public void OnClickGoToLobby() { AudioFW.StopAllSounds(); AudioFW.PlayLoop("MenuLoop"); PhotonNetwork.LeaveRoom(); PlayerNetwork.Instance.LoadMenu(); }
IEnumerator StartShootSounds() { AudioFW.StopSfx("BurstTail"); AudioFW.Play("BurstStart"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.030f)); AudioFW.PlayLoop("BurstLoop"); }
private void Start() { select += Select; PlayerNetwork.Instance.numberOfPlayers = PhotonNetwork.playerList.Length; AudioFW.StopAllSounds(); AudioFW.PlayLoop("CharaterSelectionLoop"); Invoke("PumpText", .5f); }
private void Update() { if (currentTime > 1) { currentTime -= Time.deltaTime; } else { AudioFW.StopLoop("Clash_1st_Loop"); AudioFW.PlayLoop("Clash_Intense_Loop"); } }
public void RPC_startFight() { Debug.Log("Fight started"); UIManager.Instance.BossHealthCanvas.SetActive(true); transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.SetActive(false); GameManager.Instance.bossFightStarted = true; immune = false; fightStarted = true; AudioFW.StopAllSounds(); AudioFW.PlayLoop("BossLoop"); AudioFW.AdjustLoopVolume("BossLoop", 0.2f, 2f); }
private void Start() { watchedIntro += WatchIntro; watchedIntro += NameEntry; loadMenu += LoadMenu; menuMusic += PlayMenuMusic; input.text = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Name"); //PlayerPrefs.SetInt("IntroSeen", 0); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IntroSeen") == 1) { skipIntro.interactable = true; skipIntro.Select(); } LeanTween.move(introText, Vector2.up * 1900, 50f).setOnComplete(watchedIntro); AudioFW.PlayLoop("IntroLoop"); AudioFW.AdjustLoopVolume("IntroLoop", .25f, 1f); }
void StartBeam() { isDamaging = false; beamPoints.Clear(); objectsHit = new List <GameObject>(); beamDistances = new List <float>(); ShootBeam(beamStart.position, beamStart.up, currentMaxDistance, 0); if (isDamaging) { AudioFW.AdjustPitch("Laser", 2.5f); if (objectsHit[objectsHit.Count - 1].GetComponent <Destructible>() != null) { if (objectsHit[objectsHit.Count - 1].GetComponent <Destructible>().isFriendly) { AudioFW.PlayLoop("Screamer"); } } } else { AudioFW.AdjustPitch("Laser", 0.5f); AudioFW.StopLoop("Screamer"); } }
void Start() { currentTime = startingTime; AudioFW.PlayLoop("Clash_1st_Loop"); }
void PlayMenuMusic() { AudioFW.PlayLoop("MenuLoop"); AudioFW.AdjustLoopVolume("MenuLoop", .25f, 2.5f); }
void Start() { AudioFW.PlayLoop("Laser"); }
public void TurnOn() { isOn = true; AudioFW.PlayLoop("Laser"); }
void Update() { if (photonView.isMine) { if (!switchingScene) // Normal gameloop // Player Direction Indicator { if (allPlayersFound == true) { IndicatePlayers(); } if (Time.time >= stunDeactTime && stunned) { stunned = false; rb2D.drag = 0; } camPos = MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position); // Respawn if (respawnTimer <= 0) { respawnTimer = respawnTime; uim.SetInfoText("", 1); respawn(); AudioFW.StopAllSounds(); AudioFW.PlayLoop("GameLoopNormal"); AudioFW.PlayLoop("GameLoopIntense"); AudioFW.AdjustLoopVolume("GameLoopNormal", .4f, 0); AudioFW.AdjustLoopVolume("GameLoopIntense", 0f, 0); myCharacterEffect.SetActive(true); photonView.RPC("respawn", PhotonTargets.Others); } // When the player is alive if (alive) { if (!inPortal) { // Health potion input if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.H) || Input.GetAxis("Fire3") > 0.5f) { UsePotion(); } // Attack input if (Input.GetAxis("Fire1") > 0.5f) { if (Time.time > attackTime + attackInterval) { attackTime = Time.time; Attack(); } // Camera recoil when shooting. Kinda shit tbh if (ranged) { shooting = true; } } else { if (ranged) { shooting = false; } } // Movement input movement.x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); movement.y = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); // Cheats // For testing weaponupgrades //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N)) //{ // SpeedDowngrade(); //} //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M)) //{ // GetSpeedBoost(); //} // For debugging use only (might break something) //if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) //{ // potion = true; // UsePotion(); //} // Teleport to boss //if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T)) { // transform.position = new Vector3(211f, 92f, 0f); //} if (speedLevel > 0) { if ((speedDowngradeTimer - Time.deltaTime) > 0) { speedDowngradeTimer -= Time.deltaTime; } else { speedDowngradeTimer = 0; } if (speedDowngradeTimer <= 0) { SpeedDowngrade(); } } if (weaponLevel > 0) { if ((weaponDowngradeTimer - Time.deltaTime) > 0) { weaponDowngradeTimer -= Time.deltaTime; } else { weaponDowngradeTimer = 0; } if (weaponDowngradeTimer <= 0) { weaponDowngrade(); } } if (movement.x != 0 || movement.y != 0) { lastDir = new Vector2(movement.x, movement.y); } // Camera movement if (!stunned) { Vector3 newCamPos; if (pfa.usingController) { newCamPos = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal2") * maxCamOffset, Input.GetAxis("Vertical2") * maxCamOffset, playerCam.transform.position.z) + transform.position; LeanTween.cancel(playerCam); LeanTween.move(playerCam, newCamPos, .5f); } else { newCamPos = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp((Input.mousePosition.x - camPos.x) * playerCamOffset, -maxCamOffset, maxCamOffset), Mathf.Clamp((Input.mousePosition.y - camPos.y) * playerCamOffset, -maxCamOffset, maxCamOffset), playerCam.transform.position.z) + transform.position; LeanTween.cancel(playerCam); LeanTween.move(playerCam, newCamPos, .25f); } } animator.SetFloat("Horizontal", projHead.transform.right.x); animator.SetFloat("Vertical", projHead.transform.right.y); animator.SetFloat("Magnitude", movement.magnitude); if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || (Input.GetAxis("Fire2") > 0.5f)) && specialTime + specialCooldown <= Time.time) { specialTime = Time.time; Debug.Log("Special"); if (characterType == EntityType.Hero0) { // Light MaGi - Dash Dash(); } else if (characterType == EntityType.Hero1) { // Light Oni - Area Heal AreaHeal(); } else if (characterType == EntityType.Hero2) { // Dark MaGi - Push Push(); } else if (characterType == EntityType.Hero3) { // Dark Oni - Area Damage AreaDamage(); } uim.setSpecialCooldownTimer(specialTime + specialCooldown, specialCooldown); } if (intense && Time.time > intenseTime) { if (!Physics2D.OverlapCircle(transform.position, 10f, layerMaskEnemy)) { LessIntense(); } else { intenseTime = Time.time + intenseCooldown; } } if (dashing) { if (specialTime + dashLength <= Time.time) { dashing = false; Invoke("StopDashEffect", .3f); } } } } else // Camera switching when the player is dead // Respawn when boss is defeated { if (GameManager.Instance.bossDefeated) { respawnTimer = respawnTime; uim.SetInfoText("", 1); respawn(); AudioFW.StopAllSounds(); AudioFW.PlayLoop("GameLoopNormal"); AudioFW.PlayLoop("GameLoopIntense"); AudioFW.AdjustLoopVolume("GameLoopNormal", .4f, 0); AudioFW.AdjustLoopVolume("GameLoopIntense", 0f, 0); photonView.RPC("respawn", PhotonTargets.Others); } respawnTimer -= Time.deltaTime; uim.SetInfoText("You Died\n" + "Respawn in " + respawnTimer.ToString("f0"), 1); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (players.Length > 1) { findCamera(); } else { Debug.Log("Cant search for a remote camera, only 1 player in the game"); } } // If remote camera is found follow a camera/player with current camNum. if (camFound) { MainCamera.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(MainCamera.transform.position, players[camNum].transform.Find("Main Camera").transform.position, 0.1f); } } } else // About to change scene { sceneTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (!gameWon) { UIManager.Instance.SetInfoText("You All Died\n" + "Restarting level " + sceneTimer.ToString("f0"), 1); } else { UIManager.Instance.SetInfoText("Hope this is the way home", 1); } //transform.position = charPos; //charPos = transform.position; if (sceneTimer < 0) { if (!gameWon) { if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { // Should load game scene print("Should load game scene"); PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel(3); sceneTimer = 10; } } else { // Should load credits scene print("Should load credits scene"); PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel(4); } } } } else { transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, TargetPosition, 0.1f); rb2D.isKinematic = true; } }
void Start() { PowerupEffect.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>().Stop(); PushEffect = Resources.Load("PushEffect", typeof(ParticleSystem)) as ParticleSystem; respawnTimer = respawnTime; rotator = transform.Find("ProjectileHeading").gameObject; pfa = rotator.GetComponent <PlayerFacingAt>(); meleeIndicator = rotator.transform.Find("MeleeIndicator").gameObject; meleeIndicator.SetActive(false); alive = true; stunned = false; rb2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); col = GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); layerMaskEnemy = LayerMask.GetMask("Enemy"); layerMaskPlayer = LayerMask.GetMask("Player"); layerMaskIndicator = LayerMask.GetMask("DirectionIndicator"); projHead = transform.Find("ProjectileHeading").gameObject; MainCamera = transform.Find("Main Camera").gameObject; DirectionIndicator1 = transform.Find("DirectionIndicator1").gameObject; DirectionIndicator2 = transform.Find("DirectionIndicator2").gameObject; DirectionIndicator3 = transform.Find("DirectionIndicator3").gameObject; IndicatorColliderObj = MainCamera.transform.Find("IndicatorCollider").gameObject; lightmagiLeft = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/32magi_run_left 2"); lightOnileft = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/32oni_run_left"); darkMagiLeft = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/dark_magi_run_left"); darkOniLeft = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/Dark_Oni_run_left"); players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); SetCharacterAttributes(); meleeIndicator.transform.localScale = new Vector3(attackRange, .1f, 1); meleeIndicator.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(attackRange / 2, 0, 0); meleeIndicator.SetActive(false); camPos = MainCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position); uim = GameObject.Find("UIManager").GetComponent <UIManager>(); var photonView = GetComponent <PhotonView>(); // Jos bugeja ni tässä. Invoke("FindPlayers", 1f); /* * if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) * return; * var photonView = GetComponent<PhotonView>(); */ if (photonView != null) { PlayerManager.Instance.ModifyHealth(photonView.owner, health); UIManager.Instance.UpdatePlayerUI(); } if (photonView.isMine) { GameManager.Instance.pc = this; myCharacterEffect.SetActive(true); AudioFW.StopAllSounds(); AudioFW.PlayLoop("GameLoopNormal"); AudioFW.PlayLoop("GameLoopIntense"); AudioFW.AdjustLoopVolume("GameLoopNormal", .4f, 0); AudioFW.AdjustLoopVolume("GameLoopIntense", 0f, 0); } players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); }