예제 #1
        internal RC fillInCell(byte[] pCell, byte[] pKey, long nKey, byte[] pData, int nData, int nZero, ref int pnSize)
            // pPage is not necessarily writeable since pCell might be auxiliary buffer space that is separate from the pPage buffer area
            // TODO -- Determine if the following Assert is needed under c#
            //Debug.Assert( pCell < pPage.aData || pCell >= &pPage.aData[pBt.pageSize] || sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage.pDbPage) );
            // Fill in the header.
            var nHeader = 0;

            if (this.Leaf == 0)
                nHeader += 4;
            if (this.HasData != 0)
                nHeader += (int)ConvertEx.PutVarint9(pCell, (uint)nHeader, (int)(nData + nZero));
                nData = nZero = 0;
            nHeader += ConvertEx.PutVarint9L(pCell, (uint)nHeader, (ulong)nKey);
            var info = new CellInfo();

            btreeParseCellPtr(pCell, ref info);
            Debug.Assert(info.nHeader == nHeader);
            Debug.Assert(info.nKey == nKey);
            Debug.Assert(info.nData == (uint)(nData + nZero));
            // Fill in the payload
            var nPayload = nData + nZero;

            byte[] pSrc;
            int    nSrc;

            if (this.HasIntKey)
                pSrc  = pData;
                nSrc  = nData;
                nData = 0;
                if (Check.NEVER(nKey > 0x7fffffff || pKey == null))
                nPayload += (int)nKey;
                pSrc      = pKey;
                nSrc      = (int)nKey;
            pnSize = info.nSize;
            var     spaceLeft     = (int)info.nLocal;
            var     pPayload      = pCell;
            var     pPayloadIndex = nHeader;
            var     pPrior        = pCell;
            var     pPriorIndex   = (int)info.iOverflow;
            var     pBt           = this.Shared;
            Pgno    pgnoOvfl      = 0;
            MemPage pToRelease    = null;

            while (nPayload > 0)
                if (spaceLeft == 0)
                    var pgnoPtrmap = pgnoOvfl; // Overflow page pointer-map entry page
                    if (pBt.AutoVacuum)
                        }while (PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, pgnoOvfl) || pgnoOvfl == PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt));
                    MemPage pOvfl = null;
                    var     rc    = pBt.allocateBtreePage(ref pOvfl, ref pgnoOvfl, pgnoOvfl, 0);
                    // If the database supports auto-vacuum, and the second or subsequent overflow page is being allocated, add an entry to the pointer-map for that page now.
                    // If this is the first overflow page, then write a partial entry to the pointer-map. If we write nothing to this pointer-map slot,
                    // then the optimistic overflow chain processing in clearCell() may misinterpret the uninitialised values and delete the
                    // wrong pages from the database.
                    if (pBt.AutoVacuum && rc == RC.OK)
                        var eType = (pgnoPtrmap != 0 ? PTRMAP.OVERFLOW2 : PTRMAP.OVERFLOW1);
                        pBt.ptrmapPut(pgnoOvfl, eType, pgnoPtrmap, ref rc);
                        if (rc != RC.OK)
                    if (rc != RC.OK)
                    // If pToRelease is not zero than pPrior points into the data area of pToRelease.  Make sure pToRelease is still writeable.
                    Debug.Assert(pToRelease == null || Pager.IsPageWriteable(pToRelease.DbPage));
                    // If pPrior is part of the data area of pPage, then make sure pPage is still writeable
                    // TODO -- Determine if the following Assert is needed under c#
                    //Debug.Assert( pPrior < pPage.aData || pPrior >= &pPage.aData[pBt.pageSize] || sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage.pDbPage) );
                    ConvertEx.Put4L(pPrior, pPriorIndex, pgnoOvfl);
                    pToRelease  = pOvfl;
                    pPrior      = pOvfl.Data;
                    pPriorIndex = 0;
                    ConvertEx.Put4(pPrior, 0);
                    pPayload      = pOvfl.Data;
                    pPayloadIndex = 4;
                    spaceLeft     = (int)pBt.UsableSize - 4;
                var n = nPayload;
                if (n > spaceLeft)
                    n = spaceLeft;
                // If pToRelease is not zero than pPayload points into the data area of pToRelease.  Make sure pToRelease is still writeable.
                Debug.Assert(pToRelease == null || Pager.IsPageWriteable(pToRelease.DbPage));
                // If pPayload is part of the data area of pPage, then make sure pPage is still writeable
                // TODO -- Determine if the following Assert is needed under c#
                //Debug.Assert( pPayload < pPage.aData || pPayload >= &pPage.aData[pBt.pageSize] || sqlite3PagerIswriteable(pPage.pDbPage) );
                var pSrcIndex = 0;
                if (nSrc > 0)
                    if (n > nSrc)
                        n = nSrc;
                    Debug.Assert(pSrc != null);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(pSrc, pSrcIndex, pPayload, pPayloadIndex, n);
                    var pZeroBlob = MallocEx.sqlite3Malloc(n);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(pZeroBlob, 0, pPayload, pPayloadIndex, n);
                nPayload      -= n;
                pPayloadIndex += n;
                pSrcIndex     += n;
                nSrc          -= n;
                spaceLeft     -= n;
                if (nSrc == 0)
                    nSrc = nData;
                    pSrc = pData;