async Task <object[]> IsNumber(string str) { object[] retArray = { "false", "" }; try { var res = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(str); float.Parse(res.ToString()); retArray[1] = res; retArray[0] = "true"; } catch { retArray[0] = "false"; } return(retArray); }
public async Task EvaluateAsync([Remainder] string code) { if (code.Contains("\\`")) { code = code.Replace("\\", "`"); } if (Regex.IsMatch(code, PublicVariables.CodeBlockRegex, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline)) { code = $"{Regex.Match(code, PublicVariables.CodeBlockRegex, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline).Groups[2]}"; } var assemblys = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies().Select(Assembly.Load).ToList(); assemblys.Add(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()); var scriptOptions = ScriptOptions.Default .WithReferences(assemblys.Select(x => MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(x.Location))) .WithImports(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetTypes().Select(x => x.Namespace).Distinct()); var embed = NormalizeEmbed("Evaluate Code", "Debugging..."); var message = await ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build()); try { var result = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync( $"{string.Join("\n", _dependencies.Select(x => $"using {x};"))}\n{code}", scriptOptions, new EvaluateObject { Client = Context.Client, Context = Context, Database = Database, Random = Random, Server = Server }, typeof(EvaluateObject)); embed.WithTitle("Completed") .WithDescription($"Result: {result ?? "none"}"); await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embed.Build()); } catch (Exception e) { embed.WithTitle("Failure") .WithDescription($"Reason: {e.Message ?? e.InnerException.Message}"); await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embed.Build()); } finally { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } }
public async Task <Object> Evaluate(S4JExecutor Executor, S4JToken token, IDictionary <String, object> variables) { S4JTokenFunction function = token as S4JTokenFunction; StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(); CSharpEvaluatorGlobals globals = new CSharpEvaluatorGlobals(); IDictionary <string, object> globaVariables = globals.Globals as IDictionary <string, object>; // var globalObject = new Dictionary<string, object>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> keyAndVal in variables) { globaVariables[keyAndVal.Key] = keyAndVal.Value; code.Append("var ").Append(keyAndVal.Key).Append(" = ").Append("Globals.").Append(keyAndVal.Key).Append(";"); } dynamic dbProxy = new ExpandoObject(); foreach (var source in Executor.Sources) { (dbProxy as IDictionary <string, object>)[source.Key] = new DbApi(source.Value); } globaVariables["db"] = dbProxy; code.Append("var ").Append("db").Append(" = ").Append("Globals.").Append("db").Append(";"); code.Append(function.ToJsonWithoutGate()); var refs = new List <MetadataReference> { MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(System.Linq.Enumerable).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location), MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location), MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DynamicAttribute).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location) }; var imports = ScriptOptions.Default. WithImports( "System", "System.Text", "System.Linq", "System.Collections", "System.Collections.Generic"). WithReferences(refs); object result = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync( code.ToString(), imports, globals); return(result); }
private async void Eval() { string exp = this.tbxExpression.Text; string output = string.Empty; try { object res = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(exp); output = exp + " = " + res.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { output = exp + " = " + ex.Message; } this.lbxResult.Items.Insert(0, output); this.tbxExpression.Clear(); }
public async Task should_have_same_specified_machine_id_in_all_generated_ids(string machineIdScript) { var machineId = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <int>(machineIdScript, ScriptOptions.Default.WithReferences(typeof(Snowflake).Assembly)); var snowflake = new Snowflake(machineId); var lastId = snowflake.Next(); var nextId = snowflake.Next(); var idWithOnlyMachineId = ((long)machineId) << (64 - MachineIdOffset - MachineIdLength); (lastId & MachineIdMask).Should().Be(idWithOnlyMachineId); (nextId & MachineIdMask).Should().Be(idWithOnlyMachineId); }
public async Task <T> EvaluateAsync <T>(string code, object globals = null) { try { return(await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <T>(code, ScriptOptions.Default .WithReferences(typeof(ScriptEngine).Assembly) .WithImports(nameof(SDLGame)), globals)); } catch (CompilationErrorException exception) { throw new Exception(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, exception.Diagnostics)); } }
public T Eval <T>(string expression) { T result = default(T); try { result = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <T>(expression).Result; } catch (Exception ex) { // log ex result = default(T); } return(result); }
private async Task <IActionResult> Counting(Example result) { string value = (await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync($"{result.Left} {result.Operator} {result.Right}")).ToString(); if (result.Result == value) { ViewData["Success"] = result; return(View("Counting", mathProvider.GetExample(result.Template))); } else { ViewData["Fail"] = result.Result; return(View("Counting", result)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> GlobalsParameter([FromBody] SampleVM sampleVM) { string expression = DynamicRule.Replace("\'", "\""); var resultScript = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(expression, globals: sampleVM).Result; var result = new { time = GetTime(), expression, result = resultScript }; return(Ok(result)); }
public void ImplicitlyTypedFields() { var result = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <object[]>(@" var x = 1; var y = x; var z = foo(x); string foo(int a) { return null; } int foo(string a) { return 0; } new object[] { x, y, z } ").Result; AssertEx.Equal(new object[] { 1, 1, null }, result); }
public override void Execute(Script script) { // Generate the script code. var generator = new RoslynCodeGenerator(); var code = generator.Generate(script); // Create the script options dynamically. var options = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting.ScriptOptions.Default .WithImports(Namespaces) .AddReferences(References) .AddReferences(ReferencePaths.Select(r => r.FullPath)); _log.Verbose("Compiling build script..."); CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(code, options, _host).Wait(); }
public void Closure() { var f = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <Func <int, int> >(@" int Foo(int arg) { return arg + 1; } System.Func<int, int> f = (arg) => { return Foo(arg); }; f ").Result; Assert.Equal(3, f(2)); }
void IModule.Install(ModuleManager manager) { _client = manager.Client; _scriptOptions = _scriptOptions.AddReferences( typeof(object).Assembly, typeof(Enumerable).Assembly, _client.GetType().Assembly) .AddImports("System", "System.Linq", "System.Collections.Generic", "Discord"); manager.CreateCommands("exec", group => { group.MinPermissions((int)PermissionLevel.BotOwner); group.CreateCommand("") .Description("Compiles and runs a C# script.") .Parameter("query", ParameterType.Unparsed) .Do(async e => { if (e.User.Name != "SSStormy" || e.User.Id != Constants.UserOwner) { return; // really have to make sure that it's me calling this tbh. } try { object output = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(e.GetArg("query"), _scriptOptions, new Globals(e, _client)); if (output == null || (output as Task) != null || (output as string) == string.Empty) { await e.Channel.SafeSendMessage("Output was empty or null."); } else { await e.Channel.SafeSendMessage(output.ToString()); } } catch (CompilationErrorException ex) { await e.Channel.SafeSendMessage($"Compilation failed: {Format.Code(ex.Message)}"); } GC.Collect(); }); }); }
public bool IsFeatureEnabledExpr(string key) { bool result = false; try { var expression = _config[key]; result = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <bool>(expression).Result; } catch (Exception ex) { // log ex result = false; } return(result); }
public void HostObjectInRootNamespace() { var obj = new InteractiveFixtures_TopLevelHostObject { X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3 }; var r0 = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <int>("X + Y + Z", globals: obj); Assert.Equal(6, r0.Result); obj = new InteractiveFixtures_TopLevelHostObject { X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3 }; var r1 = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <int>("X", globals: obj); Assert.Equal(1, r1.Result); }
/// <summary>Runs the code.</summary> /// <param name="result">The parse result.</param> /// <param name="request">The parse request.</param> /// <returns>The await handle</returns> private static async Task RunCode(ParseResult result, ParseRequest request) { try { var scriptOptions = ScriptOptions.Default; scriptOptions = scriptOptions.AddReferences(typeof(TemplateService).Assembly); scriptOptions = scriptOptions.AddReferences(typeof(Dictionary <string, string>).Assembly); scriptOptions = scriptOptions.AddImports("System", "RazorEngineSandbox.Data", "System.Collections.Generic"); //scriptOptions.all result.Model = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(request.Code, scriptOptions); } catch (CompilationErrorException e) { result.CodeDiagnostics = e.Message; } }
public void RelationPath() { var myEntity = new MyEntity() { Id = 1, ChildEntity = new MyEntity() }; Func <MyEntity, MyEntity> getChild = e => e.ChildEntity; var getChildCompiled = (Func <MyEntity, MyEntity>)CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync( "(Func<CSharpScriptExamples.MyEntity, CSharpScriptExamples.MyEntity>)(e => e.ChildEntity)", ScriptOptions.Default .WithReferences(typeof(MyEntity).Assembly, typeof(Func <,>).Assembly) .WithImports("System", typeof(MyEntity).Namespace)).Result; Assert.Same(getChild(myEntity), getChildCompiled(myEntity)); }
public static async Task <T> ExecuteAsync <T>(this string cSharpCode) { var assemblies = ScriptOptions.Default; //WithImports = "using System.Math" at the top of the script assemblies = assemblies.WithImports( "System.Math", "Hein.Framework.Extensions"); //WithReferences = pulling in actual .dlls outside of System assemblies = assemblies.WithReferences( typeof(Hein.Framework.Extensions.GenericExtensions).Assembly); var result = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <T>(cSharpCode, assemblies); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// <see cref="IScriptEngineService.TerminalOutputParseAsync(string, string, int, CancellationToken)"/> /// </summary> public async Task <ScriptOutput> TerminalOutputParseAsync(string script, string lineInput, int lineInputCount, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var globals = new Globals { lineInput = lineInput, lineInputCount = lineInputCount }; return(await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <ScriptOutput>(script, ScriptOptions.Default.WithImports("ReconNess.Core.Models.ScriptOutput") .AddReferences( Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ScriptOutput)), Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Exception)), Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex))) , globals : globals)); }
async static public Task <CompileError[]> ExpectErrorsAsync( string sourceCode, params CompileError[] diagnostics) { try { await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(sourceCode); } catch (CompilationErrorException exception) { Assert.IsTrue(exception.Diagnostics.Length > 0); CompileError[] actualCompileErrors; actualCompileErrors = exception.Diagnostics.Select(item => new CompileError(item.Id, item.GetMessage())).ToArray(); if (diagnostics is { } && diagnostics.Length > 0)
public async Task <T> ExecuteAsync <T>(string text) { var source = text.Trim(); if (source.Length > 1 && source[0] == '@') { var code = source.Substring(1); var result = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(code, scriptOptions, globals); return((T)Convert.ChangeType(result, typeof(T))); } else { return((T)Convert.ChangeType(text, typeof(T))); } }
public void Closure2() { var result = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <List <string> >(@" #r ""System.Core"" using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; List<string> result = new List<string>(); string s = ""hello""; Enumerable.ToList(Enumerable.Range(1, 2)).ForEach(x => result.Add(s)); result ").Result; AssertEx.Equal(new[] { "hello", "hello" }, result); }
public async Task Logic_Class_Contains_Accessible_Texture_FileName() { var settings = new EmitterSettings { Trigger = new OneShotTrigger(), TextureFileName = @"C:\test\some.png", }; var code = EmitterLogicClassGenerator.Generate(settings, "ParmeTest", "ParmeClass", true); var scriptOptions = ScriptOptions.Default.WithReferences(typeof(IEmitterLogic).Assembly); var emitterLogic = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <IEmitterLogic>(code, scriptOptions); emitterLogic.ShouldNotBeNull(); emitterLogic.TextureFilePath.ShouldBe(settings.TextureFileName); }
public void References2() { var options = ScriptOptions.Default. WithMetadataResolver(ScriptMetadataResolver.Default.WithSearchPaths(RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeDirectory())). AddReferences("System.Core", "System.dll"). AddReferences(typeof(System.Data.DataSet).Assembly); var process = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <Process>($@" #r ""{typeof(System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable).Assembly.Location}"" new System.Data.DataSet(); System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Constant(123); System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess() ", options).Result; Assert.NotNull(process); }
public async Task <List <OrderScriptAction> > GetOrderScriptActions(UserScript script, List <Order> orders) { var scriptToExecute = script.Code + @" var script = new " + script.Name + @"(Data, Logger); var actions = script.GenerateActions(Orders); script.Cleanup(); return actions;"; var globals = new Globals { Data = _data, Orders = orders, Logger = _logger }; var options = ScriptOptions.Default .WithReferences(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); return(await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <List <OrderScriptAction> >(scriptToExecute, options, globals).ConfigureAwait(false)); }
public async Task <object> Fetch() { try { return(await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(CSharpCode, ScriptOptions.Default.WithImports("System", "System.Collections.Generic", "System.Linq", "System.Text", "System.Collections"))); } catch (Exception e) { //TODO Fetch compile errors and display return(null); } }
public static async void main() { var res = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync("5+5"); Console.WriteLine(res); res = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(@"""Sample"""); Console.WriteLine(res); res = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync("int x = 5; int y = 3; y-x"); Console.WriteLine(res); Console.ReadLine(); }
async static Task Main(string[] args) { var result = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync("1 + 2"); Console.WriteLine(result); // 1 + 2 sarà valutato come 3 double d = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync <double>("5/(3-1)*3.5"); Console.WriteLine(d); // 7 var sum = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync("int x=1; int y=2; int z=x+y; z"); Console.WriteLine(sum); // 3 try { await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync("1+a"); } catch (CompilationErrorException e) { Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, e.Diagnostics)); //stampa gli errori di compilazione } var state = await CSharpScript.RunAsync("int x=0;int y=x+1; y"); ScriptVariable y = state.Variables.First(sv => sv.Name == "y"); var returnVal = state.ReturnValue; ScriptOptions scriptOptions = ScriptOptions.Default; var systemCore = typeof(System.Linq.Enumerable).Assembly; //Aggiunge riferimento scriptOptions = scriptOptions.AddReferences(systemCore); //Aggiunge namespaces scriptOptions = scriptOptions.AddImports("System"); scriptOptions = scriptOptions.AddImports("System.Linq"); scriptOptions = scriptOptions.AddImports("System.Collections.Generic"); var state1 = await CSharpScript.RunAsync(@"var list = new List<int>(){1,2,3,4,5};", scriptOptions); state1 = await state1.ContinueWithAsync("var sum = list.Sum();"); var sum1 = state1.Variables.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Name == "sum"); Console.WriteLine($"sum={sum1.Value}"); }
private async Task ExecuteScriptAsync(string code, VolteContext ctx) { var sopts = ScriptOptions.Default.WithImports(_imports).WithReferences( AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() .Where(x => !x.IsDynamic && !x.Location.IsNullOrWhitespace())); var embed = ctx.CreateEmbedBuilder(); var msg = await embed.WithTitle("Evaluating").WithDescription(Format.Code(code, "cs")).SendToAsync(ctx.Channel); try { var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var result = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync(code, sopts, CreateEvalEnvironment(ctx)); sw.Stop(); if (result is null) { await msg.DeleteAsync(); await ctx.ReactSuccessAsync(); } else { var res = result switch { string str => str, IEnumerable enumerable => enumerable.Cast <object>().Select(x => $"{x}").Join(", "), _ => result.ToString() }; await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Embed = embed.WithTitle("Eval") .AddField("Elapsed Time", $"{sw.Elapsed.Humanize()}", true) .AddField("Return Type", result.GetType(), true) .WithDescription(Format.Code(res, "ini")).Build()); } } catch (Exception e) { await msg.ModifyAsync(m => m.Embed = embed .AddField("Exception Type", e.GetType(), true) .AddField("Message", e.Message, true) .WithTitle("Error") .Build() ); } }
public void References_Versioning_WeakNames1() { var c1 = Temp.CreateFile(extension: ".dll").WriteAllBytes( CreateCSharpCompilation(@"[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("""")] public class C {}", new[] { TestReferences.NetFx.v4_0_30319.mscorlib }, assemblyName: "C").EmitToArray()); var c2 = Temp.CreateFile(extension: ".dll").WriteAllBytes( CreateCSharpCompilation(@"[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("""")] public class C {}", new[] { TestReferences.NetFx.v4_0_30319.mscorlib }, assemblyName: "C").EmitToArray()); var result = CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync($@" #r ""{c1.Path}"" #r ""{c2.Path}"" new C() ").Result; Assert.NotNull(result); }