private void ClearProj_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args) { if (MyMessageBox.ShowOKCancel("确定要清除?", "提示") == MessageBoxResult.OK) { CSystem.ClearViews(); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定当前对象数据 /// </summary> public void Bind() { if (m_CurrentCustom == null) { this.textEdit2.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); string jmLock = APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.JMLOCK; //调用远程方法 获取积分 string wb_web = CSystem.GetAppConfig("wb"); this.textEdit4.Text = CustomBAL.getJF(wb_web, jmLock); CustomBAL.BDsuoManagerExtendInfo(wb_web, jmLock); //BDsuoManagerExtendInfo(wb_web, jmLock); this.rd_y_yhcl.Checked = APP.GXKG; this.rd_y_zjfa.Checked = APP.ZGFAKG; this.rd_y_bcde.Checked = APP.BCQDKG; if (APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.SOFT_USE == "个人") { this.rdo_use_person.Checked = true; } else { this.rdo_use_unit.Checked = true; } if (APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.SEX == "男") { this.rdo_nan.Checked = true; } else { this.rdo_nu.Checked = true; } this.cEntitySuomanagerBindingSource.DataSource = APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom; } }
private void ImportProjs_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs args) { var dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.CheckFileExists = true; dlg.Title = "导入技能"; dlg.Filter = "json文件|*.json"; dlg.FileName = "Skill.json"; dlg.DefaultExt = ".json"; dlg.AddExtension = true; dlg.Multiselect = false; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { try { var text = File.ReadAllText(dlg.FileName); currentSkill = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkillData>(text); CSystem.ImportDatas(currentSkill.ProjDatas); } catch { MyMessageBox.Show("导入失败", "提示"); } } }
/// #NAME#: #DESCRIPTION# public void f_7536ce3d_08b4_4489_84ea_5a48752c7a83() { //INI CODE PRCGUID: 7536ce3d-08b4-4489-84ea-5a48752c7a83 ARQODE_UI.GestorProgramas.CVentanaProgramas CVentanaProgramas = new ARQODE_UI.GestorProgramas.CVentanaProgramas(vm); CSystem _system = null; if (App_globals.ActiveAppName == dGLOBALS.SYSTEM_APP) { _system = sys; } else if (Input("Aplicación activa") != null) { _system = ((ACORE)Input("Aplicación activa"))._system; } if (_system != null) { if (_system.errors.hasErrors()) { ARQODE_UI.ARQODE_UI.CVisorTexto CVisorTexto = new ARQODE_UI.ARQODE_UI.CVisorTexto(vm); CVisorTexto.RB_Texto.Text = _system.errors.getErrors().ToString(); CVisorTexto.VisorTexto.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No hay errores en la UI"); } } //END CODE PRCGUID: 7536ce3d-08b4-4489-84ea-5a48752c7a83 }
private void Record(int cost, string reason) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason)) { var wb_web = CSystem.GetAppConfig("wb"); //WebServiceHelper.InvokeMethod<bool>(wb_web, "TBRecord", new Object[] { // pInfo.Current.StructSource.ModelProject.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.JMLOCK,"", // APP.GoldSoftClient.PBBF.ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.ZZJ.ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.CSXMHJ.ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.FBFXHJ.ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.SXKZHJ.ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.CSXMHJ.ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.My_Count.ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.Other_Count.ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.QuGaoQuDi.ToString(), // "", // cost.ToString(), // APP.GoldSoftClient.KCJF.ToString(), // reason, // DateTime.Now.ToString()}); //MsgBox.Alert(reason); MessageBox.Show(reason); } }
public TProcess(CSystem csystem, ref Dictionary <String, Object> program_vars, JObject prc) { sys = csystem; vars = program_vars; pActivePrc = new JSonFile(prc); loadBaseProcess(); }
private float CalculateValue(Vector2 left, Vector2 right, Vector2 valuer) { Vector2 max = right - left; Vector2 value = valuer - left; return(CSystem.ToPositive(value.x / max.x)); }
/// <summary> /// 提交数据到服务器 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtContents.Text.Trim())) { MessageBox.Show("您没有填写任何错误信息!"); return; } string wb_web = CSystem.GetAppConfig("wb"); CEntityGCXXErrData GCXXErrData = new CEntityGCXXErrData(); GCXXErrData.AddTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); GCXXErrData.ColContrnts = this._strColNameVal; GCXXErrData.Contents = this.txtContents.Text.Trim(); GCXXErrData.IsLOCK = 0; GCXXErrData.JDName = _strFormName; GCXXErrData.Results = ""; GCXXErrData.ResultsState = 0; GCXXErrData.InterLock = APP.GoldSoftClient.GlodSoftDiscern.CurrNo; bool sige = GCXXErrDataBLL.insertGCXXErr(wb_web, GCXXErrData); if (sige) { this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("提交失败,稍后尝试!"); } }
/// #NAME#: #DESCRIPTION# public void f_0fc207e4_213a_4321_a167_214072c7de6e() { //INI CODE PRCGUID: 0fc207e4-213a-4321-a167-214072c7de6e CSystem _system = null; if (App_globals.ActiveAppName == dGLOBALS.SYSTEM_APP) { _system = sys; } else if (Input("Aplicación activa") != null) { _system = ((ACORE)Input("Aplicación activa"))._system; } if (_system != null) { ARQODE_UI.GestorProgramas.CVentanaProgramas CVentanaProgramas = new ARQODE_UI.GestorProgramas.CVentanaProgramas(vm); ARQODE_UI.ARQODE_UI.CVisorTexto CVisorTexto = new ARQODE_UI.ARQODE_UI.CVisorTexto(vm); String trace_info = String.Format("Estado global: " + _system.ProgramTracer.GlobalStatus.ToString()) + "\r\n" + _system.ProgramTracer.Program_traces.ToString(); trace_info += (_system.ProgramErrors.hasErrors()) ? "\r\n\r\nErrores:\r\n\r\n" + _system.ProgramErrors.getErrors().ToString() : ""; CVisorTexto.RB_Texto.Text = trace_info; CVisorTexto.VisorTexto.Show(); } //END CODE PRCGUID: 0fc207e4-213a-4321-a167-214072c7de6e }
public event RunProcess ExecuteProcess; // Execute process event public CProgram(CSystem csystem, String program) { sys = csystem; // Remove program queued flag program = (program.StartsWith("&")) ? program.Substring(1) : program; // Read program progInfo = new JSonFile(csystem.Globals.debug, csystem.Globals.AppData_path(dPATH.PROGRAM), program, true); if (!progInfo.hasErrors()) { // Init csystem.ProgramErrors and debug for program execution csystem.NewProgram(program); csystem.ProgramErrors.Error = ""; debug = csystem.ProgramDebug; csystem.ProgramErrors.Name = Name; csystem.ProgramErrors.Description = Description; debug.Name = Name; debug.Description = Description; // Init vars vars = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } else { csystem.ProgramErrors.addError(progInfo.jErrors); } }
/// <summary> /// Simple use for access to util functions /// </summary> public CView(CSystem csystem) { Globals = csystem.Globals; errors = csystem.errors; debug = csystem.debug; View_name = ""; }
void LoadSubSystem(TreeNode pNode) { pNode.Nodes.Clear(); List <CBaseObject> lstObj = Program.Ctx.SystemMgr.GetList(); foreach (CBaseObject obj in lstObj) { CSystem system = (CSystem)obj; TreeNode node = new TreeNode(); node.Text = system.Name; node.ImageIndex = 6; node.SelectedImageIndex = 6; TreeNodeTag tag = new TreeNodeTag(); tag.NodeType = TreeNodeType.SubSystem; tag.Data = system; node.Tag = tag; TreeNode nodeSub = new TreeNode(); nodeSub.Text = "子关系图"; nodeSub.ImageIndex = 7; nodeSub.SelectedImageIndex = 7; TreeNodeTag tagSub = new TreeNodeTag(); tagSub.NodeType = TreeNodeType.SubDiagram; nodeSub.Tag = tagSub; node.Nodes.Add(nodeSub); pNode.Nodes.Add(node); } }
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var mineCost = 0; this.lblName.Text = APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.CUSTOMERNAME; string wb_web = CSystem.GetAppConfig("wb"); try { mineCost = WebServiceHelper.InvokeMethod <int>(wb_web, "getJiFenJL", APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.JMLOCK); } catch (Exception) { MsgBox.Alert("获取积分失败,请重试"); return; } if (mineCost < APP.GoldSoftClient.KCJF) { //MsgBox.Alert("您的积分不够,不能进行调标操作!请购买积分后,再试!"); MessageBox.Show("您的积分不够,不能进行调标操作!请购买积分后,再试!"); this.Close(); return; } BeginAnalyze2 begin2 = new BeginAnalyze2(); begin2.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; begin2.pInfo = this.pInfo; begin2.DataSource = this.DataSource; begin2._sender = this._sender; begin2.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 每次打开软件的时候调用(首次调用) /// 返回可用的功能号信息 /// 返回结果函数 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void FirstLogin() { //网络验证 int netStatus = this.m_GlodSoftNetWork.Completed(); string serverIp = CSystem.GetAppConfig("serverip"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverIp)) { //加密锁验证 this.GlodSoftDiscern.Completed(); //if (this.ClientResult.IsUseNet) //{ // string wb_web = CSystem.GetAppConfig("wb"); // DataTable dtsuoManager = WebServiceHelper.InvokeMethod<DataTable>(wb_web, "getSuoManagerInfoByJmLock", APP.GoldSoftClient.GlodSoftDiscern.CurrNo); // if (dtsuoManager.Rows.Count <= 0) // this.Can_Use_System = false; //} } else { if (this.GlodSoftDiscern.Completed(serverIp, 1086) != 0) { throw new Exception("服务器不可用!"); } } //功能性验证 this.StandCompleted(); //加密狗验证 //this.GlodSoftDiscern.Completed(); }
void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D col) { if (controller.dragging == this.gameObject && controller.startDragging && GetComponent <CardInformation>().inOrder) { if (col && col.gameObject && col.tag == "DCTrigger") { for (int i = 0; i < controller.order.Count; i++) { card_g = controller.order[i]; cardBC = card_g.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); if (cardBC && (CSystem.ValueBetween(cardBC.bounds.max.y, bc.bounds.min.y, bc.bounds.max.y) || CSystem.ValueBetween(cardBC.bounds.min.y, bc.bounds.min.y, bc.bounds.max.y))) { int ext = 0; if (CSystem.ValueBetween(cardBC.bounds.max.y, bc.bounds.min.y, bc.bounds.max.y)) { ext++; } if (!controller.order.Contains(controller.emptySpace)) { controller.order.Insert(controller.order.IndexOf(card_g) + ext, controller.emptySpace); } else if (controller.order.IndexOf(controller.emptySpace) != controller.order.IndexOf(card_g) + ext) { controller.order.Remove(controller.emptySpace); controller.order.Insert(controller.order.IndexOf(card_g) + ext, controller.emptySpace); } } } } } }
public CProgram(CSystem csystem, Programs ePrograms, String program) { sys = csystem; // Remove program queued flag program_name = (program.StartsWith("&")) ? program.Substring(1) : program; // Read program progInfo = new JSonFile(ePrograms.getProgram(program)); if (!progInfo.hasErrors()) { // Init csystem.ProgramErrors and debug for program execution csystem.NewProgram(program_name); debug = csystem.ProgramDebug; csystem.ProgramErrors.Name = Name; csystem.ProgramErrors.Description = Description; debug.Name = Name; debug.Description = Description; // Init vars vars = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (JValue var in Variables) { if (!vars.ContainsKey(var.Value.ToString())) { vars.Add(var.Value.ToString(), null); } } } else { csystem.ProgramErrors.invalidJSON = progInfo.jErrors; } }
public CStructModifications(CSystem system, CGlobals app_globals) { sys = system; Globals = app_globals; cVistas = Globals.AppDataSection(dPATH.VIEWS); cProgramas = Globals.AppDataSection(dPATH.PROGRAM); cProcesos = Globals.AppDataSection(dPATH.PROCESSES); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for runner /// </summary> /// <param name="views_manager"></param> public CRunner(CSystem csystem, CViewsManager views_manager) { sys = csystem; vm = views_manager; tasks = new Dictionary <string, Task>(); slogic = new Stack(); sevent_desc = new Stack(); sprogram = new Stack(); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定当前对象数据 /// </summary> public void Bind() { if (m_CurrentCustom == null) { this.textEdit2.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); string jmLock = APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.JMLOCK; //调用远程方法 获取积分 string wb_web = CSystem.GetAppConfig("wb"); this.textEdit4.Text = CustomBAL.getJF(wb_web, jmLock); this.cEntitySuomanagerBindingSource.DataSource = APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom; } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定当前对象数据 /// </summary> public void Bind() { if (m_CurrentCustom == null) { string jmLock = APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.JMLOCK; string wb_web = CSystem.GetAppConfig("wb"); //调用远程方法 获取积分 this.textEdit4.Text = CustomBAL.getJF(wb_web, jmLock); CustomBAL.BDsuoManagerExtendInfo(wb_web, jmLock); //BDsuoManagerExtendInfo(wb_web, jmLock); this.rd_y_yhcl.Checked = APP.GXKG; this.rd_y_zjfa.Checked = APP.ZGFAKG; this.rd_y_bcde.Checked = APP.BCQDKG; if (APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.SOFT_USE == "个人") { this.rdo_use_person.Checked = true; } else { this.rdo_use_unit.Checked = true; } if (APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.SEX == "男") { this.rd_man.Checked = true; } else { this.rd_wman.Checked = true; } this.cEntitySuomanagerBindingSource.DataSource = APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom; this.rdo_use_unit.Enabled = false; this.rdo_use_person.Enabled = false; if (this.rdo_use_unit.Checked) { this.txt_ZCDWNAME.Enabled = false; } if (this.rdo_use_person.Checked) { this.txt_CUSTOMERNAME.Enabled = false; this.txtIdCard.Enabled = false; } } }
public TProcess(CSystem csystem, ref Dictionary <String, Object> program_vars, JObject prc) { sys = csystem; vars = program_vars; pActivePrc = new JSonFile(prc); if (!loadBaseProcess(sys.Globals)) { csystem.ProgramErrors.invalidJSON = String.Format("Error loading json: file not found {0}.{1}.json containing process guid: {2}", dPATH.PROCESSES, Namespace, Guid); } }
public TProcess(CSystem csystem, CSystem csystem_app, JObject prc) { pActivePrc = new JSonFile(prc); if (!loadBaseProcess(csystem)) { if (!loadBaseProcess(csystem_app)) { csystem.ProgramErrors.invalidJSON = String.Format("Error loading json: file not found {0}.{1}. ", dPATH.PROCESSES, Namespace); } } }
public TProcess(CSystem csystem, ref Dictionary <String, Object> program_vars, JObject prc) { vars = program_vars; pActivePrc = new JSonFile(prc); #region get base process from string Type tobj = typeof(CLogic); String var_base_process = "BP_" + TLogic.Utils.escape_sc(prc[dPROCESS.GUID].ToString()); System.Reflection.PropertyInfo JSON = tobj.GetProperty(var_base_process); String json_value = JSON.GetValue(null).ToString(); pBasePrc = new JSonFile(JObject.Parse(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(json_value)))); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="base_errors"></param> /// <param name="base_debug"></param> /// <param name="MainView"></param> public CViewsManager(CSystem csystem) { cs = csystem; globals = csystem.Globals; errors = csystem.errors; debug = csystem.debug; listViews = new List <CView>(); String MainView_name = Globals.get(dGLOBALS.MAIN_VIEW).ToString(); if (MainView_name != "") { AddView(MainView_name); } }
/// <summary> /// Primary constructor to call from view manager /// </summary> /// <param name="base_errors"></param> /// <param name="base_debug"></param> /// <param name="view_name"></param> public CView(CSystem csystem, String view_name) { Globals = csystem.Globals; errors = csystem.errors; debug = csystem.debug; vars = new Dictionary <string, object>(); View_name = view_name; View_guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); ctrls = new Dictionary <String, CtrlStruct>(); objects = new Dictionary <String, ObjStruct>(); // Create main control and descendants CreateControl(view_name); // Create other objects CreateObjects(view_name); }
/// <summary> /// 提交数据到服务器 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void simpleButton1_Click2(object sender, EventArgs e) { //建立表结构 createTable(); //调用借口方法 //ServiceReference1.WebSuoSoapClient my_webservice = new GOLDSOFT.QDJJ.UI.ServiceReference1.WebSuoSoapClient(); //获取DataTable信息 DataTable dt = getTable(); if (dt != null) { string wb_web = CSystem.GetAppConfig("wb"); bool sige = CustomBAL.updateBDsuoManager(wb_web, dt); if (sige) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功"); } else { MessageBox.Show("修改不成功"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("表为空"); } /////获取输入信息 //CEntitySuomanager info = this.cEntitySuomanagerBindingSource.Current as CEntitySuomanager; //info.ISFIRST = "1"; //int result = APP.GoldSoftClient.TryUpdateCustomer(info); //if (result == ResultConst.SERVER_SUCCESS) //{ // //成功 // MsgBox.Alert("资料已经提交成功等待审核"); //} //else //{ // MsgBox.Alert("提交失败,稍后尝试!"); //} }
public CProgram(CSystem csystem, CGlobals Globals, String program, object program_vars = null) { sys = csystem; // Remove program queued flag program_name = (program.StartsWith("&")) ? program.Substring(1) : program; // Read program progInfo = new JSonFile(Globals.AppDataSection(dPATH.PROGRAM), program_name, true); if (!progInfo.hasErrors()) { // Init csystem.ProgramErrors and debug for program execution csystem.ProgramErrors = new TErrors(Globals, program); csystem.ProgramDebug = new TDebug(Globals, program); debug = csystem.ProgramDebug; csystem.ProgramErrors.Name = Name; csystem.ProgramErrors.Description = Description; debug.Name = Name; debug.Description = Description; // Init vars if (program_vars == null) { vars = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } else { vars = (Dictionary <string, object>)program_vars; } foreach (JValue var in Variables) { if (!vars.ContainsKey(var.Value.ToString())) { vars.Add(var.Value.ToString(), null); } } } else { csystem.ProgramErrors = new TErrors(Globals, program); csystem.ProgramErrors.invalidJSON = progInfo.jErrors; } }
private void MenuItemSetSystemDiagram_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (treeLeft.SelectedNode == null) { return; } TreeNode pNode = treeLeft.SelectedNode.Parent; CSystem system = (CSystem)pNode.Tag; SelDiagramForm frm = new SelDiagramForm(); if (frm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } system.FW_Diagram_id = frm.m_SelDiagram.Id; if (!Program.Ctx.SystemMgr.Update(system)) { MessageBox.Show("修改失败!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } }
CView.CtrlStruct fireCtrl_str; // Controls struct who fire the event #endregion #region initialize /// <summary> /// Load all information from UI to work with /// </summary> /// <param name="viewManager"></param> /// <param name="eventDesc"></param> public CLogic(CSystem csystem, CViewsManager views_manager, CEventDesc eventDesc) { sys = csystem; vm = views_manager; Globals = sys.Globals; errors = sys.ProgramErrors; debug = sys.ProgramDebug; event_desc = eventDesc; if (event_desc != null) { view = (event_desc.View_Guid != "") ? vm.getFirstView_byGuid(event_desc.View_Guid) : null; if (view != null) { mainCtrl = view.mainControl(); fireCtrl_str = view.getCtrlStruct(eventDesc.Control_Name); } fireCtrl = (Control)event_desc.fireCtrl; args = event_desc.args; } MainView = ((view != null) && (Globals.get_str(dGLOBALS.MAIN_VIEW) == view.Name)) ? view : vm.getFirstView(Globals.get_str(dGLOBALS.MAIN_VIEW)); }
private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string wb_web = CSystem.GetAppConfig("wb"); APP.GoldSoftClient.PBBF = this.rdoZH.Checked ? "综合评估法" : "合理低价法"; int cost = 0; try { cost = WebServiceHelper.InvokeMethod <int>(wb_web, "getJiFenJL", APP.GoldSoftClient.CurrentCustom.JMLOCK); } catch { MsgBox.Alert("获取积分时出现错误,请重试"); return; } Dictionary <string, object> result = null; if (Validate(cost, out result)) { BeginAnalyze1 begin1 = new BeginAnalyze1(result); begin1.MdiParent = this.MdiParent; begin1.pInfo = this.pInfo; begin1.DataSource = this.DataSource; begin1._sender = this._sender; begin1.ShowDialog(); if (this.rdoZH.Checked) { APP.GoldSoftClient.TBMethod = false; } else { APP.GoldSoftClient.TBMethod = true; } this.Close(); } }