예제 #1
    // updates camera button and camera position
    void LateUpdate()

        // checks if camera button has been pressed
        if (CameraButton.IsButtonClicked())
            camMoving   = true;
            trackPlayer = !trackPlayer;

        if (camMoving)  // if camera is still adjusting

        if (trackPlayer && !camMoving)
            if (RopeSystem.IsRopeConnected())
                camMoving = true;
                transform.position = player.transform.position + offset;
예제 #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // update the axisbutton utils first

        // Update the player position
        playerPos = transform.position;

        if (ControllerMode)
            joystickPosition.x = Input.GetAxis(AimHorizontalAxis);
            joystickPosition.y = Input.GetAxis(AimVerticalAxis);

        // Check that the ref to RopeSystem is not null, and the rope system is connected
        // the == true is not redundant because of the ?. operator
        // if this were expanded for multiple ropes, would just need to check that any are connected
        if (RopeSystem?.IsRopeConnected() == true)

        // Player is not suspended by a rope
            // Update the reticle endpoint and draw a line from the player to the endpoint


            //Jump if the player is on the ground and they just clicked the button
            if (JumpButton.IsButtonClicked() && onGround)
예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Update a rope that is being cast
    /// </summary>
    private void UpdateCastingRope()
        // disable the distance joint when we are casting, for when the point
        // disables itself
        RopeDistanceJoint.enabled = false;

        //HookCollider.enabled = true;
        RopeAndHookCollider.enabled = true;

        // start throwing if not throwing already
        if (!IsCasting)
            // fireSound.Play();
            IsCasting = true;
            // reset the casting distance
            CurrentCastDistance = 0;
            // increment the casting distance
            CurrentCastDistance += CastingSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            // ensure it fits in the upper bound
            if (CurrentCastDistance > MaxCastDistance)
                CurrentCastDistance = MaxCastDistance;

        // update the position of the line renderer
        // and the collider

        RopeLineRenderer.enabled = true;

        var directionVector = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(AimAngle), Mathf.Sin(AimAngle), 0);
        var displayOrigin   = transform.position + PlayerRopeDrawOffset;
        var displayOffset   = new Vector3(CurrentCastDistance * directionVector.x, CurrentCastDistance * directionVector.y, 0);

        RopeLineRenderer.SetPosition(0, displayOrigin);
        RopeLineRenderer.SetPosition(1, transform.position + displayOffset);

        // get the midpoint
        var midPoint = Vector3.Lerp(Vector3.zero, displayOffset, 0.5f);

        var offset = new Vector2(midPoint.x, midPoint.y).magnitude;

        // set the center of the collider to the midpoint between the end of the cast
        RopeAndHookCollider.offset = new Vector2(0, CurrentCastDistance / 2);
        // size the collider to fit the cast
        RopeAndHookCollider.size = new Vector2(0.2f, CurrentCastDistance);
        // set the end of the sprite to the end of the grapple
        HookSpriteObject.transform.localPosition = CurrentCastDistance * directionVector;
        // rotate the sprite so that it looks correct
        HookSpriteObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -90 + (Mathf.Rad2Deg * AimAngle));

        // rotate the object that contains the casting collider
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -90 + (Mathf.Rad2Deg * AimAngle));

        // if they just clicked the fire button
        if (FireButton.IsButtonClicked())
            // then invoke the on fire handler
예제 #4
    // updates camera button and camera position
    void LateUpdate()

        // checks if camera button has been pressed
        if (CameraButton.IsButtonClicked())
            camMoving   = true;
            trackPlayer = !trackPlayer;

        if (camMoving)  // if camera is still adjusting
            // adjust move speed
            float step = camMoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            if (trackPlayer)  // camera tracking player

                if (RopeSystem.IsRopeConnected())
                {   // moving towards swing point
                    Rigidbody2D ropeConnect = RopeSystem.RopeAnchorPoint;
                    if (playerCam.transform.position !=
                        ropeConnect.transform.position + ropeLockPos)
                        transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position,
                                                                 ropeConnect.transform.position + ropeLockPos, step);
                    else  // reached position
                        camMoving = false;
                else  // moving towards player position
                    float fastStep = camMoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                    // uses moveTowards to move camera
                    Vector3 temp = player.transform.position + offset;
                    if (playerCam.transform.position != temp)
                        transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(
                            transform.position, temp, fastStep);
                    else  // reached position
                        camMoving = false;
            else    // moves towards init static position
                if (playerCam.transform.position != initPos)
                    transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(
                        transform.position, initPos, step);
                else  // reached position
                    camMoving = false;

        if (trackPlayer && !camMoving)
            if (RopeSystem.IsRopeConnected())
                camMoving = true;
                transform.position = player.transform.position + offset;
예제 #5
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // update the axisbutton utils first

        // Update the player position
        playerPos = transform.position;

        if (ControllerMode)
            joystickPosition.x = Input.GetAxis(AimHorizontalAxis);
            joystickPosition.y = Input.GetAxis(AimVerticalAxis);

        // Check that the ref to RopeSystem is not null, and the rope system is connected
        // the == true is not redundant because of the ?. operator
        // if this were expanded for multiple ropes, would just need to check that any are connected
        if (RopeSystem?.IsRopeConnected() == true)
            // check the strafe axis
            var strafeAmount = Input.GetAxis(StrafeAxis);

            // get the perpendicular axis to the rope from the player
            var perpendicularAxis = RopeSystem.GetRopePerpendicularAxis().Value;

            // the direction of the perpendicular axis and where the player wants to go
            var directionForceAxis = strafeAmount * perpendicularAxis;

            // show some debug lines if debugging enabled
            if (ShowDebugging)
                Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, directionForceAxis, Color.red);

            // get the velocity of the player in this perpendicular axis (and in the direction they want to go)
            // if the player already has a large amount of velocity in this axis
            // then don't let them get more velocity in this axis
            var velocityInDirection = Vector2Project(PlayerRigidBody.velocity, directionForceAxis);

            // show some debug lines if debugging enabled
            if (ShowDebugging)
                Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, velocityInDirection, Color.blue);

            // check the velocity in the direction of motion to see if it is
            // not too large to apply some force to it
            // compare by magnitude
            if (velocityInDirection.magnitude < (MaxSwingingVelocity * directionForceAxis).magnitude)
                // if the velocity was less than the max, then we can add some velocity in that direction
                // on this frame
                var toAdd = directionForceAxis * SwingForce * Time.deltaTime;


                if (ShowDebugging)
                    // Debug.Log(velocityInDirection.magnitude);
                    Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, toAdd, Color.green);
                // Debug.Log("low " + velocityInDirection.magnitude);
        // Player is not suspended by a rope
            /* ~~ DISPLAY AIMING RETICLE ~~ */

            //Debug.Log("joystickX " + joystickPosition.x + "  joystickY: " + joystickPosition.y);

            float aimAngle;

            if (!ControllerMode)
                // Get the mouse position, using a ray from the camera that hits a plane that the world is on ( Z = 0 )
                // see here: https://answers.unity.com/questions/566519/camerascreentoworldpoint-in-perspective.

                Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                // create a new plane at the origin that is facing forward
                Plane xy = new Plane(Vector3.forward, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
                float distance;
                xy.Raycast(ray, out distance);
                var rayPoint             = ray.GetPoint(distance);
                var playerAimingLocation = rayPoint - playerPos;

                Debug.DrawLine(Vector3.zero, rayPoint);

                // Angle (radians) from the horizontal line going through the player to the mouse position
                aimAngle = Mathf.Atan2(playerAimingLocation.y, playerAimingLocation.x);
                joystickPosition.x = Input.GetAxis(AimHorizontalAxis);
                joystickPosition.y = Input.GetAxis(AimVerticalAxis);

                // Calculate the angle based on joystick position. Invert y axis first
                aimAngle = Mathf.Atan2((0 - joystickPosition.y), joystickPosition.x);

            // Keep it positive (e.g., straight below the player is 3pi/2 rad, not -pi/2)
            if (aimAngle < 0)
                aimAngle = (Mathf.PI * 2) + aimAngle;

            if (ShowDebugging)
                Debug.Log("aimAngle: " + aimAngle + " rad");

            // Update the reticle endpoint and draw a line from the player to the endpoint

            /* ~~ END DISPLAY AIMING RETICLE */

            //Left and Right strafing movement
            float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis(StrafeAxis);

            if (ShowDebugging)
                Debug.Log($"Axis: {StrafeAxis} Value: {moveHorizontal}");

            Vector2 movement = new Vector2(moveHorizontal, 0);
            PlayerRigidBody.AddForce(movement * StrafingForce * Time.deltaTime);

            //Jump if the player is on the ground and they just clicked the button
            if (JumpButton.IsButtonClicked() && onGround)
                PlayerRigidBody.velocity = new Vector2(PlayerRigidBody.velocity.x, JumpingForce);
                onGround = false;