protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Page.Title = "Pgto de Produtores - Relatório de Pagamentos de Produtor"; try { Pagamento pgto = new Pagamento(); PagamentoBLL obj = new PagamentoBLL(); String strPathreport = String.Empty; pgto.Id_regiao = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID_REGIAO"]); pgto.Id_cooperativa = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID_COOPERATIVA"]); pgto.Id_propriedade = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ID_PROPRIEDADE"]); pgto.Dt_inicio = Convert.ToString(Session["DT_INICIO"]); pgto.Dt_fim = Convert.ToString(Session["DT_FIM"]); pgto.Tp_relatorio = Convert.ToChar(Session["TP_RELATORIO"]); strPathreport = Server.MapPath("Relatorio.rpt"); CrystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo = Crystal.ConectaCrystal(); CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = obj.GerarRelatorioPgtoProdutores(pgto, strPathreport); CrystalReportViewer1.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('" + ex.Message.ToString() + "');</script>"); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes referenced objects. /// </summary> void Start() { character = Character.Instance; crystal = GameObject.Find("crystal").GetComponent <Crystal>(); healthText = transform.Find("healthText").GetComponent <TextMesh>(); healthText.text = this.curHealth.ToString() + "/" + maxHealth; }
public Crystal GenerateCrystal() { var rndInt = _rnd.Next(1, crystalTextureAmount + 1); var crystal = new Crystal(crystalTextures[rndInt - 1], rndInt); return(crystal); }
public override bool OnCollision(Fixture f1, Fixture f2, Contact contact) { CollidingSprite other = SyncedGameCollection.GetCollisionComponent(f2); if (other.Tag == TagCategories.CRYSTAL) { if (Item == null) { Crystal crystal = other as Crystal; Item = crystal.PickUp(this, _teamColor); } return(false); } else if (other.Tag == TagCategories.UNIT) { return(false); } else if (other.Tag == TagCategories.COMPACTZONE) { if (Item == null) { CompactZone compactzone = other as CompactZone; Item = compactzone.PickUp(this, _teamColor); } } else if (other.Tag == TagCategories.BARRIER) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void OnCrystalPickedUp(Crystal crystal) { CrystalsPickedUp++; PrefabPool.Instantiate(crystalPickupParticle, crystal.transform.position, Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.up)); RefreshTileColor(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { GameObject missile = Instantiate(shooting_missile, shootposition.position, transform.rotation, shootposition.transform); } cursor.color = new Color(255, 255, 255); RaycastHit hit; { if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, 10, mask)) { if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Crystal>()) { Crystal c = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Crystal>(); cursor.color = new Color(255, 0, 0); if (!c.activated) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { c.activated = true; } } } } } }
public static IAtomContainer WashingSoda() { var co3 = new AtomContainer(); var carbon = co3.AddAtom("C"); co3.AddBond(carbon, co3.AddAtom("O"), BondOrder.Double); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var oxy = co3.AddAtom("O"); oxy.FormalCharge = -1; co3.AddBond(carbon, oxy, BondOrder.Single); } var washingSoda = new Crystal(co3); var sodium00 = washingSoda.AddAtom("Na"); sodium00.FormalCharge = 1; var sodium01 = washingSoda.AddAtom("Na"); sodium01.FormalCharge = 1; washingSoda.Title = nameof(washingSoda); return(washingSoda); }
public static IAtomContainer RootKiller() { var mol = new AtomContainer(); var sulfur = mol.AddAtom("S"); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mol.AddBond(sulfur, mol.AddAtom("O"), BondOrder.Double); } var oxy00 = mol.AddAtom("O"); oxy00.FormalCharge = -1; mol.AddBond(sulfur, oxy00, BondOrder.Single); var oxy01 = mol.AddAtom("O"); oxy01.FormalCharge = -1; mol.AddBond(sulfur, oxy01, BondOrder.Single); var rootKiller = new Crystal(mol); var mg = rootKiller.AddAtom("Cu"); mg.FormalCharge = 2; rootKiller.Title = nameof(rootKiller); return(rootKiller); }
public void TestHasCrystalFalse() { Player player = new Player("player"); Crystal crystal = new Crystal("crystal"); Assert.IsFalse(crystal.hasCrystal(player)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { switch (draggableType) { case DraggableType.Self: dragBody = transform; break; case DraggableType.Prefab: dragBody = otherBody.GetComponentInChildren <Transform>(); break; case DraggableType.Other: dragBody = otherBody.GetComponentInChildren <Transform>(); break; } if (dragBody == null) { print("Draggable was unable to find any Rigidbody! Destroying self."); Destroy(this); } crystal = GetComponentInParent <Crystal>(); }
public static IAtomContainer BakingSoda() { var co3h = new AtomContainer(); var carbon = co3h.AddAtom("C"); co3h.AddBond(carbon, co3h.AddAtom("O"), BondOrder.Double); var oxy00 = co3h.AddAtom("O"); co3h.AddBond(carbon, oxy00, BondOrder.Single); co3h.AddBond(oxy00, co3h.AddAtom("H"), BondOrder.Single); var oxy01 = co3h.AddAtom("O"); oxy01.FormalCharge = -1; co3h.AddBond(carbon, oxy01, BondOrder.Single); var bakingSoda = new Crystal(co3h); var sodium = bakingSoda.AddAtom("Na"); sodium.FormalCharge = 1; bakingSoda.Title = nameof(bakingSoda); return(bakingSoda); }
/// <summary> /// Link Rects will be giving to linked new Crystal thir own name, bz I need to have all wth the same name /// </summary> /// <param name="nextCrystal"></param> private void RenameAsNextLinkRect(Crystal nextCrystal) { if (_type == H.LinkRect || _type == H.LandZone) { Rename(nextCrystal.Name); } }
public static OGameFleetSender Transport(OGameHttpClient client, Planet source, Planet destination, FleetSpeed speed, List <ShipBase> ships, Metal metal, Crystal crystal, Deuterium deuterium) { return(new OGameFleetSender(client, source, destination, speed, ships, MissionType.Transport, metal, crystal, deuterium)); }
IEnumerator turnOffCrystal(float delayTime, Crystal crystal) { contColor++; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delayTime)); foreach (Transform child in activeCrystals.transform) { if (child.gameObject.GetComponent <CrystalController>().crystalColor == crystal.crystalColor) { child.gameObject.GetComponent <CrystalController>().changeCrystal(false, crystal); if (contColor >= countPatrons) //Este indica que es el ultimo { child.gameObject.GetComponent <CrystalController>().idleAnimation(); } } } messageInScreen.GetComponent <ScreenMessage>().turnOffText(); if (contColor < countPatrons) { showPatron(); } else { contColor = 0; currentPatron++; showingPattern = false; messageInScreen.GetComponent <ScreenMessage>().repeatPattern(); } }
public static IAtomContainer EpsomSalt() { var mol = new AtomContainer(); var sulfur = mol.AddAtom("S"); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { mol.AddBond(sulfur, mol.AddAtom("O"), BondOrder.Double); } var oxy00 = mol.AddAtom("O"); oxy00.FormalCharge = -1; mol.AddBond(sulfur, oxy00, BondOrder.Single); var oxy01 = mol.AddAtom("O"); oxy01.FormalCharge = -1; mol.AddBond(sulfur, oxy01, BondOrder.Single); var epsomSalt = new Crystal(mol); var mg = epsomSalt.AddAtom("Mg"); mg.FormalCharge = 2; epsomSalt.Title = nameof(epsomSalt); return(epsomSalt); }
//新規追加が呼び出されたとき public void AddCrystal(Crystal cry) { if (cry != null) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(18, 18); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); g.Clear(Color.FromArgb(cry.Argb)); formMain.dataSet.DataTableCrystal.Rows.Add(new object[] { false, cry, bmp }); formMain.bindingSourceCrystal.Position = formMain.bindingSourceCrystal.List.Count - 1; formMain.dataGridViewCrystals_CellMouseClick (this, new DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs(0, formMain.dataSet.DataTableCrystal.Rows.Count - 1, 0, 0, new MouseEventArgs(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left, 1, 0, 0, 0))); //formMain.bindingSourceCrystal.Position = formMain.bindingSourceCrystal.List.Count - 1; //bindingSource.Position = bindingSource.List.Count - 1; //formMain.SelectedCrysatlIndex = bindingSource.Position; formMain.InitializeCrystalPlane(); formMain.Draw(); if (crystalControl.Enabled == false) { crystalControl.Enabled = true; } } }
public override void OnTeamWin(PvPTeam team) { WorldBroadcast("{0} has won the Battle of Wind!", team.Name); var t = team as BoWTeam; if (t == null) { return; } /*if (IsFaction) * { * if (WinGate != null) * { * WinGate.Delete(); * } * * WinGate = new BoWWinPortal(this) * { * Controller = t.Name, * Hue = t.Color * }; * * WinGate.MoveToWorld(t.GatePoint, Map); * }*/ if (Crystal != null) { Crystal.Carrier = null; //For the lols if (!MyPeopleNeedMe()) { //Aesthetic stuff for crystal Crystal.Hue = t.Color; if (t.Name == "Minax" || t.Name == "The Shadowlords") { Crystal.Name = "the corrupted Crystal of Power"; } if (t.Name == "The True Britannians" || t.Name == "The Council of Mages") { Crystal.Name = "the purified Crystal of Power"; } if (Crystal == null || Crystal.Deleted) { Crystal = new BoWCrystal(this); } Crystal.MoveToWorld(t.CrystalLoc, Map); } } Cleanup(); base.OnTeamWin(team); }
public override bool ReceiveMessage(object source, Crystal.Messaging.Message message) { switch (message.MessageString) { case "UpdateIndeterminateStatus": { try { Tuple<bool, string> tup = (Tuple<bool, string>)message.Data; Microsoft.Phone.Shell.SystemTray.ProgressIndicator.Text = tup.Item2; Microsoft.Phone.Shell.SystemTray.ProgressIndicator.IsIndeterminate = true; Microsoft.Phone.Shell.SystemTray.ProgressIndicator.IsVisible = tup.Item1; } catch (Exception) { } return true; } case "SwitchTab": { SelectedTab = (int)message.Data; return true; } default: return base.ReceiveMessage(source, message); } }
public void onRabbitDeath(HeroRabbit rabbit) { if (lives > 0) { rabbit.PlayDeathSound(); Image crystImg = GameObject.Find("Heart" + lives).GetComponent <Image>(); crystImg.sprite = EmptyHeart; --lives; rabbit.transform.position = this.startingPosition; rabbit.Live(); } else { lives = 3; Coins.n = 0; Coins.Refresh(); Fruit.n = 0; Fruit.Refresh(); Crystal.Clean(); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { Image crystImg = GameObject.Find("NonCrystal" + i).GetComponent <Image>(); crystImg.sprite = EmptyCrystal; } LoseLevel.Instance.Show(); } }
/// <summary> /// Will say if 'c' is one of the corners tht are in closest to the door /// /// Those crystal if a line from door to them is intersecting can be ignore bz is in the same building /// and only means is getting out of building or in /// </summary> /// <param name="c"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool IsCrystalOnDoorCorners(Crystal c) { var iniBool = _ini != null && _ini.MyId == c.ParentId; var finBool = _fin != null && _fin.MyId == c.ParentId; //if is not a Crystal of ini or fin then return if (!iniBool && !finBool) { return(false); } if (c.ParentId.Contains("Dummy"))//used for idle routing { return(false); } //this is to address the case of a Terrain Spawner var build = Brain.GetBuildingFromKey(c.ParentId); if (build == null) { return(false); } var facer = build.RotationFacerIndex; return(IsThisCrystalOnDoorSide(facer, c.AnchorIndex)); }
/// <summary> /// Will try to reach RectC or Final and will set explorer object that will tell if are /// Buidings in the middle or not /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool ExploreToFin() { var stepFinalPos = ReturnCorFinal(); // //Debug.Log("Exploring"); canIExplore = false; Line line = new Line(U2D.FromV2ToV3(_curr.Position), stepFinalPos, durationOfLines); _debugLines.Add(line); var interCount = IntersectCount(line); if (interCount == 0) { // //Debug.Log("Exploring went good "); _curr = new Crystal(stepFinalPos, H.None, "", setIdAndName: false); loop = true; //canIExplore = true;//needs to be able to keep exploring ResetExplorer(); ResetLoop(); ClearPrevLoop(); return(true); } return(false); }
private void CheckCrystal(String dungeonName, Crystal c) { if ((doneCrystals & c) == c) { return; } if (IsRandomized) { // see the pendant check for why this is done var pointer = bossRoomFlags[dungeonName]; short value = pointer.Deref <short>(Emulator); // Is the boss for this room cleared? if ((value & 0x0800) == 0x0800) { doneCrystals |= c; Split?.Invoke(this, new SplitEventArgs(currentState, dungeonName)); } } else { if ((Crystals.Current & c) == c) { doneCrystals = Crystals.Current; Split?.Invoke(this, new SplitEventArgs(currentState, dungeonName)); } } }
public Crystal AddCrystal(Vector2 position, int id, int score, int energy) { var crystal = new Crystal(position, id, score, energy); this._gameObjectCollection.Add(crystal); return(crystal); }
/// <summary> /// Will add to _links if is not there already /// </summary> /// <param name="newLink"></param> private void AddToLinks(Crystal newLink) { if (!_links.Contains(newLink)) { _links.Add(newLink); } }
private void AddToTerraCrystals(Crystal c) { if (!_terraCrystals.Contains(c)) { _terraCrystals.Add(c); } }
public ExplorerUnit(Crystal crystal, Vector3 intersect, Vector3 currPosition, Vector3 final)//the curr Position of the Crystal reaching Final { Current = currPosition; Final = final; Key = crystal.ParentId; Intersections.Add(intersect); OrderIntersections(); Distance = Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Distance(intersect, currPosition)); Building = Brain.GetBuildingFromKey(Key); StillElement = Program.gameScene.controllerMain.TerraSpawnController.Find(crystal.ParentId); if (Building != null) { IsHasAValidObstacle = true; } else if (StillElement != null) { //Debug.Log("Hey hit random: " + StillElement.MyId); IsHasAValidObstacle = true; } else { //is set to that so if never was calculated its really far //since distance will be used for ordering Distance = 10000; } }
private void SetMoveCrystalValue(int a_value, bool a_visible = false) { var crystalList = JimJamManager.instance.GetCrystals(a_value); //Debug.LogFormat( "For value {0} got {1} crystals", a_value, crystalList.Count ); var crystalPrefab = crystalList[0]; if (m_crystal != null) { Destroy(m_crystal.gameObject); } m_crystal = Instantiate(crystalPrefab, Vector3.forward * 1000.0f, Quaternion.identity); = "Create Enemy Crystal"; Destroy(m_crystal.GetComponent <BlinkSprite>()); Destroy(m_crystal.GetComponent <Rigidbody>()); m_crystal.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false; var spriteRenderer = m_crystal.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); spriteRenderer.sprite = crystalPrefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; spriteRenderer.enabled = a_visible; m_crystal.transform.SetParent(transform); }
/// <summary> /// This are the crystals tht get added by buildins /// </summary> /// <param name="c"></param> private void AddToObstacleCrystals(Crystal c) { if (!_obstaCrystals.Contains(c)) { _obstaCrystals.Add(c); } }
public static Goods ChoseMarketGoods(Player p, uint func) { Goods x = new Goods(); switch (func) { case 1: Grain g = new Grain(); Ui.PrintGood(p, g); return(g); case 2: Crystal c = new Crystal(); Ui.PrintGood(p, c); return(c); case 3: Oil o = new Oil(); Ui.PrintGood(p, o); return(o); case 4: Metal m = new Metal(); Ui.PrintGood(p, m); return(m); case 5: Game.MainMenue(p); return(x); default: Ui.PrintError("Ungültige Eingabe"); return(x); } }
private void AddToAllObstas(Crystal c) { if (c.Type1 == H.Obstacle || c.Type1.ToString().Contains("Way")) { _allObstas.Add(c); } }
public void StopLinking(H type) { Debug.Log("StopLinking t:" + type); linkNow = false; Crystal.ResetAccumNumbers(); CleanBoundsList(); //if the one stped was water now Terrain needs to be initiated if (type == H.WaterObstacle) { m.MeshController.WaterBound1.FindVertexAboveTerrainLevel(); } else if (type == H.MountainObstacle) { //Creates the land zones m.MeshController.LandZoneManager1.Create(); Save(); //m.MeshController.WaterBound1.Create(); } else if (type == H.LinkRect) { m.MeshController.LandZoneManager1.FirstLinkRectsLinkDone(type); } else if (type == H.LandZone) { m.MeshController.LandZoneManager1.FirstLinkRectsLinkDone(type); } else if (type == H.Poll) { } }
public void AddParameter(Crystal.Parameter param) { if(_parameters.Contains(param)==false) { OnChangeReport(false); _parameters.Add(param); //subscribe to change event param.BeforeChange+=new EventHandler(Parameter_BeforeChange); } }
public override bool ReceiveMessage(object source, Crystal.Messaging.Message message) { switch (message.MessageString.ToLower()) { case "updateisbusy": UIDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { IsBusy = (bool)message.Data; })); return true; } return base.ReceiveMessage(source, message); }
public void RemoveParameter(Crystal.Parameter param) { OnChangeReport(false); _parameters.Remove(param); //unsubscribe from change event param.BeforeChange-=new EventHandler(Parameter_BeforeChange); }
public Player(Crystal.Pet pet) : this() { this.Pet = pet; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update () { if (_followTarget && _crystal == null) { //check if you hit a crystal: RaycastHit hit; if (_laser.Enabled && _followTarget && Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, 100f, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Crystal"))) { Crystal theCristal = hit.collider.GetComponent<Crystal>(); if (theCristal != null) { if (theCristal.AddEye(this)) { _followTarget = false; _crystal = theCristal; } } CancelCurrentTween(); } } else if (_crystal != null) { _target = _crystal.transform; } if (_target) { Vector3 dir = _target.position - transform.position; Quaternion lookAtRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, _hero.transform.up); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, lookAtRotation, 0.5f * Time.deltaTime); } }