/// <summary> /// 权限添加 /// </summary> private void Add(HttpContext Context) { Hashtable PurviewTable = new Hashtable(); int Id = 0; string Type = ""; int TypeId = 0; string TypeIdPath = ""; string Sql = ""; int Index = 0; if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.Form["Id"]) == true) { Id = Context.Request.Form["Id"].TypeInt(); } else { return; } Type = Context.Request.Form["Type"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Type, @"^(department|role|user)$") == false) { return; } if (Context.Request.Form.GetValues("TypeId").Length == 0) { return; } if (AppCommon.PurviewCheck(Id, true, "creator", ref Conn) == false) { Context.Response.Write("no-permission"); return; } for (Index = 0; Index < Context.Request.Form.GetValues("TypeId").Length; Index++) { if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.Form.GetValues("TypeId")[Index]) == true) { TypeId = Context.Request.Form.GetValues("TypeId")[Index].TypeInt(); } else { continue; } if (Type == "department") { TypeIdPath = AppCommon.DepartmentIdPath(TypeId, ref Conn); } switch (Type) { case "department": Sql = "Select DBS_FileId, DBS_DepartmentId, DBS_RoleId, DBS_UserId From DBS_File_Purview Where DBS_FileId = " + Id + " And DBS_DepartmentId = '" + TypeIdPath + "'"; break; case "role": Sql = "Select DBS_FileId, DBS_DepartmentId, DBS_RoleId, DBS_UserId From DBS_File_Purview Where DBS_FileId = " + Id + " And DBS_RoleId = " + TypeId; break; case "user": Sql = "Select DBS_FileId, DBS_DepartmentId, DBS_RoleId, DBS_UserId From DBS_File_Purview Where DBS_FileId = " + Id + " And DBS_UserId = " + TypeId; break; } Base.Data.SqlDataToTable(Sql, ref Conn, ref PurviewTable); if (PurviewTable["Exist"].TypeBool() == true) { continue; } PurviewTable.Clear(); Base.Data.SqlQuery("Insert Into DBS_File_Purview(DBS_FileId, DBS_DepartmentId, DBS_RoleId, DBS_UserId, DBS_Purview) Values(" + Id + ", '" + (Type == "department" ? TypeIdPath : "null") + "', " + (Type == "role" ? TypeId : 0) + ", " + (Type == "user" ? TypeId : 0) + ", 'viewer')", ref Conn); } Context.Response.Write("complete"); }
/// <summary> /// 读取用户数据列表返回json格式字符串 /// </summary> private void ListDataToJson(HttpContext Context) { int DepartmentId = 0; int RoleId = 0; string Status = ""; string Keyword = ""; int Page = 0; string Query = ""; string Json = ""; if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.QueryString["DepartmentId"]) == true) { DepartmentId = Context.Request.QueryString["DepartmentId"].TypeInt(); } if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.QueryString["RoleId"]) == true) { RoleId = Context.Request.QueryString["RoleId"].TypeInt(); } Status = Context.Request.QueryString["Status"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Status, @"^(job-on|job-off)$") == false) { Status = ""; } else { Status = Status == "job-on" ? "1" : "0"; } Keyword = Base.Common.InputFilter(Context.Request.QueryString["Keyword"].TypeString()); if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.QueryString["Page"]) == true) { Page = Context.Request.QueryString["Page"].TypeInt(); Page = Page < 1 ? 1 : Page; } else { Page = 1; } if (DepartmentId > 0) { Query += "DBS_DepartmentId Like '" + AppCommon.DepartmentIdPath(DepartmentId, ref Conn) + "%' And "; } if (RoleId > 0) { Query += "DBS_RoleId = " + RoleId + " And "; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Status) == false) { Query += "DBS_Status = " + Status + " And "; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keyword) == false) { Query += "Exists ("; // 用户账号查询 Query += "Select A.DBS_Id From DBS_User As A Where " + "A.DBS_Id = DBS_User.DBS_Id And " + "A.DBS_Username = '******' Union All "; // 电子邮箱查询 Query += "Select B.DBS_Id From DBS_User As B Where " + "B.DBS_Id = DBS_User.DBS_Id And " + "B.DBS_Email = '" + Keyword + "' Union All "; // 手机号码查询 Query += "Select C.DBS_Id From DBS_User As C Where " + "C.DBS_Id = DBS_User.DBS_Id And " + "C.DBS_Phone = '" + Keyword + "'"; Query += ") And "; } Query += "DBS_Recycle = 0"; Json = Base.Data.SqlPageToJson("DBS_User", "DBS_Id, DBS_DepartmentId, DBS_RoleId, DBS_Username, DBS_Position, DBS_Email, DBS_Phone, DBS_Status, DBS_Recycle", "DBS_Username Asc, DBS_Id Desc", Query, 50, Page, ref Conn); Context.Response.Write(Json); }
/// <summary> /// 用户归类 /// </summary> private void Classify(HttpContext Context) { Hashtable UserTable = new Hashtable(); int Id = 0; int ClassifyId = 0; string ClassifyType = ""; string DepartmentIdPath = ""; int Index = 0; if (Context.Request.Form.GetValues("Id").Length == 0) { return; } if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.Form["ClassifyId"]) == true) { ClassifyId = Context.Request.Form["ClassifyId"].TypeInt(); } else { return; } ClassifyType = Context.Request.Form["ClassifyType"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(ClassifyType, @"^(department|role)$") == false) { return; } if (ClassifyType == "department") { DepartmentIdPath = AppCommon.DepartmentIdPath(ClassifyId, ref Conn); } for (Index = 0; Index < Context.Request.Form.GetValues("Id").Length; Index++) { if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.Form.GetValues("Id")[Index]) == true) { Id = Context.Request.Form.GetValues("Id")[Index].TypeInt(); } else { continue; } Base.Data.SqlDataToTable("Select DBS_Id From DBS_User Where DBS_Id = " + Id, ref Conn, ref UserTable); if (UserTable["Exist"].TypeBool() == false) { continue; } UserTable.Clear(); if (ClassifyType == "department") { Base.Data.SqlQuery("Update DBS_User Set DBS_DepartmentId = '" + DepartmentIdPath + "' Where DBS_Id = " + Id, ref Conn); } else if (ClassifyType == "role") { Base.Data.SqlQuery("Update DBS_User Set DBS_RoleId = " + ClassifyId + " Where DBS_Id = " + Id, ref Conn); } } DataToJson(Context); Context.Response.Write("complete"); }
/// <summary> /// 用户添加 /// </summary> private void Add(HttpContext Context) { Hashtable UserTable = new Hashtable(); int Id = 0; int DepartmentId = 0; string DepartmentIdPath = ""; int RoleId = 0; string Username = ""; string Password = ""; string Code = ""; string Position = ""; string Email = ""; string Phone = ""; string Tel = ""; string Admin = ""; string Send = ""; string Sql = ""; if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.Form["DepartmentId"]) == true) { DepartmentId = Context.Request.Form["DepartmentId"].TypeInt(); } else { return; } if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.Form["RoleId"]) == true) { RoleId = Context.Request.Form["RoleId"].TypeInt(); } else { return; } Username = Context.Request.Form["Username"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Username, @"^[^\s\`\~\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-_\=\+\[\]\{\}\;\:\'\""\\\|\,\.\<\>\/\?]{2,16}$") == false) { return; } Password = Context.Request.Form["Password"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Password, @"^[\S]{6,16}$") == false) { return; } Password = Base.Common.StringCrypto(Password, "MD5"); Code = Context.Request.Form["Code"].TypeString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Code) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Code, @"^[\w\-]{2,16}$") == false) { return; } } Position = Base.Common.InputFilter(Context.Request.Form["Position"].TypeString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Position) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Position, @"^[\s\S]{2,32}$") == false) { return; } } Email = Context.Request.Form["Email"].TypeString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Email, @"^[\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w]{2,4}(\.[\w]{2,4})?$") == false) { return; } } Phone = Context.Request.Form["Phone"].TypeString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Phone, @"^\+?([\d]{2,4}\-?)?[\d]{6,11}$") == false) { return; } } Tel = Context.Request.Form["Tel"].TypeString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tel) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Tel, @"^\+?([\d]{2,4}\-?){0,2}[\d]{6,8}(\-?[\d]{2,8})?$") == false) { return; } } Admin = Context.Request.Form["Admin"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Admin, @"^(true|false)$") == false) { return; } else { Admin = Admin == "true" ? "1" : "0"; } Send = Context.Request.Form["Send"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Send, @"^(true|false)$") == false) { return; } Base.Data.SqlDataToTable("Select DBS_Username From DBS_User Where DBS_Username = '******'", ref Conn, ref UserTable); if (UserTable["Exist"].TypeBool() == true) { Context.Response.Write("username-existed"); return; } UserTable.Clear(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email) == false) { Base.Data.SqlDataToTable("Select DBS_Email From DBS_User Where DBS_Email = '" + Email + "'", ref Conn, ref UserTable); if (UserTable["Exist"].TypeBool() == true) { Context.Response.Write("email-existed"); return; } UserTable.Clear(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone) == false) { Base.Data.SqlDataToTable("Select DBS_Phone From DBS_User Where DBS_Phone = '" + Phone + "'", ref Conn, ref UserTable); if (UserTable["Exist"].TypeBool() == true) { Context.Response.Write("phone-existed"); return; } UserTable.Clear(); } if (DepartmentId == 0) { DepartmentIdPath = "/0/"; } else { DepartmentIdPath = AppCommon.DepartmentIdPath(DepartmentId, ref Conn); } Sql = "Insert Into DBS_User(DBS_DepartmentId, DBS_RoleId, DBS_Username, DBS_Password, DBS_Code, DBS_Position, DBS_Email, DBS_Phone, DBS_Tel, DBS_Admin, DBS_Status, DBS_Recycle, DBS_Time, DBS_LoginIP, DBS_LoginTime) "; Sql += "Values('" + DepartmentIdPath + "', " + RoleId + ", '" + Username + "', '" + Password + "', '" + Code + "', '" + Position + "', '" + Email + "', '" + Phone + "', '" + Tel + "', " + Admin + ", 1, 0, '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "', '', '1970/1/1 00:00:00')"; Id = Base.Data.SqlInsert(Sql, ref Conn); if (Id == 0) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email) == false && Send == "true") { Password = Context.Request.Form["Password"].TypeString(); CreateMail(Username, Password, Email, Context); } DataToJson(Context); Context.Response.Write("complete"); }
/// <summary> /// 用户修改 /// </summary> private void Modify(HttpContext Context) { Hashtable UserTable = new Hashtable(); int Id = 0; int DepartmentId = 0; string DepartmentIdPath = ""; int RoleId = 0; string Password = ""; string Code = ""; string Position = ""; string Email = ""; string Phone = ""; string Tel = ""; string Admin = ""; string Status = ""; string Leave = ""; string Sql = ""; if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.Form["Id"]) == true) { Id = Context.Request.Form["Id"].TypeInt(); } else { return; } if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.Form["DepartmentId"]) == true) { DepartmentId = Context.Request.Form["DepartmentId"].TypeInt(); } else { return; } if (Base.Common.IsNumeric(Context.Request.Form["RoleId"]) == true) { RoleId = Context.Request.Form["RoleId"].TypeInt(); } else { return; } Password = Context.Request.Form["Password"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Password, @"^[\S]{6,16}$") == true) { Password = Base.Common.StringCrypto(Password, "MD5"); } Code = Context.Request.Form["Code"].TypeString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Code) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Code, @"^[\w\-]{2,16}$") == false) { return; } } Position = Base.Common.InputFilter(Context.Request.Form["Position"].TypeString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Position) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Position, @"^[\s\S]{2,32}$") == false) { return; } } Email = Context.Request.Form["Email"].TypeString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Email, @"^[\w\-]+\@[\w\-]+\.[\w]{2,4}(\.[\w]{2,4})?$") == false) { return; } } Phone = Context.Request.Form["Phone"].TypeString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Phone, @"^\+?([\d]{2,4}\-?)?[\d]{6,11}$") == false) { return; } } Tel = Context.Request.Form["Tel"].TypeString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tel) == false) { if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Tel, @"^\+?([\d]{2,4}\-?){0,2}[\d]{6,8}(\-?[\d]{2,8})?$") == false) { return; } } Admin = Context.Request.Form["Admin"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Admin, @"^(true|false)$") == false) { return; } else { Admin = Admin == "true" ? "1" : "0"; } Leave = Context.Request.Form["Leave"].TypeString(); if (Base.Common.StringCheck(Leave, @"^(true|false)$") == false) { return; } else { Status = Leave == "true" ? "0" : "1"; } Base.Data.SqlDataToTable("Select DBS_Id From DBS_User Where DBS_Id = " + Id, ref Conn, ref UserTable); if (UserTable["Exist"].TypeBool() == false) { return; } UserTable.Clear(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Email) == false) { Base.Data.SqlDataToTable("Select DBS_Id, DBS_Email From DBS_User Where DBS_Email = '" + Email + "'", ref Conn, ref UserTable); if (UserTable["Exist"].TypeBool() == true) { if (UserTable["DBS_Id"].TypeInt() != Id) { Context.Response.Write("email-existed"); return; } } UserTable.Clear(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone) == false) { Base.Data.SqlDataToTable("Select DBS_Id, DBS_Phone From DBS_User Where DBS_Phone = '" + Phone + "'", ref Conn, ref UserTable); if (UserTable["Exist"].TypeBool() == true) { if (UserTable["DBS_Id"].TypeInt() != Id) { Context.Response.Write("phone-existed"); return; } } UserTable.Clear(); } if (DepartmentId == 0) { DepartmentIdPath = "/0/"; } else { DepartmentIdPath = AppCommon.DepartmentIdPath(DepartmentId, ref Conn); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) == true) { Sql = "Update DBS_User Set DBS_DepartmentId = '" + DepartmentIdPath + "', DBS_RoleId = " + RoleId + ", DBS_Code = '" + Code + "', DBS_Position = '" + Position + "', DBS_Email = '" + Email + "', DBS_Phone = '" + Phone + "', DBS_Tel = '" + Tel + "', DBS_Admin = " + Admin + ", DBS_Status = " + Status + " Where DBS_Id = " + Id; } else { Sql = "Update DBS_User Set DBS_DepartmentId = '" + DepartmentIdPath + "', DBS_RoleId = " + RoleId + ", DBS_Password = '******', DBS_Code = '" + Code + "', DBS_Position = '" + Position + "', DBS_Email = '" + Email + "', DBS_Phone = '" + Phone + "', DBS_Tel = '" + Tel + "', DBS_Admin = " + Admin + ", DBS_Status = " + Status + " Where DBS_Id = " + Id; } Base.Data.SqlQuery(Sql, ref Conn); DataToJson(Context); Context.Response.Write("complete"); }