예제 #1
        public async Task <PredictionResponse> Post(PredictionRequest request)
            var year         = DateTime.Now.Year;
            var tasks        = new Dictionary <int, AsyncUnaryCall <CalculatePredictionResponse> >();
            var yearAverages = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            for (int y = year; y >= year - 4; y--)
                tasks.Add(y, agents[y % agents.Count].GetProbabilityAsync(request.ToAgentRequest(y)));

            foreach (var task in tasks)
                yearAverages.Add(task.Key, (await task.Value).Probability);

            var expectation  = calculator.GetAverageOfPreviousYears(yearAverages);
            var recentCrimes = await statisticProvider.GetCrimesOneMonthBack();

            var lastMonthData = calculator.FindDaysSinceLastCrime(CaseSimple.FromApiRequest(request), recentCrimes);
            var probability   = calculator.CalculateCrimeProbability(expectation, lastMonthData);

            return(new PredictionResponse {
                Probability = probability
예제 #2
 public void PredictNextCrimeType(IEnumerable <CaseSimple> disctictScores, CaseSimple givenCase)
 => disctictScores
 .OrderBy(x => x.DistanceTo(givenCase))
 .GroupBy(x => x.Type)
 .ToDictionary(grp => grp.Key, grp => grp.Count())
 .OrderByDescending(x => x.Value)
예제 #3
        public override async Task <CalculatePredictionResponse> GetProbability(CalculatePredictionRequest request, ServerCallContext context)
            Console.WriteLine("GetProbability average request recieved");

            var dbData = await statisticProvider.CalculateAllCrimesByDistrctsByYear(request.Year);

            var res = posCalculator.CalculateAverageCrimes(CaseSimple.FromAgentRequest(request), dbData);

            return(new CalculatePredictionResponse()
                Probability = res
예제 #4
    public int FindDaysSinceLastCrime(CaseSimple given, IEnumerable <CaseSimple> lastMonthData)
        var lastCase = lastMonthData.OrderBy(item => item.DistanceTo(given)).FirstOrDefault();

        if (lastCase == null)

        var time = new DateTime(given.Year, given.Month, given.Date) - new DateTime(lastCase.Year, lastCase.Month, lastCase.Date);

예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> The significance is a number between 0 and 1 </para>
    /// <para> The closer the distance is to 0, the closer the significance is to 1 </para>
    /// <para> Distances of 100 and above will have 0 significance </para>
    /// </summary>
    private double GetSignificance(CaseSimple first, CaseSimple second)
        var distance = first.DistanceTo(second);

        return((distance > 100) ? 0 : Math.Cos(distance / 65));
예제 #6
 private double CountIncidentsInTheArea(CaseSimple given, IEnumerable <CaseSimple> cases)
 => cases.Sum(item => GetSignificance(given, item));
예제 #7
    => 1 - Math.Pow((1 - averagePerDay), daysSinceLastCrime);      // some sort of geometric distribution, commulative formula

    public double CalculateAverageCrimes(CaseSimple given, IEnumerable <CaseSimple> yearlySamples)
    => CountIncidentsInTheArea(given, yearlySamples) / 365;