public static Prism getPrismFromBlobs(BlobManager blob1, BlobManager blob2) { /* returns a Prism that just barely contains all of blob1 and blob2 */ Prism p1 = blob1.genPrism (); Prism p2 = blob2.genPrism (); int i = Mathf.Min (p1.x, p2.x); int j = Mathf.Min (p1.y, p2.y); int k = Mathf.Min (p1.z, p2.z); int iCorner = Mathf.Max (p1.x + p1.width, p2.x + p2.width); int jCorner = Mathf.Max (p1.y + p1.height, p2.y + p2.height); int kCorner = Mathf.Max (p1.z + p1.depth, p2.z + p2.depth); int width = iCorner - i; int height = jCorner - j; int depth = kCorner - k; return new Prism (i, j, k, width, height, depth); }
private void setStart() { //only one collisionManager should be in progress at the same time for the whole scene isStarted = true; blobs = new ArrayList (); if (blobName1 == "main blob") blobName1 = worldManager.getMainBlobName (); blob1 = (BlobManager)worldManager.blobs [blobName1]; blob2 = (BlobManager)worldManager.blobs [blobName2]; blob1.setName (true); blob2.setName (true); if (newBlobManager != null) newBlobManager.setName (true); blobs.Add (blob2); if (isBlob2InsideBlob1) { //case: when blob2 collided with blob1, it was completely within blob1 bounds //Debug.Log ("inside collision"); newBlobManager = blob1; iterPrism = blob2.genPrism (); combinedPrism = blob1.getPrism (); iterOffset = new IntVector3 (iterPrism.x - combinedPrism.x, iterPrism.y - combinedPrism.y, iterPrism.z - combinedPrism.z); // ("combinedPrism ", combinedPrism); newMapData = blob1.mapData; newVoxelGrid = blob1.voxels; newContagiousList = blob1.getContagiousList (); } else { //case: blob2 hit the outside of blob1. newblob bounds must become larger //Debug.Log ("outside collision"); blobs.Add (blob1); iterPrism = getPrismFromBlobs (blob1, blob2); iterOffset = new IntVector3 (0, 0, 0); combinedPrism = iterPrism; newMapData = new int[iterPrism.width, iterPrism.height, iterPrism.depth]; newVoxelGrid = new GameObject[iterPrism.width, iterPrism.height, iterPrism.depth]; newContagiousList = new ArrayList (); newBlobManager.gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3 (iterPrism.x, iterPrism.y, iterPrism.z); } //"combined prism",combinedPrism); }