public IActionResult Index() { string url; url = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:ProductsAPI") + "/Home/getProducts"; Result result = new Result(); result = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, url, result); products = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Product> >(result.Value.ToString()); ViewData["products"] = products; return(View()); }
public IActionResult Index() //this renders the entire cart view { //retrieve all product from productAPI string productAPIurl = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:ProductsAPI") + "/Home/getProducts"; Result p_result = new Result(); p_result = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, productAPIurl, p_result); products = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Product> >(p_result.Value.ToString()); //retrieve productId from cookie List <string> currentcartid = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(Request.Cookies["CartState"]); List <Product> currentcart = new List <Product>(); foreach (string ItemId in currentcartid) { foreach (Product product in products) { if (ItemId == product.Id) { currentcart.Add(product); } } } ViewData["totalprice"] = currentcart.Sum(item => item.unitPrice).ToString("c"); ViewData["CartView"] = currentcart; return(View()); }
public string Example([FromBody] Operand operand) { string url; url = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:TokenAPI") + "/Home/Example"; operand = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, url, operand); return(JsonSerializer.Serialize(operand)); }
public string Compute([FromBody] Operand operand) { string url; url = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:TokenAPI") + "/Home/Tokenize"; operand = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, url, operand); url = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:TransformAPI") + "/Home/InfixToPostfix"; operand = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, url, operand); url = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:ReducerAPI") + "/Home/ReducePostfix"; operand = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, url, operand); return(JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { result = operand.Value })); }
public IActionResult SuccessPayment(Result result) { string userid = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string>(Request.Cookies["UserId"]); //retrieve all product from productAPI string productAPIurl = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:ProductsAPI") + "/Home/getProducts"; Result p_result = new Result(); p_result = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, productAPIurl, p_result); products = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Product> >(p_result.Value.ToString()); //retrieve productId from CartState in cookie List <string> checkoutcart = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(Request.Cookies["CartState"]); Product temp = new Product(); List <Orders> finalorderskept = new List <Orders>(); DateTime x = DateTime.UtcNow; foreach (string ItemId in checkoutcart) { foreach (Product product in products) { if (ItemId == product.Id) { temp = product; break; } } Orders finalorder = new Orders(); finalorder.imageURL = temp.imageURL; finalorder.productId = temp.Id; finalorder.unitPrice = temp.unitPrice; finalorder.userId = userid; finalorder.timestamp = x; finalorderskept.Add(finalorder); } result.Value = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalorderskept); string url = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:OrdersAPI") + "/Home/receiveorders"; result = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, url, result); Response.Cookies.Delete("CartState"); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Product")); //Change if we want to show a different checkout page }
public IActionResult Index() { string url; url = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:AccountAPI") + "/Home/getAccounts"; Result result = new Result(); result = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, url, result); accounts = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Account> >(result.Value.ToString()); if (Request.Cookies["UserId"] != null) //this block of code pull unpaid cart item back to cookies { //pull all unpaid ItemId from CartAPI based on UserId Result result2 = new Result(); result.Value = Request.Cookies["UserId"]; string url2 = cfg.GetValue <string>("Hosts:CartAPI") + "/Home/getProducts"; result2 = dataFetcher.GetData(httpClient, url2, result); List <Cart> carthistory = new List <Cart>(); carthistory = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Cart> >(result2.Value.ToString()); List <string> cartid = new List <string>(); foreach (Cart x in carthistory) { cartid.Add(x.productId); } if (Request.Cookies["CartState"] == null) { Response.Cookies.Append("CartState", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cartid)); } else { List <string> currentcart = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <string> >(Request.Cookies["CartState"]); currentcart.AddRange(cartid); Response.Cookies.Append("CartState", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(currentcart)); } } ViewData["accounts"] = accounts; return(View()); }