private static async void OnSearch(object sender, EventArgs e) { mainLabel.Text = "Cargando..."; PokemonSpecies p = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(pkmnText.Text.ToLower()); Pokemon pk = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(pkmnText.Text.ToLower()); if (p == null || pk == null) { throw new Exception("Eso no es un Pokemon o llegaste al límite de llamadas al API."); } else { try { pkmnId = p.ID; mainLabel.Text = "Ingresa el nombre de un Pokémon:"; GetMainInfo(pkmnId, p, pk); GetBaseStats(pk); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Ajale jaleo!"); } } }
public async Task Purge([Remainder()] string name) { IUserMessage msg = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Fetching Data..."); try { PokeAPI.Pokemon p = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokeAPI.Pokemon>(name.ToLower()); EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = "Pokemon Request by Name", Color = Color.DarkGreen, ThumbnailUrl = p.Sprites.FrontMale }; builder.Description = $"{FormatHelper.Capatalize(p.Name)} the {FormatHelper.Capatalize((await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject<PokemonSpecies>(name)).Genera[2].Name)}"; EmbedFieldBuilder field = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Base Stats", IsInline = true }; foreach (PokemonStats stat in p.Stats) { field.Value += $"{FormatHelper.Capatalize(stat.Stat.Name)}: {stat.BaseValue.ToString()}\n"; } builder.AddField(field); await msg.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Content = ""; x.Embed = builder.Build(); }); } catch { await msg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Content = "Could find pokemon with name: " + name); } }
public async Task TestPokemonApi() { PokemonSpecies p = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(pokemonName); Assert.IsNotNull(p); Assert.AreEqual(p.Name, pokemonName); }
[HttpGet] // https://localhost:44392/api/pokemon?name=charizard public async Task <PokemonModel> GetPokemon([FromQuery] string name) { var obj = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(name.ToLower()); // wrapper can't handle any uppercase letters, wah wah // create PokemonModel from PokeApi.Pokemon var pokemon = new PokemonModel() { Id = obj.ID, Name = obj.Name, BackImageUri = obj.Sprites.BackMale, FrontImageUri = obj.Sprites.FrontMale, BaseHP = obj.Stats.Where(s => s.Stat.Name.ToLower().Equals("hp")).Select(s => s.BaseValue).FirstOrDefault() * 10, ActingHP = obj.Stats.Where(s => s.Stat.Name.ToLower().Equals("hp")).Select(s => s.BaseValue).FirstOrDefault() * 10, Attack = obj.Stats.Where(s => s.Stat.Name.ToLower().Equals("attack")).Select(s => s.BaseValue).FirstOrDefault(), Defense = obj.Stats.Where(s => s.Stat.Name.ToLower().Equals("defense")).Select(s => s.BaseValue).FirstOrDefault(), SpecialAttack = obj.Stats.Where(s => s.Stat.Name.ToLower().Equals("special-attack")).Select(s => s.BaseValue).FirstOrDefault(), SpecialDefense = obj.Stats.Where(s => s.Stat.Name.ToLower().Equals("special-defense")).Select(s => s.BaseValue).FirstOrDefault(), Speed = obj.Stats.Where(s => s.Stat.Name.ToLower().Equals("speed")).Select(s => s.BaseValue).FirstOrDefault() }; // add list of available moves to pokemon obj.Moves.Select(m => m.Move).ToList().ForEach(m => { pokemon.Moves.Add( new MoveModel() { Name = m.Name, ResourceUri = m.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString() }); }); foreach (var m in pokemon.Moves) { var info = await GetAdditionInfo(m.ResourceUri); if (info != null && info.Count > 0) { m.Id = info.ContainsKey("id") ? int.Parse(info?["id"].ToString()) : 0; m.Damage = info.ContainsKey("power") && info?["power"] != null?int.Parse(info?["power"].ToString()) : 0; m.Category = info.ContainsKey("damage_class") && info?["damage_class"] != null ? ((ExpandoObject)info?["damage_class"]).First().Value.ToString() : string.Empty; m.Type = info.ContainsKey("type") ? ((ExpandoObject)info?["type"]).First().Value.ToString() : string.Empty; } } pokemon.Moves.RemoveAll(m => m.Damage == 0); // get rid of moves without damage // add any types to the pokemon obj.Types.ToList().ForEach(t => { pokemon.Types.Add(new Shared.Models.PokemonType { Name = t.Type.Name, ResourceUri = t.Type.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString() }); }); return(pokemon); }
/// <summary> /// This method uses the text of the activity to decide which type /// of card to respond with and reply with that card to the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="step">A <see cref="WaterfallStepContext"/> provides context for the current waterfall step.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken" >(Optional) A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> that can be used by other objects /// or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="DialogTurnResult"/> indicating the turn has ended.</returns> /// <remarks>Related types <see cref="Attachment"/> and <see cref="AttachmentLayoutTypes"/>.</remarks> private static async Task <DialogTurnResult> ShowCardStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext step, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Get the pokemon name from the activity var pokemonName = step.Context.Activity.Text.ToLowerInvariant().Split(' ')[0]; // Reply to the activity we received with an activity. var reply = step.Context.Activity.CreateReply(); // Cards are sent as Attachments in the Bot Framework. // So we need to create a list of attachments on the activity. reply.Attachments = new List <Attachment>(); Pokemon pokemon = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(pokemonName); PokemonSpecies pokemonSpecies = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(pokemonName); reply.Attachments.Add(GetThumbnailCard(pokemon, pokemonSpecies).ToAttachment()); // Send the card(s) to the user as an attachment to the activity await step.Context.SendActivityAsync(reply, cancellationToken); // Give the user instructions about what to do next await step.Context.SendActivityAsync("Type another Pokémon name to see information about it!", cancellationToken : cancellationToken); return(await step.EndDialogAsync(cancellationToken : cancellationToken)); }
private async Task GetPkmnType(IDialogContext context, string PkmnName) { try { List <string> Types = new List <string>(); Pokemon p = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(PkmnName); if (p != null) { string Tipos = ""; foreach (var tp in p.Types) { Types.Add(tp.Type.Name); Tipos += tp.Type.Name; Tipos += " "; } //string Tipos = "Flying Dragon "; // Para testes no Proxy await context.PostAsync($"Tipo(s) de {PkmnName}: {Tipos.Trim()}"); } context.Wait(MessageReceived); } catch (Exception e) { await context.PostAsync($"[GetPkmnType]Ocorreu um erro: {e.Message}"); } }
public async Task <PokemonApi> recuperarPokemonAPI(string nombrePokemon) { try { PokemonApi pokemonApi = new PokemonApi(); PokemonSpecies pokemonSpecie = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(nombrePokemon.ToLower()); if (pokemonSpecie != null) { pokemonApi.Id = pokemonSpecie.ID; pokemonApi.Nombre = pokemonSpecie.Name; PokeAPI.Pokemon pokemon = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokeAPI.Pokemon>(pokemonSpecie.ID.ToString()); if (pokemon.Types != null) { pokemonApi.Tipo = pokemon.Types[0].Type.Name; } return(pokemonApi); } } catch (Exception error) { } return(null); }
public async Task <List <string> > GetMoves(string name) { var obj = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(name); var moves = obj.Moves.Select(m => m.Move.Name).ToList(); return(moves); }
public bool DisplayMoves() { try { Console.WriteLine("Displaying list of moves......"); Task <PokeAPI.Pokemon> p = DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokeAPI.Pokemon>(Name); PokemonMove[] returnedmoves = p.Result.Moves; int linecountspace = 0; Task <PokeAPI.Move>[] moves = new Task <PokeAPI.Move> [returnedmoves.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < returnedmoves.Length; i++) { moves[i] = (DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokeAPI.Move>(returnedmoves[i].Move.Name.ToString())); } Task.WaitAll(moves); foreach (Task <PokeAPI.Move> e in moves) { if (e.Result.Power != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Result.Power.ToString())) { string movestring = e.Result.Name.ToString(); Console.Write(movestring + ", "); AvailbleMoves.Add(movestring); linecountspace++; if (linecountspace == 4) { Console.Write("\n"); linecountspace = 0; } } e.Dispose(); } //foreach (PokeAPI.PokemonMove element in returnedmoves) //{ // Task<PokeAPI.Move> m = DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject<PokeAPI.Move>(element.Move.Name.ToString()); // if (m.Result.Power != 0 && m.Result.Power.ToString() != "" && m.Result.Power != null) // { // string movestring = element.Move.Name.ToString(); // Console.Write(movestring + ", "); // AvailbleMoves.Add(movestring); // linecountspace++; // if (linecountspace == 4) // { // Console.Write("\n"); // linecountspace = 0; // } // } //} return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error most likely with pokemon name! \n" + e.Message); return(false); } }
public static async Task <JsonResult> getTranslatedDescription(string pokemonName) { PokemonSpecies p; try { p = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(pokemonName); } catch (HttpRequestException) { return(new JsonResult(ErrorMessage.pokeMonNotFoundOrUnAvailable) { StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound }); } catch (PokemonParseException ex) { return(new JsonResult(ex.Message) { StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError }); } try { string description = Array.Find(p.FlavorTexts, element => element.Language.Name == "en").FlavorText; JsonResult shakespeareResult = await ShakespeareClient.getShakespeareTranslated(description); if (shakespeareResult.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status429TooManyRequests) { return(new JsonResult(ErrorMessage.tooManyRequest) { StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status429TooManyRequests }); } PokemonDetails pDetails = new PokemonDetails() { Name = p.Name, Description = shakespeareResult.Value.ToString() }; return(new JsonResult(pDetails) { StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status200OK // Status code here }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(ex.Message) { StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError // Status code here }); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <Pokemon> > Get(string pokemonName) { try { PokemonSpecies pokemon = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(pokemonName); // For demo purposes, we assume the desired flavortext will always be provided by index 1 // In a real scenario, this should change, by specifying what we should do with the foreign language // (e.g. always select en, translate the text, select specific value etc) string originalDescription = pokemon.FlavorTexts[1].FlavorText; var client = new HttpClient(); // Create the HttpContent for the form to be posted. var requestContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("text", originalDescription), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("api_key", "dWuL_uQCQj4GYAxQDaVTEweF"), }); // Get the response. HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync( "", requestContent); // Get the response content. HttpContent responseContent = response.Content; // Get the stream of the content. using (var reader = new StreamReader(await responseContent.ReadAsStreamAsync())) { // Write the output JObject translatedPokemonDescriptionResult = JObject.Parse(await reader.ReadToEndAsync()); string translatedPokemonDescriptionResultText = (string)translatedPokemonDescriptionResult["contents"]["translated"]; // Create an object for the requested Pokemon including Pokemon's name and Shakespeare's description Pokemon requestedPokemon = new Pokemon(); requestedPokemon.Name = pokemonName; requestedPokemon.Description = translatedPokemonDescriptionResultText; return(requestedPokemon); } } catch (Exception error) { // Log error // In caase of error, return a friendly message to the user. Pokemon unknownPokemon = new Pokemon(); unknownPokemon.Name = "MissingNO"; unknownPokemon.Description = "Are you trying to catch MISSINGNO? ( " + "Why don't you try a different name of a friendlier Pokemon such as 'Charizard', or 'Bulbasaur'?"; return(unknownPokemon); } }
/// </inheritdoc> public async Task <PokemonInformation> GetPokemonInformationAsync(string pokemonName) { _logger.LogDebug($"Fetching data using the Pokemon's name"); // because both the api and smogon use lower case pokemonName = pokemonName.ToLower(); // get information from the API PokemonSpecies pokemonSpecies = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(pokemonName); Pokemon pokemon = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(pokemonName); return(await GetSmogonInformationAndMergeItAsync(pokemonName, pokemonSpecies, pokemon)); }
private async Task <string> CreateStarterPokemonXMLAsync(string starterName) { PRPGDiscordBot.Models.Team team = new Models.Team(); PokeAPI.Pokemon p = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokeAPI.Pokemon>(starterName.ToLower()); Models.Pokemon pokemon = new Models.Pokemon() { ID = p.ID, Level = 5, PokeBallType = Models.PokeBallType.PokeBall, Form = 0, Happiness = 70, Nickname = "", Shiny = false, Status = Models.Status.None }; pokemon.Stats = Models.Pokemon.GenerateStarterStats(p); pokemon.Moves = Models.Pokemon.GenerateStarterMoves(p); pokemon.Ability.Name = p.Abilities[0].Ability.Name; team.Add(pokemon); return(team.Serialize()); }
public async void UpdateData() { if (SelectedPokemon == null) { return; } if (!StaticPokemonNames.Contains(SelectedPokemon)) { return; } Pokemon p = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(SelectedPokemon); CalcMon.BasePokemon = p; Abilities = p.Abilities.Select(a => a.Ability.Name).ToList(); CalcMon.Ability = Abilities[0]; this.RaisePropertyChanged(x => x.CalcMon); }
public bool SearchPokemonAsync(string name) { try { Task <PokemonSpecies> p = DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(name.Trim().ToLower()); if (p.Result.Name.ToString() == name) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Compose the pokemon specs /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Pokemon's name used to search on API</param> public async void getPokemon(string name) { try { Pokemon p = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(name); Image(p); Name(p); Height(p); Mass(p); Species(p); Moves(p); Ability(p); Types(p); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("Error.html"); } }
public async Task GetPokemon([Summary("pokemonName")] string pokemonName) { try { DataFetcher.ShouldCacheData = true; Pokemon pokemon; try { pokemon = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(pokemonName.ToLower()); } catch { await ReplyAsync("I couldn't find that pokemon :confused:"); return; } var embed = await pokemonEmbedBuilder(pokemon); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } catch (Exception e) { _errorHandler.HandleCommandException(e, Context); } }
public async Task GetPokemon(string pokemon, string group = null) => await SendPokemonAsync(await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(pokemon.ToLowerInvariant()).ConfigureAwait(false), group ?? "default").ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task <PokeAPI.Move> FetchMove(String MoveName) { return(await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokeAPI.Move>(MoveName)); }
public async Task <Pokemon> GetPokemon() { return(await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>("excadrill")); }
/// <summary> /// Author: Samuel Gardner /// </summary> public void LoadData() { var tempLineUp = new List <Pokemon>(); var getPokemonQuery = (TrainerName == string.Empty ? "SELECT `Pokemon1`,`MovesCSV1`,`Pokemon2`,`MovesCSV2`,`Pokemon3`,`MovesCSV3`" + ",`Pokemon4`,`MovesCSV4`,`Pokemon5`,`MovesCSV5`,`Pokemon6`,`MovesCSV6`" + " FROM sql3346222.TrainerLineup WHERE(UserID = @ID);" : "SELECT `Pokemon1`,`MovesCSV1`,`Pokemon2`,`MovesCSV2`,`Pokemon3`,`MovesCSV3`" + ",`Pokemon4`,`MovesCSV4`,`Pokemon5`,`MovesCSV5`,`Pokemon6`,`MovesCSV6`" + " FROM sql3346222.EliteFour WHERE(TrainerName = @Username);"); //Get pokemon from DB Con.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(getPokemonQuery, Con); if (TrainerName == string.Empty) { cmd.Parameters.Add(@"@ID", MySqlDbType.Int32); cmd.Parameters[@"@ID"].Value = TrainerId; } else { cmd.Parameters.Add(@"@Username", MySqlDbType.VarChar); cmd.Parameters[@"@Username"].Value = TrainerName; } using (MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { var tasks = new Queue <Tuple <Task <PokeAPI.Pokemon>, List <Task <PokeAPI.Move> > > >(); Dictionary <string, Task <PokeAPI.Pokemon> > requestedPokemon = new Dictionary <string, Task <PokeAPI.Pokemon> >(); Dictionary <string, Task <PokeAPI.Move> > requestedMoves = new Dictionary <string, Task <PokeAPI.Move> >(); Task <PokeAPI.Pokemon> tempGetPoke = null; List <Task <PokeAPI.Move> > tempGetMove = null; while (reader.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { //this record is a pokemon. string cleaned = reader.GetString(i).Trim().ToLower(); if (requestedPokemon.ContainsKey(cleaned)) { Console.WriteLine($"Pokemon {cleaned} already requested, removing redundancy..."); tempGetPoke = requestedPokemon[cleaned]; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Starting request for pokemon: {cleaned}..."); tempGetPoke = DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokeAPI.Pokemon>(cleaned); requestedPokemon.Add(cleaned, tempGetPoke); } //tempGetPoke.Start(); } else { //this record is a moves. tempGetMove = reader.GetString(i).Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => { string cleaned = x.Trim().ToLower(); if (requestedMoves.ContainsKey(cleaned)) { Console.WriteLine($"Move {cleaned} already requested, removing redundancy..."); return(requestedMoves[cleaned]); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Starting request for move: {cleaned}..."); requestedMoves.Add(cleaned, DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokeAPI.Move>(cleaned)); return(requestedMoves[cleaned]); } }).ToList(); //tempGetMove = GetMovesAsync(reader.GetString(i).Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(x => x.Trim()).ToArray()); //tempGetMove.ForEach(x => //{ // x.Start(); //}); } if (tempGetMove != null && tempGetPoke != null) { tasks.Enqueue(new Tuple <Task <PokeAPI.Pokemon>, List <Task <PokeAPI.Move> > >(tempGetPoke, tempGetMove)); tempGetMove = null; tempGetPoke = null; } } } //Task.WaitAll(tasks.Select(x => new List<Task>(x.Item2).Add(x.Item1)).Aggregate((x, y) => x.Concat(y).ToArray())); foreach (Tuple <Task <PokeAPI.Pokemon>, List <Task <PokeAPI.Move> > > e in tasks) { Task.WaitAll((e.Item2.Select(x => (Task)x).Append((Task)e.Item1)).ToArray()); int hp = e.Item1.Result.Stats.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Stat.Name == "hp").BaseValue; tempLineUp.Add(new Pokemon() { BaseHP = hp, ActingHP = hp, Attack = e.Item1.Result.Stats.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Stat.Name == "attack").BaseValue, Defense = e.Item1.Result.Stats.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Stat.Name == "defense").BaseValue, SpecialAttack = e.Item1.Result.Stats.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Stat.Name == "special-attack").BaseValue, SpecialDefense = e.Item1.Result.Stats.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Stat.Name == "special-defense").BaseValue, Speed = e.Item1.Result.Stats.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Stat.Name == "speed").BaseValue, BackImageUri = e.Item1.Result.Sprites.BackFemale ?? e.Item1.Result.Sprites.BackMale, FrontImageUri = e.Item1.Result.Sprites.FrontFemale ?? e.Item1.Result.Sprites.FrontMale, Id = e.Item1.Result.ID, Species = e.Item1.Result.Species.Name, ConsoleMoves = e.Item2.Select(x => new Move() { Damage = x.Result.Power ?? 0, IsPhysical = x.Result.DamageClass.Name == "physical", Name = x.Result.Name, Type = x.Result.Type.Name }).ToList(), ConsoleTypes = e.Item1.Result.Types.Select(x => x.Type.Name).ToList(), Moves = e.Item2.Select(x => new Web.Shared.Models.MoveModel() { Category = x.Result.DamageClass.Name, Damage = x.Result.Power ?? 0, Id = x.Result.ID, Name = x.Result.Name, ResourceUri = null, //Not sure what to do about this field. Seleted = default, //Not sure what to do about this either.
public void SearchPokemonAsync() { Task <PokemonSpecies> p = DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokemonSpecies>(SearchedName); ReturnedName = p.Result.Name.ToString(); }
public async Task <Pokemon> GetPokemonAsync(string pokemonName) { var p = await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <Pokemon>(pokemonName.ToLower()); return(p); }
// Fetch Task by name public async Task <PokeAPI.Pokemon> FetchPokemonByName(string PokemonName) { return(await DataFetcher.GetNamedApiObject <PokeAPI.Pokemon>(PokemonName)); }