public override ReactElement Render() { var className = props.ClassName; if (!props.Messages.Any()) { className += (className == "" ? "" : " ") + "zero-messages"; } var messagesInv = props.Messages.Reverse(); var messageElements = messagesInv .Select(savedMessage => DOM.Div( new Attributes { Key = savedMessage.Id.ToString(), ClassName = "historical-message" }, DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "title" }, savedMessage.Message.Title), DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "content" }, savedMessage.Message.Content) )); return(DOM.FieldSet( new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = className }, DOM.Legend(null, props.ClassName), DOM.Div(messageElements) )); }
public override ReactElement Render() { var className = props.ClassName.IsDefined ? props.ClassName.Value : ""; if (!props.Messages.Any()) { className += (className == "" ? "" : " ") + "zero-messages"; } var messageElements = props.Messages .Select(savedMessage => DOM.Div(new Attributes { Key = savedMessage.Id.ToString(), ClassName = "historical-message" }, DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "title" }, savedMessage.Message.Title.Value), DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "content" }, savedMessage.Message.Content.Value) )); return(DOM.FieldSet(new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = (className == "" ? null : className) }, DOM.Legend(null, "Message History"), DOM.Div(messageElements) )); }
public override ReactElement Render() { var taAtt = new TextAreaAttributes { Style = Style.Margin(5).Padding(5).FontSize(18).Width(500), ClassName = props.Titre.Value, Name = props.Titre.Value, //Cols = 10, Wrap = Html5.Wrap.Soft, Rows = 5, MaxLength = 10, Value = ListToString(props.ItemApi), OnChange = e => props.OnChangeSTB(e.CurrentTarget.Value), Ref = e => _element = e, //SelectionStart = _selStart, //SelectionEnd = _selEnd }; var ti = new TextInput( disabled: props.Disabled, content: props.InputValueSTB.ToString(), onChange: e => props.OnChange(e), className: new NonBlankTrimmedString("Content") ); var ba = new ButtonAttributes { Disabled = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(props.InputValueSTB.ToString()), OnClick = e => props.OnSave() //OnClick = async(e) => //{ // props.OnSave(); // await props.MessageApi.SaveMessage(iDelaiMsec: 1000); // _element.Select(); // //ScrollToBottom(); //}, }; return (DOM.FieldSet( new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = props.Titre.Value }, DOM.Legend(null, props.Titre.Value), // ToDo : éviter saut de ligne DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "label" }, "Add item : "), ti, DOM.TextArea(taAtt), DOM.Button(ba, "Add") )); }
public override ReactElement Render() { var fa = new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = props.ClassName }; var lgd = DOM.Legend(null, string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( props.Title + " : " + props.Content) ? "Untitled" : props.Title + " : " + props.Content); var la = new Attributes { ClassName = "label" }; var tiTitle = new TextInput ( disabled: false, content: props.Title, onChange: e => props.OnChange(new MessageDetails(e, props.Content)), className: new NonBlankTrimmedString("Title") ); var tiContent = new TextInput ( disabled: false, content: props.Content, onChange: e => props.OnChange(new MessageDetails(props.Title, e)), className: new NonBlankTrimmedString("Content") ); var ba = new ButtonAttributes { Disabled = props.Disabled, OnClick = e => props.OnSave() }; return(DOM.FieldSet( fa, lgd, DOM.Span(la, "Title"), tiTitle, DOM.Span(la, "Content"), tiContent, DOM.Button(ba, "Save") )); }
public override ReactElement Render() { var formIsInvalid = props.Message.Title.ValidationError.IsDefined || props.Message.Content.ValidationError.IsDefined; var isSaveDisabled = formIsInvalid || props.Message.IsSaveInProgress; return(DOM.FieldSet(new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.IsDefined ? props.ClassName.Value : null }, DOM.Legend(null, props.Message.Caption.Value), DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "label" }, "Title"), new ValidatedTextInput( className: new NonBlankTrimmedString("title"), disabled: props.Message.IsSaveInProgress, content: props.Message.Title.Text, validationMessage: props.Message.Title.ValidationError, onChange: newTitle => props.OnChange(props.Message.With(_ => _.Title, new TextEditState(newTitle))) ), DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "label" }, "Content"), new ValidatedTextInput( className: new NonBlankTrimmedString("content"), disabled: props.Message.IsSaveInProgress, content: props.Message.Content.Text, validationMessage: props.Message.Content.ValidationError, onChange: newContent => props.OnChange(props.Message.With(_ => _.Content, new TextEditState(newContent))) ), DOM.Button( new ButtonAttributes { Disabled = isSaveDisabled, OnClick = e => props.OnSave() }, "Save" ) )); }
public override ReactElement Render() { var itemsElements = props.ItemApi.GetItems().Select(idAndString => GetOptionX(idAndString.Item1, idAndString.Item2)); // Margin : marge externe, Padding : marge interne var lblAtt = new LabelAttributes { Style = Style.Margin(20).Padding(5) }; //.FontSize(12) var tooltipAtt = new Attributes { ClassName = "tooltip" }; var tooltiptextAtt = new Attributes { ClassName = "tooltiptext" }; if (props.Multiple.Value) { var selAttMultiple = new SelectAttributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value, Name = props.Title.ToString(), Values = SetItems(props.CheckBoxArray), Multiple = props.Multiple.Value, Size = itemsElements.Count(), Disabled = props.Disabled.Value, // Pour cacher le scroll vertical, il faudrait appliquer un ReactStyle : // OverFlow = Hidden, : appartient à ReactStyle //Padding = 10, //ReadOnly = true, OnChange = e => props.OnChange(e.CurrentTarget.Value), }; if (props.OneListPerLine.Value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Tip)) { return (DOM.FieldSet( new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value }, DOM.Legend(null, props.Title.ToString()), DOM.Select(selAttMultiple, itemsElements) )); } else { return (DOM.FieldSet( new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value }, DOM.Div(tooltipAtt, props.Title, DOM.Span(tooltiptextAtt, props.Tip)), DOM.Select(selAttMultiple, itemsElements) )); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Tip)) { return (DOM.Span( new Attributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value }, DOM.Label(lblAtt, props.Title.ToString()), DOM.Select(selAttMultiple, itemsElements) )); } else { return (DOM.Span( new Attributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value }, DOM.Div(tooltipAtt, props.Title, DOM.Span(tooltiptextAtt, props.Tip)), DOM.Select(selAttMultiple, itemsElements) )); } } var selAttSimple = new SelectAttributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value, Name = props.Title.ToString(), Value = props.ItemSelected.Value, Multiple = props.Multiple.Value, Size = itemsElements.Count(), Disabled = props.Disabled.Value, OnChange = e => props.OnChange(e.CurrentTarget.Value) }; if (props.OneListPerLine.Value) { // Saut de ligne, un seul SelectList sur une ligne // The <fieldset> tag is used to group related elements in a form. // The <fieldset> tag draws a box around the related elements. // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Tip)) { return (DOM.FieldSet( new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value }, DOM.Legend(null, props.Title.ToString()), DOM.Select(selAttSimple, itemsElements) )); } else { return (DOM.FieldSet( new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value }, DOM.Div(tooltipAtt, props.Title, DOM.Span(tooltiptextAtt, props.Tip)), DOM.Select(selAttSimple, itemsElements) )); } } // Pas de saut de ligne, on peut avoir plusieurs SelectList sur une ligne if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(props.Tip)) { return (DOM.Span( new Attributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value }, DOM.Label(lblAtt, props.Title.ToString()), DOM.Select(selAttSimple, itemsElements) )); } else { return (DOM.Span( new Attributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value }, DOM.Div(tooltipAtt, props.Title, DOM.Span(tooltiptextAtt, props.Tip)), DOM.Select(selAttSimple, itemsElements) )); } }