예제 #1
 private static void HandleKarmaQuery(ChaskisEventHandlerLineActionArgs args)
     if (args.PluginName == "karmabot")
예제 #2
        private void HandleChaskisVersionCommand(ChaskisEventHandlerLineActionArgs args)
            if (args.EventArgs.ContainsKey("QUERY") && args.EventArgs["QUERY"] == "VERSION")
                Dictionary <string, string> responseArgs = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                if (args.EventArgs.ContainsKey("PLUGIN"))
                    string pluginName = args.EventArgs["PLUGIN"];
                    if (this.plugins.ContainsKey(pluginName))
                        responseArgs["VERSION"] = this.plugins[pluginName].Plugin.Version;
                        responseArgs["ERROR"] = "Plugin Name Not Found";
                    responseArgs["ERROR"] = "Need Plugin Key";

                ChaskisEvent responseEvent = this.chaskisEventCreator.CreateTargetedEvent(

예제 #3
 private void HandleChaskisEvent(ChaskisEventHandlerLineActionArgs args)
     if (args.PluginName.Equals("CHASKIS", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
예제 #4
 private void OnConnect(ChaskisEventHandlerLineActionArgs args)
     if (args.EventArgs["event_id"] == ChaskisCoreEvents.DisconnectInProgress)
         if (this.httpResponseHandler != null)
             this.httpResponseHandler.IsIrcConnected = false;
예제 #5
        private static void HandleKarmaBotResponse(ChaskisEventHandlerLineActionArgs args)
            if (args.EventArgs.ContainsKey("ERROR") == false)
                string channel = args.PassThroughArgs["CHANNEL"];
                string karma   = args.EventArgs["KARMA"];
                string user    = args.PassThroughArgs["NAME"];

                    "User " + user + " has " + karma + " karma",
예제 #6
        private async void HandleChaskisPlugin(ChaskisEventHandlerLineActionArgs args)
            if (args.EventArgs.ContainsKey("ERROR"))

            if (args.EventArgs.ContainsKey("VERSION"))
                string channel = args.PassThroughArgs["CHANNEL"];
                if (this.channelsNotified.Contains(channel))
                        "Channel {0} already notified of version update, skipping message",

                string versString = args.EventArgs["VERSION"];
                if (versString.Equals(this.cachedVersion) == false)
                    string msg = this.config.Message.Replace("{%version%}", versString);
                    args.IrcWriter.SendMessage(msg, channel);

                    // Event handlers all happen on one thread,
                    // which is why we don't need a lock here.
                    if (this.channelsNotified.Count == 1)
                        await Task.Run(
                            () =>
                            // If our version is new, we need to update the cached file
                            // so the next time the application runs, we don't
                            // send an unneeded message.
                            File.WriteAllText(this.cachedFilePath, versString);
                            this.logger.WriteLine("{0}'s {1} file has been updated", PluginName, cacheFileName);
                    this.logger.WriteLine("Bot not updated, skipping message");
예제 #7
        private async void HandleChaskisQueryCommand(ChaskisEventHandlerLineActionArgs args)
            Dictionary <string, string> responseArgs = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (args.EventArgs.ContainsKey("ACTION"))
                switch (args.EventArgs["ACTION"])
                case "QUERY":
                    if (args.EventArgs.ContainsKey("NAME") == false)
                        responseArgs["ERROR"] = "'NAME' argument missing";
                        string userName = args.EventArgs["NAME"];
                        int    karma    = await this.dataBase.QueryKarma(userName);

                        responseArgs["KARMA"] = karma.ToString();

                    responseArgs["ERROR"] = "NOT IMPLEMENTED YET";

                ChaskisEvent e = this.eventCreator.CreateTargetedEvent(

예제 #8
 public void TestSetup()
     this.argsCaptured = null;
     this.mockWriter   = new Mock <IIrcWriter>(MockBehavior.Strict);
예제 #9
        // ---------------- Tests ---------------

        /// <summary>
        /// Ensure that if we give bad args, exceptions get thrown.
        /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void InvalidConstructorTest()
        // {
        //     // Pattern can not be null.
        //     Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(
        //         () => this.creator.CreateCoreEventHandler( ChaskisEventProtocol.IRC, this.LineAction )
        //     );
        //     Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(
        //         () => this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler( this.LineAction )
        //     );
        //     Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(
        //         () => this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler( this.sourcePluginName, this.LineAction )
        //     );
        //     // Line action can not be null.
        //     Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(
        //         () => this.creator.CreateCoreEventHandler( ChaskisEventProtocol.IRC, null )
        //     );
        //     Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(
        //         () => this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler( null )
        //     );
        //     Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(
        //         () => this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler( this.sourcePluginName, null )
        //     );
        // }
        // // Four Possible Cases:
        // //    Chaskis Source SourceName   Target       Arguments
        // // 1. CHASKIS CORE   Protocol     BCAST        ARGS
        // // 2. CHASKIS CORE   PluginName   TargetPlugin ARGS  <- Not possible ATM (Core will ALWAYS Be a bcast).
        // // 3. CHASKIS PLUGIN PluginName   BCAST        ARGS
        // // 4. CHASKIS PLUGIN SourcePlugin TargetPlugin ARGS
        // // -------- Case 1 --------
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Tests to ensure we can capture a core event.
        // /// Tests Case 1 from above list.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void CaptureCoreIrcEvent()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreateCoreEventHandler(
        //         Regexes.ChaskisIrcDisconnectEvent,
        //         ChaskisEventProtocol.IRC,
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     this.DoCase1( handler, true );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures that if we are not expecting a core event, we ignore it.
        // /// Tests the negative case 1 from the above list.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnoresCoreIrcEvent()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler(
        //         @"USERLIST\s+(?<users>.+)",
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     this.DoCase1( handler, false );
        // }
        // private void DoCase1( ChaskisEventHandler handler, bool expectSuccess )
        // {
        //     string expectedArgs = string.Format(
        //         "DISCONNECT FROM {0} AS {1}",
        //         this.ircConfig.Server,
        //         this.ircConfig.Nick
        //     );
        //     string disconnectEventStr = "CHASKIS CORE IRC BCAST " + expectedArgs;
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( disconnectEventStr );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     if( expectSuccess )
        //     {
        //         Assert.IsNotNull( this.argsCaptured );
        //         Assert.AreEqual( expectedArgs, this.argsCaptured.EventArgs );
        //         Assert.AreEqual( "IRC", this.argsCaptured.PluginName );
        //     }
        //     else
        //     {
        //         Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        //     }
        // }
        // // -------- Case 3 --------
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures that if we are expecting an any plugin event, we capture it.
        // /// Tests case 3 from list above, but expecting any plugin.
        // /// In this case, we expect the event to NOT fire... BCAST events need
        // /// to subscribe to a specific plugin.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void CaptureAnyPluginEvent_Bcast()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler(
        //         @"USERLIST\s+(?<users>.+)",
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     this.DoCase3( handler, false );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures that if we are expecting a specfiic target plugin event, we capture it.
        // /// Tests case 3 from list above, but expecting a specific target plugin.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void CaptureSpecificPluginEvent_Bcast()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler(
        //         @"USERLIST\s+(?<users>.+)",
        //         "userlistbot",
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     this.DoCase3( handler, true );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures that during a bcast, if it is not a plugin we care about,
        // /// we ignore it.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnoreSpecificPluginEvent_BCast()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler(
        //         @"USERLIST\s+(?<users>.+)",
        //         "notmyplugin",
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     this.DoCase3( handler, false );
        // }
        // private void DoCase3( ChaskisEventHandler handler, bool expectSuccess )
        // {
        //     // In this case, this is UserListBot boardcasting all the users.
        //     // We want to capture this, since we might care about it.
        //     string expectedArgs = "USERLIST EVERGREEN MARKEM HARRIS";
        //     string eventStr = "CHASKIS PLUGIN USERLISTBOT BCAST " + expectedArgs;
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( eventStr );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     if( expectSuccess )
        //     {
        //         Assert.IsNotNull( this.argsCaptured );
        //         Assert.AreEqual( expectedArgs, this.argsCaptured.EventArgs );
        //         Assert.AreEqual( "USERLISTBOT", this.argsCaptured.PluginName );
        //         Assert.AreEqual( "EVERGREEN MARKEM HARRIS", this.argsCaptured.Match.Groups["users"].Value );
        //     }
        //     else
        //     {
        //         Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        //     }
        // }
        // // -------- Case 4 --------
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures that if we are expecting an any plugin event, we capture it.
        // /// Tests case 4 from list above, but we are expecting any plugin.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void CaptureAnyPluginEvent_Specific()
        // {
        //     // This will technically work with any Plugin, not just USERLISTBOT.
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler(
        //         @"USERLIST\s+(?<users>.+)",
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     this.DoCase4( handler, true );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures that if we are expecting an specific plugin event, we capture it.
        // /// Tests case 4 from list above, but we are expecting a specifc plugin.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void CaptureSpecificPluginEvent_Specific()
        // {
        //     // This will only respond to UserListBot.
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler(
        //         @"USERLIST\s+(?<users>.+)",
        //         "userlistbot",
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     this.DoCase4( handler, true );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures that if we are waiting for a specific plugin,
        // /// and we don't see it, we don't fire.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnoreSpecificPluginEvent_Specific()
        // {
        //     // This will only respond to notmyplugin, not USERLISTBOT.
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler(
        //         @"USERLIST\s+(?<users>.+)",
        //         "notmyplugin",
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     this.DoCase4( handler, false );
        // }
        // private void DoCase4( ChaskisEventHandler handler, bool expectSuccess )
        // {
        //     // For this test case, let's pretend our creator plugin asked UserListBot
        //     // for a userlist.  This is userlist responding to our creator plugin.
        //     string expectedArgs = "USERLIST EVERGREEN MARKEM HARRIS";
        //     //                                SourceOfPlugin   EventDestination
        //     string eventStr = "CHASKIS PLUGIN USERLISTBOT " + this.creatorPluginName + " " + expectedArgs;
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( eventStr );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     if( expectSuccess )
        //     {
        //         Assert.IsNotNull( this.argsCaptured );
        //         Assert.AreEqual( expectedArgs, this.argsCaptured.EventArgs );
        //         Assert.AreEqual( "USERLISTBOT", this.argsCaptured.PluginName );
        //         Assert.AreEqual( "EVERGREEN MARKEM HARRIS", this.argsCaptured.Match.Groups["users"].Value );
        //     }
        //     else
        //     {
        //         Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        //     }
        // }
        // // -------- Ignores --------
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures if we get an unknown protocol/plugin, we don't fire.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnoreUnknownProtocol()
        // {
        //     string expectedArgs = "USERLIST EVERGREEN MARKEM HARRIS";
        //     string unknownProtocolString = "CHASKIS UNKNOWN USERLISTBOT BCAST " + expectedArgs;
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler(
        //         @"USERLIST\s+(?<users>.+)",
        //         "userlistbot",
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( unknownProtocolString );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensure that if everything matches BUT our pattern, we don't fire.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnoreNoMatch()
        // {
        //     string expectedArgs = "USERLIST EVERGREEN MARKEM HARRIS";
        //     string messageStr = "CHASKIS PLUGIN USERLISTBOT BCAST " + expectedArgs;
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreatePluginEventHandler(
        //         @"SOMETHINGELSE\s+(?<users>.+)",
        //         "userlistbot",
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( messageStr );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        // }
        // // -------- Ignore non-Chaskis events --------
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures we ignore join.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnoreJoin()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreateCoreEventHandler(
        //         Regexes.ChaskisIrcDisconnectEvent,
        //         ChaskisEventProtocol.IRC,
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     string ircString = TestHelpers.ConstructIrcString(
        //         "user",
        //         JoinHandler.IrcCommand,
        //         "#channel",
        //         null
        //     );
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( ircString );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures we ignore a part.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnorePart()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreateCoreEventHandler(
        //         Regexes.ChaskisIrcDisconnectEvent,
        //         ChaskisEventProtocol.IRC,
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     string ircString = TestHelpers.ConstructIrcString(
        //         "user",
        //         PartHandler.IrcCommand,
        //         "#channel",
        //         null
        //     );
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( ircString );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures we ignore a message.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnoreMessage()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreateCoreEventHandler(
        //         Regexes.ChaskisIrcDisconnectEvent,
        //         ChaskisEventProtocol.IRC,
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     string ircString = TestHelpers.ConstructIrcString(
        //         "user",
        //         MessageHandler.IrcCommand,
        //         "#channel",
        //         "This is my message!"
        //     );
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( ircString );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures we ignore a ping.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnorePing()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreateCoreEventHandler(
        //         Regexes.ChaskisIrcDisconnectEvent,
        //         ChaskisEventProtocol.IRC,
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     string ircString = TestHelpers.ConstructPingString( "irc.somewhere.com" );
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( ircString );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        // }
        // /// <summary>
        // /// Ensures we ignore a pong.
        // /// </summary>
        // [Test]
        // public void IgnorePong()
        // {
        //     ChaskisEventHandler handler = this.creator.CreateCoreEventHandler(
        //         Regexes.ChaskisIrcDisconnectEvent,
        //         ChaskisEventProtocol.IRC,
        //         this.LineAction
        //     );
        //     string ircString = TestHelpers.ConstringPongString( "irc.somewhere.com", "myMessage" );
        //     HandlerArgs handlerArgs = this.CreateHandlerArgs( ircString );
        //     handler.HandleEvent( handlerArgs );
        //     Assert.IsNull( this.argsCaptured );
        // }

        // ---------------- Test Helpers -----------------

        private void LineAction(ChaskisEventHandlerLineActionArgs args)
            this.argsCaptured = args;