예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates all of the positions of the rope LineRenderable
    /// so that it is drawn accurately
    /// </summary>
    private void UpdateRopeRenderablePositions()
        if (IsRopeConnected())

            // if connected and release, then let go
            if (!FireButton.IsButtonHeld())
                // update the renderers, objects and colliders for when the rope is connected
            // the rope is not connected

            // not casting, if they hold down the button then cast
            if (FireButton.IsButtonHeld() && CanFire)
                // update the stuff for a rope that is being cast
            // reset when let go
                // reset to the disconnected state
예제 #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Updates all of the positions of the rope LineRenderable
    /// so that it is drawn accurately
    /// </summary>
    private void UpdateRopeRenderablePositions()
        if (IsRopeConnected())

            // if connected and release, then let go
            if (!FireButton.IsButtonHeld())
                // ensure that the line renderer is enabled when the rope is connected
                // and the distance joint
                RopeLineRenderer.enabled  = true;
                RopeDistanceJoint.enabled = true;

                RopeDistanceJoint.connectedAnchor = RopeAnchorPoint.transform.position;

                if (!HasDoneInitialReelIn)
                    RopeDistanceJoint.distance -= CastInitialReelIn;
                    if (RopeDistanceJoint.distance < MinCastDistance)
                        RopeDistanceJoint.distance = MinCastDistance;

                    HasDoneInitialReelIn = true;

                // reel in the player
                var ropeDistance = RopeDistanceJoint.distance;
                // adjust the target distance based on the ClimbDescend Axis
                ropeDistance += Input.GetAxis(ClimbDescendAxis) * ClimbDescendSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                // ensure ropeDistance is in bounds
                if (ropeDistance > MaxCastDistance)
                    ropeDistance = MaxCastDistance;
                else if (ropeDistance < MinCastDistance)
                    ropeDistance = MinCastDistance;

                // set the new rope distance
                RopeDistanceJoint.distance = ropeDistance;

                // update the first point to be the same as the player origin w/ the offset
                //TODO: should later expand on the player offset to compensate for any rotation of the player, if that is planned to be used
                // could have the player rotate to match the swinging
                RopeLineRenderer.SetPosition(0, transform.position + PlayerRopeDrawOffset);

                // set the last point to be the same as the anchor point
                RopeLineRenderer.SetPosition(1, RopeAnchorPoint.position);
            // the rope is not connected

            // not casting, if they hold down the button then cast
            if (FireButton.IsButtonHeld())
                //HookCollider.enabled = true;
                RopeAndHookCollider.enabled = true;

                // start throwing if not throwing already
                if (!IsCasting)
                    IsCasting = true;
                    // reset the casting distance
                    CurrentCastDistance = 0;
                    // increment the casting distance
                    CurrentCastDistance += CastingSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                    // ensure it fits in the upper bound
                    if (CurrentCastDistance > MaxCastDistance)
                        CurrentCastDistance = MaxCastDistance;

                // update the position of the line renderer
                // and the collider

                RopeLineRenderer.enabled = true;

                var directionVector = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(AimAngle), Mathf.Sin(AimAngle), 0);
                var displayOrigin   = transform.position + PlayerRopeDrawOffset;
                var displayOffset   = new Vector3(CurrentCastDistance * directionVector.x, CurrentCastDistance * directionVector.y, 0);

                RopeLineRenderer.SetPosition(0, displayOrigin);
                RopeLineRenderer.SetPosition(1, transform.position + displayOffset);

                // get the midpoint
                var midPoint = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3.zero, displayOffset, 0.5f);

                var offset = new Vector2(midPoint.x, midPoint.y).magnitude;

                // set the center of the collider to the midpoint between the end of the cast
                RopeAndHookCollider.offset = new Vector2(0, CurrentCastDistance / 2);
                // size the collider to fit the cast
                RopeAndHookCollider.size = new Vector2(0.2f, CurrentCastDistance);
                // set the end of the sprite to the end of the grapple
                HookSpriteObject.transform.localPosition = CurrentCastDistance * directionVector;
                // rotate the sprite so that it looks correct
                HookSpriteObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -90 + Mathf.Rad2Deg * AimAngle);

                // rotate the object that contains the casting collider
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -90 + Mathf.Rad2Deg * AimAngle);
            // reset when let go
                CurrentCastDistance         = 0;
                IsCasting                   = false;
                RopeAndHookCollider.enabled = false;
                RopeLineRenderer.enabled    = false;