internal static void TestDigI() { BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P9_12, false, Scarlet.IO.ResistorState.PULL_DOWN); //if (ApplyDevTree) { BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(); } IDigitalIn Input = new DigitalInBBB(BBBPin.P9_12); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { Log.Output(Log.Severity.DEBUG, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "Input is " + Input.GetInput()); Thread.Sleep(250); } }
internal static void TestInterrupt() { BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P9_12, true, Scarlet.IO.ResistorState.PULL_DOWN); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(RoverMain.ApplyDevTree); IntTestIn = new DigitalInBBB(BBBPin.P9_12); IntTestIn.RegisterInterruptHandler(GetInterrupt, InterruptType.ANY_EDGE); Log.Output(Log.Severity.DEBUG, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "Interrupt handler added."); while (true) { //Log.Output(Log.Severity.DEBUG, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "State: " + IntTestIn.GetInput()); Thread.Sleep(100); } }
static void SetupBeagleboneAndPins() { BBBPinManager.AddMappingUART(Pins.SlaveRX); BBBPinManager.AddMappingUART(Pins.SlaveTX); BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(Pins.BaseRotation); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(Pins.BaseRotationDir, true, ResistorState.NONE); BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(Pins.Elbow); BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(Pins.Shoulder); BBBPinManager.AddMappingADC(Pins.ShoulderPot); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(Pins.ElbowLimitSwitch, false, ResistorState.PULL_UP); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_IF_NONE); Slave = UARTBBB.UARTBus1; BeagleBone.Initialize(SystemMode.DEFAULT, true); }
internal static void TestDigO() { BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P8_08, true, Scarlet.IO.ResistorState.PULL_DOWN); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(RoverMain.ApplyDevTree); IDigitalOut Output = new DigitalOutBBB(BBBPin.P8_08); bool Value = false; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { Output.SetOutput(Value); Value = !Value; Thread.Sleep(100); } Output.SetOutput(false); }
internal static void TestI2C() { BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P8_08, true, Scarlet.IO.ResistorState.PULL_DOWN); BBBPinManager.AddMappingsI2C(BBBPin.P9_24, BBBPin.P9_26); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(RoverMain.ApplyDevTree); VEML6070 UV = new VEML6070(I2CBBB.I2CBus1); Log.SetSingleOutputLevel(Log.Source.SENSORS, Log.Severity.DEBUG); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { UV.UpdateState(); Log.Output(Log.Severity.DEBUG, Log.Source.SENSORS, "UV Reading: " + UV.GetData()); Thread.Sleep(200); } }
public ArmMotorController() { Scarlet.Utilities.StateStore.Start("ARM"); BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(ShoulderPin); BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(ElbowPin); BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(WristPin1); BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(WristPin2); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(WristDirectionPin1, true, ResistorState.PULL_UP); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(WristDirectionPin2, true, ResistorState.PULL_UP); BBBPinManager.AddMappingADC(ShoulderPotPin); BBBPinManager.AddMappingADC(ElbowPotPin); BBBPinManager.AddMappingADC(WristPotPin); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_IF_NONE); BeagleBone.Initialize(SystemMode.DEFAULT, true); const double DegToRad = Math.PI / 180.0; a = new Arm((0, 0, Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 0, 0, 6.8), (0, 0, -76 * DegToRad, 100 * DegToRad, 0, 0, 28.0), (0, 0, -168.51 * DegToRad, -10 * DegToRad, 0, 0, 28.0), (-2 * Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI, -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 0, 0, 12.75)); //(0, 12.75, -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2)); LowPass <float> ShoulderFilter = new LowPass <float>(); LowPass <float> ElbowFilter = new LowPass <float>(); ShoulderPWM = PWMBBB.PWMDevice1.OutputB; ElbowPWM = PWMBBB.PWMDevice1.OutputA; IPWMOutput WristPWM1 = PWMBBB.PWMDevice2.OutputB; IPWMOutput WristPWM2 = PWMBBB.PWMDevice2.OutputA; IDigitalOut WristDirectionGPIO1 = new DigitalOutBBB(WristDirectionPin1); IDigitalOut WristDirectionGPIO2 = new DigitalOutBBB(WristDirectionPin2); IAnalogueIn ShoulderADC = new AnalogueInBBB(ShoulderPotPin); IAnalogueIn ElbowADC = new AnalogueInBBB(ElbowPotPin); IAnalogueIn WristADC = new AnalogueInBBB(WristPotPin); Shoulder = new TalonMC(ShoulderPWM, 0.2f, ShoulderFilter); Elbow = new TalonMC(ElbowPWM, 0.2f, ElbowFilter); Wrist1 = new CytronMD30C(WristPWM1, WristDirectionGPIO1, 0.3f); Wrist2 = new CytronMD30C(WristPWM2, WristDirectionGPIO2, 0.3f); ShoulderPot = new Potentiometer(ShoulderADC, 300); ElbowPot = new Potentiometer(ElbowADC, 300); WristPot = new Potentiometer(WristADC, 300); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Begin setup of Beaglebone pins StateStore.Start("SmartFlatbot"); BeagleBone.Initialize(SystemMode.DEFAULT, true); // Add Beaglebone mapings with Scarlet BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(BBBPin.P9_14); BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(BBBPin.P9_16); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P9_15, true, ResistorState.NONE, true); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P9_27, true, ResistorState.NONE, true); // Apply mappings to Beaglebone BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_IF_NONE); IDigitalOut Motor1Output = new DigitalOutBBB(BBBPin.P9_15); IDigitalOut Motor2Output = new DigitalOutBBB(BBBPin.P9_27); IPWMOutput OutA = PWMBBB.PWMDevice1.OutputA; IPWMOutput OutB = PWMBBB.PWMDevice1.OutputB; Motor1Output.SetOutput(false); Motor2Output.SetOutput(false); PWMBBB.PWMDevice1.SetFrequency(10000);; OutA.SetEnabled(true); OutB.SetEnabled(true); // Setup Motor Controls CytronMD30C[] Motor = new CytronMD30C[2]; Motor[0] = new CytronMD30C(OutA, Motor1Output, (float).5); Motor[1] = new CytronMD30C(OutB, Motor2Output, (float).5); Motor[0].SetSpeed(0); Motor[1].SetSpeed(0); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Boolean turnMode = false; Boolean lineMode = false; double SetTurn = 0; double PTurn = 0; double ITurn = 0; double DTurn = 0; double SetDis = 0; double PDis = 0; double IDis = 0; double DDis = 0; // Begin setup of Beaglebone pins StateStore.Start("SmartFlatbot"); BeagleBone.Initialize(SystemMode.DEFAULT, true); // Add Beaglebone mapings with Scarlet BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(BBBPin.P9_14); BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(BBBPin.P9_16); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P9_15, true, ResistorState.NONE, true); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P9_27, true, ResistorState.NONE, true); // Apply mappings to Beaglebone BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_IF_NONE); IDigitalOut Motor1Output = new DigitalOutBBB(BBBPin.P9_15); IDigitalOut Motor2Output = new DigitalOutBBB(BBBPin.P9_27); IPWMOutput OutA = PWMBBB.PWMDevice1.OutputA; IPWMOutput OutB = PWMBBB.PWMDevice1.OutputB; Motor1Output.SetOutput(false); Motor2Output.SetOutput(false); PWMBBB.PWMDevice1.SetFrequency(10000);; OutA.SetEnabled(true); OutB.SetEnabled(true); // Setup Motor Controls CytronMD30C[] Motor = new CytronMD30C[2]; Motor[0] = new CytronMD30C(OutA, Motor1Output, (float).5); Motor[1] = new CytronMD30C(OutB, Motor2Output, (float).5); // Make rover (hopefully) stay still in begining. Motor[0].SetSpeed(0); Motor[1].SetSpeed(0); // Set the rover in turn only mode for testing if (args.Length > 0) { if (args[0].Equals("turn")) { turnMode = true; } else if (args[0].Equals("line")) { lineMode = true; } } /* Get the PID values from file PIDValues.txt * All values will be in double format * Data must be in this format below: * ------------------------------------------ * Line 1 Ignored * Line 2 Ignored * Line 3 Direction target value * Line 4 Direction P value * Line 5 Direction I value * Line 6 Direction D value * Line 7 Ignored * Line 8 Distance target value * Line 9 Distance P value * Line 10 Distance I value * Line 11 Distance D value * All lines after are ignored * ----------------------------------------- */ try { // Open the text file using a stream reader. using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("PIDValues.txt")) { // Read the stream to a string, and write the string to the console. sr.ReadLine(); sr.ReadLine(); // Ignore first two lines SetTurn = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); PTurn = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); ITurn = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); DTurn = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); sr.ReadLine(); SetDis = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); PDis = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); IDis = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); DDis = Convert.ToDouble(sr.ReadLine()); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("PIDValues.txt is either missing or in improper format:"); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine("Direction Target, P, I, D: " + SetTurn + " " + PTurn + " " + ITurn + " " + DTurn); Console.WriteLine("Distance Target, P, I, D: " + SetDis + " " + PDis + " " + IDis + " " + DDis); // Set the PIDs PID directionPID = new PID(PTurn, ITurn, DTurn); directionPID.SetTarget(SetTurn); PID distancePID = new PID(PDis, IDis, DDis); directionPID.SetTarget(SetDis); // Start UDP communication // Listen for any IP with port 9000 UdpClient udpServer = new UdpClient(9000); IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 9000); // Main Loop. Keep running until program is stopped do { // Get data from UDP. Convert it to a String // Note this is a blocking call. var data = udpServer.Receive(ref remoteEP); String dataString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data); Console.WriteLine(dataString); // Set the wheel values to be zero for now Double leftWheel = 0; Double rightWheel = 0; // Make sure the data received is not an empty string if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataString)) { // Split the String into distance and direction // Is in format "Distance,Direction" // Distance is from 1 to 150 ish // Direction is from -10 to 10 degrees String[] speedDis = dataString.Split(','); Double distance = Convert.ToDouble(speedDis[0]); Double direction = (Convert.ToDouble(speedDis[1])); // If mode is set to not turn only the run if (!turnMode) { distancePID.Feed(distance); if (!Double.IsNaN(distancePID.Output)) { rightWheel += distancePID.Output; leftWheel += distancePID.Output; } } if (!lineMode) { directionPID.Feed(direction); if (!Double.IsNaN(directionPID.Output)) { rightWheel += directionPID.Output; leftWheel -= directionPID.Output; } } } // If data received is not a full string, stop motors. else { leftWheel = 0; rightWheel = 0; } // Set the speed for the motor controllers // Max speed is one Motor[0].SetSpeed((float)(rightWheel)); Motor[1].SetSpeed((float)(leftWheel)); } while (true); }
public Turntable() { BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(BBBPin.P9_14); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P8_12, false, ResistorState.PULL_UP); }
public static void Start(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 3) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb command requires functionality to test."); } BeagleBone.Initialize(SystemMode.DEFAULT, true); switch (args[2].ToLower()) { case "digin": { if (args.Length < 4) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb digin command requires pin to test."); } BBBPin InputPin = StringToPin(args[3]); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "Testing digital input on BBB pin " + InputPin.ToString()); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(InputPin, false, ResistorState.PULL_DOWN); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_REGARDLESS); IDigitalIn Input = new DigitalInBBB(InputPin); while (true) { Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "Current pin state: " + (Input.GetInput() ? "HIGH" : "LOW")); Thread.Sleep(250); } } case "digout": { if (args.Length < 4) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb digout command requires pin to test."); } BBBPin OutputPin = StringToPin(args[3]); if (args.Length < 5) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb digout command requires output mode (high/low/blink)."); } if (args[4] != "high" && args[4] != "low" && args[4] != "blink") { TestMain.ErrorExit("Invalid digout test mode supplied."); } Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "Testing digital output on BBB pin " + OutputPin.ToString()); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(OutputPin, true, ResistorState.PULL_DOWN); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_REGARDLESS); IDigitalOut Output = new DigitalOutBBB(OutputPin); if (args[4] == "high") { Output.SetOutput(true); } else if (args[4] == "low") { Output.SetOutput(false); } else { bool Out = false; while (true) { Output.SetOutput(Out); Out = !Out; Thread.Sleep(250); } } break; } case "pwm": { if (args.Length < 4) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb pwm command requires pin to test."); } BBBPin OutputPin = StringToPin(args[3]); if (args.Length < 5) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb pwm command requires frequency."); } int Frequency = int.Parse(args[4]); if (args.Length < 6) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb pwm command requires output mode."); } if (args[5] != "per" && args[5] != "sine") { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb pwm command invalid (per/sine)."); } if (args[5] == "per" && args.Length < 7) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb pwm per must be provided duty cycle."); } BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(OutputPin); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_REGARDLESS); IPWMOutput Output = PWMBBB.GetFromPin(OutputPin); Output.SetFrequency(Frequency); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "Testing PWM output on BBB pin " + OutputPin.ToString() + " at " + Frequency + "Hz."); if (args[5] == "per") { Output.SetOutput(int.Parse(args[6]) / 100F); Output.SetEnabled(true); Thread.Sleep(15000); // Not sure if it stops outputting when the program exits. } else { int Cycle = 0; while (true) { float Val = (float)((Math.Sin(Cycle * Math.PI / 180.000D) + 1) / 2); Output.SetOutput(Val); Thread.Sleep(50); Cycle += 20; } } break; } case "adc": { if (args.Length < 4) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb adc command requires pin to test."); } BBBPin InputPin = StringToPin(args[3]); BBBPinManager.AddMappingADC(InputPin); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_REGARDLESS); IAnalogueIn Input = new AnalogueInBBB(InputPin); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "Testing analogue input on BBB pin " + InputPin.ToString()); while (true) { Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "ADC Input: " + Input.GetInput() + " (Raw: " + Input.GetRawInput() + ")"); Thread.Sleep(250); } } case "int": { if (args.Length < 4) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb int command requires pin to test."); } BBBPin InputPin = StringToPin(args[3]); if (args.Length < 5) { TestMain.ErrorExit("io bbb int command requires interrupt mode (rise/fall/both)."); } if (args[4] != "rise" && args[4] != "fall" && args[4] != "both") { TestMain.ErrorExit("Invalid interrupt mode supplied."); } BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(InputPin, true, ResistorState.PULL_DOWN); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_REGARDLESS); IDigitalIn Input = new DigitalInBBB(InputPin); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "Testing interrupts on BBB pin " + InputPin.ToString()); switch (args[4]) { case "rise": ((IInterruptSource)Input).RegisterInterruptHandler(GetInterrupt, InterruptType.RISING_EDGE); break; case "fall": ((IInterruptSource)Input).RegisterInterruptHandler(GetInterrupt, InterruptType.FALLING_EDGE); break; case "both": ((IInterruptSource)Input).RegisterInterruptHandler(GetInterrupt, InterruptType.ANY_EDGE); break; } while (true) { Thread.Sleep(50); } // Program needs to be running to receive. } case "mtk3339": { BBBPinManager.AddMappingUART(BBBPin.P9_24); BBBPinManager.AddMappingUART(BBBPin.P9_26); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_REGARDLESS); IUARTBus UART = UARTBBB.UARTBus1; Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.HARDWAREIO, "Press any key to stop."); while (Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.ReadKey(); } byte[] Buffer = new byte[32]; while (true) { Thread.Sleep(10); if (UART.BytesAvailable() > 0) { int Count = UART.Read(32, Buffer); Console.Write(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(UtilMain.SubArray(Buffer, 0, Count))); } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { break; } } break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Handles moving the linear rail up and down for the various experiments. /// </summary> public Rail() { BBBPinManager.AddMappingPWM(BBBPin.P8_13); // Linear Actuator BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(BBBPin.P8_08, false, ResistorState.PULL_UP); // Limit Switch }
public static void Start(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2) { TestMain.ErrorExit("Device testing needs device to test."); } switch (args[1].ToLower()) { case "hx711": { if (args.Length < 5) { TestMain.ErrorExit("Insufficient info to run HX711 test. See help."); } IDigitalIn DataPin = null; IDigitalOut ClockPin = null; if (args[2].Equals("pi", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { RaspberryPi.Initialize(); DataPin = new DigitalInPi(int.Parse(args[3])); ClockPin = new DigitalOutPi(int.Parse(args[4])); } else if (args[2].Equals("bbb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { BeagleBone.Initialize(SystemMode.DEFAULT, true); BBBPin DataBBBPin = IOBBB.StringToPin(args[3]); BBBPin ClockBBBPin = IOBBB.StringToPin(args[4]); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(DataBBBPin, false, ResistorState.NONE); BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(ClockBBBPin, true, ResistorState.NONE); BBBPinManager.ApplyPinSettings(BBBPinManager.ApplicationMode.APPLY_IF_NONE); DataPin = new DigitalInBBB(DataBBBPin); ClockPin = new DigitalOutBBB(ClockBBBPin); } else { TestMain.ErrorExit("HX711 test: Unknown platform. See help."); } HX711 DUT = new HX711(ClockPin, DataPin); while (Console.KeyAvailable) { Console.ReadKey(); } Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.GUI, "[w] to increase gain, [s] to decrease. [z] to zero."); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.GUI, "Press any other key to exit."); HX711.Gain Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_128x; bool Continue = true; while (Continue) { if (Console.KeyAvailable) { char Key = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; switch (Key) { case 'w': { if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_32x) { Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x; } else if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x) { Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_128x; } else { Log.Output(Log.Severity.ERROR, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain at maximum already."); } DUT.SetGain(Gain); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain now at " + Gain); break; } case 's': { if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_128x) { Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x; } else if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x) { Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_32x; } else { Log.Output(Log.Severity.ERROR, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain at minimum already."); } DUT.SetGain(Gain); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain now at " + Gain); break; } case 'z': { DUT.Tare(); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Tared."); break; } default: { Continue = false; break; } } } DUT.UpdateState(); Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "HX711 readings: Raw: " + DUT.GetRawReading() + ", Adjusted: " + DUT.GetAdjustedReading()); Thread.Sleep(250); } break; } default: { TestMain.ErrorExit("Unknown device."); break; } } }