예제 #1
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null)
             string sid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(Request.QueryString["sid"].ToString()); //kdQMwcj0lE8=              "5"; //
             ViewState["sid"] = sid;
             Int64     Count = 0;
             DataTable ds    = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(" Select * From Sync_Need_Logs  Order By LogId ");
             for (int iicouts = 0; iicouts < ds.Rows.Count; iicouts++)
                 DataTable DTServerID = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(" SELECT DISTINCT dbo.ServerMasterTbl.Id FROM dbo.CompanyMaster INNER JOIN dbo.PricePlanMaster ON dbo.PricePlanMaster.PricePlanId = dbo.CompanyMaster.PricePlanId INNER JOIN dbo.PortalMasterTbl ON dbo.PricePlanMaster.PortalMasterId1 = dbo.PortalMasterTbl.Id INNER JOIN dbo.VersionInfoMaster ON dbo.PricePlanMaster.VersionInfoMasterId = dbo.VersionInfoMaster.VersionInfoId INNER JOIN dbo.ProductMaster ON dbo.VersionInfoMaster.ProductId = dbo.ProductMaster.ProductId INNER JOIN dbo.ClientMaster ON dbo.ProductMaster.ClientMasterId = dbo.ClientMaster.ClientMasterId INNER JOIN dbo.ServerMasterTbl ON dbo.CompanyMaster.ServerId = dbo.ServerMasterTbl.Id Where  dbo.ServerMasterTbl.Status=1 and dbo.CompanyMaster.Active=1 ");
                 for (int iicout = 0; iicout < DTServerID.Rows.Count; iicout++)
                     Insert_Sync_Need_Logs_AtServer_AddDelUpdtSelect(ds.Rows[iicouts]["LogId"].ToString(), ds.Rows[iicouts]["RecordID"].ToString(), ds.Rows[iicouts]["ACTION"].ToString(), ds.Rows[iicouts]["TableName"].ToString(), false, DTServerID.Rows[iicout]["Id"].ToString());
             lblmsg.Text = Convert.ToString(Count) + " total record updated at Sync_Need_Logs_AtServer";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Statik_FullTable();
        string sidd = BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted("5");

        if (!IsPostBack)
            if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null && Request.QueryString["tblid"] == null)
                string sid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(Request.QueryString["sid"].ToString()); //kdQMwcj0lE8=              "5"; //
                ViewState["sid"] = sid;
                if (!IsPostBack)
                    btnsync_Click(sender, e);
                DataTable dtfindtab = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(@" SELECT Count(dbo.Satelite_Server_Sync_Log_Deatils.ID) as TotalCount
                                                        From    dbo.Satellite_Server_Sync_Job_Details INNER JOIN dbo.ClientProductTableMaster INNER JOIN dbo.SatelliteSyncronisationrequiringTablesMaster ON dbo.SatelliteSyncronisationrequiringTablesMaster.TableID = dbo.ClientProductTableMaster.Id ON  dbo.Satellite_Server_Sync_Job_Details.TableID = dbo.SatelliteSyncronisationrequiringTablesMaster.TableID AND dbo.Satellite_Server_Sync_Job_Details.TableID = dbo.ClientProductTableMaster.Id INNER JOIN dbo.Satelitte_Server_Sync_Job_Master ON  dbo.Satellite_Server_Sync_Job_Details.Satelitte_Server_Sync_Job_Master_ID = dbo.Satelitte_Server_Sync_Job_Master.Id INNER JOIN dbo.ServerMasterTbl ON dbo.Satelitte_Server_Sync_Job_Master.SatelliteServerID = dbo.ServerMasterTbl.Id INNER JOIN dbo.Satelite_Server_Sync_Log_Deatils ON dbo.Satellite_Server_Sync_Job_Details.ID = dbo.Satelite_Server_Sync_Log_Deatils.Satellite_Server_Sync_Job_Details_ID INNER JOIN dbo.SyncActionMaster ON dbo.Satelite_Server_Sync_Log_Deatils.TypeOfOperationDone = dbo.SyncActionMaster.ID
                                                        Where  dbo.Satellite_Server_Sync_Job_Details.SyncedStatus=0  and ServerMasterTbl.Id='" + ViewState["sid"] + "' ");//  and dbo.Satelitte_Server_Sync_Job_Master.Id='" + ViewState["JobID"] + "' and
                lblportmsg.Text = "Please waite for some moment we syncronice " + dtfindtab.Rows[0]["TotalCount"] + " record at server ";
            //Any 1 Table Full Data Transfer
            if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null && Request.QueryString["tblid"] != null)
                string sid   = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(Request.QueryString["sid"].ToString().Replace(" ", "+"));
                string tblid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(Request.QueryString["tblid"].ToString().Replace(" ", "+"));
                ViewState["sid"]   = sid;
                ViewState["tblid"] = tblid;
            //All Table All Data Transfer
            if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null && Request.QueryString["alltable"] != null)
                string sid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(Request.QueryString["sid"].ToString().Replace(" ", "+"));
                ViewState["sid"] = sid;
                // string tblid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(Request.QueryString["tblid"].ToString().Replace(" ", "+"));
                DataTable dts1 = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(" SELECT dbo.SatelliteSyncronisationrequiringTablesMaster.* FROM dbo.ClientProductTableMaster INNER JOIN dbo.SatelliteSyncronisationrequiringTablesMaster ON dbo.SatelliteSyncronisationrequiringTablesMaster.TableID = dbo.ClientProductTableMaster.Id WHERE (dbo.SatelliteSyncronisationrequiringTablesMaster.Status = '1' and ClientProductTableMaster.Active=1) ");
                for (int k = 0; k < dts1.Rows.Count; k++)
                    ViewState["tblid"] = dts1.Rows[k]["TableID"].ToString();
예제 #3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            Timer1.Enabled      = false;
            img_loading.Visible = false;

            //--Part1------------------------Add Sync_Need_Logs_AtServer Table--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null && Request.QueryString["addserjob"] == "1")
                string sid = Request.QueryString["sid"].Replace(" ", "+"); //kdQMwcj0lE8= "5"; //
                sid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(sid);
                ViewState["sid"] = sid;
                DataTable ds = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(" Select Count(Logid) as id From Sync_Need_Logs ");
                if (Convert.ToInt32(ds.Rows[0]["id"].ToString()) > 0)
                    lbl_Hmsg.Text       = "";// "We finded total " + ds.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + "  no of changes done at client database right now we need to transfer record at settellite server level ";
                    Timer1.Enabled      = true;
                    img_loading.Visible = true;
                    lbl_Msg.Text = "No any record available for syncronice";
            //--Part2------------------------Add Job1-Job2-Job3 Table--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null && Request.QueryString["addjob123"] == "1")
                string sid = Request.QueryString["sid"].Replace(" ", "+"); //kdQMwcj0lE8= "5"; //
                sid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(sid);
                ViewState["sid"] = sid;
                DataTable ds1 = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(" Select Count(id) as id From Sync_Need_Logs_AtServer where sid='" + ViewState["sid"].ToString() + "'   ");
                if (Convert.ToInt32(ds1.Rows[0]["id"].ToString()) > 0)
                    lbl_Hmsg.Text = "";// "We finded total " + ds1.Rows[0]["id"].ToString() + " record that need to be transfer on sattellite server right now we create one job for transfer all record at settellite server";
                    Timer1.Enabled      = true;
                    img_loading.Visible = true;
                    lbl_Msg.Text = "No any record available for create job for syncronice ";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            Timer1.Enabled      = false;
            img_loading.Visible = false;
            if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null && Request.QueryString["addserjob"] == "1")
                string sid = Request.QueryString["sid"].Replace(" ", "+"); //kdQMwcj0lE8= "5"; //
                sid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(sid);
                ViewState["sid"] = sid;
                DataTable ds = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(" Select * From Sync_Need_Logs  Order By LogId ");
                if (ds.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Timer1.Enabled      = true;
                    img_loading.Visible = true;
                    lbl_Msg.Text = "No any record available for syncronice";

            if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null && Request.QueryString["addjob123"] == "1")
                string sid = Request.QueryString["sid"].Replace(" ", "+"); //kdQMwcj0lE8= "5"; //
                sid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(sid);
                ViewState["sid"] = sid;
                DataTable ds1 = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(" Select * From Sync_Need_Logs_AtServer where sid='" + ViewState["sid"].ToString() + "'  Order By LogId  ");
                if (ds1.Rows.Count > 0)
                    Timer1.Enabled      = true;
                    img_loading.Visible = true;
                    lbl_Msg.Text = "No any record available for create job for syncronice ";
예제 #5
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         Timer1.Enabled      = false;
         img_loading.Visible = false;
         //--Part3------------------------Add Job3 Table To Server Database--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         if (Request.QueryString["sid"] != null && Request.QueryString["Transfer"] == "1")
             string sid = Request.QueryString["sid"].Replace(" ", "+"); //kdQMwcj0lE8= "5"; //
             sid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(sid);
             ViewState["sid"]    = sid;
             Timer1.Enabled      = true;
             img_loading.Visible = true;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string ss      = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted("d2fu/WL5XmM=");
        string ssdd    = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted("member");
        string ssddfdf = BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted("member");

        //ABC Key Insert At Server DB
        if (Request.QueryString["comid"] != null && Request.QueryString["ABCenckey"] != null && Request.QueryString["returl"] != null)
            //string hh = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(Request.QueryString["comid"].ToString().Replace(" ", "+"));
            string companyid = BZ_Common.BZ_Decrypted(Request.QueryString["comid"].ToString().Replace(" ", "+"));

            DataTable DtServid = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(" Select ServerMasterTbl.Busiwizsatellitesiteurl,CompanyMaster.CompanyLoginId,ServerMasterTbl.Id FROM dbo.ServerMasterTbl INNER JOIN dbo.CompanyMaster ON dbo.ServerMasterTbl.Id = dbo.CompanyMaster.ServerId Where CompanyMaster.CompanyLoginId='" + companyid + "' ");
            if (DtServid.Rows.Count > 0)
                string  Busiwizsatellitesiteurl = DtServid.Rows[0]["Busiwizsatellitesiteurl"].ToString();
                string  ServerId            = DtServid.Rows[0]["Id"].ToString();
                Boolean Comp__Actve__Status = CompanyWizard.Company_Active_Status(companyid);
                Boolean Comp__Licen__Active = CompanyWizard.Company_LicenseExpire_Status(companyid);
                Boolean Server__Active      = ServerWizard.Server_Active_Status(companyid);
                if (Comp__Actve__Status == true && Comp__Licen__Active == true && Server__Active == true)
                    Boolean Insert_Today_Key = CompKeyIns.BtnABCKey(companyid, ServerId);
                    if (Insert_Today_Key == true)
                        string Z  = "";
                        string D1 = "";
                        string D2 = "";
                        string D3 = "";
                        string D4 = "";
                        string D5 = "";

                        string E1 = "";
                        string E2 = "";
                        string E3 = "";
                        string E4 = "";
                        string E5 = "";

                        string    F1 = "";
                        string    F2 = "";
                        string    F3 = "";
                        string    F4 = "";
                        string    F5 = "";
                        DataTable Dt = MyCommonfile.selectBZ(" Select TOP(15)* From CompanyABCDetail Where CompanyLoginId='" + companyid + "' Order By Id Desc ");
                        foreach (DataRow drmaxdb in Dt.Rows)
                            Z += drmaxdb["Z"].ToString() + ",";

                            D1 += drmaxdb["D1"].ToString() + ",";
                            D2 += drmaxdb["D2"].ToString() + ",";
                            D3 += drmaxdb["D3"].ToString() + ",";
                            D4 += drmaxdb["D4"].ToString() + ",";
                            D5 += drmaxdb["D5"].ToString() + ",";

                            E1 += drmaxdb["E1"].ToString() + ",";
                            E2 += drmaxdb["E2"].ToString() + ",";
                            E3 += drmaxdb["E3"].ToString() + ",";
                            E4 += drmaxdb["E4"].ToString() + ",";
                            E5 += drmaxdb["E5"].ToString() + ",";

                            F1 += drmaxdb["F1"].ToString() + ",";
                            F2 += drmaxdb["F2"].ToString() + ",";
                            F3 += drmaxdb["F3"].ToString() + ",";
                            F4 += drmaxdb["F4"].ToString() + ",";
                            F5 += drmaxdb["F5"].ToString() + ",";
                        if (Dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            Z = Z.Remove(Z.Length - 1);

                            D1 = D1.Remove(D1.Length - 1);
                            D2 = D2.Remove(D2.Length - 1);
                            D3 = D3.Remove(D3.Length - 1);
                            D4 = D4.Remove(D4.Length - 1);
                            D5 = D5.Remove(D5.Length - 1);

                            E1 = E1.Remove(E1.Length - 1);
                            E2 = E2.Remove(E2.Length - 1);
                            E3 = E3.Remove(E3.Length - 1);
                            E4 = E4.Remove(E4.Length - 1);
                            E5 = E5.Remove(E5.Length - 1);

                            F1 = F1.Remove(F1.Length - 1);
                            F2 = F2.Remove(F2.Length - 1);
                            F3 = F3.Remove(F3.Length - 1);
                            F4 = F4.Remove(F4.Length - 1);
                            F5 = F5.Remove(F5.Length - 1);

                            //Response.Redirect("http://" + Busiwizsatellitesiteurl + "/Satelliteservfunction.aspx?Compid=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(companyid) + "&E1=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(E1) + "&E2=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(E2) + "&E3=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(E3) + "&E4=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(E4) + "&E5=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(E5) + "&D1=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(D1) + "&D2=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(D2) + "&D3=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(D3) + "&D4=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(D4) + "&D5=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(D5) + "&Z=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(Z) + "&F1=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(F1) + "&F2=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(F2) + "&F3=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(F3) + "&F4=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(F4) + "&F5=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(F5) + "");
                            Response.Redirect("http://" + Busiwizsatellitesiteurl + "/Satelliteservfunction.aspx?Compid=" + BZ_Common.BZ_Encrypted(companyid) + "&E1=" + E1 + "&E2=" + E2 + "&E3=" + E3 + "&E4=" + E4 + "&E5=" + E5 + "&D1=" + D1 + "&D2=" + D2 + "&D3=" + D3 + "&D4=" + D4 + "&D5=" + D5 + "&Z=" + Z + "&F1=" + F1 + "&F2=" + F2 + "&F3=" + F3 + "&F4=" + F4 + "&F5=" + F5 + "&returl=" + Request.QueryString["returl"] + "");
                        lbl_msg.Text = "Successfully ";
                        lbl_msg.Text = "Some problem when we try to adding records in database ";
                else if (Comp__Actve__Status == false)
                    lbl_msg.Text = "Company not active ";
                else if (Comp__Licen__Active == false)
                    lbl_msg.Text = "License Expired";
                else if (Server__Active == false)
                    lbl_msg.Text = "Server Inactive";