예제 #1
        public Block GetConvertedBlock(BlockCoordinates blockCoordinates)
            ChunkColumn chunk = GetChunk(blockCoordinates);

            if (chunk == null)
                return new Air()
                           Coordinates = blockCoordinates, SkyLight = 15

            byte bid        = chunk.GetBlock(blockCoordinates.X & 0x0f, blockCoordinates.Y & 0xff, blockCoordinates.Z & 0x0f);
            byte metadata   = chunk.GetMetadata(blockCoordinates.X & 0x0f, blockCoordinates.Y & 0xff, blockCoordinates.Z & 0x0f);
            byte blockLight = chunk.GetBlocklight(blockCoordinates.X & 0x0f, blockCoordinates.Y & 0xff, blockCoordinates.Z & 0x0f);
            byte skyLight   = chunk.GetSkylight(blockCoordinates.X & 0x0f, blockCoordinates.Y & 0xff, blockCoordinates.Z & 0x0f);

            Block block = PCPEConvert.ConvertBlock(bid, metadata);

            block.Coordinates = blockCoordinates;
            block.BlockLight  = blockLight;
            block.SkyLight    = skyLight;

예제 #2
        public byte GetSkyLight(BlockCoordinates blockCoordinates)
            ChunkColumn chunk = GetChunk(blockCoordinates);

            if (chunk == null)

            return(chunk.GetSkylight(blockCoordinates.X & 0x0f, blockCoordinates.Y & 0x7f, blockCoordinates.Z & 0x0f));
예제 #3
        public void ShowHeights(ChunkColumn chunk)
            if (chunk == null)

            for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                    for (byte y = 255; y > 0; y--)
                        if (chunk.GetSkylight(x, y, z) == 0)
                            chunk.SetBlock(x, y, z, 41);
예제 #4
        private BlockColumnMeta GetColumnMeta(ChunkColumn chunk, int x, int z)
            var pos = new BlockPosition((chunk.x << 4) + x, (chunk.z << 4) + z);

            var y = chunk.GetHeight(x, z);
            //var highestBlock = Level.GetBlock(pos.X, y, pos.Z);
            var highestBlock = GetHighestBlock(pos.X, pos.Z);

            if (highestBlock == null)
                return(new BlockColumnMeta()
                    Position = pos,
                    Height = 0,
                    BiomeId = 0,
                    BlockId = 0,
                    LightLevel = 0

            //_skyLightCalculations.Calculate(Level, highestBlock);

            //if (highestBlock.LightLevel > 0)
            //    BlockLightCalculations.Calculate(Level, highestBlock);

            return(new BlockColumnMeta()
                Position = pos,
                Height = (byte)highestBlock.Coordinates.Y,
                BiomeId = highestBlock.BiomeId,
                BlockId = highestBlock.Id,
                LightLevel = chunk.GetSkylight(x, y, z)
예제 #5
        private static NbtFile CreateNbtFromChunkColumn(ChunkColumn chunk, int yoffset)
            var nbt = new NbtFile();

            var levelTag = new NbtCompound("Level");


            levelTag.Add(new NbtInt("xPos", chunk.X));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtInt("zPos", chunk.Z));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Biomes", chunk.BiomeId));

            var sectionsTag = new NbtList("Sections");


            for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                var sectionTag = new NbtCompound();
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByte("Y", (byte)i));
                var sy = i * 16;

                var blocks     = new byte[4096];
                var data       = new byte[2048];
                var blockLight = new byte[2048];
                var skyLight   = new byte[2048];

                for (var x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                    for (var z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                        for (var y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                            var yi = sy + y;
                            if (yi < 0 || yi >= 256)
                                continue;                                                  // ?
                            var anvilIndex = (y + yoffset) * 16 * 16 + z * 16 + x;
                            var blockId    = chunk.GetBlock(x, yi, z);

                            blocks[anvilIndex] = (byte)blockId;
                            SetNibble4(data, anvilIndex, chunk.GetMetadata(x, yi, z));
                            SetNibble4(blockLight, anvilIndex, chunk.GetBlocklight(x, yi, z));
                            SetNibble4(skyLight, anvilIndex, chunk.GetSkylight(x, yi, z));

                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Blocks", blocks));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Data", data));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("BlockLight", blockLight));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("SkyLight", skyLight));

            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("Entities", NbtTagType.Compound));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("TileEntities", NbtTagType.Compound));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("TileTicks", NbtTagType.Compound));

예제 #6
        private static NbtFile CreateNbtFromChunkColumn(ChunkColumn chunk)
            var nbt = new NbtFile();

            NbtCompound levelTag = new NbtCompound("Level");


            levelTag.Add(new NbtInt("xPos", chunk.x));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtInt("zPos", chunk.z));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Biomes", chunk.biomeId));

            NbtList sectionsTag = new NbtList("Sections");


            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                NbtCompound sectionTag = new NbtCompound();
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByte("Y", (byte)i));
                int sy = i * 16;

                byte[] blocks     = new byte[4096];
                byte[] data       = new byte[2048];
                byte[] blockLight = new byte[2048];
                byte[] skyLight   = new byte[2048];

                for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                            int yi = sy + y;
                            if (yi < 0 || yi >= 256)
                                continue;                                                  // ?
                            int  anvilIndex = (y + _waterOffsetY) * 16 * 16 + z * 16 + x;
                            byte blockId    = chunk.GetBlock(x, yi, z);

                            // PE to Anvil friendly converstion
                            if (blockId == 5)
                                blockId = 125;
                            else if (blockId == 158)
                                blockId = 126;
                            else if (blockId == 50)
                                blockId = 75;
                            else if (blockId == 50)
                                blockId = 76;
                            else if (blockId == 89)
                                blockId = 123;
                            else if (blockId == 89)
                                blockId = 124;
                            else if (blockId == 73)
                                blockId = 152;

                            blocks[anvilIndex] = blockId;
                            SetNibble4(data, anvilIndex, chunk.GetMetadata(x, yi, z));
                            SetNibble4(blockLight, anvilIndex, chunk.GetBlocklight(x, yi, z));
                            SetNibble4(skyLight, anvilIndex, chunk.GetSkylight(x, yi, z));

                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Blocks", blocks));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Data", data));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("BlockLight", blockLight));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("SkyLight", skyLight));

            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("Entities", NbtTagType.Compound));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("TileEntities", NbtTagType.Compound));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("TileTicks", NbtTagType.Compound));

예제 #7
        private static NbtFile CreateNbtFromChunkColumn(ChunkColumn chunk, int yoffset)
            var nbt = new NbtFile();

            NbtCompound levelTag = new NbtCompound("Level");

            levelTag.Add(new NbtInt("xPos", chunk.x));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtInt("zPos", chunk.z));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Biomes", chunk.biomeId));

            NbtList sectionsTag = new NbtList("Sections");

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                NbtCompound sectionTag = new NbtCompound();
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByte("Y", (byte) i));
                int sy = i*16;

                byte[] blocks = new byte[4096];
                byte[] data = new byte[2048];
                byte[] blockLight = new byte[2048];
                byte[] skyLight = new byte[2048];

                for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                        for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                            int yi = sy + y;
                            if (yi < 0 || yi >= 256) continue; // ?

                            int anvilIndex = (y + yoffset)*16*16 + z*16 + x;
                            byte blockId = chunk.GetBlock(x, yi, z);

                            // PE to Anvil friendly converstion
                            if (blockId == 5) blockId = 125;
                            else if (blockId == 158) blockId = 126;
                            else if (blockId == 50) blockId = 75;
                            else if (blockId == 50) blockId = 76;
                            else if (blockId == 89) blockId = 123;
                            else if (blockId == 89) blockId = 124;
                            else if (blockId == 73) blockId = 152;

                            blocks[anvilIndex] = blockId;
                            SetNibble4(data, anvilIndex, chunk.GetMetadata(x, yi, z));
                            SetNibble4(blockLight, anvilIndex, chunk.GetBlocklight(x, yi, z));
                            SetNibble4(skyLight, anvilIndex, chunk.GetSkylight(x, yi, z));

                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Blocks", blocks));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Data", data));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("BlockLight", blockLight));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("SkyLight", skyLight));

            // TODO: Save entities
            NbtList entitiesTag = new NbtList("Entities", NbtTagType.Compound);

            NbtList blockEntitiesTag = new NbtList("TileEntities", NbtTagType.Compound);
            foreach (NbtCompound blockEntityNbt in chunk.BlockEntities.Values)
                NbtCompound nbtClone = (NbtCompound) blockEntityNbt.Clone();
                nbtClone.Name = null;

            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("TileTicks", NbtTagType.Compound));

            return nbt;
예제 #8
        private static NbtFile CreateNbtFromChunkColumn(ChunkColumn chunk, int yoffset)
            var nbt = new NbtFile();

            var levelTag = new NbtCompound("Level");

            levelTag.Add(new NbtInt("xPos", chunk.X));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtInt("zPos", chunk.Z));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Biomes", chunk.BiomeId));

            var sectionsTag = new NbtList("Sections");

            for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                var sectionTag = new NbtCompound();
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByte("Y", (byte) i));
                var sy = i*16;

                var blocks = new byte[4096];
                var data = new byte[2048];
                var blockLight = new byte[2048];
                var skyLight = new byte[2048];

                for (var x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                    for (var z = 0; z < 16; z++)
                        for (var y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                            var yi = sy + y;
                            if (yi < 0 || yi >= 256) continue; // ?

                            var anvilIndex = (y + yoffset)*16*16 + z*16 + x;
                            var blockId = chunk.GetBlock(x, yi, z);

                            blocks[anvilIndex] = (byte) blockId;
                            SetNibble4(data, anvilIndex, chunk.GetMetadata(x, yi, z));
                            SetNibble4(blockLight, anvilIndex, chunk.GetBlocklight(x, yi, z));
                            SetNibble4(skyLight, anvilIndex, chunk.GetSkylight(x, yi, z));

                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Blocks", blocks));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("Data", data));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("BlockLight", blockLight));
                sectionTag.Add(new NbtByteArray("SkyLight", skyLight));

            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("Entities", NbtTagType.Compound));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("TileEntities", NbtTagType.Compound));
            levelTag.Add(new NbtList("TileTicks", NbtTagType.Compound));

            return nbt;
예제 #9
        private void Spread(ConcurrentQueue <LightingItem> queue, ChunkColumn chunk, BlockFace face, int x, int y, int z, int lightLevel)
            if (lightLevel <= 0)

            var chunkCoordinates = new ChunkCoordinates(x >> 4, z >> 4);

            if (chunkCoordinates.X != chunk.X || chunkCoordinates.Z != chunk.Z)
                Enqueue(face, x, y, z, lightLevel);

            //if (!ChunkManager.TryGetChunk(chunkCoordinates, out var chunk))
            //	Enqueue(face, x, y, z, lightLevel);
            //	return;

            //var self = World.GetBlockState(x, y, z).Block;
            var self = chunk.GetBlockState(x & 0xf, y & 0xff, z & 0xf).Block;

            if (self.BlockMaterial.BlocksLight)

            lightLevel -= self.LightOpacity;

            if (lightLevel < 0)
                lightLevel = 0;

            if (lightLevel < chunk.GetSkylight(x & 0xf, y & 0xff, z & 0xf))

            chunk.SetSkyLight(x & 0xf, y & 0xff, z & 0xf, (byte)lightLevel);

            if (lightLevel <= 0)


            if (face != BlockFace.East)
                Enqueue(queue, BlockFace.West, x - 1, y, z, lightLevel);

            if (face != BlockFace.West)
                Enqueue(queue, BlockFace.East, x + 1, y, z, lightLevel);

            if (face != BlockFace.South)
                        BlockFace.North, x, y, z - 1, lightLevel);

            if (face != BlockFace.North)
                Enqueue(queue, BlockFace.South, x, y, z + 1, lightLevel);

            if (face != BlockFace.Up && y > 0)
                Enqueue(queue, BlockFace.Down, x, y - 1, z, lightLevel);

            if (face != BlockFace.Down && y < 256)
                Enqueue(queue, BlockFace.Up, x, y + 1, z, lightLevel);