private void OnTileChanged(TileChangedEvent ev)
        // Only if a atmos-holding tile has been added or removed.
        // Also, these calls are surprisingly slow.
        // TODO: Make tiledefmanager cache the IsSpace property, and turn this lookup-through-two-interfaces into
        // TODO: a simple array lookup, as tile IDs are likely contiguous, and there's at most 2^16 possibilities anyway.
        if (!((ev.OldTile.IsSpace(_tileDefinitionManager) && !ev.NewTile.IsSpace(_tileDefinitionManager)) ||
              (!ev.OldTile.IsSpace(_tileDefinitionManager) && ev.NewTile.IsSpace(_tileDefinitionManager))) ||

        if (!TryComp <PhysicsComponent>(ev.Entity, out var physics))

        // We can't actually count how many tiles there are efficiently, so instead estimate with the mass.
        if (physics.Mass / ShuttleSystem.TileMassMultiplier >= 7.0f)
            AddComp <GridAtmosphereComponent>(ev.Entity);
            Logger.InfoS("atmos", $"Giving grid {ev.Entity} GridAtmosphereComponent.");
        // It's not super important to remove it should the grid become too small again.
        // If explosions ever gain the ability to outright shatter grids, do rethink this.