public void ShowMenu() { if (CtxMenu.Visible || CtxMenu.Items.Count <= 0) { return; } CtxMenu.Show(this, RightToLeft == RightToLeft.No ? new Point(_menuGlyph.Bounds.Left, _menuGlyph.Bounds.Bottom) : new Point(_menuGlyph.Bounds.Right, _menuGlyph.Bounds.Bottom)); _menuOpen = true; }
/// <summary> /// Shows the context menu associated with this object. If you are handling /// your own picking, then you should call this function when this object /// is picked. /// </summary> public void ShowMenu() { if (contextMenu != null) { EventDelegate.Add(contextMenu.onSelection, OnMenuSelect); EventDelegate.Add(contextMenu.onHide, OnHide, true); current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(onShow); gameObject.SendMessage("OnShowMenu", this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); if (menuItems != null && menuItems.Length > 0) { contextMenu.Show(MenuPosition, menuItems); } else { contextMenu.Show(MenuPosition); } } }
void OnPress(bool isPressed) { // Filter for touches or selected mouse button. if (UICamera.currentTouchID >= 0 || UICamera.currentTouchID == (-1 - mouseButton)) { // We show the menu on the up-press not the down-press. Otherwise NGUI would steal // the selection state from the context menu on the up-press, causing the menu to // close immediately. if (!isPressed) { current = this; EventDelegate.Execute(onShow); Vector3 menuPosition = placeAtTouchPosition ? new Vector3(UICamera.currentTouch.pos.x, UICamera.currentTouch.pos.y, 0f) : CtxHelper.ComputeMenuPosition(contextMenu, gameObject); CtxMenu.Item[] items = MenuItems; if (items != null || contextMenu.onShow.Count > 0) { EventDelegate.Add(contextMenu.onSelection, OnMenuSelection); EventDelegate.Add(contextMenu.onHide, OnHide, true); if (menuItems != null && menuItems.Length > 0) { contextMenu.Show(menuPosition, menuItems); } else { contextMenu.Show(menuPosition); } } } } }
void OnPress(bool isPressed) { if (isPressed) { // We compute the menu position on the down-press. Why? Because // UIButtonScale and UIButtonOffset will distort the button's transform // and throw off our calculations if we do it on the up-press. We don't // want to not support those NGUI features, so... menuPosition = CtxHelper.ComputeMenuPosition(contextMenu, gameObject); } else if (enabled && contextMenu != null) { current = this; if (onShow != null) { EventDelegate.Execute(onShow); } CtxMenu.Item[] items = MenuItems; if (items != null || contextMenu.onShow != null) { EventDelegate.Add(contextMenu.onSelection, OnMenuSelection); EventDelegate.Add(contextMenu.onHide, OnHide, true); if (menuItems != null && menuItems.Length > 0) { contextMenu.Show(menuPosition, menuItems); } else { contextMenu.Show(menuPosition); } } } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { Camera mainCam = Camera.main; RaycastHit hit = new RaycastHit(); Ray ray = mainCam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (GetComponent <Collider>().Raycast(ray, out hit, mainCam.farClipPlane)) { Vector3 screenPos = mainCam.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position); EventDelegate.Add(menu.onSelection, OnMenuSelection); menu.Show(screenPos); } } }
//safly lets you shutdown the browser private void btnMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CtxMenu.Show(MousePosition); //opens the contextbrowser menu and opens it on your mouse position }
void ShowSubmenu(int itemIndex) { // Occasionally seeing this pop up after the parent menu has been closed, // probably because the submenu timer is still going. In this case we // simply decline to show the submenu. if (menuRoot == null) return; CtxMenu submenu = items[index].submenu; Item[] submenuItems = items[index].submenuItems; // There can be only one! HideSubmenu(); currentSubmenu = submenu; if (currentSubmenu != null) { Bounds highlightBounds; Rect highlightScreenRect; UICamera uiCam = uiCamera; EventDelegate.Add(currentSubmenu.onSelection, OnSubmenuSelection); currentSubmenu.parentMenu = this; float dx = 0f, dy = 0f; // Before we can place the submenu, we need to determine the screen-space // area it will occupy so that we can adjust its position in those cases // where it goes off screen. In either case we let NGUI help us by // determining the combined volume of all the submenu widgets. if (style == Style.Pie) { // We don't want to the shadow to be part of the bounds calculation, // so we disable it temporarily. if (itemData[itemIndex].shadow != null) CtxHelper.SetActive(itemData[itemIndex].shadow.gameObject, false); highlightBounds = NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(menuRoot.transform, itemData[itemIndex].background.transform, true); if (itemData[itemIndex].shadow != null) CtxHelper.SetActive(itemData[itemIndex].shadow.gameObject, true); highlightBounds = CtxHelper.LocalToWorldBounds(highlightBounds, menuRoot.transform); highlightScreenRect = CtxHelper.ComputeScreenSpaceBounds(highlightBounds, uiCam.cachedCamera); } else { // We don't want the shadow to be part of the bounds calculation, // so we disable it temporarily. if (shadow != null) CtxHelper.SetActive(shadow.gameObject, false); Bounds menuBounds = NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(menuRoot.transform); if (shadow != null) CtxHelper.SetActive(shadow.gameObject, true); highlightBounds = NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(menuRoot.transform, itemData[itemIndex].highlight.transform, true); // Adjust the highlight boundaries so that it accounts for the menu // dimensions. Otherwise the submenu will butt up against the highlight // rather than the menu background. Vector3 ext = highlightBounds.extents; Vector3 ctr =; if (style == Style.Horizontal) { ctr.y =; ext.y = menuBounds.extents.y; } else { ctr.x =; ext.x = menuBounds.extents.x; } = ctr; highlightBounds.extents = ext; highlightBounds = CtxHelper.LocalToWorldBounds(highlightBounds, menuRoot.transform); highlightScreenRect = CtxHelper.ComputeScreenSpaceBounds(highlightBounds, uiCam.cachedCamera); // Account for the submenu padding. This ensures that the submenu highlights // will align with our highlights, which is an aesthetic consideration. if (style == Style.Horizontal) dx = -currentSubmenu.padding.x; else if (style == Style.Vertical) dy = currentSubmenu.padding.y; // Account for backgound padding, plus one pixel extra. highlightScreenRect = CtxHelper.InsetRect(highlightScreenRect, -backgroundPadding.x - 1f, -backgroundPadding.y - 1f); } // CtxHelper.ComputeMenuPosition() does the actual adjusting of position based // on the menus pivot and its screen-space dimensions. Vector3 submenuPos = CtxHelper.ComputeMenuPosition(currentSubmenu, highlightScreenRect, (style == Style.Horizontal)); submenuPos.x += dx; submenuPos.y += dy; submenuTimer = 0f; itemData[itemIndex].submenu = currentSubmenu; if (submenuItems != null && submenuItems.Length > 0) currentSubmenu.Show(submenuPos, submenuItems); else currentSubmenu.Show(submenuPos); } }