예제 #1
        public byte[] encrypt(string cleartext)
            m_cipher.init(true, m_parameters);
            byte[] input      = m_encoding.GetBytes(cleartext);
            int    outputSize = ((input.Length + BLOCK_SIZE) / BLOCK_SIZE) * BLOCK_SIZE;

            byte[] output = new byte[outputSize];
            int    len    = m_cipher.processBytes(input, 0, input.Length, output, 0);

            len = len + m_cipher.doFinal(output, len);
예제 #2
        public static EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo createEncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(
            String algorithm,
            char[] passPhrase,
            byte[] salt,
            int iterationCount,
            PrivateKeyInfo keyInfo)
            if (!PBEUtil.isPBEAlgorithm(algorithm))
                throw new Exception("attempt to use non-PBE algorithm with PBE EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo generation");

            ASN1Encodable    parameters    = PBEUtil.generateAlgorithmParameters(algorithm, salt, iterationCount);
            CipherParameters keyParameters = PBEUtil.generateCipherParameters(algorithm, passPhrase, parameters);

            byte[] encoding = null;
            Object engine   = PBEUtil.createEngine(algorithm);

            if (engine is BufferedBlockCipher)
                BufferedBlockCipher cipher = (BufferedBlockCipher)engine;

                cipher.init(true, keyParameters);

                byte[] keyBytes = keyInfo.getEncoded();

                int encLen = cipher.getOutputSize(keyBytes.Length);

                encoding = new byte[encLen];

                int off = cipher.processBytes(keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.Length, encoding, 0);

                cipher.doFinal(encoding, off);
            else if (engine is StreamCipher)
                StreamCipher cipher = (StreamCipher)engine;

                cipher.init(true, keyParameters);

                byte[] keyBytes = keyInfo.getEncoded();

                encoding = new byte[keyBytes.Length];

                cipher.processBytes(keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.Length, encoding, 0);

            return(new EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(PBEUtil.getObjectIdentifier(algorithm), parameters), encoding));
예제 #3
        public static PrivateKeyInfo createPrivateKeyInfo(
            char[] passPhrase,
            EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo encInfo)
            CipherParameters keyParameters = PBEUtil.generateCipherParameters(encInfo.getEncryptionAlgorithm().getObjectId(), passPhrase, encInfo.getEncryptionAlgorithm().getParameters());
            Object           engine        = PBEUtil.createEngine(encInfo.getEncryptionAlgorithm().getObjectId());

            byte[] encoding = null;

            if (engine is BufferedBlockCipher)
                BufferedBlockCipher cipher = (BufferedBlockCipher)engine;

                cipher.init(false, keyParameters);

                byte[] keyBytes = encInfo.getEncryptedData();

                int encLen = cipher.getOutputSize(keyBytes.Length);

                encoding = new byte[encLen];

                int off = cipher.processBytes(keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.Length, encoding, 0);

                cipher.doFinal(encoding, off);
            else if (engine is StreamCipher)
                StreamCipher cipher = (StreamCipher)engine;

                cipher.init(false, keyParameters);

                byte[] keyBytes = encInfo.getEncryptedData();

                encoding = new byte[keyBytes.Length];

                cipher.processBytes(keyBytes, 0, keyBytes.Length, encoding, 0);

            ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(new MemoryStream(encoding));

예제 #4
        ASN1Sequence decryptData(
            AlgorithmIdentifier algId,
            byte[]                data,
            char[]                password)
            PKCS12PBEParams  pbeParams     = PKCS12PBEParams.getInstance(algId.getParameters());
            CipherParameters keyParameters = PBEUtil.generateCipherParameters(algId.getObjectId(), password, pbeParams);

            byte[] encoding = null;
            Object engine   = PBEUtil.createEngine(algId.getObjectId());

            if (engine is BufferedBlockCipher)
                BufferedBlockCipher cipher = (BufferedBlockCipher)engine;

                cipher.init(false, keyParameters);

                int encLen = cipher.getOutputSize(data.Length);

                encoding = new byte[encLen];

                int off = cipher.processBytes(data, 0, data.Length, encoding, 0);

                cipher.doFinal(encoding, off);
            else if (engine is StreamCipher)
                StreamCipher cipher = (StreamCipher)engine;

                cipher.init(false, keyParameters);

                encoding = new byte[data.Length];

                cipher.processBytes(data, 0, data.Length, encoding, 0);

            ASN1InputStream bIn = new ASN1InputStream(new MemoryStream(encoding));

예제 #5
        private byte[] decryptBlock(
            byte[]  in_enc,
            int inOff,
            int inLen,
            byte[]  z)
        //throws InvalidCipherTextException
            byte[]        M          = null;
            KeyParameter  macKey     = null;
            KDFParameters kParam     = new KDFParameters(z, param.getDerivationV());
            int           macKeySize = param.getMacKeySize();


            inLen -= mac.getMacSize();

            if (cipher == null)                 // stream mode
                byte[] buf = new byte[inLen + (macKeySize / 8)];

                M = new byte[inLen];

                kdf.generateBytes(buf, 0, buf.Length);

                for (int i = 0; i != inLen; i++)
                    M[i] = (byte)(in_enc[inOff + i] ^ buf[i]);

                macKey = new KeyParameter(buf, inLen, (macKeySize / 8));
                int    cipherKeySize = ((IESWithCipherParameters)param).getCipherKeySize();
                byte[] buf           = new byte[(cipherKeySize / 8) + (macKeySize / 8)];

                cipher.init(false, new KeyParameter(buf, 0, (cipherKeySize / 8)));

                byte[] tmp = new byte[cipher.getOutputSize(inLen)];

                int off = cipher.processBytes(in_enc, inOff, inLen, tmp, 0);

                off += cipher.doFinal(tmp, off);

                M = new byte[off];

                Array.Copy(tmp, 0, M, 0, off);

                macKey = new KeyParameter(buf, (cipherKeySize / 8), (macKeySize / 8));

            byte[] macIV = param.getEncodingV();

            mac.update(in_enc, inOff, inLen);
            mac.update(macIV, 0, macIV.Length);
            mac.doFinal(macBuf, 0);

            inOff += inLen;

            for (int t = 0; t < macBuf.Length; t++)
                if (macBuf[t] != in_enc[inOff + t])
                    throw (new InvalidCipherTextException("Mac codes failed to equal."));
