public void Draw(RenderContext renderContext, float opacity, Color color) { if ( == null) { Vector3d viewPoint = Vector3d.TransformCoordinate(renderContext.ViewPoint, ViewTransform); double drawHeight = (Height / renderContext.FovAngle) * renderContext.Height / 180; foreach (Text3d t3d in Items) { Vector3d screenSpacePnt = renderContext.WVP.Transform(; if (screenSpacePnt.Z < 0) { continue; } if (Vector3d.Dot((Vector3d)viewPoint, (Vector3d) < .55) { continue; } Vector3d screenSpaceTop = renderContext.WVP.Transform(; double rotation = Math.Atan2(screenSpacePnt.X - screenSpaceTop.X, screenSpacePnt.Y - screenSpaceTop.Y); CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); ctx.Rotate(-rotation); // todo update with up vector ctx.Alpha = opacity; ctx.FillStyle = color.ToString(); ctx.Font = "normal" + " " + (false ? "bold" : "normal") + " " + Math.Round(drawHeight * 1.2).ToString() + "px " + "Arial"; ctx.TextBaseline = TextBaseline.Top; TextMetrics tm = ctx.MeasureText(t3d.Text); ctx.FillText(t3d.Text, -tm.Width / 2, -drawHeight / 2); ctx.Restore(); } } else { // gl version if (glyphCache == null || glyphCache.Version > glyphVersion) { PrepareBatch(); } if (glyphCache.Ready == false) { return; } TextShader.Use(renderContext, vertexBuffer.VertexBuffer, glyphCache.Texture.Texture2d);, 0, vertexBuffer.Count); } }
private void CreateCircleGeometry(RenderContext renderContext) { CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Scale(1, Width / Height); ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.Arc(0, 0, Width, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.LineWidth = 0; ctx.FillStyle = Color.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.Fill(); ctx.Restore(); }
private void CreateStarGeometry(RenderContext renderContext) { CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.BeginPath(); double centerX = 0; double centerY = 0; double radius = Width / 2; double radiansPerSegment = ((double)Math.PI * 2) / 5; bool first = true; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double rads = i * radiansPerSegment - (Math.PI / 2); if (first) { first = false; ctx.MoveTo(centerX + Math.Cos(rads) * (Width / 2), centerY + Math.Sin(rads) * (Height / 2)); } else { ctx.LineTo(centerX + Math.Cos(rads) * (Width / 2), centerY + Math.Sin(rads) * (Height / 2)); } double rads2 = i * radiansPerSegment + (radiansPerSegment / 2) - (Math.PI / 2); ctx.LineTo(centerX + Math.Cos(rads2) * (Width / 5.3), centerY + Math.Sin(rads2) * (Height / 5.3)); } ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.LineWidth = 0; ctx.FillStyle = Color.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.Fill(); ctx.Restore(); }
private void CreateDonutGeometry(RenderContext renderContext) { //todo move to dashed lines in future CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Scale(1, Height / Width); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.Arc(0, 0, Width / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.LineWidth = 9; ctx.StrokeStyle = Color.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.Stroke(); ctx.Restore(); }
private void CreateLineGeometry(RenderContext renderContext) { //todo this needs to be Dashed rounded lines.. CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); double radius = Width / 2; ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.MoveTo(-radius, 0); ctx.LineTo(radius, 0); ctx.LineWidth = 9; ctx.StrokeStyle = Color.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.Stroke(); ctx.Restore(); }
private void CreateRectGeometry(RenderContext renderContext) { CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.BeginPath(); ctx.MoveTo(-Width / 2, -Height / 2); ctx.LineTo(Width / 2, -Height / 2); ctx.LineTo(Width / 2, +Height / 2); ctx.LineTo(-Width / 2, +Height / 2); ctx.ClosePath(); ctx.LineWidth = 0; ctx.FillStyle = Color.ToString(); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.Fill(); ctx.Restore(); }
public override void Draw3D(RenderContext renderContext, bool designTime) { if (texture == null) { InitializeTexture(); } if (!textureReady) { return; } CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.DrawImage(texture, -Width / 2, -Height / 2, Width, Height); ctx.Restore(); }
//public static TextOverlay(Canvas canvas, TextObject textObject) //{ // this.canvas = canvas; // this.TextObject = textObject; // this.Name = textObject.Text.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' })[0]; // X = 0; // Y = 0; //} public override void Draw3D(RenderContext renderContext, bool designTime) { //TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock(); //textBlock.Width = this.Width; //textBlock.Height = this.Height; //textBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(TextObject.ForgroundColor); //textBlock.Text = TextObject.Text; //textBlock.FontWeight = TextObject.Bold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal; //textBlock.FontSize = TextObject.FontSize * 1.2; //textBlock.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; //TranslateTransform tt = new TranslateTransform(); //tt.X = this.X - (Width / 2); //tt.Y = this.Y - (Height / 2); //textBlock.RenderTransform = tt; //canvas.Children.Add(textBlock); //textBlock.Opacity = this.Opacity; CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.FillStyle = TextObject.ForgroundColor.ToString(); ctx.Font = (TextObject.Italic ? "italic" : "normal") + " " + (TextObject.Bold ? "bold" : "normal") + " " + Math.Round(TextObject.FontSize * 1.2).ToString() + "px " + TextObject.FontName; ctx.TextBaseline = TextBaseline.Top; String text = TextObject.Text; if (text.IndexOf("{$") > -1) { if (text.IndexOf("{$DATE}") > -1) { string date = String.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd}", SpaceTimeController.Now); text = text.Replace("{$DATE}", date); } if (text.IndexOf("{$TIME}") > -1) { string time = String.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", SpaceTimeController.Now); text = text.Replace("{$TIME}", time); } // text = text.Replace("{$DIST}", UiTools.FormatDistance(WWTControl.Singleton.SolarSystemCameraDistance)); text = text.Replace("{$LAT}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.ViewCamera.Lat)); text = text.Replace("{$LNG}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.ViewCamera.Lat)); text = text.Replace("{$RA}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.ViewCamera.RA)); text = text.Replace("{$DEC}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.ViewCamera.Dec)); text = text.Replace("{$FOV}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.FovAngle)); } string[] lines = text.Split("\n"); double baseline = -(Height / 2); double lineSpace = TextObject.FontSize * 1.7; foreach (string line in lines) { List <string> parts = Util.GetWrappedText(ctx, line, Width); foreach (string part in parts) { ctx.FillText(part, -Width / 2, baseline); baseline += lineSpace; } } ctx.Restore(); }