads, we are only
            // reporting the x86 stack (the x64 stack doesn't live in the 4GB address space
            // anyway, so it's not that relevant).

            IDebugSystemObjects sysObjects = (IDebugSystemObjects)target.DebuggerInterface;
            uint numThreads;
            HR.Verify(sysObjects.GetNumberThreads(out numThreads));

            ulong totalCommit = 0;
            for (uint i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i)

                ulong tebAddress;
                HR.Verify(sysObjects.GetCurrentThreadTeb(out tebAddress));

                int read;
                byte[] teb = new byte[IntPtr.Size * 3]; // ExceptionList, StackBase, StackLimit
                if (target.ReadProcessMemory(tebAddress, teb, teb.Length, out read) &&
                    read == teb.Length)
                    ulong stackBase = AddressFromBytes(teb, IntPtr.Size);
                    ulong stackLimit = AddressFromBytes(teb, IntPtr.Size * 2);
                    totalCommit = stackBase - stackLimit;

            return totalCommit;