public void DoSomething(int x, global::System.String p = "class: ") { if (x > 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("x is greater than 0."); checked { ++x; } } delegate(string p) { Console.WriteLine("p Length is {0}", p.Length); WriteLine(F + p + typeof(T).FullName); } (p); const int a = 10; var b = x + a, c = x * a; b += 44; Console.WriteLine("b is {0}, c is {1}", b, c); var list = new SCG.List <int>(10) { a, b, c * 2 }; foreach (var x in list) { Console.WriteLine("collection element {0}", x); } object obj1 = new {}; var obj2 = new { a, B = b, C = c + 1, int.MaxValue }; Console.WriteLine("Anonymous type test: obj1 {0}, obj2 {1}", obj1, obj2); }
private SCG.List <string[]> parseCSV(string path) { SCG.List <string[]> parsedData = new SCG.List <string[]>(); try { using (StreamReader readFile = new StreamReader(path)) { string line; string[] row; while ((line = readFile.ReadLine()) != null) { row = line.Split(','); parsedData.Add(row); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw (e); } return(parsedData); }
public WorldLoadingThread() { objectRunningList = new TreeDictionary <long, NifLoadJob>(); terrainRunningList = new TreeDictionary <long, NifLoadJob>(); objectPositions = new SCG.List <ObjectPosition>(); MAX_RUNNING_THREADS = ProgramSettings.get("MAX_RUNNING_THREADS", 2); this.loadingQueueSampler = CustomSampler.Create("LoadingQueuesampler"); this.objectRunningListSampler = CustomSampler.Create("LoadingQueuesampler"); this.terrainRunningListSampler = CustomSampler.Create("LoadingQueuesampler"); }
public Task PutAsync(K key, V value) { return(ExecCommandAsync(async cmd => { // Retrieve all rows string commandBegin = $"INSERT INTO {tableName} ("; string commandLeftMiddle = ") VALUES ("; string commandRightMiddle = ") ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET ("; string commandRightRightMidle = ") = ("; string commandEnd = $") WHERE {tableName}.id=@id"; var updatedColumnNames = new SCG.List <string>(); var properties = typeof(V).GetProperties(); foreach (var p in properties) { var propertyValue = p.GetValue(value); var columnName = p.Name.ToLower(); if (columnName == "id") { Trace.Assert(object.Equals(key, propertyValue)); } else { if (columnName == "created" || columnName == "updated") { propertyValue = DateTime.Now; } var param = cmd.CreateParameter(); param.ParameterName = columnName; param.Value = propertyValue ?? DBNull.Value; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); updatedColumnNames.Add(columnName); } } var idParam = cmd.CreateParameter(); idParam.ParameterName = "id"; idParam.Value = key; cmd.Parameters.Add(idParam); cmd.CommandText = commandBegin + updatedColumnNames.Concat("id").Join(", ") + commandLeftMiddle + updatedColumnNames.Concat("id").Select(x => $"@{x}").Join(", ") + commandRightMiddle + updatedColumnNames.Join(", ") + commandRightRightMidle + updatedColumnNames.Select(x => $"@{x}").Join(", ") + commandEnd; var rowsAffected = await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Trace.Assert(1 == rowsAffected); })); }
public void TestEqualityDoubleNegativeZero() { var list1 = new SCG.List <double> { -0.0d }; var list2 = new SCG.List <double> { -0.0d }; var list3 = new SCG.List <double> { 0.0d }; assertTrue(ListEqualityComparer <double> .Default.Equals(list1, list2)); assertEquals(ListEqualityComparer <double> .Default.GetHashCode(list1), ListEqualityComparer <double> .Default.GetHashCode(list2)); assertFalse(ListEqualityComparer <double> .Default.Equals(list1, list3)); Assert.AreNotEqual(ListEqualityComparer <double> .Default.GetHashCode(list1), ListEqualityComparer <double> .Default.GetHashCode(list3)); // One dimensional arrays should work var list4 = new SCG.List <double[]> { new double[] { -0.0d, -0.0d, 0.0d } }; var list5 = new SCG.List <double[]> { new double[] { -0.0d, -0.0d, 0.0d } }; var list6 = new SCG.List <double[]> { new double[] { -0.0d, -0.0d, -0.0d } }; assertTrue(ListEqualityComparer <double[]> .Default.Equals(list4, list5)); assertEquals(ListEqualityComparer <double[]> .Default.GetHashCode(list4), ListEqualityComparer <double[]> .Default.GetHashCode(list5)); assertFalse(ListEqualityComparer <double[]> .Default.Equals(list4, list6)); Assert.AreNotEqual(ListEqualityComparer <double[]> .Default.GetHashCode(list4), ListEqualityComparer <double[]> .Default.GetHashCode(list6)); // Multi dimensional arrays are not (yet) supported var list10 = new SCG.List <double[, ]> { new double[, ] { { -0.0d, -0.0d }, { 0.0d, -0.0d } } }; var list11 = new SCG.List <double[, ]> { new double[, ] { { -0.0d, -0.0d }, { 0.0d, -0.0d } } }; var list12 = new SCG.List <double[, ]> { new double[, ] { { -0.0d, -0.0d }, { -0.0d, -0.0d } } }; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => ListEqualityComparer <double[, ]> .Default.Equals(list10, list11)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => ListEqualityComparer <double[, ]> .Default.GetHashCode(list10)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => ListEqualityComparer <double[, ]> .Default.Equals(list10, list12)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => ListEqualityComparer <double[, ]> .Default.GetHashCode(list12)); }
/// <summary></summary> public override object Read(object target, Package package, System.IO.BinaryReader reader, long end) { var count = reader.ReadInt32(); var list = new SCG.List <Reference>(count); while (count-- > 0) { list.Add(package.ReadReference(reader)); } return(list); }
public void Constructor_EmptySCGIList_Empty() { // Arrange var enumerable = new SCG.List <string>(); // Act var collection = new ArrayList <string>(enumerable); // Assert Assert.That(collection, Is.Empty); }
public static async Task <SCG.List <ICacheFacade <K, V> > > CreateCluster <K, V>(int cohortCount, Func <CacheConfiguration <K, V> > configurationFactory = null) { configurationFactory = configurationFactory ?? (() => new CacheConfiguration <K, V>("my-cache")); var cacheFacades = new SCG.List <ICacheFacade <K, V> >(); for (var i = 0; i < cohortCount; i++) { cacheFacades.Add(await CreateCohortAsync <K, V>(i, configurationFactory()).ConfigureAwait(false)); } return(cacheFacades); }
private Task UpdateByDiffHelperAsync(K key, V existing, V updated) { return(ExecCommandAsync(async cmd => { // Retrieve all rows string commandBegin = $"UPDATE {tableName} SET ("; string commandMiddle = ") = ("; string commandEnd = ") WHERE"; var updatedColumnNames = new SCG.List <string>(); var properties = typeof(V).GetProperties(); foreach (var p in properties) { var columnName = p.Name.ToLower(); if (columnName == "updated") { p.SetValue(updated, DateTime.Now); } if (object.Equals(p.GetValue(existing), p.GetValue(updated))) { continue; } var propertyValue = p.GetValue(updated); if (columnName == "id") { throw new InvalidStateException(); } else { var param = cmd.CreateParameter(); param.ParameterName = columnName; param.Value = propertyValue ?? DBNull.Value; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); updatedColumnNames.Add(columnName); } } var idParam = cmd.CreateParameter(); idParam.ParameterName = "id"; idParam.Value = key; cmd.Parameters.Add(idParam); cmd.CommandText = commandBegin + updatedColumnNames.Concat("id").Join(", ") + commandMiddle + updatedColumnNames.Concat("id").Select(x => $"@{x}").Join(", ") + commandEnd; var rowsModified = await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Trace.Assert(1 == rowsModified); })); }
public void Constructor_RandomSCGIList_Equal() { // Arrange var items = GetStrings(Random); var enumerable = new SCG.List <string>(items); // Act var collection = new ArrayList <string>(enumerable); // Assert Assert.That(collection, Is.EqualTo(items).Using(ReferenceEqualityComparer)); }
public void SetComparer_SetEqualsTests() { SCG.List <T> objects = new SCG.List <T>() { CreateT(1), CreateT(2), CreateT(3), CreateT(4), CreateT(5), CreateT(6) }; var set = new LinkedHashSet <LinkedHashSet <T> >() { new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] }, new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] } }; var noComparerSet = new LinkedHashSet <LinkedHashSet <T> >() { new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] }, new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] } }; var comparerSet1 = new LinkedHashSet <LinkedHashSet <T> >(SetEqualityComparer <T> .Default) { new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] }, new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] } }; var comparerSet2 = new LinkedHashSet <LinkedHashSet <T> >(SetEqualityComparer <T> .Default) { new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] }, new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] } }; Assert.True(noComparerSet.SetEquals(set)); // Our implementation is structurally equatable by default Assert.True(comparerSet1.SetEquals(set)); Assert.True(comparerSet2.SetEquals(set)); }
public void SetComparer_SetEqualsTests() { SCG.List <T> objects = new SCG.List <T>() { CreateT(1), CreateT(2), CreateT(3), CreateT(4), CreateT(5), CreateT(6) }; var set = new SCG.HashSet <SortedSet <T> >() { new SortedSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] }, new SortedSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] } }; var noComparerSet = new SCG.HashSet <SortedSet <T> >() { new SortedSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] }, new SortedSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] } }; var comparerSet1 = new SCG.HashSet <SortedSet <T> >(SortedSet <T> .CreateSetComparer()) { new SortedSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] }, new SortedSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] } }; var comparerSet2 = new SCG.HashSet <SortedSet <T> >(SortedSet <T> .CreateSetComparer()) { new SortedSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] }, new SortedSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] } }; Assert.True(noComparerSet.SetEquals(set)); // Unlike .NET's SortedSet, ours is structurally equatable by default Assert.True(comparerSet1.SetEquals(set)); Assert.True(comparerSet2.SetEquals(set)); }
public void Init() { ObstacleParent = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ObstacleParent"); weapons = new SCG.List <WeaponInstance>(); WeaponFireCooldown = new Cooldown_counter(); WeaponReloadCooldown = new Cooldown_counter(); WeaponEquipCooldown = new Cooldown_counter(); InActionStanceCooldown = new Cooldown_counter(); PickCooldown.Reset(); ObstacleCooldown.Reset(); SetTool(PlayerTool.None); ObstaclePreviewMesh = ObstaclePreview.GetComponentInChildren <MeshFilter>().mesh; Respawn(); }
private void processJobAdds() { while (true) { NifLoadJob job; lock (jobsToAdd) { if (jobsToAdd.IsEmpty) { break; } job = jobsToAdd.Dequeue(); } Vector3 pos = job.parentPos; float[] floatf = new float[] { pos.x, pos.z }; SCG.List <NifLoadJob> nList; if (job.filename.Contains("terrain")) { lock (terraintree) { if (!this.terraintree.TryFindValueAt(floatf, out nList)) { nList = new SCG.List <NifLoadJob>(); nList.Add(job); this.terraintree.Add(floatf, nList); } else { nList.Add(job); } } } else { lock (postree) { if (!this.postree.TryFindValueAt(floatf, out nList)) { nList = new SCG.List <NifLoadJob>(); nList.Add(job); this.postree.Add(floatf, nList); } else { nList.Add(job); } } } } }
public Task <Entry <K, V> > InsertAsync(V item) { return(ExecCommandAsync(async cmd => { // Retrieve all rows var commandStart = $"INSERT INTO {tableName} ("; var commandMiddle = ") VALUES ("; var commandEnd = ") RETURNING *"; var insertedColumnNames = new SCG.List <string>(); foreach (var property in typeof(V).GetProperties()) { var columnName = property.Name.ToLower(); if (columnName == "id") { continue; } var propertyValue = property.GetValue(item); var defaultPropertyValue = property.PropertyType.IsValueType ? Activator.CreateInstance(property.PropertyType) : null; if (!Equals(propertyValue, defaultPropertyValue)) { insertedColumnNames.Add(columnName); var parameter = cmd.CreateParameter(); parameter.ParameterName = columnName; parameter.Value = propertyValue; cmd.Parameters.Add(parameter); } } cmd.CommandText = commandStart + insertedColumnNames.Join(", ") + commandMiddle + insertedColumnNames.Select(c => $"@{c}").Join(", ") + commandEnd; using (var reader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) { Trace.Assert(reader.HasRows); var readSuccessful = await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Trace.Assert(readSuccessful); var entry = ReadToEntry(reader); readSuccessful = await reader.ReadAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); Trace.Assert(!readSuccessful); return entry; } })); }
public void EnsureCapacity_Generic_RequestingLargerCapacity_DoesNotInvalidateEnumeration(int setLength) { LinkedHashSet <T> set = (LinkedHashSet <T>)(GenericISetFactory(setLength)); var capacity = set.EnsureCapacity(0); IEnumerator valuesEnum = set.GetEnumerator(); IEnumerator valuesListEnum = new SCG.List <T>(set).GetEnumerator(); set.EnsureCapacity(capacity + 1); // Verify EnsureCapacity does not invalidate enumeration while (valuesEnum.MoveNext()) { valuesListEnum.MoveNext(); Assert.Equal(valuesListEnum.Current, valuesEnum.Current); } }
public void TestEqualityDoubleNaN() { sbyte[] nan1s = { 5, 84, 21, 61, -39, -20, -8, -1 }; sbyte[] nan2s = { -65, 78, -21, -6, 47, 123, -4, 127 }; byte[] nan1 = new byte[8]; byte[] nan2 = new byte[8]; Buffer.BlockCopy(nan1s, 0, nan1, 0, 8); Buffer.BlockCopy(nan2s, 0, nan2, 0, 8); var list1 = new SCG.List <double> { BitConverter.ToDouble(nan1, 0) }; var list2 = new SCG.List <double> { BitConverter.ToDouble(nan2, 0) }; assertTrue(ListEqualityComparer <double> .Default.Equals(list1, list2)); assertEquals(ListEqualityComparer <double> .Default.GetHashCode(list1), ListEqualityComparer <double> .Default.GetHashCode(list2)); // One dimensional arrays should work var list3 = new SCG.List <double[]> { new double[] { BitConverter.ToDouble(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToDouble(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToDouble(nan2, 0) } }; var list4 = new SCG.List <double[]> { new double[] { BitConverter.ToDouble(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToDouble(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToDouble(nan2, 0) } }; assertTrue(ListEqualityComparer <double[]> .Default.Equals(list3, list4)); assertEquals(ListEqualityComparer <double[]> .Default.GetHashCode(list3), ListEqualityComparer <double[]> .Default.GetHashCode(list4)); // Multi dimensional arrays are not (yet) supported var list5 = new SCG.List <double[, ]> { new double[, ] { { BitConverter.ToDouble(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToDouble(nan2, 0) }, { BitConverter.ToDouble(nan2, 0), BitConverter.ToDouble(nan1, 0) } } }; var list6 = new SCG.List <double[, ]> { new double[, ] { { BitConverter.ToDouble(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToDouble(nan2, 0) }, { BitConverter.ToDouble(nan2, 0), BitConverter.ToDouble(nan1, 0) } } }; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => ListEqualityComparer <double[, ]> .Default.Equals(list5, list6)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => ListEqualityComparer <double[, ]> .Default.GetHashCode(list5)); }
public void TestEqualityFloatNaN() { sbyte[] nan1s = { -111, 28, -95, -1 }; sbyte[] nan2s = { 76, -83, -47, 127 }; byte[] nan1 = new byte[4]; byte[] nan2 = new byte[4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(nan1s, 0, nan1, 0, 4); Buffer.BlockCopy(nan2s, 0, nan2, 0, 4); var list1 = new SCG.List <float> { BitConverter.ToSingle(nan1, 0) }; var list2 = new SCG.List <float> { BitConverter.ToSingle(nan2, 0) }; assertTrue(ListEqualityComparer <float> .Default.Equals(list1, list2)); assertEquals(ListEqualityComparer <float> .Default.GetHashCode(list1), ListEqualityComparer <float> .Default.GetHashCode(list2)); // One dimensional arrays should work var list3 = new SCG.List <float[]> { new float[] { BitConverter.ToSingle(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToSingle(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToSingle(nan2, 0) } }; var list4 = new SCG.List <float[]> { new float[] { BitConverter.ToSingle(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToSingle(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToSingle(nan2, 0) } }; assertTrue(ListEqualityComparer <float[]> .Default.Equals(list3, list4)); assertEquals(ListEqualityComparer <float[]> .Default.GetHashCode(list3), ListEqualityComparer <float[]> .Default.GetHashCode(list4)); // Multi dimensional arrays are not (yet) supported var list5 = new SCG.List <float[, ]> { new float[, ] { { BitConverter.ToSingle(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToSingle(nan2, 0) }, { BitConverter.ToSingle(nan2, 0), BitConverter.ToSingle(nan1, 0) } } }; var list6 = new SCG.List <float[, ]> { new float[, ] { { BitConverter.ToSingle(nan1, 0), BitConverter.ToSingle(nan2, 0) }, { BitConverter.ToSingle(nan2, 0), BitConverter.ToSingle(nan1, 0) } } }; Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => ListEqualityComparer <float[, ]> .Default.Equals(list5, list6)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => ListEqualityComparer <float[, ]> .Default.GetHashCode(list5)); }
private bool LoadProgram() { bool success = false; try { string program = CurrentProgram.Value; //read file //1. Read data from a Dataset rawCRUDArrayRows = parseCSV(program); //for each data structure } catch (Exception ex) { } return(success); }
public void TestEqualityListShallow_Aggressive() { var control = new SCG.List <int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var equal = new SCG.List <int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var equalDifferentType = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var equalDifferentOrder = new SCG.List <int> { 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 }; Assert.AreEqual(ListEqualityComparer <int> .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control), ListEqualityComparer <int> .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control)); Assert.AreEqual(ListEqualityComparer <int> .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control), ListEqualityComparer <int> .Aggressive.GetHashCode(equal)); Assert.AreEqual(ListEqualityComparer <int> .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control), ListEqualityComparer <int> .Aggressive.GetHashCode(equalDifferentType)); // Lists and arrays are order-sensitive Assert.AreNotEqual(ListEqualityComparer <int> .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control), ListEqualityComparer <int> .Aggressive.GetHashCode(equalDifferentOrder)); }
public SCG.IEnumerable<Athlete> Query(string sql) { command.CommandText = sql; var list = new SCG.List<Athlete>(); using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { var at = new Athlete(); at.Id = reader.GetInt32(0); at.Name = reader.GetString(1); at.Surname = reader.GetString(2); at.Year = reader.GetInt32(3); at.Gender = reader.GetString(4); at.Time = reader.GetString(5); list.Add(at); } } return list; }
/// <summary></summary> public override object Read(object target, Package package, BinaryReader reader, long end) { int count = reader.ReadInt32(); if (count == 0) { return(null); } var result = new SCG.List <T>(count); for (var index = 0; index < count; index++) { var value = new T(); value.Package = package; value.Load(reader, end); result.Add(value); } return(result); }
public void TestEqualsTypeMismatch() { var list = new SCG.List <int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var set = new SCG.HashSet <int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var dictionary = new SCG.Dictionary <int, int> { { 1, 0 }, { 2, 0 }, { 3, 0 }, { 4, 0 }, { 5, 0 } }; var array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Assert.IsFalse(CollectionUtil.Equals(list, set)); Assert.IsFalse(CollectionUtil.Equals(list, dictionary)); Assert.IsTrue(CollectionUtil.Equals(list, array)); // Types are compatible - array implements IList<T> Assert.IsFalse(CollectionUtil.Equals(set, dictionary)); Assert.IsFalse(CollectionUtil.Equals(set, array)); }
public void SetComparer_SequenceEqualTests() { SCG.List <T> objects = new SCG.List <T>() { CreateT(1), CreateT(2), CreateT(3), CreateT(4), CreateT(5), CreateT(6) }; var set = new LinkedHashSet <LinkedHashSet <T> >() { new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] }, new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] } }; var noComparerSet = new LinkedHashSet <LinkedHashSet <T> >() { new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] }, new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] } }; var comparerSet = new LinkedHashSet <LinkedHashSet <T> >(SetEqualityComparer <T> .Default) { new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[0], objects[1], objects[2] }, new LinkedHashSet <T> { objects[3], objects[4], objects[5] } }; Assert.True(noComparerSet.SequenceEqual(set)); // Unlike the .NET LinkedHashSet, ours is structurally equatable by default Assert.True(noComparerSet.SequenceEqual(set, SetEqualityComparer <T> .Default)); Assert.True(comparerSet.SequenceEqual(set)); // Unlike the .NET LinkedHashSet, ours is structurally equatable by default }
void processCDRQueue() { int tileX = Mathf.FloorToInt(telaraWorldCamPos.x / 256.0f); int tileY = Mathf.FloorToInt(telaraWorldCamPos.z / 256.0f); cdrJobQueue = cdrJobQueue.OrderBy(x => Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(tileX, tileY), new Vector2(x.Key, x.Value))).ToList(); while (runningTerrainThreads < MAX_TERRAIN_THREADS && cdrJobQueue.Count() > 0) { KeyValuePair <int, int> job = cdrJobQueue[0]; cdrJobQueue.RemoveAt(0); int tx = job.Key; int ty = job.Value; runningTerrainThreads++; //Debug.Log("Starting thread for CDR job[" + tx + "," + ty + "]"); System.Threading.Thread m_Thread = new System.Threading.Thread(() => { try { SCG.List <ObjectPosition> objs = new SCG.List <ObjectPosition>(); CDRParse.doWorldTile(AssetDatabaseInst.DB, DBInst.inst, GameWorld.worldName, tx * 256, ty * 256, (p) => { objs.Add(p); }); lock (objectPositions) { objectPositions.AddRange(objs); } } finally { runningTerrainThreads--; } }); m_Thread.Priority = (System.Threading.ThreadPriority)ProgramSettings.get("MAP_LOAD_THREAD_PRIORITY", (int)System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Normal); m_Thread.Start(); } }
public void SortedSet_Generic_GetViewBetween_MiddleOfSet(int setLength) { if (setLength >= 3) { SCG.IComparer <T> comparer = GetIComparer() ?? Comparer <T> .Default; SortedSet <T> set = (SortedSet <T>)GenericISetFactory(setLength); T firstElement = set.ElementAt(1); T lastElement = set.ElementAt(setLength - 2); SCG.List <T> expected = new SCG.List <T>(setLength - 2); foreach (T value in set) { if (comparer.Compare(value, firstElement) >= 0 && comparer.Compare(value, lastElement) <= 0) { expected.Add(value); } } SortedSet <T> view = set.GetViewBetween(firstElement, lastElement); Assert.Equal(expected.Count, view.Count); Assert.True(view.SetEquals(expected)); } }
public GreenC5UserControl(string greenC5Name, bool infiniteExecution, int k1, double k2) { InitializeComponent(); Status = "Idle"; IsInfiniteMode = infiniteExecution; GreenC5Name = greenC5Name; lbName.Text = "Instance ID: " + GreenC5Name; InternalDataStructure = new GreenC5 <string>(); K1 = k1; K2 = k2; //set datastructure list by groups for validation SCG.List <C5DataStructure> iCollection = new SCG.List <C5DataStructure>(); iCollection.Add(C5DataStructure.ArrayList); iCollection.Add(C5DataStructure.HashBag); iCollection.Add(C5DataStructure.HashedArrayList); iCollection.Add(C5DataStructure.HashedLinkedList); iCollection.Add(C5DataStructure.HashSet); iCollection.Add(C5DataStructure.LinkedList); iCollection.Add(C5DataStructure.SortedArray); iCollection.Add(C5DataStructure.TreeBag); iCollection.Add(C5DataStructure.TreeSet); dataStructuresByGroup.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, SCG.List <C5DataStructure> >(DataStructureGroup.ICollection, iCollection)); SCG.List <C5DataStructure> iCollectionBag = new SCG.List <C5DataStructure>(); iCollectionBag.Add(C5DataStructure.HashBag); iCollectionBag.Add(C5DataStructure.TreeBag); iCollectionBag.Add(C5DataStructure.ArrayList); iCollectionBag.Add(C5DataStructure.LinkedList); dataStructuresByGroup.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, SCG.List <C5DataStructure> >(DataStructureGroup.ICollectionBag, iCollectionBag)); SCG.List <C5DataStructure> iCollectionSet = new SCG.List <C5DataStructure>(); iCollectionSet.Add(C5DataStructure.HashSet); iCollectionSet.Add(C5DataStructure.TreeSet); iCollectionSet.Add(C5DataStructure.HashedArrayList); iCollectionSet.Add(C5DataStructure.HashedLinkedList); iCollectionSet.Add(C5DataStructure.SortedArray); dataStructuresByGroup.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, SCG.List <C5DataStructure> >(DataStructureGroup.ICollectionSet, iCollectionSet)); SCG.List <C5DataStructure> iList = new SCG.List <C5DataStructure>(); iList.Add(C5DataStructure.ArrayList); iList.Add(C5DataStructure.LinkedList); iList.Add(C5DataStructure.HashedArrayList); iList.Add(C5DataStructure.HashedLinkedList); iList.Add(C5DataStructure.SortedArray); dataStructuresByGroup.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, SCG.List <C5DataStructure> >(DataStructureGroup.IList, iList)); SCG.List <C5DataStructure> iListBag = new SCG.List <C5DataStructure>(); iListBag.Add(C5DataStructure.ArrayList); iListBag.Add(C5DataStructure.LinkedList); dataStructuresByGroup.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, SCG.List <C5DataStructure> >(DataStructureGroup.IListBag, iListBag)); SCG.List <C5DataStructure> iListSet = new SCG.List <C5DataStructure>(); iListSet.Add(C5DataStructure.HashedArrayList); iListSet.Add(C5DataStructure.HashedLinkedList); iListSet.Add(C5DataStructure.SortedArray); dataStructuresByGroup.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, SCG.List <C5DataStructure> >(DataStructureGroup.IListSet, iListSet)); //set data structure groups SCG.List <KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure> > dsGroupAndWorstDataStructures = new SCG.List <KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure> >(); dsGroupAndWorstDataStructures.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure>(DataStructureGroup.ICollection, C5DataStructure.ArrayList)); dsGroupAndWorstDataStructures.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure>(DataStructureGroup.ICollectionBag, C5DataStructure.LinkedList)); dsGroupAndWorstDataStructures.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure>(DataStructureGroup.ICollectionSet, C5DataStructure.SortedArray)); dsGroupAndWorstDataStructures.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure>(DataStructureGroup.IList, C5DataStructure.LinkedList)); dsGroupAndWorstDataStructures.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure>(DataStructureGroup.IListBag, C5DataStructure.LinkedList)); dsGroupAndWorstDataStructures.Add(new KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure>(DataStructureGroup.IListSet, C5DataStructure.SortedArray)); //cbDataStructureGroup.DisplayMember = "Key"; //cbDataStructureGroup.ValueMember = "Value"; cbDataStructureGroup.DataSource = dsGroupAndWorstDataStructures; SCG.List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > crudWorkloadPrograms = new SCG.List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Small Program #1", @"CRUD Workloads\SmallRandomApplication1.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Small Program #2", @"CRUD Workloads\SmallRandomApplication2.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Small Program #3", @"CRUD Workloads\SmallRandomApplication3.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Small Program #4", @"CRUD Workloads\SmallRandomApplication4.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #1", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication1.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #2", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication2.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #3", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication3.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #4", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication4.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #5", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication5.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #6", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication6.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #7", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication7.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #8", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication8.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #9", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication9.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Simulated Program #10", @"CRUD Workloads\RandomApplication10.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("A* Path Finder - Custom", @"CRUD Workloads\AStarPathFinderProgram_Custom_Formula.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("A* Path Finder - Diagnal Shortcut", @"CRUD Workloads\AStarPathFinderProgram_DiagonalShortcut_Formula.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("A* Path Finder - Euclidean", @"CRUD Workloads\AStarPathFinderProgram_Euclidean_Formula.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("A* Path Finder - Manhatan", @"CRUD Workloads\AStarPathFinderProgram_Manhatan_Formula.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("A* Path Finder - Max Dx Dy", @"CRUD Workloads\AStarPathFinderProgram_MaxDXDY_Formula.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Genetic Algorithm - Fitness Table", @"CRUD Workloads\GA-FittnessTableProgram.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Genetic Algorithm - Next Generation", @"CRUD Workloads\GA-NextGenerationProgram.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Genetic Algorithm - This Generation", @"CRUD Workloads\GA-ThisGenerationProgram.csv")); crudWorkloadPrograms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Huffman Encoding", @"CRUD Workloads\HuffmanCodingProgram.csv")); cbPrograms.DataSource = new BindingSource(crudWorkloadPrograms, null); cbPrograms.DisplayMember = "Key"; //cbPrograms.ValueMember = "Value"; //set the values to the program potion dropdownlist //set data structure options to a Static Mode selection cbStartDataStructure.DataSource = c5DSs; //Set run mode cbRunMode.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(DataStructureMode)); cbRunMode.SelectedItem = DataStructureMode.Dynamic; if (cbDataStructureGroup.SelectedItem != null) { KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure> dsg = (KeyValuePair <DataStructureGroup, C5DataStructure>)cbDataStructureGroup.SelectedItem; CurrentDataStructureGroup = dsg.Key; StartDataStructure = dsg.Value; CurrentC5DataStructure = dsg.Value; lbCurrentDataStructure.Text = "Current Data Structure: " + CurrentC5DataStructure.ToString(); cbStartDataStructure.SelectedItem = StartDataStructure; } if (cbPrograms.SelectedItem != null) { CurrentProgram = (KeyValuePair <string, string>)cbPrograms.SelectedItem; } startMode = false; bool ok = LoadProgram(); }
/// <summary> /// Processes an inbound data event. /// This is assumed to be invoked on an IOCP thread so a goal is to do as little as possible. /// </summary> public void HandleInboundDataEvent(InboundDataEvent e, Action<InboundDataEvent> returnInboundDataEvent) { #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_de); #endif // Deserialize inbound payloads SCG.List<object> payloads = new SCG.List<object>(); try { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(e.Data, e.DataOffset, e.DataLength, false, true)) { while (ms.Position < ms.Length) { payloads.Add(Deserialize.From(ms)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!isShutdown) { logger.Warn("Error at payload deserialize", ex); } return; } returnInboundDataEvent(e); #if DEBUG Interlocked.Add(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_payload, payloads.Count); #endif // Categorize inbound payloads var acknowledgements = new SCG.List<AcknowledgementDto>(); var announcements = new SCG.List<AnnouncementDto>(); var reliablePackets = new SCG.List<PacketDto>(); var unreliablePackets = new SCG.List<PacketDto>(); foreach (var payload in payloads) { if (payload is AcknowledgementDto) { acknowledgements.Add((AcknowledgementDto)payload); } else if (payload is AnnouncementDto) { announcements.Add((AnnouncementDto)payload); } else if (payload is PacketDto) { // Filter packets not destined to us. var packet = (PacketDto)payload; if (!identity.Matches(packet.ReceiverId, IdentityMatchingScope.Broadcast)) { tossedCounter.Increment(); continue; } // Bin into reliable vs unreliable. if (packet.IsReliable()) { reliablePackets.Add(packet); } else { unreliablePackets.Add(packet); } } } // Process acks to prevent resends. foreach (var ack in acknowledgements) { #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_ack); #endif acknowledgementCoordinator.ProcessAcknowledgement(ack); #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_ack_done); #endif } // Process announcements as they are necessary for routing. foreach (var announcement in announcements) { #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_ann); #endif HandleAnnouncement(e.RemoteInfo, announcement); } // Ack inbound reliable messages to prevent resends. foreach (var packet in reliablePackets) { #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_out_ack); #endif var ack = AcknowledgementDto.Create(packet.Id); RoutingContext routingContext; if (routingContextsByPeerId.TryGetValue(packet.SenderId, out routingContext)) { routingContext.SendAcknowledgementAsync(packet.SenderId, ack).Forget(); } else { payloadSender.BroadcastAsync(ack).Forget(); } #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_out_ack_done); #endif } // Test reliable packets' guids against bloom filter. var isNewByPacketId = duplicateFilter.TestPacketIdsAreNew(new HashSet<Guid>(reliablePackets.Select(p => p.Id))); var standalonePacketsToProcess = new SCG.List<PacketDto>(unreliablePackets); var chunksToProcess = new SCG.List<MultiPartChunkDto>(); foreach (var packet in reliablePackets) { // Toss out duplicate packets if (!isNewByPacketId[packet.Id]) { duplicateReceivesCounter.Increment(); continue; } // Bin into multipart chunk vs not var multiPartChunk = packet.Message.Body as MultiPartChunkDto; if (multiPartChunk != null) { multiPartChunksBytesReceivedAggregator.Put(multiPartChunk.BodyLength); chunksToProcess.Add(multiPartChunk); } else { standalonePacketsToProcess.Add(packet); } } // Kick off async stanadalone packet process on thread pool. foreach (var packet in standalonePacketsToProcess) { inboundMessageDispatcher.DispatchAsync(packet.Message).Forget(); } // Synchronously handle multipart chunk processing. foreach (var chunk in chunksToProcess) { multiPartPacketReassembler.HandleInboundMultiPartChunk(chunk); } }
public void TestEqualityListDeep_Aggressive() { var deepControl = new SCG.List <IDictionary <string, string> > { new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "1", "one" }, { "2", "two" }, { "3", "three" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "4", "four" }, { "5", "five" }, { "6", "six" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "7", "seven" }, { "8", "eight" }, { "9", "nine" } }, }; var deepEqual = new SCG.List <IDictionary <string, string> > { new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "1", "one" }, { "2", "two" }, { "3", "three" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "4", "four" }, { "5", "five" }, { "6", "six" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "7", "seven" }, { "8", "eight" }, { "9", "nine" } }, }; var deepEqualDifferentType = new IDictionary <string, string>[] { new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "1", "one" }, { "2", "two" }, { "3", "three" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "4", "four" }, { "5", "five" }, { "6", "six" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "7", "seven" }, { "8", "eight" }, { "9", "nine" } }, }; var deepEqualDifferentOrder = new SCG.List <IDictionary <string, string> > { new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "7", "seven" }, { "8", "eight" }, { "9", "nine" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "1", "one" }, { "2", "two" }, { "3", "three" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "4", "four" }, { "5", "five" }, { "6", "six" } }, }; var deepLevel1EqualLevel2Unequal = new SCG.List <IDictionary <string, string> > { new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "1", "one" }, { "2", "two" }, { "3", "three" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "4", "four" }, { "5", "five" }, { "6", "six" } }, new SCG.Dictionary <string, string> { { "7", "seven" }, { "8", "eight" }, { "9", "nine99" } }, }; Assert.AreEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepControl), ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepControl)); Assert.AreEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepControl), ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepEqual)); Assert.AreEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepControl), ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepEqualDifferentType)); // Lists and arrays are order-sensitive Assert.AreNotEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepControl), ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepEqualDifferentOrder)); Assert.AreNotEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepControl), ListEqualityComparer <IDictionary <string, string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(deepLevel1EqualLevel2Unequal)); }
public void TestEqualityListSimple_Aggressive() { var control = new SCG.List <IList <string> > { new SCG.List <string> { "one", "two", "three" }, new SCG.List <string> { "four", "five", "six" }, new SCG.List <string> { "seven", "eight", "nine" }, }; var equal = new SCG.List <IList <string> > { new SCG.List <string> { "one", "two", "three" }, new SCG.List <string> { "four", "five", "six" }, new SCG.List <string> { "seven", "eight", "nine" }, }; var equalDifferentType = new IList <string>[] { new SCG.List <string> { "one", "two", "three" }, new SCG.List <string> { "four", "five", "six" }, new SCG.List <string> { "seven", "eight", "nine" }, }; var equalDifferentOrder = new SCG.List <IList <string> > { new SCG.List <string> { "four", "five", "six" }, new SCG.List <string> { "seven", "eight", "nine" }, new SCG.List <string> { "one", "two", "three" }, }; var level1EqualLevel2Unequal = new SCG.List <IList <string> > { new SCG.List <string> { "one", "two", "three" }, new SCG.List <string> { "four", "five", "six" }, new SCG.List <string> { "seven", "eight", "nine-nine" }, }; Assert.AreEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control), ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control)); Assert.IsTrue(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.Equals(control, control)); Assert.AreEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control), ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(equal)); Assert.IsTrue(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.Equals(control, equal)); Assert.AreEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control), ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(equalDifferentType)); Assert.IsTrue(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.Equals(control, equalDifferentType)); // Lists and arrays are order - sensitive Assert.AreNotEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control), ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(equalDifferentOrder)); Assert.IsFalse(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.Equals(control, equalDifferentOrder)); Assert.AreNotEqual(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(control), ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.GetHashCode(level1EqualLevel2Unequal)); Assert.IsFalse(ListEqualityComparer <IList <string> > .Aggressive.Equals(control, level1EqualLevel2Unequal)); }
//FIXME: should we receive a IRawElementProviderFragment instead? this way we can drop ArgumentExceptions in derived classes' ctors public ComponentParentAdapter(IRawElementProviderSimple provider) : base(provider) { RadioButtons = new SCG.List <RadioButton> (); componentExpert = new ComponentImplementorHelper(this); }
internal void SetAndResolveInstructions(CILInstruction[] insts) { offset = 0; SCG.List<CILLabel> labels = new SCG.List<CILLabel>(); foreach (CILInstruction inst in insts) { inst.offset = offset; offset += inst.size; if (inst is BranchInstr) { ((BranchInstr)inst).MakeTargetLabel(labels); } else if (inst is SwitchInstr) { ((SwitchInstr)inst).MakeTargetLabels(labels); } } if (exceptions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < exceptions.Count; i++) { exceptions[i] = ((EHClause)exceptions[i]).MakeTryBlock(labels); } } if (labels.Count == 0) { buffer = insts; tide = buffer.Length; return; } buffer = new CILInstruction[insts.Length + labels.Count]; int currentPos = 0; tide = 0; foreach (CILLabel lbl in labels) { CILLabel lab = lbl; while ((currentPos < insts.Length) && (insts[currentPos].offset < lab.offset)) buffer[tide++] = insts[currentPos++]; buffer[tide++] = lab; } while (currentPos < insts.Length) { buffer[tide++] = insts[currentPos++]; } }
Test_CollectionFromSystemStringBuilderAdapter() { Print( "Create" ); var c = new StringBuilder( "abcde" ) .AsHalfdecentCollection(); Print( ".Stream()" ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ) ) ); Print( ".GetAndReplaceWhere( Predicate< char > )" ); var to = new SCG.List< char >(); Stream.Create( 'B' ) .To( c.GetAndReplaceWhere( ch => ch == 'b' ) ) .EmptyTo( to.AsSink() ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 'a', 'B', 'c', 'd', 'e' ) ) ); to.Sort(); Assert( to.SequenceEqual( SystemEnumerable.Create( 'b' ) ) ); Print( ".GetAndRemoveWhere( Predicate< char > )" ); to.Clear(); c.GetAndRemoveWhere( ch => ch == 'B' ) .EmptyTo( to.AsSink() ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 'a', 'c', 'd', 'e' ) ) ); to.Sort(); Assert( to.SequenceEqual( SystemEnumerable.Create( 'B' ) ) ); Print( ".Get( IInteger )" ); Assert( c.Get( 0 ) == 'a' ); Assert( c.Get( 1 ) == 'c' ); Assert( c.Get( 2 ) == 'd' ); Assert( c.Get( 3 ) == 'e' ); Print( ".Replace( IInteger, char )" ); c.Replace( 1, 'C' ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 'a', 'C', 'd', 'e' ) ) ); Print( ".Remove( IInteger )" ); c.Remove( 1 ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 'a', 'd', 'e' ) ) ); Print( ".Contains( IInteger )" ); Assert( !c.Contains( -1 ) ); Assert( c.Contains( 0 ) ); Assert( c.Contains( 1 ) ); Assert( c.Contains( 2 ) ); Assert( !c.Contains( 3 ) ); Print( ".Stream( IInteger )" ); Assert( c.Stream( 1 ) .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 'd' ) ) ); Print( ".GetAndReplaceAll( IInteger )" ); to.Clear(); Stream.Create( 'D' ) .To( c.GetAndReplaceAll( 1 ) ) .EmptyTo( to.AsSink() ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 'a', 'D', 'e' ) ) ); Assert( to.SequenceEqual( SystemEnumerable.Create( 'd' ) ) ); Print( ".GetAndRemoveAll( IInteger )" ); to.Clear(); c.GetAndRemoveAll( 1 ) .EmptyTo( to.AsSink() ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 'a', 'e' ) ) ); Assert( to.SequenceEqual( SystemEnumerable.Create( 'D' ) ) ); Print( ".Add( IInteger, char )" ); c.Add( 1, 'b' ); c.Add( 2, 'c' ); c.Add( 3, 'd' ); c.Add( 5, 'f' ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' ) ) ); Print( ".Count" ); Assert( c.Count == 6 ); Print( ".StreamPairs()" ); var ts = c.StreamPairs(); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 0L, 'a' ) ); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 1L, 'b' ) ); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 2L, 'c' ) ); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 3L, 'd' ) ); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 4L, 'e' ) ); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 5L, 'f' ) ); Assert( !ts.TryPull().A ); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the maximum stack depth required by these CIL instructions. /// </summary> /// <returns>The integer value of the stck depth.</returns> public int GetMaxStackDepthRequired() { if (tide == 0) return 0; // Store the code blocks we find SCG.List<CodeBlock> codeBlocks = new SCG.List<CodeBlock>(); SCG.Dictionary<CILLabel, CodeBlock> cbTable = new SCG.Dictionary<CILLabel, CodeBlock>(); SCG.List<CodeBlock> extraStartingBlocks = new SCG.List<CodeBlock>(); // Start a default code block CodeBlock codeBlock = new CodeBlock(this); codeBlock.StartIndex = 0; // // Identify the code blocks // for (int i = 0; i < tide; i++) { /* Handling the tail instruction: * The tail instruction has not been handled even though * it indicates the end of a code block is coming. The * reason for this is because any valid tail instruction * must be followed by a call* instruction and then a ret * instruction. Given a ret instruction must be the second * next instruction anyway it has been decided to just let * the end block be caught then. */ // If we reach a branch instruction or a switch instruction // then end the current code block inclusive of the instruction. if ((buffer[i] is BranchInstr) || (buffer[i] is SwitchInstr)) { // Close the old block codeBlock.EndIndex = i; if (codeBlock.EndIndex >= codeBlock.StartIndex) // Don't add empty blocks codeBlocks.Add(codeBlock); // Open a new block codeBlock = new CodeBlock(this); codeBlock.StartIndex = i + 1; // If we reach a label then we need to start a new // code block as the label is an entry point. } else if (buffer[i] is CILLabel) { // Close the old block codeBlock.EndIndex = i - 1; if (codeBlock.EndIndex >= codeBlock.StartIndex) // Don't add empty blocks codeBlocks.Add(codeBlock); // Open a new block codeBlock = new CodeBlock(this); codeBlock.StartIndex = i; // Set this label as the entry point for the code block codeBlock.EntryLabel = (CILLabel)buffer[i]; // AND ... list in the dictionary. cbTable.Add(codeBlock.EntryLabel, codeBlock); // Check for the ret, throw, rethrow, or jmp instruction as they also end a block } else if (buffer[i] is Instr) { if ( (((Instr)buffer[i]).GetOp() == Op.ret) || (((Instr)buffer[i]).GetOp() == Op.throwOp) || (((Instr)buffer[i]).GetOp() == Op.rethrow) || ((buffer[i] is MethInstr) && (((MethInstr)buffer[i]).GetMethodOp() == ) { // Close the old block codeBlock.EndIndex = i; if (codeBlock.EndIndex >= codeBlock.StartIndex) // Don't add empty blocks codeBlocks.Add(codeBlock); // Open a new block // In theory this should never happen but just in case // someone feels like adding dead code it is supported. codeBlock = new CodeBlock(this); codeBlock.StartIndex = i + 1; } } } // Close the last block codeBlock.EndIndex = tide - 1; if (codeBlock.EndIndex >= codeBlock.StartIndex) // Don't add empty blocks codeBlocks.Add(codeBlock); codeBlock = null; // Check how many code blocks there are. If an blocks return 0. if (codeBlocks.Count == 0) return 0; // // Loop through each code block and calculate the delta distance // for (int j = 0; j < codeBlocks.Count; j++) { CodeBlock block = codeBlocks[j]; int maxDepth = 0; int currentDepth = 0; // Loop through each instruction to work out the max depth for (int i = block.StartIndex; i <= block.EndIndex; i++) { // Get the depth after the next instruction currentDepth += buffer[i].GetDeltaDistance(); // If the new current depth is greater then the maxDepth adjust the maxDepth to reflect if (currentDepth > maxDepth) maxDepth = currentDepth; } // Set the depth of the block block.MaxDepth = maxDepth; block.DeltaDistance = currentDepth; // // Link up the next blocks // // If the block ends with a branch statement set the jump and fall through. if (buffer[block.EndIndex] is BranchInstr) { BranchInstr branchInst = (BranchInstr)buffer[block.EndIndex]; // If this is not a "br" or "br.s" then set the fall through code block if ((branchInst.GetBranchOp() != && (branchInst.GetBranchOp() != BranchOp.br_s)) // If there is a following code block set it as the fall through if (j < (codeBlocks.Count - 1)) block.NextBlocks.Add(codeBlocks[j + 1]); // Set the code block we are jumping to CodeBlock cb = null; cbTable.TryGetValue(branchInst.GetDest(), out cb); if (cb == null) throw new Exception("Missing Branch Label"); block.NextBlocks.Add(cb); // If the block ends in a switch instruction work out the possible next blocks } else if (buffer[block.EndIndex] is SwitchInstr) { SwitchInstr switchInstr = (SwitchInstr)buffer[block.EndIndex]; // If there is a following code block set it as the fall through if (j < (codeBlocks.Count - 1)) block.NextBlocks.Add(codeBlocks[j + 1]); // Add each destination block foreach (CILLabel label in switchInstr.GetDests()) { // Check all of the code blocks to find the jump destination CodeBlock cb = null; cbTable.TryGetValue(label, out cb); if (cb == null) throw new Exception("Missing Case Label"); block.NextBlocks.Add(cb); } // So long as the block doesn't end with a terminating instruction like ret or throw, just fall through to the next block } else if (!IsTerminatingInstruction(buffer[block.EndIndex])) { // If there is a following code block set it as the fall through if (j < (codeBlocks.Count - 1)) block.NextBlocks.Add(codeBlocks[j + 1]); } } // // Join up any exception blocks // if (exceptions != null) { foreach (TryBlock tryBlock in exceptions) { // Try to find the code block where this try block starts CodeBlock tryCodeBlock; cbTable.TryGetValue(tryBlock.Start, out tryCodeBlock); // Declare that the entry to this code block must be empty tryCodeBlock.RequireEmptyEntry = true; // Work with each of the handlers foreach (HandlerBlock hb in tryBlock.GetHandlers()) { // Find the code block where this handler block starts. CodeBlock handlerCodeBlock; cbTable.TryGetValue(hb.Start, out handlerCodeBlock); // If the code block is a catch or filter block increment the delta // distance by 1. This is to factor in the exception object that will // be secretly placed on the stack by the runtime engine. // However, this also means that the MaxDepth is up by one also! if (hb is Catch || hb is Filter) { handlerCodeBlock.DeltaDistance++; handlerCodeBlock.MaxDepth++; } // If the code block is a filter block increment the delta distance by 1 // This is to factor in the exception object that will be placed on the stack. // if (hb is Filter) handlerCodeBlock.DeltaDistance++; // Add this handler to the list of starting places extraStartingBlocks.Add(handlerCodeBlock); } } } // // Traverse the code blocks and get the depth // // Get the max depth at the starting entry point int finalMaxDepth = this.TraverseMaxDepth(codeBlocks[0]); // Check the additional entry points // If the additional points have a greater depth update the max depth foreach (CodeBlock cb in extraStartingBlocks) { // int tmpMaxDepth = cb.TraverseMaxDepth(); int tmpMaxDepth = this.TraverseMaxDepth(cb); if (tmpMaxDepth > finalMaxDepth) finalMaxDepth = tmpMaxDepth; } // Return the max depth we have found return finalMaxDepth; }
Test_CollectionFromSystemListAdapter() { Print( "Create" ); var c = SystemEnumerable.Create( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ) .ToList() .AsHalfdecentCollection(); Print( ".Stream()" ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ) ) ); Print( ".GetAndReplaceWhere( Predicate< T > )" ); var to = new SCG.List< int >(); Stream.Create( 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 ) .To( c.GetAndReplaceWhere( i => i % 2 == 0 ) ) .EmptyTo( to.AsSink() ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 1, 20, 3, 40, 5, 60 ) ) ); to.Sort(); Assert( to.SequenceEqual( SystemEnumerable.Create( 2, 4, 6 ) ) ); Print( ".GetAndRemoveWhere( Predicate< T > )" ); to.Clear(); c.GetAndRemoveWhere( i => i >= 10 ) .EmptyTo( to.AsSink() ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 1, 3, 5 ) ) ); to.Sort(); Assert( to.SequenceEqual( SystemEnumerable.Create( 20, 40, 60 ) ) ); Print( ".Get( TKey )" ); Assert( c.Get( 0 ) == 1 ); Assert( c.Get( 1 ) == 3 ); Assert( c.Get( 2 ) == 5 ); Print( ".Replace( TKey, T )" ); c.Replace( 1, 2 ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 1, 2, 5 ) ) ); Print( ".Remove( TKey )" ); c.Remove( 1 ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 1, 5 ) ) ); Print( ".Contains( TKey )" ); Assert( c.Contains( 0 ) ); Assert( c.Contains( 1 ) ); Assert( !c.Contains( 2 ) ); Print( ".Stream( TKey )" ); Assert( c.Stream( 1 ) .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 5 ) ) ); Print( ".GetAndReplaceAll( TKey )" ); to.Clear(); Stream.Create( 6 ) .To( c.GetAndReplaceAll( 1 ) ) .EmptyTo( to.AsSink() ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 1, 6 ) ) ); Assert( to.SequenceEqual( SystemEnumerable.Create( 5 ) ) ); Print( ".GetAndRemoveAll( TKey )" ); to.Clear(); c.GetAndRemoveAll( 1 ) .EmptyTo( to.AsSink() ); Assert( c.Stream().SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 1 ) ) ); Assert( to.SequenceEqual( SystemEnumerable.Create( 6 ) ) ); Print( ".Add( TKey, T )" ); c.Add( 0, 0 ); c.Add( 2, 2 ); c.Add( 1, 1 ); Assert( c.Stream() .SequenceEqual( Stream.Create( 0, 1, 1, 2 ) ) ); Print( ".Count" ); Assert( c.Count == 4 ); Print( ".StreamPairs()" ); var ts = c.StreamPairs(); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 0L, 0 ) ); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 1L, 1 ) ); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 2L, 1 ) ); Assert( ts.Pull().BothEqual( 3L, 2 ) ); Assert( !ts.TryPull().A ); }
/// <summary> /// Processes an inbound data event. /// This is assumed to be invoked on an IOCP thread so a goal is to do as little as possible. /// </summary> public void HandleInboundDataEvent(InboundDataEvent e, Action <InboundDataEvent> returnInboundDataEvent) { #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_de); #endif // Deserialize inbound payloads SCG.List <object> payloads = new SCG.List <object>(); try { using (var ms = new MemoryStream(e.Data, e.DataOffset, e.DataLength, false, true)) { while (ms.Position < ms.Length) { payloads.Add(Deserialize.From(ms)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!isShutdown) { logger.Warn("Error at payload deserialize", ex); } return; } returnInboundDataEvent(e); #if DEBUG Interlocked.Add(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_payload, payloads.Count); #endif // Categorize inbound payloads var acknowledgements = new SCG.List <AcknowledgementDto>(); var announcements = new SCG.List <AnnouncementDto>(); var reliablePackets = new SCG.List <PacketDto>(); var unreliablePackets = new SCG.List <PacketDto>(); foreach (var payload in payloads) { if (payload is AcknowledgementDto) { acknowledgements.Add((AcknowledgementDto)payload); } else if (payload is AnnouncementDto) { announcements.Add((AnnouncementDto)payload); } else if (payload is PacketDto) { // Filter packets not destined to us. var packet = (PacketDto)payload; if (!identity.Matches(packet.ReceiverId, IdentityMatchingScope.Broadcast)) { tossedCounter.Increment(); continue; } // Bin into reliable vs unreliable. if (packet.IsReliable()) { reliablePackets.Add(packet); } else { unreliablePackets.Add(packet); } } } // Process acks to prevent resends. foreach (var ack in acknowledgements) { #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_ack); #endif acknowledgementCoordinator.ProcessAcknowledgement(ack); #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_ack_done); #endif } // Process announcements as they are necessary for routing. foreach (var announcement in announcements) { #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_ann); #endif HandleAnnouncement(e.RemoteInfo, announcement); } // Ack inbound reliable messages to prevent resends. foreach (var packet in reliablePackets) { #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_out_ack); #endif var ack = AcknowledgementDto.Create(packet.Id); RoutingContext routingContext; if (routingContextsByPeerId.TryGetValue(packet.SenderId, out routingContext)) { routingContext.SendAcknowledgementAsync(packet.SenderId, ack).Forget(); } else { payloadSender.BroadcastAsync(ack).Forget(); } #if DEBUG Interlocked.Increment(ref DebugRuntimeStats.in_out_ack_done); #endif } // Test reliable packets' guids against bloom filter. var isNewByPacketId = duplicateFilter.TestPacketIdsAreNew(new HashSet <Guid>(reliablePackets.Select(p => p.Id))); var standalonePacketsToProcess = new SCG.List <PacketDto>(unreliablePackets); var chunksToProcess = new SCG.List <MultiPartChunkDto>(); foreach (var packet in reliablePackets) { // Toss out duplicate packets if (!isNewByPacketId[packet.Id]) { duplicateReceivesCounter.Increment(); continue; } // Bin into multipart chunk vs not var multiPartChunk = packet.Message.Body as MultiPartChunkDto; if (multiPartChunk != null) { multiPartChunksBytesReceivedAggregator.Put(multiPartChunk.BodyLength); chunksToProcess.Add(multiPartChunk); } else { standalonePacketsToProcess.Add(packet); } } // Kick off async stanadalone packet process on thread pool. foreach (var packet in standalonePacketsToProcess) { inboundMessageDispatcher.DispatchAsync(packet.Message).Forget(); } // Synchronously handle multipart chunk processing. foreach (var chunk in chunksToProcess) { multiPartPacketReassembler.HandleInboundMultiPartChunk(chunk); } }
Test_ICollectionG_AsSink() { ICollectionRG< int > c = new SCG.List< int >() .AsHalfdecentCollection(); new int[] { 1, 2, 3 } .AsStream() .EmptyTo( c.AsSink() ); Assert( c.Stream().AsEnumerable().SequenceEqual( new int[] { 1, 2, 3 } ) ); }
//FIXME: should we receive a IRawElementProviderFragment instead? this way we can drop ArgumentExceptions in derived classes' ctors public ComponentParentAdapter (IRawElementProviderSimple provider) : base (provider) { RadioButtons = new SCG.List <RadioButton> (); componentExpert = new ComponentImplementorHelper (this); }