public virtual ScriptCompilationContext <TReturn> CreateCompilationContext <TReturn, THost>(ScriptContext context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); } Logger.Verbose($"Current runtime is '{RuntimeHelper.GetPlatformIdentifier()}'."); var runtimeDependencies = RuntimeDependencyResolver.GetDependencies(context.WorkingDirectory, context.ScriptMode, context.Code.ToString()).ToArray(); var scriptOptions = CreateScriptOptions(context, runtimeDependencies.ToList()); var loadedAssembliesMap = CreateLoadedAssembliesMap(); var scriptDependenciesMap = CreateScriptDependenciesMap(runtimeDependencies); scriptOptions = AddScriptReferences(scriptOptions, loadedAssembliesMap, scriptDependenciesMap); LoadNativeAssets(runtimeDependencies); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (sender, args) => MapUnresolvedAssemblyToRuntimeLibrary(scriptDependenciesMap, loadedAssembliesMap, args); string code = GetScriptCode(context); var loader = new InteractiveAssemblyLoader(); var script = CSharpScript.Create <TReturn>(code, scriptOptions, typeof(THost), loader); SetOptimizationLevel(context, script); EvaluateDiagnostics(script); return(new ScriptCompilationContext <TReturn>(script, context.Code, loader, scriptOptions)); }
public async Task ReturnIntWithTrailingDoubleExpression() { var script = CSharpScript.Create(@" bool condition = false; if (condition) { return 1; } 1.1"); var result = await script.EvaluateAsync(); Assert.Equal(1.1, result); script = CSharpScript.Create(@" bool condition = true; if (condition) { return 1; } 1.1"); result = await script.EvaluateAsync(); Assert.Equal(1, result); }
public async Task MultipleLoadedFilesWithReturnAndTrailingExpression() { var resolver = TestSourceReferenceResolver.Create( KeyValuePair.Create("a.csx", "return 1;"), KeyValuePair.Create("b.csx", @" #load ""a.csx"" 2")); var options = ScriptOptions.Default.WithSourceResolver(resolver); var script = CSharpScript.Create("#load \"b.csx\"", options); var result = await script.EvaluateAsync(); Assert.Equal(1, result); resolver = TestSourceReferenceResolver.Create( KeyValuePair.Create("a.csx", "return 1;"), KeyValuePair.Create("b.csx", "2")); options = ScriptOptions.Default.WithSourceResolver(resolver); script = CSharpScript.Create(@" #load ""a.csx"" #load ""b.csx""", options); result = await script.EvaluateAsync(); Assert.Equal(1, result); resolver = TestSourceReferenceResolver.Create( KeyValuePair.Create("a.csx", "return 1;"), KeyValuePair.Create("b.csx", "2")); options = ScriptOptions.Default.WithSourceResolver(resolver); script = CSharpScript.Create(@" #load ""a.csx"" #load ""b.csx"" return 3;", options); result = await script.EvaluateAsync(); Assert.Equal(1, result); }
private async Task <List <(string, Type)> > GetParameters() { var csharScript = CSharpScript.Create(_code, ScriptOptions.Default); var compilation = csharScript.GetCompilation(); var syntaxTree = compilation.SyntaxTrees.Single(); var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree); var descendants = (await syntaxTree.GetRootAsync()) .DescendantNodes().ToList(); var declarations = descendants.OfType <PropertyDeclarationSyntax>().ToList(); var result = new List <(string, Type)>(); if (declarations?.Any() != true) { return(result); } var symbolDisplayFormat = new SymbolDisplayFormat(typeQualificationStyle: SymbolDisplayTypeQualificationStyle.NameAndContainingTypesAndNamespaces); foreach (var propertyDeclaration in declarations) { var name = propertyDeclaration.Identifier.Text; var typeInfo = semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(propertyDeclaration.Type); var typeName = typeInfo.Type.ToDisplayString(symbolDisplayFormat); var type = Type.GetType(typeName, true); result.Add((name, type)); } return(result); }
public void HostObjectInInMemoryAssembly() { var lib = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib("public class C { public int X = 1, Y = 2; }", "HostLib"); var libImage = lib.EmitToArray(); var libRef = MetadataImageReference.CreateFromImage(libImage); var libAssembly = Assembly.Load(libImage.ToArray()); var globalsType = libAssembly.GetType("C"); var globals = Activator.CreateInstance(globalsType); using (var loader = new InteractiveAssemblyLoader()) { loader.RegisterDependency(libAssembly); var script = CSharpScript.Create <int>( "X+Y", ScriptOptions.Default.WithReferences(libRef), globalsType: globalsType, assemblyLoader: loader); int result = script.RunAsync(globals).Result.ReturnValue; Assert.Equal(3, result); } }
/// <summary> /// Instanciate Expression Evaluation /// </summary> /// <param name="Type">Model type (Required for precompile)</param> /// <param name="Expression">Expression string (Required for precompile)</param> /// <param name="references">Script references</param> /// <param name="namespaces">Script namespaces</param> public Evaluate(Type Type = null, string Expression = null, List <Assembly> references = null, List <string> namespaces = null) { // Add References if (references == null) { _scriptOptions = _scriptOptions.AddReferences(typeof(System.Object).GetTypeInfo().Assembly, typeof(System.Linq.Enumerable).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); } else { _scriptOptions = _scriptOptions.AddReferences(references.ToArray()); } // Add namespaces if (namespaces == null) { // Default namespaces _scriptOptions = _scriptOptions.AddImports("System"); _scriptOptions = _scriptOptions.AddImports("System.Linq"); _scriptOptions = _scriptOptions.AddImports("System.Collections.Generic"); } else { foreach (var n in namespaces) { _scriptOptions = _scriptOptions.AddImports(n); } } // Precompile if (Type != null && Expression != null) { _script = CSharpScript.Create(Expression, _scriptOptions, Type); _script.Compile(); _preCompiled = true; } }
private async void CommandBox_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Key.Enter && !Keyboard.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Shift)) { Debug.WriteLine(CommandBox.Text); e.Handled = true; CommandBox.IsEnabled = false; object result; try { using (var loader = new InteractiveAssemblyLoader()) { loader.RegisterDependency(typeof(UndertaleObject).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); var script = CSharpScript.Create <object>(CommandBox.Text, ScriptOptions.Default .WithImports("UndertaleModLib", "UndertaleModLib.Models", "UndertaleModLib.Decompiler", "System", "System.IO", "System.Collections.Generic") .WithReferences(Program.GetAssemblyMetadata(typeof(UndertaleObject).GetTypeInfo().Assembly)), this.GetType(), loader); result = (await script.RunAsync(this)).ReturnValue; } } catch (CompilationErrorException exc) { result = exc.Message; Debug.WriteLine(exc); } catch (Exception exc) { result = exc; } CommandBox.Text = result != null?result.ToString() : ""; CommandBox.IsEnabled = true; } }
//public void GetRequestHash(ActionExecutingContext actionExecutingContext) //{ // //actionExecutingContext.HttpContext.req //} private async static Task RunComposity(int requsetHash, HttpContext httpContext, RuntimeStepModel newrunmodel, ISqlSugarClient dbFactory, ISysDatabaseService codeService, IConfiguration config) { var cons = newrunmodel.ComposeEntity; if (cons.RunMode == RunMode.Coding) { if (newrunmodel.ComposeTemplate != null) { //TODO :add template } //Manager.RuntimeModels.Add(newrunmodel); else { var steps = FindSteps(cons.Guid, codeService); foreach (var s in steps) { object rebject = null; object DynaObject = null; if (s.IsUsingAuth.ToBool()) { await httpContext.AuthenticateAsync(); if (httpContext.User.Identity.Name != s.UserName || !httpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { APPCommon.ResponseUnAuth((ActionExecutingContext)newrunmodel.Res["__actioncontext"], s.LoginUrl); return; } } var cacheKey = string.Concat(cons.Guid, "_", s.ExcuteType, "_", s.FlowStepType, "_", s.Guid, "_", s.ArgNames); object stepResult = APP.RuntimeCache.GetOrCreate(cacheKey, entry => { object newobj = null; APP.RuntimeCache.Set(cacheKey, newobj); return(newobj); }); if (s.IsUsingCache && stepResult != null) { rebject = stepResult; } else { if (!s.IsUsingCache || stepResult == null) { switch (s.FlowStepType) { case FlowStepType.Declare: { lock (lockobj) { //root.Usings[2].Name.ToString() // var rebject2 = Manager.GetData(spec.InParamter1, spec.InParamter2); var runcode = APP.FindOrAddRumtimeCode(s.Guid); var so_default = ScriptOptions.Default; if (runcode == null) { runcode = new RuntimeCode() { StepGuid = s.Guid, CodeLines = s.ProxyCode, }; List <string> dlls = new List <string>(); var isref = false; string dllbase = APPCommon.AppRootDir; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.TypeLib)) { var dllfile = dllbase + s.TypeLib; if (APP.DynamicReferenceDlls.Contains(dllfile)) { isref = false; } else { APP.DynamicReferenceDlls.Add(dllfile); isref = true; dlls.Add(dllfile); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.ReferenceDlls)) { isref = true; string[] dllnams = s.ReferenceDlls.Split(','); foreach (var n in dllnams) { APP.DynamicReferenceDlls.Add(dllbase + n); } dlls.AddRange(dllnams); } if (isref) { so_default = so_default.WithReferences(dlls.ToArray()); } so_default = so_default.WithReferences(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); var state = CSharpScript.Create <object>(s.ProxyCode, so_default, typeof(Dictionary <string, object>)); runcode.Script = state; APP.RuntimeCodes.Add(s.Guid, runcode); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.ReferenceDlls)) { string dllbase = APPCommon.AppRootDir; } rebject = runcode.Script.RunAsync(newrunmodel.Res).Result.ReturnValue; Logger.LogInfo(LoggerName, $"AComposityId id {s.AComposityId} ,step {s.StepOrder}, Declare: result {rebject} "); } } break; case FlowStepType.GetData: { DynaObject = HandleGetData(httpContext, newrunmodel, dbFactory, s); } break; case FlowStepType.CallMethod: { var methodsub = APP.GetMethodFromConfig(s.IsBuildIn.Value, s.TypeLib, s.TypeFullName, s.MethodName); var objParams = new List <object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.ArgNames)) { objParams = newrunmodel.GetPoolResuce(s.ArgNames.Split(',')); } else { objParams = null; } try { if (methodsub.IsStatic) { DynaObject = methodsub.Invoke(null, objParams.ToArray()); } else { var instance = newrunmodel.Res[s.InstanceName]; DynaObject = methodsub.Invoke(instance, objParams.ToArray()); } } catch (Exception exp) { Logger.LogError(logName, "Run -> FlowStepType.CallMethod error,composity:{0},step:{1},-------------exception:{2}", cons.Id, s.Guid, LoggerHelper.GetExceptionString(exp)); break; } Logger.LogInfo(LoggerName, $"AComposityId id {s.AComposityId} ,step {s.StepOrder}, CallMethod {s.MethodName}: result {DynaObject} "); } break; case FlowStepType.Text: { rebject = s.OutPutText; } break; case FlowStepType.Function: { DynaObject = DealTheFunction(newrunmodel, s, httpContext); Logger.LogInfo(LoggerName, $"DealTheFunction: result {DynaObject} "); } break; case FlowStepType.RazorKey: try { rebject = stepResult = await HandleRazorKey(newrunmodel, s); } catch (Exception exp) { Logger.LogError(logName, $"parser RazorText wrong: {exp.Message}-------{LoggerHelper.GetExceptionString(exp)}"); } break; case FlowStepType.RazorText: try { rebject = stepResult = await HandleRazorText(newrunmodel, s, httpContext, s.ProxyCode); } catch (Exception exp) { Logger.LogError(logName, $"parser RazorText wrong: {exp.Message}-------{LoggerHelper.GetExceptionString(exp)}"); } break; case FlowStepType.RazorFile: try { var filePath = s.ProxyCode; string template = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(APPCommon.UserUploadBaseDir, filePath)); rebject = stepResult = await HandleRazorText(newrunmodel, s, httpContext, template); } catch (Exception exp) { Logger.LogError(logName, "parser RazorFile wrong: " + exp.Message + "-------" + LoggerHelper.GetExceptionString(exp)); } break; } if (rebject == null) { rebject = MagicExtension.BackToInst(DynaObject); } if (s.IsUsingCache) { APP.RuntimeCache.Set(cacheKey, rebject); } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.StorePoolKey) && rebject != null) { newrunmodel.SetComposityResourceValue(s.StorePoolKey, rebject); } } await CheckAndRunNextRuntimeComposity(requsetHash, httpContext, newrunmodel, dbFactory, codeService, config); } //Manager.RuntimeModels.Remove(newrunmodel); } }
protected override Script <T> Create <T>(string code, ScriptOptions options, Type globalsType, InteractiveAssemblyLoader assemblyLoader) => CSharpScript.Create <T>(code, options, globalsType, assemblyLoader);
public void References_Versioning_FxUnification2() { if (!s_isSystemV2AndV4Available.Value) { return; } var script0 = CSharpScript.Create($@" #r ""System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"" "); var script1 = script0.ContinueWith($@" #r ""System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"" "); var script2 = script1.ContinueWith(@" System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess() "); script0.GetCompilation().VerifyAssemblyVersionsAndAliases( "System, Version=", "mscorlib, Version=", "System.Configuration, Version= <implicit>,global", "System.Xml, Version= <implicit>,global", "System.Data.SqlXml, Version= <implicit>,global", "System.Security, Version= <implicit>,global"); // TODO ( // This is not correct. "global" alias should be recursively applied on all // dependencies of System, V4. The problem is in ResolveReferencedAssembly which considers // System, V2 equivalent to System, V4 and immediately returns, instead of checking if a better match exists. // This is not a problem in csc since it can't have both System, V2 and System, V4 among definitions. script1.GetCompilation().VerifyAssemblyVersionsAndAliases( "System, Version=", "System, Version= <superseded>", "mscorlib, Version=", "System.Configuration, Version= <superseded>", "System.Xml, Version= <superseded>", "System.Data.SqlXml, Version= <superseded>", "System.Security, Version= <superseded>", "System.Configuration, Version= <implicit>", "System.Xml, Version= <implicit>", "System.Data.SqlXml, Version= <implicit>", "System.Security, Version= <implicit>", "System.Core, Version= <implicit>", "System.Numerics, Version= <implicit>"); // TODO ( // "global" alias should be recursively applied on all script2.GetCompilation().VerifyAssemblyVersionsAndAliases( "System, Version=", "System, Version= <superseded>", "mscorlib, Version=", "System.Configuration, Version= <superseded>", "System.Xml, Version= <superseded>", "System.Data.SqlXml, Version= <superseded>", "System.Security, Version= <superseded>", "System.Configuration, Version= <implicit>", "System.Xml, Version= <implicit>", "System.Data.SqlXml, Version= <implicit>", "System.Security, Version= <implicit>", "System.Core, Version= <implicit>", "System.Numerics, Version= <implicit>"); Assert.NotNull(script2.EvaluateAsync().Result); }
public Task Pdb_CreateFromStream_InlineCode_WithoutEmitDebugInformation_ResultInPdbNotEmitted() { var opts = ScriptOptions.Default.WithEmitDebugInformation(false); return(VerifyStackTraceAsync(() => CSharpScript.Create(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("throw new System.Exception();")), opts))); }
public Task Pdb_CreateFromString_InlineCode_WithEmitDebugInformation_WithoutFileEncoding_ResultInPdbEmitted() { var opts = ScriptOptions.Default.WithEmitDebugInformation(true).WithFileEncoding(null); return(VerifyStackTraceAsync(() => CSharpScript.Create("throw new System.Exception();", opts), line: 1, column: 1, filename: "")); }
public void TestCreateFromStreamScript_StreamIsNull() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => CSharpScript.Create((Stream)null)); }
/// <summary> /// 新建脚本 /// </summary> /// <param name="code">脚本语言代码</param> public Script(string code) { script = CSharpScript.Create(code, ScriptOptions.Default, typeof(Globals)); script.Compile(); }
public virtual ScriptCompilationContext <TReturn> CreateCompilationContext <TReturn, THost>(ScriptContext context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); } var runtimeIdentitfer = GetRuntimeIdentitifer(); _logger.Verbose($"Current runtime is '{runtimeIdentitfer}'."); var opts = CreateScriptOptions(context); var runtimeId = RuntimeEnvironment.GetRuntimeIdentifier(); var inheritedAssemblyNames = DependencyContext.Default.GetRuntimeAssemblyNames(runtimeId).Where(x => x.FullName.StartsWith("system.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || x.FullName.StartsWith("microsoft.codeanalysis", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || x.FullName.StartsWith("mscorlib", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); foreach (var inheritedAssemblyName in inheritedAssemblyNames) { _logger.Verbose("Adding reference to an inherited dependency => " + inheritedAssemblyName.FullName); var assembly = Assembly.Load(inheritedAssemblyName); opts = opts.AddReferences(assembly); } var runtimeContext = File.Exists(Path.Combine(context.WorkingDirectory, Project.FileName)) ? ProjectContext.CreateContextForEachTarget(context.WorkingDirectory).FirstOrDefault() : null; if (runtimeContext == null) { _logger.Verbose("Unable to find project context for CSX files. Will default to non-context usage."); var scriptProjectProvider = ScriptProjectProvider.Create(new LoggerFactory()); var scriptProjectInfo = scriptProjectProvider.CreateProject(context.WorkingDirectory, "netcoreapp1.1"); runtimeContext = ProjectContext.CreateContextForEachTarget(scriptProjectInfo.PathToProjectJson).FirstOrDefault(); } _logger.Verbose($"Found runtime context for '{runtimeContext.ProjectFile.ProjectFilePath}'."); var projectExporter = runtimeContext.CreateExporter(context.Configuration); var runtimeDependencies = new HashSet <string>(); var projectDependencies = projectExporter.GetDependencies(); foreach (var projectDependency in projectDependencies) { var runtimeAssemblyGroups = projectDependency.RuntimeAssemblyGroups; foreach (var libraryAsset in runtimeAssemblyGroups.GetDefaultAssets()) { var runtimeAssemblyPath = libraryAsset.ResolvedPath; _logger.Verbose($"Discovered runtime dependency for '{runtimeAssemblyPath}'"); runtimeDependencies.Add(runtimeAssemblyPath); } foreach (var runtimeAssemblyGroup in runtimeAssemblyGroups) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(runtimeAssemblyGroup.Runtime) && runtimeAssemblyGroup.Runtime == runtimeIdentitfer) { foreach (var runtimeAsset in runtimeAssemblyGroups.GetRuntimeAssets(GetRuntimeIdentitifer())) { var runtimeAssetPath = runtimeAsset.ResolvedPath; _logger.Verbose($"Discovered runtime asset dependency ('{runtimeIdentitfer}') for '{runtimeAssetPath}'"); runtimeDependencies.Add(runtimeAssetPath); } } } } foreach (var runtimeDep in runtimeDependencies) { _logger.Verbose("Adding reference to a runtime dependency => " + runtimeDep); opts = opts.AddReferences(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(runtimeDep)); } var loader = new InteractiveAssemblyLoader(); var script = CSharpScript.Create <TReturn>(context.Code.ToString(), opts, typeof(THost), loader); var orderedDiagnostics = script.GetDiagnostics(SuppressedDiagnosticIds); if (orderedDiagnostics.Any(d => d.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error)) { foreach (var diagnostic in orderedDiagnostics) { _logger.Log(diagnostic.ToString()); } throw new CompilationErrorException("Script compilation failed due to one or more errors.", orderedDiagnostics.ToImmutableArray()); } return(new ScriptCompilationContext <TReturn>(script, context.Code, loader)); }
public void TestCreateFromStreamScript() { var script = CSharpScript.Create(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("1 + 2"))); Assert.Equal("1 + 2", script.Code); }
public void NoReturn() { Assert.Null(ScriptingTestHelpers.EvaluateScriptWithOutput( CSharpScript.Create("System.Console.WriteLine();"), "")); }
public static List <Diagnostic> ValidateScript(string code, Type globalsType) { var script = CSharpScript.Create(code, ScriptOptions, globalsType); return(script.GetCompilation().GetDiagnostics().ToList()); }
public Task Pdb_CreateFromStream_CodeFromFile_WithEmitDebugInformation_ResultInPdbEmitted() { var opts = ScriptOptions.Default.WithEmitDebugInformation(true).WithFilePath("debug.csx"); return(VerifyStackTraceAsync(() => CSharpScript.Create(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("throw new System.Exception();")), opts), line: 1, column: 1, filename: "debug.csx")); }
public CompiledScript CompileScript(string scriptCode) { var compiledScript = CSharpScript.Create <object>(scriptCode, _roslynScriptOptions, Globals.GetType()); return(new CompiledScript(compiledScript, this)); }
public Task Pdb_CreateFromString_InlineCode_WithoutEmitDebugInformation_WithFileEncoding_ResultInPdbNotEmitted() { var opts = ScriptOptions.Default.WithEmitDebugInformation(false).WithFileEncoding(Encoding.UTF8); return(VerifyStackTraceAsync(() => CSharpScript.Create("throw new System.Exception();", opts))); }
public async Task RunAll() { var iteration = 1000; var unit = 10000; var formula = "[Param1] * 7 + [Param2]"; var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>() { ["Param1"] = 4, ["Param2"] = 9 }; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Restart(); for (int k = 0; k < iteration; k++) { //var output = 4 * 7 + 9; } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Approach Basic = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * unit} ms"); sw.Restart(); for (int k = 0; k < iteration; k++) { var output = Convert.ToInt16(dict["Param1"]) * 7 + Convert.ToInt16(dict["Param2"]); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Approach Control = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * unit} ms"); sw.Restart(); for (int k = 0; k < iteration; k++) { DictionaryApproach(dict, formula); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Dict (No Lamda) = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * unit} ms"); sw.Restart(); for (int k = 0; k < iteration; k++) { ReplaceApproachNoLambda(dict, formula); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Replace All Digits (No Lamda) = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * unit} ms"); sw.Restart(); for (int k = 0; k < iteration; k++) { ReplaceApproachWithLambda(dict, formula); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Replace All Digits (With Lamda) = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * unit} ms"); sw.Restart(); var baseScript = CSharpScript.Create(""); for (int k = 0; k < iteration; k++) { object result = await baseScript.ContinueWith("4 * 7 + 9").RunAsync(); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Rolsyn = {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds * unit} ms"); }
public void TestCreateScript() { var script = CSharpScript.Create("1 + 2"); Assert.Equal("1 + 2", script.Code); }
public void Execute(Script script) { var scriptName = _settings.Script.GetFilename(); var cacheDLLFileName = $"{scriptName}.dll"; var cacheHashFileName = $"{scriptName}.hash"; var cachedAssembly = _scriptCachePath.CombineWithFilePath(cacheDLLFileName); var hashFile = _scriptCachePath.CombineWithFilePath(cacheHashFileName); string scriptHash = default; if (_scriptCacheEnabled && _fileSystem.Exist(cachedAssembly) && !_regenerateCache) { _log.Verbose($"Cache enabled: Checking cache build script ({cacheDLLFileName})"); scriptHash = FastHash.GenerateHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Concat(script.Lines))); var cachedHash = _fileSystem.Exist(hashFile) ? _fileSystem.GetFile(hashFile).ReadLines(Encoding.UTF8).FirstOrDefault() : string.Empty; if (scriptHash.Equals(cachedHash, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { _log.Verbose("Running cached build script..."); RunScriptAssembly(cachedAssembly.FullPath); return; } else { _log.Verbose("Cache check failed."); } } // Generate the script code. var generator = new RoslynCodeGenerator(); var code = generator.Generate(script); // Warn about any code generation excluded namespaces foreach (var @namespace in script.ExcludedNamespaces) { _log.Warning("Namespace {0} excluded by code generation, affected methods:\r\n\t{1}", @namespace.Key, string.Join("\r\n\t", @namespace.Value)); } // Create the script options dynamically. var options = Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting.ScriptOptions.Default .AddImports(Namespaces.Except(script.ExcludedNamespaces.Keys)) .AddReferences(References) .AddReferences(ReferencePaths.Select(r => r.FullPath)) .WithEmitDebugInformation(_settings.Debug) .WithMetadataResolver(Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Scripting.ScriptMetadataResolver.Default); var roslynScript = CSharpScript.Create(code, options, _host.GetType()); _log.Verbose("Compiling build script..."); var compilation = roslynScript.GetCompilation(); var diagnostics = compilation.GetDiagnostics(); var errors = new List <Diagnostic>(); foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics) { // Suppress some diagnostic information. See switch (diagnostic.Id) { // CS1701 Compiler Warning (level 2) // Assuming assembly reference "Assembly Name #1" matches "Assembly Name #2", you may need to supply runtime policy // case "CS1701": continue; // CS1702 Compiler Warning (level 3) // Assuming assembly reference "Assembly Name #1" matches "Assembly Name #2", you may need to supply runtime policy // case "CS1702": continue; // CS1705 Compiler Error // Assembly 'AssemblyName1' uses 'TypeName' which has a higher version than referenced assembly 'AssemblyName2' case "CS1705": continue; default: break; } switch (diagnostic.Severity) { case DiagnosticSeverity.Info: _log.Information(diagnostic.ToString()); break; case DiagnosticSeverity.Warning: _log.Warning(diagnostic.ToString()); break; case DiagnosticSeverity.Error: _log.Error(diagnostic.ToString()); errors.Add(diagnostic); break; default: break; } } if (errors.Any()) { var errorMessages = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errors.Select(x => x.ToString())); var message = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Error(s) occurred when compiling build script:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, errorMessages); throw new CakeException(message); } if (_scriptCacheEnabled) { // Verify cache directory exists if (!_fileSystem.GetDirectory(_scriptCachePath).Exists) { _fileSystem.GetDirectory(_scriptCachePath).Create(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scriptHash)) { scriptHash = FastHash.GenerateHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(string.Concat(script.Lines))); } var emitResult = compilation.Emit(cachedAssembly.FullPath); if (emitResult.Success) { using (var stream = _fileSystem.GetFile(hashFile).OpenWrite()) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(stream, Encoding.UTF8)) { writer.Write(scriptHash); } RunScriptAssembly(cachedAssembly.FullPath); } } else { roslynScript.RunAsync(_host).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } }
public void TestDynamicProperties() { var data = @"{ 'Id': 999, 'ParentId': null, 'TypeName': 'PROCESS.ITEM.END', 'Name': 'END' }" ; var expObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExpandoObject>(data); var newDataObj = expObj as IDictionary <string, Object>; //var newObj = new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary<string, Object>; //newObj.Add("FirstName", "Masallah"); //newObj.Add("LastName", "ÖZEN"); //newObj.Add("Age", 36); //var expr = $"{newObj["Age"]} "; //newDataObj.Add("FirstName", "Masallah"); dynamic newObj = newDataObj.ToExpando(); //var scriptContent = @" ((System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<System.String, System.Object>)data)[""ParentId""] == null "; var scriptContent = @" data.ParentId == null "; var refs = new List <MetadataReference> { MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location), MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DynamicAttribute).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location) }; var script = CSharpScript.Create(scriptContent, options: ScriptOptions.Default.AddReferences(refs), globalsType: typeof(Globals)); script.Compile(); // create new global that will contain the data we want to send into the script var g = new Globals() { data = newObj }; //Execute and display result var r = script.RunAsync(g).Result; newDataObj.Add("FirstName", "Masallah"); newDataObj.Add("HasParentId", r.ReturnValue); //var rule = new FilterRule //{ // Condition = "and", // Field = "HasParentId", // Id = "HasParentId", // Input = "NA", // Operator = "equal", // Type = "boolean", // Value = "true", //}; var rule = new FilterRule { Condition = "and", Field = "FirstName", Id = "HasParentId", Input = "NA", Operator = "begins_with", Type = "string", Value = "M", }; ExpandoObject genereatedObj = newDataObj.ToExpando(); var createdObj = CreateDataObject(genereatedObj as IDictionary <string, Object>, out Type type); var ressss = GetFilterData(createdObj, rule); }
public ReplApp() : base($"{nameof(CSharpScriptRunner)} REPL, {BuildInfo.ReleaseTag}, EXPERIMENTAL") { ColorScheme = new() { Normal = new(Color.White, Color.Black), Focus = new(Color.White, Color.Black), Disabled = new(Color.White, Color.Black), HotNormal = new(Color.White, Color.Black), HotFocus = new(Color.White, Color.Black) }; Label labelInput = new() { X = 0, Y = Pos.AnchorEnd() - 1, Height = 1, Text = "> " }; _ctrlInput = new() { X = Pos.Right(labelInput), Y = Pos.AnchorEnd() - 1, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = 1 }; _ctrlHistory = new() { X = 0, Y = 0, Width = Dim.Fill(), Height = Dim.Fill() - Dim.Height(_ctrlInput), ReadOnly = true }; _ctrlIntellisense = new() { X = 0, Y = 0, Height = MaxIntellisenseHeight, Visible = false }; _ctrlIntellisense.ColorScheme = new() { Normal = new(Color.White, Color.DarkGray), HotNormal = new(Color.White, Color.Blue), Focus = new(Color.White, Color.DarkGray), HotFocus = new(Color.White, Color.Blue) }; Add(_ctrlHistory, _ctrlIntellisense, labelInput, _ctrlInput); _ctrlInput.SetFocus(); _ctrlHistory.KeyPress += OnKeyPressHistory; _ctrlInput.KeyPress += OnKeyPressInput; _ctrlInput.KeyUp += OnKeyUpInput; _ctrlInput.TextChanged += OnTextChangedInput; _script = CSharpScript.Create(string.Empty); // var host = MefHostServices.DefaultHost; _ws = new AdhocWorkspace(host); _projectId = ProjectId.CreateNewId(); var projectInfo = ProjectInfo.Create(_projectId, VersionStamp.Default, "Script", "Script", LanguageNames.CSharp, isSubmission: true) .WithCompilationOptions(_script.GetCompilation().Options) .WithMetadataReferences(_script.GetCompilation().References); var project = _ws.AddProject(projectInfo); var docInfo = DocumentInfo.Create(DocumentId.CreateNewId(_projectId), "Script", sourceCodeKind: SourceCodeKind.Script); _doc = _ws.AddDocument(docInfo); } void OnKeyPressHistory(View.KeyEventEventArgs args) { if (args.KeyEvent.Key == Key.Tab) { args.Handled = true; _ctrlInput.SetFocus(); } } void OnKeyPressInput(View.KeyEventEventArgs args) { if (_ctrlIntellisense.Visible) { switch (args.KeyEvent.Key) { default: return; case Key.CursorDown: if (_ctrlIntellisense.SelectedItem == _ctrlIntellisense.Source.Count - 1) { _ctrlIntellisense.MoveHome(); } else { _ctrlIntellisense.MoveDown(); } break; case Key.CursorUp: if (_ctrlIntellisense.SelectedItem == 0) { _ctrlIntellisense.MoveEnd(); } else { _ctrlIntellisense.MoveUp(); } break; case Key.Tab: var item = _ctrlIntellisense.Source.ToList()[_ctrlIntellisense.SelectedItem].ToString(); var text = _ctrlInput.Text.ToString(); var cursorsPos = text.Length + item.Length; text = text.Substring(0, _idxIntellisense) + item; _ctrlInput.Text = text; _ctrlInput.CursorPosition = cursorsPos; _ctrlIntellisense.Visible = false; break; } _ctrlIntellisense.SetNeedsDisplay(); args.Handled = true; } } async void OnKeyUpInput(View.KeyEventEventArgs args) { if (args.KeyEvent.Key == Key.Enter) { if (_ctrlInput.Text.IsEmpty || _isProcessing) { return; } _isProcessing = true; var code = _ctrlInput.Text.ToString().TrimEnd(); var newScript = _script.ContinueWith(code); var diagnostics = newScript.Compile(); var output = new List <string>(); output.Add($"> {code}"); var success = true; foreach (var diag in diagnostics) { if (diag.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error) { success = false; } var loc = diag.Location.GetLineSpan(); output.Add($"{diag.Severity} ({loc.StartLinePosition.Line}, {loc.StartLinePosition.Character}): {diag.GetMessage()}"); } if (success) { var result = await newScript.RunAsync(); if (result.ReturnValue is string value) { value = SymbolDisplay.FormatLiteral(value, true); } else { value = result.ReturnValue?.ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { output.Add(value); } _script = newScript; if (!code.EndsWith(';')) { code += ';'; } _scriptCode += code; } output.Add(string.Empty); _ctrlHistory.Text += string.Join(Environment.NewLine, output); _ctrlHistory.MoveEnd(); _ctrlInput.Text = string.Empty; _isProcessing = false; } else if (args.KeyEvent.Key == Key.CursorLeft || args.KeyEvent.Key == Key.CursorRight) { OnTextChangedInput(_ctrlInput.Text); } } async void OnTextChangedInput(NStack.ustring oldText) { if (_ctrlInput.Text.IsEmpty) { _ctrlIntellisense.Visible = false; return; } var code = _scriptCode + _ctrlInput.Text.ToString(); var doc = _doc.WithText(SourceText.From(code)); var service = CompletionService.GetService(doc); var completion = await service.GetCompletionsAsync(doc, Math.Min(_ctrlInput.CursorPosition + _scriptCode.Length, code.Length)); if (completion == null) { _ctrlIntellisense.Visible = false; return; } var items = completion.Items; if (items != null) { var filter = code.Substring(0, Math.Min(_ctrlInput.CursorPosition + _scriptCode.Length, code.Length)); var idx = filter.LastIndexOfAny(completion.Rules.DefaultCommitCharacters.ToArray()); if (idx > -1) { filter = filter.Substring(idx); } items = service.FilterItems(doc, items, filter); _idxIntellisense = idx + 1 - _scriptCode.Length; } if (items.Length == 0) { _ctrlIntellisense.Visible = false; } else { var completionItems = items.Select(x => x.DisplayText).ToList(); _ctrlIntellisense.SetSource(completionItems); _ctrlIntellisense.X = Pos.Left(_ctrlInput) + _idxIntellisense; _ctrlIntellisense.Y = Pos.Top(_ctrlInput) - Math.Min(completionItems.Count, MaxIntellisenseHeight); _ctrlIntellisense.Width = _ctrlIntellisense.Maxlength; // _ctrlIntellisense.Height = height; _ctrlIntellisense.Visible = true; } } } }
public async Task <IBuildScript> FindAndCreateBuildScriptInstanceAsync(CommandArguments args) { var coreDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(object).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location); var flubuPath = typeof(DefaultBuildScript).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location; List <string> assemblyReferenceLocations = new List <string> { Path.Combine(coreDir, "mscorlib.dll"), typeof(object).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location, flubuPath, typeof(File).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location, typeof(ILookup <string, string>).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location, typeof(Expression).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location, }; List <MetadataReference> references = new List <MetadataReference>(); #if NETSTANDARD2_0 assemblyReferenceLocations.Add(typeof(Console).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.Location); #endif // Enumerate all assemblies referenced by this executing assembly // and provide them as references to the build script we're about to // compile. AssemblyName[] referencedAssemblies = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetReferencedAssemblies(); foreach (var referencedAssembly in referencedAssemblies) { Assembly loadedAssembly = Assembly.Load(referencedAssembly); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loadedAssembly.Location)) { continue; } assemblyReferenceLocations.Add(loadedAssembly.Location); } string fileName = _buildScriptLocator.FindBuildScript(args); List <string> code = _file.ReadAllLines(fileName); AnalyserResult analyserResult = _analyser.Analyze(code); assemblyReferenceLocations.AddRange(analyserResult.References); foreach (var file in analyserResult.CsFiles) { if (_file.Exists(file)) { _log.LogInformation($"File found: {file}"); List <string> additionalCode = _file.ReadAllLines(file); AnalyserResult additionalCodeAnalyserResult = _analyser.Analyze(additionalCode); if (additionalCodeAnalyserResult.CsFiles.Count > 0) { throw new NotSupportedException("//#imp is only supported in main buildscript .cs file."); } var usings = additionalCode.Where(x => x.StartsWith("using")); assemblyReferenceLocations.AddRange(additionalCodeAnalyserResult.References); code.InsertRange(0, usings); code.AddRange(additionalCode.Where(x => !x.StartsWith("using"))); } else { _log.LogInformation($"File was not found: {file}"); } } assemblyReferenceLocations.AddRange(FindAssemblyReferencesInDirectories(args.AssemblyDirectories)); assemblyReferenceLocations = assemblyReferenceLocations.Distinct().ToList(); references.AddRange(assemblyReferenceLocations.Select(i => MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(i))); var opts = ScriptOptions.Default .WithReferences(references); Script script = CSharpScript .Create(string.Join("\r\n", code), opts) .ContinueWith(string.Format("var sc = new {0}();", analyserResult.ClassName)); try { ScriptState result = await script.RunAsync(); var buildScript = result.Variables[0].Value as IBuildScript; if (buildScript == null) { throw new ScriptLoaderExcetpion($"Class in file: {fileName} must inherit from DefaultBuildScript or implement IBuildScipt interface. See getting started on"); } return(buildScript); } catch (CompilationErrorException e) { if (e.Message.Contains("CS0234")) { throw new ScriptLoaderExcetpion($"Csharp source code file: {fileName} has some compilation errors. {e.Message}. If u are using flubu script correctly you have to add assembly reference with #ref directive in build script. See build script fundamentals section 'Referencing other assemblies in build script' in for more details.Otherwise if u think u are not using flubu correctly see Getting started section in wiki.", e); } throw new ScriptLoaderExcetpion($"Csharp source code file: {fileName} has some compilation errors. {e.Message}. See getting started and build script fundamentals in", e); } }
public static void Initialize() { // Compile empty script to pre-load required assemblies CSharpScript.Create <Func <Vector, double> >("0", getOptions(), typeof(SpecialFunctions)).Compile(); }
public CSharpRepl() { var script = CSharpScript.Create <dynamic>("true", ScriptOptions, typeof(Context)); ScriptState = script.RunAsync(ScriptContext).Result; }
public void TestCreateScript_CodeIsNull() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => CSharpScript.Create((string)null)); }