public void Draw(RenderContext renderContext, float opacity, Color color) { if ( == null) { Vector3d viewPoint = Vector3d.TransformCoordinate(renderContext.ViewPoint, ViewTransform); double drawHeight = (Height / renderContext.FovAngle) * renderContext.Height / 180; foreach (Text3d t3d in Items) { Vector3d screenSpacePnt = renderContext.WVP.Transform(; if (screenSpacePnt.Z < 0) { continue; } if (Vector3d.Dot((Vector3d)viewPoint, (Vector3d) < .55) { continue; } Vector3d screenSpaceTop = renderContext.WVP.Transform(; double rotation = Math.Atan2(screenSpacePnt.X - screenSpaceTop.X, screenSpacePnt.Y - screenSpaceTop.Y); CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(screenSpacePnt.X, screenSpacePnt.Y); ctx.Rotate(-rotation); // todo update with up vector ctx.Alpha = opacity; ctx.FillStyle = color.ToString(); ctx.Font = "normal" + " " + (false ? "bold" : "normal") + " " + Math.Round(drawHeight * 1.2).ToString() + "px " + "Arial"; ctx.TextBaseline = TextBaseline.Top; TextMetrics tm = ctx.MeasureText(t3d.Text); ctx.FillText(t3d.Text, -tm.Width / 2, -drawHeight / 2); ctx.Restore(); } } else { // gl version if (glyphCache == null || glyphCache.Version > glyphVersion) { PrepareBatch(); } if (glyphCache.Ready == false) { return; } TextShader.Use(renderContext, vertexBuffer.VertexBuffer, glyphCache.Texture.Texture2d);, 0, vertexBuffer.Count); } }
protected override void Update(CanvasContext2D context) { if (Status != RaceStatus.Fail && Status != RaceStatus.Win) { context.DrawImage(_timeLeftFrame, 308, 10); Type.SetField(context, "textAlign", "right"); context.FillStyle = "#00AD11"; if (TimeLeft > 10000 || Math.Floor((TimeLeft / 300) % 2) != 0) { if (TimeLeft < 0) { TimeLeft = 0; } context.Font = "110px Digital"; context.FillText(Math.Floor(TimeLeft / 1000).ToString(), 475, 105); } if (Speed > 0) { context.Save(); context.Scale(-1, 1); long width = Math.Floor((10 * Speed) / MaxSpeed) * 22; if (width > 0) { context.DrawImage(_meterImage, 220 - width, 0, width, 102, -561 - width, 20, width, 102); } context.Restore(); } context.Font = "30px Digital"; context.FillText(Math.Floor(Speed * 5) + " Km/h", 780, 120); int rpmWidth = Math.Floor(_rpm / 500) * 22 + 22; context.DrawImage(_meterImage, 220 - rpmWidth, 0, rpmWidth, 102, 240 - rpmWidth, 20, rpmWidth, 102); context.FillText(Math.Floor(_rpm) + " RPM", 130, 120); context.BeginPath(); context.LineWidth = 3; context.StrokeStyle = "#00AD11"; context.MoveTo(5, 150); float x = 5 + Math.Min(Position * 735 / RoadLength, 735); context.LineTo(x, 150); context.Stroke(); context.ClosePath(); context.BeginPath(); context.StrokeStyle = "#006808"; context.MoveTo(x, 150); context.LineTo(790, 150); context.Stroke(); context.ClosePath(); context.DrawImage(_markerImage, x, 142); } if (Status == RaceStatus.Running) { TimeLeft -= DeltaTime; if (TimeLeft < 0) { _music.Pause(); CarSystem.CarObject.CurrentAnimation = "Forward"; Status = RaceStatus.Fail; ShowMessage(_failMessage); RemoveSystem(_engineSoundSystem); RemoveSystem(_npcSystem); pendingTimers.Add(Window.SetTimeout(delegate() { UpdateMessage("<p>Press a key to continue.</p>"); }, 3000)); } } }
public void Paint() { CanvasContext2D g = (CanvasContext2D)Canvas.GetContext(Rendering.Render2D); g.FillStyle = "rgb(20, 22, 31)"; g.FillRect(0, 0, Width, Height); if (!ImagesLoaded) { return; } int netHeight = (Height - buffer * 2); int netWidth = (Width - buffer * 2); RowCount = Math.Round(Math.Max(netHeight / ThumbHeight, 1)); ColCount = Math.Round(Math.Max(netWidth / HorzSpacing, 1)); horzMultiple = ((float)netWidth + 13) / (float)ColCount; startIndex = Math.Round((startIndex / ItemsPerPage) * ItemsPerPage); Rectangle rectf; int index = startIndex; for (int y = 0; y < rowCount; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < colCount; x++) { if (index >= items.Count) { if (items.Count == 0 || showAddButton) { rectf = Rectangle.Create(Left + x * horzMultiple + 3f + startOffset, Top + y * VertSpacing, ThumbWidth - 10, 60); g.DrawImage(thumbnailSize == ThumbnailSize.Big ? bmpBackgroundWide : bmpBackground, (int)((float)x * horzMultiple) + startOffset, y * VertSpacing); //g.FillText(emptyText, rectf.X,rectf,Y, rectf.Width); //g.DrawString(showAddButton ? addText : emptyText, UiTools.StandardRegular, (addButtonHover && showAddButton) ? UiTools.YellowTextBrush : UiTools.StadardTextBrush, rectf, UiTools.StringFormatCenterCenter); } break; } rectf = Rectangle.Create(Left + x * horzMultiple + 3 + startOffset, Top + y * VertSpacing, ThumbWidth - 14, 60); //Brush textBrush = UiTools.StadardTextBrush; string textBrush = "white"; if (index == hoverItem || (index == selectedItem && hoverItem == -1)) { g.DrawImage(thumbnailSize == ThumbnailSize.Big ? bmpBackgroundWideHover : bmpBackgroundHover, Left + (int)((float)x * horzMultiple) + startOffset, Top + y * VertSpacing); textBrush = "yellow"; } else { g.DrawImage(thumbnailSize == ThumbnailSize.Big ? bmpBackgroundWide : bmpBackground, Left + (int)((float)x * horzMultiple) + startOffset, Top + y * VertSpacing); } (items[index]).Bounds = Rectangle.Create((int)(Left + x * horzMultiple) + startOffset, Top + (int)(y * VertSpacing), (int)horzMultiple, (int)VertSpacing); try { ImageElement bmpThumb = items[index].Thumbnail; if (bmpThumb != null) { g.DrawImage(bmpThumb, Left + (int)(x * horzMultiple) + 2 + startOffset, Top + y * VertSpacing + 3); g.StrokeStyle = "rgb(0,0,0)"; g.Rect(Left + (int)((float)x * horzMultiple) + 2 + startOffset, Top + y * VertSpacing + 3, items[index].Thumbnail.Width, items[index].Thumbnail.Height); } else { items[index].Thumbnail = (ImageElement)Document.CreateElement("img"); items[index].Thumbnail.Src = items[index].ThumbnailUrl; items[index].Thumbnail.AddEventListener("load", delegate(ElementEvent e) { Refresh(); }, false); } } // TODO FIX this! catch { } //if (((IThumbnail)items[index]).IsImage) //{ // g.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.InsertPictureHS, (int)((float)x * horzMultiple) + 79, y * VertSpacing + 1); //} //if (((IThumbnail)items[index]).IsTour) //{ // g.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.TourIcon, (int)((float)x * horzMultiple) + 79, y * VertSpacing + 1); //} //g.DrawString(((IThumbnail), UiTools.StandardRegular, textBrush, rectf, UiTools.StringFormatThumbnails); g.FillStyle = textBrush; g.StrokeStyle = textBrush; g.LineWidth = 1; g.Font = "normal 8pt Arial"; g.FillText(items[index].Name, rectf.X, rectf.Y + rectf.Height, rectf.Width); //g.FillText(items[index].Name, 10, 10); index++; } if (index >= items.Count) { break; } } }
//public static TextOverlay(Canvas canvas, TextObject textObject) //{ // this.canvas = canvas; // this.TextObject = textObject; // this.Name = textObject.Text.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n' })[0]; // X = 0; // Y = 0; //} public override void Draw3D(RenderContext renderContext, bool designTime) { //TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock(); //textBlock.Width = this.Width; //textBlock.Height = this.Height; //textBlock.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(TextObject.ForgroundColor); //textBlock.Text = TextObject.Text; //textBlock.FontWeight = TextObject.Bold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal; //textBlock.FontSize = TextObject.FontSize * 1.2; //textBlock.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; //TranslateTransform tt = new TranslateTransform(); //tt.X = this.X - (Width / 2); //tt.Y = this.Y - (Height / 2); //textBlock.RenderTransform = tt; //canvas.Children.Add(textBlock); //textBlock.Opacity = this.Opacity; CanvasContext2D ctx = renderContext.Device; ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(X, Y); ctx.Rotate(RotationAngle * RC); ctx.Alpha = Opacity; ctx.FillStyle = TextObject.ForgroundColor.ToString(); ctx.Font = (TextObject.Italic ? "italic" : "normal") + " " + (TextObject.Bold ? "bold" : "normal") + " " + Math.Round(TextObject.FontSize * 1.2).ToString() + "px " + TextObject.FontName; ctx.TextBaseline = TextBaseline.Top; String text = TextObject.Text; if (text.IndexOf("{$") > -1) { if (text.IndexOf("{$DATE}") > -1) { string date = String.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd}", SpaceTimeController.Now); text = text.Replace("{$DATE}", date); } if (text.IndexOf("{$TIME}") > -1) { string time = String.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", SpaceTimeController.Now); text = text.Replace("{$TIME}", time); } // text = text.Replace("{$DIST}", UiTools.FormatDistance(WWTControl.Singleton.SolarSystemCameraDistance)); text = text.Replace("{$LAT}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.ViewCamera.Lat)); text = text.Replace("{$LNG}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.ViewCamera.Lat)); text = text.Replace("{$RA}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.ViewCamera.RA)); text = text.Replace("{$DEC}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.ViewCamera.Dec)); text = text.Replace("{$FOV}", Coordinates.FormatDMS(WWTControl.Singleton.RenderContext.FovAngle)); } string[] lines = text.Split("\n"); double baseline = -(Height / 2); double lineSpace = TextObject.FontSize * 1.7; foreach (string line in lines) { List <string> parts = Util.GetWrappedText(ctx, line, Width); foreach (string part in parts) { ctx.FillText(part, -Width / 2, baseline); baseline += lineSpace; } } ctx.Restore(); }