예제 #1
        public ActionResult getGasketCalc(int gasketId)
            string errorTxt = "";

            if (Session["ident"] == null)
                RedirectToAction("Login", "Home");
            string  ident = Session["ident"].ToString();
            CGasket model = new CGasket();

            SmManager.SmManagerClient cl          = new SmManager.SmManagerClient();
            SmManager.gWorkingCostCL  workingCost = cl.getWorkingCosts(ident);
            if (gasketId > 0)
                SmManager.gGasketCL[] gasket = cl.getGasket(ident, gasketId);
                ViewBag.gasket = gasket[0];
            // Get all material from db
            ViewBag.errorTxt    = errorTxt;
            ViewBag.workingCost = workingCost;

예제 #2
        public ActionResult selectGasket(int gasketId)
            string errorTxt = "";

            if (Session["ident"] == null)
                RedirectToAction("Login", "Home");
            string  ident = Session["ident"].ToString();
            CGasket model = new CGasket();

            SmManager.SmManagerClient cl          = new SmManager.SmManagerClient();
            SmManager.gWorkingCostCL  workingCost = cl.getWorkingCosts(ident);
            model.cuttingMargin     = workingCost.cuttingMargin.ToString();
            model.price             = "0";
            model.Type2SecHoleCount = 0;
            model.Type2SecHoleDiam  = "0";
            //model.Type3GasketLength = "0";
            //model.Type3GasketWidth = "0";
            //string saveInnerDiam = "0";
            if (gasketId > 0)
                SmManager.gGasketCL[] gasket = cl.getGasket(ident, gasketId);
                if (gasket.Length == 1)
                    if (gasket[0].ErrCode != 0)
                        errorTxt = gasket[0].ErrMessage;
                        model.gasketId         = gasket[0].gasketId;
                        model.gasketTypeId     = gasket[0].gasketTypeId;
                        model.materialThicknId = gasket[0].materialThicknId;
                        model.outerDiam        = gasket[0].outerDiam.ToString();
                        model.innerDiam        = gasket[0].innerDiam.ToString();
                        //saveInnerDiam = gasket[0].innerDiam.ToString();
                        model.reusableMaterial     = gasket[0].reusableMaterial.ToString();
                        model.cuttingMargin        = gasket[0].cuttingMargin.ToString();
                        model.standardPriceProduct = gasket[0].standardPriceProduct;
                        model.handlingTime         = gasket[0].handlingTime.ToString();
                        model.Type2SecHoleCount    = gasket[0].Type2SecHoleCount;
                        model.Type2SecHoleDiam     = gasket[0].Type2SecHoleCount.ToString();
                        model.Type3GasketLength    = gasket[0].Type3GasketLength.ToString();
                        model.Type3GasketWidth     = gasket[0].Type3GasketWidth.ToString();
                        model.price                 = gasket[0].price.ToString();
                        model.note                  = gasket[0].note;
                        model.description           = gasket[0].description;
                        model.materialCostMm2       = gasket[0].materialCostMm2;
                        model.materialMarginPercent = gasket[0].materialMarginPercent;
                        model.cuttingLengthOuterMm  = gasket[0].cuttingLengthOuterMm;
                        model.cuttingLengthInnerMm  = gasket[0].cuttingLengthInnerMm;
                        model.cuttingSpeedMSek      = gasket[0].cuttingSpeedMmSek;
                        model.materialArea          = gasket[0].materialArea;
                    errorTxt = "Kan ej hitta vald packning";
            // Get all material from db
            SmManager.gMaterialThicknCL[]      materialThickns     = cl.getMaterialThickn(ident, 0);
            List <SmManager.gMaterialThicknCL> materialThicknsList = materialThickns.Cast <SmManager.gMaterialThicknCL>().ToList();

            materialThicknsList = materialThicknsList.OrderBy(x => x.materialName).ThenBy(x => x.materialSize).ThenBy(x => x.description).ToList();
            List <CDropDown> ddList = new List <CDropDown>();

            foreach (SmManager.gMaterialThicknCL matThickn in materialThicknsList)
                CDropDown dd = new CDropDown();
                dd.Id   = matThickn.materialThicknId;
                dd.Name = matThickn.materialName + " " + matThickn.materialSize + " " + matThickn.description;
            ViewBag.ddList      = new SelectList(ddList, "Id", "Name");
            ViewBag.errorTxt    = errorTxt;
            ViewBag.workingCost = workingCost;
            // 2018-08-29 KJBO
            KeyValuePair <int, string>[]       gasketTypeL    = cl.getGasketType(ident);
            List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > gasketTypeList = gasketTypeL.Cast <KeyValuePair <int, string> >().ToList();

            ViewBag.gasketTypeList = new SelectList(gasketTypeList, "Key", "Value");
예제 #3
        public JsonResult saveGasket(CGasket model)
            string message      = "";
            string ErrMessage   = "";
            int    ErrCode      = 0;
            int    gasketId     = 0;
            int    gasketTypeId = 0;

            if (Session["ident"] == null)
                message = "identError";
            if (message == "")
                string ident = Session["ident"].ToString();

                SmManager.gGasketCL gasket           = new SmManager.gGasketCL();
                CMaterialSize       ms               = new CMaterialSize();
                Decimal             outerDiam        = 0;
                Decimal             innerDiam        = 0;
                Decimal             reusableMaterial = 0;
                Decimal             cuttingMargin    = 0;
                Decimal             handlingTime     = 0;
                Decimal             price            = 0;
                Decimal             Type2SecHoleDiam = 0;
                // 2019-09-05
                Decimal Type3GasketLength = 0;
                Decimal Type3GasketWidth  = 0;

                if (model.price == "")
                    model.price = "0";

                if (model.gasketTypeId == 1 || model.gasketTypeId == 2)
                    if (!ms.fromStrToDec(model.outerDiam, ref outerDiam, 0.01M, 100000))
                        message = "Ytterdiameter måste vara större än 0 (och mindre än 100000)";

                if (message == "")
                    if (!ms.fromStrToDec(model.innerDiam, ref innerDiam, 0.01M, 100000))
                        message = "Innerdiameter måste vara större än 0 (och mindre än 100000)";

                if (message == "" && (model.gasketTypeId == 1 || model.gasketTypeId == 2))
                    if (innerDiam >= outerDiam)
                        message = "Innerdiameter måste vara mindre än ytterdiameter";
                if (message == "")
                    if (!ms.fromStrToDec(model.reusableMaterial, ref reusableMaterial, 0, 95))
                        message = "Återanvändbart material bör vara mellan 0 och 95%";
                if (message == "")
                    if (!ms.fromStrToDec(model.cuttingMargin, ref cuttingMargin, 0, 100))
                        message = "Felaktig skärmarginal";
                if (message == "")
                    if (!ms.fromStrToDec(model.handlingTime, ref handlingTime, 0, 100000))
                        message = "Felaktig hanteringstid";

                if (message == "")
                    if (!ms.fromStrToDec(model.price, ref price, 0, 1000000))
                        message = "Felaktigt pris";
                if (message == "")
                    if (model.gasketTypeId == 2 && model.Type2SecHoleCount == 0)
                        message = "Antal yttre hål måste vara större än 0";
                if (message == "")
                    if (model.gasketTypeId == 2 || (model.gasketTypeId == 3 && model.Type2SecHoleCount > 0))
                        if (!ms.fromStrToDec(model.Type2SecHoleDiam, ref Type2SecHoleDiam, 0.01M, 100000))
                            message = "Felaktigt angiven diameter på yttre hål";
                if (message == "")
                    if (model.gasketTypeId == 3)
                        if (!ms.fromStrToDec(model.Type3GasketLength, ref Type3GasketLength, 0.01M, 100000))
                            message = "Packningens längd måste vara större än 0 (och mindre än 100000)";
                        if (!ms.fromStrToDec(model.Type3GasketWidth, ref Type3GasketWidth, 0.01M, 100000))
                            message = "Packningens bredd måste vara större än 0 (och mindre än 100000)";

                if (message == "" && model.gasketTypeId == 3)
                    if (Type3GasketLength <= innerDiam)
                        message = "Packningens längd måste vara större än innerdiametern";
                if (message == "" && model.gasketTypeId == 3)
                    if (Type3GasketWidth <= innerDiam)
                        message = "Packningens bredd måste vara större än innerdiametern";

                if (message == "")
                    gasket.gasketId             = model.gasketId;
                    gasket.gasketTypeId         = model.gasketTypeId;
                    gasket.materialThicknId     = model.materialThicknId;
                    gasket.outerDiam            = outerDiam;
                    gasket.innerDiam            = innerDiam;
                    gasket.reusableMaterial     = reusableMaterial;
                    gasket.cuttingMargin        = cuttingMargin;
                    gasket.standardPriceProduct = model.standardPriceProduct;
                    gasket.handlingTime         = handlingTime;
                    gasket.Type2SecHoleCount    = model.Type2SecHoleCount;
                    gasket.Type2SecHoleDiam     = Type2SecHoleDiam;
                    // 2019-09-05 KJBO
                    if (model.gasketTypeId == 3)
                        gasket.Type3GasketLength = Type3GasketLength;
                        gasket.Type3GasketWidth  = Type3GasketWidth;
                    gasket.price       = price;
                    gasket.note        = model.note;
                    gasket.description = model.description;
                    SmManager.SmManagerClient cl = new SmManager.SmManagerClient();
                    gasket       = cl.saveGasket(ident, gasket);
                    ErrMessage   = gasket.ErrMessage;
                    ErrCode      = gasket.ErrCode;
                    gasketId     = gasket.gasketId;
                    gasketTypeId = gasket.gasketTypeId;
                message = message,
                errMessage = ErrMessage,
                errCode = ErrCode.ToString(),
                gasketId = gasketId,
                gasketTypeId = gasketTypeId
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///  Return a keyValue list of available gasket types
        ///  If the list exists of only one row then the
        ///  calling problem shall investigate if the first (int)
        ///  value is negative. This indicates an error and the
        ///  error message is returned in the string part
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-29 KJBO
        public List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > getGasketType(string ident)
            CGasket g = new CGasket();

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete a registered gasket
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="gasketId"></param>
        /// <returns>Error class.</returns>
        /// 2018-08-21 KJBO Indentive AB
        public ErrorCL deleteGasket(string ident, int gasketId)
            CGasket g = new CGasket();

            return(g.deleteGasket(ident, gasketId));
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates and saves a gasket to the database
        /// Always check ErrCode and ErrMessage for errors
        /// Returns the new created gasket
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="gasket"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-17 KJBO
        public gGasketCL saveGasket(string ident, gGasketCL gasket)
            CGasket g = new CGasket();

            return(g.saveGasket(ident, gasket));
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all gaskets or just one
        /// If gasketId = 0 all registered gasket will be returned
        /// if gasketId > 0 then the gasket with that primary key
        /// will be returned.
        /// If a gasket id is provided and this gasket don't exists
        /// then the errorCode will return -100 and the calling program
        /// needs to take the correct action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ident"></param>
        /// <param name="gasketId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// 2018-08-17 kjbo
        public List <gGasketCL> getGasket(string ident, int gasketId)
            CGasket g = new CGasket();

            return(g.getGasket(ident, gasketId));