예제 #1
    //This function will detect object collision
    //projectile will stop no matter what
    public void impact_object(GameObject obj, Vector2 hit_point)
        float heat = Damage();

        if (obj.tag == "structure")//Structure
            if (local && heat > 0)
                Body_generic activator_body = activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>();
                if (activator_body.dmg_tags.Contains(obj.tag) && activator.layer != obj.layer)
                    float angle = Mathf.Atan2(aimdir.y, aimdir.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
                    //If Client authoritates laser
                    if (activator_body.isPlayer && !activator_body.isServer)
                        activator_body.player_controller.add_to_shot_list(obj, heat, hit_point, 0, CONSTANTS.seed_float_to_short(angle, 360), false, 1);
                    else//Server client || npc authoritates laser
                        obj.GetComponent <Structure_generic>().health -= CONSTANTS.heat_to_physics(heat);
                    if (activator_body.isLocalPlayer)
        if (obj.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>() != null)
            Vector2 force = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * (end - start).normalized * heat / 20;
            obj.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
예제 #2
    void Sample_color(GameObject the_user)
        Color chosen_color;

        Body_generic user_body = the_user.GetComponent <Body_generic>();

        if (user_body.isLocalPlayer)
            chosen_color = CONSTANTS.COLOR_PLAYERLOCAL;
        else if (user_body.isPlayer)
            if (user_body.character_type == user_body.cvar_watcher.local_player.character_type)//Player ally
                chosen_color = CONSTANTS.COLOR_PLAYERALLYOTHER;
            else//Player Enemy
                chosen_color = CONSTANTS.COLOR_PLAYERENEMYOTHER;
            if (user_body.character_type == user_body.cvar_watcher.local_player.character_type)//NPC ally
                chosen_color = CONSTANTS.COLOR_ALLY;
            else//NPC Enemy
                chosen_color = CONSTANTS.COLOR_ENEMY;
        laserAimColor.SetKeys(new GradientColorKey[] { new GradientColorKey(chosen_color, 0), new GradientColorKey(chosen_color, 1) }, laserAimColor.alphaKeys);
예제 #3
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     cvar_watcher = FindObjectOfType <Server_watcher>();
     Darkness     = GameObject.Find("Darkness");
     fade_view    = GameObject.Find("Fade_view");
     if (!cvar_watcher.losVision)
     fade_view_left  = fade_view.transform.Find("Fade_view_leaf_left");
     fade_view_right = fade_view.transform.Find("Fade_view_leaf_right");
     controller      = GetComponent <Player_controller>();
     if (!controller.isLocalPlayer)
     body                           = GetComponent <Body_generic>();
     viewMesh                       = new Mesh();
     viewMesh.name                  = "View Mesh";
     viewMeshFilter.mesh            = viewMesh;
     sprite_orient                  = GetComponent <Player_controller>().sprite_orient;
     fade_view.transform.localScale = new Vector2(body.viewRadius, body.viewRadius);
     fade_view_left.localRotation   = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, body.viewAngle / 2);
     fade_view_right.localRotation  = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -body.viewAngle / 2);
     //StartCoroutine("FindTargetsWithDelay", 0.2f);
예제 #4
    //This function will detect character collision and calculate damage
    //Return 1: keep the projectile going
    //Return 0: this object shouldn't be impacted
    //Return -1: this projectile is stopped by character
    public int impact_character(Body_hitbox_generic hit_box, Vector2 hit_point)
        Body_generic body = hit_box.body;

        if (body.gameObject == activator)
        if (local)
            float heat_dmg = 0;
            float angle    = Mathf.Atan2(aimdir.y, aimdir.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
            if (activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().dmg_tags.Contains(body.tag))
                heat_dmg = Damage();
            Vector2 force = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * aimdir.normalized * heat_dmg / 20;

            //If Client authoritates laser
            if (activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().isPlayer&& !activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().isServer)
                activator.GetComponent <Player_controller>().add_to_shot_list(body.gameObject, heat_dmg, hit_point, force.magnitude, CONSTANTS.seed_float_to_short(angle, 360), false, 1);
                body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
            else//Server client || npc authoritates laser
                if (heat_dmg > 0)
                    body.damage(activator, force, dmg_physics: CONSTANTS.heat_to_physics(heat_dmg), dmg_thermal: heat_dmg, headshot: false);
                    if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Non-server client
                        body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, false);
                    else//Host or npc
                        body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, false);
                        body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
                //Friendly fire, just force
                    if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Non-server client
                    else//Host or npc
                        body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
예제 #5
    string print_debug_info(GameObject obj)
        if (obj == null)
            return("This object is NULL");

        string            info = "";
        Equipable_generic item = obj.GetComponent <Equipable_generic>();
        Body_generic      body = obj.GetComponent <Body_generic>();

        if (item != null)
            info += "Item: " + obj.name + "\nUser: "******"\nFaded: " + item.fade + "\n";
            Gun_generic  gun  = obj.GetComponent <Gun_generic>();
            Ammo_generic ammo = obj.GetComponent <Ammo_generic>();
            if (gun != null)
                info += "Ammo: " + gun.ammo + "\n";
            else if (ammo != null)
                info += "Amount: " + ammo.amount + "\n";
        else if (body != null)
            if (body.isPlayer)
                info += "\nPlayer: " + obj.name;
                info += "\nEquiped: " + obj.GetComponent <Player_controller>().equiped_item;
                info += "\nNPC: " + obj.name;
                info += "\nEquiped: " + obj.GetComponent <AI_generic>().equiped_item;
            info += "\nHealth: " + body.health + "/" + body.max_health;
            info += "\nReload * " + body.reload_multiplier;
            info += "\nStress # " + body.stress_resistent;
            info += "\nStrength: " + body.strength;
            info += "\nSpeed: " + body.speed_run;
            info += "\nAim: " + body.aim_suppress;
            if (isServer)
                info += "\nServer-sided Var---------------";
                info += "\nExperience # " + body.experience;
                info += "\nSPs # " + body.skill_points;
                info += "\nPhysical Resiliance # " + body.physical_resilience;

예제 #6
    //This function will detect object collision
    //projectile will stop no matter what
    public void impact_object(GameObject obj, Vector2 hit_point)
        if (obj.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>() != null)
            if (local)//If rigidbody, Exert force
                obj.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(aimdir * speed * mass / 2, hit_point);
        if (obj.tag == "structure")//Structure
            Body_generic activator_body = activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>();
            if (local && (activator == null || (activator_body.dmg_tags.Contains(obj.tag) && activator.layer != obj.layer)))//
                float angle = Mathf.Atan2(aimdir.y, aimdir.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
                //If Client authoritates bullet
                if (activator != null && activator_body.isPlayer && !activator_body.isServer)
                    activator_body.player_controller.add_to_shot_list(obj, Damage(), hit_point, 0, CONSTANTS.seed_float_to_short(angle, 360), false, 0);
                    obj.GetComponent <Structure_generic>().health -= Damage();
        if (spark != null && !isDedicated)
            float angle = Mathf.Atan2(aimdir.y, aimdir.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
            Instantiate(spark, hit_point, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, angle));
        transform.position = hit_point;

         * if (local)
         * {
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  bulletRB.position = hit_point;//Avoid synctransform call
         * }
        speed             = 0;
        time_of_collision = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
예제 #7
    //better use the referenced user, to prevent misusing the old user
    void colorCode_laserAim(GameObject code_ref_obj)
        if (code_ref_obj == null || laserAimSource == null || isDedicated())

        //Laser Aim
        Body_generic user_body = code_ref_obj.GetComponent <Body_generic>();

        if (!user_body.cvar_watcher.cl_preroundStarted)

예제 #8
    //This function will detect character collision and calculate damage
    //Return 1: keep the projectile going
    //Return 0: this object shouldn't be impacted
    //Return -1: this projectile is stopped by character
    public int impact_character(Body_hitbox_generic hit_box, Vector2 hit_point)
        Vector2      force = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * aimdir * speed * mass / 2;
        Body_generic body  = hit_box.body;

        if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//client player
        else//host player & npc
            body.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
        if (activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>().dmg_tags.Contains(hit_box.tag))
            body.damage(activator, force: force, dmg_physics: Damage(), headshot: false);
예제 #9
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Vector2     epicenter = PS.transform.position;
        AudioSource audio     = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

        audio.pitch = Time.timeScale;
        if (Client_watcher.Singleton.isServer)
            if (isFlashBang)
                float        stun_radius    = light.range * 0.8f;
                Collider2D[] stun_colliders = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(epicenter, stun_radius, hit_fltr);
                for (int i = 0; i < stun_colliders.Length; i++)
                    RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Linecast(epicenter, stun_colliders[i].transform.position, block_fltr);
                    if (hit.collider == null && stun_colliders[i].GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>() != null)
                        GameObject char_main = stun_colliders[i].GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>().body.gameObject;
                        float      dist      = Vector2.Distance(char_main.transform.position, epicenter);
                        if (dist <= stun_radius)
                            float stun_ratio = (1 - dist / stun_radius) * thermal / 10000;
                            char_main.GetComponent <Body_generic>().Rpc_stunned_screen(stun_ratio);
            Collider2D[] colliders      = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(epicenter, radius, hit_fltr);
            Body_generic activator_body = activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>();
            for (int i = 0; i < colliders.Length; i++)
                RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Linecast(epicenter, colliders[i].transform.position, block_fltr);
                if (hit.collider == null)
                    float dist = Vector2.Distance(colliders[i].transform.position, epicenter);
                    if (dist <= radius)
                        Vector2 force = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * ((Vector2)colliders[i].transform.position - epicenter).normalized * (1 - dist / radius) * power * 6;

                        GameObject char_main;
                        if (colliders[i].GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>() != null && colliders[i].tag != "headsquirt")
                            char_main = colliders[i].GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>().body.gameObject;
                            char_main = colliders[i].gameObject;

                        float          dmg_physical = (1 - dist / radius) * power / 3;
                        float          dmg_thermal  = (1 - dist / radius) * thermal / 3;
                        RaycastHit2D[] hits         = Physics2D.LinecastAll(epicenter, char_main.transform.position, hit_fltr);
                        for (int j = 0; j < hits.Length - 1; j++)
                            if (hits[j].collider.gameObject.tag == "structure" && hits[j].collider.gameObject != char_main)//There are (other) structure blocking
                                dmg_physical = 0;
                            else if (hits[j].collider.GetComponent <Body_generic>() != null)
                                dmg_physical -= hits[j].collider.GetComponent <Body_generic>().tissue_dense;
                        if (dmg_physical < 0)
                            dmg_physical = 0;
                        if (dmg_thermal < 0)
                            dmg_thermal = 0;
                        if (char_main.GetComponent <Body_generic>() != null)
                            char_main.GetComponent <Body_generic>().damage(activator, force: force, dmg_physics: dmg_physical, dmg_thermal: dmg_thermal);
                        else if (char_main.GetComponent <Structure_generic>() != null)
                            if (char_main.layer == activator.layer)//Ally structure
                                char_main.GetComponent <Structure_generic>().health -= dmg_physical;

                         * else if (char_main.GetComponent<Prop_generic>() != null)
                         * {
                         *  char_main.GetComponent<Prop_generic>().damage(activator, force: force, dmg_physics: dmg_physical, dmg_thermal: dmg_thermal);
                         * }
                         * else if (char_main.GetComponent<Bullseye_generic>() != null)
                         * {
                         *  char_main.GetComponent<Bullseye_generic>().damage(activator, dmg_physics: dmg_physical, dmg_thermal: dmg_thermal);
                         * }

                        if (char_main.GetComponent <Body_generic>() != null && char_main.GetComponent <Body_generic>().isPlayer)
                            char_main.GetComponent <Body_generic>().Rpc_add_force(force);
                        else if (char_main.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>() != null)//host player & server object
                            char_main.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(force);

        if (!Server_watcher.Singleton.isDedicated())
            if (isMeshEffect)//mesh explosion; frag
                mesh           = new Mesh();
                mesh_fltr      = GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                mesh_renderer  = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                mesh_fltr.mesh = mesh;
                mesh_renderer.sortingLayerName = "Flame";
                mesh_color = mesh_renderer.sharedMaterial.color;
                if (material != null)
                    mesh_renderer.sharedMaterial = material;
                time_to_destroyWind = Time.time + windLife;
            else//no mesh no particle, flashbang
                Destroy(GetComponent <MeshFilter>());
                Destroy(GetComponent <MeshRenderer>());
            PS.transform.position = new Vector3(epicenter.x, epicenter.y, -2.5f);
            if (countParticleLife)
                time_to_destroy = Time.time + PS.main.startLifetime.constant;
                time_to_destroy = Time.time + GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip.length;
            light_intensity = light.intensity;
            if (sprite != null)
                sprite_alpha = sprite.color.a;
            if (exp_decal != null)
                FindObjectOfType <Decal_manager>().add_decal(exp_decal, epicenter, radius / 7, 10);
예제 #10
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Server need this link to assign purchased weapons
        body         = GetComponent <Body_generic>();
        cvar_watcher = FindObjectOfType <Server_watcher>();
        main_camera  = Camera.main;
        controller   = GetComponent <Player_controller>();
        if (!GetComponent <Player_controller>().isLocalPlayer)
            enabled = false;
        else//Continues as local player
            if (cvar_watcher.map_type == CONSTANTS.MAP_TYPE.PVP)
                menu      = Instantiate(menu_prefab).GetComponent <Menu_watcher>();
                menu.body = body;
                menu.buffer_inventory_size = body.inventory_size;

                if (body.isBot())
                    menu.purchase_buttons = menu.purchase_buttons_robot;
                    menu.upgrade_buttons  = menu.upgrade_buttons_robot;
                    menu.purchasables     = cvar_watcher.purchases_robot;
                else if (body.isHuman())
                    menu.purchase_buttons = menu.purchase_buttons_human;
                    menu.upgrade_buttons  = menu.upgrade_buttons_human;
                    menu.purchasables     = cvar_watcher.purchases_human;
                else if (body.isZombie())
                    menu.purchase_buttons = menu.purchase_buttons_human;
                    menu.upgrade_buttons  = menu.upgrade_buttons_zombie;
                    menu.purchasables     = cvar_watcher.purchases_zombie;
                menu.purchase_buttons_robot = null;
                menu.purchase_buttons_human = null;

            cursor           = Instantiate(cursor);
            cursor_anim      = cursor.GetComponent <Animator>();
            cursor_l         = cursor.transform.Find("cursor_l");
            cursor_r         = cursor.transform.Find("cursor_r");
            cursor_u         = cursor.transform.Find("cursor_u");
            cursor_d         = cursor.transform.Find("cursor_d");
            cursor_marker_sw = cursor.transform.Find("hit_marker_sw");
            cursor_marker_se = cursor.transform.Find("hit_marker_se");
            cursor_marker_nw = cursor.transform.Find("hit_marker_nw");
            cursor_marker_ne = cursor.transform.Find("hit_marker_ne");
        GetComponent <Body_generic>().OnDamaged = damaged_screen;
        //HUD set-up
        //HUD_camera = Instantiate(HUD_camera, Vector2.zero, Quaternion.identity);
        //HUD_generic hud_generic = HUD_camera.GetComponent<HUD_generic>();
        //HUD_camera.transform.parent = main_camera.transform;
        //HUD_camera.transform.position = main_camera.transform.position;
        HUD = Instantiate(HUD);
        HUD_generic hud_generic = HUD.GetComponent <HUD_generic>();

        ammo_field = hud_generic.AmmoField;
        icon_field = hud_generic.ItemIcon;

        icon_field_anim = icon_field.GetComponent <Animator>();
        overlay         = hud_generic.Overlay;
        //ammo_field.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().sortingLayerName = "HUD";

        //Disable unwanted screen filters

        if (body.character_type == Body_generic.Character_type.Robot)
            Destroy(main_camera.GetComponent <BlurOptimized>());
        else if (body.character_type == Body_generic.Character_type.Human)
            Destroy(main_camera.GetComponent <NoiseAndGrain>());
            Destroy(main_camera.GetComponent <VignetteAndChromaticAberration>());
        else if (body.character_type == Body_generic.Character_type.Zombie)
            Destroy(main_camera.GetComponent <NoiseAndGrain>());
            Destroy(main_camera.GetComponent <VignetteAndChromaticAberration>());
예제 #11
    //Server pull trigger
    public void Pull_trigger(Body_generic body)//AI_generic ai)
        if ((ammo <= 0) || (Time.time <= time_to_fire || (body.isPlayer && is_shoot_inside_wall())))
        body.reloading = false;
        time_to_fire = Time.time + 1 / rate_of_fire;
        //Obtain bullet initial position and direction
        short firepoint_x     = (short)(fire_point.position.x * CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER);
        short firepoint_y     = (short)(fire_point.position.y * CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER);
        short aim_angle_short = get_aim_dir_short();
        float aim_angle_float = get_aim_dir_float();

        //Calculate additional bullet output due to low fps
        int fps_stack = (int)Mathf.Clamp(Time.deltaTime / (1.0f / rate_of_fire), 1, CONSTANTS.MAX_ROF_FRAMERATE_OVERLOAD);

        fps_stack = Mathf.Min(fps_stack, ammo);
        ammo     -= (ushort)fps_stack;
        body.bodyRB.AddForce(-get_aim_vec().normalized *recoil *fps_stack);
        //client_player.shake_screen(shake_extent, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z+180);

         * if ((ammo <= 0) || (Time.time <= time_to_fire))
         * {
         *  return;
         * }
         * short firepoint_x = (short)(fire_point.position.x * CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER);
         * short firepoint_y = (short)(fire_point.position.y * CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER);
         * short aim_angle_short = get_aim_dir_short();
         * float aim_angle_float = get_aim_dir_float();
         * ammo -= 1;
         * time_to_fire = Time.time + 1 / rate_of_fire;
         * body.bodyRB.AddForce(-get_aim_vec().normalized * recoil);//ai.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(-get_aim_vec().normalized * recoil);
         * body.reloading = false;//ai.reloading = false;

        if (burst_shots == 1)
            if (fps_stack <= 1)
                short aim_dir_bias = get_bullet_seed_single(aim_angle_float, firecone_angle);
                //Local shooting
                shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, null);
                //Others shooting
                if (body.isServer && !Local_precomputation)
                    server_shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, null, ammo <= 0);
                else if (body.isPlayer && !Local_precomputation)
                    body.GetComponent <Player_controller>().Cmd_request_shoot_optimized_single(firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, ammo <= 0);
                sbyte[] blt_dir = get_bullet_seed_single_incremental(firecone_angle, body.aim_suppress, fps_stack);
                //Local shooting
                shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir);
                //Others shooting
                if (body.isServer && !Local_precomputation)
                    server_shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);
                else if (!Local_precomputation)
                    body.GetComponent <Player_controller>().Cmd_request_shoot_optimized(firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);

             * short aim_dir_bias = get_bullet_seed_single(get_aim_dir_float(), firecone_angle);
             * //Local shooting
             * shoot(ai.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, null);
             * //Others shooting
             * if (!Local_precomputation)
             * {
             *  server_shoot(ai.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_dir_bias, null, ammo <= 0);
             * }
        else if (burst_shots >= 2)
            sbyte[] blt_dir = get_bullet_seed(firecone_angle, fps_stack);
            //Local shooting
            shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir);
            //Others shooting
            if (body.isServer && !Local_precomputation)
                server_shoot(body.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);
            else if (!Local_precomputation)
                body.GetComponent <Player_controller>().Cmd_request_shoot_optimized(firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);

             * sbyte[] blt_dir = get_bullet_seed(firecone_angle);
             * //Local shooting
             * shoot(ai.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir);
             * //Others shooting
             * if (!Local_precomputation)
             * {
             *  server_shoot(ai.gameObject, firepoint_x, firepoint_y, aim_angle_short, blt_dir, ammo <= 0);
             * }

        firecone_angle = Mathf.Clamp(firecone_angle + fps_stack * (body.aim_suppress) * accuracy / bias_factor, 0, accuracy);
예제 #12
    //This function will detect character collision and calculate damage
    //Return 1: keep the projectile going
    //Return 0: this object shouldn't be impacted
    //Return -1: this projectile is stopped by character
    public int impact_character(Body_hitbox_generic hit_box, Vector2 hit_point)
        Body_generic body = hit_box.body;

        //if this box has been hit OR bullet hits the shooter
        if (collidedlist.Contains(body.gameObject.GetInstanceID()) || body.gameObject == activator)
        {// if previously hit or hit self

        //Approximate fps-independent speed in the middle hit target
        float real_speed = Mathf.Lerp(speed, (speed - delta_time * CONSTANTS.FPS_SCALE * speed_damp), Vector2.Distance(transform.position, hit_point) / (speed * delta_time * CONSTANTS.PROJECTILE_SPEED_MULTI));

        if (local)
            float absorbed_speed;//For force calculation

            if (body.tissue_dense < real_speed)
                absorbed_speed = body.tissue_dense;
                absorbed_speed = real_speed;

            if (real_speed > speed_min)
                bool    isHeadShot = false;
                float   angle      = Mathf.Atan2(aimdir.y, aimdir.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
                float   damage     = 0;
                Vector2 force      = CONSTANTS.DAMAGE_FORCE_MULTIPLIER * aimdir * absorbed_speed * mass / 2;

                IDamageActivator Activator   = null;
                bool             allowDamage = false;
                if (activator == null)
                    allowDamage = true;
                    Activator = activator.GetComponent <IDamageActivator>();
                    if (Activator.canDamage(body))
                        allowDamage = true;

                //Examine if can damage, Can hit body/headbox
                if (allowDamage)
                    //headshot detection
                    if (hit_box.gameObject.tag == "headsquirt")//hitbox is headbox
                        isHeadShot = true;
                    else//hitbox is bodybox, examine further if hit headbox
                        RaycastHit2D[] hit_head = Physics2D.RaycastAll(hit_point, aimdir * real_speed, body.size * 2, hit_head_fltr);
                        foreach (RaycastHit2D hitx in hit_head)
                            //hit normal bullet impace fx
                            if (hitx.collider.tag == "headsquirt" && hitx.collider.GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>().body.gameObject == body.gameObject)//if sub-hitbox's parent is current body box
                                isHeadShot = true;
                    damage = Damage();

                if (Activator != null)
                    Activator.OnHitCharacter(body, damage, hit_point, force, isHeadShot, DamageType.Physical);
                body.OnDamagedBy(Activator, damage, hit_point, force, isHeadShot, DamageType.Physical);

                //if (activator == null || activator.GetComponent<Body_generic>().dmg_tags.Contains(body.tag))
                //    //headshot detection
                //    if (hit_box.gameObject.tag == "headsquirt")//hitbox is headbox
                //    {
                //        isHeadShot = true;
                //    }
                //    else//hitbox is bodybox, examine further if hit headbox
                //    {
                //        RaycastHit2D[] hit_head = Physics2D.RaycastAll(hit_point, aimdir * real_speed, body.size * 2, hit_head_fltr);
                //        foreach (RaycastHit2D hitx in hit_head)
                //        {
                //            //hit normal bullet impace fx
                //            if (hitx.collider.tag == "headsquirt" && hitx.collider.GetComponent<Body_hitbox_generic>().body.gameObject == body.gameObject)//if sub-hitbox's parent is current body box
                //            {
                //                isHeadShot = true;
                //                break;
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

                //    damage = Damage();

                //if(activator == null)
                //Body_generic activator_body = activator.GetComponent<Body_generic>();
                //if (activator_body.isLocalPlayer)
                //    activator_body.player_controller.hit_mark();

                ////If non-host local hit
                //if (activator != null && activator_body.isPlayer && !activator_body.isServer)
                //    activator.GetComponent<Player_controller>().add_to_shot_list(body.gameObject, damage, hit_point, force.magnitude, CONSTANTS.seed_float_to_short(angle, 360), isHeadShot, 0);
                //    body.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
                //else//Server client || npc authoritates bullet
                //    //Cause damage and bleed and force
                //    if (damage > 0)
                //    {
                //        body.damage(activator, force: force, dmg_physics: mass * real_speed * real_speed / 10000, headshot: isHeadShot);
                //        if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Pushing non-server client
                //        {
                //            //body.Rpc_bleed_n_force(hit_point, force, isHeadShot);
                //            body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, isHeadShot);
                //            body.Rpc_add_force(force);
                //        }
                //        else//Pushing host or npc
                //        {
                //            body.request_bleed(hit_point, angle, isHeadShot);
                //            body.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
                //        }
                //    }
                //    //Friendly fire, just force
                //    else
                //    {
                //        if (body.isPlayer && !body.hasAuthority)//Non-server client
                //        {
                //            body.Rpc_add_force(force);
                //        }
                //        else//Host or npc
                //        {
                //            body.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForceAtPosition(force, hit_point);
                //        }
                //    }

        speed = real_speed - body.tissue_dense;
        if (speed < speed_min)
            speed = 0;

             * if (local)
             * {
             *  transform.position = hit_point;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  bulletRB.position = hit_point;
             * }
            time_of_collision = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
예제 #13
    //This function simulate bullets locally
    public void shoot(GameObject gun_user, short fire_point_x, short fire_point_y, short aim_dir, sbyte[] aim_dir_offset, float lag_prediction = 0)
        Vector2 fire_point = new Vector2(fire_point_x / CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER, fire_point_y / CONSTANTS.SYNC_POS_MUTIPLIER);

        Body_generic user_body = gun_user.GetComponent <Body_generic>();

        if (equip == null)
            equip = GetComponent <Equipable_generic>();
        bool hasAuthority = equip.isServer;

        if (!cvar_watcher.isDedicated() && !Local_precomputation)
        }                                                                            //Only spawn muzzle on clients

        float aim_dir_float = CONSTANTS.seed_short_to_float(aim_dir, 360);

        float firecone_maxrange = accuracy + precise;

        if (bullet.tag == "bullet")//Shooting bullet is local authoritative, meaning shooter decides if he hits
            if (aim_dir_offset == null)
                fire_bullet(gun_user, fire_point, aim_dir_float, local_player_protocol(user_body), lag_prediction);
                for (int i = 0; i < aim_dir_offset.Length; i++)
                    float blt_dir = aim_dir_float + CONSTANTS.seed_sbyte_to_float(aim_dir_offset[i], firecone_maxrange);
                    fire_bullet(gun_user, fire_point, blt_dir, local_player_protocol(user_body), lag_prediction);
        else if (bullet.tag == "bullet_laser")//Shooting laser is local authoritative, meaning shooter decides if he hits
            if (aim_dir_offset == null)
                fire_laser(gun_user, fire_point, aim_dir_float, local_player_protocol(user_body));
                for (int i = 0; i < aim_dir_offset.Length; i++)
                    float blt_dir = aim_dir_float + CONSTANTS.seed_sbyte_to_float(aim_dir_offset[i], firecone_maxrange);
                    fire_laser(gun_user, fire_point, blt_dir, local_player_protocol(user_body));
        else if (bullet.tag == "bullet_rocket")//Shooting rocket is server authoritative, meaning server decides if he hits
            if (hasAuthority)
                if (aim_dir_offset == null)
                    fire_rocket(gun_user, fire_point, aim_dir_float, hasAuthority);
                    for (int i = 0; i < aim_dir_offset.Length; i++)
                        float blt_dir = aim_dir_float + CONSTANTS.seed_sbyte_to_float(aim_dir_offset[i], firecone_maxrange);
                        fire_rocket(gun_user, fire_point, blt_dir, hasAuthority);
        if (bullet.tag == "bullet_tesla")//This function only runs on local. local simulate path, broadcast path and damage to network
            fire_tesla(gun_user, fire_point, aim_dir_float, local_player_protocol(user_body), null, lag_prediction);
        else if (bullet.tag == "bullet_flame")//Shooting bullet is server authoritative, meaning server decides if he hits
            float blt_dir = aim_dir_float + CONSTANTS.seed_sbyte_to_float(aim_dir_offset[0], firecone_maxrange);
            bullet.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, blt_dir - bullet.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().shape.arc / 2);
            bullet.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().Emit(burst_shots);
예제 #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if bullet has authority: NPC & server player only authoritative on server; Client only authoritative on local
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="user_body"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 bool local_player_protocol(Body_generic user_body)
     return(user_body.isLocalPlayer || (user_body.isServer && !user_body.isPlayer));
예제 #15
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!isLocalPlayer)

        mousepos             = new Vector2(mainCam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).x, mainCam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).y);
        main_camera.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, main_camera.position.z);

        if (!msg_watcher.isEditingMsg)
            if (Input.GetKey(zoomout))
                mainCam.orthographicSize *= 1.03f;
            if (Input.GetKey(zoomin))
                mainCam.orthographicSize /= 1.03f;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(rotate_cam))
            cam_vec = mousepos - (Vector2)transform.position;
        else if (Input.GetKey(rotate_cam))
            Vector2 offset_vec = (mousepos - (Vector2)transform.position);
            float   offset     = cam_angle - Mathf.Atan2((offset_vec).y, (offset_vec).x) * 180 / Mathf.PI + Mathf.Atan2((cam_vec).y, (cam_vec).x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
            cam_angle            = offset;
            main_camera.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, offset);
        if (mainCam.orthographicSize > max_view)
            mainCam.orthographicSize = max_view;
        else if (mainCam.orthographicSize < min_view)
            mainCam.orthographicSize = min_view;
        cam3D.localPosition = new Vector3(cam3D.localPosition.x, cam3D.localPosition.y, -Mathf.Lerp(CONSTANTS.CAM3D_MIN_Z, CONSTANTS.CAM3D_MAX_Z, (mainCam.orthographicSize - CONSTANTS.CAM_MIN_VIEW) / (CONSTANTS.CAM_MAX_VIEW - CONSTANTS.CAM_MIN_VIEW)));

        if (msg_watcher.isEditingMsg)

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(slowdownTime) && FindObjectsOfType <Player_generic>().Length <= 1)
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(resetTime) && FindObjectsOfType <Player_generic>().Length <= 1)

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(toggle_light))
            if (light.enabled)
                light.enabled        = false;
                light_zombie.enabled = false;
                light_human.enabled  = false;
                light_robot.enabled  = false;
                light.enabled        = true;
                light_zombie.enabled = true;
                light_human.enabled  = true;
                light_robot.enabled  = true;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(debug))
            Collider2D check = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(transform.position, 1, debug_mask);
            if (check != null && check.tag != "structure")
                GameObject the_object = check.gameObject;
                if (check.GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>() != null)
                    the_object = check.GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>().body.gameObject;
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(debug_clear))
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(debug_toggle))
            if (debug_info.enabled)
                debug_info.enabled = false;
                Client_watcher.Singleton.GetComponent <FPSDisplay>().enabled = false;
                debug_info.enabled = true;
                Client_watcher.Singleton.GetComponent <FPSDisplay>().enabled = true;

        if (track_body == null)
            float   move_angle = 0;
            float   move_force = 1;
            Vector2 move_dir   = Vector2.zero;
            if (Input.GetKey(FastTravel))
                move_force = Speed_fasttravel;
                move_force = Speed_travel;

            if (Input.GetKey(MoveUp))
                move_dir.y = 1;
            else if (Input.GetKey(MoveDown))
                move_dir.y = -1;
                move_dir.y = 0;
            if (Input.GetKey(MoveLeft))
                move_dir.x = -1;
            else if (Input.GetKey(MoveRight))
                move_dir.x = 1;
                move_dir.x = 0;

            if (move_dir.magnitude != 0)
                move_angle  = Mathf.Atan2(move_dir.y, move_dir.x) * 180 / Mathf.PI;
                move_angle += mainCam.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z;
                move_dir    = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(move_angle * Mathf.PI / 180), Mathf.Sin(move_angle * Mathf.PI / 180));
            obRB.AddForce(move_dir.normalized * move_force * Time.unscaledDeltaTime / (50 * Time.fixedDeltaTime));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(Stop))
                obRB.velocity = Vector2.zero;
            //obRB.position = track_body.transform.position;
            health_bar.ratio = track_body.health / track_body.max_health;

        //Switch characters
        if ((Input.GetKeyDown(switch_character_next) || Input.GetKeyDown(switch_character_prev) || Input.GetKeyDown(switch_selected)) && characters != null && characters.Length > 0)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(switch_selected))
                Collider2D selected = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(transform.position, 1, character_mask);
                if (selected != null && selected.tag != "structure")
                    Body_generic selected_character = selected.GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>().body;
                    for (int i = 0; i < characters.Length; i++)
                        if (characters[i] == selected_character)
                            characters_index = i;
                    track_body = selected_character;
                    isFreeMode = false;
            else if (isFreeMode)
                isFreeMode = false;
                track_body = characters[characters_index];
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(switch_character_next))
                if (characters_index == characters.Length)
                    characters_index = 0;
                track_body = characters[characters_index];
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(switch_character_prev))
                if (characters_index < 0)
                    characters_index = characters.Length - 1;
                track_body = characters[characters_index];
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(switch_free))
            if (!isFreeMode)
                isFreeMode = true;
                track_body = null;
예제 #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Gurranteed to be local
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="activator"></param>
    /// <param name="fire_point"></param>
    /// <param name="blt_dir"></param>
    /// <param name="hasAuthority"></param>
    /// <param name="lag_prediction"></param>
    GameObject[] fire_tesla_init(GameObject activator, Vector2 fire_point, float blt_dir, float max_bounce_range, LayerMask hit_fltr, LayerMask obstacle_fltr)
        Vector2             spread_origin        = fire_point;
        Vector2             aimdir               = (new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(blt_dir * Mathf.PI / 180), Mathf.Sin(blt_dir * Mathf.PI / 180))).normalized;
        Body_generic        activator_body       = activator.GetComponent <Body_generic>();
        Player_controller   activator_controller = activator.GetComponent <Player_controller>();
        Body_generic        victim_body          = null;
        RaycastHit2D        hit          = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, aimdir, blt_speed * CONSTANTS.VOLT_DIST_RATIO / 2, hit_fltr + obstacle_fltr);
        List <GameObject>   collidedlist = new List <GameObject>();
        Body_hitbox_generic hitbox;
        float volts_left     = blt_speed;
        int   number_streams = 0;

        if (hit)
            hitbox = hit.collider.GetComponent <Body_hitbox_generic>();
            if (hitbox != null) //If hit body, Damage and spread
                volts_left = (1 - (Vector2.Distance(hit.point, transform.position) / (blt_speed * CONSTANTS.VOLT_DIST_RATIO))) * blt_speed;
                number_streams = Mathf.Max(1, (int)(volts_left / blt_speed_min));
                spread_origin  = hit.point;

        if (number_streams == 0)
            //Send trail paths
            if (activator_controller != null)

        List <GameObject>[]            stream_path = new List <GameObject> [number_streams];
        List <Tesla_generic.teslaNode> spread_list = new List <Tesla_generic.teslaNode>();

        Tesla_generic.teslaNode initial_node = new Tesla_generic.teslaNode();
        initial_node.target       = hit.collider.gameObject;
        initial_node.volts_left   = volts_left;
        initial_node.stream_idxes = new int[number_streams];
        for (int i = 0; i < number_streams; i++)
            initial_node.stream_idxes[i] = i;
        //Debug.LogError("distance: "+ Vector2.Distance(hit.point, transform.position) + "; volt left: "+volts_left+ "; number streams: "+number_streams);

        int path_size = 0;

        //while there are stem that is branching out
        while (spread_list.Count > 0)//Each step
            //Debug.LogError("step: "+spread_list.Count);
            List <Tesla_generic.teslaNode> spread_temp = new List <Tesla_generic.teslaNode>();
            //For each of the stem
            for (int i = 0; i < spread_list.Count; i++)
                List <Tesla_generic.teslaNode> current_spread_temp = new List <Tesla_generic.teslaNode>();
                int j;
                Tesla_generic.teslaNode node = spread_list[i];
                victim_body = node.target.GetComponent <Body_generic>();
                if (victim_body == null)//structure doesnt take damage from tesla
                if (activator_body.isServer)
                    if (node.target.layer != activator.layer)//Only if damaging opposite team will bleed
                        victim_body.request_bleed(victim_body.transform.position, 0, false);
                    victim_body.damage(activator, Vector2.zero, dmg_electric: node.volts_left / 30);
                    activator_controller.add_to_shot_list(victim_body.gameObject, node.volts_left / 30, victim_body.transform.position, 0, 0, false, 2);
                if (activator_body.isLocalPlayer)
                spread_origin = node.target.transform.position;
                //Debug.LogError("From node: "+node.target + "; volt: "+node.volts_left);
                //Mark all the stream with its index
                for (j = 0; j < node.stream_idxes.Length; j++)
                    if (stream_path[node.stream_idxes[j]] == null)
                        stream_path[node.stream_idxes[j]] = new List <GameObject>();
                    //Debug.LogError("add: " + node.target);
                //overlap circle

                Collider2D[] victims = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(spread_origin, Mathf.Min(node.volts_left * CONSTANTS.VOLT_DIST_RATIO, radius), hit_fltr);
                //Debug.LogError("hit count: " + victims.Length);
                if (victims.Length == 0)

                //Sort circle
                victims = victims.OrderBy(o => Vector2.Distance(o.transform.position, spread_origin)).ToArray();
                j = 0;
                //Compute distance for the next stem, put on dist_to_parent
                float volt = node.volts_left;
                float total_volt_to_parent        = 0;
                Tesla_generic.teslaNode next_node = new Tesla_generic.teslaNode();
                next_node.target         = victims[j].gameObject;
                next_node.volt_to_parent = Vector2.Distance(victims[j].transform.position, spread_origin) / CONSTANTS.VOLT_DIST_RATIO;
                //While this stem has voltage && can reach next stem
                int hits = 0;
                while (volt > blt_speed_min + next_node.volt_to_parent && hits <= CONSTANTS.TESLA_MAX_SPLIT)
                    //If the next stemmed object isnt on collided list
                    if (!collidedlist.Contains(next_node.target) && !Physics2D.Linecast(spread_origin, next_node.target.transform.position, obstacle_fltr))
                        //subtract copy of dist/volt_ratio\
                        volt -= next_node.volt_to_parent + blt_speed_min;
                        total_volt_to_parent += next_node.volt_to_parent;

                        //Copy the stem onto a spread_temp list
                        //Put the stemmed object on collided list
                        //Debug.LogError("spread to: " + next_node.target + "; volt distance: " + next_node.volt_to_parent);

                    //Increment pointer

                    if (j >= victims.Length)
                    next_node = new Tesla_generic.teslaNode();
                    //take the next stem on the sorted list
                    next_node.target = victims[j].gameObject;
                    //Compute distance for the next stem
                    next_node.volt_to_parent = Vector2.Distance(victims[j].transform.position, spread_origin) / CONSTANTS.VOLT_DIST_RATIO;
                //Pointer current_idx = 0
                int current_idx = 0;
                //For each on the spread_temp list
                for (int k = 0; k < current_spread_temp.Count; k++)
                    next_node = current_spread_temp[k];
                    //stem volt = (1 - dist_to_parent / volt_of_current_stem) * volt_of_current_stem
                    if (current_spread_temp.Count == 1)
                        next_node.volts_left = volt;
                        next_node.volts_left = ((total_volt_to_parent - next_node.volt_to_parent) / (current_spread_temp.Count - 1)) * volt / total_volt_to_parent;

                    //Debug.LogError("spread to: " + next_node.target + "; volt distance: " + next_node.volt_to_parent);
                    //Debug.LogError("volts total: "+node.volts_left+"; total parent: "+ total_volt_to_parent + "; this: "+ next_node.volts_left+ "; volt to parent: "+ next_node.volt_to_parent);
                    //Initialize volt / minimum for the stream idxes
                    if (next_node.volts_left <= 0)
                    next_node.stream_idxes = new int[Mathf.Max(1, (int)(next_node.volts_left / blt_speed_min))]; //Must be at least one stream
                                                                                                                 //For volt / minimum

                    for (int y = 0; y < next_node.stream_idxes.Length; y++)
                        //stream_idxes[] = current_stream_idxes[k]
                        next_node.stream_idxes[y] = node.stream_idxes[current_idx];

                         * try
                         * {
                         * }
                         * catch
                         * {
                         *  Debug.LogError("bug!");
                         *  Debug.LogError("next node volt: " + next_node.volts_left);
                         *  Debug.LogError("spread count: " + current_spread_temp.Count + "; number rays: " + next_node.stream_idxes.Length + "; number ray current: " + node.stream_idxes.Length + "; currect:" + current_idx);
                         * }
            spread_list = spread_temp;

        if (stream_path.Length == 0)
        GameObject[] serialized_path  = new GameObject[path_size + stream_path.Length];
        int          serialized_index = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < stream_path.Length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < stream_path[i].Count; j++)
                serialized_path[serialized_index] = stream_path[i][j];

        //Send trail paths
        if (activator_body.isPlayer && activator_body.hasAuthority)
            activator_body.Cmd_send_tesla_path(serialized_path, gameObject);
            activator_body.Rpc_send_tesla_path(serialized_path, gameObject);
예제 #17
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        cvar_watcher = FindObjectOfType <Server_watcher>();
        if (race == Body_generic.Character_type.Human)
            cvar_watcher.team_human = this;
        else if (race == Body_generic.Character_type.Robot)
            cvar_watcher.team_robot = this;
        else if (race == Body_generic.Character_type.Zombie)
            cvar_watcher.team_zombie = this;
        //set text
        if (text_counter != null)
            text_counter.text = respawns_token.ToString();


         * //Find the player entity and register them to corresponding teams; If this fail to find players, players are going to find the team
         * //Let player/observer know of this entity, and making them check if this team members are spawn-ready
         * Player_controller[] players = FindObjectsOfType<Player_controller>();
         * Debug.LogError("player number: "+players.Length);
         * for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++)
         * {
         *  //Debug.LogError("found player: " + players[i].gameObject.name + " and his type: " + players[i].GetComponent<Body_generic>().character_type);
         *  if (players[i].GetComponent<Body_generic>().character_type == race)
         *  {
         *      players[i].GetComponent<Body_generic>().team = this;
         *      //Debug.LogError("player ready: "+ players[i].gameObject.name);
         *      //body_ready++;
         *  }
         * }

        //Server operations, spawn npc and assign team
        if (isServer)
            alive = cvar_watcher.get_joined_character(race);
            if (alive <= 0)
                enabled = false;
            respawns_token = cvar_watcher.get_init_tickets(race);

            //Spawn npcs
            int number_to_spawn = alive - cvar_watcher.get_joined_player(race);
            //body_to_getReady = alive;

            for (int i = 0; i < number_to_spawn; i++)
                int        ran = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, character.Length);
                GameObject npc = Instantiate(character[ran], transform.position, transform.rotation);
                //Debug.LogError("spawn: "+character[ran]);
                Body_generic body_npc = npc.GetComponent <Body_generic>();
                body_npc.cvar_watcher = cvar_watcher;//Needs to initialize on server side
                npc.GetComponent <Body_generic>().bodyRB = npc.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                body_npc.OnRespawn = npc.GetComponent <AI_generic>().shopping;
                npc.GetComponent <AI_generic>().set_ai_condition(AI_generic.AI_condition.AGGRESSIVE);
                body_npc.team = this;

                //Make sure the upgrades are ready before shopping;
                if (body_npc.isHuman())
                    body_npc.upgrades = cvar_watcher.upgrades_human;
                else if (body_npc.isBot())
                    body_npc.upgrades = cvar_watcher.upgrades_robot;
                else if (body_npc.isZombie())
                    body_npc.upgrades = cvar_watcher.upgrades_zombie;
                npc.GetComponent <AI_generic>().body = body_npc;
                npc.GetComponent <AI_generic>().shopping();
                //npc.GetComponent<AI_generic>().freeze_movement = true;//waiting for the preround to end
                npc.GetComponent <Body_generic>().character_cond = Body_generic.Character_condition.FROZEN;

         * if (isServer)
         * {
         *  int percent = 100 / weapon.Length;
         *  for (int i = 0; i < spawners.Length; i++)
         *  {
         *      spawners[i].spawn_limit = team_limit;
         *      for(int j = 0; j < weapon.Length; j++)
         *      {
         *          spawners[i].equip_template.Add(new KeyValuePair<GameObject, int>(weapon[j], percent));
         *      }
         *      spawners[i].npc_template.Add(new KeyValuePair<GameObject, int>(character, 100));
         *  }
         * }