void UpdateComp() { if (lsCompanyList.SelectedIndex > -1) { string strCompanyCode = lsCompanyList.SelectedItem.ToString(); //rest of your logic //mdlGlobal.systemUsers.CompanyCode = strCompanyCode; Global.CompanyCode = strCompanyCode; Global.intUserID = mdlGlobal.systemUsers.SystemUsersID; mdlGlobal.companyInformation = companyManagement.RetrieveCompanyInformationByCode(Global.CompanyCode); Global.AllVisionsCS = mdlGlobal.companyInformation.AllVisionsCS; //periksa versi didatabase jika lebih besar maka periksa perubahan script var e1 = new Version(mdlGlobal.companyInformation.APPVersion); var e2 = new Version(Global.strVersionNo.Trim()); if (e1.CompareTo(e2) < 0) { DataAccess dataAccess = new DataAccess(Global.AllVisionsCS); string[] DirectoryList = Directory.GetDirectories(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Versions\", "*"); string sourceDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Versions"; string[] fileList; foreach (string dl in DirectoryList) { fileList = Directory.GetFiles(dl, "*.*"); string DirName = dl.Substring(sourceDir.Length + 1); var e3 = new Version(DirName.Trim()); if (e1.CompareTo(e3) < 0) { foreach (string f in fileList) { string fName = f.Substring(dl.Length + 1); string strError = dataAccess.ProcessDataWithQueryParameter(File.ReadAllText(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Versions\" + e3 + @"\" + fName)); if (strError != string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show(strError, " UPDATE DATABASE ERROR!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); //updateFailed = true; } } } } mdlGlobal.companyInformation.APPVersion = Global.strVersionNo.Trim(); SaveCompanyData(); } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } }
void Login() { try { UserManagement userManagement = new UserManagement(); string userpass = dbSecurity.MD5(txtUserPassword.Text); mdlGlobal.systemUsers = userManagement.CekUserAuthorize(txtUserID.Text, userpass); if (mdlGlobal.systemUsers.SystemUsersID > 0) { Global.CompanyCode = mdlGlobal.systemUsers.CompanyCode; Global.intUserID = mdlGlobal.systemUsers.SystemUsersID; mdlGlobal.companyInformation = companyManagement.RetrieveCompanyInformationByCode(Global.CompanyCode); Global.AllVisionsCS = mdlGlobal.companyInformation.AllVisionsCS; //periksa versi didatabase jika lebih besar maka periksa perubahan script var e1 = new Version(mdlGlobal.companyInformation.APPVersion); var e2 = new Version(Global.strVersionNo.Trim()); if (e1.CompareTo(e2) < 0) { DataAccess dataAccess = new DataAccess(Global.AllVisionsCS); string[] DirectoryList = Directory.GetDirectories(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Versions\", "*"); string sourceDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Versions"; string[] fileList; foreach (string dl in DirectoryList) { fileList = Directory.GetFiles(dl, "*.*"); string DirName = dl.Substring(sourceDir.Length + 1); var e3 = new Version(DirName.Trim()); if (e1.CompareTo(e3) < 0) { foreach (string f in fileList) { string fName = f.Substring(dl.Length + 1); string strError = dataAccess.ProcessDataWithQueryParameter(File.ReadAllText(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Versions\" + e3 + @"\" + fName)); if (strError != string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show(strError, " UPDATE DATABASE ERROR!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); //updateFailed = true; } } } } mdlGlobal.companyInformation.APPVersion = Global.strVersionNo.Trim(); SaveCompanyData(); } SaveSystemUserRoles(); frmMain frmMain = new frmMain(); frmMain.Text = mdlGlobal.systemUsers.CompanyName; frmMain.Show(); //frmEmployee frmEmployee = new frmEmployee(); //frmEmployee.Show(); txtUserID.Text = ""; txtUserPassword.Text = ""; Hide(); } else { MessageBox.Show("User ID and Password not registered"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, Global.strProductName); } }