예제 #1
    public bool willObeyFloorTile(Crew crewMember, Vector2 newPosition)
        bool willObey = false;
        // check for a floor tile under crew member

        // we'll do a tile based check if the crew member is completely in a tile

        // get crew member's bounding values
        float crewXMin = newPosition.x - (crewMember.width / 2);
        float crewXMax = newPosition.x + (crewMember.width / 2);
        float crewYMin = newPosition.y - (crewMember.height / 2);
        float crewYMax = newPosition.y + (crewMember.height / 2);

        // get crew members column number tile's x bounding values
        int colNumber = (int)newPosition.x / 64;
        int xTileMin  = colNumber * 64;
        int xTileMax  = xTileMin + 64;

        // get crew members row number tile's y bounding values
        int rowNumber = (int)newPosition.y / 64;
        int yTileMin  = rowNumber * 64;
        int yTileMax  = yTileMin + 64;

        MoveTile moveTile = getMoveTile(rowNumber, colNumber);

        if (moveTile != null && moveTile != crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed)
            // crew member is on a move tile and is not currently following it
            if (crewMember.direction != moveTile.direction)
                // we only care if the tile will change the crew members direction

                if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Up || crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Down)
                    // crew member is moving up or down, wait until crew member is contained between tile's min/max y before obeying it
                    if (crewYMin >= yTileMin && crewYMax <= yTileMax)
                        crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed = moveTile;
                        willObey = true;
                    // crew member is moving left or right, wait until crew member is contained between tile's min/max x before obeying it
                    if (crewXMin >= xTileMin && crewXMax <= xTileMax)
                        crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed = moveTile;
                        willObey = true;
        else if (moveTile == null)
            // crew member is not on a move tile
            crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed = null;

예제 #2
    // this method is fairly similar to rewMemberIsPassingThruDoor(Crew crewMember)
    // there may be a way to combine similar functionality that has been copy/pasted.
    // but thats a challenge for another time.
    public bool willDirectCrewToDoor(Crew crewMember)
        bool willDirectToDoor = false;

        // check for a door immediately next to crew member

        // we'll do a tile based check if the crew member is completely in a tile

        // get crew member's bounding values
        float crewXMin = crewMember.x - (crewMember.width / 2);
        float crewXMax = crewMember.x + (crewMember.width / 2);
        float crewYMin = crewMember.y - (crewMember.height / 2);
        float crewYMax = crewMember.y + (crewMember.height / 2);

        // get crew members column number tile's x bounding values
        int colNumber = (int)crewMember.x / 64;
        int xTileMin  = colNumber * 64;
        int xTileMax  = xTileMin + 64;

        // get crew members row number tile's y bounding values
        int rowNumber = (int)crewMember.y / 64;
        int yTileMin  = rowNumber * 64;
        int yTileMax  = yTileMin + 64;

        // see if there is a door next to the crew member
        Door checkDoor = getOpenDoor(rowNumber, colNumber);

        if (checkDoor != null && crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed == null)          // if lastMoveTileUsed is not null, then crew member is still obeying a move tile
            if (checkDoor.doorIsHorizontal)
                // door is above or below the crew member, make sure they are within the tile's x boundary in order to access
                if (crewXMin >= xTileMin && crewXMax <= xTileMax)
                    if (rowNumber == checkDoor.startRow)
                        // crew member is below
                        if (crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Up && crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Down)
                            // update direction so long as crew member is not moving directly away from the door, in which case they probably just passed through it
                            willDirectToDoor = true;
                        // crew member is above
                        if (crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Down && crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Up)
                            // update direction so long as crew member is not moving directly away from the door, in which case they probably just passed through it
                            willDirectToDoor = true;
                // door is to the left or right of the crew member, make sure they are within the tile's y boundary in order to access
                if (crewYMin >= yTileMin && crewYMax <= yTileMax)
                    // check for a door to the left or right that the crew member could access
                    if (colNumber == checkDoor.startCol)
                        // crew member is to the left
                        if (crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Right && crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Left)
                            // update direction so long as crew member is not moving directly away from the door, in which case they probably just passed through it
                            willDirectToDoor = true;
                        // crew member is to the right
                        if (crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Left && crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Right)
                            // update direction so long as crew member is not moving directly away from the door, in which case they probably just passed through it
                            willDirectToDoor = true;

예제 #3
    // check if the crew member is going to run into a wall
    public bool checkCrewHeadingOk(Crew crewMember, Vector2 newPosition)
        bool headingOk = true;

        if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Up)
            // check top walls and horizontal walls
            int maxY;             // max height the crew member can travel in this spot
            if (crewMember.x >= 16 * 64)
                maxY = (8 * 64) - 32;
                maxY = 9 * 64;
            if (newPosition.y >= maxY || isCrewGoingToIntersectWall(crewMember, newPosition))
                headingOk = false;

                if (RXRandom.Range(0, 2) == 1)
        else if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Down)
            // check bottom walls and horizontal walls
            int minY;             // min y the crew member can travel in this spot
            if (crewMember.x >= 16 * 64)
                minY = (2 * 64) + 30;
                minY = 64;
            if (newPosition.y <= minY || isCrewGoingToIntersectWall(crewMember, newPosition))
                headingOk = false;

                if (RXRandom.Range(0, 2) == 1)
        else if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Left)
            // check bottom walls and horizontal walls
            int minX;             // min x the crew member can travel in this spot
            minX = (3 * 64) + 32;

            if (newPosition.x <= minX || isCrewGoingToIntersectWall(crewMember, newPosition))
                headingOk = false;

                if (RXRandom.Range(0, 2) == 1)
        else if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Right)
            // check bottom walls and horizontal walls
            int maxX;             // max x the crew member can travel in this spot
            if (crewMember.y >= (2 * 64) + 32 && crewMember.y <= (8 * 64) - 32)
                maxX = (19 * 64) - 32;
                maxX = 16 * 64 - 32;
            if (newPosition.x >= maxX || isCrewGoingToIntersectWall(crewMember, newPosition))
                headingOk = false;

                if (RXRandom.Range(0, 2) == 1)

예제 #4
    public bool willObeyFloorTile(Crew crewMember, Vector2 newPosition)
        bool willObey = false;
        // check for a floor tile under crew member

        // we'll do a tile based check if the crew member is completely in a tile

        // get crew member's bounding values
        float crewXMin = newPosition.x - (crewMember.width / 2);
        float crewXMax = newPosition.x + (crewMember.width / 2);
        float crewYMin = newPosition.y - (crewMember.height / 2);
        float crewYMax = newPosition.y + (crewMember.height / 2);

        // get crew members column number tile's x bounding values
        int colNumber = (int)newPosition.x / 64;
        int xTileMin = colNumber * 64;
        int xTileMax = xTileMin + 64;

        // get crew members row number tile's y bounding values
        int rowNumber = (int)newPosition.y / 64;
        int yTileMin = rowNumber * 64;
        int yTileMax = yTileMin + 64;

        MoveTile moveTile = getMoveTile(rowNumber, colNumber);

        if (moveTile != null && moveTile != crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed){
            // crew member is on a move tile and is not currently following it
            if (crewMember.direction != moveTile.direction){
                // we only care if the tile will change the crew members direction

                if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Up || crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Down){
                 	// crew member is moving up or down, wait until crew member is contained between tile's min/max y before obeying it
                    if (crewYMin >= yTileMin && crewYMax <= yTileMax){
                        crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed = moveTile;
                        willObey = true;
                } else {
                    // crew member is moving left or right, wait until crew member is contained between tile's min/max x before obeying it
                    if (crewXMin >= xTileMin && crewXMax <= xTileMax){
                        crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed = moveTile;
                        willObey = true;
        } else if (moveTile == null){
            // crew member is not on a move tile
            crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed = null;

        return willObey;
예제 #5
    // this method is fairly similar to rewMemberIsPassingThruDoor(Crew crewMember)
    // there may be a way to combine similar functionality that has been copy/pasted.
    // but thats a challenge for another time.
    public bool willDirectCrewToDoor(Crew crewMember)
        bool willDirectToDoor = false;

        // check for a door immediately next to crew member

        // we'll do a tile based check if the crew member is completely in a tile

        // get crew member's bounding values
        float crewXMin = crewMember.x - (crewMember.width / 2);
        float crewXMax = crewMember.x + (crewMember.width / 2);
        float crewYMin = crewMember.y - (crewMember.height / 2);
        float crewYMax = crewMember.y + (crewMember.height / 2);

        // get crew members column number tile's x bounding values
        int colNumber = (int)crewMember.x / 64;
        int xTileMin = colNumber * 64;
        int xTileMax = xTileMin + 64;

        // get crew members row number tile's y bounding values
        int rowNumber = (int)crewMember.y / 64;
        int yTileMin = rowNumber * 64;
        int yTileMax = yTileMin + 64;

        // see if there is a door next to the crew member
        Door checkDoor = getOpenDoor(rowNumber, colNumber);

        if (checkDoor != null && crewMember.lastMoveTileUsed == null){ // if lastMoveTileUsed is not null, then crew member is still obeying a move tile
            if (checkDoor.doorIsHorizontal){
                // door is above or below the crew member, make sure they are within the tile's x boundary in order to access
                if (crewXMin >= xTileMin && crewXMax <= xTileMax){
                    if (rowNumber == checkDoor.startRow){
                        // crew member is below
                        if (crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Up && crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Down){
                            // update direction so long as crew member is not moving directly away from the door, in which case they probably just passed through it
                            willDirectToDoor = true;
                    } else {
                        // crew member is above
                        if (crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Down && crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Up){
                            // update direction so long as crew member is not moving directly away from the door, in which case they probably just passed through it
                            willDirectToDoor = true;
            } else {
                // door is to the left or right of the crew member, make sure they are within the tile's y boundary in order to access
                if (crewYMin >= yTileMin && crewYMax <= yTileMax){
                    // check for a door to the left or right that the crew member could access
                    if (colNumber == checkDoor.startCol){
                        // crew member is to the left
                        if (crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Right && crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Left){
                            // update direction so long as crew member is not moving directly away from the door, in which case they probably just passed through it
                            willDirectToDoor = true;
                    } else {
                        // crew member is to the right
                        if (crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Left && crewMember.direction != VectorDirection.Right){
                            // update direction so long as crew member is not moving directly away from the door, in which case they probably just passed through it
                            willDirectToDoor = true;

        return willDirectToDoor;
예제 #6
파일: Level1.cs 프로젝트: jrendel/LD27
    // check if the crew member is going to run into a wall
    public bool checkCrewHeadingOk(Crew crewMember, Vector2 newPosition)
        bool headingOk = true;

        if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Up){
            // check top walls and horizontal walls
            int maxY; // max height the crew member can travel in this spot
            if (crewMember.x >= 16*64){
                maxY = (8 * 64) - 32;
            } else {
                maxY = 9 * 64;
            if (newPosition.y >= maxY || isCrewGoingToIntersectWall(crewMember, newPosition)){
                headingOk = false;

                if (RXRandom.Range(0,2) == 1){
                } else {
        } else if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Down){
            // check bottom walls and horizontal walls
            int minY; // min y the crew member can travel in this spot
            if (crewMember.x >= 16*64){
                minY = (2 * 64) + 30;
            } else {
                minY = 64 ;
            if (newPosition.y <= minY || isCrewGoingToIntersectWall(crewMember, newPosition)){
                headingOk = false;

                if (RXRandom.Range(0,2) == 1){
                } else {
        } else if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Left){
            // check bottom walls and horizontal walls
            int minX; // min x the crew member can travel in this spot
            minX = (3 * 64) + 32;

            if (newPosition.x <= minX || isCrewGoingToIntersectWall(crewMember, newPosition)){
                headingOk = false;

                if (RXRandom.Range(0,2) == 1){
                } else {
        } else if (crewMember.direction == VectorDirection.Right){
            // check bottom walls and horizontal walls
            int maxX; // max x the crew member can travel in this spot
            if (crewMember.y >= (2*64) + 32 && crewMember.y <= (8*64) - 32){
                maxX = (19 * 64) - 32;
            } else {
                maxX = 16 * 64 - 32;
            if (newPosition.x >= maxX  || isCrewGoingToIntersectWall(crewMember, newPosition)){
                headingOk = false;

                if (RXRandom.Range(0,2) == 1){
                } else {

        return headingOk;