public void TestAnalyseTemplateList_一般情况() { string html = string.Empty; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(TestContext.TestDeploymentDir + "\\TemplateFiles\\10.综合测试.一般情况.htm")) { html = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); } List <TemplateObject> infoList = TemplateAnalyser.AnalyseTemplateList(html); Assert.IsNotNull(infoList); Assert.AreEqual(2, infoList.Count); TemplateObject info1 = infoList[0]; Assert.AreEqual("list", info1.Category); Assert.AreEqual("TestDisp1", info1.DisplayName); Assert.AreEqual("Image", info1.DataType); Assert.AreEqual(1, info1.Children.Count); Assert.AreEqual("Sub1", info1.Children[0].DisplayName); TemplateObject info2 = infoList[1]; Assert.AreEqual("item", info2.Category); Assert.AreEqual("TestDisp2", info2.DisplayName); Assert.AreEqual("String", info2.DataType); Assert.AreEqual(0, info2.Children.Count); }
/// <summary>Executes the command.</summary> /// <param name="queue">The command queue involved.</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry to be executed.</param> public static void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { string configName = entry.GetArgument(queue, 0).ToLowerFast(); AutoConfiguration config = queue.Engine.Context.GetConfig(configName); if (config is null) { queue.HandleError(entry, $"Invalid config name '{TextStyle.SeparateVal(configName)}' - are you sure you typed it correctly?"); return; } string configKey = entry.GetArgument(queue, 1); AutoConfiguration.Internal.SingleFieldData field = config.TryGetFieldInternalData(configKey, out AutoConfiguration section, true); if (field is null) { queue.HandleError(entry, $"Invalid config setting key '{TextStyle.SeparateVal(configKey)}' - are you sure you typed it correctly?"); return; } TemplateObject newValue = entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 2); object rawValue = ConvertForType(field.Field.FieldType, newValue, queue); field.SetValue(section, rawValue); field.OnChanged?.Invoke(); if (queue.ShouldShowGood()) { queue.GoodOutput($"For config '{TextStyle.SeparateVal(configName)}', set '{TextStyle.SeparateVal(configKey)}' to '{TextStyle.SeparateVal(rawValue)}'"); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes this instance. /// </summary> public bool TryRunFrontMatter(IFrontMatter frontMatter, TemplateObject obj, ScriptObject newGlobal = null) { if (frontMatter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(frontMatter)); } if (obj == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(obj)); } var context = CreatePageContext(); context.PushGlobal(obj); if (newGlobal != null) { context.PushGlobal(newGlobal); } try { context.EnableOutput = false; context.TemplateLoader = new TemplateLoaderFromIncludes(Site); Site.SetValue(PageVariables.Site, this, true); frontMatter.Evaluate(context); } catch (ScriptRuntimeException exception) { LogException(exception); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary>Checks an object holder's validity (non-null and contains non-null data), for CIL usage.</summary> /// <param name="queue">The command queue involved.</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry to be executed.</param> /// <param name="obj">Object in question.</param> /// <param name="varn">Variable the object holder was gotten from.</param> public static void CheckForValidity(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry, TemplateObject obj, string varn) { if (obj == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "A variable was required but not found: " + varn + "!"); } }
private string GetItemHtmlByFlow(TemplateSetItem flow, TemplateObject obj) { string html = flow.Template.InnerHTML; if (obj.Category.Equals("List", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { TemplateObject item = obj.Children[0]; if (item.Children != null && item.Children.Count > 0 && item.Children.Count == flow.ChildrenCount) { for (int i = 0; i < item.Children.Count; i++) { TemplateObject sub = item.Children[i]; string oldText = sub.OuterHTML; if (sub.NoUse) { html = html.Replace(oldText, ""); } else { int index; if (int.TryParse(sub.DataSource, out index)) { string newText = flow.Value.Split(',')[index]; html = html.Replace(oldText, newText); } else { } } } } } return(html); }
internal static TemplateObjectList GetTemplateObjectListFromTmFile(Form form) { try { TemplateObjectList templateObjectList = new TemplateObjectList(); String fileContent = FileUtil.ReadToEndWithStandardEncoding(Path.Combine(ConstantUtil.ApplicationExecutionPath(), ConstantUtil.tmFile)); String[] separator = { Environment.NewLine }; String[] splittedFileContent = fileContent.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (String extensionString in splittedFileContent) { separator[0] = "@|-"; String[] splittedExtensionContent = extensionString.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.None); TemplateObject templateObject = new TemplateObject(splittedExtensionContent[0], splittedExtensionContent[1]); templateObjectList.Add(templateObject); } return(templateObjectList); } catch (Exception) { WindowManager.ShowAlertBox(form, LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("ErrorReading", className)); FileListManager.SaveFileList(ConstantUtil.tmFile, String.Empty); return(GetTemplateObjectListFromTmFile(form)); } }
internal static int AddTemplate(Templates form, TemplateObjectList templateObjectList, int newTemplateIdentity) { TreeView templateTreeView = form.templateTreeView; TextBox descriptionTextBox = form.descriptionTextBox; TextBox textTextBox = form.textTextBox; Button removeButton = form.removeButton; String newTemplate = LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("New", className); newTemplateIdentity++; String description = String.Format("{0} ({1})", newTemplate, newTemplateIdentity); while (CheckIdentityExists(form, templateObjectList, description)) { newTemplateIdentity++; description = String.Format("{0} ({1})", newTemplate, newTemplateIdentity); } TemplateObject extensionObject = new TemplateObject(description, String.Empty); templateObjectList.Add(extensionObject); templateTreeView.Focus(); templateTreeView.Nodes.Add(description); templateTreeView.SelectedNode = templateTreeView.Nodes[templateTreeView.Nodes.Count - 1]; descriptionTextBox.Enabled = true; textTextBox.Enabled = true; removeButton.Enabled = true; return(newTemplateIdentity); }
public override void Execute(FreneticScript.CommandSystem.CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { TemplateObject tcolor = entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0); ColorTag color = ColorTag.For(tcolor); if (color == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid color: " + TagParser.Escape(tcolor.ToString())); return; } string message = entry.GetArgument(queue, 1); EChatMode chatMode = EChatMode.SAY; if (entry.Arguments.Count > 2) { string mode = entry.GetArgument(queue, 2); try { chatMode = (EChatMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(EChatMode), mode.ToUpper()); } catch (ArgumentException) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid chat mode: " + mode); return; } }"tellChat", ESteamCall.OTHERS, ESteamPacket.UPDATE_UNRELIABLE_BUFFER, new object[] { CSteamID.Nil, (byte)chatMode, color.Internal, message }); }
public override void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { TemplateObject cb = entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0); if (cb.ToString() == "\0CALLBACK") { return; } if (entry.InnerCommandBlock == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid or missing command block!"); return; } ListTag mode = ListTag.For(cb); List <ItemStack> items = new List <ItemStack>(); for (int i = 1; i < entry.Arguments.Count; i++) { ItemTag required = ItemTag.For(TheServer, entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, i)); if (required == null) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Invalid required item!"); return; } items.Add(required.Internal); } TheServer.Recipes.AddRecipe(RecipeRegistry.ModeFor(mode), entry.InnerCommandBlock, entry.BlockStart, items.ToArray()); queue.CurrentEntry.Index = entry.BlockEnd + 2; if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.Good(queue, "Added recipe!"); } }
public static LocationTag For(TemplateObject input) { if (input == null) { return(null); } return((input is LocationTag) ? (LocationTag)input : For(input.ToString())); }
/// <summary>Creates a SystemTag for the given input data.</summary> /// <param name="dat">The tag data.</param> /// <param name="input">The text input.</param> /// <returns>A valid time tag.</returns> public static TimeTag CreateFor(TemplateObject input, TagData dat) { return(input switch { TimeTag ttag => ttag, DynamicTag dtag => CreateFor(dtag.Internal, dat), _ => For(input.ToString()), });
/// <summary>Creates a BinaryTag for the given input data.</summary> /// <param name="dat">The tag data.</param> /// <param name="input">The text input.</param> /// <returns>A valid binary tag.</returns> public static BinaryTag CreateFor(TemplateObject input, TagData dat) { return(input switch { BinaryTag itag => itag, DynamicTag dtag => CreateFor(dtag.Internal, dat), _ => For(dat, input.ToString()), });
public static LocationTag For(TemplateObject input) { if (input == null) { return null; } return (input is LocationTag) ? (LocationTag)input : For(input.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a generic object to a map tag. /// Never null. Will ignore invalid entries. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The input object.</param> /// <returns>The map represented by the input object.</returns> public static MapTag For(TemplateObject input) { return(input switch { MapTag itag => itag, DynamicTag dtag => For(dtag.Internal), _ => For(input.ToString()), });
internal static TemplateObjectList LoadTemplatesList(Templates form) { TreeView templateTreeView = form.templateTreeView; TextBox descriptionTextBox = form.descriptionTextBox; TextBox textTextBox = form.textTextBox; Button removeButton = form.removeButton; TemplateObjectList templateObjectList = new TemplateObjectList(); String fileContent = FileUtil.ReadToEndWithStandardEncoding(Path.Combine(ConstantUtil.ApplicationExecutionPath(), ConstantUtil.tmFile)); String[] separator = { Environment.NewLine }; String[] splittedFileContent = fileContent.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (splittedFileContent.Length > 0) { templateTreeView.BeginUpdate(); } foreach (String templateString in splittedFileContent) //HTML@|-<html></html> { separator[0] = "@|-"; String[] splittedExtensionContent = templateString.Split(separator, StringSplitOptions.None); if (splittedExtensionContent.Length != 2) { WindowManager.ShowAlertBox(form, LanguageUtil.GetCurrentLanguageString("ErrorReading", className)); FileListManager.SaveFileList(ConstantUtil.tmFile, String.Empty); return(LoadTemplatesList(form)); } templateTreeView.Nodes.Add(splittedExtensionContent[0]); //HTML TemplateObject templateObject = new TemplateObject(splittedExtensionContent[0], splittedExtensionContent[1]); templateObjectList.Add(templateObject); } if (splittedFileContent.Length > 0) { templateTreeView.EndUpdate(); } templateTreeView.Focus(); if (templateTreeView.Nodes.Count > 0) { templateTreeView.SelectedNode = templateTreeView.Nodes[0]; } else { descriptionTextBox.Enabled = false; textTextBox.Enabled = false; removeButton.Enabled = false; } return(templateObjectList); }
/// <summary> /// Get an integer tag relevant to the specified input, erroring on the command system if invalid input is given (Returns 0 in that case). /// Never null! /// </summary> /// <param name="err">Error call if something goes wrong.</param> /// <param name="input">The input text to create a integer from.</param> /// <returns>The integer tag.</returns> public static IntegerTag For(TemplateObject input, Action <string> err) { return(input switch { IntegerTag itag => itag, IIntegerTagForm itf => new IntegerTag(itf.IntegerForm), DynamicTag dtag => For(dtag.Internal, err), _ => For(err, input.ToString()), });
/// <summary>Helps debug output for the var command.</summary> /// <param name="res">The object saved as a var.</param> /// <param name="varName">The variable name stored into.</param> /// <param name="typeName">The variable type name.</param> /// <param name="queue">The queue.</param> /// <param name="entry">The entry.</param> public static void DebugHelper(TemplateObject res, string varName, string typeName, CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { if (entry.ShouldShowGood(queue)) { entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Stored variable '" + TextStyle.Separate + varName + TextStyle.Base + "' with value: '" + TextStyle.Separate + res.GetDebugString() + TextStyle.Base + "' as type: '" + TextStyle.Separate + typeName + TextStyle.Base + "'."); } }
/// <summary>Converts a script object type to a specific raw type (if possible) for the ConfigSet command.</summary> public static object ConvertForType(Type fieldType, TemplateObject input, CommandQueue queue) { if (fieldType == typeof(string)) { return(input.ToString()); } else if (fieldType == typeof(bool)) { return(BooleanTag.TryFor(input)?.Internal); } else if (fieldType == typeof(long)) { return(IntegerTag.TryFor(input)?.Internal); } else if (fieldType == typeof(int)) { IntegerTag integer = IntegerTag.TryFor(input); if (integer is not null) { return((int)integer.Internal); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(short)) { IntegerTag integer = IntegerTag.TryFor(input); if (integer is not null) { return((short)integer.Internal); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(byte)) { IntegerTag integer = IntegerTag.TryFor(input); if (integer is not null) { return((byte)integer.Internal); } } else if (fieldType == typeof(double)) { return(NumberTag.TryFor(input)?.Internal); } else if (fieldType == typeof(float)) { NumberTag number = NumberTag.TryFor(input); if (number is not null) { return((float)number.Internal); } } else { queue.HandleError($"Cannot convert script objects to config type {TextStyle.SeparateVal(fieldType.Name)}"); } return(null); }
public static bool EntityDamaged(TemplateObject entity, ref byte amount) { // TODO: causes? EntityDamagedEventArgs evt = new EntityDamagedEventArgs(); evt.Entity = entity; evt.Amount = new NumberTag(amount); UnturnedFreneticEvents.OnEntityDamaged.Fire(evt); amount = (byte)evt.Amount.Internal; return evt.Cancelled; }
TemplateObject verify(TemplateObject input) { string low = input.ToString().ToLowerFast(); if (low == "primary" || low == "secondary") { return(new TextTag(low)); } return(null); }
internal static TemplateObjectList MoveTemplate(Templates form, ObjectListUtil.Movement move, TemplateObjectList templateObjectList) { TreeView templateTreeView = form.templateTreeView; TreeNode selectedNode = templateTreeView.SelectedNode; int selectedNodeIndex = templateTreeView.SelectedNode.Index; TemplateObject templateObject = (TemplateObject)templateObjectList[selectedNodeIndex]; return((TemplateObjectList)ObjectListUtil.MoveObject(move, templateObjectList, templateObject, templateTreeView, selectedNode, selectedNodeIndex)); }
TemplateObject verify(TemplateObject input) { string low = input.ToString().ToLowerFast(); if (low == "award" || low == "take") { return(new TextTag(low)); } return(null); }
public static bool EntityDestroyed(TemplateObject entity, ref ushort amount) { // TODO: causes? EntityDestroyedEventArgs evt = new EntityDestroyedEventArgs(); evt.Entity = entity; evt.Amount = new NumberTag(amount); UnturnedFreneticEvents.OnEntityDestroyed.Fire(evt); amount = (ushort)evt.Amount.Internal; return(evt.Cancelled); }
public static bool EntityDeath(TemplateObject entity, ref byte amount) { // TODO: causes? EntityDeathEventArgs evt = new EntityDeathEventArgs(); evt.Entity = entity; evt.Amount = new NumberTag(amount); UnturnedFreneticEvents.OnEntityDeath.Fire(evt); amount = (byte)evt.Amount.Internal; return(evt.Cancelled); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the result of this command, if <see cref="AbstractCommand.SaveMode"/> is set. /// <para>Check <see cref="CanSave"/> to determine if a save is expected.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="queue">The relevant queue.</param> /// <param name="resultObj">The result object.</param> public void SaveResult(CommandQueue queue, TemplateObject resultObj) { if (!CanSave) { return; } if (SaveAction == null) { SaveAction = CCSE.GetSetter(SaveLoc); } SaveAction(queue.CurrentRunnable, resultObj); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { TemplateObject pname = data.GetModifierObject(0); ItemTag ptag = ItemTag.For(TheServer, pname); if (ptag == null) { data.Error("Invalid player '" + TagParser.Escape(pname.ToString()) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); } return(ptag.Handle(data.Shrink())); }
public override TemplateObject Handle(TagData data) { TemplateObject rdata = data.GetModifierObject(0); RecipeTag rtag = RecipeTag.For(TheServer, data, rdata); if (rtag == null) { data.Error("Invalid recipe '" + TagParser.Escape(rdata.ToString()) + "'!"); return(new NullTag()); } return(rtag.Handle(data.Shrink())); }
public TemplateObject GetSingle(GetTemplateObject PostDataArrived) { try { Sqlconn.Open(); try { TemplateObject tmpObj = null; SqlDataReader dtReader = null; string sqlquery = string.Format("Select * from Template where [tmplKey]='{0}'", new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize( + "+" + + "+" + PostDataArrived.Template.Dataflow.version + "+" + PostDataArrived.Template.Configuration.EndPoint).Replace("'", "''")); using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, Sqlconn)) { dtReader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if (dtReader.Read()) { tmpObj = new TemplateObject(); tmpObj.TemplateId = dtReader["TemplateId"].ToString(); tmpObj.Title = (string)dtReader["Title"]; tmpObj.Configuration = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <EndpointSettings>((string)dtReader["Configuration"]); tmpObj.Dataflow = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <MaintenableObj>((string)dtReader["Dataflow"]); tmpObj.Criteria = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <Dictionary <string, List <string> > >((string)dtReader["Criteria"]); tmpObj.Layout = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <LayoutObj>((string)dtReader["Layout"]); tmpObj.HideDimension = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <List <string> >((string)dtReader["HideDimension"]); tmpObj.BlockXAxe = (bool)dtReader["BlockXAxe"]; tmpObj.BlockYAxe = (bool)dtReader["BlockYAxe"]; tmpObj.BlockZAxe = (bool)dtReader["BlockZAxe"]; tmpObj.EnableCriteria = (bool)dtReader["EnableCriteria"]; tmpObj.EnableVaration = (bool)dtReader["EnableVaration"]; tmpObj.EnableDecimal = (bool)dtReader["EnableDecimal"]; } } dtReader.Close(); return(tmpObj); } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { Sqlconn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex); throw new Exception(string.Format(ErrorOccuredMess, ex.Message)); } }
/// <summary>Executes the command.</summary> /// <param name="queue">The command queue involved.</param> /// <param name="entry">Entry to be executed.</param> public static void Execute(CommandQueue queue, CommandEntry entry) { TemplateObject arg1 = entry.GetArgumentObject(queue, 0); BooleanTag bt = BooleanTag.TryFor(arg1); if (bt == null || !bt.Internal) { queue.HandleError(entry, "Assertion failed: " + entry.GetArgument(queue, 1)); return; } entry.GoodOutput(queue, "Assert command passed, assertion valid!"); }
public static ListTag CreateFor(TemplateObject input) { return(input switch { ListTag ltag => ltag, IListTagForm lform => lform.ListForm, DynamicTag dtag => CreateFor(dtag.Internal), TextTag _ => For(input.ToString()), _ => new ListTag(new List <TemplateObject>() { input }), });
public static EntityTag For(TemplateObject input) { if (input is EntityTag) { return (EntityTag)input; } else if (input is ZombieTag) { return new EntityTag(((ZombieTag)input).Internal.gameObject); } // TODO: Other common entity types! return For(input.ToString()); }
public static EntityTag For(TemplateObject input) { if (input is EntityTag) { return((EntityTag)input); } else if (input is ZombieTag) { return(new EntityTag(((ZombieTag)input).Internal.gameObject)); } // TODO: Other common entity types! return(For(input.ToString())); }
private static int GetTemplatePositionInList(IList templateObjectList, String templateDescription) { for (int i = 0; i < templateObjectList.Count; i++) { TemplateObject templateObject = (TemplateObject)templateObjectList[i]; if (templateObject.Description == templateDescription) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
public static RecipeTag For(Server tserver, TagData data, TemplateObject input) { if (input is RecipeTag) { return (RecipeTag)input; } int ind = (int)IntegerTag.For(data, input).Internal; if (ind < 0 || ind >= tserver.Recipes.Recipes.Count) { data.Error("Invalid recipe input!"); return null; } return new RecipeTag(tserver.Recipes.Recipes[ind]); }
public static RecipeResultTag For(Server tserver, TagData data, TemplateObject input) { if (input is RecipeResultTag) { return (RecipeResultTag)input; } ListTag list = ListTag.For(input); RecipeTag recipe = RecipeTag.For(tserver, data, list.ListEntries[0]); List<ItemStack> used = new List<ItemStack>(); for (int i = 1; i < list.ListEntries.Count; i++) { used.Add(ItemTag.For(tserver, list.ListEntries[i]).Internal); } return new RecipeResultTag(new RecipeResult() { Recipe = recipe.Internal, UsedInput = used }); }
TemplateObject verify(TemplateObject input) { string low = input.ToString().ToLowerFast(); if (low == "primary" || low == "secondary") { return new TextTag(low); } return null; }
TemplateObject verify(TemplateObject input) { string low = input.ToString().ToLowerFast(); if (low == "award" || low == "take") { return new TextTag(low); } return null; }
public static ColorTag For(TemplateObject obj) { return obj is ColorTag ? (ColorTag)obj : For(obj.ToString()); }
public SessionImplObject GetCodemap(SessionQuery query, ConnectionStringSettings connectionStringSetting) { try { ISdmxObjects structure = query.Structure;// GetDsd(); IDataflowObject df = structure.Dataflows.First(); IDataStructureObject kf = structure.DataStructures.First(); if (kf == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("DataStructure is not set"); if (df == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Dataflow is not set"); Dictionary<string, ICodelistObject> ConceptCodelists = GetCodelistMap(query, false); if (this.SessionObj.SdmxObject!=null ) { this.SessionObj.SdmxObject.Codelists.Clear(); foreach (ICodelistObject codelist in ConceptCodelists.Values) this.SessionObj.SdmxObject.AddCodelist(codelist); } /*check if exist connection and one template*/ TemplateWidget templateWidget = new TemplateWidget(); var template = new TemplateObject(); ///if (connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString!=null && connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString.ToLower() != "file") if (connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString != null) { templateWidget = new TemplateWidget(connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString); template = templateWidget.GetSingle(new GetTemplateObject() { Template = new TemplateObject() { Dataflow = CodemapObj.Dataflow, Configuration = CodemapObj.Configuration, } }); } else { template = null; } CodemapSpecificResponseObject codemapret = new CodemapSpecificResponseObject() { codemap = ParseCodelist(ConceptCodelists), costraint = (template != null) ? template.Criteria : null, hideDimension = (template != null) ? template.HideDimension : null, //enabledVar = (template != null) ? template.EnableVaration : true, enabledVar = (template != null) ? template.EnableVaration : false, enabledCri = (template != null) ? template.EnableCriteria : true, enabledDec = (template != null) ? template.EnableDecimal : true, key_time_dimension = kf.TimeDimension.Id, freq_dimension = kf.FrequencyDimension.Id, dataflow = new MaintenableObj() { id = df.Id, agency = df.AgencyId, version = df.Version, name = TextTypeHelper.GetText(df.Names, this.CodemapObj.Configuration.Locale), description = TextTypeHelper.GetText(df.Descriptions, this.CodemapObj.Configuration.Locale) } }; this.SessionObj.SavedCodemap = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(codemapret); return this.SessionObj; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex); throw ex; } }
public SessionImplObject GetSpecificCodemap(bool firstDimension, ConnectionStringSettings connectionStringSetting, SessionQuery query) { try { ISdmxObjects structure; //ISdmxObjects structure = query._structure; if (query.Structure == null) { structure = GetDsd(); } else { structure = query.Structure; } IDataflowObject df = structure.Dataflows.First(); IDataStructureObject kf = structure.DataStructures.First(); query.Structure = structure; query.Dataflow = df; if (kf == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("DataStructure is not set"); TemplateWidget templateWidget = new TemplateWidget(); var template = new TemplateObject(); //if (connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString !=null && connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString.ToLower() != "file") if (connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString != null) { templateWidget = new TemplateWidget(connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString); template = templateWidget.GetSingle(new GetTemplateObject() { Template = new TemplateObject() { Dataflow = CodemapObj.Dataflow, Configuration = CodemapObj.Configuration, } }); } else { template = null; } string dimension = null; Dictionary<string, ICodelistObject> ConceptCodelists = null; // Se ha una template forzo il retrive di tutte le codelist per evitare problemi in stampa tabella if (template!=null) { ConceptCodelists = this.GetCodelistMap(query, false); query.Criteria = template.Criteria; if (template.Criteria.ContainsKey(kf.TimeDimension.Id)) { List<string> typeCheck = template.Criteria[kf.TimeDimension.Id] as List<string>; if (typeCheck != null) typeCheck.Sort(); query.SetCriteriaTime(typeCheck); } } else { dimension = (firstDimension) ? kf.DimensionList.Dimensions.FirstOrDefault().Id : CodemapObj.Codelist; IComponent component = kf.GetComponent(dimension); ICodelistObject ConceptCodelistsComponent = GetCodeList(query, component); //se chiedo tutte le codelist insieme //ConceptCodelists = GetCodelistMap(query, false); //se chiedo una codelist alla volta //ConceptCodelists = GetCodelistMap(component.Id, df, kf; ConceptCodelists = GetCodelistMap(component.Id, df, kf,query); } CodemapSpecificResponseObject codemapret = new CodemapSpecificResponseObject() { codemap = ParseCodelist(ConceptCodelists,kf,query), costraint = (template != null) ? template.Criteria : null, hideDimension = (template != null) ? template.HideDimension : null, //enabledVar = (template != null) ? template.EnableVaration : true, enabledVar = (template != null) ? template.EnableVaration : false, enabledCri = (template != null) ? template.EnableCriteria : true, enabledDec = (template != null) ? template.EnableDecimal : true, codelist_target = dimension, key_time_dimension = kf.TimeDimension.Id, freq_dimension = kf.FrequencyDimension.Id, dataflow = new MaintenableObj() { id = df.Id, agency = df.AgencyId, version = df.Version, name = TextTypeHelper.GetText(df.Names, this.CodemapObj.Configuration.Locale), description = TextTypeHelper.GetText(df.Descriptions, this.CodemapObj.Configuration.Locale) } }; this.SessionObj.SavedCodemap = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(codemapret); return this.SessionObj; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex); throw ex; } }
public static PlayerTag For(Server tserver, TemplateObject obj) { return (obj is PlayerTag) ? (PlayerTag)obj : For(tserver, obj.ToString()); }
public static ItemTag For(Server tserver, TemplateObject input) { return input is ItemTag ? (ItemTag)input : For(tserver, input.ToString()); }
private void SortChildren(TemplateObject value) { value.Children.Sort(new TemplateComparer()); }
public static TemplateObject AnalyseTemplate(string html) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) { throw new ArgumentException("分析模板 - 参数不能为空。", "html"); } TemplateObject info = new TemplateObject(); #region 外部文本 info.OuterHTML = html; #endregion #region 内部文本 Regex regex_InnerText = new Regex(Pattern_InnerText, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); Match match_InnerText = regex_InnerText.Match(html, 0); if (match_InnerText.Success) { info.InnerHTML = match_InnerText.Value; } else { info.InnerHTML = string.Empty; } #endregion #region 模板分类 Regex regex_Category = new Regex(Pattern_Category, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Match match_Category = regex_Category.Match(html, 0); if (match_Category.Success) { info.Category = match_Category.Value; } else { info.Category = string.Empty; } #endregion #region 属性 Regex regex_Properties = new Regex(Pattern_Properties, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Match match_Properties = regex_Properties.Match(html, 0); if (match_Properties.Success) { Regex regex_Property = new Regex(Pattern_Property, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Match match_Property = regex_Property.Match(match_Properties.Value, 0); while (match_Property.Success) { string text = match_Property.Value; int index = text.IndexOf("="); string title = text.Substring(0, index); string value = text.Substring(index + 1).Trim('"'); switch (title.ToLower()) { case "id": info.Id = value; break; case "displayname": info.DisplayName = value; break; case "cssname": info.CssName = value; break; case "datatype": info.DataType = value; break; case "datasource": info.DataSource = value; break; case "defaultvalue": info.DefaultValue = value; break; case "showtitle": info.ShowTitle = bool.Parse(value); break; case "demoinput": info.DemoInput = value; break; case "information": info.Information = value; break; case "showthis": info.ShowThis = bool.Parse(value); break; case "index": info.Index = int.Parse(value); break; case "titlewidth": info.TitleWidth = int.Parse(value); break; case "inputwidth": info.InputWidth = int.Parse(value); break; case "inputheight": info.InputHeight = int.Parse(value); break; case "nouse": info.NoUse = bool.Parse(value); break; } match_Property = match_Property.NextMatch(); } } #endregion return info; }
public TemplateObject GetSingle(GetTemplateObject PostDataArrived) { try { Sqlconn.Open(); try { TemplateObject tmpObj = null; SqlDataReader dtReader = null; string sqlquery = string.Format("Select * from Template where [tmplKey]='{0}'", new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize( + "+" + + "+" + PostDataArrived.Template.Dataflow.version + "+" + PostDataArrived.Template.Configuration.EndPoint).Replace("'", "''")); using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, Sqlconn)) { dtReader = comm.ExecuteReader(); if(dtReader.Read()) { tmpObj = new TemplateObject(); tmpObj.TemplateId = dtReader["TemplateId"].ToString(); tmpObj.Title = (string)dtReader["Title"]; tmpObj.Configuration = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<EndpointSettings>((string)dtReader["Configuration"]); tmpObj.Dataflow = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<MaintenableObj>((string)dtReader["Dataflow"]); tmpObj.Criteria = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, List<string>>>((string)dtReader["Criteria"]); tmpObj.Layout = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<LayoutObj>((string)dtReader["Layout"]); tmpObj.HideDimension = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<List<string>>((string)dtReader["HideDimension"]); tmpObj.BlockXAxe = (bool)dtReader["BlockXAxe"]; tmpObj.BlockYAxe = (bool)dtReader["BlockYAxe"]; tmpObj.BlockZAxe = (bool)dtReader["BlockZAxe"]; tmpObj.EnableCriteria = (bool)dtReader["EnableCriteria"]; tmpObj.EnableVaration = (bool)dtReader["EnableVaration"]; tmpObj.EnableDecimal = (bool)dtReader["EnableDecimal"]; } } dtReader.Close(); return tmpObj; } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { Sqlconn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex); throw new Exception(string.Format(ErrorOccuredMess, ex.Message)); } }
public List<TemplateObject> Get(GetTemplateObject PostDataArrived) { try { //if (PostDataArrived == null // || PostDataArrived.Template == null) // throw new Exception("Input Error"); Sqlconn.Open(); try { List<TemplateObject> tmpListTemplateObjects = new List<TemplateObject>(); string sqlquery; SqlDataReader dtReader; sqlquery = "Select * from Template"; using (SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(sqlquery, Sqlconn)) { dtReader = comm.ExecuteReader(); while (dtReader.Read()) { TemplateObject tmpObj = new TemplateObject(); tmpObj.TemplateId = dtReader["TemplateId"].ToString(); tmpObj.Title = (string)dtReader["Title"]; tmpObj.Configuration = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<EndpointSettings>((string)dtReader["Configuration"]); tmpObj.Dataflow = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<MaintenableObj>((string)dtReader["Dataflow"]); tmpObj.Criteria = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<Dictionary<string, List<string>>>((string)dtReader["Criteria"]); tmpObj.Layout = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<LayoutObj>((string)dtReader["Layout"]); tmpObj.HideDimension = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<List<string>>((string)dtReader["HideDimension"]); tmpObj.BlockXAxe = (bool)dtReader["BlockXAxe"]; tmpObj.BlockYAxe = (bool)dtReader["BlockYAxe"]; tmpObj.BlockZAxe = (bool)dtReader["BlockZAxe"]; tmpObj.EnableCriteria = (bool)dtReader["EnableCriteria"]; tmpObj.EnableVaration = (bool)dtReader["EnableVaration"]; tmpObj.EnableDecimal = (bool)dtReader["EnableDecimal"]; tmpListTemplateObjects.Add(tmpObj); } } dtReader.Close(); return tmpListTemplateObjects; } catch (Exception) { throw; } finally { Sqlconn.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(ex.Message, ex); throw new Exception(string.Format(ErrorOccuredMess, ex.Message)); } }
private string GetItemHtmlByFlow(TemplateSetItem flow, TemplateObject obj) { string html = flow.Template.InnerHTML; if (obj.Category.Equals("List", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { TemplateObject item = obj.Children[0]; if (item.Children != null && item.Children.Count > 0 && item.Children.Count == flow.ChildrenCount) { for (int i = 0; i < item.Children.Count; i++) { TemplateObject sub = item.Children[i]; string oldText = sub.OuterHTML; if (sub.NoUse) { html = html.Replace(oldText, ""); } else { int index; if (int.TryParse(sub.DataSource, out index)) { string newText = flow.Value.Split(',')[index]; html = html.Replace(oldText, newText); } else { } } } } } return html; }