예제 #1
    //in the explosion direction
    private float ExplodeInDirection(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float distance)
        if (distance <= 0.0f)
            return(0);                                              //returns 0 if distance is less or equal to 0.0f
        RaycastHit hit;                                             //check if raycast hits anything

        if (!Physics.Raycast(origin, direction, out hit, distance)) // cast a raycast to check if it does not hits anything, if it does not, then it only returns the distance the ray was cast in.
            return(distance);                                       //retrns the distance if it does not hit anything.
        //if the raycast hits an object then the object is assigned to hit.colider.gameObject.
        GameObject obj = hit.collider.gameObject;             // assigning obj to hit.colider.gameObject
        Vector3    pos = obj.transform.position;              // and assigning pos to obj.transform.position

        if (obj.tag == "Crate")                               // check it obj is with the tag Crate, if it is then GetComponent to Crate class, destroy obj
            Crate crate = obj.GetComponent <Crate>();         // assigning crate to obj.transform.position;
            Destroy(obj);                                     //destroy the object with the  "Crate" tag
            return((origin - pos).magnitude);                 // Return the distance to the crate (the crate will absorb the explosion so things behind it wont be hit)
        else if (obj.tag == "Player" || obj.tag == "PowerUp") // check if object is Player or PowerUp
            if (obj.tag == "Player")
                AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(MenDieSound, Camera.main.transform.position);                                    //if it is player then play this audio when the player is destroied.
            Destroy(obj);                                                                                                    //destroy the object if it is a Player or PowerUp
            return((origin - pos).magnitude + this.ExplodeInDirection(pos, direction, distance - (origin - pos).magnitude)); // Test how much further we can explode

        else if (obj.tag == "Bomb")                                                                                          // check if object is a bomb
            Bomb bomb = obj.GetComponent <Bomb>();                                                                           // get bomb class
            bomb.Explode();                                                                                                  //instead of destroing the bomb, then it starts its explosion function instead
            return((origin - pos).magnitude + this.ExplodeInDirection(pos, direction, distance - (origin - pos).magnitude)); // Test how much further we can explode
        else                                                                                                                 // We must have hit a Wall
            return((origin - pos).magnitude - LevelGenerator.gameUnit);                                                      // Return the distance to the position before the wall (the wall can't explode)