예제 #1
    //This function will detect character collision and calculate damage
    //Return 1: keep the projectile going
    //Return 0: this object shouldn't be impacted
    //Return -1: this projectile is stopped by character
    public int impact_character(Body_hitbox_generic hit_box, Vector2 hit_point)
        Body_generic body = hit_box.body;

        if (body.gameObject == activator)
        if (local)
            float heat_dmg = 0;
            float angle    = Mathf.Atan2(aimdir.y, aimdir.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
            if (activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().dmg_tags.Contains(body.tag))
                heat_dmg = Damage();
            Vector2 force = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * aimdir.normalized * heat_dmg / 20;

            //If Client authoritates laser
            if (activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().isPlayer&& !activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().isServer)
                activator.GetComponent <Player_controller>().add_to_shot_list(body.gameObject, heat_dmg, hit_point, force.magnitude, CONSTANTS.seed_float_to_short(angle, 360), false, 1);
                body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
            else//Server client || npc authoritates laser
                if (heat_dmg > 0)
                    body.damage(activator, force, dmg_physics: CONSTANTS.heat_to_physics(heat_dmg), dmg_thermal: heat_dmg, headshot: false);
                    if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Non-server client
                        body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, false);
                    else//Host or npc
                        body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, false);
                        body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
                //Friendly fire, just force
                    if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Non-server client
                    else//Host or npc
                        body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
예제 #2
    public void SubPurchase_checkout()
        if (body == null)
            //Debug.LogError("Purchases go to no recipant!");

        //Host player only send command that will modify on server-side; Client send both cmd and local modification
        body.GetComponent <Player_controller>().Cmd_buy(cart.ToArray(), s_cart.ToArray());
        //if (!body.isServer)
        //    body.upgrade_stat(s_cart.ToArray());
예제 #3
    //This function will detect character collision and calculate damage
    //Return 1: keep the projectile going
    //Return 0: this object shouldn't be impacted
    //Return -1: this projectile is stopped by character
    public int impact_character(Body_hitbox_generic hit_box, Vector2 hit_point)
        Vector2      force = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * aimdir * speed * mass / 2;
        Body_generic body  = hit_box.body;

        if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//client player
        else//host player & npc
            body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
        if (activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().dmg_tags.Contains(hit_box.tag))
            body.damage(activator, force: force, dmg_physics: Damage(), headshot: false);
예제 #4
    //Server pull trigger
    public void Pull_trigger(Body_generic body)//AI_generic ai)
        if ((ammo <= 0) || (Time.time <= time_to_fire || (body.isPlayer && is_shoot_inside_wall())))
        body.reloading = false;
        time_to_fire = Time.time + 1 / rate_of_fire;
        //Obtain bullet initial position and direction
        short firepoint_x     = (short)(fire_point.position.x * CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER);
        short firepoint_y     = (short)(fire_point.position.y * CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER);
        short aim_angle_short = get_aim_dir_short();
        float aim_angle_float = get_aim_dir_float();

        //Calculate additional bullet output due to low fps
        int fps_stack = (int)Mathf.Clamp(Time.deltaTime / (1.0f / rate_of_fire), 1, CONSTANTS.MAX_ROF_FRAMERATE_OVERLOAD);

        fps_stack = Mathf.Min(fps_stack, ammo);
        ammo     -= (ushort)fps_stack;
        body.bodyRB.AddForce(-get_aim_vec().normalized *recoil *fps_stack);
        //client_player.shake_screen(shake_extent, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z+180);

         * if ((ammo <= 0) || (Time.time <= time_to_fire))
         * {
         *  return;
         * }
         * short firepoint_x = (short)(fire_point.position.x * CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER);
         * short firepoint_y = (short)(fire_point.position.y * CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER);
         * short aim_angle_short = get_aim_dir_short();
         * float aim_angle_float = get_aim_dir_float();
         * ammo -= 1;
         * time_to_fire = Time.time + 1 / rate_of_fire;
         * body.bodyRB.AddForce(-get_aim_vec().normalized * recoil);//ai.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(-get_aim_vec().normalized * recoil);
         * body.reloading = false;//ai.reloading = false;

        if (burst_shots == 1)
            if (fps_stack <= 1)
                short aim_dir_bias = get_bullet_seed_single(aim_angle_float, firecone_angle);
                //Local shooting
                shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, null);
                //Others shooting
                if (body.isServer && !Local_precomputation)
                    server_shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, null, ammo <= 0);
                else if (body.isPlayer && !Local_precomputation)
                    body.GetComponent <Player_controller>().Cmd_request_shoot_optimized_single(firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, ammo <= 0);
                sbyte[] blt_dir = get_bullet_seed_single_incremental(firecone_angle, body.aim_suppress, fps_stack);
                //Local shooting
                shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir);
                //Others shooting
                if (body.isServer && !Local_precomputation)
                    server_shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);
                else if (!Local_precomputation)
                    body.GetComponent <Player_controller>().Cmd_request_shoot_optimized(firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);

             * short aim_dir_bias = get_bullet_seed_single(get_aim_dir_float(), firecone_angle);
             * //Local shooting
             * shoot(ai.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, null);
             * //Others shooting
             * if (!Local_precomputation)
             * {
             *  server_shoot(ai.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, null, ammo <= 0);
             * }
        else if (burst_shots >= 2)
            sbyte[] blt_dir = get_bullet_seed(firecone_angle, fps_stack);
            //Local shooting
            shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir);
            //Others shooting
            if (body.isServer && !Local_precomputation)
                server_shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);
            else if (!Local_precomputation)
                body.GetComponent <Player_controller>().Cmd_request_shoot_optimized(firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);

             * sbyte[] blt_dir = get_bullet_seed(firecone_angle);
             * //Local shooting
             * shoot(ai.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir);
             * //Others shooting
             * if (!Local_precomputation)
             * {
             *  server_shoot(ai.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);
             * }

        firecone_angle = Mathf.Clamp(firecone_angle + fps_stack * (body.aim_suppress) * accuracy / bias_factor, 0, accuracy);