예제 #1
        // Encrypt/decrypt using the given key
        public byte[] encode(byte[] data)
            _wkCipher.Init(true, this.key);
            byte[] outputBytes = new byte[_wkCipher.GetOutputSize(data.Length)];
            int    length      = _wkCipher.ProcessBytes(data, outputBytes, 0);

            _wkCipher.DoFinal(outputBytes, length); //Do the final block
예제 #2
        private byte[] EncryptBlock(byte[] input, int inOff, int inLen, byte[] macData)
            // Block cipher mode.
            byte[] k1 = new byte[((IesWithCipherParameters)_iesParameters).CipherKeySize / 8];
            byte[] k2 = new byte[_iesParameters.MacKeySize / 8];
            byte[] k  = _kdfKey;

            Array.Copy(k, 0, k1, 0, k1.Length);
            Array.Copy(k, k1.Length, k2, 0, k2.Length);

            _cipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(k1), _iv));

            byte[] c   = new byte[_cipher.GetOutputSize(inLen)];
            int    len = _cipher.ProcessBytes(input, inOff, inLen, c, 0);

            len += _cipher.DoFinal(c, len);

            // Convert the length of the encoding vector into a byte array.
            byte[] p2 = _iesParameters.GetEncodingV();

            // Apply the MAC.
            byte[] T = new byte[_mac.GetMacSize()];

            byte[] k2A = new byte[_hash.GetDigestSize()];
            _hash.BlockUpdate(k2, 0, k2.Length);
            _hash.DoFinal(k2A, 0);

            _mac.Init(new KeyParameter(k2A));
            _mac.BlockUpdate(_iv, 0, _iv.Length);
            _mac.BlockUpdate(c, 0, c.Length);
            if (p2 != null)
                _mac.BlockUpdate(p2, 0, p2.Length);

            if (macData != null)
                _mac.BlockUpdate(macData, 0, macData.Length);

            _mac.DoFinal(T, 0);

            // Output the double (C,T).
            byte[] output = new byte[len + T.Length];
            Array.Copy(c, 0, output, 0, len);
            Array.Copy(T, 0, output, len, T.Length);
예제 #3
        private static MemoryStream DecryptAes(Stream inputStream, BufferedBlockCipher cipher, long length)
            int blockSize    = cipher.GetBlockSize();
            int inputLength  = (int)length;
            int paddedLength = inputLength;

            if (paddedLength % blockSize > 0)
                paddedLength += blockSize - paddedLength % blockSize;

            byte[] input  = new byte[paddedLength];
            byte[] output = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(paddedLength)];

            inputStream.Read(input, 0, inputLength);
            int len = cipher.ProcessBytes(input, 0, input.Length, output, 0);

            cipher.DoFinal(output, len);

            MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream();

            outputStream.Write(output, 0, inputLength);
            outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
예제 #4
        public static byte[] AESDecrypt(byte[] Key, byte[] IV, byte[] cipherText)
            if (cipherText == null || cipherText.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cipherText");
            if (Key == null || Key.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Key");
            if (IV == null || IV.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("IV");

            BufferedBlockCipher decryptCipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(new CbcBlockCipher(new AesEngine()));

            ICipherParameters param = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(Key), IV);

            decryptCipher.Init(false, param);
            byte[] buf = new byte[decryptCipher.GetOutputSize(cipherText.Length)];
            int    len = decryptCipher.ProcessBytes(cipherText, 0, cipherText.Length, buf, 0);

            len += decryptCipher.DoFinal(buf, len);
            byte[] plainText = new byte[len];
            Array.Copy(buf, 0, plainText, 0, len);

예제 #5
        public byte[] DecryptSessionKey()
            //odkodowanie z pliku(klucz = skrot hasla)
            BufferedBlockCipher aes = new BufferedBlockCipher(new RC6Engine());

            aes.Init(true, new KeyParameter(PasswordHash));

            var privateKeyEncrypted = File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\Users\ruchn\OneDrive\Obrazy\Private\" + Username + ".txt");
            var privateKey          = new byte[aes.GetOutputSize(privateKeyEncrypted.Length)];

            var length = aes.ProcessBytes(privateKeyEncrypted, 0, privateKeyEncrypted.Length, privateKey, 0);

            aes.DoFinal(privateKey, length);

            var privateKeyToString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(privateKey);

            //odkodowanie klucza sesyjnego kluczem prywatnym
            using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048))
                rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;
                    return(rsa.Decrypt(EncodedKey, false));
                catch (Exception)
                    IsPasswordValid = false;
                    return(PasswordHash.Take(KeySize / 8).ToArray());
예제 #6
        private static MemoryStream DecryptAes(Stream inputStream, BufferedBlockCipher cipher, long length)
            byte[] input  = new byte[length];
            byte[] output = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize((int)length)];
            // TODO: Check that all input streams are correctly aligned with the block size.
            ////int blockSize = cipher.GetBlockSize();
            ////long inputLength = inputStream.Length;
            ////if (inputLength % blockSize > 0)
            ////    inputLength += blockSize - inputLength % blockSize;

            ////byte[] input = new byte[inputLength];
            ////byte[] output = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize((int)inputLength)];

            inputStream.Read(input, 0, (int)length);

            int len = cipher.ProcessBytes(input, 0, input.Length, output, 0);

            cipher.DoFinal(output, len);

            MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream();

            outputStream.Write(output, 0, input.Length);
            outputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
예제 #7
        private byte[] EncryptBlock(
            byte[]  input,
            int inOff,
            int inLen,
            byte[]  z)
        //throws InvalidCipherTextException
            byte[]        C             = null;
            KeyParameter  macKey        = null;
            KdfParameters kParam        = new KdfParameters(z, param.GetDerivationV());
            int           c_text_length = 0;
            int           macKeySize    = param.MacKeySize;

            if (cipher == null)     // stream mode
                byte[] Buffer = GenerateKdfBytes(kParam, inLen + (macKeySize / 8));

                C             = new byte[inLen + mac.GetMacSize()];
                c_text_length = inLen;

                for (int i = 0; i != inLen; i++)
                    C[i] = (byte)(input[inOff + i] ^ Buffer[i]);

                macKey = new KeyParameter(Buffer, inLen, (macKeySize / 8));
                int    cipherKeySize = ((IesWithCipherParameters)param).CipherKeySize;
                byte[] Buffer        = GenerateKdfBytes(kParam, (cipherKeySize / 8) + (macKeySize / 8));

                cipher.Init(true, new KeyParameter(Buffer, 0, (cipherKeySize / 8)));

                c_text_length = cipher.GetOutputSize(inLen);
                byte[] tmp = new byte[c_text_length];

                int len = cipher.ProcessBytes(input, inOff, inLen, C, 0);
                len += cipher.DoFinal(tmp, len);

                C             = new byte[len + mac.GetMacSize()];
                c_text_length = len;

                Array.Copy(tmp, 0, C, 0, len);

                macKey = new KeyParameter(Buffer, (cipherKeySize / 8), (macKeySize / 8));

            byte[] macIV = param.GetEncodingV();

            mac.BlockUpdate(C, 0, c_text_length);
            mac.BlockUpdate(macIV, 0, macIV.Length);
            // return the message and it's MAC
            mac.DoFinal(C, c_text_length);
예제 #8
        private byte[] EncryptBlock(byte[] input, int inOff, int inLen, byte[] z)
            byte[]       c;
            KeyParameter macKey;
            var          kParam = new KdfParameters(z, _param.Derivation);
            int          cTextLength;
            var          macKeySize = _param.MacKeySize;

            if (_cipher == null)     // stream mode
                var buffer = GenerateKdfBytes(kParam, inLen + (macKeySize / 8));

                c           = new byte[inLen + _mac.GetMacSize()];
                cTextLength = inLen;

                for (var i = 0; i != inLen; i++)
                    c[i] = (byte)(input[inOff + i] ^ buffer[i]);

                macKey = new KeyParameter(buffer, inLen, (macKeySize / 8));
                var cipherKeySize = ((IesWithCipherParameters)_param).CipherKeySize;
                var buffer        = GenerateKdfBytes(kParam, (cipherKeySize / 8) + (macKeySize / 8));

                _cipher.Init(true, new KeyParameter(buffer, 0, (cipherKeySize / 8)));

                cTextLength = _cipher.GetOutputSize(inLen);
                var tmp = new byte[cTextLength];

                var len = _cipher.ProcessBytes(input, inOff, inLen, tmp, 0);
                len += _cipher.DoFinal(tmp, len);

                c           = new byte[len + _mac.GetMacSize()];
                cTextLength = len;

                Array.Copy(tmp, 0, c, 0, len);

                macKey = new KeyParameter(buffer, (cipherKeySize / 8), (macKeySize / 8));

            var macIV = _param.Encoding;

            _mac.BlockUpdate(c, 0, cTextLength);
            _mac.BlockUpdate(macIV, 0, macIV.Length);
            // return the message and it's MAC
            _mac.DoFinal(c, cTextLength);
예제 #9
        public byte[] DecryptDES3(byte[] message, byte[] key)
            DesEdeEngine        desedeEngine   = new DesEdeEngine();
            BufferedBlockCipher bufferedCipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(desedeEngine);

            // Create the KeyParameter for the DES3 key generated.
            KeyParameter keyparam = ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter("DESEDE", key);

            byte[] output = new byte[bufferedCipher.GetOutputSize(message.Length)];
            bufferedCipher.Init(false, keyparam);
            output = bufferedCipher.DoFinal(message);
예제 #10
        public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] key, byte[] iv, byte[] data)
            //BufferedBlockCipher cipher = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(engine, new ISO7816d4Padding());
            BufferedBlockCipher cipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(engine);

            //cipher.Init(false, new ParametersWithIV(new DesParameters(key), iv));
            cipher.Init(false, new DesEdeParameters(key));
            byte[] rv  = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(data.Length)];
            int    tam = cipher.ProcessBytes(data, 0, data.Length, rv, 0);

            cipher.DoFinal(rv, tam);

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] ComputeCbc3Des(this byte[] data, KeyParameter key)
            IBlockCipher engine = new DesEdeEngine();
            var          cipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(new CbcBlockCipher(engine));

            cipher.Init(true, key);

            var cbc = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(data.Length)];

            var length = cipher.ProcessBytes(data, 0, data.Length, cbc, 0);

            cipher.DoFinal(cbc, length);

        public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] value)
            BufferedBlockCipher aes    = new BufferedBlockCipher(new OfbBlockCipher(new AesEngine(), AesBlockSizeInBytes * 8));
            ArraySegment <byte> iv     = new ArraySegment <byte>(value, 0, AesBlockSizeInBytes);
            ArraySegment <byte> secret = new ArraySegment <byte>(value, AesBlockSizeInBytes, value.Length - AesBlockSizeInBytes);

            ParametersWithIV ivAndKey = new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(aesKey), iv.ToArray());

            aes.Init(false, ivAndKey);

            int maximumSize = aes.GetOutputSize(secret.Count);

            byte[] outputBuffer = new byte[maximumSize];
            int    length1      = aes.ProcessBytes(secret.ToArray(), 0, secret.Count, outputBuffer, 0);
            int    length2      = aes.DoFinal(outputBuffer, length1);

            return(new ArraySegment <byte>(outputBuffer, 0, length1 + length2).ToArray());
예제 #13
         * No idea... doesnt work.. cant seem to fix it..
        private static byte[] Transform(BufferedBlockCipher cipher, byte[] data)
            var buf    = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(data.Length)];
            var length = cipher.ProcessBytes(data, 0, data.Length, buf, 0);

                length += cipher.DoFinal(buf, length);
            catch (InvalidCipherTextException)
            var final = new byte[length];

            Array.Copy(buf, final, length);
예제 #14
        private Byte[] Decrypt(BufferedBlockCipher cipher, Byte[] data)
            var size      = cipher.GetOutputSize(data.Length);
            var outBuffer = new Byte[size];

            //int off1 = cipher.ProcessBytes(content, 0, content.Length, outBuffer, 0);
            cipher.DoFinal(data, 0, data.Length, outBuffer, 0);
            //int off2 = cipher.DoFinal(outBuffer, off1);
            //int resultSize = off1 + off2;
            var result = new Byte[outBuffer.Length /*resultSize*/];

            Array.Copy(outBuffer, 0, result, 0, result.Length);

            //String asString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result);

예제 #15
        public static byte[] Encrypt(string key, byte[] inBytes)
            var cipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(new BlowfishEngine());

            cipher.Init(true, new KeyParameter(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key)));

            inBytes = BSwap(inBytes);

            var outBytes = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(inBytes.Length)];

            var len2 = cipher.ProcessBytes(inBytes, 0, inBytes.Length, outBytes, 0);

            cipher.DoFinal(outBytes, len2);

            outBytes = BSwap(outBytes);

예제 #16
        public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] key, byte[] iv, byte[] data)
            //BufferedBlockCipher cipher = new PaddedBufferedBlockCipher(engine, new ISO7816d4Padding());
            //BufferedBlockCipher cipher = new BufferedGenericBlockCipher(cipher.getUnderlyingCipher(), new ISO7816d4Padding());
            BufferedBlockCipher cipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(engine);

            //cipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(new DesParameters(key), iv));
            cipher.Init(true, new DesEdeParameters(key));
            byte[] rv  = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(data.Length)];
            int    tam = cipher.ProcessBytes(data, 0, data.Length, rv, 0);

            cipher.DoFinal(rv, tam);

            //BufferedBlockCipher bufferedCipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(desedeEngine);

            // Create the KeyParameter for the DES3 key generated.   KeyParameter keyparam = ParameterUtilities.CreateKeyParameter("DESEDE", keyDES3);  byte[] output = new byte[bufferedCipher.GetOutputSize(message.Length)];  bufferedCipher.Init(true, keyparam);  output = bufferedCipher.DoFinal(message);

예제 #17
    private byte[] EncryptBlock(byte[] input, int inOff, int inLen, byte[] z)
        byte[]        array        = null;
        KeyParameter  keyParameter = null;
        KdfParameters kParam       = new KdfParameters(z, param.GetDerivationV());
        int           num          = 0;
        int           macKeySize   = param.MacKeySize;

        if (cipher == null)
            byte[] array2 = GenerateKdfBytes(kParam, inLen + macKeySize / 8);
            array = new byte[inLen + mac.GetMacSize()];
            num   = inLen;
            for (int i = 0; i != inLen; i++)
                array[i] = (byte)(input[inOff + i] ^ array2[i]);
            keyParameter = new KeyParameter(array2, inLen, macKeySize / 8);
            int    cipherKeySize = ((IesWithCipherParameters)param).CipherKeySize;
            byte[] key           = GenerateKdfBytes(kParam, cipherKeySize / 8 + macKeySize / 8);
            cipher.Init(forEncryption: true, new KeyParameter(key, 0, cipherKeySize / 8));
            num = cipher.GetOutputSize(inLen);
            byte[] array3 = new byte[num];
            int    num2   = cipher.ProcessBytes(input, inOff, inLen, array3, 0);
            num2 += cipher.DoFinal(array3, num2);
            array = new byte[num2 + mac.GetMacSize()];
            num   = num2;
            Array.Copy(array3, 0, array, 0, num2);
            keyParameter = new KeyParameter(key, cipherKeySize / 8, macKeySize / 8);
        byte[] encodingV = param.GetEncodingV();
        mac.BlockUpdate(array, 0, num);
        mac.BlockUpdate(encodingV, 0, encodingV.Length);
        mac.DoFinal(array, num);
        //this method is used to replace _NewEncryptor method.
        public byte[] EncryptData(byte[] data, int offset, int length, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
                var desEngine           = new DesEngine();
                var cbcBlockCipher      = new CbcBlockCipher(desEngine);
                var bufferedBlockCipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(cbcBlockCipher);

                bufferedBlockCipher.Init(true, new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(key), iv));

                var cipherData = new byte[bufferedBlockCipher.GetOutputSize(length - offset)];

                var outputLength = bufferedBlockCipher.ProcessBytes(data, offset, length, cipherData, 0);

                bufferedBlockCipher.DoFinal(cipherData, outputLength);

            catch (Exception e)
예제 #19
        protected virtual byte[] DecryptBlock(
            byte[] inEnc,
            int inOff,
            int inLen)

            byte[] m;
            byte[] k1, k2;
            int    len = 0;

            // Ensure that the length of the input is greater than the MAC in bytes
            if (inLen < (V.Length + Mac.GetMacSize()))
                throw new InvalidCipherTextException("Length of input must be greater than the MAC and V combined");

            // note order is important: set up keys, do simple encryptions, check mac, do final encryption.
            if (Cipher == null)
                // Streaming mode.
                k1 = new byte[inLen - V.Length - Mac.GetMacSize()];
                k2 = new byte[_param.MacKeySize / 8];
                var k = new byte[k1.Length + k2.Length];

                Kdf.GenerateBytes(k, 0, k.Length);

                if (V.Length != 0)
                    Array.Copy(k, 0, k2, 0, k2.Length);
                    Array.Copy(k, k2.Length, k1, 0, k1.Length);
                    Array.Copy(k, 0, k1, 0, k1.Length);
                    Array.Copy(k, k1.Length, k2, 0, k2.Length);

                // process the message
                m = new byte[k1.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i != k1.Length; i++)
                    m[i] = (byte)(inEnc[inOff + V.Length + i] ^ k1[i]);
                // Block cipher mode.

                SetupBlockCipherAndMacKeyBytes(out k1, out k2);

                ICipherParameters cp = new KeyParameter(k1);

                // If IV provide use it to initialize the cipher
                if (Iv != null)
                    cp = new ParametersWithIV(cp, Iv);

                Cipher.Init(false, cp);

                m = new byte[Cipher.GetOutputSize(inLen - V.Length - Mac.GetMacSize())];

                // do initial processing
                len = Cipher.ProcessBytes(inEnc, inOff + V.Length, inLen - V.Length - Mac.GetMacSize(), m, 0);

            // Convert the length of the encoding vector into a byte array.
            byte[] p2 = _param.GetEncodingV();
            byte[] l2 = null;
            if (V.Length != 0)
                l2 = GetLengthTag(p2);

            // Verify the MAC.
            int end = inOff + inLen;

            byte[] t1 = Arrays.CopyOfRange(inEnc, end - Mac.GetMacSize(), end);

            byte[] t2 = new byte[t1.Length];
            Mac.Init(new KeyParameter(k2));
            Mac.BlockUpdate(inEnc, inOff + V.Length, inLen - V.Length - t2.Length);

            SimilarMacCompute(p2, l2, t2);

            if (!Arrays.ConstantTimeAreEqual(t1, t2))
                throw new InvalidCipherTextException("invalid MAC");

            if (Cipher == null)
                len += Cipher.DoFinal(m, len);

                return(Arrays.CopyOfRange(m, 0, len));
예제 #20
            public override void PerformTest()
                char[] password = "******".ToCharArray();
                PbeParametersGenerator generator = new Pkcs5S2ParametersGenerator();

                EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo info = null;

                    info = EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.GetInstance(Asn1Object.FromByteArray(sample));
                catch (System.Exception e)
                    Fail("failed construction - exception " + e.ToString(), e);

                PbeS2Parameters  alg    = PbeS2Parameters.GetInstance(info.EncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters);
                Pbkdf2Params     func   = Pbkdf2Params.GetInstance(alg.KeyDerivationFunc.Parameters);
                EncryptionScheme scheme = alg.EncryptionScheme;

                if (func.KeyLength != null)
                    keySize = func.KeyLength.IntValue * 8;

                int iterationCount = func.IterationCount.IntValue;

                byte[] salt = func.GetSalt();

                generator.Init(PbeParametersGenerator.Pkcs5PasswordToBytes(password), salt, iterationCount);

                DerObjectIdentifier algOid = scheme.ObjectID;

                byte[] iv;
                if (algOid.Equals(PkcsObjectIdentifiers.RC2Cbc))
                    RC2CbcParameter rc2Params = RC2CbcParameter.GetInstance(scheme.Asn1Object);
                    iv = rc2Params.GetIV();
                    iv = ((Asn1OctetString)scheme.Asn1Object).GetOctets();

                ICipherParameters param = new ParametersWithIV(
                    generator.GenerateDerivedParameters(algOid.Id, keySize), iv);

                cipher.Init(false, param);

                byte[] data     = info.GetEncryptedData();
                byte[] outBytes = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(data.Length)];
                int    len      = cipher.ProcessBytes(data, 0, data.Length, outBytes, 0);

                    len += cipher.DoFinal(outBytes, len);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Fail("failed DoFinal - exception " + e.ToString());

                if (result.Length != len)
                    Fail("failed length");

                for (int i = 0; i != len; i++)
                    if (outBytes[i] != result[i])
                        Fail("failed comparison");
        /// <summary>
        /// Export a list of <see cref="SiteParameters"/> to an encrypted export file.  Note
        /// that this method only exports to the newer XML-based cross-platform format, not
        /// the old platform specific format that is no longer supported.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">A string containing the full path to the export file</param>
        /// <param name="password">A string containing the password used to encrypt the
        /// file</param>
        /// <param name="generator">A string containing the "generator" ID for the file, usually
        /// the full application name ("Cryptnos for Windows") and version number.  If this
        /// value is null the generator tag will be omitted from the file.</param>
        /// <param name="comment">A string containing an optional comment.    If this value is
        /// null the comment tag will be omitted from the file.</param>
        /// <param name="siteList">A <see cref="List"/> of <see cref="SiteParameters"/> to
        /// export</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if any required field (file name,
        /// password, or site list) is empty or null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">Thrown if anything blows up along the way</exception>
        public static void ExportToFile(string filename, string password, string generator,
                                        string comment, List <SiteParameters> siteList)
                // A little bit of sanity checking.  Make sure our required inputs are
                // not null or empty:
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                    throw new ArgumentException("File name is empty or null");
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Password is empty or null");
                if (siteList == null || siteList.Count == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Site parameter list is empty or null");

                // Set up the XML formatting options for our XML writer.  I don't think these
                // guys are actually essential, given that our XML is not meant to be human
                // readable, but they seemed to work for Mandelbrot Madness! so I'll keep them
                // here.
                XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings();
                xws.Indent      = true;
                xws.IndentChars = "\t";
                xws.CloseOutput = true;
                xws.Encoding    = Encoding.UTF8;
                // We won't be writing directly to a file, at least not yet.  Create a memory
                // stream for us to write to initially, then open up the XML writer to point
                // to that stream.  Note that we'll also gzip the XML as it goes into the
                // memory stream to compress it.
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                XmlWriter    xw = XmlWriter.Create(new GZipStream(ms,
                                                                  CompressionMode.Compress), xws);
                // Start writing out our XML by putting in the required headers.  Note that
                // the <version> tag is required and for now must be 1, but the <generator>
                // and <comment> tags are technically optional.  Generator is highly recommended,
                // however, as that helps us ID where the file came from.
                xw.WriteStartElement("cryptnos", "http://www.cryptnos.com/");
                xw.WriteElementString("version", "1");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(generator))
                    xw.WriteElementString("generator", generator);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                    xw.WriteElementString("comment", comment);
                xw.WriteElementString("siteCount", siteList.Count.ToString());
                // Start writing out the <sites> tag
                // Now step through each site parameter group and write out a <site>
                // tag to contain its data:
                foreach (SiteParameters site in siteList)
                    xw.WriteElementString("siteToken", site.Site);
                    xw.WriteElementString("iterations", site.Iterations.ToString());
                    xw.WriteElementString("charTypes", site.CharTypes.ToString());
                    if (site.CharLimit < 0)
                        xw.WriteElementString("charLimit", "0");
                        xw.WriteElementString("charLimit", site.CharLimit.ToString());
                // Close the <sites> tag:
                // Close the <cryptnos> tag and the rest of the document:
                // Get the contents of the memory stream as raw bytes:
                byte[] plaintext = ms.ToArray();
                // Create the cipher.  Note that we're using the encryption
                // mode, and that we're passing in the password:
                BufferedBlockCipher cipher = CreateCipher(password, true);
                // Create our ciphertext container.  Note that we call the
                // cipher's getOutputSize() method, which tells us how big
                // the resulting ciphertext should be.  In practice, this
                // has always been the same size as the plaintext, but we
                // can't take that for granted.
                byte[] ciphertext = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(plaintext.Length)];
                // Do the encyrption.  Note that the .NET version is different from
                // the Java version.  Here we've got it easy.  The BC classes include
                // a simpler one-call DoFinal() method that does everything for us.
                ciphertext = cipher.DoFinal(plaintext);
                // Write the ciphertext to the export file:
                FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
                fs.Write(ciphertext, 0, ciphertext.Length);
                // Close up shop:
                plaintext  = null;
                ciphertext = null;
            catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }
 /// <summary>
 /// Read a <see cref="List"/> of <see cref="SiteParameters"/> from the new XML-based
 /// cross-platform export file format
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filename">A string containing the full path to the import file</param>
 /// <param name="password">A string containing the password used to decrypt the
 /// file</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="List"/> of <see cref="SiteParameters"/></returns>
 /// <exception cref="ImportHandlerException">Thrown if a parsing error occurs during
 /// the import process</exception>
 /// <exception cref="Exception">Thrown if anything else blows up along the way</exception>
 private static List <SiteParameters> ImportFromXMLv1File(string filename,
                                                          string password)
         // Declare somewhere to hold the site count as read from the file:
         int siteCount = 0;
         // Try to open a file stream for the file:
         FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
         // The process below will blow up if we try to read a file that is so large
         // it exceeds the 32-bit integer max value.  This should never happen with an
         // actual Cryptnos export file, but if the user accidentally tries to import
         // a DVD ISO or something, we don't want to blow up their machine.  Bomb out
         // if we find out that the file is too large.
         if (fs.Length > (long)Int32.MaxValue)
             throw new ImportHandlerException("Import file too large to load into memory");
         // Read the entire contents of the file into memory:
         byte[] contents = new byte[(int)fs.Length];
         fs.Read(contents, 0, contents.Length);
         // Create our cipher in decryption mode:
         BufferedBlockCipher cipher = CreateCipher(password, false);
         // Create our plaintext container:
         byte[] plaintext = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(contents.Length)];
         // Decrypt the data and create a memory stream so we can read from it:
         plaintext = cipher.DoFinal(contents);
         MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(plaintext);
         contents = null;
         // Define our XML reader settings:
         XmlReaderSettings xmlReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
         // Note that we'll point to our local copy of the XSD, which should be in the
         // application directory:
                                       Application.StartupPath + Char.ToString(System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) +
         // Validate against the schema.  Invalid files will throw exceptions:
         xmlReaderSettings.ValidationType          = ValidationType.Schema;
         xmlReaderSettings.ValidationEventHandler +=
             new ValidationEventHandler(xmlReaderSettings_ValidationEventHandler);
         // Ignore unnecessary information:
         xmlReaderSettings.IgnoreComments   = true;
         xmlReaderSettings.IgnoreWhitespace = true;
         // Close any other file/input streams when we close this one:
         xmlReaderSettings.CloseInput = true;
         // Create the XML reader.  Note that we're reading from the memory stream
         // created from the decrypted file, then passing that through a gzip
         // decompressor before actually getting to the data.
         XmlReader xr = XmlReader.Create(new GZipStream(ms,
                                                        CompressionMode.Decompress), xmlReaderSettings);
         // This forces us to go to the first element, which should be <cryptnos>.  If
         // not, complain:
         if (xr.Name != "cryptnos")
             throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected <cryptnos> tag but got <" + xr.Name + ">");
         // At this point, things are looking good.  We'll hopefully have sites we can
         // import now.  Go ahead and create our List of SiteParameters so we can start
         // building it:
         List <SiteParameters> siteList = new List <SiteParameters>();
         // Read the next element.  This should be a <version> tag.  If it is, make sure
         // it's a version we recognize.  Otherwise, complain.
         if (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
             throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected an element, but got " + xr.NodeType.ToString());
         if (xr.Name.CompareTo("version") == 0)
             // Make sure this is a text value, then make sure it's the version
             // number we expect.  This version of Cryptnos only accepts version
             // 1 of the Cryptnos export file format.
             if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text && xr.Value != "1")
                 throw new ImportHandlerException("This Cryptnos export file appears to have been generated by a later version of Cryptnos and is incompatible with this version. (File format version was " + xr.Value + ".)");
             throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected a <version> element, but got <" + xr.Name + ">");
         // Read on to the next tag:
         while (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
         if (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
             throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected an element, but got " + xr.NodeType.ToString());
         // At this point, the next few tags should be the <generator> and/or <comment>
         // tags, neither of which we care about.  Therefore, just read ahead until we
         // hit the <sites> tag, which is where we really want to go to next.
         while (xr.Name.CompareTo("siteCount") != 0)
             } while (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element);
         // The next tag should be the <siteCount> tag.  This contains the number of
         // site blocks in the file.  This technically isn't necessary, but it was added
         // to improve reporting on Android, where performance is much more of an issue.
         // The main thing we'll worry about here is that (a) it's an integer greater
         // than zero and (b) the number of sites we eventually read must equal the
         // count listed here.
         if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xr.Name.CompareTo("siteCount") == 0)
             if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                 siteCount = Int32.Parse(xr.Value);
             if (siteCount <= 0)
                 throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; <siteCount> is " + siteCount.ToString());
         // Read on to the next tag:
         while (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
         // Now we need to check to make sure we actually got a <sites> tag:
         if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xr.Name.CompareTo("sites") == 0)
             // Read the next tag.  This should be a <site> tag and the beginning of a
             // site defintion.
             while (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xr.Name.CompareTo("site") == 0)
                 // Create a new SiteParameters object to store the data we're about
                 // to read.
                 SiteParameters site = new SiteParameters();
                 // Try to read the <siteToken> tag:
                 if (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected an element, but got " + xr.NodeType.ToString());
                 if (xr.Name.CompareTo("siteToken") == 0)
                     if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                         site.Site = xr.Value;
                         throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid site token (" + xr.Value + ")");
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected a <siteToken> element, but got <" + xr.Name + ">");
                 } while (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element);
                 // Try to read the <hash> tag:
                 if (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected an element, but got " + xr.NodeType.ToString());
                 if (xr.Name.CompareTo("hash") == 0)
                     if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                         site.Hash = HashEngine.DisplayHashToHashEnumString(xr.Value);
                         throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid hash token (" + xr.Value + ")");
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected a <hash> element, but got <" + xr.Name + ">");
                 } while (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element);
                 // Try to read the <iterations> tag:
                 if (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected an element, but got " + xr.NodeType.ToString());
                 if (xr.Name.CompareTo("iterations") == 0)
                     if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                         site.Iterations = Int32.Parse(xr.Value);
                         throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid iterations token (" + xr.Value + ")");
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected an <iterations> element, but got <" + xr.Name + ">");
                 } while (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element);
                 // Try to read the <charTypes> tag:
                 if (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected an element, but got " + xr.NodeType.ToString());
                 if (xr.Name.CompareTo("charTypes") == 0)
                     if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                         site.CharTypes = Int32.Parse(xr.Value);
                         throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid charTypes token (" + xr.Value + ")");
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected a <charTypes> element, but got <" + xr.Name + ">");
                 } while (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element);
                 // Try to read the <charLimit> tag:
                 if (xr.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected an element, but got " + xr.NodeType.ToString());
                 if (xr.Name.CompareTo("charLimit") == 0)
                     if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                         // The character limit, unfortunately, is a bit inconsistent.
                         // Obviously, we can't limit it to zero, as that will mean we
                         // have an empty password.  But the XML schema defines this as
                         // only positive integers, so our built-in -1 value can't work.
                         // So if we read a zero, convert it to -1 here.  We'll do the
                         // reverse when we write the file.
                         site.CharLimit = Int32.Parse(xr.Value);
                         if (site.CharLimit == 0)
                             site.CharLimit = -1;
                         throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid charLimit token (" + xr.Value + ")");
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected a <charLimit> element, but got <" + xr.Name + ">");
                 // The next item should be the closing element for <charLimit>, so
                 // read it in and then read the next one.  That should either be the
                 // start element for the next <site> or the closing element for
                 // <sites>.
                 if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected ending <charLimit> tag, got " + xr.NodeType.ToString());
                 if (xr.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                     throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; expected ending <site> tag, got " + xr.NodeType.ToString());
                 // We should now have a hopefully valid SiteParameters object.  Add it
                 // to the site list:
             // We get here, we've exhausted the <sites> block and all that should be
             // left will be closing tags.  If we were going to be extremely thorough,
             // we should probably check these closing tags and make sure they're legit.
             // For now, we'll just assume there's nothing left to read.  Close the
             // streams, free up memory, and return the list of read sites.
             plaintext = null;
             if (siteList.Count != siteCount)
                 throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; File reported " + siteCount.ToString() + " sites in the file, but actually read " + siteList.Count.ToString());
             throw new ImportHandlerException("Invalid Cryptnos export file; could not find <sites> tag");
     catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }
예제 #23
        public void Execute()
            int keysize;

            switch (_settings.Keysize)
            case 1:
                keysize = 24;

            case 2:
                keysize = 32;

                keysize = 16;

            if (InputKey.Length != keysize)
                GuiLogMessage(String.Format("Wrong keysize given. Keysize was {0} Bits but needed is {1} Bits.", InputKey.Length * 8, keysize * 8), NotificationLevel.Error);

            if (InputIV == null)
                if (_settings.Mode > 0)
                    GuiLogMessage("NOTE: No IV provided. Using 0x000..00!", NotificationLevel.Info);
                InputIV = new byte[16];

            if (InputIV.Length < 16 && _settings.Mode > 0)
                GuiLogMessage(String.Format("NOTE: Wrong IV size given. IV size was {0} Bits but needed is 128 Bits. Appending with zeros.", InputIV.Length * 8), NotificationLevel.Info);
                var newIV = new byte[16];
                Array.Copy(InputIV, 0, newIV, 0, InputIV.Length);
                InputIV = newIV;
            else if (InputIV.Length > 16 && _settings.Mode > 0)
                GuiLogMessage(String.Format("NOTE: Wrong IV size given. IV size was {0} Bits but needed is 128 Bits. Removing bytes from position 15.", InputIV.Length * 8), NotificationLevel.Info);
                var newIV = new byte[16];
                Array.Copy(InputIV, 0, newIV, 0, 16);
                InputIV = newIV;

            var keyParameter       = new KeyParameter(InputKey);
            var engine             = new CamelliaEngine();
            var keyParameterWithIv = new ParametersWithIV(keyParameter, InputIV);

            BufferedBlockCipher cipher;

            switch (_settings.Mode)
            case 1:
                cipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(new CbcBlockCipher(engine));

            case 2:
                cipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(new CfbBlockCipher(engine, 128));

            case 3:
                cipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(new OfbBlockCipher(engine, 128));

                cipher = new BufferedBlockCipher(engine);

            if (_settings.Mode > 0)
                cipher.Init(_settings.Action == 0, keyParameterWithIv);
                cipher.Init(_settings.Action == 0, keyParameter);

            //Add padding
            if (_settings.Action == 0 && _settings.Padding > 0)
                var paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.None;
                switch (_settings.Padding)
                case 1:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.Zeros;

                case 2:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.PKCS7;

                case 3:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.ANSIX923;

                case 4:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.ISO10126;

                case 5:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.OneZeros;
                InputStream = BlockCipherHelper.AppendPadding(InputStream, paddingType, 16);

            var inputText  = InputStream.CreateReader().ReadFully();
            var outputText = new byte[cipher.GetOutputSize(inputText.Length)];
            var outputLen  = cipher.ProcessBytes(inputText, 0, inputText.Length, outputText, 0);

            cipher.DoFinal(outputText, outputLen);
            OutputStream = new CStreamWriter();

            int offset = outputText.Length;

            //Remove the padding from the output
            if (_settings.Action == 1 && _settings.Padding > 0)
                var paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.None;
                switch (_settings.Padding)
                case 1:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.Zeros;

                case 2:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.PKCS7;

                case 3:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.ANSIX923;

                case 4:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.ISO10126;

                case 5:
                    paddingType = BlockCipherHelper.PaddingType.OneZeros;
                offset = BlockCipherHelper.StripPadding(outputText, outputText.Length - outputText.Length % 16, paddingType, outputText.Length);

            //Output encrypted or decrypted text
            ((CStreamWriter)OutputStream).Write(outputText, 0, offset);
        public string DoEncrypt(string symmetricBlockAlgorithm, string symmetricBlockMode,
                                string symmetricBlockPadding, string key, string IV, string plainText)
            SymmetricBlockAlgorithm algorithm = SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getSymmetricBlockAlgorithm(symmetricBlockAlgorithm, this.error);
            SymmetricBlockMode      mode      = SymmetricBlockModeUtils.getSymmetricBlockMode(symmetricBlockMode, this.error);
            SymmetricBlockPadding   padding   = SymmetricBlockPaddingUtils.getSymmetricBlockPadding(symmetricBlockPadding, this.error);

            if (this.error.existsError())

            BufferedBlockCipher bbc = getCipher(algorithm, mode, padding);

            if (this.error.existsError() && !(string.Compare(this.error.Code, "SB016", true) == 0))
            byte[] byteIV  = SecurityUtils.GetHexa(IV, "SB022", this.error);
            byte[] byteKey = SecurityUtils.GetHexa(key, "SB022", this.error);
            if (this.HasError())
            KeyParameter keyParam = new KeyParameter(byteKey);

            if (SymmetricBlockMode.ECB != mode && SymmetricBlockMode.OPENPGPCFB != mode)
                ParametersWithIV keyParamWithIV = new ParametersWithIV(keyParam, byteIV);
                    bbc.Init(true, keyParamWithIV);
                }catch (Exception e)
                    this.error.setError("SB025", e.Message);
                    bbc.Init(true, keyParam);
                }catch (Exception e)
                    this.error.setError("SB026", e.Message);

            EncodingUtil eu = new EncodingUtil();

            byte[] inputBytes = eu.getBytes(plainText);
            if (eu.GetError().existsError())
                this.error = eu.GetError();
            byte[] outputBytes = new byte[bbc.GetOutputSize(inputBytes.Length)];
            int    length      = bbc.ProcessBytes(inputBytes, 0, inputBytes.Length, outputBytes, 0);

                bbc.DoFinal(outputBytes, length);
            catch (Exception)
                this.error.setError("SB013", "Block encryption exception");
            string result = Base64.ToBase64String(outputBytes);

            if (result == null || result.Length == 0)
                this.error.setError("SB014", "Error encoding base64");
        public string DoDecrypt(string symmetricBlockAlgorithm, string symmetricBlockMode,
                                string symmetricBlockPadding, string key, string IV, string encryptedInput)
            SymmetricBlockAlgorithm algorithm = SymmetricBlockAlgorithmUtils.getSymmetricBlockAlgorithm(symmetricBlockAlgorithm, this.error);
            SymmetricBlockMode      mode      = SymmetricBlockModeUtils.getSymmetricBlockMode(symmetricBlockMode, this.error);
            SymmetricBlockPadding   padding   = SymmetricBlockPaddingUtils.getSymmetricBlockPadding(symmetricBlockPadding, this.error);

            if (this.error.existsError())

            BufferedBlockCipher bbc = getCipher(algorithm, mode, padding);

            if (this.error.existsError() && !(string.Compare(this.error.Code, "SB016", true) == 0))
            byte[] bytesKey = SecurityUtils.GetHexa(key, "SB023", this.error);
            byte[] bytesIV  = SecurityUtils.GetHexa(IV, "SB023", this.error);
            if (this.HasError())

            KeyParameter keyParam = new KeyParameter(bytesKey);

            if (SymmetricBlockMode.ECB != mode && SymmetricBlockMode.OPENPGPCFB != mode)
                ParametersWithIV keyParamWithIV = new ParametersWithIV(keyParam, bytesIV);
                    bbc.Init(false, keyParamWithIV);
                }catch (Exception e)
                    this.error.setError("SB027", e.Message);
                    bbc.Init(false, keyParam);
                }catch (Exception e)
                    this.error.setError("SB028", e.Message);

            byte[] out2            = Base64.Decode(encryptedInput);
            byte[] comparisonBytes = new byte[bbc.GetOutputSize(out2.Length)];
            int    length          = bbc.ProcessBytes(out2, 0, out2.Length, comparisonBytes, 0);

                bbc.DoFinal(comparisonBytes, length);
            catch (Exception)
                this.error.setError("SB015", "Block decryption exception");

            EncodingUtil eu = new EncodingUtil();

            this.error = eu.GetError();