public override void Draw(Android.Graphics.Canvas canvas) { base.Draw(canvas); CustomBoxView specialBoxView = (CustomBoxView)Element; Rect rect = new Rect(); GetDrawingRect(rect); Rect inside = rect; inside.Inset((int)specialBoxView.BorderThickness, (int)specialBoxView.BorderThickness); Paint p = new Paint(); p.Color = specialBoxView.Color.ToAndroid(); canvas.DrawRect(inside, p); p.Color = specialBoxView.BorderColor.ToAndroid(); p.StrokeWidth = (float)specialBoxView.BorderThickness; p.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); canvas.DrawRect(rect, p); }
private static CustomBoxView CalculateNewEmptyArea(CustomBoxView currentEmptyArea, Orientation orientation, double rowToAllRatio) { CustomBoxView newEmptyArea = new CustomBoxView(); if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { double size = Math.Round(currentEmptyArea.HeightRequest * rowToAllRatio); if (currentEmptyArea.HeightRequest > size) { newEmptyArea.MyX = currentEmptyArea.MyX; newEmptyArea.MyY = currentEmptyArea.MyY + size; newEmptyArea.WidthRequest = currentEmptyArea.WidthRequest; newEmptyArea.HeightRequest = currentEmptyArea.HeightRequest - size; } } else { double size = Math.Round(currentEmptyArea.WidthRequest * rowToAllRatio); if (currentEmptyArea.WidthRequest > size) { newEmptyArea.MyX = currentEmptyArea.MyX + size; newEmptyArea.MyY = currentEmptyArea.MyY; newEmptyArea.WidthRequest = currentEmptyArea.WidthRequest - size; newEmptyArea.HeightRequest = currentEmptyArea.HeightRequest; } } return newEmptyArea; }
private async Task <Item> sendRequest() { Item item = new Item(); HttpClient hTTPClient = new HttpClient(); var response = await hTTPClient.GetAsync(new Uri("")); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); xml.LoadXml(content); XmlNodeList xnList = xml.GetElementsByTagName("color"); foreach (XmlNode xn in xnList) { = xn["id"].InnerText; item.hex = xn["hex"].InnerText; item.dateCreated = xn["dateCreated"].InnerText; = xn["rgb"]["red"].InnerText; = xn["rgb"]["green"].InnerText; = xn["rgb"]["blue"].InnerText; //item.length = Convert.ToInt32(GetRandomNumber(50, layout.Height == 0 ? 50 : layout.Height / 2)); item.length = Convert.ToInt32(GetRandomNumber(30, 70)); } if (mode) { var topBox = new BoxView { Color = Color.FromHex("#" + item.hex) }; AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(topBox, new Rectangle(location.X, location.Y, item.length, item.length)); layout.Children.Add(topBox); } else { var topBox = new CustomBoxView { Color = Color.FromHex("#" + item.hex), CornerRadius = item.length }; AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(topBox, new Rectangle(location.X, location.Y, item.length, item.length)); layout.Children.Add(topBox); } } return(item); }
public override void Draw(Canvas canvas) { base.Draw(canvas); CustomBoxView control = (CustomBoxView)Element; Paint p = new Paint(); p.StrokeWidth = (float)control.Espessura; p.Color = Android.Graphics.Color.Black; p.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, 200, 200); canvas.DrawRect(rect, p); canvas.DrawLine(100, 0, 100, 200, p); canvas.DrawLine(0, 100, 200, 100, p); }
public override void Draw(CGRect rect) { //base.Draw(rect); CustomBoxView control = (CustomBoxView)Element; using (var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext()) { context.SetStrokeColor(new CGColor(0, 0, 0)); context.SetLineWidth((float)control.Espessura); var recPath = new CGRect(0, 0, 200, 200); context.AddRect(recPath); context.DrawPath(CGPathDrawingMode.Stroke); } }
/* */ public override void Draw(CGRect rect) { base.Draw(rect); CustomBoxView boxView = (CustomBoxView)Element; using (var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext()) //using bloc to set the context { context.SetFillColor(boxView.Color.ToCGColor()); //fill color context.SetStrokeColor(boxView.BorderColor.ToCGColor()); //border color context.SetLineWidth((float)boxView.BorderThikness); //width of border var rectangle = Bounds.Inset((int)boxView.BorderThikness, (int)boxView.BorderThikness); // var path = CGPath.FromRect(rectangle); context.AddPath(path); context.DrawPath(CGPathDrawingMode.FillStroke); } }
public override void Draw(Canvas canvas) { base.Draw(canvas); CustomBoxView control = (CustomBoxView)Element; Paint p = new Paint(); p.StrokeWidth = (float)control.Espessura; p.Color = Color.White; //Retangulo Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, 200, 200); canvas.DrawRect(rect, p); //Linhas canvas.DrawLine(100, 0, 100, 100, p); canvas.DrawLine(0, 100, 100, 100, p); }
public override void Draw(CoreGraphics.CGRect rect) { CustomBoxView boxView = (CustomBoxView)Element; using (var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext()) { context.SetFillColor(boxView.Color.ToCGColor()); context.SetStrokeColor(boxView.BorderColor.ToCGColor()); context.SetLineWidth((float)boxView.BorderThickness); var rectangle = Bounds.Inset((int)boxView.BorderThickness, (int)boxView.BorderThickness); var path = CGPath.FromRect(rectangle); context.AddPath(path); context.DrawPath(CGPathDrawingMode.FillStroke); } }
public override void Draw(Canvas canvas) { CustomBoxView boxView = (CustomBoxView)Element; Rect rect = new Rect(); GetDrawingRect(rect); Rect inside = rect; inside.Inset((int)boxView.BorderThickness, (int)boxView.BorderThickness); Paint p = new Paint { Color = boxView.Color.ToAndroid() }; canvas.DrawRect(inside, p); p.Color = boxView.BorderColor.ToAndroid(); p.StrokeWidth = (float)boxView.BorderThickness; p.SetStyle(Paint.Style.Stroke); canvas.DrawRect(rect, p); }
private static IEnumerable<SquarifiedInfo> Squarify(IEnumerable<SquarifiedInfo> squarifiedInfos, CustomBoxView emptyArea) { var sortedSquarifiedInfos = squarifiedInfos.OrderByDescending (c => c.Area).ToList (); var resultCollection = new Collection<SquarifiedInfo> (); var newEmptyAreaSum = sortedSquarifiedInfos.Sum (c => c.Area); CustomBoxView newEmptyArea = emptyArea; while (sortedSquarifiedInfos.Any()) { double shortestSide = SquarifiedAlgorithm.GetShortestSide(newEmptyArea); var list2 = SquarifiedAlgorithm.DetermineRow(sortedSquarifiedInfos, shortestSide); SquarifiedAlgorithm.LayoutRow(list2, newEmptyArea, newEmptyAreaSum, out newEmptyArea, out newEmptyAreaSum); foreach (var squarifiedInfo in list2) { resultCollection.Add (squarifiedInfo); sortedSquarifiedInfos.Remove (squarifiedInfo); } } return resultCollection; }
private static void LayoutRow(IEnumerable<SquarifiedInfo> row, CustomBoxView emptyArea, double emptyAreaSum, out CustomBoxView newEmptyArea, out double newEmptyAreaSum) { Orientation orientation = SquarifiedAlgorithm.GetOrientation(emptyArea); double num1 = row.Sum (c=>c.Area); if (num1 == 0.0) { newEmptyArea = new CustomBoxView (); newEmptyAreaSum = 0.0; } else { double rowToAllRatio = num1 / emptyAreaSum; double num2 = 0.0; newEmptyArea = SquarifiedAlgorithm.CalculateNewEmptyArea(emptyArea, orientation, rowToAllRatio); foreach (SquarifiedInfo squarifiedInfo in row) { if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal) { double num3 = emptyArea.MyX + num2 * emptyArea.WidthRequest / num1; squarifiedInfo.X = num3; squarifiedInfo.Y = emptyArea.MyY; squarifiedInfo.Width = squarifiedInfo.Area / num1 * emptyArea.WidthRequest; squarifiedInfo.Height = emptyArea.HeightRequest * rowToAllRatio; } else { double num3 = emptyArea.MyY + num2 * emptyArea.HeightRequest / num1; squarifiedInfo.X = emptyArea.MyX; squarifiedInfo.Y = num3; squarifiedInfo.Width = emptyArea.WidthRequest * rowToAllRatio; squarifiedInfo.Height = squarifiedInfo.Area / num1 * emptyArea.HeightRequest; } num2 += squarifiedInfo.Area; } newEmptyAreaSum = emptyAreaSum - num1; } }
private static double GetShortestSide(CustomBoxView rectangle) { var result= Math.Min(rectangle.WidthRequest, rectangle.HeightRequest); return result; }
private static Orientation GetOrientation(CustomBoxView rectangle) { return rectangle.WidthRequest <= rectangle.HeightRequest ? Orientation.Horizontal : Orientation.Vertical; }