public static void TestNormal( GamerFactoryNormal gamerFactory, CallOfDutyGame callOfDutyGame, MarioKartGame marioKartGame, int cycles) { IGamer gamer1 = gamerFactory.CreateGamer(callOfDutyGame); var gameReport1 = gamer1.PlayGame(cycles); gamer1 = gamerFactory.CreateGamer(marioKartGame); var gameReport2 = gamer1.PlayGame(cycles); }
public IGamer InternalCreateGamer(CallOfDutyGame game) { return new CodGamer( this.popcorn, this.palms, this.pants, this.headset, this.takeaway); }
static void Main(string[] args) { const int Loop = 500000; IPopcornService popcorn = new PopcornService(); ISweatyPalmsService palms = new SweatyPalmsService(); IChineseTakeawayService takeaway = new ChineseTakeawayService(); IUnderpantsService pants = new UnderpantsService(); IGamingHeadsetService headset = new GamingHeadsetService(); var container = new GamingServiceContainer() .Register(popcorn) .Register(palms) .Register(takeaway) .Register(pants) .Register(headset); var gamerFactoryR = new GamerFactoryReflection(container); var gamerFactoryL = new GamerFactoryCompiledLambda(container); var gamerFactoryN = new GamerFactoryNormal(popcorn, palms, takeaway, pants, headset); var gamerFactoryD = new GamerFactoryDynamic(popcorn, palms, takeaway, pants, headset); var gamerFactoryT = new GamerFactoryTypeSwitch(popcorn, palms, takeaway, pants, headset); var callOfDutyGame = new CallOfDutyGame(); var marioKartGame = new MarioKartGame(); // Make sure they have all been JITed for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { TestReflection(gamerFactoryR, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, 100); TestCompiledLambda(gamerFactoryL, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, 100); TestNormal(gamerFactoryN, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, 100); TestDynamic(gamerFactoryD, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, 100); TestTypeSwitch(gamerFactoryT, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, 100); } Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\t", new[] { "Cycles", "Normal", "Type", "Dynamic", "CLambda", "Reflec", "Normal", "Type", "Dynamic", "CLambda", "Reflec", })); for (int cycles = 1; cycles < 5000; cycles = cycles * 2) { Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); // Using the new operator Thread.Sleep(50); stopwatch.Restart(); for (int i = 0; i < Loop; i++) { TestNormal(gamerFactoryN, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, cycles); } stopwatch.Stop(); var traditionalTime = stopwatch.Elapsed; GC.Collect(); // Using the dynamic keyword Thread.Sleep(50); stopwatch.Restart(); for (int i = 0; i < Loop; i++) { TestDynamic(gamerFactoryD, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, cycles); } stopwatch.Stop(); var dynamicTime = stopwatch.Elapsed; GC.Collect(); // Using a compiled lambda Thread.Sleep(50); stopwatch.Restart(); for (int i = 0; i < Loop; i++) { TestCompiledLambda(gamerFactoryL, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, cycles); } stopwatch.Stop(); var compiledLambdaTime = stopwatch.Elapsed; GC.Collect(); // Using a dictionary cached on type Thread.Sleep(50); stopwatch.Restart(); for (int i = 0; i < Loop; i++) { TestTypeSwitch(gamerFactoryT, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, cycles); } stopwatch.Stop(); var typeSwitchTime = stopwatch.Elapsed; GC.Collect(); // Using reflection Thread.Sleep(50); stopwatch.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < Loop; i++) { TestReflection(gamerFactoryR, callOfDutyGame, marioKartGame, cycles); } stopwatch.Stop(); var activatorTime = stopwatch.Elapsed; GC.Collect(); Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\t", new[] { cycles.ToString(), traditionalTime.ToString("ss':'fff"), typeSwitchTime.ToString("ss':'fff"), dynamicTime.ToString("ss':'fff"), compiledLambdaTime.ToString("ss':'fff"), activatorTime.ToString("ss':'fff"), (traditionalTime.TotalMilliseconds / traditionalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToString("#.##"), (typeSwitchTime.TotalMilliseconds / traditionalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToString("#.##"), (dynamicTime.TotalMilliseconds / traditionalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToString("#.##"), (compiledLambdaTime.TotalMilliseconds / traditionalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToString("#.##"), (activatorTime.TotalMilliseconds / traditionalTime.TotalMilliseconds).ToString("#.##") })); } Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); }