public void SerializeDeserialize_Roundtrips(CiccioList <int> c)
            CiccioList <int> clone = BinaryFormatterHelpers.Clone(c);

            Assert.NotSame(c, clone);
            Assert.Equal(c, clone);
        public static void ParameterlessConstructorTest()
            var col = new CiccioList <string>();

            Assert.Equal(0, col.Count);
        public static void CopyToTest()
            string[]            anArray    = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            CiccioList <string> collection = new CiccioList <string>((IEnumerable <string>)anArray);

            string[] aCopy = new string[collection.Count];
            collection.CopyTo(aCopy, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < anArray.Length; ++i)
                Assert.Equal(anArray[i], aCopy[i]);

            // copy observable collection starting in middle, where array is larger than source.
            aCopy = new string[collection.Count + 2];
            int offsetIndex = 1;

            collection.CopyTo(aCopy, offsetIndex);
            for (int i = 0; i < aCopy.Length; i++)
                string value = aCopy[i];
                if (i == 0)
                    Assert.True(null == value, "Should not have a value since we did not start copying there.");
                else if (i == (aCopy.Length - 1))
                    Assert.True(null == value, "Should not have a value since the collection is shorter than the copy array..");
                    int indexInCollection = i - offsetIndex;
                    Assert.Equal(collection[indexInCollection], aCopy[i]);
        public static void CopyToTest_Negative()
            string[]            anArray    = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            CiccioList <string> collection = new CiccioList <string>(anArray);

            int[] iArrInvalidValues = new int[] { -1, -2, -100, -1000, -10000, -100000, -1000000, -10000000, -100000000, -1000000000, int.MinValue };
            foreach (var index in iArrInvalidValues)
                string[] aCopy = new string[collection.Count];
                AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>("destinationIndex", "dstIndex", () => collection.CopyTo(aCopy, index));

            int[] iArrLargeValues = new int[] { collection.Count, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue / 2, int.MaxValue / 10 };
            foreach (var index in iArrLargeValues)
                string[] aCopy = new string[collection.Count];
                AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentException>("destinationArray", null, () => collection.CopyTo(aCopy, index));

            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("destinationArray", "dest", () => collection.CopyTo(null, 1));

            string[] copy = new string[collection.Count - 1];
            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentException>("destinationArray", "", () => collection.CopyTo(copy, 0));

            copy = new string[0];
            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentException>("destinationArray", "", () => collection.CopyTo(copy, 0));
        public static void InsertTest()
            Guid[]            anArray = { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() };
            CiccioList <Guid> col0    = new CiccioList <Guid>((IEnumerable <Guid>)anArray);
            CiccioList <Guid> col1    = new CiccioList <Guid>((IEnumerable <Guid>)anArray);
            CiccioList <Guid> col3    = new CiccioList <Guid>((IEnumerable <Guid>)anArray);

            //inserting item at the beginning.
            Guid g0 = Guid.NewGuid();

            col0.Insert(0, g0);
            Assert.Equal(g0, col0[0]);

            // inserting item in the middle
            Guid g1 = Guid.NewGuid();

            col1.Insert(1, g1);
            Assert.Equal(g1, col1[1]);

            // inserting item at the end.
            Guid g3 = Guid.NewGuid();

            col3.Insert(col3.Count, g3);
            Assert.Equal(g3, col3[col3.Count - 1]);

            string[]            anArrayString         = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            CiccioList <string> collection            = new CiccioList <string>((IEnumerable <string>)anArrayString);
            CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester helper = new CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester();

            helper.AddOrInsertItemTest(collection, "seven", 2);
            helper.AddOrInsertItemTest(collection, "zero", 0);
            helper.AddOrInsertItemTest(collection, "eight", collection.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Clears the given Collection.
        /// </summary>
        public void ClearTest(CiccioList <string> collection)
            INotifyPropertyChanged collectionPropertyChanged = collection;

            collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged += Collection_PropertyChanged;
            _expectedPropertyChanged = new[]
                new PropertyNameExpected(COUNT),
                new PropertyNameExpected(ITEMARRAY)

            collection.CollectionChanged += Collection_CollectionChanged;
            ExpectedAction           = NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset;
            ExpectedNewItems         = null;
            ExpectedNewStartingIndex = -1;
            ExpectedOldItems         = null;
            ExpectedOldStartingIndex = -1;

            Assert.Equal(0, collection.Count);
            Assert.Equal(ExpectedCollectionChangedFired, NumCollectionChangedFired);

            foreach (var item in _expectedPropertyChanged)
                Assert.True(item.IsFound, "The propertychanged event should have fired for" + item.Name + ", since we just cleared the collection");

            collection.CollectionChanged -= Collection_CollectionChanged;
            collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged -= Collection_PropertyChanged;
        public static void IEnumerableConstructorTest_Empty()
            var col = new CiccioList <string>(new string[] { });

            Assert.Equal(0, col.Count);
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Given a collection, will move an item from the oldIndex to the newIndex.
        ///// </summary>
        //public void MoveItemTest(CiccioList<string> collection, int oldIndex, int newIndex)
        //    INotifyPropertyChanged collectionPropertyChanged = collection;
        //    collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged += Collection_PropertyChanged;
        //    _expectedPropertyChanged = new[] { new PropertyNameExpected(ITEMARRAY) };

        //    collection.CollectionChanged += Collection_CollectionChanged;

        //    string itemAtOldIndex = collection[oldIndex];

        //    ExpectedCollectionChangedFired++;
        //    ExpectedAction = NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move;
        //    ExpectedNewItems = new string[] { itemAtOldIndex };
        //    ExpectedNewStartingIndex = newIndex;
        //    ExpectedOldItems = new string[] { itemAtOldIndex };
        //    ExpectedOldStartingIndex = oldIndex;

        //    int expectedCount = collection.Count;

        //    collection.Move(oldIndex, newIndex);
        //    Assert.Equal(expectedCount, collection.Count);
        //    Assert.Equal(itemAtOldIndex, collection[newIndex]);
        //    Assert.Equal(ExpectedCollectionChangedFired, NumCollectionChangedFired);

        //    foreach (var item in _expectedPropertyChanged)
        //        Assert.True(item.IsFound, "The propertychanged event should have fired for" + item.Name + ", since we just moved an item");

        //    collection.CollectionChanged -= Collection_CollectionChanged;
        //    collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged -= Collection_PropertyChanged;

        /// <summary>
        /// Will set that new item at the specified index in the given collection.
        /// </summary>
        public void ReplaceItemTest(CiccioList <string> collection, int index, string newItem)
            INotifyPropertyChanged collectionPropertyChanged = collection;

            collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged += Collection_PropertyChanged;
            _expectedPropertyChanged = new[] { new PropertyNameExpected(ITEMARRAY) };

            collection.CollectionChanged += Collection_CollectionChanged;

            string itemAtOldIndex = collection[index];

            ExpectedAction           = NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace;
            ExpectedNewItems         = new string[] { newItem };
            ExpectedNewStartingIndex = index;
            ExpectedOldItems         = new string[] { itemAtOldIndex };
            ExpectedOldStartingIndex = index;

            int expectedCount = collection.Count;

            collection[index] = newItem;
            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, collection.Count);
            Assert.Equal(newItem, collection[index]);
            Assert.Equal(ExpectedCollectionChangedFired, NumCollectionChangedFired);

            foreach (var item in _expectedPropertyChanged)
                Assert.True(item.IsFound, "The propertychanged event should have fired for" + item.Name + ", since we just replaced an item");

            collection.CollectionChanged -= Collection_CollectionChanged;
            collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged -= Collection_PropertyChanged;
        public static void IndexOfTest()
            string[]            anArray    = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            CiccioList <string> collection = new CiccioList <string>((IEnumerable <string>)anArray);

            for (int i = 0; i < anArray.Length; ++i)
                Assert.Equal(i, collection.IndexOf(anArray[i]));

            Assert.Equal(-1, collection.IndexOf("seven"));
            Assert.Equal(-1, collection.IndexOf(null));

            // testing that the first occurrence is the index returned.
            CiccioList <int> intCol = new CiccioList <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                intCol.Add(i % 2);

            Assert.Equal(0, intCol.IndexOf(0));
            Assert.Equal(1, intCol.IndexOf(1));

            IList colAsIList = (IList)intCol;
            var   index      = colAsIList.IndexOf("stringObj");

            Assert.Equal(-1, index);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a collection, index and item to remove, will try to remove that item
        /// from the index. If the item has duplicates, will verify that only the first
        /// instance was removed.
        /// </summary>
        public void RemoveItemTest(CiccioList <string> collection, int itemIndex, string itemToRemove, bool isSuccessfulRemove, bool hasDuplicates)
            INotifyPropertyChanged collectionPropertyChanged = collection;

            collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged += Collection_PropertyChanged;
            _expectedPropertyChanged = new[]
                new PropertyNameExpected(COUNT),
                new PropertyNameExpected(ITEMARRAY)

            collection.CollectionChanged += Collection_CollectionChanged;

            if (isSuccessfulRemove)

            ExpectedAction           = NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove;
            ExpectedNewItems         = null;
            ExpectedNewStartingIndex = -1;
            ExpectedOldItems         = new string[] { itemToRemove };
            ExpectedOldStartingIndex = itemIndex;

            int expectedCount = isSuccessfulRemove ? collection.Count - 1 : collection.Count;

            bool removedItem = collection.Remove(itemToRemove);

            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, collection.Count);
            Assert.Equal(ExpectedCollectionChangedFired, NumCollectionChangedFired);

            if (isSuccessfulRemove)
                foreach (var item in _expectedPropertyChanged)
                    Assert.True(item.IsFound, "The propertychanged event should have fired for" + item.Name + ", since there were items removed.");

                Assert.True(removedItem, "Should have been successful in removing the item.");
                foreach (var item in _expectedPropertyChanged)
                    Assert.False(item.IsFound, "The propertychanged event should have fired for" + item.Name + ", since there were no items removed.");

                Assert.False(removedItem, "Should not have been successful in removing the item.");
            if (hasDuplicates)

            Assert.DoesNotContain(itemToRemove, collection);

            collection.CollectionChanged -= Collection_CollectionChanged;
            collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged -= Collection_PropertyChanged;
        public static void AddTest()
            string[]            anArray = { "one", "two", "three" };
            CiccioList <string> col     = new CiccioList <string>(anArray);
            CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester helper = new CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester();

            helper.AddOrInsertItemTest(col, "four");
        public static void ReplaceItemTest()
            string[]            anArray               = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            CiccioList <string> collection            = new CiccioList <string>((IEnumerable <string>)anArray);
            CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester helper = new CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester();

            helper.ReplaceItemTest(collection, 1, "seven");
            helper.ReplaceItemTest(collection, 3, "zero");
        public static void ListConstructorTest()
            List <string> collection = new List <string> {
                "one", "two", "three"
            var actual = new CiccioList <string>(collection);

            Assert.Equal(collection, actual);
        public void OnDeserialized_MonitorNotInitialized_ExpectSuccess()
            var        observableCollection     = new CiccioList <int>();
            MethodInfo onDeserializedMethodInfo = observableCollection.GetType().GetMethod("OnDeserialized",
                                                                                           BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            onDeserializedMethodInfo.Invoke(observableCollection, new object[] { null });
        public static void DebuggerAttributeTests()
            CiccioList <int> col = new CiccioList <int>(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });

            DebuggerAttributeInfo info         = DebuggerAttributes.ValidateDebuggerTypeProxyProperties(col);
            PropertyInfo          itemProperty = info.Properties.Single(pr => pr.GetCustomAttribute <DebuggerBrowsableAttribute>().State == DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden);

            int[] items = itemProperty.GetValue(info.Instance) as int[];
            Assert.Equal(col, items);
        public static void ItemTestSet()
            var col = new CiccioList <Guid>(new[] { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() });

            for (int i = 0; i < col.Count; ++i)
                Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                col[i] = guid;
                Assert.Equal(guid, col[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Will perform an Add or Insert on the given Collection depending on whether the
        /// insertIndex is null or not. If it is null, will Add, otherwise, will Insert.
        /// </summary>
        public void AddOrInsertItemTest(CiccioList <string> collection, string itemToAdd, int?insertIndex = null)
            INotifyPropertyChanged collectionPropertyChanged = collection;

            collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged += Collection_PropertyChanged;
            _expectedPropertyChanged = new[]
                new PropertyNameExpected(COUNT),
                new PropertyNameExpected(ITEMARRAY)

            collection.CollectionChanged += Collection_CollectionChanged;

            ExpectedAction   = NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add;
            ExpectedNewItems = new string[] { itemToAdd };
            if (insertIndex.HasValue)
                ExpectedNewStartingIndex = insertIndex.Value;
                ExpectedNewStartingIndex = collection.Count;
            ExpectedOldItems         = null;
            ExpectedOldStartingIndex = -1;

            int expectedCount = collection.Count + 1;

            if (insertIndex.HasValue)
                collection.Insert(insertIndex.Value, itemToAdd);
                Assert.Equal(itemToAdd, collection[insertIndex.Value]);
                Assert.Equal(itemToAdd, collection[collection.Count - 1]);

            Assert.Equal(expectedCount, collection.Count);
            Assert.Equal(ExpectedCollectionChangedFired, NumCollectionChangedFired);

            foreach (var item in _expectedPropertyChanged)
                Assert.True(item.IsFound, "The propertychanged event should have fired for" + item.Name + ", since we just added an item");

            collection.CollectionChanged -= Collection_CollectionChanged;
            collectionPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged -= Collection_PropertyChanged;
        public static void GetEnumeratorTest()
            Guid[]            anArray = { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() };
            CiccioList <Guid> col     = new CiccioList <Guid>((IEnumerable <Guid>)anArray);

            int i = 0;
            IEnumerator <Guid> e;

            for (e = col.GetEnumerator(); e.MoveNext(); ++i)
                Assert.Equal(anArray[i], e.Current);
            Assert.Equal(col.Count, i);
        public static void ClearTest()
            string[]            anArray = { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            CiccioList <string> col     = new CiccioList <string>(anArray);

            Assert.Equal(0, col.Count);

            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>("index", () => col[1]);

            //tests that the collectionChanged events are fired.
            CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester helper = new CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester();

            col = new CiccioList <string>(anArray);
        public static void RemoveAtTest_Negative()
            Guid[]            anArray    = { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() };
            CiccioList <Guid> collection = new CiccioList <Guid>(anArray);

            collection.CollectionChanged += (o, e) => { throw new ShouldNotBeInvokedException(); };
            int[] iArrInvalidValues = new int[] { -1, -2, -100, -1000, -10000, -100000, -1000000, -10000000, -100000000, -1000000000, int.MinValue };
            foreach (var index in iArrInvalidValues)
                AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>("index", () => collection.RemoveAt(index));
                Assert.Equal(anArray.Length, collection.Count);

            int[] iArrLargeValues = new int[] { collection.Count, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue / 2, int.MaxValue / 10 };
            foreach (var index in iArrLargeValues)
                AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>("index", () => collection.RemoveAt(index));
                Assert.Equal(anArray.Length, collection.Count);
        public static void ContainsTest()
            string[]            anArray    = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            CiccioList <string> collection = new CiccioList <string>((IEnumerable <string>)anArray);
            string collectionString        = "";

            foreach (var item in collection)
                collectionString += item + ", ";

            for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; ++i)
                Assert.True(collection.Contains(anArray[i]), "ObservableCollection did not contain the item: " + anArray[i] + " Collection: " + collectionString);

            string g = "six";

            Assert.False(collection.Contains(g), "Collection contained an item that should not have been there. guid: " + g + " Collection: " + collectionString);
            Assert.False(collection.Contains(null), "Collection should not have contained null. Collection: " + collectionString);
        public void Reentrancy_MultipleListeners_Throws()
            bool handler1Called = false;
            bool handler2Called = false;

            var collection = new CiccioList <int>();

            collection.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) => { handler1Called = true; };
            collection.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) =>
                handler2Called = true;

                // More than one listener; throws.
                Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => collection.Add(2));

            Assert.Equal(1, collection.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, collection[0]);
        public static void RemoveAtTest()
            Guid[]            anArray = { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() };
            CiccioList <Guid> col0    = new CiccioList <Guid>((IEnumerable <Guid>)anArray);
            CiccioList <Guid> col1    = new CiccioList <Guid>((IEnumerable <Guid>)anArray);
            CiccioList <Guid> col2    = new CiccioList <Guid>((IEnumerable <Guid>)anArray);

            string collectionString = "";

            foreach (var item in col1)
                collectionString += item + ", ";
            Assert.False(col0.Contains(anArray[0]), "Collection0 should no longer contain the item: " + anArray[0] + " Collection: " + collectionString);

            collectionString = "";
            foreach (var item in col1)
                collectionString += item + ", ";
            Assert.False(col1.Contains(anArray[1]), "Collection1 should no longer contain the item: " + anArray[1] + " Collection: " + collectionString);

            collectionString = "";
            foreach (var item in col2)
                collectionString += item + ", ";
            Assert.False(col2.Contains(anArray[2]), "Collection2 should no longer contain the item: " + anArray[2] + " Collection: " + collectionString);

            string[]            anArrayString         = { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            CiccioList <string> col                   = new CiccioList <string>(anArrayString);
            CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester helper = new CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester();

            helper.RemoveItemAtTest(col, 1);
        public static void RemoveTest()
            // trying to remove item in collection.
            string[]            anArray = { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            CiccioList <string> col     = new CiccioList <string>(anArray);
            CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester helper = new CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester();

            helper.RemoveItemTest(col, 2, "three", true, hasDuplicates: false);

            // trying to remove item not in collection.
            anArray = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            col     = new CiccioList <string>(anArray);
            helper  = new CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester();
            helper.RemoveItemTest(col, -1, "three2", false, hasDuplicates: false);

            // removing null
            anArray = new string[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" };
            col     = new CiccioList <string>(anArray);
            helper  = new CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester();
            helper.RemoveItemTest(col, -1, null, false, hasDuplicates: false);

            // trying to remove item in collection that has duplicates.
            anArray = new string[] { "one", "three", "two", "three", "four" };
            col     = new CiccioList <string>(anArray);
            helper  = new CollectionAndPropertyChangedTester();
            helper.RemoveItemTest(col, 1, "three", true, hasDuplicates: true);
            // want to ensure that there is one "three" left in collection and not both were removed.
            int occurrencesThree = 0;

            foreach (var item in col)
                if (item.Equals("three"))
            Assert.Equal(1, occurrencesThree);
        public void Reentrancy_SingleListener_DoesNotThrow()
            bool handlerCalled = false;

            var collection = new CiccioList <int>();

            collection.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) =>
                if (!handlerCalled)
                    handlerCalled = true;

                    // Single listener; does not throw.

            Assert.Equal(2, collection.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, collection[0]);
            Assert.Equal(2, collection[1]);
        public static void ItemTestSet_Negative_InvalidIndex(int size, int index)
            var col = new CiccioList <int>(new int[size]);

            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>("index", () => col[index]);
        public static void IsReadOnlyTest()
            var col = new CiccioList <Guid>(new[] { Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid() });

            Assert.False(((ICollection <Guid>)col).IsReadOnly);
        public static void IEnumerableConstructorTest(IEnumerable <string> collection)
            var actual = new CiccioList <string>(collection);

            Assert.Equal(collection, actual);