public void TestDOM3() { string s = null; string expected = ""; Assert.AreEqual(expected, DOM.UpperCaseFirst(s)); }
public override ReactElement Render() { // If state has no valueyet, then the Store has not been initialised and its OnChange event has not been called - in this case, we are not ready to // render anything and so should return null here if (!state.IsDefined) { return(null); } // A good guideline to follow with stateful components is that the State reference should contain everything required to draw the components and // props should only be used to access a Dispatcher reference to deal with callbacks from those components return(DOM.Div(null, new MessageEditor( className: new NonBlankTrimmedString("message"), message: state.Value.NewMessage, onChange: newState => props.Dispatcher.Dispatch(new MessageEditStateChanged(newState)), onSave: () => { // No validation is required here since the MessageEditor shouldn't let OnSave be called if the current message state is invalid // (ie. if either field has a ValidationMessage). In some applications, it is preferred that validation messages not be shown // until a save request is attempted (in which case some additional validation WOULD be performed here), but this app keeps // things simpler by showing validation messages for all inputs until they have acceptable values (meaning that the first // time the form is draw, it has validation messages displayed even though the user hasn't interacted with it yet). props.Dispatcher.Dispatch(new MessageSaveRequested( new MessageDetails( new NonBlankTrimmedString(state.Value.NewMessage.Title.Text), new NonBlankTrimmedString(state.Value.NewMessage.Content.Text) ) )); } ), new MessageHistory(className: new NonBlankTrimmedString("history"), messages: state.Value.MessageHistory) )); }
public void TestDOM2() { string s = "asDa"; string expected = "AsDa"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, DOM.UpperCaseFirst(s)); }
public GameObject AddDOM(DOM parent, int domID, Vector3 pos) { if (prefab == null) { prefab = Resources.Load <singleBall>("Prefabs/sBall"); Debug.Log(prefab); } singleBall exp = Instantiate <singleBall>(prefab); //exp.gameObject.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = parent.material; = "String " + + " DOM " + domID; //exp.absSpeed=decOffset; //exp.decExp=0.8f+Mathf.Min(decOffset/450.0f,0.1f); this.balls.Add(domID, exp); // Dom dom = exp.gameObject.AddComponent<Dom>(). // Initialize(parent, domID, pos); // = id; //this.mesh = parent.mesh; //this.material = parent.material; float rradius = 0.01651f * cfg.domScale * cfg.globalScale; exp.transform.parent = parent.transform; exp.transform.localScale = * rradius; //relative exp.transform.localPosition = pos; // this.doms.Add(domID, dom); this.maxZ = System.Math.Max(this.maxZ, pos.y); this.minZ = System.Math.Min(this.minZ, pos.y); return(exp.gameObject); }
public override ReactElement Render() { var className = props.ClassName; if (!props.Messages.Any()) { className += (className == "" ? "" : " ") + "zero-messages"; } var messagesInv = props.Messages.Reverse(); var messageElements = messagesInv .Select(savedMessage => DOM.Div( new Attributes { Key = savedMessage.Id.ToString(), ClassName = "historical-message" }, DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "title" }, savedMessage.Message.Title), DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "content" }, savedMessage.Message.Content) )); return(DOM.FieldSet( new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = className }, DOM.Legend(null, props.ClassName), DOM.Div(messageElements) )); }
public void FillDetails() { NewUserDetails u = new NewUserDetails(); u.FirstName = "Random"; u.LastName = "Person"; u.UserName = "******" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond; u.CurrentEmail = "*****@*****.**"; u.Password = "******"; u.BirthMonth = 1; u.BirthDate = "01"; u.BirthYear = "1980"; u.Phone = "+1-432-132-4552"; DOM.Find("#FirstName").SendKeys(u.FirstName); DOM.Find("#LastName").SendKeys(u.LastName); DOM.Find("#GmailAddress").SendKeys(u.UserName); DOM.Find("#Passwd").SendKeys(u.Password); DOM.Find("#PasswdAgain").SendKeys(u.Password); DOM.Find("#BirthMonth").SendKeys(u.BirthMonth.ToString()); DOM.Find("#BirthDay").SendKeys(u.BirthDate); DOM.Find("#BirthYear").SendKeys(u.BirthYear); DOM.Find("#RecoveryEmailAddress").SendKeys(u.CurrentEmail); DOM.Find("#submitbutton").Click(); }
public override void RunCase() { /*Step("Hovering over Portfolios"); * DOM.Find("#tmbTab9").HoverOver(); * Step("Clicking on create portfolio"); * DOM.Find("#__tmbFlyout9 a[href*=CreateEditPortfolio]").Click(); * Step("Waiting for the Create portfolio page to load."); * DomElement portfolioInput = DOM.Find("#summarySection_Toggle1_portfolioName"); * Step("Create portfolio page loaded."); * * string portfolioname="SeleniumPortfolio_"+Utility.RandomNumber(); * Step("Entering portfolio name as "+portfolioname); * portfolioInput.SendKeys(portfolioname); * Step("Now clicking on Save button"); * DOM.Find("#bbBottom_mySave__saveBtn").Click(); * * Step("Verifying if the portfolio got created."); * * if(!DOM.Find("#ctl27__textLabel").Text.Contains(portfolioname)) * Error("Portfolio did not get created!");*/ String hashTagsToLike = "#hotwomen"; String profilesFollowersToFollow = ""; GoTo.Url(""); DOM.Find("._fcn8k").Click(); DOM.Find("input[name=username]").SendKeys("*****@*****.**"); DOM.Find("input[name=password]").SendKeys("Coolermaster24"); DOM.Find("button._ah57t._84y62._i46jh").Click(); //follow(profilesFollowersToFollow); Unfollow(); }
public void Unfollow() { DOM.Find(".coreSpriteDesktopNavProfile").Click(); DOM.Find("a[href*=following]").Click(); String st = "._4gt3b"; String script = String.Format("var objDiv = document.getElementsByClassName(\"_4gt3b\")[0];objDiv.scrollTop = objDiv.scrollHeight;"); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { DOM.ExecuteJavascript(script); Wait(1000); } List <DomElement> followButtons = DOM.FindMany("._ah57t._6y2ah._i46jh._rmr7s").ToList(); Random rnd = new Random(); int counter = 0; foreach (var btn in followButtons) { counter++; btn.Click(); Wait(rnd.Next(10, 15) * 1000); Console.WriteLine("Unfollowed " + counter + " accounts."); } }
public override ReactElement Render() { return(DOM.Div(new Attributes { Style = TodoStyles.Container }, DOM.H4( new Attributes { Style = props.Task.Done ? TodoStyles.TextDone : TodoStyles.TextNotDone }, props.Task.Description ), DOM.Button( new ButtonAttributes { Style = props.Task.Done ? TodoStyles.ToggleButtonDone : TodoStyles.ToggleButtonNotDone, OnClick = e => props.OnChange(props.Task.With(_ => _.Done, value => !value)) }, props.Task.Done ? "Not done yet!" : "Finished!" ), DOM.Button( new ButtonAttributes { Style = TodoStyles.RemoveButton, OnClick = e => props.OnRemove() }, "Remove" ) )); }
public static ReactElement TodoItem(Todo todo, Action <int> onToggleComplete, Action <int> onDelete) { return(DOM.Div( new Attributes { Style = Styles.TodoItemStyle }, DOM.Div( new Attributes { Style = todo.IsCompleted ? Styles.TextStyleComplete : Styles.TextStyleNotComplete }, todo.Description ), DOM.Button(new ButtonAttributes { Style = new ReactStyle { Margin = "5px" }, OnClick = e => onToggleComplete(todo.Id), ClassName = "btn btn-primary" }, "Toggle complete"), DOM.Button(new ButtonAttributes { Style = new ReactStyle { Margin = "5px" }, OnClick = e => onDelete(todo.Id), ClassName = "btn btn-danger" }, "Delete") )); }
public override ReactElement Render() { var className = props.ClassName.IsDefined ? props.ClassName.Value : ""; if (!props.Messages.Any()) { className += (className == "" ? "" : " ") + "zero-messages"; } var messageElements = props.Messages .Select(savedMessage => DOM.Div(new Attributes { Key = savedMessage.Id.ToString(), ClassName = "historical-message" }, DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "title" }, savedMessage.Message.Title.Value), DOM.Span(new Attributes { ClassName = "content" }, savedMessage.Message.Content.Value) )); return(DOM.FieldSet(new FieldSetAttributes { ClassName = (className == "" ? null : className) }, DOM.Legend(null, "Message History"), DOM.Div(messageElements) )); }
public override ReactElement Render() { return(DOM.Div(new Attributes { Style = Style.Margin(5).Padding(5).FontSize(18) }, DOM.H3(props.Label), DOM.Label("Description"), DOM.Input(new InputAttributes { Value = state.InputValue, OnChange = e => SetState(state.With(_ => _.InputValue, e.CurrentTarget.Value)) }), DOM.Button( new ButtonAttributes { Disabled = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(state.InputValue), OnClick = e => AppendTodo(state.InputValue) }, "Add" ), DOM.Div( state.Todos.Select((todo, index) => new TaskCard( task: todo, onChange: updatedTask => SetState(state.With(_ => _.Todos, index, updatedTask)), onRemove: () => SetState(state.With(_ => _.Todos, value => value.RemoveAt(index))) )) ) )); }
public static void Main() { var appRoot = Document.GetElementById("app"); var userInterface = DOM.Div("hello world"); React.Render(userInterface, appRoot); }
public bool GetKeyValueBool(string sSection, string sKey, bool bDefault) { if (DOM.ContainsKey(sSection)) { if (DOM[sSection].ContainsKey(sKey)) { if (DOM[sSection][sKey] != "FALSE" || DOM[sSection][sKey] != "false") { return(true); } else { return(bDefault); } } else { return(bDefault); } } else { return(bDefault); } }
private Player GetPlayerProfile(string url) { var Document = new DOM(url); Player player = new Player(); player.Id = Regex.Match(url, "playerid=(\\d*)").Groups[1].Value; player.Permalink = url; player.Name = Document.DocumentModel.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@class='h']").InnerText; player.ImageUrl = "" + Document.DocumentModel.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='player-image']/img/@src").InnerText; var TableRows = Document.DocumentModel.SelectNodes("//table[@class='clTblStatBox']//tr"); player.ShirtNumber = Document.DocumentModel.SelectSingleNode("//table[@class='clTblStatBox']//thead").InnerText; player.ShirtNumber = Regex.Match(player.ShirtNumber, "Nr (\\d*)").Groups[1].Value; player.BirthDate = TableRows.GetCellValueByFirstColumn("Född:"); var HeightAndWeight = TableRows.GetCellValueByFirstColumn("Längd/Vikt:"); if (HeightAndWeight.Contains("/")) { player.Height = HeightAndWeight.Split('/')[0]; player.Weight = HeightAndWeight.Split('/')[1]; } player.MotherClub = TableRows.GetCellValueByFirstColumn("Moderklubb:"); return player; }
public Player GetByQuery(string name) { var SearchResultUrl = "" + name + "&search-type=0"; var SearchDOM = new DOM(SearchResultUrl); if (SearchDOM != null) { var PlayerUrls = Regex.Match(SearchDOM.Html, "<a href=\"(*/person/.playerid=\\d*)\""); if (PlayerUrls.Success) { string PlayerProfileUrl = PlayerUrls.Groups[1].Value; return GetPlayerProfile(PlayerProfileUrl); } } else { return null; } return null; }
static void InnerHTML_binding_With_longPropertyPath(Assert Assert) { var model = new Model { UserInfo = new UserInfoContract { StringProperty0 = "Test1" } }; var div = DOM.CreateElement("div"); var htmlBindingInfo = new HTMLBindingInfo { Source = model, SourcePath = "UserInfo.StringProperty0", Target = div, TargetPath = "innerHTML", BindingMode = BindingMode.OneWay }; htmlBindingInfo.Connect(); model.UserInfo.StringProperty0 = "A"; Assert.AreEqual("A", div.Html()); div = TestHelper.BuildAndGetFirstLogicalChild("<div>{UserInfo.StringProperty0}</div>", model).Root; Assert.AreEqual("A", div.Html()); model.UserInfo.StringProperty0 = "B"; Assert.AreEqual("B", div.Html()); }
public override ReactElement Render() { // Margin : marge externe, Padding : marge interne var lblAtt = new LabelAttributes { Style = Style.Margin(20).Padding(5) }; //.FontSize(12) var iAtt = new InputAttributes { Type = InputType.Checkbox, ClassName = props.ClassName.Value, Checked = props.Checked, Disabled = props.Disabled, OnChange = e => props.OnChange(e.CurrentTarget.Value) }; return (DOM.Span( new Attributes { ClassName = props.ClassName.Value }, DOM.Label(lblAtt, props.Title.Value), DOM.Input(iAtt) )); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a <see cref="RuleBook"/> by parsing the content of the /// indicated configuration file. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The configuration filename.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="RuleBook"/> instance created using the /// details in the configuration file.</returns> public static RuleBook Load(string filename) { RuleBook ruleBook = new RuleBook(); FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(Application.PathTo(filename)); XmlDocument document = XmlUtility.NonValidatingParse(stream); XmlNodeList list = DOM.GetChildElements(document.DocumentElement); foreach (XmlElement context in list) { if (context.LocalName.Equals("identifier")) { string name = context.GetAttribute("name"); Property [] properties = LoadProperties(XPath.Paths(context, "property")); IFormatter formatter = (IFormatter)LoadClass(XPath.Paths(context, "formatter")); ruleBook.Add(new IdentifierRule(name, properties, formatter)); } else { log.Warn("Unexpected element '" + context.LocalName + "'"); } } return(ruleBook); }
public int GetKeyValueInt(string sSection, string sKey, int iDefault) { int value; if (DOM.ContainsKey(sSection)) { if (DOM[sSection].ContainsKey(sKey)) { if (Int32.TryParse(DOM[sSection][sKey], out value)) { return(value); } else { return(iDefault); } } else { return(iDefault); } } else { return(iDefault); } }
public override ReactElement Render() { return(DOM.Div ( new Attributes { }, new MessageEcho(new MessageEcho.Props { OnAdded = text => { var nextState = state; nextState.Messages = nextState.Messages .Concat <string>(new string[] { text }) .ToArray(); SetState(nextState); } }), DOM.UL ( state.Messages.Select(msg => DOM.Li(msg)) ) )); }
public override VNode Render() { return(Row( Styles.MainMenuItem, Div(Styles.Wicon & Styles.MR0P5, DOM.Icon(Icon)), Text(Name) )); }
void InitializeCornerLabelDiv() { if (_cornerLabelDiv == null) { _cornerLabelDiv = DOM.div("ui corner label").AppendTo(_root); DOM.i("asterisk icon").AppendTo(_cornerLabelDiv); _root.AddClass("labeled"); } }
public override ReactElement Render() { return(DOM.Div(null, new NavigationLinks(props.Navigator, new ClassName("main-nav")), DOM.Div(new Attributes { ClassName = "content" }, "NOT FOUND") )); }
public override ReactElement Render() { return(DOM.Div(new Attributes { ClassName = "requested-at" }, "Page navigated to at ", props.RequestedAt.ToString("HH:mm:ss") )); }
public override VNode Render() { return(Row( IsSelected ? Styles.SubMenuItemSelected : Styles.SubMenuItem, Action, Div(Styles.Wicon & Styles.MR0P5, DOM.Icon(Icon)), Text(Name) )); }
private void CreateDOM(ref DOM _dom_temp, string _htmldoc) { _htmldoc = _htmldoc.Replace("\r\n", ""); _htmldoc = _htmldoc.Replace("\r", ""); _htmldoc = _htmldoc.Replace("\n", ""); if (_htmldoc.Trim() != "") { _dom_temp.prepareDOM(_htmldoc); } }
private static void Main() { var container = Document.CreateElement("div"); Document.Body.AppendChild(container); React.Render( DOM.Div("This was rendered by React!"), container ); }
protected virtual void Render() { _root.Empty(); _root.Css("height", "100%"); (_textArea = DOM.textarea()).AppendTo(_root).Css("height", "100%"); Window.SetTimeout(() => { Render(_textArea.Get(0)); }, 0); }
private ReactElement GetOptionX(int index, string txt) { var optionX = DOM.Option( new OptionAttributes { Key = index, Value = txt }, txt ); return(optionX); }
public I3String Initialize(DOM parent, int id, Vector3 pos) { = id; this.mesh = parent.cylMesh; this.material = parent.material; this.radius *= cfg.domScale * cfg.globalScale; transform.parent = parent.transform; pos.y = 0; //y is up, seems so transform.localPosition = pos; return(this); }
public override ReactElement Render() { return(DOM.Input(new InputAttributes { Type = InputType.Text, ClassName = props.ClassName.IsDefined ? props.ClassName.Value : null, Disabled = props.Disabled, Value = props.Content, OnChange = e => props.OnChange(e.CurrentTarget.Value) })); }
public List<Match> ParseMatches(DOM document) { var matches = new List<Match>(); try { var upcomingGamesSection = document.HtmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//section[@class='upcoming-games']"); var matchRows = upcomingGamesSection.SelectNodes("//tr[@data-match-id]"); var homeTeamNodes = upcomingGamesSection.SelectNodes("//span[@class='team home']"); var awayTeamNodes = upcomingGamesSection.SelectNodes("//span[@class='team away']"); var matchDates = upcomingGamesSection.SelectNodes("//span[@class='date-short matchTid']"); var matchTimes = upcomingGamesSection.SelectNodes("//span[@class='time matchTid']"); var locations = upcomingGamesSection.SelectNodes("//a[@class='location']"); for (int i = 0; i < matchRows.Count; i++) { var homeTeamNode = homeTeamNodes[i]; var homeTeamName = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(homeTeamNode.InnerHtml); var awayTeamNode = awayTeamNodes[i]; var awayTeamName = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(awayTeamNode.InnerHtml); var matchDate = matchDates[i].InnerText; if (matchDate == "Imorgon") { var tomorrow = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); matchDate = string.Format("{0}/{1}", tomorrow.Day, tomorrow.Month); } if (matchDate == "Idag") { var today = DateTime.Now; matchDate = string.Format("{0}/{1}", today.Day, today.Month); } var dateParts = matchDate.Split("/".ToCharArray()); var dayOfMonth = int.Parse(dateParts[0]); var month = int.Parse(dateParts[1]); var matchTime = matchTimes[i].InnerText; var timeParts = matchTime.Split(":".ToCharArray()); var hour = int.Parse(timeParts[0]); var minutes = int.Parse(timeParts[1]); var matchDateComplete = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, month, dayOfMonth, hour, minutes, 0); var location = locations[i].InnerText; matches.Add(Match.CreateNew(matchDateComplete, homeTeamName, awayTeamName, location)); } return matches; } catch (Exception) { return matches; } }
public List<Match> GetUpcomingMatches(int seriesID) { List<Match> Upcoming = (List<Match>)Utilities.GetFromCache(seriesID + ":Upcoming"); if (Upcoming == null) { Upcoming = new List<Match>(); DOM Document = new DOM(GetWidgetUrl("cominginleague", seriesID)); var TableRows = Document.Query("tr"); char[] querystringSplitChar = { '=' }; int RowCount = 0; foreach (XmlNode Row in TableRows) { try { if (RowCount > 2) { var Columns = Row.SelectNodes("td"); Match match = new Match(); match.Time = DateTime.Parse(Columns.ValueOfIndex(0)); match.MatchName = Columns.ValueOfIndex(1); string MatchURI = Columns[1].SelectSingleNode("a").GetAttributeValue("href"); match.ID = MatchURI.Split(querystringSplitChar).LastOrDefault().ToString(); PopulateMatchDetails(match); Upcoming.Add(match); } RowCount = RowCount + 1; } catch (Exception ex) { } } Utilities.InsertToCache(seriesID + ":Upcoming", Upcoming); } return Upcoming; }
public List<TeamResults> GetScoreTable(int seriesID) { List<TeamResults> ScoreTable = (List<TeamResults>)Utilities.GetFromCache(seriesID + ":Scores"); if (ScoreTable == null) { ScoreTable = new List<TeamResults>(); DOM Document = new DOM(GetWidgetUrl("table", seriesID)); var TableRows = Document.Query("table//tr"); int RowCount = 0; foreach (XmlNode Row in TableRows) { if (RowCount > 2) { var Columns = Row.SelectNodes("td"); TeamResults score = new TeamResults(); score.TeamName = Columns.ValueOfIndex(0); score.MatchesPlayed = Columns.ValueOfIndex(1); score.MatchesWon = Columns.ValueOfIndex(2); score.MatchesDraw = Columns.ValueOfIndex(3); score.MatchesLost = Columns.ValueOfIndex(4); score.GoalsMadeAndReceived = Columns.ValueOfIndex(5); score.Difference = Columns.ValueOfIndex(6); score.Points = Columns.ValueOfIndex(7); ScoreTable.Add(score); } RowCount = RowCount + 1; } Utilities.InsertToCache(seriesID + ":Scores", ScoreTable); } return ScoreTable; }
public List<Series> GetSeries() { List<Series> AllSeries = (List<Series>)Utilities.GetFromCache("AllSeries"); if (AllSeries == null) { AllSeries = new List<Series>(); DOM Document = new DOM(""); var Series = Document.Query("select[@id='ftid-stickybar']//option"); foreach(XmlNode node in Series){ Series serie = new Series(); serie.ID = int.Parse(node.GetAttributeValue("value")); serie.Name = node.InnerText; AllSeries.Add(serie); } Utilities.InsertToCache("AllSeries", AllSeries); } return AllSeries; }
public DOMImplementation(DOM.DOMImplementation other) : this((Type) null) { CreateProxy(); interceptor.Invoke("DOMImplementation#", "DOMImplementation(const DOM::DOMImplementation&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.DOMImplementation), other); }
public virtual short AcceptNode(DOM.Node n) { return (short) interceptor.Invoke("acceptNode#", "acceptNode(const DOM::Node&)", typeof(short), typeof(DOM.Node), n); }
public HTMLTableElement(DOM.HTMLTableElement other) : this((Type) null) { CreateProxy(); interceptor.Invoke("HTMLTableElement#", "HTMLTableElement(const DOM::HTMLTableElement&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.HTMLTableElement), other); }
/// <remarks> /// see tHead /// </remarks> <short> see tHead </short> public void SetTHead(DOM.HTMLTableSectionElement arg1) { interceptor.Invoke("setTHead#", "setTHead(const DOM::HTMLTableSectionElement&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.HTMLTableSectionElement), arg1); }
/// <remarks> /// see summary /// </remarks> <short> see summary </short> public void SetSummary(DOM.DOMString arg1) { interceptor.Invoke("setSummary#", "setSummary(const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.DOMString), arg1); }
/// <remarks> /// see selectorText /// </remarks> <short> see selectorText </short> public void SetSelectorText(DOM.DOMString arg1) { interceptor.Invoke("setSelectorText#", "setSelectorText(const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.DOMString), arg1); }
/// <remarks> /// Introduced in DOM Level 3 /// This method makes available a DOMImplementation's specialized /// interface. /// <param> name="feature" The name of the feature requested (case-insensitive) /// </param></remarks> <return> Returns an alternate DOMImplementation which implements /// the specialized APIs of the specified feature, if any, or null /// if there is no alternate DOMImplementation object which implements /// interfaces associated with that feature. Any alternate DOMImplementation /// returned by this method must delegate to the primary core DOMImplementation /// and not return results inconsistent with the primary DOMImplementation. /// </return> /// <short> Introduced in DOM Level 3 This method makes available a DOMImplementation's specialized interface.</short> public DOM.DOMImplementation GetInterface(DOM.DOMString feature) { return (DOM.DOMImplementation) interceptor.Invoke("getInterface#", "getInterface(const DOM::DOMString&) const", typeof(DOM.DOMImplementation), typeof(DOM.DOMString), feature); }
/// <remarks> /// see bgColor /// </remarks> <short> see bgColor </short> public void SetBgColor(DOM.DOMString arg1) { interceptor.Invoke("setBgColor#", "setBgColor(const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.DOMString), arg1); }
/// <remarks> /// Introduced in DOM Level 2 /// Creates an XML Document object of the specified type with its document /// element. HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this /// method. /// <param> name="namespaceURI" The namespace URI of the document element to create. /// </param><param> name="qualifiedName" The qualified name of the document element to be /// created. /// </param><param> name="doctype" The type of document to be created or null. When doctype /// is not null, its Node.ownerDocument attribute is set to the document /// being created. /// </param> NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the qualifiedName is malformed, if the /// qualifiedName has a prefix and the namespaceURI is null, or if the /// qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is /// different from "" [Namespaces]. /// WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if doctype has already been used with a /// different document or was created from a different implementation. /// </remarks> <return> A new Document object. /// </return> /// <short> Introduced in DOM Level 2 </short> public DOM.Document CreateDocument(DOM.DOMString namespaceURI, DOM.DOMString qualifiedName, DOM.DocumentType doctype) { return (DOM.Document) interceptor.Invoke("createDocument###", "createDocument(const DOM::DOMString&, const DOM::DOMString&, const DOM::DocumentType&)", typeof(DOM.Document), typeof(DOM.DOMString), namespaceURI, typeof(DOM.DOMString), qualifiedName, typeof(DOM.DocumentType), doctype); }
public HTMLSelectElement(DOM.Node other) : this((Type) null) { CreateProxy(); interceptor.Invoke("HTMLSelectElement#", "HTMLSelectElement(const DOM::Node&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.Node), other); }
public DocumentFragment(DOM.Node other) : this((Type) null) { CreateProxy(); interceptor.Invoke("DocumentFragment#", "DocumentFragment(const DOM::Node&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.Node), other); }
public WebKitDOMCSSDeclarationStyle GetStyleFromElement(DOM.Element element, string pseudoElement = "") // this feature has not been implemented yet { return new WebKitDOMCSSDeclarationStyle(browser.WebView.computedStyleForElement((IDOMElement)element.GetWebKitObject(), pseudoElement)); }
/// <remarks> /// Introduced in DOM Level 2 /// Creates an empty DocumentType node. Entity declarations and notations /// are not made available. Entity reference expansions and default /// attribute additions do not occur. It is expected that a future version /// of the DOM will provide a way for populating a DocumentType. /// HTML-only DOM implementations do not need to implement this method. /// <param> name="qualifiedName" The qualified name of the document type to be /// created. /// </param><param> name="publicId" The external subset public identifier. /// </param><param> name="systemId" The external subset system identifier. /// </param> NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the qualifiedName is malformed. /// </remarks> <return> A new DocumentType node with Node.ownerDocument set to null. /// </return> /// <short> Introduced in DOM Level 2 </short> public DOM.DocumentType CreateDocumentType(DOM.DOMString qualifiedName, DOM.DOMString publicId, DOM.DOMString systemId) { return (DOM.DocumentType) interceptor.Invoke("createDocumentType###", "createDocumentType(const DOM::DOMString&, const DOM::DOMString&, const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(DOM.DocumentType), typeof(DOM.DOMString), qualifiedName, typeof(DOM.DOMString), publicId, typeof(DOM.DOMString), systemId); }
/// <remarks> /// see caption /// </remarks> <short> see caption </short> public void SetCaption(DOM.HTMLTableCaptionElement arg1) { interceptor.Invoke("setCaption#", "setCaption(const DOM::HTMLTableCaptionElement&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.HTMLTableCaptionElement), arg1); }
/// <remarks> /// Introduced in DOM Level 2 /// This method is from the HTMLDOMImplementation interface /// Creates an HTMLDocument with the minimal tree made of these /// elements: HTML,HEAD,TITLE and BODY. /// It extends the core interface which can be used to create an /// XHTML document by passing the XHTML namespace as the namespace /// for the root element. /// <param> name="title" The title of the document to be set as the content /// of the TITLE element, through a child Text node. /// </param></remarks> <return> the HTMLdocument /// </return> /// <short> Introduced in DOM Level 2 This method is from the HTMLDOMImplementation interface </short> public DOM.HTMLDocument CreateHTMLDocument(DOM.DOMString title) { return (DOM.HTMLDocument) interceptor.Invoke("createHTMLDocument#", "createHTMLDocument(const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(DOM.HTMLDocument), typeof(DOM.DOMString), title); }
/// <remarks> /// see cellSpacing /// </remarks> <short> see cellSpacing </short> public void SetCellSpacing(DOM.DOMString arg1) { interceptor.Invoke("setCellSpacing#", "setCellSpacing(const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.DOMString), arg1); }
/// <remarks> /// Test if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature. /// <param> name="feature" The package name of the feature to test. In /// Level 1, the legal values are "HTML" and "XML" /// (case-insensitive). /// </param><param> name="version" This is the version number of the package name /// to test. In Level 1, this is the string "1.0". If the version /// is not specified, supporting any version of the feature will /// cause the method to return <code>true</code> . /// </param> </remarks> <return> <code>true</code> if the feature is implemented in /// the specified version, <code>false</code> otherwise. /// </return> /// <short> Test if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature.</short> public bool HasFeature(DOM.DOMString feature, DOM.DOMString version) { return (bool) interceptor.Invoke("hasFeature##", "hasFeature(const DOM::DOMString&, const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(bool), typeof(DOM.DOMString), feature, typeof(DOM.DOMString), version); }
public CSSPageRule(DOM.CSSRule other) : this((Type) null) { CreateProxy(); interceptor.Invoke("CSSPageRule#", "CSSPageRule(const DOM::CSSRule&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.CSSRule), other); }
/// <remarks> /// Introduced in DOM Level 2 /// This method is from the DOMImplementationCSS interface /// Creates a new CSSStyleSheet. /// <param> name="title" The advisory title. See also the Style Sheet Interfaces /// section. /// </param><param> name="media" The comma-separated list of media associated with the /// new style sheet. See also the Style Sheet Interfaces section. /// </param></remarks> <return> A new CSS style sheet. /// </return> /// <short> Introduced in DOM Level 2 This method is from the DOMImplementationCSS interface </short> public DOM.CSSStyleSheet CreateCSSStyleSheet(DOM.DOMString title, DOM.DOMString media) { return (DOM.CSSStyleSheet) interceptor.Invoke("createCSSStyleSheet##", "createCSSStyleSheet(const DOM::DOMString&, const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(DOM.CSSStyleSheet), typeof(DOM.DOMString), title, typeof(DOM.DOMString), media); }
public static bool KhtmlValidAttrName(DOM.DOMString name) { return (bool) staticInterceptor.Invoke("khtmlValidAttrName#", "khtmlValidAttrName(const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(bool), typeof(DOM.DOMString), name); }
/// <remarks> /// see value /// </remarks> <short> see value </short> public void SetValue(DOM.DOMString arg1) { interceptor.Invoke("setValue#", "setValue(const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.DOMString), arg1); }
public AbstractView(DOM.AbstractView other) : this((Type) null) { CreateProxy(); interceptor.Invoke("AbstractView#", "AbstractView(const DOM::AbstractView&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.AbstractView), other); }
/// <remarks> /// Add a new element to the collection of <code>OPTION</code> /// elements for this <code>SELECT</code> . /// <param> name="element" The element to add. /// </param><param> name="before" The element to insert before, or 0 for the /// tail of the list. /// </param> </remarks> <short> Add a new element to the collection of <code>OPTION</code> elements for this <code>SELECT</code> .</short> public void Add(DOM.HTMLElement element, DOM.HTMLElement before) { interceptor.Invoke("add##", "add(const DOM::HTMLElement&, const DOM::HTMLElement&)", typeof(void), typeof(DOM.HTMLElement), element, typeof(DOM.HTMLElement), before); }
/// <remarks> /// Introduced in DOM Level 2 /// This method is from the ViewCSS interface /// This method is used to get the computed style as it is defined in /// [CSS2]. /// <param> name="elt" The element whose style is to be computed. This parameter /// cannot be null. /// </param><param> name="pseudoElt" The pseudo-element or null if none. /// </param></remarks> <return> The computed style. The CSSStyleDeclaration is read-only and /// contains only absolute values. /// </return> /// <short> Introduced in DOM Level 2 This method is from the ViewCSS interface </short> public DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration GetComputedStyle(DOM.Element elt, DOM.DOMString pseudoElt) { return (DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration) interceptor.Invoke("getComputedStyle##", "getComputedStyle(const DOM::Element&, const DOM::DOMString&)", typeof(DOM.CSSStyleDeclaration), typeof(DOM.Element), elt, typeof(DOM.DOMString), pseudoElt); }