예제 #1
        public void ExchangeItemsDefinedByConfig()
            _engine = new LoadCalculator.LoadCalculatorLinkableEngine();

            ArrayList componentArguments = new ArrayList();

            componentArguments.Add(new Argument("ConfigFile", "./config.xml", true, "none"));
            int in_count  = _engine.InputExchangeItemCount;
            int out_count = _engine.OutputExchangeItemCount;

            for (int i = 0; i <= in_count - 1; i++)
                InputExchangeItem ie = (InputExchangeItem)_engine.GetInputExchangeItem(i);
                Debug.Write("Testing Input Element Count..."); Assert.IsFalse(ie.ElementSet.ElementCount > 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Input Conv2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(ie.Quantity.Unit.ConversionFactorToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Input Offset2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(ie.Quantity.Unit.OffSetToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");

            for (int i = 0; i <= out_count - 1; i++)
                OutputExchangeItem oe = (OutputExchangeItem)_engine.GetOutputExchangeItem(i);
                Debug.Write("Testing Output Element Count..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.ElementSet.ElementCount > 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Output Conv2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.Quantity.Unit.ConversionFactorToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Output Offset2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.Quantity.Unit.OffSetToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");

            Assert.IsTrue(_engine.TimeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay == CalendarConverter.
                          Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(2009, 10, 27, 08, 30, 00)));

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the Configuration file, and creates OpenMI exchange items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configFile">path pointing to the components comfiguration (XML) file</param>
        public void SetVariablesFromConfigFile(string configFile)
            //Read config file
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlElement  root = doc.DocumentElement;
            XmlNodeList outputExchangeItems = root.SelectNodes("//OutputExchangeItem");

            foreach (XmlNode outputExchangeItem in outputExchangeItems)
                OutputExchangeItem o = (OutputExchangeItem)CreateExchangeItemsFromXMLNode(outputExchangeItem, "OutputExchangeItem");
                string Key = o.ElementSet.ID + ":" + o.Quantity.ID;
                System.Collections.Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
                hashtable.Add("OutputExchangeItem", Key);

                //pass this info to the IRunEngine, via Intitialize

            XmlNodeList inputExchangeItems = root.SelectNodes("//InputExchangeItem");

            foreach (XmlNode inputExchangeItem in inputExchangeItems)
                InputExchangeItem i = (InputExchangeItem)CreateExchangeItemsFromXMLNode(inputExchangeItem, "InputExchangeItem");

            XmlNode timeHorizon = root.SelectSingleNode("//TimeHorizon");

            this.start = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(Convert.ToDateTime(timeHorizon["StartDateTime"].InnerText));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called in <see cref="Run">Run</see> method.
        /// </summary>
        private void RunThreadFunction()
            Trigger trigger = GetTrigger();

            Debug.Assert(trigger != null);


                // run it !!!
                trigger.Run(new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(TriggerInvokeTime)));

                // close models down
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Closing models down...";

                foreach (UIModel uimodel in _models)
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        string ModelID  = uimodel.ModelID;
                        Event  theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                        theEvent.Description = "Calling Finish() on model " + ModelID;

                // thread finishes - send well known event
                if (_runListener != null)
                    _simulationFinishedEvent.Description = "Simulation finished successfuly at " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "...";
            catch (Exception e)
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Exception occured during simulation: " + e.ToString();

                    _simulationFailedEvent.Description = "Simulation FAILED at " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "...";
                _running     = false;
                _runListener = null; // release listener
예제 #4
        private void Evaluate(DateTime inGregDate)
            double modJulDate = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(inGregDate);
            long   mjdInt     = (long)modJulDate;

            DateTime outGregDate = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(modJulDate);

            Assert.AreEqual(inGregDate.ToString(), outGregDate.ToString(), modJulDate.ToString());
예제 #5
        public override void Initialize(IArgument[] properties)
            double start = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(2004, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0));

            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                buffer.AddValues(new HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeSpan(new TimeStamp(start + i), new TimeStamp(start + i + 1)), new ScalarSet(new double[] { (double)i }));
        private int _timeIncrement = 300; //in seconds (should be specifiec by the user)

        public LoadCalculatorLinkableEngine()
            _links = new Dictionary <string, ILink>();
            _inputExchangeItems            = new List <IInputExchangeItem>();
            _inputExchangeItemsTransformed = new List <IInputExchangeItem>();
            _outputExchangeItems           = new List <IOutputExchangeItem>();
            start = -999;
            end   = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(2011, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00));
            _earliestInputTime = end;
            _currentTime       = -999;
            _timeIncrement     = 20;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="Trigger">Trigger</see> class.
        /// </summary>
        public Trigger()
            _link = null;
            _inputExchangeItem = new TriggerExchangeItem();

                start = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(1800, 1, 1))),
                end   = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(2200, 1, 1)));
            _timeHorizon = new HydroNumerics.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeSpan(start, end);

            _earliestInputTime = end;
예제 #8
        public ITimeSpan GetTimeHorizon()
            DateTime modelStart = MohidWaterEngine.GetStartInstant();
            DateTime modelEnd   = MohidWaterEngine.GetStopInstant();

            double start = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(modelStart);
            double end   = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(modelEnd);

            ITimeStamp tStart = new Oatc.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeStamp(start);
            ITimeStamp tEnd   = new TimeStamp(end);

            return(new Oatc.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.TimeSpan(tStart, tEnd));
예제 #9
        public void GetValues()
            Console.Write("Begin Get Values Test...");
            //create the his component
            DbReader his = new DbReader();

            IArgument[] arguments = new IArgument[2];
            arguments[0] = new Argument("DbPath", @"..\data\cuahsi-his\demo.db", true, "Database");
            arguments[1] = new Argument("Relaxation", "1", true, "Time interpolation factor, btwn 0(linear inter.) and 1(nearest neigbor)");

            //create a trigger component
            Trigger trigger = new Trigger();


            //link the two components
            Link link = new Link();

            link.ID = "link-1";
            link.TargetElementSet = trigger.GetInputExchangeItem(0).ElementSet;
            link.TargetQuantity   = trigger.GetInputExchangeItem(0).Quantity;
            link.TargetComponent  = trigger;
            link.SourceElementSet = his.GetOutputExchangeItem(0).ElementSet;
            link.SourceQuantity   = his.GetOutputExchangeItem(0).Quantity;
            link.TargetComponent  = his;

            //run configuration


            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime("2009-08-20");

            while (dt <= Convert.ToDateTime("2009-09-20"))
                ITimeStamp time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(dt));
                ScalarSet scalarset = (ScalarSet)his.GetValues(time_stmp, "link-1");
                Console.WriteLine("GetValues: " + dt.ToString("s"));
                int i = 0;
                foreach (double d in scalarset.data)
                    Console.WriteLine(link.SourceElementSet.GetElementID(i).ToString() + " " + d.ToString());
                dt = dt.AddMinutes(5);
            Console.Write("done. \n");
예제 #10
        public void Initialize(IArgument[] properties)
            //get the number of elements from the omi file
            //int _numElements = -1;
            //foreach (Argument property in properties)
            //    if(property.Key == "ElementCount")
            //        _numElements = Convert.ToInt32(property.Value);

            //if (_numElements == -1)
            //    throw new Exception("Invalid ElementCount, please fix in *.omi file");

            //create output exchange item (so that this component can be linked to others)
            Quantity quantity = new Quantity();

            Oatc.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.Unit unit    = new Oatc.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.Unit();
            Dimension          dimension          = new Dimension();
            ElementSet         elementset         = new ElementSet();
            OutputExchangeItem outputexchangeitem = new OutputExchangeItem();

            quantity.ID          = "Input Generator";
            quantity.Description = "Supplies random numbers as input values";
            quantity.ValueType   = global::OpenMI.Standard.ValueType.Scalar;
            unit.ID = "any units";

            quantity.Unit          = unit;
            quantity.Dimension     = dimension;
            elementset.ID          = "any elementset";
            elementset.Description = "AllSites";

            elementset.ElementType = ElementType.IDBased;

            string beginDateTimeString = "1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM";
            string endDateTimeString   = "1/1/2500 12:00:00 AM";

            DateTime beginDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(beginDateTimeString);
            DateTime endDateTime   = Convert.ToDateTime(endDateTimeString);

            _earliestInputTime = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(beginDateTime);
            _latestInputTime   = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(endDateTime);

            outputexchangeitem.Quantity   = quantity;
            outputexchangeitem.ElementSet = elementset;
            if (outputexchangeitem != null)
        public LoadCalculatorEngine(int timeIncrement, string modelID)
            _inputExchangeItems  = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            _outputExchangeItems = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            _values = new Dictionary <string, ScalarSet>();
            _links  = new Dictionary <string, Link>();

            start = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(1900, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00));
            end   = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(2011, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00));
            _earliestInputTime  = end;
            _currentTime        = -999;
            this._timeIncrement = timeIncrement;
            this._modelID       = modelID;
예제 #12
        public void IdBasedElementSet_DefinedInConfig()
            _engine = new LoadCalculator.LoadCalculatorLinkableEngine();

            System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
            XmlElement  root = doc.DocumentElement;
            XmlNodeList outputExchangeItems = root.SelectNodes("//OutputExchangeItem");

            foreach (XmlNode exchangeItem in outputExchangeItems)
                XmlNode elementSet = exchangeItem.SelectSingleNode("ElementSet");
                XmlNode numelem    = doc.CreateElement("NumberOfElements");
                numelem.InnerText = "10";


            ArrayList componentArguments = new ArrayList();

            componentArguments.Add(new Argument("ConfigFile", "./config_temp.xml", true, "none"));

            int out_count = _engine.OutputExchangeItemCount;

            for (int i = 0; i <= out_count - 1; i++)
                OutputExchangeItem oe = (OutputExchangeItem)_engine.GetOutputExchangeItem(i);
                Debug.Write("Testing Element Count..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.ElementSet.ElementCount == 10); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Element Type..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.ElementSet.ElementType == ElementType.IDBased); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Element Conv2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.Quantity.Unit.ConversionFactorToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Element Offset2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.Quantity.Unit.OffSetToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");

            Assert.IsTrue(_engine.TimeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay == CalendarConverter.
                          Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(2009, 10, 27, 08, 30, 00)));

            doc = null;


예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the Configuration file, and creates OpenMI exchange items
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configFile">path pointing to the components comfiguration (XML) file</param>
        public void SetVariablesFromConfigFile(string configFile)
            //set output path variable
            _path = Path.GetDirectoryName(configFile) + "\\";

            //Read config file
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();


            XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement;

            XmlNode ID = root.SelectSingleNode("ModelInfo//ID");

            _modelID = ID.InnerText;

            XmlNode Desc = root.SelectSingleNode("ModelInfo//Description");

            _componentDescription = Desc.InnerText;

            XmlNodeList outputExchangeItems = root.SelectNodes("//OutputExchangeItem");
            int         eid = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode outputExchangeItem in outputExchangeItems)
                CreateExchangeItemsFromXMLNode(outputExchangeItem, "OutputExchangeItem", eid);
            XmlNodeList inputExchangeItems = root.SelectNodes("//InputExchangeItem");

            foreach (XmlNode inputExchangeItem in inputExchangeItems)
                CreateExchangeItemsFromXMLNode(inputExchangeItem, "InputExchangeItem", eid);

            XmlNode timeHorizon = root.SelectSingleNode("//TimeHorizon");

            //Set IEngine properties
            this._simulationStartTime = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(Convert.ToDateTime(timeHorizon["StartDateTime"].InnerText));
            this._simulationEndTime   = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(Convert.ToDateTime(timeHorizon["EndDateTime"].InnerText));
            this._timeStep            = Convert.ToDouble(timeHorizon["TimeStepInSeconds"].InnerText);
예제 #14
        public void ExchangeItemsDefinedByOmi()
            _engine = new LoadCalculator.LoadCalculatorLinkableEngine();

            ArrayList componentArguments = new ArrayList();

            componentArguments.Add(new Argument("StartDateTime", "10/27/2009 8:30:00AM", true, "none"));
            componentArguments.Add(new Argument("TimeStepInSeconds", "86400", true, "none"));
            componentArguments.Add(new Argument("InputTimeSeries", "Discharge:[cms]", true, "none"));
            componentArguments.Add(new Argument("InputTimeSeries", "Concentration:[mg/l]", true, "none"));
            componentArguments.Add(new Argument("OutputTimeSeries", "GillsCreek:Nitrogen Loading:[kg/day]:NumElements=1", true, "none"));


            int in_count  = _engine.InputExchangeItemCount;
            int out_count = _engine.OutputExchangeItemCount;

            for (int i = 0; i <= in_count - 1; i++)
                InputExchangeItem ie = (InputExchangeItem)_engine.GetInputExchangeItem(i);
                Debug.Write("Testing Input Element Count..."); Assert.IsFalse(ie.ElementSet.ElementCount > 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Input Conv2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(ie.Quantity.Unit.ConversionFactorToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Input Offset2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(ie.Quantity.Unit.OffSetToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");

            for (int i = 0; i <= out_count - 1; i++)
                OutputExchangeItem oe = (OutputExchangeItem)_engine.GetOutputExchangeItem(i);
                Debug.Write("Testing Output Element Count..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.ElementSet.ElementCount > 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Output Conv2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.Quantity.Unit.ConversionFactorToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");
                Debug.Write("Testing Output Offset2SI..."); Assert.IsTrue(oe.Quantity.Unit.OffSetToSI >= 0); Debug.WriteLine("done.");

            Assert.IsTrue(_engine.TimeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay == CalendarConverter.
                          Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(2009, 10, 27, 08, 30, 00)));

예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs simulation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runListener">Simulation listener.</param>
        /// <param name="runInSameThread">If <c>true</c>, simulation is run in same thread like caller,
        /// ie. method blocks until simulation don't finish. If <c>false</c>, simulation is
        /// run in separate thread and method returns immediately.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Simulation is run the way that trigger invokes <see cref="ILinkableComponent.GetValues">ILinkableComponent.GetValues</see>
        /// method of the model it's connected to
        /// at the time specified by <see cref="TriggerInvokeTime">TriggerInvokeTime</see> property.
        /// If you need to use more than one listener you can use <see cref="ProxyListener">ProxyListener</see>
        /// class or <see cref="ProxyMultiThreadListener">ProxyMultiThreadListener</see> if <c>runInSameThread</c> is <c>false</c>.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Run(IListener runListener, bool runInSameThread)
            if (!HasTrigger())
                throw (new Exception("Composition has no trigger."));
            if (_running)
                throw (new Exception("Simulation is already running."));

            _running     = true;
            _runListener = runListener;

                TimeStamp runToTime = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(_triggerInvokeTime));

                // Create informative message
                if (_runListener != null)
                    StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
                    description.Append("Starting simulation at ");

                    description.Append(" composition consists from following models:\n");
                    foreach (UIModel model in _models)
                        description.Append(", ");

                    // todo: add more info?

                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = description.ToString();

                _runPrepareForComputationStarted = true;

                // prepare for computation
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Preparing for computation....";
                foreach (UIModel uimodel in _models)
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                        theEvent.Description = "Calling Prepare() method of model " + uimodel.ModelID;

                // subscribing event listener to all models
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Subscribing proxy event listener....";

                    for (int i = 0; i < _runListener.GetAcceptedEventTypeCount(); i++)
                        foreach (UIModel uimodel in _models)
                            theEvent             = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                            theEvent.Description = "Calling Subscribe() method with EventType." + ((EventType)i).ToString() + " of model " + uimodel.ModelID;

                            for (int j = 0; j < uimodel.LinkableComponent.GetPublishedEventTypeCount(); j++)
                                if (uimodel.LinkableComponent.GetPublishedEventType(j) == _runListener.GetAcceptedEventType(i))
                                    uimodel.LinkableComponent.Subscribe(_runListener, _runListener.GetAcceptedEventType(i));

                if (!runInSameThread)
                    // creating run thread
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                        theEvent.Description = "Creating run thread....";

                    _runThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RunThreadFunction));

                    // starting thread...
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.GlobalProgress);
                        theEvent.Description = "Starting run thread....";

                    // run simulation in same thread (for example when running from console)
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                        theEvent.Description = "Running simulation in same thread....";
            catch (System.Exception e)
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Exception occured while initiating simulation run: " + e.ToString();
                    _runListener.OnEvent(SimulationFailedEvent); // todo: add info about time to this event
        public bool PerformTimeStep()
            //request values for all input exchange items
            List <ScalarSet> invals = new List <ScalarSet>();
            List <string>    inIds  = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, ScalarSet> invalues = new Dictionary <string, ScalarSet>();
            List <Link> links = new List <Link>();

            bool setvals = true;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Link> link in _links)
                Link l = link.Value;

                //get data from all incoming links
                if (l.TargetComponent.ModelID == this._modelID)
                    string quantity   = l.SourceQuantity.ID;
                    string elementset = l.SourceElementSet.ID;

                    ScalarSet ss = (ScalarSet)this.GetValues(l.TargetQuantity.ID, l.TargetElementSet.ID);

                    if (invalues.ContainsKey(quantity + ":" + elementset))
                        invalues[quantity + ":" + elementset] = ss;
                        invalues.Add(quantity + ":" + elementset, ss);

                    if (ss.data.Length == 0)
                        setvals = false;
            string outstring = null;

            //Perform Loading Calculation
            if (setvals)
                outstring = this._currentTime.ToString() + ",";
                double[] loading = new double[invals[0].data.Length];
                //loop through the lesser of invals[0].data.length and invals[1].data.length
                int max = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i <= invals.Count - 1; i++)
                    if (invals[i].data.Length > max)
                        max = invals[i].data.Length;

                for (int i = 0; i <= max - 1; i++)
                        //string id1 = links[0].SourceElementSet.GetElementID(i);
                        //int id2 = links[1].SourceElementSet.GetElementIndex(id1);

                        loading[i] = invals[0].data[i] * invals[1].data[i] * 86400;

                        //check to see if either input value was unknown (i.e. zero)
                        if (loading[i] == 0)
                            loading[i] = -1;

                        //HACK: Convert from m3/s to ft3/s
                        //loading[i] *= 0.02831685;

                        outstring += loading[i].ToString() + ",";
                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { }

                //set output values
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Link> link in _links)
                    Link l = link.Value;
                    if (l.SourceComponent.ModelID == this._modelID)
                        string quantity       = l.SourceQuantity.ID;
                        string elementset     = l.SourceElementSet.ID;
                        string out_quantity   = l.TargetQuantity.ID;
                        string out_elementset = l.TargetElementSet.ID;

                        //if (_inputExchangeItems.ContainsKey(quantity))
                        if (invalues.ContainsKey(quantity + ":" + elementset))
                                this.SetValues(quantity, elementset, invalues[quantity + ":" + elementset]);
                            catch (Exception) { }
                            this.SetValues(quantity, elementset, new ScalarSet(loading));
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Link> link in _links)
                    Link l = link.Value;
                    if (l.SourceComponent.ModelID == this._modelID)
                        string quantity   = l.SourceQuantity.ID;
                        string elementset = l.SourceElementSet.ID;

                        this.SetValues(quantity, elementset, new ScalarSet(new double[0])); //set null

            //save the results locally
            if (outstring != null)

            //advance time
            DateTime newTime = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(_currentTime).AddSeconds(_timeIncrement);

            this._currentTime = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(newTime);

예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to construct the component
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties">arguments stored in the *.omi file</param>
        public void Initialize(IArgument[] properties)
            //extract argument(s) from OMI file
            foreach (IArgument property in properties)
                //overwrite the connection string, if one is given in the *.omi
                if (property.Key == "DbPath")
                    _dbPath = property.Value;

                //default value for relationFactor is 1;
                if (property.Key == "Relaxation")
                    _smartBuffer.RelaxationFactor = Convert.ToDouble(property.Value);
                if (property.Key == "IgnoreValue")
                    _ignore = Convert.ToDouble(property.Value);

            //---- set database to default if dbpath is invalid
            string fullpath = "";
            //-- first check if dbpath is null
            bool pass = true;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_dbPath))
                pass = false;
            //-- next, check that dbpath points to an actual file
                //-- if relative path is given
                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(_dbPath))
                    fullpath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + _dbPath);
                //-- if absolute path
                    fullpath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(_dbPath);

                if (!File.Exists(fullpath))
                    pass = false;

                    //-- warn the user that the database could not be found
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The database supplied in DbWriter.omi could not be found. As a result the DbWriter will connect to the current HydroDesktop database." +
                                                         "\n\n--- The following database could not be found --- \n" + fullpath,
                                                         "An Error Occurred While Loading Database...",
                                                         System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            //-- set the connection string
            if (!pass)
                conn = Settings.Instance.DataRepositoryConnectionString;
                //FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fullpath);
                //conn = @"Data Source = " + fi.FullName + ";New=False;Compress=True;Version=3";
                conn = @"Data Source = " + fullpath + ";New=False;Compress=True;Version=3";

            //---- read db info provided by omi
            dbargs = ReadDbArgs(properties);

            //---- create generic input and output exchange items
            InputExchangeItem inExchangeItem = new InputExchangeItem();

            inExchangeItem.ElementSet = new ElementSet("any element set", "any element set", ElementType.IDBased, new Oatc.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.SpatialReference("1"));
            inExchangeItem.Quantity   = new Quantity("any quantity");

            OutputExchangeItem outExchangeItem = new OutputExchangeItem();

            outExchangeItem.ElementSet = new ElementSet("dummy element set", "dummy element set", ElementType.IDBased, new Oatc.OpenMI.Sdk.Backbone.SpatialReference("1"));
            outExchangeItem.Quantity   = new Quantity("dummy quantity");

            //---- define arbitrary start and end times
            _earliestInputTime = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1));
            _latestInputTime   = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(new DateTime(2100, 12, 31));
        public override void Initialize(IArgument[] properties)
            //create a new instance of the Engine Class
            //_engine = new testEngine();

            System.Collections.Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();

            int    option     = 0;
            string configPath = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
                if (properties[i].Key == "ConfigFile")
                    configPath = properties[i].Value;

                    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlElement root        = doc.DocumentElement;
                    XmlNode    timeHorizon = root.SelectSingleNode("//TimeHorizon");
                    this._timeIncrement = Convert.ToInt32(timeHorizon["TimeStepInSeconds"].InnerText);
                    doc = null;

                    option = 1;
                else if (properties[i].Key == "StartDateTime")
                    this.start        = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(Convert.ToDateTime(properties[i].Value));
                    this._currentTime = this.start;
                else if (properties[i].Key == "TimeStepInSeconds")
                    this._timeIncrement = Convert.ToInt32(properties[i].Value);
                else if (properties[i].Key.Contains("Input"))
                    hashtable.Add(i.ToString() + ":" + properties[i].Key, properties[i].Value);
                else if (properties[i].Key.Contains("Output"))
                    hashtable.Add(i.ToString() + ":" + properties[i].Key, properties[i].Value);

            //initialize the IRunEngine class
            this._engineWasAssigned = true;

            if (!_engineWasAssigned)
                throw new System.Exception("The Initialize method in the SmartWrapper cannot be invoked before the EngineApiAccess is assigned");

            _initializeWasInvoked = true;

            //initialize this the LinkableRunEngine class
            if (option == 0)
            else if (option == 1)
예제 #19
        private OutputExchangeItem buildExchangeItemFromFolder(string folder)
            //The routine will construct an OpenMI exchange item from a folder of WaterML files.
            //assumptions: (1) all files within the folder are waterML files
            //             (2) all files within folder have the same variable element
            // Qunatity <-- from the first file in the directory
            //   ID [REQUIRED] = WaterML's variableParam element inner text
            //   Description [optional] = WaterML's variableName element inner text
            //   ValueType [hard coded] = Scalar
            //   Unit
            //     ID [optional]= WaterML's units element attribute unitsAbbreviation
            //     ConversionFactortoSI [optional] = not in WaterML
            //     ConverstionOffsettoSI [optional] = not in WaterML
            //   Dimension
            //     Power [optional] = not in WaterML
            // ElementSet
            //   ID [REQUIRED] = folder name
            //   Description [REQUIRED] = folder relative path
            //   ElementType [hard coded] = XYPoint or IDBased
            //   Element
            //     ID [optional]= WaterML's SiteCode element inner text [changing to locationParam]
            //     Vertex
            //       X = WaterML's longitude element inner text
            //       Y = WaterML's latitude element inner text
            //   ...
            // TimeHorizon <-- union of all file-level time horizons

            //get list of files within the folder
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder);

            //load the first file in the directory as an XML document
            XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();

            // load the first xml file in the directory
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(files[0]);

            XmlSerializer          xml_reader = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TimeSeriesResponseType));
            TimeSeriesResponseType tsr        = (TimeSeriesResponseType)xml_reader.Deserialize(sr);

            Quantity           quantity           = new Quantity();
            Unit               unit               = new Unit();
            Dimension          dimension          = new Dimension();
            ElementSet         elementset         = new ElementSet();
            OutputExchangeItem outputexchangeitem = new OutputExchangeItem();

            //Quantity ID -- REQUIRED
            try { quantity.ID = tsr.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam; }
            catch { throw new Exception("waterML document must contain a variableParam element"); }

            //Quantity Description -- optional
            try { quantity.Description = tsr.timeSeries.variable.variableName; }
            catch { quantity.Description = ""; }

            //Quantity Variable Type -- hard coded
            quantity.ValueType = global::OpenMI.Standard.ValueType.Scalar;

            //Unit ID -- optional
            try { unit.ID = tsr.timeSeries.variable.units.unitsAbbreviation; }
            catch { unit.ID = ""; }

            //Unit Converstion Factor to SI
            //TODO WaterML does not include conversion factors to SI
            //unit.ConversionFactorToSI = 0;

            //Unit Converstion Offset to SI
            //TODO WaterML does not include conversion offest to SI
            //unit.OffSetToSI = 0;

            quantity.Unit = unit;

            //Dimension Powers -- optional
            //TODO WaterML does not include dimension info for units
            //Examples below ...
            //dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Length, 3);
            //dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Time, -1);

            quantity.Dimension = dimension;

            //ElementSet ID -- folder name
            elementset.ID = new DirectoryInfo(folder).Name;

            //ElementSet Description -- folder relative path
            elementset.Description = folder;

            //ElementSet ElementType -- hard coded
            elementset.ElementType = ElementType.XYPoint;

            // -------------------------------------------------------------------
            // The remaining objects require access to all files in the directory.
            // -------------------------------------------------------------------

            foreach (string fileName in files)
                //load the first file in the directory as an XML document
                sr  = new StreamReader(fileName);
                tsr = (TimeSeriesResponseType)xml_reader.Deserialize(sr);

                Element element = new Element();
                Vertex  vertex  = new Vertex();

                //Element ID -- optional
                try { element.ID = tsr.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam; }
                catch { element.ID = ""; }

                //Vertex X and Y -- optional
                //tsr.timeSeries. TODO fix this.
                //if (xml_location != null && xml_location["longitude"] != null && xml_location["latitude"] != null)
                //    vertex.x = Convert.ToDouble(xml_location["longitude"].InnerText);
                //    vertex.y = Convert.ToDouble(xml_location["latitude"].InnerText);
                //else { vertex.x = double.NaN; vertex.y = double.NaN; elementset.ElementType = ElementType.IDBased; }


                //TimeHorizon -- REQUIRED
//if (_earliestInputTime == 0.0)
//               {
                string beginDateTimeString;
                try { beginDateTimeString = tsr.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam.beginDateTime; }
                catch { throw new Exception("waterML document must contain a beginDateTime element"); }

                string endDateTimeString;
                try { endDateTimeString = tsr.queryInfo.criteria.timeParam.endDateTime; }
                catch { throw new Exception("waterML document must contain an endDateTime element"); }

                DateTime beginDateTime       = Convert.ToDateTime(beginDateTimeString);
                DateTime endDateTime         = Convert.ToDateTime(endDateTimeString);
                double   beginDateTimeDouble = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(beginDateTime);
                double   endDateTimeDouble   = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(endDateTime);

                //update time horizon to be inclusive of this time horizon
                if (_earliestInputTime == 0.0)
                    _earliestInputTime = beginDateTimeDouble;
                if (beginDateTimeDouble < _earliestInputTime)
                    _earliestInputTime = beginDateTimeDouble;
                if (endDateTimeDouble > _latestInputTime)
                    _latestInputTime = endDateTimeDouble;
                //              }
            outputexchangeitem.Quantity   = quantity;
            outputexchangeitem.ElementSet = elementset;

            // add data operations and return
예제 #20
        private SmartBuffer CreateBuffer(string elementSet)
            Dictionary <DateTime, ArrayList> dict = new Dictionary <DateTime, ArrayList>();
            SmartBuffer smartbuffer = new SmartBuffer();

            //Move to the .dll directory
            catch (System.IO.IOException) { }

            elementSet = _dbPath + "\\" + elementSet;
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(elementSet);

            //read all files within element set
            foreach (string file in files)
                //load the first file in the directory as an XML document
                XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();

                // load the first xml file in the directory
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(file);

                XmlSerializer          xml_reader = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TimeSeriesResponseType));
                TimeSeriesResponseType tsr        = (TimeSeriesResponseType)xml_reader.Deserialize(sr);

                ValueSingleVariable[] values = tsr.timeSeries.values.value;

                foreach (ValueSingleVariable value in values)
                    DateTime dt = value.dateTime;
                    double   v  = Convert.ToDouble(value.Value);

                    //check to see if time/value combination has been already added
                    if (dict.ContainsKey(dt))
                        ArrayList a = dict[dt];
                    //Add key to dictionary
                        ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
                        dict.Add(dt, a);

            //put values in oder, starting with the earliest time (from http://dotnetperls.com/sort-dictionary-values)
            var items = from k in dict.Keys
                        orderby dict[k] ascending
                        select k;

            //load values into the smart buffer
            foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, ArrayList> kvp in dict)
                ITimeStamp time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(kvp.Key));
                double[]   valueset  = (double[])kvp.Value.ToArray(typeof(double));
                smartbuffer.AddValues(time_stmp, new ScalarSet(valueset));
예제 #21
        public void LinearTimeInterpolation()
            Console.Write("Begin Linear Interpolation Test...");

            //create the his component
            DbReader his = new DbReader();

            IArgument[] arguments = new IArgument[1];
            arguments[0] = new Argument("DbPath", @"..\data\cuahsi-his\demo.db", true, "Database");

            //create a trigger component
            Trigger trigger = new Trigger();


            //link the two components
            Link link = new Link();

            link.ID = "link-1";
            link.TargetElementSet = trigger.GetInputExchangeItem(0).ElementSet;
            link.TargetQuantity   = trigger.GetInputExchangeItem(0).Quantity;
            link.TargetComponent  = trigger;

            link.SourceElementSet = his.GetOutputExchangeItem(1).ElementSet;
            link.SourceQuantity   = his.GetOutputExchangeItem(1).Quantity;
            link.TargetComponent  = his;

            //Spatial interpolation
            IDataOperation dataOp = (his).GetOutputExchangeItem(0).GetDataOperation(7);


            //run configuration



            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime("2009-08-20T21:40:00");

            SmartBuffer _smartBuffer = new SmartBuffer();

            //Add all values to buffer in 10min intervals
            Console.Write("Storing values in the smart buffer (10min resolution)... ");
            while (dt <= Convert.ToDateTime("2009-08-21T02:00:00"))
                ITimeStamp time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(dt));
                ScalarSet  scalarset = (ScalarSet)his.GetValues(time_stmp, "link-1");

                if (scalarset.Count == 0)
                    int       f         = his.GetOutputExchangeItem(1).ElementSet.ElementCount;
                    ArrayList zeroArray = new ArrayList();
                    for (int i = 0; i <= f - 1; i++)

                    double[] zeros = (double[])zeroArray.ToArray(typeof(double));

                    scalarset = new ScalarSet(zeros);

                _smartBuffer.AddValues(time_stmp, scalarset);

                dt = dt.AddMinutes(10);

            //request values from the smart buffer at 5min intervals
            dt = Convert.ToDateTime("2009-08-20T21:40:00");
            while (dt <= Convert.ToDateTime("2009-08-21T02:00:00"))
                ITimeStamp time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(dt));

                //Get values at requested time
                ScalarSet scalarset = (ScalarSet)_smartBuffer.GetValues(time_stmp);

                Console.WriteLine("GetValues: " + dt.ToString("s"));

                //loop through interpolated values
                int i = 0;
                foreach (double d in scalarset.data)
                    Console.WriteLine(link.SourceElementSet.GetElementID(i).ToString() + " " + d.ToString());
                dt = dt.AddMinutes(5);

            Console.Write("done. \n");
예제 #22
        public void DataConversion()
            Console.Write("Begin Data Conversion Test...");
            //create the his component
            DbReader his = new DbReader();

            IArgument[] arguments = new IArgument[2];
            arguments[0] = new Argument("DbPath", @"../../../../../Databases/MyDataRepository.sqlite", true, "Database");
            arguments[1] = new Argument("Relaxation", "1", true, "Time interpolation factor, btwn 0(linear inter.) and 1(nearest neigbor)");

            //create a trigger component
            Trigger trigger = new Trigger();


            //-- Test Transfer from ft3/s to m3/s
            int item = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i <= his.OutputExchangeItemCount - 1; i++)
                string quantity   = his.GetOutputExchangeItem(i).Quantity.ID;
                string elementset = his.GetOutputExchangeItem(i).ElementSet.ID;
                if (quantity == "Discharge" && elementset == "Gills Creek Discharge")
                    item = i;

            //link the two components
            Link link = new Link();

            link.ID = "link-1";
            link.TargetElementSet = trigger.GetInputExchangeItem(0).ElementSet;
            link.TargetQuantity   = trigger.GetInputExchangeItem(0).Quantity;
            link.TargetComponent  = trigger;
            link.SourceElementSet = his.GetOutputExchangeItem(item).ElementSet;
            link.SourceQuantity   = his.GetOutputExchangeItem(item).Quantity;
            link.TargetComponent  = his;

            DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime("2009-09-07 00:00:00");

            while (dt <= Convert.ToDateTime("2010-09-06 00:00:00"))
                ITimeStamp time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(dt));
                ScalarSet scalarset = (ScalarSet)his.GetValues(time_stmp, "link-1");
                Console.WriteLine("GetValues: " + dt.ToString("s"));
                int i = 0;
                foreach (double d in scalarset.data)
                    Console.WriteLine(link.SourceElementSet.GetElementID(i).ToString() + " " + d.ToString());
                dt = dt.AddDays(1);
            Console.Write("done. \n");
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs simulation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="runListener">Simulation listener.</param>
        /// <param name="runInSameThread">If <c>true</c>, simulation is run in same thread like caller,
        /// ie. method blocks until simulation don't finish. If <c>false</c>, simulation is
        /// run in separate thread and method returns immediately.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Simulation is run the way that trigger invokes <see cref="ILinkableComponent.GetValues">ILinkableComponent.GetValues</see>
        /// method of the model it's connected to
        /// at the time specified by <see cref="TriggerInvokeTime">TriggerInvokeTime</see> property.
        /// If you need to use more than one listener you can use <see cref="ProxyListener">ProxyListener</see>
        /// class or <see cref="ProxyMultiThreadListener">ProxyMultiThreadListener</see> if <c>runInSameThread</c> is <c>false</c>.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Run(Logger logger, bool runInSameThread)
            LoggerListener   loggerListener   = new LoggerListener(logger);
            ProgressListener progressListener = new ProgressListener();

            progressListener.ModelProgressChangedHandler += new ModelProgressChangedDelegate(delegate(ILinkableComponent linkableComponent, ITimeStamp simTime)
                string guid     = cmGuidMapping[linkableComponent];
                string progress = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(simTime.ModifiedJulianDay).ToString();
                CompositionModelProgressChangedHandler(this, guid, progress);

            ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList();

            ProxyListener proxyListener = new ProxyListener();


            startTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (_running)
                throw (new Exception("Simulation is already running."));

            _running     = true;
            _runListener = proxyListener;

                TimeStamp runToTime = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(_triggerInvokeTime));

                // Create informative message
                if (_runListener != null)
                    StringBuilder description = new StringBuilder();
                    description.Append("Starting simulation at ");

                    description.Append(" composition consists from following models:\n");
                    foreach (Model model in _models)
                        description.Append(", ");

                    // todo: add more info?

                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = description.ToString();

                _runPrepareForComputationStarted = true;

                // prepare for computation
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Preparing for computation....";

                // subscribing event listener to all models
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Subscribing proxy event listener....";

                    for (int i = 0; i < _runListener.GetAcceptedEventTypeCount(); i++)
                        foreach (Model uimodel in _models)
                            theEvent             = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                            theEvent.Description = "Calling Subscribe() method with EventType." + ((EventType)i).ToString() + " of model " + uimodel.ModelID;

                            for (int j = 0; j < uimodel.LinkableComponent.GetPublishedEventTypeCount(); j++)
                                if (uimodel.LinkableComponent.GetPublishedEventType(j) == _runListener.GetAcceptedEventType(i))
                                    uimodel.LinkableComponent.Subscribe(_runListener, _runListener.GetAcceptedEventType(i));

                if (!runInSameThread)
                    // creating run thread
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                        theEvent.Description = "Creating run thread....";

                    _runThread = new Thread(RunThreadFunction)
                        Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal

                    // starting thread...
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.GlobalProgress);
                        theEvent.Description = "Starting run thread....";

                    // run simulation in same thread (for example when running from console)
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                        theEvent.Description = "Running simulation in same thread....";
            catch (System.Exception e)
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Exception occured while initiating simulation run: " + e.ToString();
                    _runListener.OnEvent(SimulationFailedEvent); // todo: add info about time to this event

                    endTime = DateTime.Now;
                    var ev = new Event
                        Description = "Elapsed time: " + (endTime - startTime),
                        Type        = EventType.GlobalProgress

예제 #24
 public global::OpenMI.Standard.ITimeStamp GetEarliestNeededTime()
     return(new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(MohidWaterEngine.GetCurrentTime().AddSeconds(MohidWaterEngine.GetCurrentTimeStep()))));
예제 #25
 public global::OpenMI.Standard.ITime GetCurrentTime()
     return(new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(MohidWaterEngine.GetCurrentTime())));
예제 #26
        public IValueSet GetValues(ITime time, string linkID)
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // The method queries a HydroDesktop database and builds an IValueSet object for the given a time
            // and link.
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Link l = (Link)_links[linkID];

            IValueSet values;

            if (_exactMatch)
                // Perform Exact Match Routine

                // covert ITime to a DateTime data type
                TimeStamp timestamp = (TimeStamp)time;
                DateTime  dt        = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(

                //check to see if the buffer contains this time
                if (_times[linkID].Contains(timestamp.ModifiedJulianDay))
                    values = new ScalarSet(new double[_elementCount[linkID]]);
                    values = _buffer[linkID].GetValues(time);
                    //convert the values to the correct units
                    values = ConvertUnit(values, l);
                    values = new ScalarSet(new double[0]);
            else if (_range != -999)
                // Perform Range Searching Routine

                List <ScalarSet> FoundVals = new List <ScalarSet>();

                // covert ITime to a DateTime data type
                TimeStamp timestamp = (TimeStamp)time;
                DateTime  dt        = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(

                values = new ScalarSet(new double[_elementCount[linkID]]);

                //check to see if the current time is within the known time span
                if (timestamp.ModifiedJulianDay <= _endTimes[linkID].ModifiedJulianDay)
                    TimeStamp currTime = (TimeStamp)time;
                    DateTime  dateTime = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(currTime.ModifiedJulianDay);
                    //dateTime = dateTime.AddSeconds(_range);
                    //get the earliest and latest times based on the specified time range
                    TimeStamp latestTime   = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(dateTime.AddSeconds(_range / 2)));
                    TimeStamp earliestTime = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(dateTime.AddSeconds(-1 * _range / 2)));

                    //check to make sure tht the latest time is less than the last time in the buffer
                    if (latestTime.ModifiedJulianDay > ((TimeStamp)_buffer[linkID].GetTimeAt(_buffer[linkID].TimesCount - 1)).ModifiedJulianDay)
                        values = new ScalarSet(new double[0]);

                    //check to make sure tht the earliest time is greater than the first time in the buffer
                    else if (earliestTime.ModifiedJulianDay < ((TimeStamp)_buffer[linkID].GetTimeAt(0)).ModifiedJulianDay)
                        values = new ScalarSet(new double[0]);

                        for (int i = _lastIndex[linkID]; i <= _buffer[linkID].TimesCount - 1; i++)
                            ////loop through the times to find the start and end indices
                            if (((TimeStamp)_buffer[linkID].GetTimeAt(i)).ModifiedJulianDay >= earliestTime.ModifiedJulianDay &&
                                ((TimeStamp)_buffer[linkID].GetTimeAt(i)).ModifiedJulianDay <= latestTime.ModifiedJulianDay)
                                ScalarSet ss = (ScalarSet)_buffer[linkID].GetValues(_buffer[linkID].GetTimeAt(i));
                                if (ss.data.Length > 0)
                            //if the latest time has been passed then break
                            else if (((TimeStamp)_buffer[linkID].GetTimeAt(i)).ModifiedJulianDay > latestTime.ModifiedJulianDay)
                                //save the index that should be used to start with on the next iteration
                                _lastIndex[linkID] = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(i) - Convert.ToDouble(_lastIndex[linkID]) / 2.0));
                        if (FoundVals.Count == 1)
                            values = new ScalarSet(FoundVals[0].data);

                            //convert the values to the correct units
                            values = ConvertUnit(values, l);
                        else if (FoundVals.Count > 1)
                            double[] ave     = FoundVals[0].data;
                            int[]    divider = new int[ave.Length];

                            for (int i = 0; i <= ave.Length - 1; i++)
                                if (ave[i] != 0)

                            //HACK:  I'm taking the average of all the values.  Probably should do this smarter.
                            for (int i = 0; i <= FoundVals[0].data.Length - 1; i++)
                                for (int j = 1; j <= FoundVals.Count - 1; j++)
                                    if (FoundVals[j].data[i] != 0)
                                        ave[i] += FoundVals[j].data[i];

                            for (int i = 0; i <= ave.Length - 1; i++)
                                if (divider[i] != 0)
                                    ave[i] = ave[i] / (divider[i]);

                            values = new ScalarSet(ave);

                            //convert the values to the correct units
                            values = ConvertUnit(values, l);
                            values = new ScalarSet(new double[0]);
                    values = new ScalarSet(new double[0]);
                //Perform Relaxation Interpolation Routine

                // covert ITime to a DateTime data type
                TimeStamp timestamp = (TimeStamp)time;
                DateTime  dt        = CalendarConverter.ModifiedJulian2Gregorian(

                values = new ScalarSet(new double[_elementCount[linkID]]);

                //check to see if the current time is within the known time span
                if (timestamp.ModifiedJulianDay <= _endTimes[linkID].ModifiedJulianDay)
                    //get scalar set
                    //IValueSet values =  _smartBuffer.GetValues(time);
                    values = _buffer[linkID].GetValues(time);

                    //convert the values to the correct units
                    values = ConvertUnit(values, l);

            #region Map Values
            if (mapper.Count > 0)
                if (mapper.ContainsKey(linkID))
                    IValueSet mappedValues = mapper[linkID].MapValues(values);
                    // return values

            //else return unmapped values (i.e. index based)
예제 #27
 public global::OpenMI.Standard.ITime GetInputTime(string QuantityID, string ElementSetID)
     return(new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(MohidWaterEngine.GetCurrentTime().AddSeconds(MohidWaterEngine.GetCurrentTimeStep()))));
예제 #28
        private void AddToBuffer(ILink link)
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // The method adds values associated with the link.source to a SmartBuffer.
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            //dictionary of values indexed by their date\time
            SortedDictionary <DateTime, ArrayList> dict = new SortedDictionary <DateTime, ArrayList>();

            //create a buffer instance to temporarily store data
            SmartBuffer _smartBuffer = new SmartBuffer();

            //set the relaxation factor, if specifed in *.omi file.
            if (_relaxationFactor > 0)
                _smartBuffer.RelaxationFactor = _relaxationFactor;

            //get link.source quantity and elementset
            IQuantity   sourceQuantity   = link.SourceQuantity;
            IElementSet sourceElementSet = link.SourceElementSet;

            string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ds.SeriesID " +
                         "FROM DataValues dv " +
                         "INNER JOIN DataSeries ds ON dv.SeriesID = ds.SeriesID " +
                         "INNER JOIN DataThemes dt ON dv.SeriesID = dt.SeriesID " +
                         "INNER JOIN Sites s ON ds.SiteID = s.SiteID " +
                         "INNER JOIN DataThemeDescriptions dtd On dt.ThemeID = dtd.ThemeID " +
                         "WHERE dtd.ThemeName = '" + sourceElementSet.ID.ToString() + "' " +
                         "ORDER BY s.SiteName ASC";

            DataTable tbl = _db.LoadTable("values", sql);

            //get the number of series' in this theme
            Dictionary <string, int> sites = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            //get the number of sites in this series
            int k = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                if (!sites.ContainsKey(Convert.ToString(row["SeriesID"])))
                    sites.Add(Convert.ToString(row["SeriesID"]), k);

            //query the db for values associated with source quantity and elementset
            sql = "SELECT ds.SeriesID, dv.LocalDateTime, dv.DataValue " +
                  "FROM DataValues dv " +
                  "INNER JOIN DataSeries ds ON dv.SeriesID = ds.SeriesID " +
                  "INNER JOIN DataThemes dt ON dv.SeriesID = dt.SeriesID " +
                  "INNER JOIN DataThemeDescriptions dtd On dt.ThemeID = dtd.ThemeID " +
                  "WHERE dtd.ThemeName = '" + sourceElementSet.ID.ToString() + "' " +
                  "ORDER BY dv.LocalDateTime ASC";
            //"ORDER BY dv.DataValue ASC";

            tbl = _db.LoadTable("values", sql);

            //get the number of series' in this theme
            List <DateTime> t = new List <DateTime>();
            Dictionary <DateTime, double[]> Times = new Dictionary <DateTime, double[]>();

            //get the number of sites in this series
            //int k = 0;
            //foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
            //    if (!sites.ContainsKey(Convert.ToString(row["SeriesID"])))
            //    {
            //        sites.Add(Convert.ToString(row["SeriesID"]), k);
            //        k++;
            //    }

            //    if(!t.Contains(Convert.ToDateTime(row["LocalDateTime"])))
            //        t.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(row["LocalDateTime"]));
            //initialize a dictionary to hold the times and values
            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                if (!Times.ContainsKey(Convert.ToDateTime(row["LocalDateTime"])))
                    Times.Add(Convert.ToDateTime(row["LocalDateTime"]), new double[sites.Count]);
            Times.OrderBy(pair => pair.Value);
            foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                double   v  = Convert.ToDouble(row["DataValue"]);
                string   id = Convert.ToString(row["SeriesID"]);
                DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(row["LocalDateTime"]);
                Times[dt][sites[id]] = v;

            for (int i = 0; i <= t.Count - 1; i++)
                double[] vals = new double[sites.Count];
                DateTime dt   = t[i];
                foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                    double v  = Convert.ToDouble(row["DataValue"]);
                    string id = Convert.ToString(row["SeriesID"]);

                    //add v to vals in the location defined by its site id
                    vals[sites[id]] = v;

                ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
                dict.Add(t[i], a);
            ////check to see if time/value combination has been already added
            //if (dict.ContainsKey(dt))
            //    //if yes, add value to existing dictionary
            //    ArrayList a = dict[dt];
            //    a.Add(v);
            //    //if not, add value to new dictionary
            //    ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
            //    a.Add(v);
            //    dict.Add(dt, a);

            //double[] valueset = null;
            //ITimeStamp time_stmp = null;
            ////add dictionary to the smart buffer
            //foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, ArrayList> kvp in dict)
            //    time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(kvp.Key));
            //    valueset = (double[])kvp.Value.ToArray(typeof(double));
            //    _smartBuffer.AddValues(time_stmp, new ScalarSet(valueset));

            // //sort the dictionary
            //var sortDict = from keys in Times.Keys
            //           orderby Times[keys] ascending
            //           select keys;

            ////Times = (Dictionary<DateTime, double[]>)sortDict;

            //foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, double[]> kvp in Times.OrderBy(key => key.Value))

            //    time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(kvp.Key));
            //    valueset = kvp.Value;
            //    _smartBuffer.AddValues(time_stmp, new ScalarSet(valueset));

            //add dictionary to the smart buffer
            double[]   valueset  = null;
            ITimeStamp time_stmp = null;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, double[]> kvp in Times)
                time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(kvp.Key));
                valueset  = kvp.Value;
                _smartBuffer.AddValues(time_stmp, new ScalarSet(valueset));

            //if ExactMatch is requested, then save the times for using in the GetValues method
                if (_exactMatch)
                    List <double> times = new List <double>();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, double[]> kvp in Times)
                        time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(kvp.Key));
                    _times.Add(link.ID, times);
            catch (Exception) { }

            ////if ExactMatch is requested, then save the times for using in the GetValues method
            //    if (_exactMatch)
            //    {
            //        List<double> times = new List<double>();
            //        foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, ArrayList> kvp in dict)
            //        {

            //            time_stmp = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(kvp.Key));
            //            times.Add(time_stmp.ModifiedJulianDay);
            //        }
            //        _times.Add(link.ID, times);
            //    }
            //catch (Exception) { }

            //store the number of elements for this link
            _elementCount.Add(link.ID, valueset.Length);

            //store the lastest known time for this link
            _endTimes.Add(link.ID, (TimeStamp)time_stmp);
            //store the smart buffer based on linkID
            _buffer.Add(link.ID, _smartBuffer);

            //initialize the last index variable
            _lastIndex.Add(link.ID, 0);

            //adjust start time based on target component
            if (link.TargetComponent.TimeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay > this.EarliestInputTime.ModifiedJulianDay)
                this._earliestInputTime = link.TargetComponent.TimeHorizon.Start.ModifiedJulianDay;

            #region Initialize Element Mapper

                //get the first (stored) data operation
                IDataOperation dataOp = link.GetDataOperation(0);
                //get dataOperation description
                string dataOpDesc = dataOp.GetArgument(1).Value;
                //add a element mapper instance to the mapper dictionary
                mapper.Add(link.ID, new ElementMapper());
                //initialize the element mapper and create a mapping matrix
                mapper[link.ID].Initialise(dataOpDesc, link.SourceElementSet, link.TargetElementSet);
            catch (Exception e) { }

        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called in <see cref="Run">Run</see> method.
        /// </summary>
        private void RunThreadFunction()
            bool succeed = false;

            foreach (Model uimodel in _models)
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Calling Prepare() method of model " + uimodel.ModelID;

            //Trigger trigger = GetTrigger();

            //Debug.Assert(trigger != null);

            //WHAT THE HELL IS THIS FOR?

                // run it !!!
                // trigger.Run(new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(TriggerInvokeTime)));
                ITime triggerTime = new TimeStamp(CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(TriggerInvokeTime));

                CompositionRunner runner = new CompositionRunner(_models, _runListener);
                if (Parallelized)
                    runner.RunParallel(triggerTime, ParallelizeMode);

                // close models down
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Closing models down...";

                foreach (Model uimodel in _models)
                    if (_runListener != null)
                        string ModelID  = uimodel.ModelID;
                        Event  theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                        theEvent.Description = "Calling Finish() on model " + ModelID;

                // thread finishes - send well known event
                if (_runListener != null)
                    _simulationFinishedEvent.Description = "Simulation finished successfuly at " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "...";
                succeed = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (_runListener != null)
                    Event theEvent = new Event(EventType.Informative);
                    theEvent.Description = "Exception occured during simulation: " + e.ToString();

                    _simulationFailedEvent.Description = "Simulation FAILED at " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "...";
                endTime = DateTime.Now;
                var ev = new Event
                    Description = "Elapsed time: " + (endTime - startTime),
                    Type        = EventType.GlobalProgress


                _running     = false;
                _runListener = null; // release listener

                if (AfterSimulationHandler != null)
                    AfterSimulationHandler(this, succeed);
예제 #30
        private OutputExchangeItem buildExchangeItemFromTheme(string themeID, string themeName)
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // The function queries a HydroDesktop database and builds OpenMI exchange item based on theme id
            // and name.
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Mapping from db to OpenMI
            // db                                           OpenMI
            // ---                                          -------
            // Variables.VariableCode                       quantity.ID
            // Variables.VariableName                       quantity.Description
            // [Assume OpenMI.Standard.ValueType.Scalar]    quantity.ValueType
            // Units.UnitAbbreviation                       unit.ID
            // [Not Impemented]                             unit.ConversionFactorToSI
            // [Not Implemented]                            unit.OffsetToSI
            // [Not Implemented]                            unit.dimension
            // DataThemeDiscriptions.ThemeName              elementset.ID
            // DataThemeDiscriptions.ThemeDescription       elementset.Description
            // [Assume OpenMI.Standard.ElementType.XYPoint] elementset.ElementType
            // DataSeries.SeriesID                          element.ID
            // DataSeries.BeginDateTime                     time horizon start
            // DataSeries.EndDateTime                       time horizon end

            Quantity           quantity           = new Quantity();
            Unit               unit               = new Unit();
            Dimension          dimension          = new Dimension();
            ElementSet         elementset         = new ElementSet();
            OutputExchangeItem outputexchangeitem = new OutputExchangeItem();

            DataTable dtSeries = null;

                //query db to gather required information based on theme id (including dimension, conversion, offset)
                string sql = "SELECT ds.SeriesID, v.VariableName, v.VariableCode, u.UnitsAbbreviation, td.ThemeName, " +
                             "td.ThemeDescription, ds.BeginDateTime, ds.EndDateTime, ds.SiteID, uc.ConversionFactor " +
                             "FROM DataThemeDescriptions td " +
                             "INNER JOIN DataThemes t ON td.ThemeID = t.ThemeID " +
                             "INNER JOIN DataSeries ds ON t.SeriesID = ds.SeriesID " +
                             "INNER JOIN Variables v ON ds.VariableID = v.VariableID " +
                             "INNER JOIN Sites s ON ds.SiteID = s.SiteID " +
                             "INNER JOIN Units u ON v.VariableUnitsID = u.UnitsID " +
                             "INNER JOIN UnitConversions uc ON u.UnitsID = uc.ConversionID " +
                             "WHERE t.themeID = '" + themeID.ToString() + "' " +
                             "ORDER BY s.SiteName ASC";

                dtSeries = _db.LoadTable("series", sql);
            catch (Exception)
                //query db to gather required information based on theme id (omitting dimension, conversion, offset)
                string sql = "SELECT ds.SeriesID, v.VariableName, v.VariableCode, u.UnitsAbbreviation, td.ThemeName, " +
                             "td.ThemeDescription, ds.BeginDateTime, ds.EndDateTime, ds.SiteID " +
                             "FROM DataThemeDescriptions td " +
                             "INNER JOIN DataThemes t ON td.ThemeID = t.ThemeID " +
                             "INNER JOIN DataSeries ds ON t.SeriesID = ds.SeriesID " +
                             "INNER JOIN Variables v ON ds.VariableID = v.VariableID " +
                             "INNER JOIN Sites s ON ds.SiteID = s.SiteID " +
                             "INNER JOIN Units u ON v.VariableUnitsID = u.UnitsID " +
                             "WHERE t.themeID = '" + themeID.ToString() + "' " +
                             "ORDER BY s.SiteName ASC";

                dtSeries = _db.LoadTable("series", sql);
            if (dtSeries.Rows.Count == 0)
                //query db to gather required information based on theme id (omitting dimension, conversion, offset)
                string sql = "SELECT ds.SeriesID, v.VariableName, v.VariableCode, u.UnitsAbbreviation, td.ThemeName, " +
                             "td.ThemeDescription, ds.BeginDateTime, ds.EndDateTime, ds.SiteID " +
                             "FROM DataThemeDescriptions td " +
                             "INNER JOIN DataThemes t ON td.ThemeID = t.ThemeID " +
                             "INNER JOIN DataSeries ds ON t.SeriesID = ds.SeriesID " +
                             "INNER JOIN Variables v ON ds.VariableID = v.VariableID " +
                             "INNER JOIN Sites s ON ds.SiteID = s.SiteID " +
                             "INNER JOIN Units u ON v.VariableUnitsID = u.UnitsID " +
                             "WHERE t.themeID = '" + themeID.ToString() + "' " +
                             "ORDER BY s.SiteName ASC";

                dtSeries = _db.LoadTable("series", sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in dtSeries.Rows)
                string seriesID          = Convert.ToString(row["SeriesID"]);
                string variableName      = Convert.ToString(row["VariableName"]);
                string variableCode      = Convert.ToString(row["VariableCode"]);
                string unitsAbbreviation = Convert.ToString(row["UnitsAbbreviation"]);
                //string themeName = Convert.ToString(row["ThemeName"]); PASSED IN AS ARGUMENT
                string   themeDescription = Convert.ToString(row["ThemeDescription"]);
                DateTime beginDateTime    = Convert.ToDateTime(row["BeginDateTime"]);
                DateTime endDateTime      = Convert.ToDateTime(row["EndDateTime"]);
                string   siteID           = Convert.ToString(row["SiteID"]);

                //try to get the Dimension, Conversion, and Offset
                string Dimension     = null;
                double Conversion2Si = 1;
                double Offset2SI     = 0;
                    Conversion2Si = Convert.ToDouble(row["ConversionFactor"]);

                    //Broken: This needs to be implemented in the DB
                    Dimension = Convert.ToString(row["Dimension"]);

                    //Broken: This needs to be implemented in the DB
                    Offset2SI = Convert.ToDouble(row["OffsetToSI"]);
                catch (Exception) { }

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Dimension))
                    string[] Dimensions = Regex.Split(Dimension.ToUpper(), @"([A-Z])([^A-Z]+)");
                    //for (int i = 0; i <= Dimension.Length - 2; i++)

                    for (int j = 0; j <= Dimensions.Length - 2; j++)
                        char dim;
                        int  pow;
                        if (Dimensions[j].Length == 0)
                            dim = 'M';
                            pow = 0;
                            dim = Dimensions[j][0];
                            if (Char.IsLetter(Dimensions[j + 1][0]))
                                pow = 1;
                            else if (Dimensions[j + 1].Length == 0)
                                pow = 1;
                                pow = Convert.ToInt32(Dimensions[j + 1]);
                        //int pow = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Split(Dimensions[i], @"/(^[A-Z]+)/"));

                        if (dim == 'M')
                            dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Mass, pow);
                        else if (dim == 'L')
                            dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Length, pow);
                        else if (dim == 'D')
                            dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Temperature, pow);
                        else if (dim == 'T')
                            dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Time, pow);
                        else if (dim == 'E')
                            dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.ElectricCurrent, pow);
                        else if (dim == 'C')
                            dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Currency, pow);
                            throw new Exception(dim + " is an Invalid Unit Dimension!");

                    //string Dimensions[] = Dimension.Split('/A-Z/');

                //will be updated for each row, but each row should be the same so it is OK.
                //TODO: include check to make sure these values are the same for each row.
                quantity.ID          = variableName;
                quantity.Description = variableCode;
                quantity.ValueType   = global::OpenMI.Standard.ValueType.Scalar;
                unit.ID = unitsAbbreviation;
                unit.ConversionFactorToSI = Conversion2Si;
                unit.OffSetToSI           = Offset2SI;
                quantity.Unit             = unit;
                //TODO: ignoring unit dimensions for now.
                //Examples below ...
                //dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Length, 3);
                //dimension.SetPower(DimensionBase.Time, -1);
                quantity.Dimension     = dimension;
                elementset.ID          = themeName;
                elementset.Description = themeDescription;
                elementset.ElementType = ElementType.XYPoint;
                Element element = new Element();
                element.ID = seriesID;

                string get_lat_lon = "SELECT s.SiteID, s.Latitude, s.Longitude " +
                                     "FROM Sites s " +
                                     "INNER JOIN DataSeries ds ON ds.SiteID = s.SiteID " +
                                     "WHERE ds.SiteID = " + siteID;

                DataTable t = _db.LoadTable("values", get_lat_lon);

                Vertex vertex = new Vertex();
                //TODOD: Add x, y for vertex
                vertex.x = Convert.ToDouble(t.Rows[0]["Longitude"]);
                vertex.y = Convert.ToDouble(t.Rows[0]["Latitude"]);


                //update time horizon to be inclusive of this time horizon
                double beginDateTimeDouble = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(beginDateTime);
                double endDateTimeDouble   = CalendarConverter.Gregorian2ModifiedJulian(endDateTime);
                if (_earliestInputTime == 0.0)
                    _earliestInputTime = beginDateTimeDouble;
                if (beginDateTimeDouble < _earliestInputTime)
                    _earliestInputTime = beginDateTimeDouble;
                if (endDateTimeDouble > _latestInputTime)
                    _latestInputTime = endDateTimeDouble;

            outputexchangeitem.Quantity   = quantity;
            outputexchangeitem.ElementSet = elementset;

            // add data operations and return