public void MoveByX(int dir, float speedMultiply = 1, Command.CommandExecuted executedCallback = null)
        Vector2 vel =;

        vel.x = dir * movementStats.moveSpeed * speedMultiply;
        vel.y = Velocity.y;

        body2d.velocity = vel;
    public IEnumerator MoveTo(Vector2 pos, float speedMultiply = 1, Command.CommandExecuted executedCallback = null)
        Vector2 distance = pos - position;
        Vector2 dir      = distance.normalized;

        // calculate velocity
        Vector2 vel = dir * movementStats.moveSpeed;

        while (Vector2.Distance(pos, position) >= 0.01)
            // start moving with entity's speed in calculated direction
            // ***** this line of code has to be in the coroutine excecution block ***** //
            body2d.velocity = vel;

            yield return(null);

        // movement finished, reset velocity
        body2d.velocity =;
    public IEnumerator MoveBy(float x, float y, float speedMultiply = 1, Command.CommandExecuted executedCallback = null)
        // calculate distance
        Vector2 distance =;

        distance.Set(x, y);

        // move direction
        Vector2 dir = distance.normalized;

        // destination pos
        Vector2 pos = position;

        pos.x += x;
        pos.y += y;

        // calculate velocity
        Vector2 vel = dir * movementStats.moveSpeed * speedMultiply;

        while (Vector2.Distance(pos, position) >= 0.01)
            // start moving with entity's speed in calculated direction
            // ***** this line of code has to be in the coroutine excecution block ***** //
            body2d.velocity = vel;

            yield return(null);

        // movement finished, reset velocity
        body2d.velocity =;

        if (executedCallback != null)
    public void MoveByY(int dir, Command.CommandExecuted executedCallback = null)
        Vector2 velocity =;

        velocity.x = dir * movementStats.moveSpeed;