예제 #1
        public void EarliestInputTime()
            DateTime earliestInputTime = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(gwModelLC.EarliestInputTime.ModifiedJulianDay);

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(1990, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0), earliestInputTime);
예제 #2
파일: Engine.cs 프로젝트: Fgao1994/test1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the potential evapotranspiration using the Hargreaves-Samani method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="T">Averaged daily temperature</param>
        /// <param name="Tmin">Minimum daily temperature</param>
        /// <param name="Tmax">Maximum daily temperature</param>
        /// <param name="e">element index</param>
        /// <returns>PET in mm/day</returns>
        public double CalculatePET(double T, double Tmin, double Tmax, int eid)
            //calc Ra from http://www.civil.uwaterloo.ca/watflood/Manual/02_03_2.htm

            //---- calculate the relative distance between the earth and sun
            //-- get julien day
            TimeStamp ts = (TimeStamp)this.GetCurrentTime();
            DateTime  dt = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(ts.ModifiedJulianDay);
            int       j  = dt.DayOfYear;
            double    dr = 1 + 0.033 * Math.Cos((2 * Math.PI * j) / 365);

            //---- calculate the solar declination
            double d = 0.4093 * Math.Sin((2 * Math.PI * j) / 365 - 1.405);

            //---- calculate the sunset hour angle
            //-- get latitude in degrees
            ElementSet es = (ElementSet)this.GetInputExchangeItem(0).ElementSet;
            Element    e  = es.GetElement(eid);
            double     p  = e.GetVertex(0).y *Math.PI / 180;
            //-- calc ws
            double ws = Math.Acos(-1 * Math.Tan(p) * Math.Tan(d));

            //---- calculate the total incoming extra terrestrial solar radiation (tested against http://www.engr.scu.edu/~emaurer/tools/calc_solar_cgi.pl)
            double Ra = 15.392 * dr * (ws * Math.Sin(p) * Math.Sin(d) + Math.Cos(p) * Math.Cos(d) * Math.Sin(ws));

            //---- calculate PET (From Hargreaves and Samani 1985)
            //-- calculate latent heat of vaporization (from Water Resources Engineering, David A. Chin)
            double L   = 2.501 - 0.002361 * T;
            double PET = (0.0023 * Ra * Math.Sqrt(Tmax - Tmin) * (T + 17.8)) / L;

예제 #3
        public IValueSet GetValues(ITime time, string linkID)
            // covert time to a DateTime data type
            TimeStamp timestamp = (TimeStamp)time;
            DateTime  dt        = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(

            // write datetime to log file
            StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter("hydrolink_log.txt", true);

            sr.WriteLine("get values request for time: " + dt.ToLongDateString()
                         + " " + dt.ToLongTimeString());

            //get scalar set
            IValueSet values = _buffervalues[linkID].GetValues(time);

            // write value set to log file
            ScalarSet ss = (ScalarSet)values;

            sr.Write("values set: ");
            for (int i = 0; i < ss.Count; ++i)
                sr.Write(" " + ss.GetScalar(i).ToString() + " ");
예제 #4
파일: Engine.cs 프로젝트: Fgao1994/test1
        public override bool PerformTimeStep()
            //---- get input data
            //-- temp
            double[] temp = ((ScalarSet)this.GetValues(input_quantity[0], input_elementset[0])).data;
            //-- max temp
            double[] maxtemp = ((ScalarSet)this.GetValues(input_quantity[1], input_elementset[1])).data;
            //-- min temp
            double[] mintemp = ((ScalarSet)this.GetValues(input_quantity[2], input_elementset[2])).data;

            //---- calculate pet for each element
            //-- get the number of elements (assuming that they're all the same)
            int elemcount = this.GetInputExchangeItem(0).ElementSet.ElementCount;

            double[] pet = new double[elemcount];
            for (int i = 0; i <= elemcount - 1; i++)
                pet[i] = CalculatePET(temp[i], mintemp[i], maxtemp[i], i);

            //---- save output values
            DateTime dt = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(((TimeStamp)this.GetCurrentTime()).ModifiedJulianDay);

            _output.Add(dt, pet);

            //---- set output values
            this.SetValues(output_quantity, output_elementset, new ScalarSet(pet));

            //---- advance to the next timestep

예제 #5
        int nt = 1;// number of earliest outputs need to be saved

        public override void Finish()
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath))

            StreamWriter swa = new StreamWriter(outputPath + "/waterAdvection.csv");

            swa.WriteLine("This is some info about the model....");
            DateTime start = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(((TimeStamp)this.GetTimeHorizon().Start).ModifiedJulianDay);
            DateTime end   = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(((TimeStamp)this.GetTimeHorizon().End).ModifiedJulianDay);

            swa.WriteLine("StartDate: , " + String.Format("{0:d/M/yyyy HH:mm:ss}", start));
            swa.WriteLine("EndDate: , " + String.Format("{0:d/M/yyyy HH:mm:ss}", end));
            swa.WriteLine("Time [H:mm:ss], Concentration");
            foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, double[, ]> kvp in outputValues)
                string time = String.Format("{0:HH:mm:ss}", kvp.Key);
                swa.Write(time + ",");
                //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("wateroutput/" + time + ".csv");
                for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < kvp.Value.GetLength(1); j++)
                        swa.Write(kvp.Value[i, j].ToString() + ",");
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts event to <c>string</c> representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Event">Event to be converted to <c>string</c></param>
        /// <returns>Returns resulting <c>string</c>.</returns>
        public static string EventToString(IEvent Event)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(200);


            if (Event.Description != null)

            if (Event.Sender != null)

            if (Event.SimulationTime != null)


예제 #7
        public void TimeHorizon()
            DateTime startDate = new DateTime(1990, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime endDate   = new DateTime(1990, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(startDate, CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(gwModelLC.TimeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay));
            Assert.AreEqual(endDate, CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(gwModelLC.TimeHorizon.End.ModifiedJulianDay));
예제 #8
        [TestMethod] public void TrickyDates()
            double   julianDate = 46096.999999998196;
            DateTime gregorian  = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(julianDate);

            Assert.AreEqual(1985, gregorian.Year, "Year expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, gregorian.Month, "Month expected");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, gregorian.Day, "Day expected");
예제 #9
        private void Evaluate(DateTime inGregDate)
            double modJulDate = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(inGregDate);
            long   mjdInt     = (long)modJulDate;

            DateTime outGregDate = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(modJulDate);

            Assert.AreEqual(inGregDate.ToString(), outGregDate.ToString(), modJulDate.ToString());
예제 #10
        public void RunSimulationWithInputAndOutput()
            ITimeSpan modelSpan = mohidWaterEngineWrapper.GetTimeHorizon();
            double    now       = modelSpan.Start.ModifiedJulianDay;

            Stopwatch win     = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch wout    = new Stopwatch();
            Stopwatch wengine = new Stopwatch();

            while (now < modelSpan.End.ModifiedJulianDay)
                DateTime currentTime = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(now);
                DateTime intitalTime =



                //Gets outputs Items
                for (int i = 0; i < mohidWaterEngineWrapper.GetOutputExchangeItemCount(); i++)
                    OutputExchangeItem ouputItem = mohidWaterEngineWrapper.GetOutputExchangeItem(i);

                    IValueSet values = mohidWaterEngineWrapper.GetValues(ouputItem.Quantity.ID, ouputItem.ElementSet.ID);

                //Sets Input Items
                for (int i = 0; i < mohidWaterEngineWrapper.GetInputExchangeItemCount(); i++)
                    InputExchangeItem inputItem = mohidWaterEngineWrapper.GetInputExchangeItem(i);

                    double[] aux = new double[inputItem.ElementSet.ElementCount];
                    for (int j = 0; j < inputItem.ElementSet.ElementCount; j++)
                        aux[j] = 0;
                    IValueSet values = new ScalarSet(aux);

                    //mohidLandEngineWrapper.SetValues(inputItem.Quantity.ID, inputItem.ElementSet.ID, values);

                now = mohidWaterEngineWrapper.GetEarliestNeededTime().ModifiedJulianDay;

            Console.WriteLine("Input Exchange:  " + win.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Output Exchange: " + wout.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("Engine:          " + wengine.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString());
예제 #11
        public void AccessTimes()
            DateTime start = new DateTime(2002, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            DateTime end   = new DateTime(2002, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0);

            ITimeSpan timeHorizon = mohidWaterEngineWrapper.GetTimeHorizon();

            Assert.AreEqual(CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(timeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay), start);
            Assert.AreEqual(CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(timeHorizon.End.ModifiedJulianDay), end);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method performs specified actions upon the closure of the model
        /// </summary>
        public override void Finish()
            //intialize streamwriter to write output data.
            if (_outDir != null)
                { sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(_outDir + "/MuskingumRouting_output.csv"); }
                catch (SystemException e)
                    throw new Exception("The Muskingum Component was unable to create the desired output file. " +
                                        "This is possibly due to an invalid \'OutDir\' field supplied in " +
                                        "the *.omi file", e);
                try { sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("../MuskingumRouting_output.csv"); }
                catch (SystemException e)
                    throw new Exception(" The Muskingum component failed in writing it output file to path " +
                                        System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + ". This may be due to " +
                                        "lack of user permissions.", e);

            // current time
            TimeStamp time     = (TimeStamp)this.GetCurrentTime();
            DateTime  current  = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(time.ModifiedJulianDay);
            Double    step_sec = this.GetTimeStep();

            //get the last time
            current = current.AddSeconds(-1 * step_sec);

            for (int i = 1; i <= _output[current].Length; i++)
                sw.Write("Element " + i.ToString() + ",");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, double[]> kvp in _output)
                sw.Write(kvp.Key.ToShortDateString() + " " + kvp.Key.ToLongTimeString() + ",");
                for (int j = 0; j < kvp.Value.Length; j++)
                    sw.Write(kvp.Value[j].ToString() + ",");
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is being used to write the calculated values to file, for use outside of the OpenMI environment.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Finish()
            //intialize streamwriter to write output data.
            if (_outDir != null)
                { sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(_outDir + "/SCSUnitHydrograph_output.csv"); }
                catch (SystemException e)
                    throw new Exception("The UH Component was unable to create the desired output file. " +
                                        "This is possibly due to an invalid \'OutDir\' field supplied in " +
                                        "the *.omi file", e);
                try { sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("../SCSUnitHydrograph_output.csv"); }
                catch (SystemException e)
                    throw new Exception(" The UH component failed in writing it output file to path " +
                                        System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + ". This may be due to " +
                                        "lack of user permissions.", e);

            //Write output data

            sw.Write("Date, Time, ");

            OpenMI.Standard.ITimeSpan ts = this.GetTimeHorizon();
            TimeStamp t  = (TimeStamp)ts.Start;
            DateTime  dt = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian((double)t.ModifiedJulianDay);

            for (int i = 0; i <= output[dt].Count - 1; i++)
                sw.Write("element " + (i + 1).ToString() + ",");

            foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair <DateTime, ArrayList> kvp in output)
                sw.Write(String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", kvp.Key) + ", " +
                         String.Format("{0:hh:mm tt}", kvp.Key) + ",");
                for (int i = 0; i <= kvp.Value.Count - 1; i++)
                    sw.Write(kvp.Value[i].ToString() + ",");

예제 #14
        public override bool PerformTimeStep()
            //Defie current time step and the row of water component
            TimeStamp SedTime = (TimeStamp)this.GetCurrentTime();
            ScalarSet aa      = (ScalarSet)this.GetValues("Concentration", "water");

            //set adv_prev to the imported values
            for (int i = 0; i <= cw.GetLength(1) - 1; i++)
                adv_prev[0, i] = aa.data[i];
            // specifies if the values should be saved.
            bool      SaveValues = true;
            TimeStamp t          = (TimeStamp)this.GetCurrentTime();
            DateTime  time       = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(t.ModifiedJulianDay);

            // calculate concentration in sediment using diffusion mechanism from water
            cs = Calculate_concentration();

            //setup the value of diff_prev= upper row of cs since cs contain 9 rows
            for (int i = 0; i <= cs.GetLength(1) - 1; i++)
                diff_prev[i] = cs[cs.GetUpperBound(0), i];

            //save results for output during Finish()
            double[,] z = new double[rows_S, cols_S];
            if (SaveValues)
                for (int i = 0; i <= cs.GetLength(0) - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j <= cs.GetLength(1) - 1; j++)
                        z[i, j] = cs[i, j];

                //save results for output during Finish()
                outputValues.Add(time, z);
            //setting boundary conditions so that they are available to water component.
            double[] outvals = new double[cs.GetLength(1)];
            for (int i = 0; i <= cs.GetLength(1) - 1; i++)
                outvals[i] = cs[8, i];
            this.SetValues("Concentration", "sed", new ScalarSet(outvals));

예제 #15
        public void ConvertThis()
            double   julianDate = 51544.0006944444;
            DateTime gregorian  = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(julianDate);

            DateTime Time = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 16, 47, 00);

            Oatc.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeStamp t = new Oatc.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(Time));

            var v = ((global::OpenMI.Standard.ITimeSpan)t).Start;

            DateTime gregorian2 = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(t.ModifiedJulianDay);
예제 #16
        public void GetTimeHorizon()
            Console.WriteLine("Begin Get Time Horizon Test...");
            //create the his component
            HydroLink his = new HydroLink();

            IArgument[] arguments = new IArgument[1];
            arguments[0] = new Argument("WaterMLdb", @"..\..\..\Data\db", true, "WaterML Database");

            //get earliest and latest times
            Console.WriteLine("start: " + CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(his.TimeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay).ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("end: " + CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(his.TimeHorizon.End.ModifiedJulianDay).ToString());
예제 #17
        public void GetTimeHorizon()
            Console.WriteLine("Begin Get Time Horizon Test...");
            //create the his component
            DbReader his = new DbReader();

            IArgument[] arguments = new IArgument[1];
            arguments[0] = new Argument("DbPath", @"..\data\cuahsi-his\demo.db", true, "Database");

            //get earliest and latest times
            Console.WriteLine("start: " + CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(his.TimeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay).ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("end: " + CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(his.TimeHorizon.End.ModifiedJulianDay).ToString());
예제 #18
        public override bool PerformTimeStep()
            //Define time step and get lowest row from the Sediment component grid(lowest row of matrix= actual top row)
            TimeStamp WaterTime = (TimeStamp)this.GetCurrentTime();
            ScalarSet ss        = (ScalarSet)this.GetValues("Concentration", "sed");

            //set diff_prev = the imported values
            for (int i = 0; i <= cs.GetLength(1) - 1; i++)
                diff_prev[i] = ss.data[i];

            //specifies if values should be saved.
            bool      SaveValues = true;
            TimeStamp t          = (TimeStamp)this.GetCurrentTime();
            DateTime  time       = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(t.ModifiedJulianDay);

            // calculate concentration in water using advection mechanismin water and diffusion from sediment
            cw = Calculate_concentration();

            //store these c values in adv_prev, for next timestep
            adv_prev = cw;

            //save results for output during Finish()
            double[,] z = new double[rows_W, cols_W];

            if (SaveValues)
                for (int i = 0; i <= cw.GetLength(0) - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j <= cw.GetLength(1) - 1; j++)
                        z[i, j] = adv_prev[i, j];
                outputValues.Add(time, z);

            double[] outvals = new double[cw.GetLength(1)];
            for (int i = 0; i <= cw.GetLength(1) - 1; i++)
                outvals[i] = cw[cw.GetLength(0) - 1, i];

            this.SetValues("Concentration", "water", new ScalarSet(outvals));
예제 #19
        [TestMethod] public void SomeDates()
            double   zero     = 0;
            DateTime zeroDate = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(zero);

            Assert.AreEqual(1858, zeroDate.Year, "Year of Modified Julian Date Zero");
            Assert.AreEqual(11, zeroDate.Month, "Month of Modified Julian Date Zero");
            Assert.AreEqual(17, zeroDate.Day, "Day of Modified Julian Date Zero");

            double   jan1_1985     = 46066.25;
            DateTime jan1_1985Date = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(jan1_1985);

            Assert.AreEqual(1985, jan1_1985Date.Year, "Year of jan 1 1985");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, jan1_1985Date.Month, "Month of jan 1 1985");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, jan1_1985Date.Day, "Day of jan 1 1985");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, jan1_1985Date.Hour, "Hour of jan 1 1985");
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes HD time series data object to the data repository
        /// </summary>
        public void Finish()
            //check to see if the database path is overridden
            var db = conn != null
                     ? RepositoryFactory.Instance.Get <IRepositoryManager>(DatabaseTypes.SQLite, conn)
                     : RepositoryFactory.Instance.Get <IRepositoryManager>();

            //write each series to the database
            foreach (Series series in serieses.Values)
                //-- get the theme
                Theme theme = series.ThemeList[0];

                //-- need to adjust the series values back by one time step
                Dictionary <DateTime, double> new_data = new Dictionary <DateTime, double>();

                // determine the timestep using the first two values (assumes uniform timstep)
                double timestep = _timestep[theme.Name][1].Subtract(_timestep[theme.Name][0]).TotalSeconds;

                // change the data value times back 1 time step
                // this is necessary b/c each model advances it's time before dbwriter gets the data
                for (int i = 0; i <= series.ValueCount - 1; i++)
                    // subtract 1 for the timestep advancement
                    // subtract 1 for the 1-timestep delay that OpenMI creates
                    series.DataValueList[i].DateTimeUTC   = series.DataValueList[i].DateTimeUTC.AddSeconds(-2 * timestep);
                    series.DataValueList[i].LocalDateTime = series.DataValueList[i].LocalDateTime.AddSeconds(-2 * timestep);

                    // remove data value if less than start
                    if (series.DataValueList[i].LocalDateTime < CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(_start).AddSeconds(-timestep))
                        //series.DataValueList[i].Value = series.GetNoDataValue();
                        series.DataValueList.RemoveAt(i); // This change was necessary b/c series.GetNoDataValue() was removed

                //-- save data series
                //db.SaveSeriesAsCopy(series, theme);
                db.SaveSeries(series, theme, OverwriteOptions.Copy); //This change was necessary b/c db.SaveSeriesAsCopy() was removed

            //clear all values in the buffer
예제 #21
        public void OnEvent(IEvent Event)
            ILink[] links = GetAcceptingLinks();
            foreach (ILink link in links)
                if (link.SourceComponent == Event.Sender)
                    IValueSet values = Event.Sender.GetValues(Event.SimulationTime, link.ID);

                    if (values is IScalarSet)
                        IScalarSet scalarSet = (IScalarSet)values;
                                    Event.Sender.ModelID, link.SourceQuantity.ID, link.SourceElementSet.ID, scalarSet);
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a ITime object to a formatted string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="time">The time to convert</param>
        /// <returns>The formatted string</returns>
        public static string ITimeToString(ITime time)
            string timeString;

            if (time is ITimeStamp)
                timeString = (CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(((ITimeStamp)time).ModifiedJulianDay)).ToString();
            else if (time is ITimeSpan)
                timeString = "[" + (CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(((ITimeSpan)time).Start.ModifiedJulianDay)).ToString() + ", " + (CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(((ITimeSpan)time).End.ModifiedJulianDay)).ToString() + "]";
                throw new System.Exception("Illigal type used for time, must be OpenMI.Standard.ITimeStamp or OpenMI.Standard.TimeSpan");

예제 #23
        private void buttonTimeLatestOverlapping_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            double start = double.MinValue,
                   end   = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (UIModel model in _composition.Models)
                start = Math.Max(model.LinkableComponent.TimeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay, start);
                end   = Math.Min(model.LinkableComponent.TimeHorizon.End.ModifiedJulianDay, end);

            if (start > end)
                MessageBox.Show("Model timehorizons don't overlap.", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                textTriggerInvokeTime.Text = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(end).ToString();
예제 #24
        public override bool PerformTimeStep()
            //request the excess precipitation an infiltration component
            ScalarSet excess = (ScalarSet)this.GetValues(_inputQuantity, _inputElementSet);

            double[] Outflow = new double[excess.Count];

            //--- CALCULATE BURST EXCESS ----
            for (int i = 0; i <= excess.Count - 1; i++)
                //Push the burst value into the Pe array
                Push(_pe[i], excess.data[i]);

                //Calculate the resulting Outflow at this timestep
                Outflow[i] = DotProduct(_uh[i], _pe[i]);

            //store the Outflow, to write out in Finish()
            ArrayList outputVals = new ArrayList();

            for (int k = 0; k <= Outflow.Length - 1; k++)

            //add the output values and corresponding times to the output arraylist.  This will be used in Finish()
            DateTime Currenttime = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(

            output.Add(Currenttime, outputVals);

            //Set the output values for the downstream component
            this.SetValues(_outputQuantity, _outputElementSet, new ScalarSet(Outflow));

            //advance time

예제 #25
        private ListViewItem GetItem(IEvent Event)
            string[] subItems = new string[5];
            subItems[0] = (_eventsCount++).ToString();
            subItems[1] = Event.Type.ToString();
            subItems[2] = Event.Description;

            ILinkableComponent sender = Event.Sender;

            if (sender != null)
                subItems[3] = sender.ModelID;

            ITimeStamp simTime = Event.SimulationTime;

            if (simTime != null)
                subItems[4] = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(simTime.ModifiedJulianDay).ToString();

            return(new ListViewItem(subItems));
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs simulation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runListener">Simulation listener.</param>
        /// <param name="runInSameThread">If <c>true</c>, simulation is run in same thread like caller,
        /// ie. method blocks until simulation don't finish. If <c>false</c>, simulation is
        /// run in separate thread and method returns immediately.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Simulation is run the way that trigger invokes <see cref="ILinkableComponent.GetValues">ILinkableComponent.GetValues</see>
        /// method of the model it's connected to
        /// at the time specified by <see cref="TriggerInvokeTime">TriggerInvokeTime</see> property.
        /// If you need to use more than one listener you can use <see cref="ProxyListener">ProxyListener</see>
        /// class or <see cref="ProxyMultiThreadListener">ProxyMultiThreadListener</see> if <c>runInSameThread</c> is <c>false</c>.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Run(Logger logger, bool runInSameThread)
            LoggerListener   loggerListener   = new LoggerListener(logger);
            ProgressListener progressListener = new ProgressListener();

            progressListener.ModelProgressChangedHandler += new ModelProgressChangedDelegate(delegate(ILinkableComponent linkableComponent, ITimeStamp simTime)
                string guid     = cmGuidMapping[linkableComponent];
                string progress = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(simTime.ModifiedJulianDay).ToString();
                CompositionModelProgressChangedHandler(this, guid, progress);

            ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList();

            ProxyListener proxyListener = new ProxyListener();


            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (_running)
                throw (new Exception("Simulation is already running."));

            _running     = true;
            _runListener = proxyListener;

                TimeStamp runToTime = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(_triggerInvokeTime));

                // Create informative message
                if (_runListener != null)
                    StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
                    description.Append("Starting simulation at ");

                    description.Append(" composition consists from following models:\n");
                    foreach (Model model in _models)
                        description.Append(", ");

                    // todo: add more info?

                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = description.ToString();

                _runPrepareForComputationStarted = true;

                // prepare for computation
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Preparing for computation....";

                // subscribing event listener to all models
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Subscribing proxy event listener....";

                    for (int i = 0; i < _runListener.GetAcceptedEventTypeCount(); i++)
                        foreach (Model uimodel in _models)
                            theEvent             = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                            theEvent.Description = "Calling Subscribe() method with EventType." + ((EventType)i).ToString() + " of model " + uimodel.ModelID;

                            for (int j = 0; j < uimodel.LinkableComponent.GetPublishedEventTypeCount(); j++)
                                if (uimodel.LinkableComponent.GetPublishedEventType(j) == _runListener.GetAcceptedEventType(i))
                                    uimodel.LinkableComponent.Subscribe(_runListener, _runListener.GetAcceptedEventType(i));

                if (!runInSameThread)
                    // creating run thread
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                        theEvent.Description = "Creating run thread....";

                    _runThread = new Thread(RunThreadFunction)
                        Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal

                    // starting thread...
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.GlobalProgress);
                        theEvent.Description = "Starting run thread....";

                    // run simulation in same thread (for example when running from console)
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                        theEvent.Description = "Running simulation in same thread....";
            catch (System.Exception e)
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Exception occured while initiating simulation run: " + e.ToString();
                    _runListener.OnEvent(SimulationFailedEvent); // todo: add info about time to this event

                    endTime = DateTime.Now;
                    var ev = new Event
                        Description = "Elapsed time: " + (endTime - startTime),
                        Type        = EventType.GlobalProgress

예제 #27
 public void GetEarliestNeededTime()
     Assert.AreEqual(_simulationStart, CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(_gwModelEngine.GetEarliestNeededTime().ModifiedJulianDay));
     Assert.AreEqual(_simulationStart + new System.TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(_gwModelEngine.GetEarliestNeededTime().ModifiedJulianDay));
예제 #28
 public void GetCurrentTime()
     Assert.AreEqual(_simulationStart, CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(((ITimeStamp)_gwModelEngine.GetCurrentTime()).ModifiedJulianDay));
     Assert.AreEqual(_simulationStart + new System.TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0, 0), CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(((ITimeStamp)_gwModelEngine.GetCurrentTime()).ModifiedJulianDay));
예제 #29
 public void GetTimeHorizon()
     Assert.AreEqual(_simulationStart, CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(_gwModelEngine.GetTimeHorizon().Start.ModifiedJulianDay));
     Assert.AreEqual(_simulationEnd, CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(_gwModelEngine.GetTimeHorizon().End.ModifiedJulianDay));
예제 #30
        public override bool PerformTimeStep()
            //Get input streamflow
            ScalarSet streamflow = (ScalarSet)this.GetValues(input_quantity, input_elementset);

            //transform streamflow to double[]
            double[] inflow_vals = streamflow.data;

            //initialize the flow at the outlet to zero
            double flow_at_outlet = 0.0;

            //get the current time
            TimeStamp time    = (TimeStamp)this.GetCurrentTime();
            DateTime  current = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(time.ModifiedJulianDay);

            //get the time when calc's will be performed

            current = current.AddSeconds(_ts);

            //round to the nearest 5min interval
            current = new DateTime(((current.Ticks + 25000000) / 50000000) * 50000000);

            //get enumerator of source nodes for the topologically sorted graph
            IEnumerator topoEnum = _topoSort.GetEnumerator();

            #region Set Inflows

            //loop through all of the reaches in the order they are sorted
            while (topoEnum.MoveNext())
                //loop through all of the edges in the graph
                foreach (TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> edge in g.Edges)
                    //check if the source node (unsorted graph) of the edge equals the current source node of the sorted graph
                    if (edge.Source == Convert.ToInt64(topoEnum.Current))
                        int sourceID = 0;

                        //loop through all of the edges of the graph again
                        foreach (TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> downstreamEdge in g.Edges)
                            //find the edge in which the source node equals the current edge's target node
                            if (downstreamEdge.Source == edge.Target)
                                //get the index of the target (based on the unsorted graph)to determine the input value
                                //  corresponding with the edge.Target edge.
                                int index = 0;
                                foreach (TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> r in g.Edges)
                                    if (r.Source == edge.Source)

                                //apply the inflow to the downstream edge
                                if (downstreamEdge.Tag.inflow.ContainsKey(current))
                                    //HACK:  This assumes that reach ID's are 1-based
                                    //downstreamEdge.Tag.inflow[current] += inflow_vals[edge.Tag.id - 1];

                                    downstreamEdge.Tag.inflow[current] += inflow_vals[index];
                                    //HACK:  This assumes that reach ID's are 1-based
                                    //downstreamEdge.Tag.inflow[current] = inflow_vals[edge.Tag.id - 1];

                                    downstreamEdge.Tag.inflow.Add(current, inflow_vals[index]);

                                //break the loop

                            //if no downstream edges are found, this edge must connect to the outlet
                            if (sourceID == inflow_vals.Length)
                                //get the index (based on the unsorted graph)to determine the correct input value
                                int index = 0;
                                foreach (TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> r in g.Edges)
                                    if (r.Source == edge.Source)

                                //flow_at_outlet += inflow_vals[edge.Tag.id-1];
                                flow_at_outlet += inflow_vals[index];


                        //break the loop


            #region Route Flows

            //reset the sorted graph

            while (topoEnum.MoveNext())
                //---- ROUTE THE FLOW DOWN THIS REACH ----
                TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> e = null;

                //find the edge that correspondes to this source node
                foreach (TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> edge in g.Edges)
                    //get the source node
                    if (edge.Source == Convert.ToInt64(topoEnum.Current))
                        e = edge;

                //no downstream edge found (outlet condition)
                if (e == null)

                #region Muskingum Computation

                //get inflow from previous time step
                double In0 = e.Tag.inflow[current.AddSeconds(-1.0 * _ts)];

                //check that this inflow is not negative
                if (e.Tag.inflow.ContainsKey(current))
                    if (e.Tag.inflow[current] < 0)
                        e.Tag.inflow[current] = 0;
                    e.Tag.inflow[current] = 0.0;

                ////////check that this inflow is not negative

                //////    if (e.Tag.inflow[current] < 0)
                //////        e.Tag.inflow[current] = 0;
                //////catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                //////    e.Tag.inflow[current] = 0.0;

                //get the inflow from the current timestep
                double In1 = e.Tag.inflow[current];

                //get outflow from previous time step
                double Out0 = e.Tag.outflow[current.AddSeconds(-1.0 * _ts)];

                //TODO: write to log if the calculated flow is unstable
                //calculate outflow for current time step
                double Out1 = e.Tag.C1 * In1 + e.Tag.C2 * In0 + e.Tag.C3 * Out0;

                //store calculated outflow in the Reach class
                e.Tag.outflow[current] = Out1;


                #region Add this flow to downstream reach

                Int64 targetNode = e.Target;

                TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> outEdge = null;

                //get outflow edge
                foreach (TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> edge in g.Edges)
                    if (edge.Source == targetNode)
                        //set the out edge
                        outEdge = edge;

                        //break the loop

                //if outEdge == null then the current reach has no successors
                if (outEdge != null)
                    //HACK: this is taken from the other Muskingum component
                    //outEdge.Tag.inflow[current] = In1;

                    //apply outflow to downstream reach
                    if (outEdge.Tag.inflow.ContainsKey(current))
                        outEdge.Tag.inflow[current] += Out1;
                        outEdge.Tag.inflow[current] = Out1;

                    ////////apply outflow to downstream reach

                    //////    outEdge.Tag.inflow[current] += Out1;
                    //////catch (SystemException)
                    //////    outEdge.Tag.inflow[current] = Out1;
                //downstream must be the outlet
                    flow_at_outlet += Out1;

                //Set the current inflow for this reach equal to the inflow from the previos timestep
                //save the previous inflow value
                e.Tag.inflow[current.AddSeconds(-1 * _ts)] = In1;


            #region Save the Outflows
            //Parse outflow_stream into double[] in the order of the input file

            double[] outflows = new double[g.EdgeCount];
            while (topoEnum.MoveNext())
                //find corresponding edge index
                int index = 0;
                TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> edge = null;
                foreach (TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> e in g.Edges)
                    if (e.Source == Convert.ToInt64(topoEnum.Current))
                        //set the edge
                        edge = e;

                if (index == outflows.Length)
                    int index2 = 0;
                    TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> edge2 = null;

                    //find the reach the goes to the outlet
                    foreach (TaggedEdge <Int64, Reach> e in g.Edges)
                        if (e.Target == Convert.ToInt64(topoEnum.Current))
                            //set the edge
                            edge2 = e;
                    //outflows[index2] = flow_at_outlet;
                        outflows[index] = edge.Tag.outflow[current];
                    catch (SystemException)
                        throw new Exception("Stop");

            //HACK:  Negative values should be reported so that the modeler knows that the simulation is unstable
            //set any negative flow values equal to zero
            for (int o = 0; o <= outflows.Length - 1; o++)
                if (outflows[o] < 0)
                    outflows[o] = 0;

            //set the values
            this.SetValues(output_quantity, output_elementset, new ScalarSet(outflows));

            //--- save values to output them in the Finish() method ---

            //get current time and convert into UTC time
            TimeStamp currenttime = (TimeStamp)this.GetCurrentTime();
            DateTime  modTime     = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(currenttime.ModifiedJulianDay);
            _output[modTime] = outflows;

            //Advance time