예제 #1
        internal void btreeParseCellPtr(byte[] cell, int cellID, ref CellInfo info)
            var nPayload = (uint)0;    // Number of bytes of cell payload

            if (info.Cells != cell)
                info.Cells = cell;
            info.CellID = cellID;
            Debug.Assert(Leaf == 0 || Leaf == 1);
            var n = (ushort)ChildPtrSize; // Number bytes in cell content header

            Debug.Assert(n == 4 - 4 * Leaf);
            if (HasIntKey)
                if (HasData != 0)
                    n += (ushort)ConvertEx.GetVarint4(cell, (uint)(cellID + n), out nPayload);
                    nPayload = 0;
                n         += (ushort)ConvertEx.GetVarint9L(cell, (uint)(cellID + n), out info.nKey);
                info.nData = nPayload;
                info.nData = 0;
                n         += (ushort)ConvertEx.GetVarint4(cell, (uint)(cellID + n), out nPayload);
                info.nKey  = nPayload;
            info.nPayload = nPayload;
            info.nHeader  = n;
            if (Check.LIKELY(nPayload <= this.MaxLocal))
                // This is the (easy) common case where the entire payload fits on the local page.  No overflow is required.
                if ((info.nSize = (ushort)(n + nPayload)) < 4)
                    info.nSize = 4;
                info.nLocal    = (ushort)nPayload;
                info.iOverflow = 0;
                // If the payload will not fit completely on the local page, we have to decide how much to store locally and how much to spill onto
                // overflow pages.  The strategy is to minimize the amount of unused space on overflow pages while keeping the amount of local storage
                // in between minLocal and maxLocal.
                // Warning:  changing the way overflow payload is distributed in any way will result in an incompatible file format.
                var minLocal = (int)MinLocal;                                                     // Minimum amount of payload held locally
                var maxLocal = (int)MaxLocal;                                                     // Maximum amount of payload held locally
                var surplus  = (int)(minLocal + (nPayload - minLocal) % (Shared.UsableSize - 4)); // Overflow payload available for local storage
                info.nLocal    = (surplus <= maxLocal ? (ushort)surplus : (ushort)minLocal);
                info.iOverflow = (ushort)(info.nLocal + n);
                info.nSize     = (ushort)(info.iOverflow + 4);
예제 #2
        internal ushort cellSizePtr(byte[] pCell)
            int  _pIter = this.ChildPtrSize;
            uint nSize  = 0;

            // The value returned by this function should always be the same as the (CellInfo.nSize) value found by doing a full parse of the
            // cell. If SQLITE_DEBUG is defined, an Debug.Assert() at the bottom of this function verifies that this invariant is not violated. */
            var debuginfo = new CellInfo();
            btreeParseCellPtr(pCell, ref debuginfo);
            var debuginfo = new CellInfo();
            if (this.HasIntKey)
                if (this.HasData != 0)
                    _pIter += ConvertEx.GetVarint4(pCell, out nSize);
                    nSize = 0;
                // pIter now points at the 64-bit integer key value, a variable length integer. The following block moves pIter to point at the first byte
                // past the end of the key value. */
                var pEnd = _pIter + 9;
                while (((pCell[_pIter++]) & 0x80) != 0 && _pIter < pEnd)
                _pIter += ConvertEx.GetVarint4(pCell, (uint)_pIter, out nSize);
            if (nSize > this.MaxLocal)
                var minLocal = (int)this.MinLocal;
                nSize = (ushort)(minLocal + (nSize - minLocal) % (this.Shared.UsableSize - 4));
                if (nSize > this.MaxLocal)
                    nSize = (ushort)minLocal;
                nSize += 4;
            nSize += (uint)_pIter;
            // The minimum size of any cell is 4 bytes.
            if (nSize < 4)
                nSize = 4;
            Debug.Assert(nSize == debuginfo.nSize);
예제 #3
        // was:sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked
        public RC MoveToUnpacked(Btree.UnpackedRecord idxKey, long intKey, bool biasRight, ref int pRes)
            Debug.Assert((idxKey == null) == (KeyInfo == null));
            // If the cursor is already positioned at the point we are trying to move to, then just return without doing any work
            if (State == CursorState.VALID && ValidNKey && Pages[0].HasIntKey)
                if (Info.nKey == intKey)
                    pRes = 0;
                if (AtLast && Info.nKey < intKey)
                    pRes = -1;
            var rc = MoveToRoot();

            if (rc != RC.OK)
            Debug.Assert(Pages[PageID] != null);
            Debug.Assert(Pages[PageID].Cells > 0 || State == CursorState.INVALID);
            if (State == CursorState.INVALID)
                pRes = -1;
                Debug.Assert(Pages[PageID].Cells == 0);
            Debug.Assert(Pages[0].HasIntKey || idxKey != null);
            for (; ;)
                var page = Pages[PageID];
                // pPage.nCell must be greater than zero. If this is the root-page the cursor would have been INVALID above and this for(;;) loop
                // not run. If this is not the root-page, then the moveToChild() routine would have already detected db corruption. Similarly, pPage must
                // be the right kind (index or table) of b-tree page. Otherwise a moveToChild() or moveToRoot() call would have detected corruption.
                Debug.Assert(page.Cells > 0);
                Debug.Assert(page.HasIntKey == (idxKey == null));
                var lwr = 0;
                var upr = page.Cells - 1;
                int idx;
                PagesIndexs[PageID] = (ushort)(biasRight ? (idx = upr) : (idx = (upr + lwr) / 2));
                int c;
                for (; ;)
                    Debug.Assert(idx == PagesIndexs[PageID]);
                    Info.nSize = 0;
                    var cell = page.FindCell(idx) + page.ChildPtrSize; // Pointer to current cell in pPage
                    if (page.HasIntKey)
                        var nCellKey = 0L;
                        if (page.HasData != 0)
                            uint dummy0;
                            cell += ConvertEx.GetVarint4(page.Data, (uint)cell, out dummy0);
                        ConvertEx.GetVarint9L(page.Data, (uint)cell, out nCellKey);
                        if (nCellKey == intKey)
                            c = 0;
                        else if (nCellKey < intKey)
                            c = -1;
                            Debug.Assert(nCellKey > intKey);
                            c = 1;
                        ValidNKey = true;
                        Info.nKey = nCellKey;
                        // The maximum supported page-size is 65536 bytes. This means that the maximum number of record bytes stored on an index B-Tree
                        // page is less than 16384 bytes and may be stored as a 2-byte varint. This information is used to attempt to avoid parsing
                        // the entire cell by checking for the cases where the record is stored entirely within the b-tree page by inspecting the first
                        // 2 bytes of the cell.
                        var nCell = (int)page.Data[cell + 0];
                        if (0 == (nCell & 0x80) && nCell <= page.MaxLocal)
                            // This branch runs if the record-size field of the cell is a single byte varint and the record fits entirely on the main b-tree page.
                            c = Btree._vdbe.sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare(nCell, page.Data, cell + 1, idxKey);
                        else if (0 == (page.Data[cell + 1] & 0x80) && (nCell = ((nCell & 0x7f) << 7) + page.Data[cell + 1]) <= page.MaxLocal)
                            // The record-size field is a 2 byte varint and the record fits entirely on the main b-tree page.
                            c = Btree._vdbe.sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare(nCell, page.Data, cell + 2, idxKey);
                            // The record flows over onto one or more overflow pages. In this case the whole cell needs to be parsed, a buffer allocated
                            // and accessPayload() used to retrieve the record into the buffer before VdbeRecordCompare() can be called.
                            var pCellBody = new byte[page.Data.Length - cell + page.ChildPtrSize];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(page.Data, cell - page.ChildPtrSize, pCellBody, 0, pCellBody.Length);
                            page.btreeParseCellPtr(pCellBody, ref Info);
                            nCell = (int)Info.nKey;
                            var pCellKey = MallocEx.sqlite3Malloc(nCell);
                            rc = AccessPayload(0, (uint)nCell, pCellKey, false);
                            if (rc != RC.OK)
                                pCellKey = null;
                                goto moveto_finish;
                            c        = Btree._vdbe.sqlite3VdbeRecordCompare(nCell, pCellKey, idxKey);
                            pCellKey = null;
                    if (c == 0)
                        if (page.HasIntKey && 0 == page.Leaf)
                            lwr = idx;
                            upr = lwr - 1;
                            pRes = 0;
                            rc   = RC.OK;
                            goto moveto_finish;
                    if (c < 0)
                        lwr = idx + 1;
                        upr = idx - 1;
                    if (lwr > upr)
                    PagesIndexs[PageID] = (ushort)(idx = (lwr + upr) / 2);
                Debug.Assert(lwr == upr + 1);
                Pgno chldPg;
                if (page.Leaf != 0)
                    chldPg = 0;
                else if (lwr >= page.Cells)
                    chldPg = ConvertEx.Get4(page.Data, page.HeaderOffset + 8);
                    chldPg = ConvertEx.Get4(page.Data, page.FindCell(lwr));
                if (chldPg == 0)
                    Debug.Assert(PagesIndexs[PageID] < Pages[PageID].Cells);
                    pRes = c;
                    rc   = RC.OK;
                    goto moveto_finish;
                PagesIndexs[PageID] = (ushort)lwr;
                Info.nSize          = 0;
                ValidNKey           = false;
                rc = MoveToChild(chldPg);
                if (rc != RC.OK)
                    goto moveto_finish;