예제 #1
    void Update()
        foreach (var b in boids)
            //handle avoids
            foreach (var ba in boidAvoids)
                if (ba.gameObject.activeSelf)
                    b.Avoid(ba.transform.position, ba.avoiderRange * 2, avoidTurn, ba.avoiderModifier * 10);

            float i      = visualRange;
            float moveX  = 0;
            float moveZ  = 0;
            Boid  target = null;
            b.visualNearbyCenter = Vector3.zero;
            foreach (var b2 in BoidManager.sheepFlock.boids)
                float dist = Vector3.Distance(b.xyz, b2.xyz);
                if (dist < i)
                    i = dist;
                    b.visualNearbyCenter = b2.transform.position;
                    target = b2;
            if (i < 1)
            //if there are sheep in range move towards the center of them
            if (i != visualRange)
                b.dx += (b.visualNearbyCenter.x - b.x) * centerTurn;
                b.dz += (b.visualNearbyCenter.z - b.z) * centerTurn;
                //global center bias
                b.dx += (b.startPos.x - b.x) * centerTurn / 2;
                b.dz += (b.startPos.z - b.z) * centerTurn / 2;

            //Apply map push values
            Vector2 mapPush = IslandBuilder.Instance.GetPush(b.xyz);
            b.dx += mapPushVal * mapPush.x;
            b.dz += mapPushVal * mapPush.y;

            //Apply avoid of other sheep
            b.dx += moveX * avoidTurn;
            b.dz += moveZ * avoidTurn;