internal static UndoPropertyModification[] HandleEulerModifications(AnimationTrack track, TimelineClip clip, AnimationClip animClip, float time, UndoPropertyModification[] mods) { if (mods.Any(x => x.currentValue.propertyPath.StartsWith(kLocalEulerHint) || x.currentValue.propertyPath.StartsWith(kLocalRotation))) { // if there is a rotational offsets, we need to strip the euler hints, since they are used by the animation recording system // over the quaternion. var localToTrack = GetLocalToTrack(track, clip); if (localToTrack.rotation != Quaternion.identity) { if (s_LastTrackWarning != track) { s_LastTrackWarning = track; Debug.LogWarning(kRotationWarning); } Transform transform = mods[0] as Transform; if (transform != null) { var trackToLocal = TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Inverse(localToTrack); // since the euler angles are going to be transformed, we do a best guess at a euler that gives the shortest path var quatMods = mods.Where(x => !x.currentValue.propertyPath.StartsWith(kLocalEulerHint)); var eulerMods = FindBestEulerHint(trackToLocal.rotation * transform.localRotation, animClip, time, transform); return(quatMods.Union(eulerMods).ToArray()); } return(mods.Where(x => !x.currentValue.propertyPath.StartsWith(kLocalEulerHint)).ToArray()); } } return(mods); }
public static void AddAnimationTrack(int index = -1) { if (index < 0) { index = Document.Current.Animation.Tracks.Count; } Document.Current.History.DoTransaction(() => { var track = new AnimationTrack { Id = GenerateTrackId() }; Core.Operations.InsertIntoList <AnimationTrackList, AnimationTrack> .Perform(Document.Current.Animation.Tracks, index, track); Core.Operations.ClearRowSelection.Perform(); Core.Operations.SelectRow.Perform(Document.Current.GetRowForObject(track)); }); string GenerateTrackId() { for (int i = 1; ; i++) { var id = "Track" + i; if (!Document.Current.Animation.Tracks.Any(t => t.Id == id)) { return(id); } } throw new System.Exception(); } }
public void ParseTrack() { foreach (PlayableBinding pb in director.playableAsset.outputs) { if (pb.sourceObject is AnimationTrack) { AnimationTrack track = pb.sourceObject as AnimationTrack; int cnt = track.GetMarkerCount(); var tfTracks = new List <AnchorSignalEmitter>(); var marks = track.GetMarkers().GetEnumerator(); while (marks.MoveNext()) { IMarker mark = marks.Current; if (mark is AnchorSignalEmitter) { tfTracks.Add(mark as AnchorSignalEmitter); } } marks.Dispose(); for (int i = 0; i < tfTracks.Count; i++) { AnchorSignalEmitter sign = tfTracks[i]; Debug.Log(sign.time + " " + sign.position); } } } }
public TransformKeyFrame(AnimationTrack parent, float time) : this(OgrePINVOKE.new_TransformKeyFrame(AnimationTrack.getCPtr(parent), time), true) { if (OgrePINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) { throw OgrePINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } }
[Test] public void Basics() { AnimationTrack <float> track; track = new AnimationTrack <float>(0.0f, 1.0f); for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { float time = (float)i / 100.0f; Assert.AreEqual(time, track[time], 0.001f); } track.ScaleToDuration(10.0f); for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { float time = (float)i / 100.0f; Assert.AreEqual(time, track[10.0f * time], 0.001f); } track = new AnimationTrack <float> { { 0.5f, 10.0f }, { 1.0f, 20.0f }, { 1.5f, 30.0f } }; Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, track[0.0f], 0.001f); Assert.AreEqual(30.0f, track[2.0f], 0.001f); track.IsLooping = true; Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, track[0.0f], 0.001f); Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, track[2.0f], 0.001f); }
public static bool Do(WindowState state, TrackAsset track) { AnimationClip clipToEdit = null; AnimationTrack animationTrack = track as AnimationTrack; if (animationTrack != null) { if (!animationTrack.CanConvertToClipMode()) { return(false); } clipToEdit = animationTrack.infiniteClip; } else if (track.hasCurves) { clipToEdit = track.curves; } if (clipToEdit == null) { return(false); } var gameObject = state.GetSceneReference(track); var timeController = TimelineAnimationUtilities.CreateTimeController(state, CreateTimeControlClipData(track)); TimelineAnimationUtilities.EditAnimationClipWithTimeController(clipToEdit, timeController, gameObject); return(true); }
public void Basics() { AnimationTrack<float> track; track = new AnimationTrack<float>(0.0f, 1.0f); for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { float time = (float)i / 100.0f; Assert.AreEqual(time, track[time], 0.001f); } track.ScaleToDuration(10.0f); for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { float time = (float)i / 100.0f; Assert.AreEqual(time, track[10.0f * time], 0.001f); } track = new AnimationTrack<float> { { 0.5f, 10.0f }, { 1.0f, 20.0f }, { 1.5f, 30.0f } }; Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, track[0.0f], 0.001f); Assert.AreEqual(30.0f, track[2.0f], 0.001f); track.IsLooping = true; Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, track[0.0f], 0.001f); Assert.AreEqual(10.0f, track[2.0f], 0.001f); }
private void UpdateDragTarget(TimelineClipGUI uiClip, Vector2 point, TimelineWindow.TimelineState state) { List <IBounds> elementsAtPosition = Manipulator.GetElementsAtPosition(state.quadTree, point); TimelineTrackGUI timelineTrackGUI = elementsAtPosition.OfType <TimelineTrackGUI>().FirstOrDefault((TimelineTrackGUI t) => MoveClip.ValidateClipDrag(t.track, uiClip.clip)); this.m_HasValidDropTarget = (timelineTrackGUI != null && timelineTrackGUI.track.IsCompatibleWithItem(uiClip.clip)); if (this.m_HasValidDropTarget) { AnimationTrack animationTrack = timelineTrackGUI.track as AnimationTrack; float start = state.PixelToTime(this.m_PreviewRect.get_x()); float end = state.PixelToTime(this.m_PreviewRect.get_xMax()); bool hasValidDropTarget; if (animationTrack != null && animationTrack.CanConvertToClipMode()) { hasValidDropTarget = ((animationTrack.animClip.get_startTime() < start || animationTrack.animClip.get_stopTime() > end) && (start <animationTrack.animClip.get_startTime() || end> animationTrack.animClip.get_stopTime())); } else { float num = end - start; start = Math.Max(start, 0f); end = start + num; hasValidDropTarget = (!timelineTrackGUI.track.clips.Any((TimelineClip x) => x.start >= (double)start && x.end <= (double)end) && !timelineTrackGUI.track.clips.Any((TimelineClip x) => (double)start >= x.start && (double)end <= x.end)); } this.m_HasValidDropTarget = hasValidDropTarget; } this.m_DropTarget = ((!this.m_HasValidDropTarget) ? null : timelineTrackGUI); }
private static Animation CreateAnimation(SerializableAnimation animationContent) { Animation animation = new Animation(; animation.SetLength(animationContent.length); foreach (SerializableTrack trackContent in animationContent.tracks) { AnimationTrack track = animation.CreateTrack(; for (int i = 0; i < trackContent.keyframes.Count; i++) { SerializableKeyFrame keyFrameContent = trackContent.keyframes[i]; AnimationKeyFrame keyFrame = new AnimationKeyFrame { rotation = keyFrameContent.rotation, scale = keyFrameContent.scale, translation = keyFrameContent.translation, time = keyFrameContent.time }; track.AddKeyFrame(keyFrame); } } return(animation); }
private void RefreshLabels(Widget widget, AnimationTrack track) { widget.Nodes.Clear(); foreach (var clip in track.Clips) { var clipLabel = clip.AnimationId; var beginMarker = clip.FindAnimation()?.Markers.GetByFrame(clip.InFrame); var endMarker = clip.FindAnimation()?.Markers.GetByFrame(clip.InFrame + clip.DurationInFrames); if (beginMarker != null || endMarker != null) { clipLabel += " (" + (beginMarker?.Id ?? clip.InFrame.ToString()) + ".." + (endMarker?.Id ?? (clip.InFrame + clip.DurationInFrames).ToString()) + ")"; } widget.AddNode(new SimpleText { Position = new Vector2((clip.BeginFrame + 0.5f) * TimelineMetrics.ColWidth, 0), Size = new Vector2((clip.DurationInFrames + 0.5f) * TimelineMetrics.ColWidth, widget.Height), Localizable = false, Text = clipLabel, Padding = new Thickness(4), VAlignment = VAlignment.Center, OverflowMode = TextOverflowMode.Ellipsis, Color = ColorTheme.Current.TimelineGrid.AnimationClipLabel }); } }
/// <summary> /// Get the GameObject that the editor clip is bound to in the timeline using reflection. /// </summary> /// <param name="editorClip"></param> /// <returns>The GameObject bound to the editor clip or null if none.</returns> private static GameObject GetGameObjectBoundToEditorClip(object editorClip) { object clipItem = GetPropertyReflection(editorClip, "item"); object parentTrack = GetPropertyReflection(clipItem, "parentTrack"); AnimationTrack animTrack = parentTrack as AnimationTrack; #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER Object animationTrackObject = UnityEditor.Timeline.TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector.GetGenericBinding(animTrack); #else // UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER Object animationTrackObject = UnityEditor.Timeline.TimelineEditor.playableDirector.GetGenericBinding(animTrack); #endif // UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER GameObject animationTrackGO = null; if (animationTrackObject is GameObject) { animationTrackGO = animationTrackObject as GameObject; } else if (animationTrackObject is Animator) { animationTrackGO = (animationTrackObject as Animator).gameObject; } if (animationTrackGO == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Could not export animation track object of type {0}", animationTrackObject.GetType().Name); return(null); } return(animationTrackGO); }
/// <summary> /// Get the GameObject that the editor clip is bound to in the timeline using reflection. /// </summary> /// <param name="editorClip"></param> /// <returns>The GameObject bound to the editor clip or null if none.</returns> private static GameObject GetGameObjectBoundToEditorClip(object editorClip) { var timelineClip = GetTimelineClipFromEditorClip(editorClip); object parentTrack = timelineClip.parentTrack; AnimationTrack animTrack = parentTrack as AnimationTrack; Object animationTrackObject = UnityEditor.Timeline.TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector.GetGenericBinding(animTrack); GameObject animationTrackGO = null; if (animationTrackObject is GameObject) { animationTrackGO = animationTrackObject as GameObject; } else if (animationTrackObject is Animator) { animationTrackGO = (animationTrackObject as Animator).gameObject; } if (animationTrackGO == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Could not export animation track object of type {0}", animationTrackObject.GetType().Name); return(null); } return(animationTrackGO); }
internal static TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform GetLocalToTrack(AnimationTrack track, TimelineClip clip) { if (track == null) { return(TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Compose(, Quaternion.identity)); } var trackPos = track.position; var trackRot = track.rotation; if (track.trackOffset == TrackOffset.ApplySceneOffsets) { trackPos = track.sceneOffsetPosition; trackRot = Quaternion.Euler(track.sceneOffsetRotation); } var clipWrapper = clip == null ? null : clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; var clipTransform = TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Compose(, Quaternion.identity); if (clipWrapper != null) { clipTransform = TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Compose(clipWrapper.position, clipWrapper.rotation); } else { clipTransform = TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Compose(track.infiniteClipOffsetPosition, track.infiniteClipOffsetRotation); } var trackTransform = TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Compose(trackPos, trackRot); return(TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Mul(trackTransform, clipTransform)); }
// If we are adding to an infinite clip, strip the objects position and rotation and set it as the clip offset internal static void AddTrackOffset(AnimationTrack track, UndoPropertyModification[] mods, AnimationClip clip, Animator animator) { var copyTrackOffset = !track.inClipMode && !ClipHasPositionOrRotation(clip) && mods.Any(x => IsPositionOrRotation(x) && IsRootModification(x)) && animator != null; if (copyTrackOffset) { // in scene offset mode, makes sure we have the correct initial transform set if (track.trackOffset == TrackOffset.ApplySceneOffsets) { var rigidTransform = GetInitialTransform(mods, animator); track.sceneOffsetPosition = rigidTransform.position; track.sceneOffsetRotation = rigidTransform.rotation.eulerAngles; SetPreviousPositionAndRotation(mods, animator, rigidTransform.position, rigidTransform.rotation); } else { var rigidTransform = ComputeInitialClipOffsets(track, mods, animator); track.infiniteClipOffsetPosition = rigidTransform.position; track.infiniteClipOffsetEulerAngles = rigidTransform.rotation.eulerAngles; } } }
public static void ConvertToClipMode(this AnimationTrack track) { if (track.CanConvertToClipMode()) { TimelineUndo.PushUndo(track, "Convert To Clip"); if (!track.animClip.get_empty()) { TimelineUndo.PushUndo(track.animClip, "Convert To Clip"); float num = AnimationClipCurveCache.Instance.GetCurveInfo(track.animClip).keyTimes.FirstOrDefault <float>(); track.animClip.ShiftBySeconds(-num); TimelineClip timelineClip = track.CreateClipFromAsset(track.animClip); TimelineCreateUtilities.SaveAssetIntoObject(timelineClip.asset, track); timelineClip.start = (double)num; timelineClip.preExtrapolationMode = track.openClipPreExtrapolation; timelineClip.postExtrapolationMode = track.openClipPostExtrapolation; timelineClip.recordable = true; if (Math.Abs(timelineClip.duration) < 1.4012984643248171E-45) { timelineClip.duration = 1.0; } AnimationPlayableAsset animationPlayableAsset = timelineClip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (animationPlayableAsset) { animationPlayableAsset.position = track.openClipOffsetPosition; animationPlayableAsset.rotation = track.openClipOffsetRotation; track.openClipOffsetPosition = Vector3.get_zero(); track.openClipOffsetRotation = Quaternion.get_identity(); } track.CalculateExtrapolationTimes(); } track.animClip = null; EditorUtility.SetDirty(track); } }
private void DoOffsetManipulator() { if (base.get_targets().Length <= 1) { if (!(base.timelineWindow == null) && base.timelineWindow.state != null && !(base.timelineWindow.state.currentDirector == null)) { AnimationTrack animationTrack = base.get_target() as AnimationTrack; if (animationTrack != null && animationTrack.applyOffsets && this.m_OffsetEditMode != TimelineAnimationUtilities.OffsetEditMode.None) { GameObject sceneGameObject = TimelineUtility.GetSceneGameObject(base.timelineWindow.state.currentDirector, animationTrack); Transform transform = (!(sceneGameObject != null)) ? null : sceneGameObject.get_transform(); TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform trackOffsets = TimelineAnimationUtilities.GetTrackOffsets(animationTrack, transform); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); TimelineAnimationUtilities.OffsetEditMode offsetEditMode = this.m_OffsetEditMode; if (offsetEditMode != TimelineAnimationUtilities.OffsetEditMode.Translation) { if (offsetEditMode == TimelineAnimationUtilities.OffsetEditMode.Rotation) { trackOffsets.rotation = Handles.RotationHandle(trackOffsets.rotation, trackOffsets.position); } } else { trackOffsets.position = Handles.PositionHandle(trackOffsets.position, (Tools.get_pivotRotation() != 1) ? trackOffsets.rotation : Quaternion.get_identity()); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { TimelineAnimationUtilities.UpdateTrackOffset(animationTrack, transform, trackOffsets); this.Evaluate(); base.Repaint(); } } } } }
// Checks whether there are any offsets applied to a clip internal static bool HasOffsets(AnimationTrack track, TimelineClip clip) { if (track == null) { return(false); } bool hasClipOffsets = false; bool hasTrackOffsets = false; var clipWrapper = clip == null ? null : clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (clipWrapper != null) { hasClipOffsets |= clipWrapper.position != || clipWrapper.rotation != Quaternion.identity; } if (track.trackOffset == TrackOffset.ApplySceneOffsets) { hasTrackOffsets = track.sceneOffsetPosition != || track.sceneOffsetRotation !=; } else { hasTrackOffsets = (track.position != || track.rotation != Quaternion.identity); if (!track.inClipMode) { hasClipOffsets |= track.infiniteClipOffsetPosition != || track.infiniteClipOffsetRotation != Quaternion.identity; } } return(hasTrackOffsets || hasClipOffsets); }
internal static void ReapplyOffsets(UndoPropertyModification modification, AnimationTrack track, TimelineClip clip, UndoPropertyModification[] mods) { if (IsPositionOrRotation(modification)) { var modifiedGO = GetGameObjectFromModification(modification); var target = TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Compose(modifiedGO.transform.localPosition, modifiedGO.transform.localRotation); var localToTrack = GetLocalToTrack(track, clip); var trackSpace = TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Mul(localToTrack, target); // Update the undo call values var prevPos = modifiedGO.transform.localPosition; var prevRot = modifiedGO.transform.localRotation; GetPreviousPositionAndRotation(mods, ref prevPos, ref prevRot); var previousRigidTransform = TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Mul(localToTrack, TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Compose(prevPos, prevRot)); SetPreviousPositionAndRotation(mods, previousRigidTransform.position, previousRigidTransform.rotation); var currentPos = modifiedGO.transform.localPosition; var currentRot = modifiedGO.transform.localRotation; GetCurrentPositionAndRotation(mods, ref currentPos, ref currentRot); var currentRigidTransform = TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Mul(localToTrack, TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform.Compose(currentPos, currentRot)); SetCurrentPositionAndRotation(mods, currentRigidTransform.position, currentRigidTransform.rotation); modifiedGO.transform.localPosition = trackSpace.position; modifiedGO.transform.localRotation = trackSpace.rotation; } }
private void UpdateInfiniteClipEditor(AnimationTrack animationTrack, TimelineWindow window) { if (animationTrack != null && this.clipCurveEditor == null && animationTrack.ShouldShowInfiniteClipEditor()) { this.clipCurveEditor = new ClipCurveEditor(new InfiniteClipCurveDataSource(this), window); } }
public void SetupVibration( string _UnitName , string _ComponentName ) { GUIUpdate guiUpdate = GlobalSingleton.GetGUIUpdateComponent() ; if( null == guiUpdate ) return ; GUIObjNameSet guiSet = null ; if( _UnitName == guiUpdate.m_SelectTargetName ) guiSet = guiUpdate.m_SelectTargetComponentGUIObjNames ; else if( _UnitName == ConstName.MainCharacterObjectName ) { guiSet = guiUpdate.m_MainCharacterComponentGUIObjNames ; } else return ; if( false == guiSet.m_ObjMap.ContainsKey( _ComponentName ) ) return ; AnimationTrack addTrack = new AnimationTrack() ; addTrack.m_Object.Setup( guiSet.m_ObjMap[ _ComponentName ] ); addTrack.m_TimeStart = Time.time ; if( null != guiSet.m_ObjMap[ _ComponentName ].Obj ) { GUIText guiText = guiSet.m_ObjMap[ _ComponentName ].Obj.GetComponentInChildren<GUIText>() ; if( null != guiText ) addTrack.m_ResumePosition = guiText.pixelOffset ; } m_VibrationMap[ guiSet.m_ObjMap[ _ComponentName ].Name ] = addTrack ; }
public void AddAnimationTrack(AnimatedObject obj) { GameObject g = Instantiate(timeline.trackPrefab.gameObject, timeline.transform.parent); g.transform.rotation = timeline.trackPrefab.transform.rotation; g.transform.localScale = timeline.trackPrefab.transform.localScale; AnimationTrack newTrack = g.GetComponent <AnimationTrack>(); animationTracks.Add(newTrack); int trackIndex = animationTracks.IndexOf(newTrack); Vector3 newTrackPosition = TimelineTrackPosition(trackIndex); newTrack.SetUpTrackProperties(obj, newTrackPosition, timeline, trackIndex, timeline.trackPrefab.unselectedColor, timeline.trackPrefab.selectedColor); obj.animTrack = newTrack; /// add animationOwner GameObject trackOwner = Instantiate(timeline.timelineTrackOwnerPrefab.gameObject, timeline.transform); Debug.Log("created trackOwner " + trackOwner); trackOwner.transform.rotation = timeline.timelineTrackOwnerPrefab.transform.rotation; trackOwner.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1); trackOwner.transform.localPosition = TimelineTrackOwnerPosition(trackIndex); TimelineTrackOwner newTrackOwner = trackOwner.GetComponent <TimelineTrackOwner>(); newTrack.timelineTrackOwner = newTrackOwner; newTrackOwner.track = newTrack; }
public static Node Create(Vector3 pos) { var cmp = new MyBigExplosion (); var spr = new Sprite (256, 128); //spr.AddTexture (Resource.GetTexture ("media/BigExplosion.png")); spr.AddTexture (new Texture ("./media/BigExplosion.png")); spr.SetTextureOffset (0, 0); spr.SetOffset (-128, -64); var track = new AnimationTrack ("TextureOffset", InterpolationType.Step); track.AddKeyframe (0, new Vector2 (0, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (200, new Vector2 (256, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (400, new Vector2 (512, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (600, new Vector2 (0, 128)); track.AddKeyframe (800, new Vector2 (256, 128)); track.AddKeyframe (1000, new Vector2 (512, 128)); track.AddKeyframe (1200, new Vector2 (0, 256)); track.AddKeyframe (1400, new Vector2 (256, 256)); track.AddKeyframe (1600, new Vector2 (512, 256)); track.AddKeyframe (1800, new Vector2 (0, 384)); track.AddKeyframe (2000, new Vector2 (256, 384)); track.AddKeyframe (2200, new Vector2 (512, 384)); cmp.clip = new AnimationClip (2400, "Fire-Animation"); cmp.clip.AddTrack (spr, track); var node = new Node (); node.Attach (cmp); node.Attach (spr); node.Translation = pos; return node; }
public void RemoveAnimationTrack(AnimationTrack track) { // first -> search for animation track on list if (animationTracks.Contains(track)) { // second - > get index of track int trackIndex = animationTracks.IndexOf(track); // remove -> remove that track at that point animationTracks.RemoveAt(trackIndex); track.animatedObject.beizerPathGroup.ResetBeizerPathCurves(); Destroy(track.gameObject); Destroy(track.timelineTrackOwner.gameObject); // recalculate track positions accordingly int tracksAfterTrackIndex = trackIndex + 1; for (int i = tracksAfterTrackIndex; i <= animationTracks.Count; i++) { Vector3 newTrackPosition = TimelineTrackPosition(i); Vector3 newTrackOwnerPosition = TimelineTrackOwnerPosition(i); animationTracks[i].transform.localPosition = newTrackPosition; animationTracks[i].timelineTrackOwner.transform.localPosition = newTrackOwnerPosition; } } }
// Given a track, return the animation clip internal static AnimationClip FindRecordingAnimationClipAtTime(this TrackAsset trackAsset, double time) { if (trackAsset == null) return null; AnimationTrack animTrack = trackAsset as AnimationTrack; if (animTrack != null && !animTrack.inClipMode) { return animTrack.infiniteClip; } TimelineClip displayBackground = null; trackAsset.FindRecordingClipAtTime(time, out displayBackground); if (displayBackground != null) { if (displayBackground.recordable) { AnimationPlayableAsset asset = displayBackground.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (asset != null) return asset.clip; } else if (animTrack == null) { AnimatedParameterExtensions.CreateCurvesIfRequired(displayBackground); return displayBackground.curves; } } return null; }
public static void InsertClip(AnimationTrack track, AnimationClip newClip) { AnimationClip clip; using (Document.Current.History.BeginTransaction()) { if (TryFindClip(track, newClip.BeginFrame, out clip)) { if (newClip.BeginFrame > clip.BeginFrame) { SplitClip(track, clip, newClip.BeginFrame); } } if (TryFindClip(track, newClip.EndFrame - 1, out clip)) { if (newClip.EndFrame < clip.EndFrame) { SplitClip(track, clip, newClip.EndFrame); } } for (int i = track.Clips.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var c = track.Clips[i]; if (c.BeginFrame >= newClip.BeginFrame && c.BeginFrame < newClip.EndFrame) { RemoveClip(track, c); } } var index = FindClipInsertionIndex(track, newClip.BeginFrame); Core.Operations.InsertIntoList <AnimationClipList, AnimationClip> .Perform(track.Clips, index, newClip); Document.Current.History.CommitTransaction(); } }
string GetErrorText(AnimationPlayableAsset animationAsset, AnimationTrack track, string defaultError) { if (animationAsset.clip == null) { return(k_NoClipAssignedError); } if (animationAsset.clip.legacy) { return(k_LegacyClipError); } if (animationAsset.clip.hasMotionCurves || animationAsset.clip.hasRootCurves) { if (track != null && track.trackOffset == TrackOffset.Auto) { var animator = track.GetBinding(TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector); if (animator != null && !animator.applyRootMotion && !animationAsset.clip.hasGenericRootTransform) { if (animationAsset.clip.hasMotionCurves) { return(k_MotionCurveError); } return(k_RootCurveError); } } } return(defaultError); }
private void DoManipulators() { if (!(this.m_EditorClip == null) && this.m_EditorClip.clip != null) { AnimationPlayableAsset animationPlayableAsset = this.m_EditorClip.clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; AnimationTrack animationTrack = this.m_EditorClip.clip.parentTrack as AnimationTrack; Transform transform = this.GetTransform(); if (transform != null && animationPlayableAsset != null && this.m_OffsetEditMode != TimelineAnimationUtilities.OffsetEditMode.None && animationTrack != null) { Vector3 vector = transform.get_position(); Quaternion quaternion = transform.get_rotation(); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); if (this.m_OffsetEditMode == TimelineAnimationUtilities.OffsetEditMode.Translation) { vector = Handles.PositionHandle(vector, (Tools.get_pivotRotation() != 1) ? quaternion : Quaternion.get_identity()); } else if (this.m_OffsetEditMode == TimelineAnimationUtilities.OffsetEditMode.Rotation) { quaternion = Handles.RotationHandle(quaternion, vector); } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { TimelineAnimationUtilities.RigidTransform rigidTransform = TimelineAnimationUtilities.UpdateClipOffsets(animationPlayableAsset, animationTrack, transform, vector, quaternion); animationPlayableAsset.position = rigidTransform.position; animationPlayableAsset.rotation = rigidTransform.rotation; this.Reevaluate(); base.Repaint(); } } } }
private static int CalcLabelsHashCode(Widget gridWidget, AnimationTrack track) { unchecked { var r = -511344; r = r * -1521134295 + (int)(TimelineMetrics.ColWidth * 100); r = r * -1521134295 + (int)(gridWidget.Height * 100); foreach (var clip in track.Clips) { r = r * -1521134295 + clip.AnimationIdComparisonCode; r = r * -1521134295 + clip.BeginFrame; r = r * -1521134295 + clip.EndFrame; r = r * -1521134295 + clip.InFrame; var beginMarker = clip.FindAnimation()?.Markers.GetByFrame(clip.InFrame); if (beginMarker != null) { r = r * -1521134295 + beginMarker.Id.GetHashCode(); } var endMarker = clip.FindAnimation()?.Markers.GetByFrame(clip.InFrame + clip.DurationInFrames); if (endMarker != null) { r = r * -1521134295 + endMarker.Id.GetHashCode(); } } return(r); } }
void OnGUI() { source = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(source, typeof(TextAsset), true); if (GUILayout.Button("Add to scene")) { //find director timeline = GameObject.Find("TIMELINE"); PlayableDirector director = timeline.GetComponent <PlayableDirector>(); TimelineAsset timelineAsset = (TimelineAsset)director.playableAsset; //load json into class string jsonText = File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/Resources/json/" + + ".json"); PlayerStatsList myPlayerStatsList = new PlayerStatsList(); JsonUtility.FromJsonOverwrite(jsonText, myPlayerStatsList); //loop through objects in class foreach (PlayerStats p in myPlayerStatsList.characters) { //place asset in scene MyClass myObject = new MyClass(); myObject.characterPath = p.model; tempobj = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load(myObject.characterPath), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity); =; //create animation track on TIMELINE AnimationTrack newTrack = timelineAsset.CreateTrack <AnimationTrack>(null, "Animation Track " +; director.SetGenericBinding(newTrack, tempobj); myObject.animPath = p.anim; animObject = Resources.Load("AnimTest/" + myObject.animPath); AnimationClip animClip; animClip = Resources.Load <AnimationClip>("AnimTest/" + myObject.animPath); newTrack.CreateClip(animClip); } } }
// public AnimationInstance(Animation anim) { animation_ = anim; frameRate_ = anim.FrameRate; // The time of the last frame is less than the duration of the animation, // as the last frame has some duration itself. lastFrameTime_ = (anim.NumFrames - 1) / frameRate_; invFrameRate_ = 1.0f / frameRate_; duration_ = anim.NumFrames * invFrameRate_; int max = 0; // calculate max bone index // todo: do in content pipeline foreach (KeyValuePair<int, AnimationTrack> kvp in anim.Tracks) { if (kvp.Key >= max) max = kvp.Key + 1; } // Allocate animation keyframes (for lerping between times). keyframes_ = new Keyframe[max]; // Load all the tracks (one track per bone). tracks_ = new AnimationTrack[max]; foreach (int i in anim.Tracks.Keys) { keyframes_[i] = new Keyframe(); tracks_[i] = anim.Tracks[i]; } }
public void FinializeTrack(TrackAsset track, TimelineWindow.TimelineState state) { AnimationTrack animationTrack = track as AnimationTrack; if (!animationTrack.inClipMode) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(animationTrack.GetOrCreateClip()); } if (this.recordClip != null) { if (!this.m_ProcessedClips.Contains(this.recordClip.animationClip)) { this.m_ProcessedClips.Add(this.recordClip.animationClip); } if (this.m_ClipTime > this.recordClip.duration) { TimelineUndo.PushUndo(track, "Add Key"); this.recordClip.duration = this.m_ClipTime; this.m_RefreshState = true; } track.CalculateExtrapolationTimes(); } this.recordClip = null; this.m_ClipTime = 0.0; if (this.m_needRebuildRects) { state.CalculateRowRects(); this.m_needRebuildRects = false; } }
protected void TransformTrack(Matrix4 unscaledTransform, float scale, Animation newAnim, Animation anim, Bone bone) { AnimationTrack track = GetBoneTrack(anim, bone.Handle); AnimationTrack newTrack = GetBoneTrack(newAnim, bone.Handle); Bone oldNode = (Bone)track.TargetNode; Bone newNode = (Bone)newTrack.TargetNode; Quaternion exportRotation = GetRotation(unscaledTransform); Vector3 exportTranslation = unscaledTransform.Translation; for (int i = 0; i < track.KeyFrames.Count; ++i) { KeyFrame keyFrame = track.KeyFrames[i]; Quaternion oldOrientation = Quaternion.Identity; Vector3 oldTranslation = Vector3.Zero; // Now build the composite transform for the old node GetCompositeTransform(ref oldOrientation, ref oldTranslation, oldNode, anim, i); Quaternion targetOrientation = exportRotation * oldOrientation; Vector3 targetTranslation = exportTranslation + scale * (exportRotation * oldTranslation); KeyFrame newKeyFrame = newTrack.CreateKeyFrame(keyFrame.Time); // we have a parent - where is it? Quaternion parentOrientation = Quaternion.Identity; Vector3 parentTranslation = Vector3.Zero; GetCompositeTransform(ref parentOrientation, ref parentTranslation, (Bone)newNode.Parent, newAnim, i); newKeyFrame.Rotation = newNode.Orientation.Inverse() * parentOrientation.Inverse() * targetOrientation; newKeyFrame.Translate = (-1 * newNode.Position) + (-1 * parentTranslation) + targetTranslation; } }
private static void AddAssetOnTrack(Type typeOfClip, TrackAsset track, ITimelineState state) { state.AddStartFrameDelegate(delegate(ITimelineState istate, Event currentEvent) { ObjectSelector.get_get().Show(null, typeOfClip, null, false); ObjectSelector.get_get().objectSelectorID = 0; ObjectSelector.get_get().set_searchFilter(""); return(true); }); state.AddStartFrameDelegate(delegate(ITimelineState istate, Event currentEvent) { bool result; if (currentEvent.get_commandName() == "ObjectSelectorClosed") { AnimationTrack animationTrack = track as AnimationTrack; if (animationTrack && !animationTrack.inClipMode) { animationTrack.ConvertToClipMode(); } TimelineClip timelineClip = TimelineHelpers.CreateClipOnTrack(EditorGUIUtility.GetObjectPickerObject(), track, istate, TimelineHelpers.sInvalidMousePosition); if (timelineClip != null && timelineClip.asset != null) { TimelineCreateUtilities.SaveAssetIntoObject(timelineClip.asset, track); } result = true; } else { result = false; } return(result); }); }
/// <summary> /// Method that allows querying if a track is current enabled for animation recording. /// </summary> /// <param name="track">The track to query.</param> /// <returns>True if currently recording and False otherwise.</returns> public static bool IsRecording(this AnimationTrack track) { if (track == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(track)); } return(TimelineEditor.state != null && TimelineEditor.state.IsArmedForRecord(track)); }
public void Test_New() { var track = new AnimationTrack ("PropetyName", InterpolationType.Step); Assert.AreEqual ("PropetyName", track.TargetProperty); Assert.AreEqual (0, track.KeyframeCount); Assert.AreEqual (0, track.ComponentCount); Assert.AreEqual (null, track.ComponentType); }
public void ColorRgbaAnimation() { AnimationTrack<ColorRgba> track; track = new AnimationTrack<ColorRgba>(ColorRgba.Red, ColorRgba.Green); Assert.AreEqual(ColorRgba.Red, track[0.0f]); Assert.AreEqual(ColorRgba.Lerp(ColorRgba.Red, ColorRgba.Green, 0.5f), track[0.5f]); Assert.AreEqual(ColorRgba.Green, track[1.0f]); }
public static Node Create(Vector3 pos) { var cmp = new MyFireExplosion (); var spr = new Sprite (100, 100); spr.AddTexture (new Texture ("media/FireExplosion.png")); var track = new AnimationTrack ("TextureOffset", InterpolationType.Step); track.AddKeyframe (0, new Vector2 (0, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (100, new Vector2 (100, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (200, new Vector2 (200, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (300, new Vector2 (300, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (400, new Vector2 (400, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (500, new Vector2 (500, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (600, new Vector2 (600, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (700, new Vector2 (700, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (800, new Vector2 (800, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (900, new Vector2 (900, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (1000, new Vector2 (0, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1100, new Vector2 (100, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1200, new Vector2 (200, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1300, new Vector2 (300, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1400, new Vector2 (400, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1500, new Vector2 (500, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1600, new Vector2 (600, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1700, new Vector2 (700, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1800, new Vector2 (800, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1900, new Vector2 (900, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (2000, new Vector2 (0, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2100, new Vector2 (100, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2200, new Vector2 (200, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2300, new Vector2 (300, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2400, new Vector2 (400, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2500, new Vector2 (500, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2600, new Vector2 (600, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2700, new Vector2 (700, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2800, new Vector2 (800, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2900, new Vector2 (900, 200)); var clip = new AnimationClip (3000, "FireExplosion"); clip.AddTrack (spr, track); clip.WrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; var anim = new AnimationController (); anim.AddClip (clip); var node = new Node (); node.Attach (cmp); node.Attach (spr); node.Attach (anim); node.Translation = pos; return node; }
public static Node Create(Vector3 pos) { var cmp = new MyFireExplosion (); var spr = new Sprite (100, 100); spr.AddTexture(Resource.GetTexture ("media/FireExplosion.png")); var node = new Node ("FireExplosion"); node.Attach (spr); node.Attach (cmp); node.Translation = pos - new Vector3(34, 34, 0); // 爆発の中心を地球にあわせる var track = new AnimationTrack ("TextureOffset", InterpolationType.Step); track.AddKeyframe (0, new Vector2 (0, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (100, new Vector2 (100, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (200, new Vector2 (200, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (300, new Vector2 (300, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (400, new Vector2 (400, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (500, new Vector2 (500, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (600, new Vector2 (600, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (700, new Vector2 (700, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (800, new Vector2 (800, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (900, new Vector2 (900, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (1000, new Vector2 (0, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1100, new Vector2 (100, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1200, new Vector2 (200, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1300, new Vector2 (300, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1400, new Vector2 (400, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1500, new Vector2 (500, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1600, new Vector2 (600, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1700, new Vector2 (700, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1800, new Vector2 (800, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1900, new Vector2 (900, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (2000, new Vector2 (0, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2100, new Vector2 (100, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2200, new Vector2 (200, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2300, new Vector2 (300, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2400, new Vector2 (400, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2500, new Vector2 (500, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2600, new Vector2 (600, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2700, new Vector2 (700, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2800, new Vector2 (800, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2900, new Vector2 (900, 200)); var clip = new AnimationClip (3000, "Explosion"); clip.AddTrack (spr, track); clip.WrapMode = WrapMode.Once; node.UserData.Add (clip.Name, clip); return node; }
public static Node Create(Vector3 pos) { var cmp = new MyExplosion (); var spr = new Sprite (100, 100); spr.AddTexture (new Texture("media/FireExplosion.png")); spr.SetTextureOffset (0, 0); spr.SetOffset (-50, -50); var track = new AnimationTrack ("TextureOffset", InterpolationType.Step); track.AddKeyframe (0, new Vector2 (0, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (100, new Vector2 (100 , 0)); track.AddKeyframe (200, new Vector2 (200 , 0)); track.AddKeyframe (300, new Vector2 (300 , 0)); track.AddKeyframe (400, new Vector2 (400 , 0)); track.AddKeyframe (500, new Vector2 (500 , 0)); track.AddKeyframe (600, new Vector2 (600 , 0)); track.AddKeyframe (700, new Vector2 (700 , 0)); track.AddKeyframe (800, new Vector2 (800 , 0)); track.AddKeyframe (900, new Vector2 (900 , 0)); track.AddKeyframe (1000, new Vector2 (0, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1100, new Vector2 (100, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1200, new Vector2 (200, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1300, new Vector2 (300, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1400, new Vector2 (400, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1500, new Vector2 (500, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1600, new Vector2 (600, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1700, new Vector2 (700, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1800, new Vector2 (800, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (1900, new Vector2 (900, 100)); track.AddKeyframe (2000, new Vector2 (0, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2100, new Vector2 (100, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2200, new Vector2 (200, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2300, new Vector2 (300, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2400, new Vector2 (400, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2500, new Vector2 (500, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2600, new Vector2 (600, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2700, new Vector2 (700, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2800, new Vector2 (800, 200)); track.AddKeyframe (2900, new Vector2 (900, 200)); cmp.clip = new AnimationClip (3000, "Fire-Animation"); cmp.clip.AddTrack (spr, track); var node = new Node (); node.Attach (cmp); node.Attach (spr); node.DrawPriority = -3; node.Translation = pos; return node; }
public void Test_Sample_Linear_Primitive() { var track = new AnimationTrack ("PropetyName", InterpolationType.Linear); track.AddKeyframe (1, 1.0f); track.AddKeyframe (2, 2.0f); Assert.AreEqual (1.0f, track.Sample (0.0f), 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (1.0f, track.Sample (0.5f), 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (1.0f, track.Sample (1.0f), 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (1.5f, track.Sample (1.5f), 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, track.Sample (2.0f), 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, track.Sample (2.5f), 0.0001f); }
[Test] public void Vector3Animation() { AnimationTrack<Vector3> track; track = new AnimationTrack<Vector3>(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.One); Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, track[0.0f].X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, track[0.0f].Y, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, track[0.0f].Z, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual(0.5f, track[0.5f].X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual(0.5f, track[0.5f].Y, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual(0.5f, track[0.5f].Z, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, track[1.0f].X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, track[1.0f].Y, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual(1.0f, track[1.0f].Z, 0.0001f); }
public void Test_AddTrack() { var clip = new AnimationClip (100, "ClipName"); var track1 = new AnimationTrack ("PropName", InterpolationType.Linear); var track2 = new AnimationTrack ("PropName", InterpolationType.Linear); var dummy = new Node (); clip.AddTrack (dummy, track1); clip.AddTrack (dummy, track2); Assert.AreEqual (2, clip.TrackCount); Assert.AreEqual (2, clip.Tracks.Count ()); Assert.AreEqual (track1, clip.GetTrack (0).Item2); Assert.AreEqual (track2, clip.GetTrack (1).Item2); }
public void IntAnimation() { AnimationTrack<int> track; track = new AnimationTrack<int>(0, 100); for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { float time = (float)i / 100.0f + 0.0001f; Assert.AreEqual(i, track[time]); } Assert.AreEqual(1, track[0.011f]); Assert.AreEqual(1, track[0.013f]); Assert.AreEqual(1, track[0.019f]); Assert.AreEqual(2, track[0.021f]); }
public void Test_AddKeyframe_ValueType() { var track = new AnimationTrack ("PropetyName", InterpolationType.Step); track.AddKeyframe (1, new Vector3 (1, 2, 3)); track.AddKeyframe (2, new Vector3 (4, 5, 6)); track.AddKeyframe (3, new Vector3 (7, 8, 9)); track.AddKeyframe (4, new Vector3 (10, 11, 12)); Assert.AreEqual (1, track.GetKeyframe (0).Time); Assert.AreEqual (new Vector3(1,2,3), track.GetKeyframe (0).Value); Assert.AreEqual (2, track.GetKeyframe (1).Time); Assert.AreEqual (new Vector3 (4,5,6), track.GetKeyframe (1).Value); Assert.AreEqual (3, track.GetKeyframe (2).Time); Assert.AreEqual (new Vector3 (7,8,9), track.GetKeyframe (2).Value); Assert.AreEqual (4, track.GetKeyframe (3).Time); Assert.AreEqual (new Vector3 (10,11,12), track.GetKeyframe (3).Value); }
public void Test_AddKeyframe_Primitive() { var track = new AnimationTrack ("PropetyName", InterpolationType.Step); // 内部でソート track.AddKeyframe (4, 4); track.AddKeyframe (3, 3); track.AddKeyframe (2, 2); track.AddKeyframe (1, 1); Assert.AreEqual (1, track.GetKeyframe (0).Time); Assert.AreEqual (1, track.GetKeyframe (0).Value); Assert.AreEqual (2, track.GetKeyframe (1).Time); Assert.AreEqual (2, track.GetKeyframe (1).Value); Assert.AreEqual (3, track.GetKeyframe (2).Value); Assert.AreEqual (3, track.GetKeyframe (2).Time); Assert.AreEqual (4, track.GetKeyframe (3).Value); Assert.AreEqual (4, track.GetKeyframe (3).Time); }
public void Test_Sample_ValueType_Float2Int() { var track = new AnimationTrack ("PropetyName", InterpolationType.Linear); track.AddKeyframe (1, new MyStruct (1, 0)); // Int track.AddKeyframe (100, new MyStruct (100, 0)); // Int Assert.AreEqual (1, track.Sample (1).X); // Int Assert.AreEqual (50, track.Sample (50).X); // Int Assert.AreEqual (100, track.Sample (100).X); // Int }
public void Test_RemoveTrack() { var clip = new AnimationClip (100, "ClipName"); var track1 = new AnimationTrack ("PropName", InterpolationType.Linear); var track2 = new AnimationTrack ("PropName", InterpolationType.Linear); var target = new Node (); clip.AddTrack (target, track1); clip.AddTrack (target, track2); Assert.AreEqual (2, clip.TrackCount); Assert.AreEqual (2, clip.Tracks.Count()); clip.RemoveTrack (track1); clip.RemoveTrack (track2); Assert.AreEqual (0, clip.TrackCount); Assert.AreEqual (0, clip.Tracks.Count ()); }
public void Test_Sample_Linear_ValueType() { var track = new AnimationTrack ("PropetyName", InterpolationType.Linear); track.AddKeyframe (1, new Vector3 (1, 2, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (2, new Vector3 (2, 3, 0)); Assert.AreEqual (1.0f, track.Sample (0.0f).X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (1.0f, track.Sample (0.5f).X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (1.0f, track.Sample (1.0f).X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (1.5f, track.Sample (1.5f).X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, track.Sample (2.0f).X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, track.Sample (2.5f).X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, track.Sample (0.0f).Y, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, track.Sample (0.5f).Y, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, track.Sample (1.0f).Y, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (2.5f, track.Sample (1.5f).Y, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (3.0f, track.Sample (2.0f).Y, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (3.0f, track.Sample (2.5f).Y, 0.0001f); }
//C4Dの座標系を変換 private float ConvertC4DSpace(AnimationTrack.TRACK_TYPE type, float keyValue) { switch(type) { case AnimationTrack.TRACK_TYPE.POS_X: keyValue = keyValue / 100.0f * -1.0f; break; case AnimationTrack.TRACK_TYPE.POS_Y: keyValue = keyValue / 100.0f; break; case AnimationTrack.TRACK_TYPE.POS_Z: keyValue = keyValue / 100.0f * -1.0f; break; case AnimationTrack.TRACK_TYPE.ROT_X: keyValue = keyValue * Mathf.Rad2Deg * -1.0f; break; case AnimationTrack.TRACK_TYPE.ROT_Y: keyValue = (keyValue < 0.0f) ? 180.0f - (keyValue * Mathf.Rad2Deg) : (keyValue * Mathf.Rad2Deg) + 180.0f; break; case AnimationTrack.TRACK_TYPE.ROT_Z: keyValue = keyValue * Mathf.Rad2Deg * -1.0f; break; default: break; } return keyValue; }
//カーブを選択取得 public AnimationCurve GetCurve(AnimationTrack.TRACK_TYPE type) { AnimationCurve curve = null; AnimationTrack track = Array.Find(animTracks, t => (t.type == type)); if(track != null) curve = track.curve; return curve; }
public static Node Create(Vector3 pos) { var cmp = new MyCharacter (); // Body var spr1 = new Sprite (24, 32); spr1.AddTexture (new Texture ("media/Character-Gelato.png")); var col1 = new CollisionObject (); col1.Shape = new BoxShape (spr1.Width / 2, spr1.Height / 2, 1); col1.Offset = new Vector3 (spr1.Width / 2, spr1.Height / 2, 1); col1.IgnoreWith = (int)MyGroup.Character; // Foot var spr2 = new Sprite (24, 4); spr2.AddTexture (new Texture ("media/image128x128(Red).png")); var col2 = new CollisionObject (); col2.Shape = new BoxShape (2,2, 2); spr2.Offset = new Vector2 (0, spr1.Height + 2); col2.Offset = new Vector3 (spr1.Width / 2, spr1.Height + 2 + 4/2, 1); col2.IgnoreWith = (int)MyGroup.Character; var node = new Node ("MyCharacter"); node.Attach (cmp); node.Attach (spr1); node.Attach (col1); node.Attach (spr2); node.Attach (col2); node.Translation = pos; node.DrawPriority = -1; node.GroupID = (int)MyGroup.Character; // アニメーションの設定 var track1 = new AnimationTrack ("TextureOffset", InterpolationType.Step); track1.AddKeyframe (0, new Vector2 (0, 64)); track1.AddKeyframe (300, new Vector2 (24, 64)); track1.AddKeyframe (600, new Vector2 (48, 64)); var clip1 = new AnimationClip (900, "MyCharacter.Down"); clip1.AddTrack (spr1, track1); var track2 = new AnimationTrack ("TextureOffset", InterpolationType.Step); track2.AddKeyframe (0, new Vector2 (0, 0)); track2.AddKeyframe (300, new Vector2 (24, 0)); track2.AddKeyframe (600, new Vector2 (48, 0)); var clip2 = new AnimationClip (900, "MyCharacter.Up"); clip2.AddTrack (spr1, track2); var track3 = new AnimationTrack ("TextureOffset", InterpolationType.Step); track3.AddKeyframe (0, new Vector2 (0, 32)); track3.AddKeyframe (300, new Vector2 (24, 32)); track3.AddKeyframe (600, new Vector2 (48, 32)); var clip3 = new AnimationClip (900, "MyCharacter.Right"); clip3.AddTrack (spr1, track3); var track4 = new AnimationTrack ("TextureOffset", InterpolationType.Step); track4.AddKeyframe (0, new Vector2 (0, 96)); track4.AddKeyframe (300, new Vector2 (24, 96)); track4.AddKeyframe (600, new Vector2 (48, 96)); var clip4 = new AnimationClip (900, "MyCharacter.Left"); clip4.AddTrack (spr1, track4); node.UserData.Add (clip1.Name, clip1); node.UserData.Add (clip2.Name, clip2); node.UserData.Add (clip3.Name, clip3); node.UserData.Add (clip4.Name, clip4); // ステート管理 (State.Down) .Ignore (Trigger.Down) .Permit (Trigger.Up, State.Up) .Permit (Trigger.Right, State.Right) .Permit (Trigger.Left, State.Left) .OnExit (x => clip1.Stop ()) .OnEntry (x => clip1.Play ()); (State.Up) .Permit (Trigger.Down, State.Down) .Ignore (Trigger.Up) .Permit (Trigger.Right, State.Right) .Permit (Trigger.Left, State.Left) .OnExit (x => clip2.Stop ()) .OnEntry (x => clip2.Play ()); (State.Right) .Permit (Trigger.Down, State.Down) .Permit (Trigger.Up, State.Up) .Ignore (Trigger.Right) .Permit (Trigger.Left, State.Left) .OnExit (x => clip3.Stop ()) .OnEntry (x => clip3.Play ()); (State.Left) .Permit (Trigger.Down, State.Down) .Permit (Trigger.Up, State.Up) .Permit (Trigger.Right, State.Right) .Ignore (Trigger.Left) .OnExit (x => clip4.Stop ()) .OnEntry (x => clip4.Play ()); return node; }
/// <summary> /// The workhorse of the animation processor. It loops through all /// animations, all tracks, and all keyframes, and converts to the format /// expected by the runtime animation classes. /// </summary> /// <param name="input">The NodeContent to process. Comes from the base ModelProcessor.</param> /// <param name="output">The ModelContent that was produced. You don't typically change this.</param> /// <param name="context">The build context (logger, etc).</param> /// <returns>An allocated AnimationSet with the animations to include.</returns> public virtual AnimationSet BuildAnimationSet(NodeContent input, ref ModelContent output, ContentProcessorContext context) { AnimationSet ret = new AnimationSet(); if (!DoAnimations) { context.Logger.LogImportantMessage("DoAnimation is set to false for {0}; not generating animations.", input.Name); return ret; } // go from name to index Dictionary<string, ModelBoneContent> nameToIndex = new Dictionary<string, ModelBoneContent>(); foreach (ModelBoneContent mbc in output.Bones) nameToIndex.Add(GetBoneName(mbc), mbc); AnimationContentDictionary adict = MergeAnimatedBones(input); if (adict == null || adict.Count == 0) { context.Logger.LogWarning("", input.Identity, "Model processed with AnimationProcessor has no animations."); return ret; } foreach (AnimationContent ac in adict.Values) { if (!IncludeAnimation(ac)) { context.Logger.LogImportantMessage(String.Format("Not including animation named {0}.", ac.Name)); continue; } context.Logger.LogImportantMessage( "Processing animation {0} duration {1} sample rate {2} reduction tolerance {3}.", ac.Name, ac.Duration, SampleRate, Tolerance); AnimationChannelDictionary acdict = ac.Channels; AnimationTrackDictionary tracks = new AnimationTrackDictionary(); TimeSpan longestUniqueDuration = new TimeSpan(0); foreach (string name in acdict.Keys) { if (!IncludeTrack(name)) { context.Logger.LogImportantMessage(String.Format("Not including track named {0}.", name)); continue; } int ix = 0; AnimationChannel achan = acdict[name]; int bix = nameToIndex[name].Index; context.Logger.LogMessage("Processing bone {0}:{1}.", name, bix); AnimationTrack at; if (tracks.TryGetValue(bix, out at)) { throw new System.ArgumentException( String.Format("Bone index {0} is used by multiple animations in the same clip (name {1}).", bix, name)); } // Sample at given frame rate from 0 .. Duration List<Keyframe> kfl = new List<Keyframe>(); int nFrames = (int)Math.Floor(ac.Duration.TotalSeconds * SampleRate + 0.5); for (int i = 0; i < nFrames; ++i) { Keyframe k = SampleChannel(achan, i / SampleRate, ref ix); kfl.Add(k); } // Run keyframe elimitation Keyframe[] frames = kfl.ToArray(); int nReduced = 0; if (tolerance_ > 0) nReduced = ReduceKeyframes(frames, tolerance_); if (nReduced > 0) context.Logger.LogMessage("Reduced '{2}' from {0} to {1} frames.", frames.Length, frames.Length - nReduced, name); // Create an AnimationTrack at = new AnimationTrack(bix, frames); Debug.Assert(name != null); at.Name = name; tracks.Add(bix, at); } if (ShouldTrimAnimation(ac)) { TrimAnimationTracks(ac.Name, tracks, context); } Animation a = new Animation(ac.Name, tracks, SampleRate); ret.AddAnimation(a); } // build the special "identity" and "bind pose" animations AnimationTrackDictionary atd_id = new AnimationTrackDictionary(); AnimationTrackDictionary atd_bind = new AnimationTrackDictionary(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, ModelBoneContent> nip in nameToIndex) { if (!IncludeTrack(nip.Key)) continue; Keyframe[] frames_id = new Keyframe[2]; frames_id[0] = new Keyframe(); frames_id[1] = new Keyframe(); AnimationTrack at_id = new AnimationTrack(nip.Value.Index, frames_id); at_id.Name = nip.Key; atd_id.Add(nip.Value.Index, at_id); Keyframe[] frames_bind = new Keyframe[2]; Matrix mat = nip.Value.Transform; frames_bind[0] = Keyframe.CreateFromMatrix(mat); frames_bind[1] = new Keyframe(); frames_bind[1].CopyFrom(frames_bind[0]); AnimationTrack at_bind = new AnimationTrack(nip.Value.Index, frames_bind); at_bind.Name = nip.Key; atd_bind.Add(nip.Value.Index, at_bind); } ret.AddAnimation(new Animation("$id$", atd_id, 1.0f)); ret.AddAnimation(new Animation("$bind$", atd_bind, 1.0f)); return ret; }
public void Test_OnAnimate_Float_Once() { var track = new AnimationTrack ("Speed", InterpolationType.Step); track.AddKeyframe (1, 1.0f); track.AddKeyframe (2, 2.0f); var clip = new AnimationClip (3, "TestClip"); clip.WrapMode = WrapMode.Once; clip.Duration = 3; clip.Play (); var target = new MyTarget (); clip.AddTrack (target, track); var anim = new AnimationController (); anim.AddClip (clip); Assert.AreEqual (0.0f, target.Speed); anim.OnAnimate (1, 0); Assert.AreEqual (1.0f, target.Speed); anim.OnAnimate (2, 0); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, target.Speed); anim.OnAnimate (3, 0); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, target.Speed); }
public void Test_OnAnimate_Point_Once() { var clip = new AnimationClip (3, "TestClip"); clip.WrapMode = WrapMode.Once; clip.Duration = 3; clip.Play (); var track = new AnimationTrack ("Point", InterpolationType.Step); track.AddKeyframe (1, new Vector3 (1, 2, 0)); track.AddKeyframe (2, new Vector3 (2, 3, 0)); var target = new MyTarget (); clip.AddTrack (target, track); var anim = new AnimationController (); anim.AddClip (clip); Assert.AreEqual (0f, target.Point.X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (0f, target.Point.Y, 0.0001f); anim.OnAnimate (1, 0); Assert.AreEqual (1.0f, target.Point.X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, target.Point.Y, 0.0001f); anim.OnAnimate (2, 0); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, target.Point.X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (3.0f, target.Point.Y, 0.0001f); anim.OnAnimate (3, 0); Assert.AreEqual (2.0f, target.Point.X, 0.0001f); Assert.AreEqual (3.0f, target.Point.Y, 0.0001f); }
public void Test_Sample_ValueType_Convert_Float2Int() { var track = new AnimationTrack ("PropetyName", InterpolationType.Linear); track.AddKeyframe (1, 1); // Int track.AddKeyframe (100, 100); // Int Assert.AreEqual (1, track.Sample (1), 0.0001f); // Int Assert.AreEqual (50, track.Sample (50), 0.0001f); // Int Assert.AreEqual (100, track.Sample (100), 0.0001f); // Int }
public void Test_WeakReferenceTrack() { var target = new MyTarget (); var track = new AnimationTrack ("Speed", InterpolationType.Linear); track.AddKeyframe (0, 100.0f); track.AddKeyframe (100, 100.0f); var clip = new AnimationClip (100, "Clip"); clip.AddTrack (target, track); var anim = new AnimationController (); anim.AddClip (clip); // ターゲットの解放 target = null; GC.Collect (); Assert.AreEqual (1, clip.TrackCount); Assert.AreEqual (false, clip.GetTrack (0).Item1.IsAlive); // 解放済みのターゲットを含むアニメーションの実行。 // エラーが起きてはならない anim.OnAnimate (0, 0); }