예제 #1
 private void SetAddButton()
     DeleteButton.Enabled       = false;
     ClearButton.Enabled        = false;
     ClockInTimePicker.Enabled  = true;
     ClockOutTimePicker.Enabled = true;
     DayOfWeekComboBox.Enabled  = true;
     SaveButton.Enabled         = true;
     SaveButton.Text            = "Add";
예제 #2
        private void LoadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (TextBoxCardID.Text != "")
                try {
                    if (Helper.EmployeeExists(TextBoxCardID.Text, sql))
                        //Disable UIs
                        TextBoxCardID.Enabled = false;
                        LoadButton.Enabled    = false;

                        dt = sql.GetDataTable("select id, dayOfWeek as Day, clockIn, clockOut from avgHours where employeeId=" + TextBoxCardID.Text + " order by dayOfWeek asc;");

                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            AvgHoursGridView.DataSource = dt;
                            AvgHoursGridView.Columns[0].Visible = false; // hide id column, used to determine which entry to update/remove

                            foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in AvgHoursGridView.Columns)
                                column.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;

                            AvgHoursGridView.RowStateChanged += new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowStateChangedEventHandler(AvgHoursGridView_RowStateChanged);
                            MessageBox.Show("No entries were found for this ID,\n use the fields below to add one.", "No entries found!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                        throw new ArgumentException("The ID you entered does not exist, please make sure ID was entered correctly.");
                } catch (Exception err) {
                    MessageBox.Show(err.Message, "An Error occured!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
예제 #3
        private void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try {
                string dayOfWeek = (DayOfWeekComboBox.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString();
                string clockIn   = ClockInTimePicker.Value.ToString("HH:mm");
                string clockOut  = ClockOutTimePicker.Value.ToString("HH:mm");

                Dictionary <String, String> data = new Dictionary <String, String> {
                    { "dayOfWeek", dayOfWeek },
                    { "clockIn", clockIn },
                    { "clockOut", clockOut }

                if (SaveButton.Text == "Save" && AvgHoursGridView.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
                    string entryId = AvgHoursGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString();

                    if (sql.Update("avgHours", data, String.Format("avgHours.id = {0}", entryId)))
                        AvgHoursGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[1].Value = dayOfWeek;
                        AvgHoursGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[2].Value = clockIn;
                        AvgHoursGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells[3].Value = clockOut;

                else if (SaveButton.Text == "Add" && AvgHoursGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 0)
                    // TODO see if count == 0 check is actually necessary
                    data.Add("employeeID", TextBoxCardID.Text.Trim());

                    if (sql.Insert("avgHours", data))
                        DataTable dt = AvgHoursGridView.DataSource as DataTable;

                        if (dt == null)
                            dt = new DataTable();
                            dt.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int));
                            dt.Columns.Add("Day", typeof(string));
                            dt.Columns.Add("clockIn", typeof(string));
                            dt.Columns.Add("clockOut", typeof(string));

                            AvgHoursGridView.DataSource         = dt;
                            AvgHoursGridView.Columns[0].Visible = false; // hide ID column

                        DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                        dr[0] = sql.ExecuteScalar("select seq from sqlite_sequence where name='avgHours';");
                        dr[1] = dayOfWeek;
                        dr[2] = clockIn;
                        dr[3] = clockOut;

                        // TODO find out why this event gets deregistered and re-registered (and possibly do whatever it does directly to make it less confusing)
                        AvgHoursGridView.RowStateChanged -= new DataGridViewRowStateChangedEventHandler(AvgHoursGridView_RowStateChanged);


                        AvgHoursGridView.RowStateChanged += new DataGridViewRowStateChangedEventHandler(AvgHoursGridView_RowStateChanged);
            } catch (Exception err) {
                MessageBox.Show(this, "There was an error while trying to save the entry.\n\n" + err.Message, "Save Avg Hours Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);